Why dream of a broom. The reasoning of the dream books of the world, what a broom can dream of and what it promises in real life

Most dream books interpret the broom as a symbol spiritual cleansing and get rid of old problems. However exact value a dream depends on its details - the appearance and novelty of a broom, the actions of a person with it, and also on who had a dream. An old broom promises great trouble and difficulty in financial plan. A new broom portends success in all areas of life. Sweeping the floor - to achieve the goal. A bath broom symbolizes good health and well-being, especially if it is made of birch twigs.

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    Interpretation according to various dream books

    Why dream of a broom:

    • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. Serious financial difficulties expected in the near future. The dreamer will need to urgently repay the debt or pay for a major purchase.
    • Dream interpretation of the XXI century. Arguing with a selfish person. It will not lead to anything, since everyone will remain with their own opinion. If a broom was taken from the dreamer in a dream and then returned, this promises an increase in the career ladder.
    • Small Velesov interpreter. Changing life in better side. These changes will occur when the dreamer makes a purchase related to the business.
    • Wangi's dream book. The dreamer's desire to achieve harmony and tranquility in the soul. However, some circumstances constantly do not allow to do this.
    • Freud's dream book. If a person dreamed of a broom, this suggests that he was tired of routine and monotony. The dreamer wants to get new vivid sensations with his other half. Soon he will be able to realize his desire. Seeing a broom in the corner of the bedroom is a sign that the dreamer is too modest and shy. He does not dare to talk about his fantasies, for this reason he sex life pretty boring and monotonous. If in a dream you had a chance to throw out a broom, this means that some person is tired of the dreamer. He wants to stop all communication with an unpleasant person, but for some reason he cannot do it.

      Appearance and location of the broom

      A home broom portends troubles and worries, an old and shabby broom - big financial losses.

      Seeing in a dream a broom that swept all the premises in the dwelling - to a robbery or theft of the dreamer's personal belongings.

      A new broom in the house for people born in winter portends a serious illness or dismissal from work. If the dreamer was born at another time of the year, success in all matters and personal life can be expected. For girls, this dream promises troubles and worries. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if the broom was bought recently.

      A dirty broom in your hands promises a trip or a business trip to a distant country.

      A big broom says that a person cannot solve the issue that concerns him in any way. A small or toy broom means that the dreamer takes everything too close to his heart.

      Dry branches of a broom portend a disease, and green ones with buds - a speedy recovery.

      A broom that stands with its handle down promises unexpected profits. If the handle was raised up, the dream warns the person that now is not the best time to create your own business.

      To see a lot of scattered rods on the floor - to unexpected guests, to collect them - to do someone else's work.

      You should also pay attention to where exactly the broom was located:

      • in the hands of a stranger - to a meeting with an interesting person;
      • in the corner of the room - to a conflict in the family;
      • in the closet - to the appearance of secrets from their relatives;
      • in the store - to make a major purchase for the house;
      • in the market - the dreamer will begin to save money to fulfill his dream.

      Dreamer's actions

      The correct interpretation of a dream about a broom depends on how the dreamer interacted with it:

      • Holding a broom in your hands and sweeping the floor - in most dream books, this is interpreted as an auspicious sign. It promises a significant improvement in the financial situation and the achievement of the goal. Sweep a clean floor - get help from a stranger. If he was dirty, then the dreamer will have a quarrel with his other half.
      • Sweeping the floor for a long time is hard work. If there was a lot of dust during cleaning, then all the efforts of the dreamer will be appreciated. If cleaning was accompanied by splashing water drops in all directions, the dream speaks of the arrival of long-awaited guests.
      • To clean in a strange house - to help a friend in a difficult situation, in your own yard - to depend on the opinions of the people around you, in the barn - to take on a task that cannot be done alone.
      • Dropping the whisk from your hands - to unexpected news that will open the dreamer's eyes to many obvious facts. If the broom breaks during sweeping, you need to prepare for obstacles in the implementation of your plan. Trying to break its bars on purpose - to ruin or bankruptcy.
      • Watching someone sweep the floor - to unforeseen waste. To see how the broom sweeps itself - to minor troubles.
      • Sweep garbage on a scoop - spend in your house general cleaning, throw in a bucket - to the successful completion of the work begun. Sweeping dirt over the threshold - a situation will soon arise when the dreamer will be forced to reveal someone else's secret. Another interpretation of sleep warns a person about the painful and long work, which he will have to fulfill in short term. This lesson will not bring any positive emotions, since the result will not justify the effort.
      • Wash a broom - remember events from the past.
      • Selling a broom - to vain troubles and worries. Seeing how an old broom crumbles, and therefore deciding to buy a new one, is a warning for the dreamer that you do not need to wash dirty linen in public, you should not discuss your household with someone, otherwise gossip and gossip cannot be avoided.
      • Taking a broom from someone's hands - to promotion, holding a broom in your hands - to cardinal changes in life.
      • Flying on a broom - to the successful implementation of your plans.
      • Drive a dog away with a broom - to a conflict with a girlfriend, a cat - to get rid of a hypocritical friend.
      • Remove cobwebs from the ceiling with a broom - to the disappearance of mental suffering.
      • Seeing a person weaving a broom is a symbol that the dreamer's happiness is in the hands of one of his relatives.

      If a woman dreams that she has lost a broom, this is a sign that she will become a sloppy housewife, because of which she will have a lot of grief.

Tune in a peaceful way, finding out in dream books what a bath broom is dreaming of. This purely domestic attribute in a dream is intended not to scare, but to carefully lead through the labyrinths of fate.

Cleansing from sins

In the Slavic tradition, a bath broom symbolizes liberation from dirt, bad thoughts and unforgiven insults. His appearance in a dream also portends a long righteous life and the preservation of clarity of mind until the end of days.

Why dream of seeing him in the hands of another person? You will find a spiritual mentor whose advice will help you live in peace with yourself and others.

If in a dream you whip yourself with force in a steam room, then you feel guilty and would like to punish yourself for your misconduct - be careful, you don’t have to wish yourself bad.

Miller's dream book

Miller notes that if you dreamed of steaming in a dream with a hot bath broom, then this means a quick change in the situation - you will find yourself in the company of unfriendly and aggressive people. Why dream of steaming several at once? There may be unplanned large expenses.

What is the whisk?

Depending on how it was, dream books interpret differently what the bath broom dreamed of:

  • Seeing eucalyptus is a fanatical desire for a big goal, for triumph.
  • Oak - to the fact that it will still be possible to resolve difficult problems in business or coping with illness.
  • I dreamed of aspen - to the purifying pangs of conscience.
  • Juniper - to the reward for perseverance.
  • Fir - to the end of the period of depression, to money.
  • Nettle - to make a difficult decision.
  • Birch - to peace and order in the house.
  • Break yourself birch branches- to fears for the health of loved ones.


Feeling anxiety and weakness in the morning means a quarrel with relatives. And why dream if you woke up joyful? Old debts will be returned to you and life will become easier.

Dream Interpretations in the interpretation of sleep note: diligently whipping yourself in a dream is a reason to visit a doctor. It is advisable to check the bones, joints, and also do a fluorography.

Sweeping the floor with a dry broom - to the disease. If you dreamed that the leaves from the twigs flew around, the disease would be serious. See how the whisk fell apart in the hands, Bad sign- Healing will take a long time.

Whipping yourself in the steam room with all your might, dream books interpret as a feeling of guilt. You wanted to punish yourself for your misdeed, but be careful not to wish yourself bad.

Complicated Relationships

A man who dreamed of being a bath attendant in the women's department, dream books portend loneliness. From the bottom of my heart to beat a man with a bath broom means that a friend will come with a confession and from now on will become a devoted friend. If in a dream you were surrounded by nettles, you should listen to the advice.

Such an ordinary object as a broom, or a broom, which is constantly in front of our eyes and participates in Everyday life, cannot help dreaming. Combination various factors and the conditions of its use gives a fairly wide range of interpretation. To determine what a broom is dreaming of, one must take into account what it is - if new, then to renewal and good changes in life, if old and shabby, then either things will fall into decay, or it's time to change old relationships. It also matters where the broom is used, but in any case, sweeping in a dream indicates an imminent change of place. Even you risk losing money when you see a broom or a broom in a dream.

According to Freud

The originality of the interpretation of dreams according to Freud is associated with his work on the psychoanalysis of relations between a man and a woman. He does not talk about a broom, as such, but an object that is close in purpose - a broom, is found in his dream book. In addition, work with a broom or broom aims to restore cleanliness and order. Therefore, sweeping the floors in the house in a dream, you are subconsciously preparing for new relationships, feelings, sweeping aside everything old and boring. And change will not be slow to appear. But if a broom, or a broom, is idle, it means that you have not yet decided to change anything.

Breaking a broom handle in a dream, you are set to conflict with loved ones, because you yourself do not know how events will develop. If you dreamed of an old, shabby broom that you decided to throw away, then this means that you are trying to get rid of the annoying environment, but so far you are unable to do anything. The dream suggests that this is not entirely true, the situation will change in the near future.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book also connects a new broom, seen in a dream, with changes for the better, with success in business and prosperity. But the old shabby broom does not bode well - things will fall into decay. The same applies to a woman who saw in a dream that the broom was lost. The glory of a sloppy, inept hostess can be fixed behind her.

By Juno

A dream involving a broom can bring both good changes in life and not so much. In the first case, this means that someone will soon need your advice. But if in a dream the broom crumbled or the broom handle broke, and you had to fix it, then in reality you will have to redo the work already done.

If the dream represents a broom that sweeps the floor, then this means leaving a warm place. Sweeping the floor in the house in a dream, you will get a quick move, and cleaning the workplace threatens with dismissal.

According to Tsvetkov

Only Tsvetkov's dream book quite succinctly defines what a broom might dream of. According to his interpretation, you will have to pay someone money in the event that the broom still had a dream.

Tell your friends about your dream
save not to lose

Dream book alphabetical index:

Such an ordinary object as a broom, or a broom, which is constantly in front of our eyes and participates in everyday life, cannot help but dream. The combination of various factors and conditions for its use gives a fairly wide range of interpretation. To determine what a broom is dreaming of, one must take into account what it is - if new, then to renewal and good changes in life, if old and shabby, then either things will fall into decay, or it is time to change old relationships. It also matters where the broom is used, but in any case, sweeping in a dream indicates an imminent change of place. Even you risk losing money when you see a broom or a broom in a dream.

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According to Freud

The originality of the interpretation of dreams according to Freud is associated with his work on the psychoanalysis of relations between a man and a woman. He does not talk about a broom, as such, but an object close in purpose - a broom, is found in his dream book. In addition, work with a broom or broom aims to restore cleanliness and order. Therefore, sweeping the floors in the house in a dream, you are subconsciously preparing for new relationships, feelings, sweeping aside everything old and boring. And change will not be slow to appear. But if a broom, or a broom, is idle, it means that you have not yet decided to change anything.

Breaking a broom handle in a dream, you are set to conflict with loved ones, because you yourself do not know how events will develop. If you dreamed of an old, shabby broom that you decided to throw away, then this means that you are trying to get rid of the annoying environment, but so far you are unable to do anything. The dream suggests that this is not entirely true, the situation will change in the near future.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book also connects a new broom, seen in a dream, with changes for the better, with success in business and prosperity. But the old shabby broom does not bode well - things will fall into decay. The same applies to a woman who saw in a dream that the broom was lost. The glory of a sloppy, inept hostess can be fixed behind her.

By Juno

A dream involving a broom can bring both good changes in life and not so much. In the first case, this means that someone will soon need your advice. But if in a dream the broom crumbled or the broom handle broke, and you had to fix it, then in reality you will have to redo the work already done.

If the dream represents a broom that sweeps the floor, then this means leaving a warm place. Sweeping the floor in the house in a dream, you will get a quick move, and cleaning the workplace threatens with dismissal.

According to Tsvetkov

Only Tsvetkov's dream book quite succinctly defines what a broom might dream of. According to his interpretation, you will have to pay someone money in the event that the broom still had a dream.

Tell your friends about your dream
save not to lose


For many, a broom is associated with different things: for someone - with everyday life and household chores, for someone - with a hot bathhouse, but what does it mean if you saw it in a dream? Dream Interpretations will help you understand this.

According to the modern dream book

  • A broom, if it just stood or if you held it in your hands, is a good sign that promises you a change for the better, that everything will finally be in order and things will be in order.
  • However, if in a dream you swept them, then it’s time for you to prepare for losses and losses that cannot be replenished.
  • Did you buy a broom? You will soon get involved in a difficult and confusing business, and whether you unravel it or not depends on your future and career.
  • A bath broom portends you a long-awaited vacation, which will be fun and entertaining.

According to the dream book of the XXI century

  • You have to become a participant in a conflict in which your feelings may be hurt, since your opponent does not care about the methods of achieving the goal, only the result will be important to him.
  • Were you sweeping? Start saving up your strength now, because soon you will have a difficult and exhausting job.
  • A guest from afar is to be expected if you swept with a wet broom, and while you were doing this, the water splashed into different sides.
  • If someone gave you a broom or gave it, it means that in the same way the authorities will give you a raise at work in reality.
  • If in a dream you, having mystical powers, flew on a broom, you will soon have to deal with troubles, but losing heart in such a situation is the worst choice.

According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Such a dream may indicate your preoccupation with cleanliness in the house, or just the same, running away from household duties. However, if you don’t see anything like this in yourself, this is a sign that you are in full combat readiness to meet unpleasant quirks and trials of fate, and thanks to this you can easily cope with them.

According to the dream book from A to Z

  • If the broom was new, then, having a dream, it promises you prosperity, positive changes and, in general, a good time, but if it is old, with branches that have come out, then expect difficulties that will lead to losses.
  • If you are a woman and in a dream you managed to lose this household item, then in reality it’s time for you to take on yourself, because otherwise you risk getting a reputation as an inept housewife and a big grumbler.
  • If you bought it, then you are not a fan of sitting back, instead you are trying to correct yourself, your shortcomings and behavior. However, don't overdo it.
  • If you find a broom, then your thoughts and plans that even if your friends are far away, you will keep in touch with them, will not come true. After you separate, you will quickly stop communicating, and there is nothing to be done about it.

According to Fedorovskaya's dream book

  • Old forgotten debts will soon come, which you will have to pay back. And it's not just about money.
  • Expect trouble if you have a vision of how you use the broom for its intended purpose. However, if someone else used it, then the chores are canceled, but instead they come with insignificant, but not useless expenses.
  • The fact that in a dream you yourself knitted it is a sign that you create your own destiny and happiness on your own, and nothing can stop you on this path. But if you didn’t knit a broom, then your happiness does not belong to you and not to you to create it, but to your relatives.
  • If you bought or sold a broom, then you tend to be dramatic, and the excitement that you wind yourself up will be in vain.

According to the Small Veles dream book

  • There are two interpretations here: either expect good changes, or a waste of money.
  • If you swept, then such a dream is good, but its meaning also depends on where you swept: in dirty places that are difficult to clean with a rag - get ready for total bad luck; in the house - expect guests; if you swept garbage and dust out into the street, it means that someone who should not have been trusted with your secret will soon give it away, or you will reveal someone else's secret to someone, which, of course, is not worth doing if you do not want to lose a person's trust; if you swept everything completely, beware of fire or entry into the house, theft.

According to the dream books of birthdays

  • May, June, July, August: if you dreamed about how you were steaming in a bathhouse with a birch broom, you will soon be spiritually cleansed, you will understand in which direction you should move and by what principles to live.
  • January, February, March, April: a homemade broom portends chores around the house, and a bath one predicts that you will live a long time.
  • September, October, November, December: your family problems, which concern no one but you, for some reason you will be taken out of the house if in a dream you wanted to buy a broom, but could not decide which one.

According to the eastern dream book

In general, revenge with a broom is dreamed of as a harbinger of a change of place, care. Therefore, if you dream that you are sweeping at work, get ready for dismissal or transfer to a new headquarters, and if in an apartment, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmoving will soon come to you or you will change your place of residence for some reason.

According to other dream books

Slavic: you will have a quarrel, which you are unlikely to be able to avoid, but still worth a try.

Azara: if they swept in a dream, but in reality they quarreled with someone, then this is seen as a reconciliation.

Chinese: get a promotion, a new place at work.

Simone Cananita: for some time in business you will be accompanied by success and good luck.

Wanderer: beware of black magic if in a dream you flew on a broomstick.



Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A broom in a dream, unless in reality you are concerned about the problems of putting things in order- symbolizes your readiness for minor troubles that you can easily deal with.

Jewish dream book

Broom of revenge- to reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Broom- a change for the better in business.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Broom- well-being, fast growth careers.

Old broom- in the future expect losses, disappointments.

Modern combined dream book

Broom- a change for the better, order in business.

Sweep the floor with a broom- means that you are waiting for losses, irreparable losses.

Hold a broom- portends imminent changes in life.

Buy a broom- is a sign that you have a difficult and complicated business ahead of you, on the implementation of which your financial well-being and career.

Seeing a bath broom in a dream- portends fun life and entertainment.

Eastern female dream book

Revenge with a broom floor- to leave their homes; if you dream that you are sweeping in the workplace- for dismissal if in an apartment- to move.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

For a bath- to longevity; for home- to repair, family chores.

Children's dream book

Broom- means that you need to put things in order in your life. Maybe your conscience is just gnawing at you that you still don’t help your mother cope with the mess in your own room, or maybe you just can’t figure out your relationship with the people around you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Broom- the need to put thoughts in order and / or clean them, get rid of negative ones. Reflection thoughts about cleaning something that gets in the way.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

See yourself in the bath and bathe with a birch broom- to cleansing.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

To dream about how you choose a broom, about to buy it- you will take out dirty linen from the hut.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

See birch broom- to longevity.

Broom- to illness, loss of work.

Broom home- to troubles.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a broom in a dream- it means prosperity and fast positive developments in your destiny, if the broom is new.

If he is old and outdated- you are waiting for losses in business.

Lose the broom- you run the risk of being branded as a grumpy woman and a worthless hostess.

Buy- you will begin to correct your behavior, getting rid of shortcomings, but see how you do not overdo it.

Find a broom in a dream- over the years, lose touch with friends who are far away.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Broom- change for the better, success in business.

General dream book

I dreamed of a broom- have to pay old debts.

You dreamed that you were using a broom- expect trouble.

You watch someone use it- Minor expenses ahead.

If you dreamed that you were knitting a broom You are the architect of your own happiness.

You watch someone knitting brooms- your happiness is in the hands of someone close to you.

Buying or selling a broom- means that you will have vain worries and troubles.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Broom but dream- may portend a conflict with an egoist; her revenge, shake- painful and hard work awaits you; revenge by splashing water- wait for a guest from afar; if you are served a broom- for a promotion.

On a broom in a dream to ride or fly- to trouble.

Chinese dream book

Man gives a broom- portends a place in the service.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

A broom seen in a dream- portends to the servants and maids from their masters scolding and beatings, and to the masters with someone a quarrel; sweep rubbish out of the room with a broom- sometimes means a happy success in the enterprise, and sometimes the acquisition of wealth; sweep the rubbish on the street with a broom- there is a sign of a violation of a secret, and sometimes a sign of the death of one of the household; broom revenge cellar, basement, stable or barn- portends failure in business.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Broom- chief, hostess, familiar girl (or guy).

Fly on a broom- symbol of employment black magic or demonic influences.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Broom- change for the better / waste of money; break- you will break the common cause; naked broom (derkach, golik) to hold in hand- little fun; sweep them- to good; sweep dirty places- failure; floor in the house- guests; sweep the rubbish on the street- one of the relatives will die, break the secret; sweep everything clean- fire, theft.

Broom- joy.

Esoteric dream book

Broom of revenge- break up with a friend.

In the bath- wait for "aches" in the joints.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Broom- pay money.

Collection of dream books

Revenge with a broom- to trouble; find him- for a gift.

Broom- most often to a quarrel.

Broom- most often to a quarrel, broom break- to ruin; bathe with a broom- to hard work.


Dream Interpretation: broom why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Broom

To see a broom in a dream. This simple household item is of great importance in dreams. The one who dreams about it needs to remember as many details as possible in order to interpret the meaning of sleep as accurately as possible. If a girl dreams that she is holding a broom in her hands, but does not sweep, then she will have unpleasant explanations with her lover. If she sweeps the clean floor, her suspicions of her lover's infidelity will soon dissipate, the dusty and littered floor will be confirmed. Special meaning has a standing broom. If he stands in the corner, with the handle down - the girl will be lucky in all endeavors, with the whisk down - you should not start anything new, especially beware of making large purchases. The lying broom is a symbol of the fact that very soon the parents will find out something about the girl that she hides from them. If a broom lies on a clean floor, there will be no conflict, parents will treat her secret with understanding, conflict is inevitable on a dirty floor. To dream that someone is sweeping a clean floor - someone is busy with the material well-being of the girl, dirty - someone is spreading gossip about her.

For a young man to see a broom in a dream means that he must prepare for obstacles in all endeavors, but if the broom is upside down, he will overcome all difficulties; pen down - it is better not to do anything, any business is doomed to failure. If a guy sees in a dream that someone is sweeping a clean floor - before doing something, he must enlist the support of an influential person, a dirty floor is the collapse of all hopes. Lying broom (no matter what floor) - to quarrels, scandals, gossip. Having seen such a dream, the guy should begin to behave extremely cautiously and stop being frank with his friends.

If a married woman sees in a dream that she is sweeping the floor with a broom, this is a symbol that it is time for her to “sweep away” conflicts with household members from the house. Such a dream tells her that she can keep peace in the family only with her tolerance and understanding. A broom standing with a handle up - an old quarrel will flare up again, a solution to a long-standing conflict with a handle down. If a woman dreams that someone is sweeping a clean floor, one of her older relatives is trying to slander her in the eyes of her husband; dirty floor - on the contrary, someone in every possible way raises her authority in the eyes of the household. A broom lying on a clean floor warns a woman that she needs to pay as much attention as possible to her horizons. Lying on a dirty floor - a woman needs to monitor her appearance more.

A man who dreamed of a broom standing with the handle down, a dream promises good luck in any undertaking, with the handle up - a signal that for some time you should not start anything new. If he sweeps the floor himself, he will successfully overcome all the difficulties associated with professional activity. If someone sweeps the floor - before starting a new business, you need to consult with a higher person or ask him for help.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a broom mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a broom in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


Dream Interpretation Sweep, why dream of Sweeping in a dream to see

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Sweep what it means

Sweep - To wealth; sweep the garbage out of the house - you will sweep yourself, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why dream of Sweeping?

See in a dream

Sweeping - In a dream, sweeping floors, sweeping garbage means in reality to feel an unprecedented surge of strength, an upswing in business, or the opportunity to get rich soon. For a girl to sweep the floors in a hut means to get married and move to her husband from her father's house.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why dream of Sweeping:

Sweeping and, especially, mopping the floors - Here you need to pay attention to who and where washes the floors - to the bad

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Sweep, revenge - To the guests; loss money publicity of personal, quarrel. See also junk.

Everyday dream book Why dream of sweeping in a dream book: Why dream of sweeping in a dream book

Sweeping in a dream is a favorable sign that promises wealth and fame to the one who had this dream. If you dreamed that you were sweeping in an apartment or in a house, then in reality you will be able to get out of the most difficult trials without loss.

Why dream of sweeping - If you dreamed that someone else was sweeping, and you were looking at it, then in reality you will witness how a person close to you will be able to achieve unprecedented results only thanks to his efforts, and you will be able to rejoice for him.

If you dreamed that dust was being thrown at you in a dream, then in real life you can become the object of ridicule and gossip - you should not take it too close to your heart, only a sense of humor can help in this situation.

If you manage to laugh at yourself along with others, very soon everyone will forget about this situation. Why dream of sweeping - If you had a dream in which you go to a store or market to choose a broom, then in reality with the help of friends you can achieve the result you need. Alone, you can't do it.

If you dreamed that you were sweeping, and the garbage was not getting smaller, then such a dream suggests that you will have many obligations that you will not want to fulfill at all, but you will not be able to refuse to fulfill them.


Sweep the street with a broom

Dream Interpretation Sweep the street with a broom dreamed of why in a dream Sweep the street with a broom? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Sweeping the street with a broom by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Dream Interpretation - Sweep

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Dream Interpretation - Sweep

Dream Interpretation - Sweep

Dream Interpretation - Broom, broom

Seeing a broom is a joy.

Broom - conflict with an egoist.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Dream Interpretation - Street

Walking or driving along a wide, spacious, bright street - to success in business (married) and a profitable marriage (for singles). Narrow, quiet, bright street - quiet family happiness. Walking down the street in a cheerful, noisy company - such a dream portends successful financial transactions. Meeting someone on the street is a new pleasant acquaintance. Wandering along unknown streets, trying to get to a familiar place - you have to unravel a whole tangle difficult problems accumulated over a long period of time.

If you have such a dream, imagine that you are hailing a taxi and the car is taking you home.

Wander along night street: illuminated - find a way out of a difficult situation. Unlit - your circumstances, already difficult, will be aggravated by some unforeseen event. A dirty, pitted street means financial problems. If the dirt is dried up, the problems will be solved pretty soon, although not without difficulty. If the mud is wet, viscous, which is very difficult to pass and drive through, such a dream portends a protracted crisis and delayed payments. To dream of a brightly lit, smartly decorated street with festive illumination - you have a journey ahead that will bring you a lot of joyful impressions.

Imagine that you are walking along a bright, spacious, festively decorated street, accompanied by friends, a loved one, close relatives.


broom a lot

Dream Interpretation Broom a lot had a dream, why does Broom dream a lot? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Broom in a dream a lot by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Seeing a broom in a dream means prosperity and quick positive changes in your destiny if the broom is new. If it is old and crawled out - you are waiting for loss in business.

To lose a broom - you run the risk of being branded as a grumpy woman and a worthless hostess. Buy - you will begin to adjust your behavior, getting rid of the shortcomings, but see how you do not overdo it. Find a broom in a dream - over the years, lose touch with friends who are far away.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

To see a birch broom - to longevity. Broom-golik - to illness, loss of work. Broom home - to the chores.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

May portend a conflict with her egoist.

Revenge, shake a broom - painful and hard work awaits you.

Revenge by splashing water - wait for a guest from afar.

They serve a broom - for promotion.

Riding a broom or flying is in trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Broom, broom

Seeing a broom is a joy.

Broom - conflict with an egoist.

Her revenge - hard work exhausts.

Shake her - hard work will not pay off.

Riding a broom is a danger from illusions.

To see a clothes brush is sadness and loss.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the floor, you will soon be asked for advice. For your advice to help a person, pee on a purple rag at midnight and tie it on a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner).

If you dreamed that you were repairing a broom, soon you would have to redo the work for someone. To prevent this from happening, find a white bird feather, drop corn oil on it at midnight and tie it with a purple ribbon to a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner).

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Broom - well-being, rapid career growth.

An old broom - losses, disappointments are expected in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Dream Interpretation - Broom of revenge

A broom of revenge - to reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Dream Interpretation - Broom


Lots of brooms

Dream Interpretation Many brooms dreamed of why in a dream there are a lot of brooms? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see many brooms in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Seeing a broom in a dream means prosperity and quick positive changes in your destiny if the broom is new. If it is old and crawled out - you are waiting for loss in business.

To lose a broom - you run the risk of being branded as a grumpy woman and a worthless hostess. Buy - you will begin to adjust your behavior, getting rid of the shortcomings, but see how you do not overdo it. Find a broom in a dream - over the years, lose touch with friends who are far away.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

To see a birch broom - to longevity. Broom-golik - to illness, loss of work. Broom home - to the chores.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

May portend a conflict with her egoist.

Revenge, shake a broom - painful and hard work awaits you.

Revenge by splashing water - wait for a guest from afar.

They serve a broom - for promotion.

Riding a broom or flying is in trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Broom, broom

Seeing a broom is a joy.

Broom - conflict with an egoist.

Her revenge - hard work exhausts.

Shake her - hard work will not pay off.

Riding a broom is a danger from illusions.

To see a clothes brush is sadness and loss.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the floor, you will soon be asked for advice. For your advice to help a person, pee on a purple rag at midnight and tie it on a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner).

If you dreamed that you were repairing a broom, soon you would have to redo the work for someone. To prevent this from happening, find a white bird feather, drop corn oil on it at midnight and tie it with a purple ribbon to a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner).

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Broom - well-being, rapid career growth.

An old broom - losses, disappointments are expected in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Broom - Revenge - break up with a friend. In the bath - wait for "aches" in the joints.

Dream Interpretation - Broom of revenge

A broom of revenge - to reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Broom - means that you need to put things in order in your life. Maybe it's just your conscience that you still don't help your mom deal with the mess in your own room, or maybe you just can't figure out your relationship with the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Sweeping garbage on a scoop - to restore order in the house. Seeing him is a sign that your affairs are in disarray and you have enemies who harm you. Sometimes a dream about a broom predicts financial difficulties and debts that you will not be able to pay. See interpretation: revenge.


Sweep hair with a broom

Dream Interpretation Hair sweep with a broom dreamed of why in a dream to sweep hair with a broom? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to sweep Hair with a broom in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Seeing a broom in a dream means prosperity and quick positive changes in your destiny if the broom is new. If it is old and crawled out - you are waiting for loss in business.

To lose a broom - you run the risk of being branded as a grumpy woman and a worthless hostess. Buy - you will begin to adjust your behavior, getting rid of the shortcomings, but see how you do not overdo it. Find a broom in a dream - over the years, lose touch with friends who are far away.

Dream Interpretation - Sweep

If in a dream you see a janitor sweeping the street, this portends that you will soon become the owner of a rich inheritance.

If you yourself sweep a yard completely covered with fallen leaves with a broom, it means that in reality you won’t know how to get rid of an annoying admirer whom you can’t stand.

Sweeping with a broom in the apartment, doing the cleaning, means streamlining your relationships in the family, where in recent times there was a clear breakdown. If, while sweeping, you find a long-lost golden earring or something like that - soon you will witness how your ill-wishers will expose themselves and put themselves in an absurd position.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

To see a birch broom - to longevity. Broom-golik - to illness, loss of work. Broom home - to the chores.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

May portend a conflict with her egoist.

Revenge, shake a broom - painful and hard work awaits you.

Revenge by splashing water - wait for a guest from afar.

They serve a broom - for promotion.

Riding a broom or flying is in trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Sweep

Sweeping floors, sweeping garbage - feel an unprecedented surge of strength, an upswing in business, or the opportunity to get rich soon.

Sweeping floors in a hut - for a girl to get married and move to her husband from her father's house.

Dream Interpretation - Sweep

You sweep the house, spraying water at the same time - a person will come from afar.

Sweeping the ground is the breakup of a family.

Dream Interpretation - Broom, broom

Seeing a broom is a joy.

Broom - conflict with an egoist.

Her revenge - hard work exhausts.

Shake her - hard work will not pay off.

Riding a broom is a danger from illusions.

To see a clothes brush is sadness and loss.

Dream Interpretation - Broom

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the floor, you will soon be asked for advice. For your advice to help a person, pee on a purple rag at midnight and tie it on a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner).

If you dreamed that you were repairing a broom, soon you would have to redo the work for someone. To prevent this from happening, find a white bird feather, drop corn oil on it at midnight and tie it with a purple ribbon to a broom (broom, vacuum cleaner).

Dream Interpretation - Broom

Broom - well-being, rapid career growth.

An old broom - losses, disappointments are expected in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

If you dream that you have beautiful long hair, then joyful news, devoted friendship and well-being await you. For a man, such a dream predicts that he will be cowardly at a decisive moment or will be deceived by a woman. If the hair in a dream has a clean, healthy, well-groomed appearance, then your business will improve, and vice versa. Seeing a bald man in a dream - to joy, health and well-being, and a woman without hair - to need, falsehood and failure to fulfill desires. To see braids - to disappointment, squabbles and grief. Their culprits are people from your environment who weave cunning intrigues around you. See interpretation: braids.

Black and curled but short hair for someone - to sadness and loss through deceit and betrayal. If in a dream your hair darkened and became longer than it really is, then wealth and prosperity await you; if the hair has become thinner and shorter, then poverty and suffering are not far off. Comb your hair in a dream - good sign for girls, because soon someone will offer them a hand and a heart. Such a dream sometimes also warns women that they may regret their frivolous behavior. For a married woman, such a dream promises a gift from her husband or lover. For men, such a dream predicts intrigue, deceit, debts and other complicated cases, and sometimes imprisonment. Combing someone in a dream means that you are annoying someone with your advice. If you comb your hair in a dream and cannot comb it, then hard work or some kind of complicated business awaits you. Selling hair in a dream portends misfortune. If in a dream you are proud that you have beautiful hair, then you will find success and prosperity in your affairs. To dream that your hair is growing very fast is a very good omen, promising you a rapid increase in income, happiness and prosperity. The dream predicts that your natural abilities will help you to occupy a high and respected position in society. Seeing a dream in which hair has grown on your palm, you cut it off, and it has grown again means that you will receive money from a person whom you have already given up on. Well-groomed hair means a strong friendship or a good combination of circumstances. A lush hairstyle and soft hair mean love joys and happiness. Choking hair is a sign of vanity and pomposity. The dream warns you that your self-importance will hurt you. See interpretation: smell, wash.

Seeing dandruff in your hair is a harbinger of danger, injury and illness. If in a dream you see that you have hair instead of hair on your head, then beware of a long illness.

If in a dream you see yourself with a long thick beard, and someone is pulling it out, then you should be wary of an accident. To see tangled hair in a dream - to troubles and complicated affairs. To see a tangle in your hair is a sign of an unsuccessful marriage for single people and divorce for married people. If a married man does not divorce, then his life will turn into torture. Tousled hair in a dream is a harbinger of family contention. If a man sees in a dream that he has no hair on his face at all, then the dream predicts that shyness will interfere with his business and love. Hair loss in a dream is a sign of loss, loss, poverty, suffering, domestic troubles, scandals, quarrels, separation from a lover. A woman to bleach her hair in a dream is a warning that she can damage her reputation with her frivolous behavior, and if a woman sees herself as a blonde in a dream, then she will be ill. For men, such a dream predicts a good position in society and the respect of others. And for a man to see a blonde in a dream - to difficulties and obstacles. Seeing white hair in a dream is a sign of peace of mind and joy; beautiful black hair portends reciprocity of feelings. Blonde hair in a dream is a sign of good hope, peace. Red hair in a dream is a sign of deception. But if the person you love suddenly appears in a dream with red hair shimmering in the sun like gold, then good news and joys of love await you. The golden hair of your chosen one means his dignity. Seeing hair on your arm means that you need to think about the future. See interpretation: hand.

Seeing chest hair portends excellent health and carnal pleasures.

Singe hair in a dream - a harbinger of trouble and damage. Loose hair to see - a sign of anxiety and unrest. Dyeing your hair in a dream means that you are surrounded by emptiness and you are alone. To dream that you have a tuft on your head means that you have an important task to complete. Curling hair in a dream warns a man about adultery, and for women, such a dream predicts family troubles and quarrels. A single dream portends an imminent marriage. Seeing pomaded and overly smoothed hair is a sign of imminent trouble and illness. See interpretation: aromatic substances. Stroking someone's hair is a sign of reconciliation after a quarrel. To tear out or cut your hair yourself is a sign of remorse for your own stupidity and betrayal of your lover. If the hair is pulled out with difficulty, then you will do everything possible to break out of poverty. Seeing flowers in your hair is a sign of patience, courage, which you will need to overcome obstacles. See interpretation: flowers. If in a dream you see that your hair has turned gray, then soon your circumstances will change for the worse. You are waiting for the loss of a loved one and fortune. See interpretation: gray-haired.

To dream that your hair looks worse is a harbinger of grief and poverty. If in a dream you see that your hair is two or more shades, then you are tormented by remorse or doubt. Seeing your hair burning is a sign that you will be convicted of a dishonest act and you can pay for what you have done with your reputation. See interpretation: bald, curl, braid, beard, shave.


Broom in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Broom. By clicking on the link Interpretation of sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretation, written for free by the interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of a Broom mean, or what it means to see a Broom in a dream.

Sweep the floor with a broom in a dream

Good afternoon! I had a dream: I sweep the floor of my house (apartment) with an ordinary broom, it’s good, normal, in the sense not thin ... For some reason I’m throwing it on myself ... I understand that I swept everything ... But I don’t remember that I raked the garbage into a scoop and threw it away ... And there was no garbage under the broom either, although I caught myself thinking that there should be rubbish, garbage that I swept, but there was none under the broom ... And I also understood that it remains only to wash the floors, but I will do it already not me, but as if my young man, but he was not in a dream ...

How a dead grandmother kicks me out with a broom in a dream

I dreamed that I went to our former apartment. The entrance has become more shabby, everything is in disrepair. I'm calling former apartment, and there my grandmother opens, who died several years ago (in this very apartment). She did not recognize me and began to drive me away with a broom. Then I started screaming, they say it's me. She stopped, took a closer look, recognized me. She began to hug, cry, called to the apartment.

In life, she loved me very much.

For her, such behavior would be very strange, since by nature she was very calm.

Pregnant woman sweeping the floor in a dream

I dreamed of a room, as if at a school or at a university there was a spacious classroom, white student tables were solid, there were a lot of people and my boss was at the main table. Kind of a mini turmoil. And I am pregnant at 8 months, thin and my stomach is so beautiful, I felt very comfortable in my sleep. And I go up to the boss and say “A. A., give me a broom to sweep there," he gives a broom, and I go to another part of the office to sweep. And nothing, it was even comfortable to bend down with the stomach. Woke up on this

I kill and sweep cockroaches in a dream

I see big cockroaches, one of them is crawling on my bed in my bedroom, so I take a broom, kill it and sweep it out.

On a broom I carry it to the toilet to wash it off.

I do the same with other cockroaches, moreover, they are killed extremely easily. Then I stand on the threshold of another bedroom and look at the new beautiful red wallpaper, just pasted.

Broken glass in a dream

Hello. Today I had a dream that I was walking down the street and I saw broken glass. I know for sure that I didn't break it. The glasses were clear and clean. I took a broom, which is usually used to sweep the streets, a dark one, and began to sweep these fragments. What could such a dream mean?

Dream1 in a dream

I sweep the yard with a broom towards the street.

Cleaning and spikelets in a dream

As if my friend a man lodges with me for free. We are in the kitchen with him and I sweep with a broom. I collect sand and dust in a scoop. Then he takes a broom and sweeps. We talk about the fact that I went to the carousel. He asks what swing I rode. I say that I was afraid to ride on a swing that went up high and pressed against him. And he is tall and large (much larger than in real life). On the side we see yellow spikelets of wheat growing. And he asks what kind of inflorescence the spikelet has and I answer that the spikelet is.

Parental house of revenge and a gift ring in a dream

Hello. Today's dream: I sweep the parental house completely from the dirt with a broom and it becomes clean. Mom stands nearby and asks where the ring that dad gave me is. I am surprised to find that right hand, the middle finger has a gold ring without stones, smooth and beautiful, and I feel very comfortable in it. Mom says that my great-grandmother, who died 15 years ago, gave me a gold earring and they also want to make a ring out of it, so that I can wear two at once. I was glad about this in a dream, because I loved my great-grandmother very much.




My relative died a year ago. But recently I dreamed that I was at her house, and I was cleaning up alone, or rather I was sweeping the floor to the threshold with an ordinary good broom. As soon as I swept to the threshold and wanted to use the dustpan, SHE comes, that is, the mistress of the house (deceased) ... Our meeting was pleasant. Then, like, the end of the dream.


I had a dream that I am in big house I was visiting and was cleaning the house and cooked dinner. but the floor was carpeted, there was not much garbage, but one carpet was in the water


I steamed in the bathhouse, but at the same time I didn’t see myself as an oak broom, the leaves from the broom flew around and there were two brooms, I connected them and put them together


When I come to someone else's house, I understand meaningfully what a broom is. I go in and there are brooms in every corner of the house and on the street. New and old. There was freshly baked bread on the table in the house, but they gave me old bread. But I don’t remember which broom I took and left with it. Flies swarm everywhere, as if the house is not the first freshness. I know that an old woman lives in this house, and in front of me is such a beauty.

natalia mezentseva:

My lawyer came to the house (I have a lawsuit now) of my parents (they are now in a different world), and with him I saw garbage on the floor in the form of dust and fluff, swept the floor with a flimsy broom, tried to clean the house, because. different things were lying around, there were dirty dishes and a sink, she told him that I have a large family, my grandmother (my mother) will come now, that I have two children (although I have one son), there are grandchildren. On the same night with a break from of this dream, I bought beautiful paintings, hung them on the walls, and when I went away for a short time, several of the most beautiful paintings were stolen from me. The name Lucifer sounded all the time in a dream, then I wanted to name one of the paintings, then some person seemed to name. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday.


I have in my hands a broom of old spoiled pachta and fell to the audience (I work as a teacher), then my friend passed away and we went to the insetut. Please help me


in a dream I saw new brooms and my own ... my son seemed to want to change our old one to someone else's new one .. I didn’t allow him ... I said that everyone knows that this is our broom

[email protected]:

We came to my husband's relatives, I have a difficult relationship with them. I chalked with a broom wooden floor, there was no special dirt, small garbage. And the husband sat and reported on something. Then his mother called me to them, but I preferred to sweep the floor. At the end of the dream, the floors were clean, although uneven.


I dreamed that I was psychological training, and they asked me to be active there, which I don’t remember, I refused and left, then I had a broom in my hands, some kind of unusual one, and for some reason I decided to take it to the church, brought it, and there they told me that it’s better not to give it away yet, this broom will bring me happiness, and I kept it for myself. Leaving the gates of the churchyard, I saw two exits, one normal, and the other as if for a dead person, and I went to where the normal exit was.


in a dream, the snake caressed me like a cat, slept with me, I was not at all afraid, I stroked it, then a change of scenery, my snake began to play with some child and a man who seemed to be familiar cut it in half. I swore, cried, there was a feeling that my beloved animal had been killed, then again a change of scenery, an unfamiliar house, many people I knew and relatives. there are dirty dishes in the sink, I started to wash them, but then they distracted me, when I went to the sink, it was already clean and empty, a colored towel hung on the edge, colors, yellow, orange and light green. Then I called a close friend for some reason by the name of my first husband's name and realized that I had forgotten my friend's name, asking my mother, sister and daughter who were standing nearby, I heard that they also did not remember, then I remembered his name, picture change, household store goods and my mother advises me to buy a new broom, but not an old one made of straw, but a beautiful yellow and orange one, the bottom is rubber or plastic. the top is an ordinary iron pipe, I say that I have no money, my mother says that she will buy it for me and I agree, since mine is already old and I decide to buy this new beautiful one.


Hello! I dreamed of my own thoroughbred dog (shepherd dog), which stole a broom from me (it was clean and new), yellow and ran away, but I never managed to take it away ..


I dreamed that my husband was doing repairs with open door, a neighbor came in with a broom and started sweeping the trash, I thanked her


I dreamed that I was in a hut in the village and that my mother gave me a broom, showed me under the table and said sweep it there


I saw that my beloved person whom I had not seen for 5 years hugged me, kissed me and gave me 4 whisks, one of them was pink…………..


Hello, I dreamed that my friend and I were in some unfamiliar room, sweeping the floor. She sweeps with a big broom, and after her I collect the rubbish with a broom closer to the threshold into a pile and lament what a pig's nightmare, how much rubbish.


mail came in my grandmother's box, brooms from different herbs of letter branches, I took it out and swept one of them near the gate


i dreamed that I was in a village with grandmothers who had already died and came to visit my father’s grandmother, she was about to clean up and it became uncomfortable for me, I started sweeping the floor with a broom and I see a few more under the bed in the corner


Hello. In a dream, I took a broom from the toilet; there were three two new single ones. Of these, I chose the best and went to sweep the floor. The most interesting thing in a dream, I chose the best and most beautiful.


I dreamed of a man whom I am in love with and we quarreled with him and parted in reality, he was a broom in his hands and swept the floor around him. I asked him Do you sweep so as not to come again? I also had a broom in my hands, but I did not sweep!


Both times the apartments were different. I cleaned with a broom in my hands, swept a lot of dirt. I was surrounded by people I knew and didn't know.


I don't remember the details exactly. My neighbor asked me to buy a broom at the market. I bought what I needed. And a broom, but I couldn’t bring it home, it didn’t fit into the car. I had to leave it.


A well-known politician woman gave me a broom in a dream, I thought it was not good and began to throw brooms at her, sweep her out of the house, shout obscene words in her direction, and she laughed like a witch. But from the yard of the house (private house) I kicked her out and threw her broom at her.


I dreamed that I was in a house, not where I live, but subconsciously I know that this is exactly my house. And the girl shows me how to sweep the floors with a broom. I say that I know how to sweep, but I don’t sweep in my sleep.


i dreamed that I ended up in some strange house with my ex-husband and son. It was very dirty there, crumpled papers lay everywhere, some people walked around. and I asked my son and ex to stand aside until I swept the garbage. I was afraid so they don't walk on it.


I hugged a couple lying next to me, as if they were praising the piles of happiness, I didn’t pick up the musars, that man seemed to talk to me, to be myself, I was offended


I dreamed that my husband gives me many different brooms, in size and appearance I chose the smallest two-sided one. What does this mean.


I dreamed of a tree whose branches were specially dried in order to make a broom. I collected ready-made brooms. I also dreamed that my grandmother did not get in touch and I should have visited her, although my grandmother had already died.


I initially dreamed that I was walking with a friend, then she left on business, and I went to the apartment where I live at the moment, but she was uninhabited in a dream .... I was sitting at the computer, waiting for my girlfriend, then I washed my hair, sat down at the computer, I felt very cold and the pain in everything seemed to be hitting me with my eyes, and before that I heard some kind of movement in the apartment, I became scared and I called my mother , she said that everything was fine and that I would go home, but I didn’t know where my house was, as if I had moved into another reality, I looked to the side and saw my mother standing with a broom, but it couldn’t be her, she was almost transparent, and at the same time I saw my little sister as she ran down the corridor, and then disappeared, I was frightened and began to scream, go away, go away, go away, and came up and hit my mother with a towel, but she yelled that it was impossible to expel her and began to shout you broom washed, washed the broom, I continued to beat her with a towel and kicked her out of the apartment by going down the stairs, at that moment I realized that my hands were wadded, I saw how she got up and ran back, she asked again about the broom, I said that I had washed, and she shouted back that I did it in vain, I tried close the door and I did it, and then I remember that she was breaking, then everything was quiet and she was behind me! and that's all ... I had this dream today in the area from 15:00 to 15:33. now I can’t sleep anymore and I’m very scared, I’m shaking all over from the inside
please tell me what it means!


I dreamed that I came to the village to my mother-in-law and I was doing the cleaning there. I sweep garbage from all hard-to-reach places: from under beds, etc. While cleaning, I had a broom in my hands. He was not new. And gradually it broke right in my hands. Separate panicles fell out, and pieces broke off from the handle, as happens when the broom is old and heavily constricted. This made it more difficult to clean, since there was almost nothing left of the pen, but I cleaned anyway. Mother-in-law was very pleased that I came. I even boasted to a neighbor who came in for a minute from a neighboring yard. What, they say, my daughter-in-law came to me.


It all started with the fact that from somewhere I got a beautiful black motorcycle - just a dream. I realized that he was mine and rolled on it. Then I wanted to take a shower, but for some reason there was no water at home and I came to a bathhouse I did not know. The bathhouse is the most ordinary, but it seemed to me very large and luxurious, although it was old. Everywhere is clean. In the rest room, oak brooms of amazing beauty were soaked, and I realized that this was for me. I took a steam bath from which I received great satisfaction and left the bath with an indescribable feeling of cleanliness of the body. When I got into the car, I felt with my tongue that my front rotten teeth were loose. I swirled them all with my tongue and spat them into my hand. Looked at them. Weird feeling. They were rotten, but clean. Then I looked in the mirror, and new white teeth grew in their original place. Although they were crooked, I understood that they were still growing and would become beautiful. I actually have problems with my teeth.


I dreamed that I was sweeping fallen leaves on the street with a broom. Was strong wind. Then I hide the broom behind the gate and lay it next to the red-haired dog that is sleeping.



I dreamed that I was flying on some kind of stick, then it fell into a swamp, and a car almost killed me there were 3 of them, they tried to get out of it, I was looking for something to take off, and found a broom, it started to take off, it flew into high fence and I didn’t dare to get off him, but then I jumped off, the end of the dream)


My grandmother and I bought a broom in a dream, and she chose more expensive and cheaper. And she told her that in a year I would come and notice at her house.


Hello. I dreamed that I was sweeping a carpet with a broom, on which salt was scattered. Lots of salt… the carpet was completely covered with salt.


I dreamed that I bought a very large broom, and it fell apart in my hands, I collected it and took it away. Venik was so chic.


somehow the fence disappeared from the boundary, a neighbor ran in with a broom and started sweeping the ground in front of the house.


Someone else's house, a man sweeps the floor, and I walk past this garbage and it scatters in different directions, he again sweeps everything into a pile, but still in the end he swept all the garbage into a pile.


Hello. Walking through the snow, I saw 2 inverted brooms (handles down), I wanted to take one, but suddenly changed my mind and went my own way


In my parents' apartment, I met with my ex-young man, who not so long ago left me for another (I didn’t remember in a dream that he had left, it seemed that I just rarely see him). I told him how much I miss him. He looked at me with warmth and tenderness and promised to choose a freer day. Then I noticed that there was a lot of rubbish on the floor, I began to sweep. Dad grumbled at me that I was kicking up dust, and then sighed and said that someday I would become a good wife for Vanya


My friend and I went to the kiosk where a friend was selling. She said that she still had brooms and would we like to take them for ourselves. Then she gave them to us. I took two. A child appeared who took this broom and began sweeping himself. Then we stood talking, but I didn’t see the broom again.


I sweep the floor at the sister-in-law, in the floor big holes, collect big nails, find golden sparkling pins


i had a dream, the deceased father touched me with a broom and I took the broom from him and my mother was sitting next to him, she also died a long time ago


i dreamed that I took a broom for myself at work while I was going home, it turned out to be in my hands 4 brooms, including a bath one, and ended up in some house where a man began to pester and I ran away and woke up


In the parental house, I sweep the floor with a broom from wood shavings. There is no home for a long time. The broom breaks. I hear my mother's voice (she is no longer alive) "take the branches lying on the shelf and sweep." I see branches with green leaves on the shelf, there are only three of them, not enough, I think that I won’t be able to sweep them.”


I saw three brooms, they stood in the hallway and among them was a new one, it was bought by my husband, I decided to throw one of the old brooms away here, I woke up this dream I had this afternoon


me and mine young man donated brooms. I don't dream of his face
I saw him and they gave him an ordinary, new broom, and they gave me a very beautiful, new broom with stones.


I’m standing with a broom, the whole (like the whole) family is behind my back, and I’m going to sweep the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgarbage from the house, but not on a scoop, but right in a private house ... then they woke me up ....


after my aunt's funeral, I had a dream that I was sweeping the floor in her room and collecting garbage in a corner.


i dreamed that I went to live in a very small, old temporary house with small windows. and naturally I started cleaning there, swept the floor with a broom, there was a lot of dust, and when I was chalk, the dust rose into the air, it was hard to breathe, but I saw how the floor became clean and continued cleaning there


chalked with a broom in someone's house with an old broom handle is already falling apart, but she collected garbage on a spatula. And later I dream that I came a second time to the same room to some unfamiliar man and he already has new brooms, and they are upside down with a broom


a friend came for her broom, we have the same lush ones and I didn’t find her broom and gave her the old one, but she didn’t want to take it and I was looking for her broom, then I found it and gave it away.


He carefully swept the interior of the UAZ car (goat) with a broom made of Chernobyl (wormwood) grass, then threw the broom away. I got out either to meet my wife, or after her, I don’t live with her for about a year, and three days ago we took the children to a sanatorium together, didn’t really communicate on the trip.


In an unfamiliar room (not at home) I took a broom from a man I knew (he wanted to sweep), but I began to sweep myself, and the floor was all with pieces of dirt, and I began to carefully sweep this dirt


dreamed of a mother who died. I went into the room with a worn whisk (broom). She looked very young, without herring. her hair was black. AND SHE SMILED


Good afternoon!
In a dream, my wife and I came to visit country house to familiar people, I had never seen this house before .. A house, some kind of unkempt with a low porch in winter, a cloudy day. .
I DIFFERENTLY saw new boots and brushed them not very new, but, as it were, with such a bright yellow, elastic broom. I brushed my boots, almost to a mirror shine, and the dream ended there.))


i dreamed of brooms that I myself made for a goat for the winter and my father gave them all to eat, and I went in and saw and cried a lot, why is this?


i dreamed of an old clock coming from them, they gave me 4 parts in one, something was missing and a lot of brooms I took to sweep up not quite new, but there were a lot of new ones, I wanted to choose, I don’t remember everything.


some kind of abandoned house, it’s creepy and unpleasant to be in it, I ran and found a way out, I close the door when I leave the house ... I look into door window and I see the following picture ... A red-haired dog runs and looks at me with angry eyes, we look into each other's eyes ... I mentally chase it away, and at the end of the room a home broom sweeps by itself. In a dream, the presence of her husband was felt somewhere nearby. Thank you!


I saw in a dream: my husband and I were walking past their house, he saw a homemade broom tied with a blue rope, fluffy. He took it and gave it to me, and said that I should put it in a bag at the bottom with a handle and take it home.


Good evening!
My mother had a dream, how her mother (deceased) my grandmother 19 years ago swept the house (new) Only I live in it, He has not yet finished sweeping it!
What is it for? Mom is just worried!


I was at some small seedy market and wanted to buy a broom from a woman, she was already about to leave and on the go she offered me a small broom, skinny and either dark gray or damp, but I refused it, did not take it in my hands, the woman threw it on counter and left and I left.


I wrap a birch broom like a bouquet in paper and with me was like a stepfather whom I never loved or my current lover, we are going somewhere across the field


i dreamed 4 brooms stood in the house with a broom up 2 of them are connected and 2 are not what it is for,


New bath brooms made of oak branches stand in a row against the wall, handles up. Feeling like I'm choosing for myself




In a dream, she cursed with her son and tried to hit him with a broom - chili (without leaves)


Hello, the dream itself is essentially nonsense, I’m walking with someone with a girl, she brings me to the kiosk and asks me to help her choose a broom, gives me one in my hands and it’s kind of strange in shape, I give it to her and say that this one is not it’s suitable, take the one that is the best in the window, and then the nonsense went, we began to choose different instruments, then we went further and went somewhere in in general, in my dreams I notice that it is usually important that one thing is the most memorable and this is always true, it has always been and always a warning to something.


I’m sitting on the sofa and I hear, as if someone is sweeping, I look behind the sofa, and there the broom is sweeping itself. when I moved the sofa, he began to sweep even faster, I screamed and woke up


I bought a broom. At first I watched the whole, then they offered in parts. At home I saw that there was a bottom, but there was no handle, it turned out that it was in a bag, but I did not see it.


I dreamed that the director was sweeping the floor at school, and I pulled out a broom and started revenge myself


I dreamed that my ex-husband silently came to my house in new clothes on his own initiative and began to sweep the yard of my house with a broom, as if he wanted to help


I sweep the floors old apartment where she lived, there was a carpet on the floor, they washed a lot, but everything is swept away, at that time a beloved guy comes with whom in reality there is a little misunderstanding, in the end we put up, I am the initiator of trying on, I continue to sweep, and the torture is not only on the floor but also on the couch , I'm surprised from where so much, I'm obsessed with cleanliness, it can't be so dirty. we change clothes, for some reason there are some things in this apartment. we go to the toilet but there are dog feces near the toilet, it turns out that this apartment has already been rented out to another family who have a dog. we're leaving


I slept with my brother in the house and I saw in a dream where they take off their shoes, as if it tells me thoughts, and this is a neighbor's broom, like the courts fell or where.


Why dream of choosing and buying a wreath
I chose a broom from an elderly man, he had a lot of them. All the other brooms were taken by my husband’s daughter-in-law on credit. The broom cost 75 tenge, but he didn’t take money from me.


I came to a woman I knew to ask for my broom back, but she didn’t want to give it back, and I told her that I would buy a new one, then she said that she would give it back and I woke up


I saw a bunch of brooms, large and small, and I held a small one in my hands, I also saw a tub of muddy water


All night, in different parts of my sleep, I was always sweeping something with a broom: the street, the road, the room, some thresholds, then carpets .... And a loved one was sitting in an armchair, and I swept the carpets around him .. It was a big broom, then a simple broom. Like some kind of Saturday.

zhenya.volkov.72 @bk.ru:

I held two brooms in my hands, one whole the other was ragged. I don’t remember how the bouquet goes on


I dreamed about a clogged toilet last night clear water. The toilet itself was white color, clean and new, as just brought from the store. Although I understand in a dream that he is old, he is 10 years old. When I started to clean it, two things came out of it: an old, clean broom, combed from one end. It was small, as it swam freely and I pulled it out without difficulty. The second is a pad with a small drop of blood in the middle, but this pad is someone else's and I throw it in the trash. These things are alien to me, as if someone had thrown them to me. After I fixed the problem, the water in the toilet began to disappear, and I threw a broom back and forth and it disappeared with water.


I bought a beautiful lush broom for paper money
in a dream with his wife


I'm going to sweep the floor, I see I have 2 brooms. One with long handle, the other with a short handle. And both brooms are erased to the ground. I think - how am I going to sweep the floor?


I dreamed about my car. she stood approaching her opened the trunk and there is a new broom


I distinctly remembered that in a dream I swept my relative around, I saw only his half-bare feet (only toes) at the beginning in the kitchen and then in the corridor. And it seemed to me that he was allegedly bothering me. we are in a quarrel with him. He temporarily does not live in this apartment but is registered


In a dream, the child asked to give or donate an old broom, explaining that I also have a new broom for cleaning the house.


I dreamed of a godfather, this Native sister for her husband. She unexpectedly came to visit and gave me a broom, smiling, and I was very surprised by this visit.


a broom in my hands that I hide, a concert, foreigners, an offer to perform with my song, running around, looking for things, a lighter, a glass keychain with a beautiful picture inside, which a charming man showed me. I feel amazement.


i had a dream, supposedly they ask me dishes and a broom in a dream. why I don't know. but I don’t remember whether I gave it or not, but I remember that I promised




Hello! I dreamed about mine today dead mother, me didn’t scream at her because she made a mess of the lady. And when I went into bathroom, i I saw a lot of brooms there, I don’t remember anything else. What can this mean? And by the way, my mother dreams of me very often


People in line ahead of me are my grandmother and we enter the building like a store and there is a broom and I threw it into the corner but the broom is not new


a familiar man who likes me gave me a bath broom


i dreamed that 5-6 small dead mice were lying near the threshold, and one small fat mouse was sitting on a broom and I immediately woke up because I was afraid of mice, but woke up calmly without fear. thanks, but this dream does not give me rest.


Good afternoon, I had a dream as if I was with a young man in public toilet cleanly washed by someone, which she herself was amazed at because she assumed that it should be dirty. And we needed a broom, and they stood washed by the wall, clean with the handle down. And it seems we were looking for an overnight stay, and the guy offered me because it’s warm right on the grass next to the toilet!


Good afternoon! I had a dream that I was buying several new brooms. What does this mean?


Broom in a modern dream book

Trouble is promised by a dream in which your broom sweeps your house on its own. You need to take control of your life. If in a dream you picked up a broom, and it simply crumbled, then you understand that the people around you are not trustworthy. Good dream- to see yourself in a steam room with a bath broom. It portends that you will have a vacation during which you can completely relax.

Broom in Miller's dream book

A new, strong broom dreams of good changes. An old, worthless broom - losses, an unsuccessful course of your affairs. If a woman dreamed that she had lost her broom, then in reality she would have to endure many hardships. The reason for this will be her own character. If she becomes clean and friendly, then the dream will lose its meaning.

Broom in Vanga's dream book

The broom is a symbol of external and internal purification. If you dreamed of a broom crumbling in your hands, then your desire to sort out your feelings may not come true. The reason for this will be interference in the form of ill-wishers or circumstances that will constantly distract you. Sweeping garbage with a broom - experience a spiritual transformation that will change your perception of life. If in a dream you saw a person who holds a broom in his hands, then you will have a meeting with a spiritual mentor. Thanks to this meeting, spiritual growth and transformation of your spiritual world awaits you. A dream in which you sweep the floor, but at the same time you cannot hold a broom in your hands, portends an event that can save you from a false outlook on life.


In men, this item is more associated with a pleasant pastime in a bathhouse with cheerful company. In women, on the contrary, with everyday life and household chores. And why is the broom dreaming? The dream interpretation gives an interpretation from several sides: what the broom was made of, what actions were performed with it in a dream, and even from the side of the dreamer's gender.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, to see a broom in a dream is a prediction of bribes and debt obligations. Very soon you will urgently have to pay bills, or give a large amount of money for an unplanned purchase.

If the dreamer's birthday falls in the winter months, then he can be sure of what the new broom is dreaming of. If there are no extra branches and leaves on it, then this is a symbol of illness or loss of position. For young hostesses, such a plot in a dream portends troubles.

For those born at other times of the year, according to Miller's dream book, a broom is interpreted as a sign of prosperity and wealth. Especially if this item was just bought, your life will soon be filled with events leading to wealth.

What does a broom mean in a dream dream book XXI century? Such a dream portends a conflict with a selfish person, to whom you will not be able to prove anything in the end. But if you were given a whisk, then this is a clear prediction of a promotion.

According to the Small Velesov dream book, a broom or a broom in a dream is interpreted as a change for the better in the way of life. Moreover, this will happen due to some important purchase related to the business.

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation gives an interpretation of a broom in a dream from the standpoint of the personification of this object with a special female - the boss or mistress. Depending on your attitude to the broom, relationships with the leader will be built.

Actions with a broom in a dream

Revenge with a broom is an ambiguous symbol, depending on the circumstances and details of the picture. For the most part, this action in a dream is interpreted as an omen of the successful completion of a planned business, or as a significant improvement in financial situation. If you sweep garbage over the threshold, then circumstances will force you to reveal someone else's secret.

Revenge of garbage with a broom is a dream book forecast about painful and lengthy work, which will take a lot of physical and moral strength. And in the end you will not get satisfaction from work - the result will not justify the expected. If, when sweeping, splashes of water fly in all directions, you can cook a festive dinner - a long-awaited guest will come to you.

If in a dream you had to sweep a clean floor with a broom, then stranger will do a good deed for you. But if the floor was dirty, large quantity litter, then the dream book predicts bad luck in family affairs.

Seeing a birch broom in a dream is, first of all, a harbinger of the dream book about the longevity and good health of the dreamer. And why dream of steaming with a broom? If birch rods are used, then this is a sign of purification and rejuvenation, right now your body is most capable of regeneration.

The esoteric dream book gives very interesting interpretations of what a bath broom is dreaming of. Such a plot portends the dreamer's painful condition, in particular problems with bones and joints. And if you actively steamed with them, then you will soon quarrel with a good friend.

Beating yourself with a broom in a dream is an interpretation that with the proper approach and sincere repentance, you can beg forgiveness from a person whom you have offended for a very long time. If you beat another person, then they will ask for forgiveness from you, and if you are supportive, you will receive the most devoted and sympathetic friend.

There is such a saying: “Sweep dirty linen from the hut”, and this is the most correct definition of what dreams of buying a broom. Do not discuss your household, it will definitely not lead to good, it will only cause gossip and gossip.