How to make a small greenhouse out of frames. A greenhouse from windows is an interesting solution for a summer cottage. Lying greenhouse from a double-glazed window or a frame

Ingenuity and thrift make it possible to improve a summer cottage at low cost. One example of the application of their skills and abilities is the construction of a greenhouse or greenhouse from unnecessary old window frames. Such a greenhouse will be no worse than a greenhouse structure built from new materials, but construction costs will be significantly less.

Selection and preparation of a site for a greenhouse

Important! The foundation will be finally ready after solidification. Which takes 2-3 weeks.

The main elements for the construction of the walls of the greenhouse are window frames. They need to be connected to each other in a single solid structure.

To do this, from boards 4-5 cm thick, they build over the foundation frame by installing vertical racks first at the corners of the greenhouse, and then connecting them along the bottom and top.

To these racks, interconnected by long sides, the frames are attached. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, as well as metal corners.

For greater stability of the structure, it is additionally reinforced with supporting bars, nailing them from the inside of the frame.

Slots and holes that appear in the structure are closed mounting foam or sealant.

The best for the greenhouse is lean-to or gable roof type, which provides the necessary slope for the runoff of water during precipitation.

The choice of roof type is largely determined by the presence of a sufficient number of prepared parts. With their lack, a shed roof is usually preferred.

A greenhouse made of window frames has a significant weight. Therefore, in order to avoid even more weighting it, it is better not to build heavy roof structures over it. enough to make it easy crate of the upper part greenhouses and cover the "ceiling" with polycarbonate or film, securing it with special clamps and clamps.

For lathing, rails, a mounting profile or steel wire are used. If in the future it is planned in the greenhouse, then it is recommended to make additional places in advance for attaching threads with which it will be possible to tie seedlings.

It will become even easier to build a greenhouse from frames by viewing the relevant videos and photos with the stages of installation work:

After the repair of the house, it remains only to change the old window frames for new plastic windows. Well, where to put the old frames? What to do with them? If you have a small piece of earth, make a greenhouse out of old windows with your own hands!

  1. The main condition for good plant growth is light. The future place should be open, there were no trees nearby that would block the light of the sun.
  2. The second condition is the presence of close groundwater to the surface. Our greenhouse wakes up quite heavy (by the way, this is a minus) and the close location of groundwater can simply flood our greenhouse.
  3. The third important condition is the location of the edges of the greenhouse from east to west. This is done to ensure that the plants receive the maximum possible amount of sunlight.

By the way! A greenhouse made of old windows (frames) has the highest possible light transmission capacity, which distinguishes this material for the construction of greenhouses from many others (polycarbonate, polyethylene, etc.).

Plan the size of the greenhouse based on:

Main track. It will be used to approach plants for the purpose of maintenance and harvesting. Focus on a path about 60-70 cm wide. If it wakes up less, then it will be uncomfortable for you to walk along it and you may touch the plants with your feet.

Bed. Place for planting. The optimal size of the beds is up to 1 m. But this size can be adjusted up or down based on what you are going to grow.


To protect a heavy structure from shrinkage into the ground (and a greenhouse made of window frames is no doubt heavy), you need to build a strong foundation.

In addition to shrinking the frame into the ground, the foundation slightly insulates the greenhouse soil, protecting the plants from cool weather conditions.

Foundations may vary. Concrete, metal and brick. We will focus on the most common and reliable, this is a concrete foundation, namely a tape or monolithic type.

A monolithic type of concrete foundation is not often done, due to the high consumption of materials, which is not very reasonable today.

Let's look at the strip foundation in more detail. Conventionally, the construction (installation) of a strip foundation can be divided into stages of work.

Preparing our old window frames

In order not to lose a lot of time, it is better to start preparing old window frames for installation. What to look for?

Removal of extraneous elements that are not useful to us. Handles, canopies, hecks, etc.

Replacement of cracked glasses with new ones. Everything is simple and clear here. We don't need glass to fall into our cucumbers from the wind. We change cracked glasses for new ones without looking!

Removing old peeling paint. Ultraviolet does its job, but protective paint should always be. It protects wooden elements from exposure to the sun, thereby extending the service life. For long-term use, you just need to paint over wooden elements every or every year. If the old paint is holding well, then you can not remove it all, but only walk superficially (break the top layer of the old paint) with a piece of sandpaper. Thus, we increase the level of "adhesion" of the new paint to the old surface. If we explain in simple words, we make micro-scratches with sandpaper, which the new paint will cling to. Also, keep in mind when applying the paint should not be very thick or vice versa liquid (meaning dilution with a solvent). What paint to choose? Yes, the simplest one itself, the same PF 115 will do. Please note that PFs come with a different number, so for our needs we need exactly 115 (there should be a note on the bank that the paint is for outdoor work).

I apologize for writing so much about painting. The experience of a painter-sandblaster in industrial mountaineering does not allow me to write just two words.

If the fastening of the elements of the greenhouse (frame to frame) is made with screws, then the glass can not be removed. If you decide to fasten with nails - think again, if you have not changed your mind - remove all the glass! If you are too lazy, go for a bucket, wake up to collect fragments in it. And then buy new glass to replace the broken ones.

Installation of the greenhouse frame

Frames are screwed to a special frame (skeleton). It can be made from timber or boards. If it is a beam, then the diameter should be 5x5 cm. If it is a board, then its thickness should be at least 4 cm.

Installation of window frames on a wooden frame

There is nothing complicated here. The frames are attached to the vertical racks of the frame. We start, of course, not from the middle, but from the corner, and move on to another corner. We foam the joints between the frames with mounting foam. It is better to use screws for fastening frames to the frame. If you do this with nails, then over time the structure may loosen.


For the roof, you can use a film or polycarbonate.

The first is cheaper, the second is more reliable.

If you choose cheaper. Before each cold weather, we remove the film and put it on again in the spring.

Polycarbonate is an ideal option to make a gable roof.

It is done in the same way as a greenhouse, first a wooden frame, then polycarbonate is attached.

In this video, the owner built a small greenhouse out of window frames. The roof was made of ordinary polyethylene film.

And in this video, the owner built a rather large greenhouse (greenhouse) from old frames. Gives advice and recommendations on how not to get confused on construction.

Here are photos of the phased construction of a greenhouse from window frames.

Here the owner shares his impressions after using the greenhouse for 1 year. You can see the complete arrangement inside.

☀ Good luck and all the best to you! ☀

The mastery of the owner does not consist in using expensive materials and tools to improve his summer cottage, but in the ability to use all available, and, most importantly, free items for the same purposes with maximum benefit. A striking example of such a profitable investment of time and effort is the construction of a greenhouse from old unnecessary window frames. There should be no problems with the availability of this material - almost everyone changed windows in the house, and prudent summer residents must have kept the old window frames.

How to start building a greenhouse

First of all, you need to estimate the amount of building material, in our case, these are glass frames. Sketch a rough drawing of the greenhouse to determine its design. Having learned the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future greenhouse, it is necessary to determine its location in the summer cottage. The installation site should be chosen so that the walls of the greenhouse are at least 2 m from the nearest structures.

Important: be sure to take care of direct sunlight entering the greenhouse, this means there should be no tall buildings, no trees and other vegetation on the sunny side.

The next preparatory step for the construction of the greenhouse will be the collection of the necessary tools and materials. In addition to the glass frames themselves, you will need:

  1. Polyethylene film
  2. Cement, sand, water
  3. Self-tapping screws, nails
  4. sealant
  5. wooden planks

From tool:

  1. Hammer, pliers, wire cutters
  2. Shovel, shuffle, trowel
  3. Drill, screwdriver
  4. Jigsaw or hacksaw

Additional tools and building materials can also be used, it all depends on the frame material, type of foundation, roof construction technology and other conditions.

Foundation pouring

Naturally, much less requirements are imposed on the foundation for a greenhouse than on the foundation of a house or garage. Here, the load on the base is only due to the own weight of the frames, which is very small. Another thing is that the composition of the soil in the garden may be too porous and soft, in which case the foundation will have to be slightly strengthened.

The process of pouring the foundation includes the following steps:

  1. Digging a trench around the perimeter of the greenhouse. Width and depth are selected depending on the characteristics of the soil, but a depth of more than half a meter is rarely required.
  2. Formwork production. The ground part of the future foundation is lined with boards, it can also be unedged, the main thing is that there should be a flat plane on both sides
  3. Throw stones, bricks, waste metal and other hard materials on the bottom of the trench to save cement mortar.
  4. Prepare a standard cement mortar and pour the foundation to the top of the formwork
  5. After the cement has completely dried (1 - 2 weeks), remove the formwork and isolate the foundation surface with roofing material or other waterproofing materials

Tip: the use of reinforcement or piles in the manufacture of a foundation for a greenhouse is not rational, so do not waste money and time on excessively strengthening the foundation

Frame erection

The next stage in the construction of a greenhouse from old window frames will be the construction of a frame, to which the frames will subsequently be attached. Depending on the availability of free or readily available material, you can make the frame either from wooden beams or from metal corners or pipes.

Wooden frame

The wooden frame is made of bars measuring 40x60 mm for pillars and 30x30 for lintels. Bars are installed in 4 corners and connected to each other with the same bars, for greater structural strength, the joints can be strengthened with metal corners. The height of the pillars is selected depending on the size of the window frames used.

Through a gap equal to the width of the frame, jumpers are mounted between the lower and upper bars. Windows will then be attached to them. At this stage of construction, it is worth taking care of the future roof. After the walls are upholstered with window frames, it will be extremely inconvenient to mount the truss system. Therefore, it is necessary to build a frame for roofing, which can be the same frames, plastic film or polycarbonate sheets.

Important: Use only dry bars. If they do not dry out enough, then during the operation of the greenhouse, the tree will begin to warp, which will lead to cracking of glass windows.

Metal carcass

A frame made of a metal corner or profile pipes is much more effective than wooden beams. It will last much longer, because it does not rot under the influence of moisture, will not deform, and can withstand heavy loads.

For the production of a greenhouse frame, you can use corners measuring 32x32 mm or profile pipes 40x20 or 60x40 mm. They are connected to each other according to the same principle as wooden beams, i.e. with a step of jumpers equal to the width of the frame. The connection can be made by welding or self-tapping screws.

Preparing to install frames

Old window frames should be inspected for rotten or cracked areas. If necessary, replace low-quality elements or do not use this frame at all.

Each old greenhouse window frame must go through the following pre-treatment procedure:

  1. All unnecessary elements are removed: latches, hooks, handles, loops, etc.
  2. If the condition of the old coating is unsatisfactory, it is completely torn off
  3. Carefully remove glass
  4. Treat wood with antiseptic substances
  5. Coat the frames with varnish or paint so that they do not rot when exposed to moisture.

wall construction

The method of erecting the walls of the greenhouse from old window frames depends on the material of the frame. The following requirements for the installation of frames remain common for the wooden and metal versions:

  • Avoid gaps between adjacent frames and frame
  • Strong connection with nails or self-tapping screws
  • Attaching frames to each other for added strength
  • Sealing holes and crevices

If the frame is made of wooden blocks, old window frames can be fastened with nails or wood screws. The size of the hardware is selected depending on the thickness of the frame itself, but their length must be at least twice as large.

If the frames are thick enough, you can pre-drill holes at the attachment points. After that, the frame is applied to the frame and fastened with a screwdriver or hammer.

Important: make sure that the edge of each frame goes exactly to the middle of the vertical beam.

When installing a greenhouse from old window frames to a metal base, more skills and effort will be required than when installing them on wooden beams. Self-tapping screws or bolts are used as fasteners. The length is selected depending on the thickness of the frame.

Important: pre-drill holes in the corners at the attachment points.

Greenhouse roof installation

The roof of the greenhouse can also be made from old window frames or covered with plastic wrap, it is also possible to install a greenhouse with polycarbonate panels. When stretching the film, it is necessary to build a sufficiently frequent crate so that the film does not sag and does not accumulate rainwater. In this case, it is better to make a gable roof on the greenhouse with an inclination angle of more than 30 degrees. The roof frame of the greenhouse is covered with a film from above so that the junction of the strips is not along the greenhouse, but across. An overlap of about 20-40 cm is required so that water does not flow. For greater tightness, you can use glue or tape. After covering the greenhouse with a film, it is attached using thin strips nailed to the roof frame, thereby pressing the film.

September 17, 2016
Specialization: professional approach to architecture, design and construction of private houses and cottages, novelties in the building materials and decoration market. Hobbies: growing fruit trees and roses. Cultivation of rabbits of meat and decorative breeds.

Everyone is familiar with the problem with used building materials. What to do with old wooden window frames, if metal-plastic was installed in the whole house or apartment? If there is a summer cottage, then a mini greenhouse from windows is an excellent use of this material.

On average, a new polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​20 square meters will cost from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. A greenhouse from old windows will cost a maximum of five thousand, taking into account the costs of building a foundation and acquiring new boards for the frame.

It is not necessary to build a monumental structure, you can limit yourself to a mini greenhouse. How to build such a greenhouse with your own hands? I offer two alternative methods.

Choosing a place to build a greenhouse

In the photo - a mini greenhouse, we fix the frames on top of the ridge, the slope is at least 40 degrees

We build a greenhouse in a well-lit open area so that trees and buildings do not give a shadow. If the area is small, then we orient ourselves in such a way that the morning and afternoon sun illuminates the greenhouse, and you can donate evening sun rays.

In length, we have a greenhouse from east to west. In this case, the sun will come to the plants evenly throughout the day, the sprouts will not be bent.

If we are building a small greenhouse without a strip foundation, then soil moisture is not necessary to take into account. But when arranging a greenhouse of 20 square meters or more, this is when there are a lot of frames, the foundation must be placed in a dry place.

Greenhouse dimensions and foundation

Even a shallow strip foundation for a greenhouse must be built in a place where there is no close occurrence of groundwater. On my site in two places at a depth of one and a half meta, the earth is already wet, and there used to be a house. So in this old house it was constantly damp. When wet, the foundation gradually collapses.

We choose a dry area, preferably with soil from black soil, under which there is a layer of sand. It is clear that not all of us are happy owners of fertile lands. Therefore, if the soil is clayey, then for the greenhouse it will be necessary to prepare the soil before building the foundation.

Under the greenhouse, a certain composition of the soil is required:

  1. The bottom layer - gravel or gravel - is drainage that will allow excess water to pass through and allow the plant roots to breathe and prevent rotting.
  2. Next, a layer of sand is needed - all plants love light soils at the root lobes, which allow a thin growing root to form and grow unhindered.
  3. Only the last, top layer should be fertile. This is a layer of chernozem enriched with humus, pre-prepared leaf compost or a complex of mineral fertilizers (nitroammophoska).

Greenhouse size

A small do-it-yourself greenhouse from old window frames does not need a foundation. A frame made of boards or timber can be laid directly on the ground.

So that the boards do not rot, the lower frame must be treated with a protective primer on wood or tarred. Roofing material is also suitable, which wraps the lower square of the frame and rack, about 50 centimeters above the ground.

  • the most convenient beds are one meter wide, they are easy to process on both sides;
  • we make the path between the beds of such a width that it is convenient to move around. If you do not plan to use a garden wheelbarrow, then the optimal width of the track is half a meter;
  • the optimal width of the greenhouse is four meters. There are three beds and two paths here. The length is arbitrary.

You can plan a future greenhouse in advance on paper. It takes a couple of minutes to make a drawing, but it will help you navigate the right number of frames and boards, and optimally break down the right number of beds and paths.

Foundation device

The foundation is necessary for a large greenhouse, since the mass of frames with glasses is rather big. A do-it-yourself greenhouse made of window frames is installed on a shallow (50 - 60 centimeters) strip foundation, since the frame under the weight of the frames can shrink and the structure is deformed.

  • for a footage of 10 square meters, a foundation on pillars is also suitable. The calculation of the number of pillars is based on the number of window frames. Ideally, each frame should be supported by two posts;
  • you can make a foundation of concrete, brick, or use a ready-made welded metal frame;
    It is important to remember that brickwork without a foundation “travels” over time, and it cannot be buried in the ground. Therefore, under the brick columns, you still need to pour a concrete base.
  • in regions with severe frosts, it is worth using the natural heat of the soil. Therefore, the greenhouse is buried in the ground by about half a meter or a meter, depending on the depth of freezing of the earth in winter;
  • we fill a simple strip foundation in the usual way: a trench, formwork from boards, concrete pouring, solidification, formwork removal.

The foundation must be covered with roofing material before installing the frame. This will help to further protect the wooden frame parts from moisture.

A welded frame is much more convenient. Why? For the reason that, if desired, the greenhouse can be moved to another place. If we fill the foundation, then this is already a stationary building.

I think you will be interested, there is information regarding the assessment of a suburban area. So - when evaluating real estate on a site, all covered buildings on the foundation are included in the total economic area, for which you have to pay tax. Therefore, it is cheaper to weld a frame foundation for a greenhouse, which is easy to disassemble before the evaluation commission arrives.

Mounting the frame for frames

Before making a greenhouse out of window frames, all wooden parts must be treated with a deep penetration primer, and the wood must also be painted. This will keep it from rotting. Carefully clean all old frames from paint and fit the parts so that there are no gaps.

Vents and hinges do not need to be removed, they are useful for installation and subsequent ventilation of the greenhouse in the summer. If the frames are different in size, then we group them in such a way that the lower ones fall on the ends of the greenhouse, and the higher ones cover its long part.

Doors will be installed on the sides and the missing height can be hemmed with boards, but along the length it is better to be solid.

For the base of the frame, a 50x50 timber or an unedged board, a thickness of 40 - 50 mm, is quite suitable, it is no longer needed, as the weight of the entire structure increases. The board for the skeleton is preferable, since its width allows you to securely fasten the frames to the screws, and will give our base additional rigidity.

Frame elements:

  1. Lower trim - dimensions along the perimeter of the foundation. The bars can be fastened together with metal corners on self-tapping screws, and not with nails, this is more reliable. If the strapping is made from a board, then one or two more boards can be installed to stiffen the length.
  2. Racks are attached vertically to the bottom harness. They are mounted at the corners, along the length and on the sides with a step equal to the width of the window frames chosen for the greenhouse. Racks in one row should be lower than in another - for a slope of 40 degrees. The difference in the height of the racks is 30 centimeters.
  3. The top trim is the basis for the roof. A window greenhouse made of frames must have a slope angle of at least 40 degrees so that water flows calmly and accumulates in the film.
  4. It is not advisable to mount a gable roof on such a structure. Suitable and a roof in one slope. In order for the film to be securely fastened, the step between the roof rails should be no more than 60 cm. Drywall guides can be used for the roof. They are lightweight and very easy to attach to wood with self-tapping screws.

All fasteners are carried out only on wood screws. Fastening with nails during operation does not stand up to criticism, in a year the whole structure will stagger in the wind.

Fastening frames to the frame

There are several important nuances that must be taken into account when fastening frames to the finished frame:

  1. Fastening step with self-tapping screws 25 - 30 centimeters, not less.
  2. Joints between frames must be sealed. Mounting foam or regular window putty will do. Additionally, you can lay a thermal tape or a rubber seal.
  3. For reliability, the outside of the frame must also be attached with self-tapping screws, here the step can be more than 40 - 50 cm.
  4. For reliability from the inside, the frame can be fixed with a board along the bottom. We also fasten to wood screws.

If there are few old frames, then the northern side of the greenhouse can be sewn up with a board or a thick one. But plywood must be painted, as it very quickly becomes unusable from rain and snow.

Roof installation

The roofing material is a dense polyethylene film for greenhouses or polycarbonate. Roof glazing is a thankless task. Hail, heavy rain or a squall and you have to change the glazing, and the price of glass is rather high now.

  • The minus of the film is that this canopy will have to be removed for the winter, and the reliability leaves much to be desired. Advantage - a shed roof is suitable, less work and consumption of building materials. The step of the crate under the film is not more than 40 m, as it sags and rainwater accumulates in it.
  • Polycarbonate is more expensive than a film, but it is a more reliable option, and it also allows you to install an arched roof.

It is better to cover a home-made greenhouse of small sizes with a film; it is easy to remove it for the winter.

Installation of a gable roof frame

The order of work is as follows:

  1. We mount two load-bearing beams along the length, we will mount the roof rafters on them.
  2. We attach rafters to the upper harness, depending on the length of the greenhouse, from three to six pieces.
  3. It is important to determine the angle of inclination of the rafters, it must be the same.
  4. We mount the rafters to the bearing beam using vertical posts (trusses).
  5. Next, along the rafters, we apply a crate of slats for fixing the roof covering. For polycarbonate, the spacing of the rails is 60 - 80 centimeters, for the film 40 - 50 cm.
  6. We fix the roof on the crate. It is desirable to fix the film to the rafters with thin slats, for reliability.

That's all, our greenhouse is ready, you can supply water and install electrics and lighting.


In the video presented in this article, you can see the whole process of building a greenhouse from old window frames. If readers have any interesting suggestions and innovations, I invite you to discuss them in the comments.

September 17, 2016

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Only financial means and thinking allow the summer resident to create certain structures on his site. After all, as a rule, in the country we try to create everything with our own hands. Today we can talk about the creation of structures such as greenhouses, and they will be made from old window frames. This is the most budget option of all possible ones that can only exist. And you don’t have to look for materials, since old windows can be found everywhere.

Where can I get window frames? It's very simple: in a neighboring house or even an apartment, in a kindergarten, in a school, windows can be changed. Don't waste your chance: you need to take the frames to your garage. At the same time, they will even be grateful to you for the fact that construction waste (which is the frame) will be taken out of the site.

But only the availability of building materials will not solve the problem. You need to know how to properly make a greenhouse from frames for your greenhouse business.

DIY greenhouses from old window frames

It is worth noting that under the greenhouse it is necessary to carry out the foundation. Without it, the structure will collapse. The weight of the frames will be so great that over time the greenhouse will simply sag.

The most high-quality and reliable material is brick. However, the material is quite expensive. But with long-term use, it justifies itself perfectly. With excessive moisture, the stone can collapse.

Natural stone is also expensive, but will be able to withstand the strongest greenhouse structures. Natural stone can also withstand the most humid environments, which allows you to give advantages in the use of this particular material.

wooden foundation

Wood is also a very durable material, but after five years it will be necessary to change the wooden foundation, which will begin to crumble under the influence of moisture and temperature changes.

Experts say that the best option is concrete. Such a foundation can serve as long as possible. Of course, you can use absolutely any building option. It all depends on what financial means you have.

Structure frame

It is worth noting that the greenhouse itself from window frames is already quite durable. You just need to strengthen it and mount it correctly. In order for the frame to be strong, it must be firmly strengthened with the base. Window frames are simply connected to each other on the base using corners, self-tapping screws, studs and other fastening materials. Each person himself determines what materials for fastening to use. Everything depends on the budget.

So, consider the most common types of frame mounts

Corners and screws are rightfully the most reliable. During the installation of the greenhouse, it will only be necessary to put the greenhouse in high quality and strengthen it on the foundation. Parts of the greenhouse are attached with corners, and then interconnected with self-tapping screws. In this way, maximum stability can be achieved.

You can also install the greenhouse using wooden nails, as well as beams. This option is even easier than the previous method of connecting structures. Inside the frames are connected using bars of a small section.

There is another way that requires a minimum of time and effort. To do this, you need wire and clamps. With the help of a wire, you can wind it around the connection parts and pull it off with pliers. For tension, plastic clamps are also used, which can be bought at a hardware store.

Installation of a greenhouse from old windows

I must say that from the frames you can create any design of the greenhouse. The only thing is that you need to assemble everything correctly so that the design lasts a long time. In order for the work to be done qualitatively, it is necessary to carry out all the work in stages.

The frame and base are the most important parts of the greenhouse during installation. Fasteners must be selected strong, reliable, so that the greenhouse serves for a long time. There may be connections that require welding.

How to cover a greenhouse from frames

Since the frames themselves have a high mass, it is not recommended to use glass. In this case, the weight will increase even more. Glass is used when a small greenhouse is assembled. The best option is to cover the greenhouse with plastic wrap. To do this, use a simple crate on top of the structure. Once the film is covered over the greenhouse, you can begin to stretch the film.

Once all the work is completed, you need to check their quality. If no flaws are found, then you can start planting various crops. Now on your site at any time of the year you can plant various crops that can only be grown on the site.

A greenhouse in a temperate climate is a structure necessary at any cottage. Sudden spring cold snaps, frosts at the soil surface destroy plants planted in open ground, while the greenhouse allows them to be grown already from early spring.

And since few people want to spend money on complex designs and expensive materials, there is always a temptation make a greenhouse out of improvised means, one of which are window frames. If you or someone you know is changing windows, this is a good chance to get cheap material for building a greenhouse.

Wooden and plastic frames: pros and cons

We build a greenhouse with our own hands from old window frames: which frames to choose - wooden or plastic?

Window frames have certain Benefits compared to other materials. First of all, this strength of window frames.

A wooden frame will have to be built in any case, but the frames fastened together will take part of the mechanical load on themselves, and the resulting structure will be stronger than wire arches or pine poles, from which frames for greenhouses are most often made ( but not stronger than factory galvanized steel frames).

Additional advantage appears at such a greenhouse, if the windows can open. In this way, it is very easy to regulate the temperature inside in late spring and summer, when on a sunny day in a closed greenhouse the temperature can reach a disastrous 60 degrees.

Opening and closing the necessary windows, temperature can be adjusted even in separate parts of the greenhouse, if it is large enough.

double glass provides good thermal insulation in the absence of cracks through which heat could escape and blow cold wind.

Another plus - durability. Glass does not decompose under the sun like plastic film, and if it breaks for some reason, it is easy to replace it, especially for wooden frames.

Finally, price. If you change the windows yourself, then you get the material for the greenhouse is free, if your friend changes them, he can sell the material he does not need for next to nothing.

disadvantage is less strength compared to metal frames, vulnerability to the effects of putrefactive fungi that decompose wood and various insect pests. This makes a greenhouse out of wooden frames short-lived.

A greenhouse made of window frames has its advantages and disadvantages, but if building a greenhouse is necessary, try it, do it yourself.

Plastic windows for greenhouses

As a rule, double-glazed windows are installed in plastic windows, which allows them to provide more reliable thermal insulation than wooden frames with single panes.

Positive sides double glazing is strength(and structural rigidity), as well as resistance to negative environmental factors. They do not swell and dry out from changes in humidity, like wood, and do not rot. Therefore, they do not need to be treated with antiseptics or painted.

Disadvantages of plastic windows are their big weight, inaccessibility and difficulty in repair(glass in a wooden frame can be replaced or just clog the frame with a film if the glass breaks, and the double-glazed window will have to be changed completely).

Preparatory work

How to build a greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands, how to choose a place, what kind of foundation to make? Let's try to answer these questions.

Location selection

When choosing a place for a greenhouse, a summer resident usually has a poor choice. The main thing that the place was not shaded from the south, southeast and southwest. The neighborhood with a walnut is especially detrimental to greenhouse plants, because this tree not only casts a shadow, but also releases phytoncides that inhibit the growth of all other plants.

Trees can be dangerous also by the fact that heavy dry branches break off from them in a storm, which can damage or destroy the greenhouse.

It is also desirable that the building was protected from the wind which can destroy it.

The ground under the structure must be level, motionless and dry.. It is desirable that it be sandy soil. If the soil is clayey, you should fill it with gravel, and pour sand on top and apply a fertile layer.

You can read more about the rules for the location of greenhouses on the site by clicking on the link.

Project and drawing preparation

When designing a greenhouse, it is important to consider the following points:

  • the ratio of the size of the window frames and the height you need(it is desirable that the height of the walls be at least 180 cm), if it is not possible to put the frames one on top of the other, you will have to build up the walls from below using other materials;
  • roof: most likely, for it you will have to use a beam or a metal frame for the roof, since in winter it can accumulate on the roof up to several tons of snow;
  • roof ridge needs to be oriented along the north-south axis to ensure proper lighting of the greenhouse.

If, according to calculations, it turns out that there are not enough window frames, you can use polycarbonate sheets instead appropriate size.

If the greenhouse will be heated by a stove, immediately think about where the smoke will go. Chimney can exit both through the wall and through the roof, but if it is made of metal, it will get very hot, and therefore must not come into contact with either polyethylene or polycarbonate.

For it, it is desirable to provide a special window (you can also use the existing window), and close the space between the round pipe and the square frame of the window, for example, with tin or plywood.


Unlike conventional greenhouses made of wood or steel frame and polyethylene film, greenhouses made of window frames foundation needed. This is due to the fact that the frames are too heavy, and the soil under them will sag unevenly if you build a greenhouse without a foundation.

What materials can serve to create such a frame? It turns out there are a lot of options:

In areas where there are severe frosts, the foundation should reach maximum depth of ground freezing. Also use thermal insulation, such as foam.

Step by step: building a greenhouse

How to prepare frames?

Before you start building walls frames should be prepared. First of all, you should remove all metal parts such as hinges, canopies, latches and protruding nails. Then the frames are cleaned of old paint with metal brushes.

After that, the tree pickle with an antiseptic so that bacteria and fungi do not destroy it too quickly. Fortunately, the choice of antiseptics today is quite wide. After that you can paint the frames, but the antiseptic itself provides sufficient protection against fungi, insects, rodents and moisture.

If you decide to nail the frames, glass must be removed during installation if with screws, then you can not do this.


How to build a greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands: photos and drawings will help us to see this more clearly and build our own version of a greenhouse from wooden or plastic windows. To build a frame, use beam 50X50 mm or board 40 mm thick. The frame consists of racks, upper and lower straps. The latter should be made of identical boards and increase the height of the walls of the greenhouse. Racks from each other should be spaced at such a distance that the window frame is placed strictly between them, and they, in turn, would cover the gap between two adjacent frames.

For real the roof frame must be strong. It is best that the roof is gable, with additional supports under the ridge, because otherwise it may collapse under the weight of snow. Therefore, to complete the roof frame best of timber.

Rice. 4. Scheme of the device of the frame and the placement of window frames on it.


Installation can be done with both nails and screws. Screws hold stronger, but are more expensive. Each frame is fixed both outside and inside, on each of its four sides. Then the gaps between the frames are sealed with mounting foam.

Installation of a greenhouse plastic windows will have to be done with bolts and nuts, drilling holes for them.


It is undesirable to use windows for the roof. Instead, you can stretch a plastic film or use polycarbonate. Fully transparent roof means it will be too hot inside during the warmer months, therefore, it must be sprinkled with a suspension of chalk (as for whitewash) to create a slight shadow. The light that penetrates through the walls is enough for photosynthesis. The film is attached with rails.


It is desirable to make them two at the ends of the greenhouse so that if ventilation is necessary, a draft can be created. The easiest way is to put together their frames from boards and tighten with plastic wrap, nailing it to the tree using thin rails.

Rice. 5. The role of the door is played by an opening window.


Thus window frames are cheap and convenient material for self-construction of a greenhouse. The advantages of such a greenhouse are the availability of materials, ease of installation and operation, and the disadvantages are the need for a foundation and lower strength compared to a steel frame.

Useful video

Some more information about home-made greenhouses from window frames can be seen in the video.

Frames should not disappear - they can always be adapted to a useful cause!

In this article I will tell you how to build a greenhouse out of window frames. This task is quite laborious, especially if we want to get not a temporary greenhouse, but a permanent structure, but the result is worth it. Reusing old frames makes it possible to significantly save on greenhouse glazing, so it's definitely worth the trouble.

Such structures can be erected according to a variety of schemes, therefore here I will describe the general principles of construction that have been tested in practice. Having figured out what's what, you can make adjustments to the algorithm I proposed in accordance with your wishes for the final result.

Preparatory work

Stage 1. Foundation

A greenhouse from window frames is assembled according to the principle of a designer, and the most difficult moment here will be the search for the frames themselves. As a rule, construction is started after a major overhaul of a country house, when several windows appear after replacement.

After all, it’s a pity to throw it away, but you want to attach it to some business. But, alas, this amount is not enough for a sufficiently large structure, so you have to go to the neighbors and beg, barter or buy unnecessary windows.

That's what we need!

Usually, standard wooden structures are used for the construction of covered ground structures, and it is about them that I will talk in the article. It is also possible to build greenhouses and greenhouses from PVC windows, but this is quite an expensive pleasure, and therefore this layout option is practically never found.

Be that as it may, let's assume that we have the required number of glazed frames. Now we should somehow set them on the ground.

And here we need to lay at least some foundation: without a foundation, in general, only a very small greenhouse can be made, since the capital structure will inevitably sag under its own weight.

Timber base on brick pillars

There are several options for arranging the base for a greenhouse from frames, and I will describe them in the table below:

Material Peculiarities
Wood The easiest way to give the greenhouse the desired shape and evenly distribute the load on the ground is to install it on a base of wooden beams. The strapping of a thick, mastic-impregnated timber is laid on the surface or slightly deepened, and a frame for glazing is already formed on it.

The operational properties of such a base are satisfactory, but over time, even wood treated with a moisture-proof composition loses its strength. So the replacement of the bars (and hence the complete reconstruction of the greenhouse) must be carried out at least once every 5 to 7 years.

Brick A columnar or strip brick base is a good option in terms of strength and durability. Brickwork, folded in accordance with all the rules, can withstand a significant load, in addition, it also serves as additional thermal insulation in the soil layer of the greenhouse.

The downside is the high cost of high-quality building stone - however, in order to save money, you can also use used bricks.

Concrete A strip concrete foundation or a columnar structure made of concrete blocks is an ideal foundation for a permanent greenhouse. A concrete strip or blocks reinforced with a steel bar can withstand significant loads, while waterproofing the underground parts with roofing material or mastic effectively protects concrete from destruction under the influence of moisture.

The disadvantages of this solution include the significant complexity of the arrangement and serious financial costs.

Having decided to make such a greenhouse with my own hands, I settled on a combined version:

Before you make a greenhouse out of window frames, you need to fill in something like this foundation

  1. First, he removed a layer of fertile soil from the site to a depth of about 30 cm. He folded the soil separately and then used it to form beds.
  2. On the leveled area, he marked out the foundation of the future greenhouse and dug trenches 50 cm deep and 40 cm wide.
  3. At the bottom of each trench, sand was covered with a layer of 10 cm and the pillow was carefully compacted.
  4. I installed the formwork from old boards, lined it with dense polyethylene and poured a concrete strip base. Instead of reinforcing with a steel bar, he added broken stone to the solution.
  5. After the initial polymerization of concrete, he removed the formwork and covered the foundation with polyethylene to prevent drying out.

Beam over concrete base

  1. After 25 days (normally, you need to wait 28 - 30 days, but I almost didn’t endure it) I removed the polyethylene and mounted a 150 mm beam piping on a concrete base. I put two layers of roofing material under the beam for waterproofing.
  2. At the corners, I connected the bars into half a tree and secured them to the concrete with anchors. The wooden parts themselves were treated with a moisture-proof composition.

Naturally, this scheme is not the only possible one. Moreover, it is quite labor-intensive, therefore for greenhouses it is easier to use either only timber strapping or only concrete tape.

Stage 2. Mounting the frame

A homemade greenhouse from window frames is usually assembled on a frame. It consists of an upper and lower harness connected by vertical posts at the corners.

In the case when the walls of the greenhouse are of considerable length (4 m or more), it is worth reinforcing the frame with additional vertical supports.

Mounting the rack on the dowel

  1. In my case, a beam laid on a concrete foundation acted as the lower strapping. On the sides, I sheathed it with boards in such a way that they protruded at least 100 mm above the timber.

Fastening of racks by cutting or with an overlay

  1. At the corners, I installed racks made of timber with a section of 50x50 mm. The supports were fixed with self-tapping screws, pulling them to the boards of the lower trim.
  2. I made the upper harness from the same beam, fixing it on supports.

I needed a small greenhouse, so I did not install additional supports and reinforcing crossbars. If you need a large structure, then you should build all the necessary drawings and see where you can strengthen the structure with racks, struts, etc.

Approximate frame diagram

Stage 3. Roof

Much more often, the roof is covered with either cellular polycarbonate or plastic wrap - so the load on the rafter system will be much lower.

Gable option

This is the last option I chose:

  1. From the board 100x25 mm cut out the rafters. At the bottom of each rafter leg, I made a selection for the top harness.
  2. I connected the rafters in pairs, and then fastened them with a ridge beam.
  3. On the rafters, I fixed the frame for the opening window.
  4. With the help of two helpers, the resulting roof frame was lifted onto the frame of the greenhouse, installed on the upper trim and secured the rafters with metal patch plates.

Such a reinforced film is suitable for roofing

  1. From above I covered the roof with a light-stabilized film (both slopes and gables), leaving only the opening for the window open.

The minus of such a roof is obvious: the film does not differ in mechanical strength, and it is almost guaranteed that it will have to be changed in two to three years.

On the other hand, the cost of arranging the roof will be minimal, and the lower (compared to glass or polycarbonate) transparency of polyethylene is compensated by additional lighting penetrating through the walls from window frames.

Greenhouse assembly

Stage 4. Installation of frames

Now our construction is coming to the final stages: we need to install window frames, hang doors and vents, and equip the room from the inside.

Installation of frames on the corner

Let's start the description with the installation of frames:

  1. Old window frames must be prepared before installation on the frame. This preparation consists in dismantling the hinges and locking elements, eliminating the most obvious damage, replacing broken glass, etc.

It is worth changing the glass after the installation is completed: this way there is less risk of breaking a new window during installation.

  1. We begin to mount products from the corner. We put the first window near the vertical support on the lower beam, align it and fix it to the frame with the help of metal plates.
  2. We install the following structures with minimal gaps, connecting them with steel plates on self-tapping screws.

We connect the frames with plates on self-tapping screws

  1. If the greenhouse (well, suddenly you are so lucky!) Is assembled from plastic windows, then it is best to join individual structures using a balcony connector. It is inexpensive, fastens simply (the protrusions snap into the grooves of adjacent frames), but it provides a very strong fixation.
  2. After installing all the frames, we fill the gaps between them with mounting foam.
  3. Outside, we fill each slot with a thin wooden plank - it will not only help minimize heat loss, but also serve as an additional stiffener.

The photo shows that the gaps are sealed with mounting foam

Everything is clear with the first row of frames, but the height of the structure will be no more than 1400 - 1600 mm. If you want to make the greenhouse higher, then the distance between the top edge of the row of installed frames and the top trim is best tightened with foil.

I would not put the second row of frames (albeit laying them on their side) - the base turns out to be too unstable.

Stage 5. Doors and vents

It is not enough to build a greenhouse - you need to equip it in such a way as to provide an optimal microclimate for plants. And if in relation to heat everything depends on the tightness of the case, then ventilation must be thought separately.

The door in ensuring the flow of fresh air into the greenhouse room practically does not play a role. That is why I use the simplest construction on a wooden frame covered with several layers of polyethylene. I fix it on ordinary hinges and equip it with a simple lock that keeps the door leaf closed.

Door on a timber frame

It is much more important that there are effectively working windows in the greenhouse. It would seem that the answer to the question of how to make a window in a greenhouse is extremely simple - take and use any of the vents on the frames that now make up the walls.

But the fact is that such windows will have to be opened and closed on their own, depending on the temperature inside the greenhouse - and this is quite troublesome, and there is always a risk of missing the right moment.

An automatic window that opens and closes depending on the temperature does not have these drawbacks. The easiest way is to equip it with a special hydraulic cylinder, but the price of such a device may seem unnecessarily high to many.

Therefore, in this section I will tell you how to make a structure with similar functionality with your own hands from improvised means:

Hydraulic cylinder for greenhouse

  1. I take a ready-made small sash or make it from profiled timber. I install axial hinges on the frame - so that the sash rotates around a horizontal axis, and in a vertical (or inclined, if we make a structure on one of the roof slopes) position it is completely closed.
  2. Outside, I attach a wooden block to the lower crossbar of the window - it will play the role of a load for automatic closing.
  3. I fill the jar with liquid (I use antifreeze, but you can also take water) by about 40% and close it hermetically. I put a thin tube in the lid.
  4. I securely fasten the container with antifreeze and the tube under the ridge of the greenhouse.
  5. I also close the second jar (smaller volume) with a lid with a tube. In the lid I make a hole with a diameter of 3 mm for air access. I fill the jar with antifreeze so that the lower edge of the tube is immersed by about 10-12 mm.
  6. I drive a long nail into the upper crossbar of the frame of the opening window, to which I securely hang a small jar.
  7. I connect both containers with a flexible hose.

Homemade automatic window: 1) counterweight; 2) frame; 3) limiter; 4) hanger for smaller capacity

Self-opening windows in the greenhouse work according to the following scheme:

  1. When the temperature rises, the liquid from the upper container will evaporate and flow through the hose into the lower container. Besides. It will play the role of increasing pressure during the expansion of antifreeze.
  2. Due to this, the weight acting on the upper crossbar of the window will increase, and the window will open, letting in fresh air.
  3. When the temperature drops, the reverse process will be observed: the liquid will be drawn into the upper (hermetic) container, and the window will close under its own weight.

Before making such a design the basis of the entire ventilation system, it must be adjusted by selecting the optimal volumes of liquid for reliable operation of the system.

Actually, the arrangement of the greenhouse does not end there: you need to lay inside the beds, lay paths, if this is provided for by the project - install lighting and additional heating. But in any case, the design is quite reliable and functional!


A do-it-yourself greenhouse from old window frames can be created even by those gardeners who previously had nothing to do with construction and design. Its design is quite simple, and therefore, after reading the recommendations in the text and studying the video in this article, you can assemble this structure quickly and at relatively low cost.

If this idea interests you, then all the questions that arise can be asked in the comments below: if I can, I will definitely advise something sensible!

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Far-sighted owners, in order to grow early greens and vegetables, are thinking about how to equip greenhouses. To do this, the most inventive and economical of them choose from a large number of building materials those that literally lie under their feet. One of the options for improvised material used to build a greenhouse with your own hands are old window frames.

Alternative ways to build greenhouses

The simplest type of greenhouse is a covering one. It is a polyethylene film that covers the frame structure.


To create a frame, you need a material that has a certain strength and flexibility. This can be large diameter wire, pipes, or any other material option that has the appropriate properties. The frame constructed by bending the blanks is covered with polyethylene, the edges of which are fixed on the ground with a board and covered with earth.

To implement another version of such a structure, you will need an old pallet and boards sheathed with foil. This design has a compact size. Place it near the wall of the building, which is located on the sunny side. In this case, the calculation is that at night heat will be transferred from the wall to the greenhouse.

When using a polypropylene pipe and film, you can equip a more reliable and practical greenhouse in operation. To assemble it, pipes and corners made of polypropylene are needed. The frame of the required size is obtained by mounting the pipe structure to the corners by welding and gluing. Polypropylene is easily processed, so you can easily assemble a greenhouse of the right size.

Greenhouse made of polypropylene pipe and film

If you use a large diameter pipe, then the film can be replaced with sheet polycarbonate. If you stiffen the entire structure with special ribs, you get a reliable and durable greenhouse.

A large number of used plastic bottles gave an impetus to engineering. To build a greenhouse from such material, a considerable amount of such empty containers will be required. On the mounted frame, a wire or a strong thread is pulled in two rows. Between them, bottles are installed in the form of columns, the bottom of which was previously removed. For greater tightness of the structure, the bottles should be installed with maximum density.

bottle greenhouse

However, with all the advantages of the described structures, do-it-yourself greenhouses from window frames are leaders in popularity and their qualities.

How to supply construction with blanks?

It would seem that the insoluble question, which consists in providing the construction site with a sufficient number of old window frames, has a simple answer. Moreover, the scale of the problem is exaggerated, since the dimensions of the greenhouse will not require many window structures. The mass transition of residents from wooden frames to modern double-glazed windows determines the availability of the required material in the vicinity of the house. If it is not possible to find old window frames, then you can seek help from specialists who install double-glazed windows. Most often, used frames are unclaimed.

old window frames

The process of building a greenhouse from window frames

Site selection

The choice of a construction site depends on such factors:

  • how well the area is lit;
  • is there a shadow from other structures that have a greater height;
  • to what extent the site is protected from the effects of wind;
  • location relative to the cardinal points.

The choice of greenhouse dimensions is influenced by:

  • plot dimensions;
  • type of crops and their number;
  • window frame dimensions.

Frame greenhouse

An important factor is the characteristics of the soil. It is undesirable to build a building on swampy or very wet soil, as the risk of subsidence of the structure increases. For reliable installation of the greenhouse, dry soil with sufficient density is best suited. In addition, the presence of groundwater significantly affects the choice of construction site. The minimum depth of their occurrence should be at least one and a half meters.

At the same time, it is important to provide for an appropriate height of the room, which allows you to carry out work in the greenhouse. Having determined the approximate dimensions of the building, a selection of old window structures is made, which makes it possible to clarify the length of the structure.

At the end, a plan is drawn up and the width of the structure is calculated, taking into account the location of the beds and paths that you wish.

foundation or foundation

Due to the fact that the structure has a certain mass, the organization of the base for it is a necessary step. In order to prevent subsidence or destruction of the greenhouse, as well as to give it strength and reliability, it is installed on the foundation.

There are various options for organizing the foundation:

  • Brick. It is characterized by reliability, but at the same time relatively high cost. With proper installation, it has sufficient durability. However, when exposed to moisture and temperature changes, it is prone to destruction.
  • Stone. High cost, but extremely reliable. Can withstand the load of a larger mass structure. Resistant to external factors and has a long service life.
  • Wood. The foundation of such a material has acceptable strength and stability, but not a long service life. Durability does not exceed 5-8 years. It should be understood that the window frames themselves are likely to last no longer.
  • Concrete. The device of the strip foundation is optimal in terms of durability, performance and cost of the structure.

Foundation - the basis of the greenhouse

Preparatory work with frames

Before you build a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands, in order to simplify the assembly of the structure, as well as increase its strength characteristics, preparatory measures should be taken. Parts of the frames may be worn out, so they must be dismantled or replaced. Preparation means:

  • removal of accessories;
  • removal of old paint;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • dismantling of glazing in the presence of spalls and other defects;
  • fixing vents that will not be used.

The preparation and layout of the frames must take into account that the greenhouse must have a height of at least 1.7 m.

floor laying

It is important to pre-organize drainage when arranging the floor in order to prevent flooding of the structure and premature failure of its elements. For this purpose, it is necessary to dig a trench 150 mm deep, and at the bottom of it create a pillow of sand and gravel. If the floor is constructed of concrete, it is required to create a slope with a slight angle, as well as provide a hole for draining water.

Proper organization of the internal space of the greenhouse is of great practical and certain aesthetic importance. It is desirable to protect the passages with curbs, which can be made of wood or plastic. This will prevent the soil from moving into the passage.

In addition to concrete, for organizing paths inside the greenhouse, you can use:

  • sawdust. They absorb moisture, create conditions for comfortable movement of a person, but prevent the movement of equipment. The use of sawdust leads to clogging of the greenhouse area;
  • ceramic tile. As a rule, significant Competently arrange the paths inside the greenhouse

    the cost of the material does not imply its use in budget designs. But in the case when there is a residue or a tile battle after the repair, it can be used to organize a practical floor;

  • wood. To create a floor, bars are laid along the greenhouse, to which planks are mounted in the transverse direction. Such flooring should be subjected to antiseptic treatment in order to increase the life of the structure;
  • brick. Bricks are laid on a pillow of sand. After that, wet sand is poured into the gaps between them and compacted. This design has a long service life and is practical to use.

Making the right frame

To create a greenhouse from frames, it is better to use boards as a frame. Their thickness should be approximately the same as the frames and be 40-50 mm. The boards are connected in such a way that the structure is a harness. The strapping should be at the top and bottom, while it is desirable that the bottom be made up of two rows of boards.

Correct frame


Installation of vertical racks will allow to form the volume of the structure. The frames are fastened to the racks along the long side. Existing gaps must be sealed with construction foam. To create a more rigid structure, the frames are fastened from the inside with bars that serve as a support.

The cross section of these parts may be smaller than that of the material of the main elements.

Give greater stability to the structure vertical supports, which are recommended to be mounted when installing the frame. They are fixed with cement or by nailing with racks.

To avoid drafts, be sure to make sure that all cracks are eliminated. The exception is vents designed for ventilation.


Roof device

Before you make a greenhouse from old window frames, you need to decide on the type of roof. The roof can be made with one or two slopes. To a certain extent, the choice depends on the number of structural elements available. With a limited number of them, it is possible to decide on the construction of a shed roof, the slope of which should contribute to the unhindered precipitation.

Under equal conditions, a gable roof device is preferable. Pre-prepared and processed blanks from frames are placed on the upper trim and nailed to them. After that, a skate is constructed from wood or plastic. It is important that the joints are as tight as possible. The occurrence of leaks leads to a violation of the microclimate in the greenhouse, and contributes to the development of mold.

In case of a shortage of blanks from frames, you can use sheet polycarbonate or a dense film specially designed for the construction of greenhouses.

Roof device

Greenhouse installation: step by step instructions

A greenhouse made of frames can survive more than one winter
Long greenhouse made of frames