Chest of drawers and wall lamp in the interior. We choose sconces for the interior of different rooms. Features of placing a sconce in a different interior

If in Soviet times only a ceiling chandelier was almost the only source of light in a room, today, along with traditional lighting fixtures, designers widely use wall sconces, for example, Lightstar sconces. The use of such lamps in the interior opens up great opportunities for the designer, because wall sconces can become not only an indispensable source of artificial light, but also solve a number of design problems. What are the sconces and how best to use them in the interior of different rooms, today the Dream House will show its readers.

Wall sconces: types and purpose

Most often, wall lights are used to enhance lighting in a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room or. For example, if you install a wall lamp near a sofa or bed, this will not only allow you to designate a seating area, but also make reading as comfortable as possible.

With the help of wall sconces, one or another piece of decor can be emphasized. So, it is sconces that are most often used for artistic illumination of vases, paintings or collectibles. And what about the decorative role of such lighting fixtures ?! A well-chosen and skillfully executed wall lamp can create a spectacular ensemble with a ceiling chandelier or emphasize the chosen style of the interior.

Today, the range of wall sconces is so large that you can seriously get confused. All of them differ in design, texture, shape, color scheme, size and, of course, price.

According to the type of design, wall lamps can be divided into three types:

  1. Sconces mounted on the wall using a special bracket with a lampshade or lampshade attached to it. Such models are highly decorative, can have any shape and are suitable for interior design in any style.
  2. Surface luminaires - models with shades directly attached to the wall. Usually such lamps have shades of oval, round or rectangular shape. Most often, such models are used to illuminate bathrooms and bathrooms. Such lamps are indispensable in rooms decorated in high-tech style, or.
  3. Models with suspended ceiling (suspended lamps). Like traditional sconces, pendant lights come in a variety of designs and can be used as artificial light sources in any room.

Contrary to popular belief, modern sconces are made not only from traditional materials - glass or plastic, but also from metal, wood, textiles and bamboo.

Equally varied are the designs and shapes of the lamps, which can vary from ordinary round shades to bizarre shapes. Heart-shaped wall lamps look unusual and original. Such lamps can add a romantic touch even to the most ordinary interior. But wall lamps, made in the form of a torch or a candle, will recreate the atmosphere of a medieval castle. In a word, the shape and design of modern wall lamps today amaze the imagination with its diversity.

Wall sconces

Wall lamps in the interior photo

Sconce lamps wall photo

Proper use of wall lamps in the interior

Traditionally, wall lamps are classified as local light sources and are used along with the main lighting in the premises. However, in some cases they are the main source of light, which is typical for small rooms, such as hallways and bathrooms.

Wall lamps can become part of the interior in any style. So, round lamps made of mosaic glass will be an excellent addition to a room, and discreet steel lamps with white light will perfectly fit into a strict and concise hi-tech.

Sconce lamps can be installed in any room, from the corridor to the nursery, but we will consider the features of their placement in the most sought-after places: the bedroom, bathroom and living room.

Wall sconce for the bedroom

In the interior of the bedroom, sconce lamps not only serve as a source of additional light, but also help create an atmosphere of intimacy. It is with the help of a sconce that you can create soft and subdued lighting that promotes relaxation, which is so necessary for a person departing into the world of sleep.

The use of sconces in the interior of the bedroom opens up great opportunities for the designer: by choosing the lamps of the desired shape and size, you can favorably emphasize the bedside area, visually highlight this or that object, hide wall imperfections. Traditionally, sconces are installed in or near.

Sconce in the interior of the bedroom photo

Sconce in the bathroom

Mirror lighting is especially important in the bathroom. Therefore, wall sconces for the bathroom, as a rule, are installed on the sides of the mirror. However, this is far from the only function that sconces perform in this room. Wall lamps in the bathroom, however, as in any other living space, will help highlight the most significant areas and become an excellent replacement for the traditional chandelier. In addition, the use of sconces in allows you to enrich and complicate the overall style of the room.

Sconce in the bathroom

Bathroom mirror sconce

Bathroom sconce

Sconce in the bathroom photo

Sconce for bathroom photo

Sconce for living room

In recent years, wall lamps have found wide application not only in bedrooms and bathrooms, but also in living rooms. Modern designers use sconces in the living room to give the interior a certain rhythm and achieve harmonious lighting of the room.

Wall sconces in the interior of the living room can be a spectacular addition to the main lighting and one of the decorative elements. In addition, if you attach such lamps above the sofa, or, you can visually highlight the recreation area and place the necessary accents in the interior.

Sconce in the living room photo

A luminaire mounted on a wall with a bracket or suspension is called a BRA. Such lighting devices have their own distinctive features from other types of lamps. The name of the lamp in French means "lever" or "hand". Today BRA lamps are any wall lamps.

Sconces provide directional or diffused lighting. It depends on the device of the lampshade. These lighting fixtures are mounted on the wall, so they can be used in rooms with any ceiling height. Typically, wall lights are used to increase the illumination of a certain area in a room, or to highlight a certain area with a lighting solution.

If you install such a lamp near a bed or sofa, then a seating area will stand out, and reading will become more comfortable. By installing a wall lamp, you can highlight a certain element of decorating a room. For example, sconces are used to illuminate a painting, figurine or vase. A properly selected wall lamp together with a chandelier can create an original effect and emphasize the style of the interior.

Varieties and features of the device

Today, there are many types of wall-mounted lamps. They have structural differences, and also differ in size, color, shape, materials of manufacture and cost.

The bra includes the following main elements:
  • Frame.
  • Shade.
  • Lamp.

The sconce lamp device can be movable or rigid. If the design is movable, then the lampshade of the sconce can be directed to any place, since it has the ability to rotate. The most popular sconce body material is cast aluminum. To obtain a durable coating, aluminum is chrome-plated, anodized or painted.

The shape of the lampshade determines the type of lighting created. There are the following versions of the lampshade:
  • When the lampshade is closed from above, a sharp bright spot of light forms under the lamp.
  • If it is closed from below, then the flow of light is directed upwards. Light bounces off the ceiling and walls.
  • If the luminaire lamp is completely closed, then a general soft lighting is created.
  • Classic sconces may not have a diffuser, but are made in the form of candles or in a matte shade.
  • Combination sconces have become the most common. Light passes from above, below and through the diffuser.

Lamps in wall sconces most often have an E 27 base. They can be of various types:, and others. Energy-saving fluorescent lamps are usually used in a closed lampshade, since such lamps look strange when open.

They began to be used in sconces much more often. They look more original than energy-saving lamps. But such lamps require a ballast and a transformer to reduce the voltage. This complicates the use of such lamps, since it is necessary to hide this bulky structure.

According to the design features, wall lamps are divided into the following types:
  • Mounted on the wall using a special bracket with lampshade or plafond. Such models differ in original forms, suitable for creating various interiors.
  • Surface lights made in the form of a ceiling, fixed close to the wall. Most often, such sconces are used to illuminate bathrooms and bathrooms, but can be used in any room, depending on the taste and desire of the user.

  • Hanging sconces just like the usual ones on the bracket, they are produced with different designs, and are used as a light source in any room.

There are also other different types of wall sconces, which differ in the type of installation, location, and design.

LED sconces

This type of lantern has a modern and stylish design. It creates an original transmission of light. LED lamps in sconces add sophistication to form and design. They can be used to provide comfort in a room of any purpose. Sconces with such lamps have a simple installation and are able to emit cold and daylight.

Wooden sconces

BRA lamps made of wood also find their consumer. At the same time, valuable varieties of wood are used: beech, oak and others. Most often, such lamps have inclusions of metal elements. This allows you to make the style of the bra more elegant.

The color of the wood coating is selected according to the color of the furnishings of the room and furniture. Sconces can be equipped with swivel and tilt mechanisms that facilitate their use.

Bathroom sconce
Sconce lamps installed in the bathroom should have the following characteristics:
  • Have moisture protection.
  • Must be protected from corrosion.
  • Must be resistant to temperature changes.

For this, sconces with halogen lamps are best suited. Usually they are placed near the mirror.

Corner sconces

This is the most convenient type of lighting in the room, since the sconce does not take up much space on the wall, and the lamp in the corner does not bother anyone. It can be used in any places and rooms for any purpose. Corner sconces are made from various materials, any sizes and varieties. This makes the process of selecting a wall lamp easier.

Sconce in the kitchen

This lamp looks especially original above the dining table. If you choose a sconce of a beautiful carrot or peach shade, made of glass, then it will be much more pleasant to dine.

Sconce in the children's room

Such lamps have the widest choice. Children's sconces exist in a standard look that is suitable for arranging a newborn baby's room, as well as original colors and shapes that resemble a favorite cartoon or a fabulous flower. The choice of such children's lamps is limited only by considerations of safety, taste and financial means of the buyer.


They are made in the relevant directions of the room design style. The material of manufacture is most often metal, which imitates bronze, silver or gold, with the addition of original lampshades.

Sconce in the style of "modern"

They have incredible forms of decorative and protective shades.

In the style of "Provence"

There are various forged elements in the form of grape bunches, plant patterns, chains, etc. This creates original lighting sources comparable to a work of art.

Sea style

Reminds us of portholes of ships, and other elements of marine equipment. Such lamps are most often made of metal with imitation of bronze or copper.

Features of placing a sconce in a different interior

Often in modern apartments, specialists use wall lights instead of lighting, since only they can create a diffuse, directional and soft light. This type of lighting is suitable for any room.

Sconce in the bedroom

To create a certain comfort for a pleasant sleep and relaxation in the bedroom, sconces can provide. Usually they are placed on the wall above the head of the bed. It should be remembered that either of the two people could at any time turn off the lamp on their side. Installing wall lights in the bedroom is the decoration of the bed.

If the bed is single, then the lamp is installed on the side of the bed, or at the head of the bed. But it always turns out beautifully and conveniently.

Sconce on the stairs, corridor, in the living room

Many designers use wall lights to decorate and illuminate the staircase, as well as to create an original interior on the stairs.

The empty walls of the corridor are decorated with several wall lanterns, which are hung according to the person's height.

Wall lamps are sometimes placed at the edges of a mirror or picture. This greatly transforms the appearance of a corridor or room.

Lamps are sometimes decorated with a wall near which there is a sofa. The interior of the living room can also be transformed into a modern style by placing multi-colored lamps on the wall. They bring a magical mood or various disco-like elements.

A lamp above the armchair with a coffee table will make it possible to highlight this seating area. The same area can be done in the bedroom. It's nice to sit in an armchair and drink coffee while leafing through books and magazines.

Wall lamps can also be used to illuminate niches in the wall, while highlighting the window zones.

Design tricks

BRA lamps sometimes help to eliminate the existing shortcomings in the erroneous layout of the house. If the room has a low ceiling, then it is better not to hang a large chandelier, but place a sconce under the ceiling and point it up. This will give the appearance of a high ceiling. Using a wall light instead of a chandelier is the best way to create the appearance of a high ceiling.

BRA luminaires also help to highlight certain areas in the space of the room. If the bedroom is combined with the living room, then a light design is used to separate them, that is, several lamps separate these zones by hanging them symmetrically on the living room wall. If you turn on all the BRA lamps in the living room, then the bedroom will be darkened and become invisible. The feeling of an isolated living room is provided.

  • The power supply wiring of the ABR is unobstructed as it is located on or built into the wall.
  • Light can be directed to the desired location.
  • Small mass.
  • Compact dimensions.
  • Wide area of ​​use. BRA luminaires are used for general and local lighting in any room.
  • Weak luminous flux, unlike a chandelier. Popular BRAs are designed for only two lamps.
  • Power wires spoil the appearance. Hidden wiring is usually laid only during repairs. BRA lamps are installed on the wall last.
  • For young children, the ARB poses some danger, as the hanging cord attracts children.

Our perception of a room often depends on its lighting. The right balance of light can make a room appear larger, and with a limited amount of light, there is always a risk of depriving a room of volume.

Lighting in the living room is also a decorative solution, because a stylish table lamp or an exquisite chandelier help to create the right mood or embody a particular style.

living room lighting options

The selection of lighting directly depends on the parameters of the room and the purpose that is pursued during the repair.

For rectangular rooms, one large lamp will be enough, but for living rooms with ledges or niches, other light sources will be needed. There are several basic options for lighting a room:

Floor lamps. To designate certain areas in the room, in addition to the main lighting, floor lamps are useful. They are very convenient and practical: for example, a floor lamp on a high stand can serve as evening light.

Hanging lamps. Large-scale decorated hangings will help to create a living room in a refined, sophisticated style. So that the lamps do not interfere with movement around the room, you need to place them above the furniture or near the walls.

Curtain lighting. Lighting the ceiling in the living room will be a fresh solution in the design of the room, especially if it has several levels.

The light will visually enlarge the room and create the feeling of a dome. The backlight can be placed on an overhead convex plank or in drywall. Beneficial beat the ceiling LED strip.

Illumination built into the floor. This rather original option requires preliminary preparation at the stage of finishing the floor.

You need to think over the location of the fixtures and lay the wiring even before installing the floor covering. But the effort will not be in vain: the decorative effect of such modern living room lighting will be amazing.

Spot lighting. Small lamps built around the perimeter into plasterboard structures on the ceiling will be the most correct lighting for the living room.

They will give a large amount of adjustable light that will cover the entire room.

centralized light. Traditionally, a large chandelier is selected for the living room, which is located in the middle of the room.

Modern trends also suggest that you should not leave the classics: the choice of materials, sizes and colors for lamps is unlimited, it allows you to choose a chandelier for any interior and style.

Various combinations of types of lighting

Pay attention to the numerous photos of the lighting in the living room - you can get a lot of ideas for future repairs from them.

For a room of 18 square meters, you can use 3 pendant lamps to highlight the seating area near the TV, 5 halogen lamps built into the ceiling, and several auxiliary light sources: stylish floor lamps on the table for ease of work and LEDs on the balcony.

For a living room of 16 "squares", it took 6 rotating halogen lamps as the main light, a floor lamp for the work area, several sconces to illuminate the sofa and TV, as well as neon lights.

For the 19 square meters of space, spotlights, ceiling lighting, steel tube lamps, LEDs, a floor lamp and color-changing LED lamps were required.

These three options show how lighting design can play with the different spaces of the room and make the living room more interesting and spacious.

But for each individual case of lighting a room, you should choose your own unique lighting solution that will emphasize the chosen design as much as possible.

Photo of lighting in the living room

The living room is the main room in the house, so it often has to perform different functions: to be festive when guests are expected, or cozy when you want to relax after the day's troubles. Diversity is difficult to create only with an interior solution, it requires properly thought out lighting. With it, you can zone the room. Local lighting devices are the best way to cope with this task.

A wall lamp should not be considered as the main means of lighting. But it is quite possible to create coziness with a refined touch of romance, or to highlight, thereby expanding the space. If you decide to abandon the chandelier, you need to hang the lamps so that the light falls evenly, without creating dark areas. As an additional source of light, the sconce is useful in places of rest (at an armchair) or for reading (at a coffee table).

You can create a romantic, mysterious corner in the living room. The sconce will cope with the task no worse than traditional candles. It is local lighting that will turn the hall from a solemn room into a recreation and relaxation area. This lamp is simply indispensable if you need to highlight a picture, a mirror or a shelf with a collection of something valuable.

Some sconces are so good in their design that they can serve as an interior decoration.


The design features of the device are simple. It consists of a body, a lampshade, a lamp and a switch. Some models plug into an outlet and have a push-button switch on the wire. In the manufacture of sconces, metals, fabrics, plastic, wood, glass, crystal, and artificial leather are used. They are decorated with rhinestones, precious stones, mosaics, etc. The lightness of the lamps allows them to be hung on any walls, including plasterboard partitions.


Sconces are diverse in their style, forms, functional content.

If we consider the design features of these devices, several areas stand out: stationary and rotary. Stationary ones are attached to the wall and create diffused light, while rotary ones are able to rotate, their light is emphasized.

According to their configuration, the lamps are even more diverse: circles, ovals, candles, flowers, butterflies, etc.

Closed sconces have a simple geometric shape, they are usually made of glass. They are fixed, as close as possible to the wall. They are good for low ceilings. For an open luminaire, a glass cover is not required.

Free access to light penetrating through open design, allows you to produce sconces of any configuration and from different materials.

Lamp directional light in most cases single lamp. It has a movable design that allows you to change the direction of the ceiling. It is used to illuminate photographs and mirrors. Diffused lighting is suitable for zoning, creating a cozy corner. It is also used in decorative lamps.

Decorative lamps are always pleasing to the eye. With their help, you can emphasize the special intent of the designer. For example, if the interior is made in the style of floristry, sconces "flower" or "butterfly" will continue the theme of floral design. The gothic style of the wrought-iron console will perfectly match the wrought-iron lamps with crystal pendants.

How to place correctly?

Sconces are mounted on the wall, so they are suitable for rooms with any ceiling height. They are usually placed at a height of 1.2-1.6 m from the floor. It is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling, as well as the configuration of the furniture and the lighting fixtures themselves. When creating a comfort zone with a lamp, you should take care of the outlet, it should be next to it.

If you need to highlight a mirror, photograph or picture, it is better to determine the light source from above above the subject of illumination. The design of the sconce in such cases is chosen modest, emphasis is placed on the subject of contemplation.

Placing the sconces in front of the TV can cause glare on the screen, which will degrade the quality of TV viewing.

It is important to consider the direction of the plafonds. To create a reading nook, they should be lowered down. Raised ceiling lamps will provide the illusion of expanded space (an advantageous position for low ceilings). In special situations, you can direct the light to the sides.

It is important to remember that improperly designed lighting will emphasize the unevenness of the walls.

Harmoniously, the lamps look in pairs. Looks good and the lamp, selected complete with a chandelier. A small room should not be overloaded with a large number of sconces. And what is important - the style of the lamp must match the interior. In today's abundance of lighting fixtures, making the right choice is not difficult.

Selection of lamps in accordance with the interior

When inviting guests to the house, you want to present your home as effectively as possible, and not to defeat those who have entered with a revelry of bad taste. If the repair, the furniture is designed in a certain style, the lighting solution should match them.

  • Symmetry and clarity define classic style. The whole point is in simplicity and convenience. Sconces in the classics are compact, made of bronze, porcelain or crystal with a small amount of decor.
  • Romanticism suggests delicate and sentimental colors, refined small ornament. Luminaires are light, airy, with dimmers.

  • If the design of the room is done in modern style, then the sconce must match it. It is better to choose lamps with rounded shapes, or asymmetrical, with broken lines, but without right angles.

  • High tech is a mixture of constructivism and high technology. This is simplicity bordering on minimalism. If the room is equipped in this way, the lamps should be simple, concise, without any decor and unnecessary details.
  • Room in the style of floristry has soft shapes, gentle tones, everything in it resembles flowers, grass, leaves, respectively, and the lamps should imitate the sophistication and shapes of plants.

  • Country style allows you to forget about the silence of the city and plunge into a calm home environment. Only natural materials are present here. Therefore, wood, fabrics, soft lines imitating plants are welcome in lamps.
  • Imperial Empire style implies pomp and chic. Heraldry, bright colors, pendants and medallions, curved long legs - all these are signs of an Empire-style sconce.

  • Fixtures Art Deco is a mixture of history and geography of all times and peoples. They may contain mother-of-pearl, precious stones, crocodile skin, ivory ... The style itself embodies the desire for progress and nostalgia for the past, it requires a lot of light (beauty must be seen!).
  • Pop Art- cheerful, bright, daring. Rampant fantasy on lamps is not limited. Glass, plastic, paper with drawings from comics, bright colors with unexpected images - all these are lamps in this style.
  • Gothic is a union of rough simplicity with refined plasticity. Openwork forging, metal, colored glass, crystal - everything will fit when choosing a sconce. A touch of antiquity is especially welcome here.

  • Fixtures baroque should admire. Ideally, you should look for antiques or an exact copy of such things. This style combines royal brilliance, theatricality and pathos.

You can write endlessly about the many styles in the home interior, or you can ignore them if you prefer other values ​​\u200b\u200band entrust the arrangement of your home according to the teachings of Feng Shui

Making a living room involves the use of many design methods to make the room practical, functional and comfortable. In many ways, the setting of artificial light affects the overall appearance of the interior. There are many types of lighting fixtures that are used to decorate the interior in one style or another. Lamps are a popular form of lighting. The light in the living room will be pleasant and unobtrusive if you know how to properly position the appliances.

Today, the stores offer a large number of a wide variety of lamps. This allows you to choose fixtures that match the overall style in the interior. On the other hand, this makes it difficult to buy, as there are so many design options.

It is important that the lamp fits the overall interior design: decoration, furniture and decor items. Today, lamps are produced in different styles so that the interior is harmonious.

Depending on the light that the lamps study, they are divided into types. This will allow you to determine the quality of the light you need and choose the right lamp. It can be purchased at a specialized store or ordered online.

Varieties of lamps:

  • Warm. They emit a warm and cozy light.
  • Cold. More suitable for bar lighting.
  • Daily. Bright lamps that are suitable for decorating the work area.

The choice of fixtures is influenced by the total area of ​​​​the room, the distribution of functional areas. It is important that each light is positioned correctly. Then the living room will be not only functional, but also comfortable.

Lamp in the interior of the living room: varieties at the place of attachment

Lamps can be located in different places. Depending on the quality of the surface, lamps with different types of fastening are used: wall lamps, floor lamps, built-in lamps. The interior will look beautiful if the lamp is located where it is most appropriate.

Lamps can light up a room in different ways. To do this, before buying it, you should decide on the place where it will be located.

Luminaires can produce directional, diffused or subdued light. It depends on the functions that it will perform. Before choosing a lamp, you should pay attention to the method of its attachment to the surface.

Varieties of lamps:

  • Suspended;
  • Embedded;
  • Wall mounted;
  • floor;
  • Desktop.

Lamps can illuminate the entire room, or they can be designed to illuminate a specific area. Very often, when there is not enough uniform lighting, built-in and table lamps are used. Well-placed lighting in the living room looks beautiful.

Living room LED lighting

The hall can be illuminated with LEDs. These are fixtures that create reflected light. Lighting helps create an incredibly cozy, quiet and unobtrusive atmosphere.

Psychologists say that LED lamps decorating the wall help to tune in to a calm state and a positive worldview.

With the help of LEDs, you can transform the interior depending on the time of day and the lights on. They create unique lighting through a variety of color reproduction.

Backlight Benefits:

  • Reflects light evenly.
  • Influences positive perception.
  • Removes fatigue.
  • Balances the emotional state.

The LED system has a long service life. Fashionable lighting systems not only create additional lighting. But the owners of the living room also influence the positive psychological state.

How to arrange the lamps in the living room

If a suspended or stretch ceiling is installed in the house, it is important to skillfully place the lamps on it. This procedure will not take much time if you prepare for it in advance. It is important to take the choice of large fixtures seriously.

Lamps must be of high quality. This is important to remember when choosing and buying them. Quality will ensure a long and trouble-free service life.

In many ways, the choice of a place for a lamp is influenced by the purpose of the room. It is also important to pay attention to its area, the larger it is, the better the lighting should be built. For a small living room you need few lamps. The following tips will help you position the lights correctly.

Tips for the location of fixtures:

  • Consider the geometry of the living room.
  • Determine the level of natural light in the room.
  • Calculate the number of functional zones.
  • Decide on the number and types of fixtures used.

The geometry of the living room affects the location of the fixtures. In a living room with high ceilings and a chandelier, you will need fewer wall and floor lamps. The more functional areas, the more lamps of different types you need.

How to choose lamps: light in the living room (video)

When designing a living room, it is important to determine the level of lighting and distribute lighting fixtures. Their choice depends on many factors. First of all, the level of lighting is determined personally by the owners of the living room. Everyone has their own perception of space and light, so how to distribute the lamp, the owner of the room should determine. You should also choose fixtures in a style that matches the overall style of the interior. It is important to remember that lamps are functional and decorative. Decorative lamps do not carry a practical load and are designed to decorate the living room.