Beautifully furnish the rooms with classic-style furniture. The interior of the house in a classic style - design rules. Creamy tones and dark gray accents

Despite the neighborhood with modern, minimalist styles, the classics do not lose their relevance to this day. In her surroundings, even ordinary things look sublime, so the owners strive to inscribe characteristic features in the most secluded places of their homes. The design of a classic-style bathroom can be challenging due to the specifics of the room, but a sophisticated, aristocratic look is worth any effort.

Features of the classic style

Classic today does not necessarily mean pompous, luxurious interiors filled with decorative details and bulky items. Even the concept itself has several interpretations: the continuation of ancient traditions, historical European or national styles that are closely intertwined, but differ in details.

Modern design trends involve a combination of the characteristic features of the direction, which perfectly adapts to the features of the space, coexists with high technology, but at the same time retains its sophisticated, majestic look. On the one hand, the lack of clear boundaries can be misleading when creating a project, but on the other hand, it offers more opportunities for imagination and the implementation of interesting solutions.

In order to form the desired image, it is necessary to follow the basic canons of style. They relate to the layout: in such a room there are necessarily focal points - objects around which the composition is built. In the case of the bathroom, this role is played by the bath itself, close to the middle. That is why the classic requires space, but if necessary, the design can be adjusted.

The style is characterized by the presence of symmetry and clear geometry, which is seen in the integrity of the subject ensemble, as well as the correctness of their forms. Traditionally, there are several light sources in the house - this "law" came from the 17th century, when there were no bright lamps, but continues to be practiced even in modern styles. However, this is not a prerequisite for a bathroom, which is compensated by large windows during the day and diffused, soft light at night.

Not a single classic interior will be considered complete without high-quality, solid furniture, as well as natural materials. Artificial analogues can still be identified with a detailed study, but another problem looms here: high humidity and high temperatures adversely affect wood, marble and other natural coatings. You will have to think in advance about protecting them or sacrifice aesthetics for the benefit of practicality.

The canons of the classical style are simple and clear, but the arrangement of the bathroom somewhat complicates the main task. However, this does not hurt to create a beautiful interior, if you have an idea about the variability of design solutions.

Color solutions

The interior of a classic-style bathroom should have a calm, natural range of colors, many of which can be borrowed from nature. This is due to the abundance of natural materials and the decorative properties of their texture. The overall palette may include bright shades. They act as accents, emphasizing the design, but not the center of the composition.

White bathroom in classic style

A versatile option for any space, with a spacious, bright and clean look, contrary to all notions that such a coating gets dirty quickly.

With it, you can create a monochrome design by experimenting with different light shades, as well as combine with pastel or dark variations.

The white bathroom in a classic style looks very impressive with large windows letting in a lot of natural light. In closed rooms, white will help to avoid the feeling of "closet".

Beige bathroom in a classic style

Another common style solution is a bathroom with dominant delicate beige shades: milky, sandy, walnut or a shade of light wood.

It also combines well with other colors, in particular warmer ones. Perfect for decorating the entire space, emphasizing its noble character.

Blue bathroom in classic style

Blue combinations in the bathroom are often associated with a marine theme, which today looks rather trite in the interior. Blue in a classic style borrows a sense of calm and tranquility of the sea surface, which are emphasized by white or enhanced by dark shades.

It is rare to find rooms completely decorated in blue. Most often it is used in the decoration of walls or furniture, thereby trying to diversify the design.

Gray bathroom in classic style

Many people try not to use gray, worrying that the interior of the bathroom will turn out boring, "faceless" and gloomy. You can avoid this effect with the help of harmonious combinations (with white, blue, beige) or interesting textures. For example, marble surfaces will definitely not seem monotonous, while glossy ones will add depth. But the result is a bathroom with an "adult", laconic character.

Bathroom with contrasting accents

The classic style in the interior of the bathroom does not have to look dull and subdued. There is a place for contrasting shades, softly woven into the overall ensemble of objects. These can be yellow curtains, red bathtubs or gold-plated elements. It is important that such accents are intertwined with the main palette without breaking the harmony.

Bathroom decoration in a classic style

Interior cladding can be compared to a frame that protects, supports, and also visually complements the contents. In order for it to cope well with its functions, you need to choose practical material and think over the design.


Traditionally, wood or marble is used in the classical style. But in the bathroom, almost the entire surface will inevitably come into contact with water, and a natural coating with such an effect will not last long. Decorative stone is rarely used due to its high cost. Therefore, ceramic tiles, the texture of which imitates more canonical products, remain the optimal solution.


In spacious rooms, several materials can be combined: for example, tiles around the bath, wallpaper with a floral pattern next to the seating area. Naturally, paper varieties will peel off after a few days, but vinyl ones will do their job perfectly.

For a more restrained bathroom interior, you can stop at the usual painting, decorating the walls with stucco or moldings.


To decorate the ceiling in the bathroom in a classic style, a smooth plastered surface painted in light shades will be enough. Such a solution will balance the “variegated” design and visually raise low walls.

Tension structures made of PVC film are relevant in three cases. Firstly, if you need to hide the imperfections of the original surface. Secondly, to protect it from dampness. Thirdly, to create multi-level ceilings. Plasterboard products are considered more difficult to install, but they have greater plasticity, which greatly expands the design possibilities.


As already mentioned, the main character of the room will be the bath. There are no strict restrictions in its design, but a traditional white container with carved legs will look most harmonious even in the center of the layout.

The product can be "painted" in any color, experiment with accessories, their shape. When choosing a material, it is not necessary to focus on past canons when there is light, as well as practical acrylic. However, copper or marble bathtubs can still be found today, but mostly they are made to order.

The design of the bathroom in a classic style does not exclude the presence of a shower cabin. Manufacturers offer beautiful stained glass railings, but even ordinary glass doors look appropriate if modern plumbing details are avoided.

Large families can take advantage of the latest trend and place two identical sinks indoors. Not only do they enhance functionality, but they also help create the desired symmetry as required by the style. An important condition is to place them opposite each other or strictly side by side.

Authentic bathroom is designed only for water procedures, but modern owners often seek to place a toilet there, based on practical purposes. For him, you need to select a separate zone so as not to violate the integrity of the composition.

Bathroom furniture

The arrangement of the room directly depends on its size. Wall-mounted drawers and shelves are part of the must-have bathroom furniture set, and sometimes complete it. Here, wooden objects with classic facades, metal handles, often painted in a noble color, look appropriate.

If the space has an impressive area, you can equip a real relaxation area: with an ottoman, an armchair, a coffee table, where it is pleasant to relax with a cup of tea after water procedures. Ladies will need a small dressing table with a mirror to be able to immediately tidy up. Do not forget that the aristocrats led a measured lifestyle and went about their daily business slowly, with all dedication.

Decor and lighting

Despite the specifics of the bathroom, it offers a variety of decoration options that are not recommended to be used at the same time.

Pay attention to textiles - towels, upholstery and, of course, curtains. The latter will not only hide the room from prying eyes, but also help create a cozy atmosphere in the living space. White tulle, Roman or classic curtains are suitable for this, depending on the overall design. With their help, you can also protect the bath.

Paintings protected by glass are often hung in a classic-style bathroom, as far from museum conditions prevail here. But such decor will enhance the spirit of aristocracy.

Particular attention should be paid to accessories, such as a cup for a brush or a soap holder. Such details are not noticeable during a cursory examination, but they are the final touch of the interior. Avoid cheap plastic items in favor of designer items.

It doesn’t matter if the bathroom has large windows or not, the lighting system for such a multifunctional space should be multi-level, but at the same time unobtrusive. A similar effect can be achieved with spotlights that are mounted in suspended structures. Such devices are placed above the main areas - the bathroom, shower, dressing table.

An elegant crystal chandelier as a central source will perfectly complement the classic interior, as well as sconces in textile lampshades that cast patterned shadows on the walls.

Small classic bathroom

The classic is not included in the "top" styles for small spaces, but if you wish, you can fit it into any layout. To do this, one should resort to a more modern interpretation, using individual characteristic features.

The best way to hint at luxury is to have natural materials and quality wooden furniture in the bathroom. Unfortunately, its set will be limited to only the most necessary, while being as compact as possible.

Storage places are best placed on the walls so that they do not interfere with movement. The mirror will visually enlarge the space, and the gloss will give it depth. The color scheme will be a salvation for small bathrooms, if you choose light shades.

Bathroom design in a classic style - photo

We offer you to plunge into the luxurious atmosphere of classic interiors and make sure that their image goes well with modern amenities. More beautiful bathrooms and unusual solutions - in our selection of photos!

Today, designers offer many styles for interior decoration, including hi-tech, classic, Scandinavian, marine and many of their analogues. A room in a classic style is always beautiful, solid, functional.

Of course, due to the wide variety of styles that are reflected in the interiors, choosing the most suitable option is quite difficult. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages, but the classic style has been and is very popular at all times.

On a note! Often there are situations when trendy modern interiors quickly become boring, which cannot be said about the classics.

Therefore, many people equip their homes in a classic design. In addition, this style is used in the interiors of companies and organizations, emphasizing the strength of traditions and the solid image of the company.

For many parents, the question is how to decorate the bedroom of their princess. If some prefer to use pink colors and create a doll world from the bedroom, then other parents resort to the classic style. The classic, despite its solidity and respectability, is ideal for both the room of a little girl and a teenage girl.

A room in a classic style, the photo of which is presented on our website, is proof of the harmony and aesthetics of the interior.

The gallery contains many interesting options, so everyone can see beautiful bedrooms that will appeal to you and your child.

In order for the interior to be harmonious, functional, cozy, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • natural palette;
  • full observance of symmetry;

  • natural materials;
  • nobility, luxury.

A girl's room should be decorated with light-colored furniture. The contrast of light and dark tones will look no less impressive. The most popular colors of the classic bedroom interior for girls include burgundy, chocolate, beige, terracotta.

It is also very important to correctly delimit the space, since strictly maintained proportions are the basis of the style. If the child's bedroom is small, then it is worth decorating it in a more modern style, since the classic is designed for large areas, open space and does not tolerate any restrictions.

When choosing furniture for a girl's bedroom, you need to take into account its color design, the use of natural materials. For a delicate room, you can choose furniture made of natural wood in light shades. In this case, the upholstery of the bed, chairs or sofa should be made of velvet or white leather. A characteristic feature of the classical style is the use of stucco, borders with antique patterns, stripes. You can complement the interior with large chandeliers with lampshades, lace, tapestries, paintings.

To date, designers and ordinary people have come up with many interesting classic interiors. Starting repairs in the child's bedroom, be sure to listen to his wishes and implement them as much as possible. If there are several girls in the family, and they sleep in the same bedroom, then the room can be delimited by partitions, creating their own comfortable space for each of them.

Bedroom Design Ideas for a Girl

A bedroom for a girl in the classic style is a miniature work of art in which you can emphasize the individuality of a little princess, her desire for beauty. The tasks of each parent include a thoughtful attitude to the repair, decoration of the room. They should make it as comfortable, beautiful and functional as possible.

The overall composition, the appearance of the room directly depends on the correct selection of the color palette and shades.

Important! Delicate tones, light, warm shades create a soft, relaxing atmosphere.

Contrasting elements allow you to highlight a certain part of the room.

The most preferred shades in a little girl's bedroom are:

  • a combination of cream tones and apricot color;
  • aesthetics of blue, green, beige;

  • mint-turquoise palette;
  • contrast of bright orange and mint hue;

  • calm atmosphere in beige and grey.

Apricot color has a beneficial effect on the mood of the child. He charges with cheerfulness and a joyful mood. To create a delicate interior that does not become a featureless space, you can use notes of contrast. Bright inclusions will be elements of blue, green, mint colors.

The room of the little princess should be complemented with airy elements. Lightness and freshness can be achieved through the use of transparent fabrics and appropriate textiles. For example, you can install a beautiful canopy over the bed. Flowing translucent fabrics, framed in a circle, will turn an ordinary bedroom into the palace chambers of the princess. Pink-sand shades, light furniture will create a fabulous, magical atmosphere.

The children's classic room is a room with large windows that create natural, warm lighting. The dominance of warm shades, stucco on the ceiling, walls, crystal chandeliers - these are the main elements of the classics. The floor of the bedroom for the girl should be made of natural flooring.

For example, parquet or laminate. To make the interior look finished and beautiful, a soft carpet with a classic pattern is laid on the floor. It can be either an ornament, geometric shapes or a delicate pattern.

Room interior in classic style

A room in the "Classic" style looks solid, elegant, and at the same time it is functional, as each piece of furniture is used for its intended purpose. The interior, decorated in a classic style, does not tolerate heaps. An excessive number of accessories, items of the furniture group will look strange, completely breaking the harmony of the room.

Of no small importance is the ability to organically fit modern household appliances into an established centuries-old interior. It should not attract attention and look like an alien element. Sometimes it can be very difficult to achieve this on your own, so they resort to the services of experienced designers. They are able to combine interior classics and modern attributes in a single composition.

To make the design of the room harmonious, it is recommended to place appliances, equipment in drawers, special blocks and deep niches.

At the first examination, a person should see elements of architecture, statues, beautiful vases, elegant lamps, and not a TV or a computer.

Classics originated many centuries ago. Today, the canons of the classical style differ little from the traditions that existed in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Its main differences to this day remain:

  • the correct outlines of the room;
  • spacious rooms lit by natural light;

  • the use of mirrors of a round, oval shape;
  • the presence of luxurious architecture, columns, elements of sculpture;

  • solid wood furniture;
  • exquisite textiles;

  • noble color palette.

On a note! Through the use of mirrors, you can achieve visual lengthening and expansion of the room.

None of the existing accessories and elements can do this better than framed mirrors. Notes of elegance and luxury are given by sculptural elements, a fireplace made of natural marble.

No less impressive will look artificial marble, as well as any materials that imitate wood, stone. Furniture in a classic interior can be both elegant and massive. Inlay with mother-of-pearl or bronze, upholstery with pink, green fabrics will bring charm and sophistication.

The classic never ceases to be fashionable. The interiors of living rooms in this direction are created in order to emphasize the high standard of living, the subtlety of taste and the perfection of style.

Photos of the interiors of living rooms in a classic style look great. They are associated with family comfort, pleasant rest, aesthetics. Each person in the living room meets guests, relaxes, does what he loves. It feels harmony, comfort, luxury.

Distinctive features of the classic style of living rooms are:

  • symmetry;
  • calm;
  • the predominance of a soft color palette;
  • lack of technology;
  • expensive furniture;
  • unique decor in the form of murals, a fireplace, columns;
  • natural finish;
  • exquisite textiles;
  • the presence of unique accessories (mirrors, porcelain figurines, caskets, candlesticks).

The classic looks good in living rooms with high ceilings. The room itself doesn't have to be big. If necessary, it can be expanded with mirrors.

As for the finish, the floor should be covered with parquet with a modern “deck” or “herringbone” type of laying. The color is chosen according to the style. Black parquet made of fine wood will look ideal.

Advice: notice the carpet. It will complement the flooring, get rid of the "museum", make the living room cozy and comfortable.

It is recommended to paste over the walls with wallpaper with a vertical pattern. It can be wallpaper in pastel colors, in harmony with the overall decor. You can perform non-standard wall decoration, for example, plaster rosettes or wood paneling.

Pay attention to the ceiling. It should be light in order to visually increase the height of the walls and create a feeling of free space. Refinement will give pilasters, stucco, art paintings, friezes.

Furniture in a classic living room

The classic interior of the living room is characterized by the predominance of high-quality wooden furniture made of valuable wood. Large sofas, sofas, non-standard cabinet furniture, functional chests of drawers are made to order. They are made mainly from the following materials:

  • velour;
  • marble;
  • skin;
  • walnut;
  • bronze and gilded metal;
  • mahogany;
  • velvet;
  • cherries.

Intriguing look pieces of furniture with stone and metal inlay, as well as decorated with carvings. As an upholstery, it is recommended to use plain expensive fabrics. If the design of the living room allows, you can order furniture with floral upholstery. Sofas, pouffes and armchairs made of leather give the room sophistication, majesty, grace, which favorably emphasize the classic style.

A large amount of technology is not used in the design of a stylish classic living room. This does not mean that it is worth giving up functionality. Proper selection of furniture can hide plastic cases and instrument buttons from prying eyes. Here drawers, closed cabinets, niches, shelves, partitions will come to the rescue.

Advice: make a special connector in the wall for the air conditioner, a retractable unit for the computer. So you solve the problem of "getting into the eyes of technology" and save free space.

Ask for help from experienced designers, view photos of their repairs, decide on the details of the classic style and get to work. Designers will select suitable modern fittings and stylish comfortable ones.

Design must be thought through to the smallest detail in advance. This will allow you to rationally select decorating elements in the form of portraits of celebrities, landscape paintings, family photos. Do not forget about the device in the interior of the living room in the classic style of the fireplace, because. he, thanks to a modern mantelpiece with expensive vases, souvenirs, gilded within the photo, can become the center of attention.

Lighting design in a classic living room

The classic interior of the living room is not possible without lighting. Don't skimp on lights. Hang a beautiful massive chandelier in the center of the room. It is best if it is decorated with gilded, silver or crystal pendants. Lamps should be made of classic forged parts and placed around the perimeter of the entire living room.

A large number of candlesticks - a classic. You can give the room antiquity with the help of original LED spotlights and wall sconces. They will add a twist to the classic style of the living room, creating the intimacy of the space, and add some charm to the interior.

Choice of colors

Classic is a style in which strict symmetry, harmonization of decor items, correctness of forms, and creative design are observed. Since the living room in a classic style is designed for a good rest, it is worth choosing an interior with a predominance of the following shades:

  • golden;
  • pale pink;
  • light yellow;
  • black;
  • scarlet;
  • sand;
  • white;
  • olive;
  • light green;
  • cream;
  • brown
  • purple;
  • Ivory.

Choosing a color palette should be taken seriously. you need to match the furniture so that the room does not turn into a “flashy” museum of colors. Patterns on interior items made in warm, unsharp colors look great. Avoid wallpapers in purple, yellow, hot pink and orange.

Gold-plated details on light wood furniture are ideally combined with white-painted ceilings and walls. The combination in the design of burgundy, bronze colors and a shade of mahogany is popular. Greens and browns harmonize perfectly with pastel colors.

Fabric decoration in the living room

Pay special attention to the selection of textiles in a classic style. In the interior you can not use cheap fabrics. Best to buy:

  • velours;
  • lace;
  • velvet;
  • light flowing tulle;
  • atlas;
  • taffeta;
  • jacquard;
  • brocade.

Heavy curtains with lambrequins, expensive curtains and beautiful modern cornices look good. This design perfectly emphasizes the luxury of the classic style. It is not appropriate to use transparent curtains, because. this is a variant of simpler styles.

Advice: use curtains only in combination with tulle. So you give completeness to the interior.

Fabrics for furniture upholstery should be in harmony with interior textiles. Here it is good to use the same type of fabric as for curtains.

The interior of the living room in a classic style must comply with the geometric shape, i.e. the room should be spacious and look either rectangular or square.

Once having crossed the threshold of a modern living room, anyone, even a person who does not understand anything in art, should notice the ideal design of the room in a combination of absolutely all elements (be it furniture, decoration, textiles, accessories) and see the whole impressive atmosphere of the space.

Rules for planning a classic living room

To properly decorate the living room, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • creation of a composition (semantic center);
  • giving the interior functionality by space zoning;
  • giving completeness to the style with the help of decor.

The main task is to correctly compose the semantic center, the essence of which is to attract guests. In large living rooms, you will need to create several such centers, for example, near the fireplace, TV, recreation area.

When there is only one semantic center, it is necessary to allocate zones for leisure, communication, tea drinking and others with the help of zoning. A successful combination is the grouping of furniture with the ability to save free space.

You can divide the living room into zones using various partitions, decorations, lighting, a multi-level ceiling, and a successful arrangement of furniture. Unusual finishes, architectural elements in the form of mosaics, stained glass, canvases, murals and works of art (niches, columns, arches) can be dominant in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style. It is important that these decorations merge with the decorating elements and fit into the overall style of the room.

  • high quality finishing materials;
  • restraint of tones;
  • lack of "flashy" colors;
  • giving the interior harmony, completeness, integrity;
  • lack of extra decorations;
  • the predominance of a white palette with blue, beige, light green shades;
  • luxury style (emphasized by stucco, sculpture, lacquer, gilding);
  • matching furniture.

Finishing work begins with the design of the ceiling, making it white. Walls should be monotonously painted or wallpapered.

An important element in the interior of a classic style living room is lighting. A huge chandelier with silver or gilded decor is welcome. The design of the living room does not accept plastic windows, because. they spoil the harmony of style.

Curtains are better to choose lush, with modern decorative ornaments. In addition, the presence of elegant tulle is a must.

The classic living room is the main center room, intended not only for free time for family members, but also for meeting guests.

It is pleasant to relax in the living room, made under the classics. In addition, there is an opportunity to be creative and express yourself by combining business with pleasure.

Since the basis of the classical style lies in rationalism and logic, the living room should look expressive and at the same time combine pompous forms, restraint and monumentality. You can make this a reality by using arches, elongated windows, rectangular furniture, antique ornaments, and bas-reliefs in interior design.

Interior design under the classics shows the refined taste of the owner and his high intelligence. This style also suggests a certain conservatism and indicates a high level of income. However, the development of design in this direction requires the most balanced approach so that the room looks elegant and harmonious. In this article, you will learn how to decorate a small living room in a classic style.

Luxurious living room in classic style


The undoubted advantages of the classic interior include the richness and elegance of the situation. It is always comfortable to be in such a room. The living room, stylized as a classic, looks very colorful and has noble features. For the most part, the design uses calm and unobtrusive color shades, which is why this room always looks like new.

The classic style is time-tested and stays away from changeable fashion trends, so this trend will be relevant and in demand at all times.

Small living room in classic style

Luxurious sofas in a classic living room

Antique clock in living room with fireplace

Disadvantages and options for their elimination

The main disadvantage of the classics are the high financial costs. When decorating a living room, you will need expensive high-quality furniture and certain finishing materials. However, there are ways to save a lot if you can do some of the work yourself. For example, you can significantly reduce costs if you lay parquet yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists. The same applies to wallpapering or leveling the ceiling.

It should be noted that when the efforts of the owner of the premises are applied to the interior design, the situation inevitably acquires individual features and is filled with a special atmosphere. Of course, you cannot make antique furniture yourself, but you can build some decorative elements with your own hands. They can be used as:

  • colorful covers that can be sewn for pillows;
  • lampshade made of fabric for a floor lamp;
  • knitted blanket on a sofa or chair;

The most important thing here is not to overdo it with decor elements. Otherwise, the living room will look like a museum room, not a living space. Examples of competent room decoration can be seen in the presented photos.

Living room decor in classic style

Cozy bright living room

Living room in soothing colors

Living room design in classic style

Interior of a small living room

Principles for a small living room

It is quite difficult for designers to develop a classic design for a small living room. The main difficulty lies in achieving harmony, when every detail matches each other. However, experts have developed several principles that greatly simplify this process:

  1. Proper zoning. In a small living room, it is better to focus on one area (for example, on a sofa and a nearby table).
  2. Lighting. The classic style requires lighting that can highlight different areas. In this case, the shadow zone will create the necessary contrast to visually expand the space.
  3. Minimum furniture. The living room should not have a lot of furniture, as the classic style is heavy. You should not refuse a soft corner, but if possible, do not use cabinets, racks and various walls.
  4. In a small living room you can place a fireplace. Of course, it will be quite small, but it will give the room a unique atmosphere.
  5. For walls, experts recommend choosing paints of predominantly light colors. However, you can use darker color shades if the furniture is too light.
  6. Furniture located along the walls should not be placed close to them.

Amazing Fact: if you leave a small gap between the pieces of furniture and the walls, the space of the room will visually expand.

Room height

The classic style is most used in spacious rooms. With small living rooms, everything is somewhat more complicated. There is a risk of overloading the space in them, so it is necessary to think through every detail of the situation.

The first step is to pay attention to the height of the living room. High ceilings are more suitable for classic design, but not every apartment has a room height of 3.5-5 m. If the ceilings have a standard height, a cornice is glued that runs around the entire perimeter of the room. Under the very eaves, approximately at a distance of 15-20 cm, there is a frieze. These elements are decorated in slightly lighter colors compared to the rest of the walls, which allows you to visually increase the height of the room. Modern fashion trends suggest sticking mirrors near the frieze, but this technique is used in avant-garde trends and will not suit the classic style.

In some cases, you can use the proven English method: paste over the room with wallpaper with a pattern in the form of vertical stripes. However, this also has its limitations. Do not use too bright and saturated colors. It is desirable that the stripes do not bring a sharp contrast with the main background of the room. Vertical stripes will create the effect of a high ceiling, but will make the space narrower. This design is not entirely suitable for small living rooms, so it is better to use other options for visually expanding the space.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper in the living room


A desirable attribute for a small living room in a classic style are mirrors. They have been used in interior design since ancient times to provide visual spaciousness to long and narrow halls. Placing mirrors on opposite walls expanded the space to limitless limits. This technique can also be used for a living room decorated in a classic style.

Advice! To add sophistication to the setting, mirrors can be placed in colorful intricate gold-colored frames.

Large round mirror in the living room

Mirror decor in a classic living room

Mirror in the living room in a classic style

Mirror over sofa in living room

Large mirror above the fireplace in the living room

Decorating the living room with mirrors in a classic style

As an additional attribute, it is allowed to use candlesticks or a spot lighting system, which will allow you to hide the small dimensions of the room, and the reflection of light in the mirrors will make the atmosphere truly cozy.

Designers are advised to equip a multi-level ceiling. Even with the help of one step, you can correctly divide the room into zones. Of the materials, it is preferable to use drywall.

If the room is small in height, it is recommended to make stretch ceilings. For maximum compliance with the classical style, it is better to choose light-colored ceilings with a glossy effect. In this case, the height of the room will increase immediately from two factors: bright lighting and a mirror surface.

The ceiling can be pasted over with light wallpaper or simply painted white. Any available solution will do here. The main thing is that the ceiling is designed in bright colors. In the photo of a small living room in a classic style, you can see various options for a successful ceiling design.

Ceiling decorated with gold in the living room

White ceiling in the living room

Ceiling decoration in the living room

Ceiling in a classic living room


For a living room under the classics, certain lighting is required. The chandelier and other lamps should fit the style of the era in which the interior is decorated. Should not be abused with artsy forging. It is better to choose more discreet options. Chandeliers and lamps themselves should also be used in moderation.

Very important! There is one obligatory rule: the chandelier in the living room must be placed strictly above the seating area, which can be located both in the geometric center of the room and outside it.

Visual examples of competent and thoughtful lighting can be found in the photo.

Chandelier and wall lights in the living room

Floor lamp, table lamp, chandelier in the interior

Lighting option for a living room in a classic style

Classic room lighting


Walls are one of the most important elements in the design of a living room in a classic style. For their harmonious finish, you can be guided by the following rules:

  • both wallpaper and light paint will look equally good on the walls;
  • it is better to refuse wallpaper with large patterns, as they do not correspond to the classical style;
  • preference should be given only to a small pattern;
  • garlands or floral patterns are acceptable;
  • walls must be decorated with various accessories: paintings or panoramas in which paintings will be placed. They must be kept in the same style;
  • for classics, murals with landscape motifs are not suitable;
  • a good solution would be to decorate the walls with columns, and in a small living room it is preferable to use semi-columns.

Classic living room in soft colors

Wallpaper in the living room with a corner sofa

Wall decoration for a classic living room


Among all types of flooring, parquet and laminate, as well as ceramic tiles, are most suitable for classic style.

Advice! It is desirable that in small rooms the pattern on the tile or parquet is minimal.

The flooring should be designed without frills and maintained in a traditional style. In the classical direction, a plinth is necessarily used. When using ceramic tiles, you will additionally have to install underfloor heating. There are no special requirements for carpeting. It can be placed strictly in the center of the room or in the recreation area. The photo shows the most successful examples of the design of flooring in a classic style, which you should definitely take into service.

Floor tiling in the living room

Laminate in a classic living room

Parquet in the living room

Windows and doors

Only a wooden door is suitable for a classic-style living room. It is completely unacceptable to use plastic options. It will be good to decorate the doorway with an arch. Decorative elements in the form of cornices and columns are welcome.

In their style and shape, the windows must fully correspond to the doors. Luxurious curtains are used as decoration, with a large number of folds or draperies. As for the cornice for attaching curtains: it should always be in sight and match the surroundings, as it acts as an important decorative element in a classic style. There are forged and wooden cornices.

Living room in yellow tones

Bright curtains in the living room

Window decoration in a classic living room

Door in classic living room

Solid wood door


Each piece of furniture must fully comply with the classical style. This design design involves the use of expensive, luxurious furniture made from natural materials. For example, put chairs with beautiful carved legs and buy sofas with expensive upholstery.

Antique furniture is perfect for decor, which will emphasize the elegance of the classic style. Designers recommend not using straight geometric shapes in the form of squares or rectangles, as they are inherent in modern trends. For a classic living room, furniture without sharp shapes is ideal, so a sideboard or an old chest of drawers will fit perfectly into it. The photo shows how exquisite furniture can radically transform the living room space.

Decorating the living room with paintings

To emphasize the dignity of the classic style, complete the decor with various accessories for living room decor. Pictures in exquisite carved frames or antique clocks will look great on the walls, antique vases can be placed on the floor, etc.


As you can see from the article, the classic style allows for a large number of variations when designing a living room interior. Each person will find a design to their liking. It is only important to follow the simple principles and recommendations of experts, then your living room will turn into an exquisite corner, with individual features and a unique atmosphere.

Photo gallery (51 photos)

In the photo: Design of a living room in a classic style

1. Classical symmetry in the arrangement of furniture and decor

In the photo: An example of the design of a neoclassical living room with symmetrical lines

Classic interiors of living rooms do not tolerate a chaotic arrangement of furniture and decorative elements. Symmetry is one of the main principles that guide the classics and neoclassics. Therefore, for classic interiors, it is better to buy many items in duplicate: a pair of sconces, floor lamps, armchairs, etc. Living room interior photo, presented above, clearly demonstrates how the principle of symmetry is implemented in practice. Here, on both sides of the sofa, there are small consoles with exactly the same table lamps.

2. Classics of zoning - the allocation of zones with the help of furniture

13. White and golden beige

In the photo: Gold accents are used in the design of the kitchen-living room against a white background.

In the classics, shades of gold are especially appreciated. However, they are used there very sparingly, usually in the form of accessories. The classic-style living room shown in the photo above is an example of a successful combination of white and golden hues. In this interior, the golden palette is muted, so it does not cause dissonance and a feeling of flashy luxury.

Furnishing a classic living room

Classics in the interior of the living room is also formed with the help of appropriate furniture. As a rule, these are sofas decorated with a “carriage” screed, built-in wardrobes with laconic facades, glass inserts and sometimes pilasters. Furniture for classics and neoclassics must be of very high quality. Ideally, for its manufacture it is necessary to use exclusively natural and durable materials such as oak or larch. After all, classics are usually created with the expectation of a long service life. Do not forget about antiques. Items with a rich history can give a special charm to the interior of a classic living room.

14. Sofas and Chesterfield armchairs in the living room

In the photo: An example of an English-style living room design with Chesterfield furniture

Chesterfield sofas and armchairs are associated primarily with English classics. Such furniture is distinguished by special respectability. No wonder it is often used in furnishing the offices of British lords. Sofas and Chesterfield armchairs can be recognized by the screed and high armrests, turning into the back. Upholstery can be either leather or textile.

15. Bookcases and shelving

Pictured: Living room design with built-in bookcase

Bookcases, which many of us have already been forced to forget about modern gadgets, can be used in classic-style living room interiors. After all, having a small library in your home may instill a love of reading in someone in your family. Fears that the bookcase will deprive you of valuable square meters are groundless. In the end, you can always use narrow built-in shelving that "does not pretend" to your area.

16. White consoles and tables

In the picture: The design of the living room in the light classic style uses a white table and console

Consoles, tables and other small-sized furniture in classic living rooms have a rather specific configuration. On the one hand, the elements of furniture in the classics are distinguished by their simplicity, on the other hand, by the grace borrowed from French interiors. Tables and consoles usually have long curly legs. As for the palette, preference is given to light, and often white, furniture, although, of course, there are also models of other colors.

17. Antiques

In the photo: An example of a living room design with antiques

The modern ideas presented in the 2017 interior photos promote the use of antiques in the design of classic living rooms. Tables from the Nikolaev era, consoles that once adorned the palaces of St. Petersburg nobility, armchairs from the beginning of the 20th century - all these furnishings successfully fit into the classics, giving it a resemblance to interiors from the past.

18. Open bookshelves along the fireplace

In the photo: An example of a living room design with a fireplace, on both sides of which there are book shelves

If there is no room for a large bookcase in the interior of the living room in a classic style, then you can limit yourself to built-in shelving, the equipment of which does not require much space. Shelves with books are now often placed on both sides of the fireplace portal. You can find a place for them in the TV zone.

19. "Carriage" coupler in the decoration of furniture

In the photo: Design of a neoclassical living room with a "carriage" screed in the decoration of upholstered furniture

Screed in the upholstery of upholstered furniture is one of the most common decorative solutions found in classic living rooms. This technique, also known as the "capitonné effect", adds texture and volume to the sofa area.

20. Furniture made of expensive natural wood

In the photo: Living room design with wooden furniture

It is not customary to save on classic furniture. The same cabinets, chests of drawers and tables designed for arranging classic interiors, despite their laconic design, cannot be cheap. After all, this furniture is made most often according to individual parameters and from expensive natural wood.

21. Furniture upholstery with floral ornaments

In the photo: Floral patterns are used in the upholstery of upholstered furniture in the living room

The classic, both in its traditional and light modern interpretation, loves monochromatic solutions. However, this does not mean that some patterns and patterns should be avoided here. The upholstery of the sofa and armchairs does not have to be plain. Among the photos of the interiors of living rooms in a classic style in 2017, there are often compositions where material with floral patterns is used in the upholstery of upholstered furniture.

How to revive the interior of the living room? Decoration classic

Living room decor in a classic style is usually quite conservative. There are certainly expensive crystal chandeliers placed in stucco rosettes. Paintings, candlesticks, vases with flowers complete the composition. In classic living rooms, of course, it is difficult to imagine modern posters, an abundance of metal surfaces or plastic. But here columns look organically - architectural elements that have come down to us from ancient times. Fireplaces are almost always installed in classic living rooms. Thinking through the decor of such rooms, do not forget about moderation. The classic is not overdone. Therefore, to decorate a classic interior, a pair of lamps, a picture above the fireplace and textiles matched to the tone are usually enough.

So, in 2017, in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style, you can often find the following decorative ideas:

22. Stucco on the ceiling

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-living room with ceiling moldings

Stucco elements mainly adorn the ceilings. So, in the design of classic living rooms, high stucco cornices are often found, designed to visually increase the height of the room. Equipped with stucco and sockets for chandeliers.

23. Lamps in the form of spotlights on tripods

In the photo: An example of a living room interior with lamps in the form of spotlights

Lamps on tripods, reminiscent of spotlights, cannot be called characteristic elements of the classical style. They can equally decorate both neoclassical and loft or art deco. Floor lamps-spotlights give a touch of modernity to a classic interior. Such designs do not weigh down the space and quite harmoniously fit into the strict classics, where everything is initially subject to the rules of symmetry.

24. Carved door frames

In the photo: Living room design with doors framed with carved trim

The doors of a classic living room can resemble a real work of art. A true masterpiece needs an appropriate setting. Therefore, if you use doors with complex carvings, patterns and stained-glass windows in the living room, then you will also have to take care of the decor of the platbands framing the door frame. In classic living rooms, wood carving techniques are often used to decorate door frames.

25. Fireplace in the white portal

In the photo: Design of a living room with a fireplace in a white portal

The design of a living room in a classic style is hard to imagine without a fireplace. As for the portal under the hearth, it usually has a laconic strict form. In modern interiors gravitating towards the classics, white fireplace portals are often found, which are quite versatile, as they harmoniously fit into almost any space, regardless of the chosen color palette.

26. Mirror in a golden baguette

In the photo: An example of a living room design with a mirror in a golden baguette

Many of us are well aware of such a useful property of mirrors as the ability to visually enlarge the space, improve its illumination. In the interior of a classic living room, the mirror surface can be decorated with facet. However, if you use a simple mirror, then it will have to be placed in a massive baguette. As a rule, in the classics, a frame of a golden hue becomes this frame for a mirror.

27. Busts and figurines

In the photo: Design of a living room with a bust on a pedestal

In one of their recent design projects for a house with antiques, Olga Kondratova Studio used busts and figurines as decor. The use of these decorative elements was predetermined by the classics. It is this style that serves as a good platform for the use of busts and figurines.

28. Columns

In the photo: An example of a living room design with black columns

Another characteristic element of the decor of a classic living room. Columns help organize space. In living rooms they are often used as zoning elements. In home design, they can, for example, play the role of a ladder support. However, do not forget that not every living room columns look organic. Under these architectural elements, high ceilings and, ideally, spacious rooms are needed. If your living room is limited in space, then pilasters can be used to enhance its classicism.

29. Tall white double doors

In the photo: Living-dining room design with double doors

High white double doors with glass inserts can be safely attributed to the number of elements by which the classics are recognized in the interior of the living room. The living-dining room in the house shown in the photo above is the best confirmation of this. Here, with the help of such doors, a whole suite of rooms is built.

30. Pilasters and moldings in decoration

In the photo: An example of the interior of a neoclassical living room with moldings and pilasters

In the decoration of the living room in a classic style, moldings and pilasters are often used. They make the space more organized, emphasize the symmetry of the lines. Pilasters are perceived in some way as lighter and smaller copies of the columns that are associated with the classics.

31. Natural wood trim

In the photo: An example of a living room interior with natural wood trim

In classic-style living rooms, such as in the interior shown in the photo above, natural wood trim is sometimes used. This is especially true for country houses. Wooden walls can bring a bit of country style to the space without violating the classic composition.