Relax in the office. Secrets of a good recreation area. Lounges for staff - the most desired innovation of enterprises Dine in England

Modern tendencies of doing business prove that the office is a space where the work process turns into creativity. Here brilliant ideas and ways to solve operational problems are born, here the achievements of one employee grow into collective success, and everyday work contributes to a positive experience.

It goes without saying that in order to create a dynamic, but at the same time not tense atmosphere, it is not enough to competently organize working room. It is necessary to develop a creative interior for a comfortable recreation area (lounge), where each employee can get a mental and physical relaxation, communicate with colleagues in an informal setting and dilute the monotony of office everyday life.

Two types of office break room design

Many successful companies employees are assigned for recreation private room or hall. Start-up companies are often forced to huddle in rooms of modest size; therefore, for recreation, they allocate part of the working space. In both the first and second cases, this zone can be arranged according to the “sofa” or “coffee break” type of arrangement.

In the "sofa" recreation area, the dominant role is played by upholstered furniture. Sofas, armchairs, soft chairs and padded stools are necessary here so that everyone can feel the atmosphere of comfort during the working day. Complementing this ensemble are often magazine or coffee tables, bookcases and TV panels.

When choosing upholstered furniture in creative office you need to remember that it should be different from the furniture in the meeting room or in the reception room. It should not be too formal, but on the contrary - have a bright and creative design to make it easier for the employee to switch from work to leisure.

The principle of "coffee break" involves a radically different approach to the arrangement of the recreation area. Instead of soft sofas and armchairs, employees are greeted by a bar where you can drink a cup of invigorating coffee or cooling juice. An exceptionally "standing" type of rest will appeal to those workers who spend all work time in a sitting position.

Decorative elements in the lounge area

Equally important in creating comfortable atmosphere play in the lounge area decorative elements. Paintings, indoor fountains and aquariums contribute to complete relaxation, improvement emotional state and complete recharging of the body. Racks (or shelves) with corporate attributes are always appropriate in such interiors. Attributes such as company logos, official symbols, awards and diplomas clearly demonstrate the result of teamwork.

They make the lounge area more “homely” Wall lights and houseplants. In order to get rid of the excessive formality of the window, it is recommended to decorate light curtains, and leave standard blinds and shutters for the workspace.

Sports area in the office

Sports activities are the key to the physical and emotional health of employees. Even if this is not a big sport, but entertaining, its effectiveness is obvious. Physical activity helps relieve stress, relax your back and free your thoughts from the bustle of work. In view of this, it is not surprising that many companies organize an impromptu gym in the break room.

The sports corner is often decorated with table football or hockey, billiards, ping-pong, mini-basketball or mini-golf.

Large companies play for high stakes and equip a real gym for employees. Here you can find exercise equipment for every taste, as well as modern massage chairs.

We hope no one will argue with the conviction that a person is not a robot and that he needs rest even within the working day? It is good that today more and more leaders are beginning to understand this. Remember back in late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century, workers in factories could work 12 or 14 hours a day, giving their last strength in production? Actually, this and much more subsequently became the reason for the formation of the communist movement in Russia. His goal was to fundamentally change the situation, give the working class genuine respect and increase their social status. In the current realities, we can invisibly feel the fruits of their labors - a classic 8-hour working day with an hour break for lunch. This is precisely their merit.

Today, in the vast majority of cases, employers are limited in attracting workers to work that goes beyond the norms - there are labor contract with the prescribed hours, there is some "arrogance" of employees who do not want to spend their personal time on the extra work. Moreover, it begins to seem to them that they already spend a lot of precious time on it, which is why they want to feel “at home” there. For the most part, this is what motivates their managers to create such conditions for the staff under which employees can “relax in a controlled manner”, discuss current production tasks in an informal setting. in the perfect way The solution to this problem is the creation of a rest room.

What is she like?

A rest room is not necessarily a “box” with four walls, where a sofa, a table, a chair and a ficus on the windowsill are located. As a rule, the staff is given the will on its own, i.e. according to his needs, determine how it will be framed. Among the most popular ideas today - board games, comfortable furniture, equipment for preparing drinks, "chips" in the form of a DJ console, a bar counter, paintings with applications and much more. Whatever the room, its main task is to relax visitors, to bring them out of the state of stress experienced at the time of work. Here they, in theory, should gain strength, restore peace of mind, and then, as "newly born" return for their workplace and continue to work with greater dedication and zeal. With competent time management of each individual employee, such a goal will certainly be achieved, moreover, the management will still receive words of gratitude from its staff - we have seen such cases more than once.

By the way, several interesting solutions with photos you can find by clicking on the link.

Benefits for the company

Pay attention: the personnel of the companies "gets younger" every year. The average age of applicants for most vacant positions varies between 19 and 29 years. These are young people belonging to the so-called generation "Y". They are not accustomed to working within strict limits, to bear great responsibility, they want more freedom in action. At the same time, they are not without ambitions - someone wants to become the head of the direction, someone wants to buy a new iPhone, someone can not wait to visit Guatemala during the next vacation. They grow up in an already established consumer society, where there are all conditions for spending the money they earn. Do you think they will “show themselves” within a dim and dull room? Perhaps, for representatives of the older generation, this may seem like a kind of "childishness", they say, we will not look for such workers - we will find those who are ready to earn money in any conditions. No matter how.


Back in the days of the USSR, some figures thought about organizing a zone for a relaxed pastime of working groups. The problem that the bosses then faced was that the presence of tables for table tennis, chess, dominoes and other games contributed to the growth of "lazy" moods in the team. The key purpose of break rooms is to enable the employee to “switch” for a short period of time from performing current tasks to something abstract, which will allow him, having gathered his thoughts, to start working again on a new basis. From the director's point of view, it would be ideal to place wonderful things there, like massage chairs. This pleasure, of course, is not cheap, but they fulfill their task, namely, they do not allow the employee to “hang” outside the workplace, while allowing him to relax. This topic is devoted to one very good

Of course, the topic we are describing for users of our service "" cannot have a positive response from all managers. Usually, among those who are against all kinds of innovations, they are not even conservatives, no, but ordinary "greedy people", forgive me for such an expression. "Greedy", as a rule, reason in such a way that ordinary workers obliged dedicate their lives to the cause in the company they are engaged in. They should, even being at home with their families, think about work, call up and correspond with their colleagues, discussing current issues. As a “handout” to such a team, they can organize a rest room, however, what will be its price if you have to pay for it with your personal life ... Maybe not, but there is no difference between these two actions. And why? The fact is that in both cases the director is driven not by altruism, not by elementary concern for his wards, but by the usual “selfish interest” - to get from employees exactly as much as they can give him. Sooner or later, even the most fanatically devoted to the leader employees will be disappointed in what is happening and will still leave to look for a job in another organization.

This once again confirms how important it is to approach not only the arrangement of the rest room, but also the leisure of your staff as a whole within the framework of the corporate culture.

In the event that our article can motivate at least one director to equip or re-arrange a rest room for employees, then we have done our work for good reason. Here are a few tips for anyone who might be interested:

    Having decided to deal with this issue, be sure to organize a meeting among the team and ask them to express their wishes regarding the design - this will allow you to get exactly those tips that you may not be able to do when dealing with this issue on your own;

    After it is approved, proceed directly to the practical part - repair, purchase and design.

    In order not to cause misunderstanding among employees, hold a second meeting with them when everything is ready. Appoint persons responsible for the property, voice your proposals regarding the rest schedule, if required by the production need;

    Give them the opportunity to further independently make adjustments to the design of the premises - let them feel like owners in this territory in the most positive sense of the word.

If you correctly convey the thoughts to the employees and carry out the above activities, then the return on your business will increase, if not several times, then at least the difference with the previous indicators will be obvious.


We did not mention such an important quality as trust, a key aspect of any human relations. You can be honest with employees. Tell them the reasons why you decided to give them such a gift, as well as what you expect from them. Sincerity will pay off handsomely.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

Today we will present to your attention recreation areas in large corporations operating in the field of technology and the Internet. In this story, we will introduce you to great examples of offices of companies such as Facebook, Airbn, Evernote, SoundCloud, JetBrains, BlaBlaCar and 2GIS.

They will amaze you with their colorful decoration, perfect for lunch break and recreation of employees in a comfortable environment.


At the company's headquarters, the seating area is located among the tables at which the staff works. She is punctuated by the magnificent furniture set, carpets and accessories in vibrant orange and gray tones. In addition, this room is equipped with tables for table tennis, chess and billiards.


At the representative office of the music corporation in German city Berlin, all employees can get a job wooden benches and enjoy a break in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

The headquarters also has a yoga room, a fireplace room and a room with soundproofing in the design of the walls, which makes it possible to sleep without being distracted by extraneous noise.


At the real estate agency's office in San Francisco, workers can relax in the spacious lounges that have been installed on each floor. The epicenter of the representation is the atrium, equipped with laconic benches with orange cushions.


The firm's office space in San Francisco is characterized by simplicity and creative decoration. The decor of all rooms is dominated by three shades - snow-white, blue and salad.

The kitchen was equipped on the roof. It provides a unique opportunity for all employees to take a break from a tedious and busy work schedule and enjoy the surrounding landscape.


office design big company was brought to life by the talented craftsmen of the Gullstén-Inkinen agency. Each tier high-rise building was decorated in bright color scheme, which sets up staff for productive work.

The halls for relaxation and a lunch break are equipped with soft and cozy sofas, laconic tables and coffee stations. In warm summer time employees here can enjoy a pleasant meal in a relaxed environment.


The company's representative office in Paris strikes the imagination with its bright and cheerful decoration. To decorate it, the craftsmen used accessories and interior items associated with traveling by car.


The headquarters of the domestic corporation is located in two old industrial buildings, which are united by a glass transition with multi-colored wall decor. This place is used by the staff for informal meetings and meals during their free time.


The main thing office space equipped with several rooms for playing, reading and relaxing. All of them are decorated in a certain thematic design: exotic, marine or library.


The interior of the company's headquarters in Hamburg strikes the eye with its creativity, brightness and surprise. The decoration was made using textured wood, stone tiles, snow-white plaster and accessories designed in a marine theme.

"NPO Computer"

Employees of the Russian agency can enjoy a pleasant pastime in the original lounge bar called Karelia.


A large corporation has great game rooms which are equipped with kicker tables, Xbox units with plasma displays, designer furniture and amazing decorations.


The break room for agency personnel is a spacious rooftop terrace of 200 sq. m. In summer, this space is equipped with umbrellas, sun loungers and exotic plants to create a calm and relaxed environment.


Tel Aviv, Israel

The Google office in Tel Aviv has been thought through to the smallest detail: from design that echoes seascapes(Google's office occupies eight floors in Israel's tallest skyscraper, Electra Tower, with excellent views of the city and the sea) and ending with the organization of space. Here there is a clear separation between work and entertainment areas, but space for communication plays an important role here and there. Almost half of the office is occupied by areas where employees can work together. Moreover, to exchange ideas, you can get together not only in a conference room or a recreation area, but also while playing table football.

The employees themselves took part in the development of design concepts. There are many themed spaces that reflect the customs and culture of Israel. For example, the reception resembles a city airport, and the corridors with arched windows decorated climbing plants and orange trees are similar to the cobbled streets of Tel Aviv. For a lunch break, employees can choose from three restaurants: non-kosher, kosher meat, and kosher dairy. Each restaurant has its own unique style.


This office in urban style differs in simplicity and functionality. At the same time, its size is impressive: employees even use scooters to get from one area to another faster. Despite the minimalism of the interior, there are many interesting design finds here: ping-pong balls are used as decor, and mobile furniture was made specially to order. gym, which is very successful, and for psychological relief there is a music room with a piano.

For those who are hungry, finding something to eat is not a problem - refrigerators with food and racks of snacks are placed throughout the office. The "School Buffet" (Tuckshop), as the staff canteen is called here, has a large screen that is quite suitable for watching football matches.

Each conference room is given a name, behind which lies a whole story. It can be found by reading the nearby QR code. A glowing neon sign with the Dropbox slogan - "It just works" - hangs in the open space and reminds employees of the company's values.


Vienna, Austria

The Microsoft office in Vienna is the most unusual of all the company's offices. In all seriousness, the design is distinguished by many bright elements- striped floors, geometric patterns on the walls, unusual color schemes, and even wood trim.

The space was organized taking into account the trajectory of people's movement in order to make the stay in the office as interesting as possible for both employees and clients. Designed like working space, as well as areas for relaxation and communication: one of the favorite places for employees is a room with elements of a nursery playground- greenery, slide and cubic puffs.


Redwood City, California, USA

When designing the office, it was necessary to fit into limited time and company budget. Given these factors, the designers decided to incorporate functional building elements into the interior concept - open communications, worn concrete floors and other details became the "highlight" of the office.

The whole space is designed to encourage employees to communicate. The wide staircase between the floors is equipped with soft seats, which makes it a convenient place for conversations with colleagues. There are other places for informal meetings - including ping-pong tables, a fitness center ( Treadmill equipped with a special table for a computer) and several small eateries. And Evernote employees have the opportunity to enjoy fresh donuts every day at a local cafe.

San Francisco, California, USA

Airbnb's office reflects the company's innovative approach to travel. It is a metaphorical kaleidoscope of houses around the world, because the premises in the office are replicas of rental housing. This helps convey the essence of what the company is about to employees and guests without adding branding to the design.

The management encourages the freedom of movement of employees, which means that anyone can choose a comfortable place to work. For example, a kitchen where a whole department can fit at one table, or a conference room that is decorated like a room from Stanley Kubrick's film Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Atomic Bomb. A special "quiet zone" is designed as a thematic library, where those who need silence to solve work issues can always retire.


New York, USA

According to corporate culture LivePerson, employees cannot be locked into small groups and must be able to interact with colleagues from any department. Since the company occupies several floors, this problem was solved at the design stage of the office space. The working areas on the floors were thought out in such a way that they complemented, but did not duplicate each other - so that the employees were motivated to use all the premises, which means to communicate more with each other.

Another feature of the office - are "flexible" work areas. For example, the central area is equipped with tables on wheels, which helps to change the organization of the space depending on the work being done - whether it be a seminar, group projects or brainstorming sessions.

Today, many institutions where there is a permanent presence a large number of visitors, it is customary to equip them with special places for a relaxed pastime. It is for these purposes that designers propose to create the interior of a recreation area in the office, the photo of which emphasizes the main characteristics of such an environment.

In the conditions of such a room as a work office, it is extremely important to create an appropriate space in which employees would have the opportunity to spend time outside the office and relax. The need to design such an interior is to increase labor efficiency, as well as to improve relationships between employees. In addition, similar recreation areas are also being created in many hotels, where it is necessary to provide guests, as well as guests, with a place where they can spend time while waiting for their room, for example. Undoubtedly, design of recreation areas in hotels differs from the design of those in the workspace, which is associated with the peculiarities of their purpose.

Characteristic design elements of the hotel's recreation area

Considering character traits of this variant of the premises, the most important in the process of its design is the selection the best option color palette. It should be noted that usually the interior of hotels involves a very discreet decor of the atmosphere for relaxation, therefore, preference is given here pastel colors, as well as saturated and at the same time muted dark tones. Often walls, as well as other surfaces, are finished in brown, such a room also allows the use of unusual accents in the form of colored glass inserts, stained-glass windows, as well as heterogeneous textures. The main rule to be followed hotel lounge design, is the use of tones corresponding to warm colors, which creates an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.

In the presented form of the interior, lighting plays a decisive role. Here, as a rule, heterogeneous light is used - it can be represented by numerous chandeliers with discreet decor, as well as wall sconces and floor lamps. Furniture is also chosen taking into account the general style of the establishment, with preference given to comfortable sofas, armchairs and tables.

Typical interior design elements for office break areas

In the matter of decorating a place to relax in an office environment, the main rule is to use bright color solutions. For example, if the typical design of the manager's office involves the use of a restrained range, then the recreation area, on the contrary, gravitates more towards a combination bright details finishes. Often the walls and ceilings in it are painted in pastel colors, but the emphasis is placed directly on the furnishings. Often the surfaces themselves are decorated bright colors, which creates a proper relaxed environment that is different from the mood of the entire office.

Specially for finishes such as office interior design, typical is the use of simple in their forms and at the same time stylish in decorative design furniture elements. The most harmonious look here are all kinds of colored chairs and bean bags that contrast with the usual office furniture. Lighting for this type of environment is chosen heterogeneous, which emphasizes the presence of separate functional areas in such a space.