Original garden furniture with your own hands. Garden furniture. Chaise lounge for a summer residence - a comfortable stay in the garden


If you want to make your summer cottage even more beautiful and better, you will definitely be interested in DIY garden furniture. Firstly, it will allow you to decorate the garden by adding a few memorable accents to it. Secondly, with the help of furniture you will make it much more comfortable, creating a comfortable corner for relaxation in the very center of green spaces.

Required Tools

DIY garden furniture: the choice of materials for construction

The most popular material is wood. And all due to the fact that it is not only integral part nature, unlike metal or plastic, but will also harmoniously complement the landscape. In this case, it is not necessary to use plywood, fiberboard or chipboard. So, for example, many people create magnificent author's furniture from branches or trunks of trees, branched roots. Gabions are also very popular for arranging the garden - special metal cages that are filled with stones. They can be used to make chairs and tables that are both practical and have unique visual characteristics.

Naturally, do-it-yourself furniture made from natural wood will be the most preferable. After all, it will be distinguished by a variety of forms, and the ability to make creative and original items, especially if you know how to work with a tool. Your main task is to find among the roots and branches natural beauty, resemblance to animals and birds. In this case, making garden furniture with your own hands will become not only a useful, but also an enjoyable process in which all members of your family can participate.

Structural solutions - options and choices

The most common option is a desktop for a gardener. Even if you are not going to spend a lot of time gardening, this piece of furniture is indispensable. Moreover, today there are many opportunities to make a table both comfortable and unusual. Thus, this table will be used by you not only when working on a summer cottage, but also for organizing picnics and outdoor recreation.

Don't forget about garden gazebos- this is beautiful place to relax the whole family on a warm summer evening. It is also worth installing a folding or modular bench, especially if you expect a large influx of guests. If your family has small children, take care of their comfort. So, best solution will create small table and baby chair. But it is important not only to create, but also to correctly arrange the furniture so that it looks favorably in the overall picture of landscape design.

Drawings, tools and impregnations

Work should begin with drawing up a drawing - a sketch or freehand drawing. Thanks to this, you will be able to see how your garden will look like, and what would be preferable for its decoration from furniture. You also need to find out the dimensions in advance, calculate the main nodes and prepare all the tools.


  • screws
  • bolts
  • self-tapping screws
  • PVA glue
  • grinder

You may also need metal corners and pipes different diameter, stones, channels, which will increase the practicality of supports. Do not forget to “drown” the fasteners in the tree in advance, as this will eliminate injuries and scratches that can be obtained during the operation of the furniture. garden furniture, mounted with your own hands, must be processed by special protective compounds(lacquer or drying oil), as well as antiseptics. This will allow protect it from rot and insects, capable of destroying wood. Thus, high-quality preparation of materials and the required tools will make it possible to make work on the creation of furniture much faster and better.

Making furniture - a step by step plan

The easiest option is a wooden bench. It is best to make it from a piece of board, sand it and treat it with antiseptics. Next, we put the board on a support - garden boulders or stakes driven into the ground can play its role. It is advisable to take a board 5 cm thick, you will also need a saw and a hammer to carry out all the work. In the event that you will fasten the board and legs not with nails, but with bolts, do not forget about the drill and drill bits.

Product sizes:

  • Short leg: width and length - 46 cm
  • The back of the bench: height - about 15 cm, length - 80 cm
  • Seat: width - 22 cm, length - 77 cm
  • Long leg: width - 20 cm, length - 84 cm

The manufacture of furniture begins with the connection of the legs - they are fastened together with nails or bolts. After that, we nail the seat to the legs and do not forget about the support - we make it at the end of the boards. The backrest must be fastened at the very last moment with screws.

Going to suburban area, we want to return rested and with good mood. To make spending time in the country pleasant, it is necessary to furnish it with comfortable furniture in advance. To do this, it is recommended to make garden furniture with your own hands, good examples of which can be seen in the photo, and the drawings will help you realize them.

To harmoniously fit garden furniture into the surrounding design, it is recommended to give preference to wood. From branches, rods, logs and trunks, unique products come out. However, not only this material is suitable for self-manufacturing. When choosing the basics, you can show your imagination by trying to create unusual solutions for the site. When choosing raw materials for work, consider not only general style but also practicality. Several popular materials should be highlighted for decorating a personal plot with furniture of their own production:

  1. Concrete blocks - you can make them out of them reliable table, which is subsequently easily tiled with patterned tiles;
  2. Flexible tree branches - from such raw materials attractive chairs, rocking chairs and tables are obtained. They are comfortable to rest in summer heat under a canopy;
  3. Metal bases - metal will provide high strength, which cannot be said about wood. Working with such raw materials is difficult, it must be connected with bolts and anchors. For work, pipes made of steel or duralumin are used;
  4. Handy materials - homemade furniture without extra costs easy to make from the remnants of raw materials after repairs, as well as unnecessary things. This includes pallets, tires, wooden cable reels.

The choice of material will depend on the preferences of the owners: if you want to create original furniture- to be preferred non-standard solutions. If the main indicator is strength - choose metal. Of the tools, a jigsaw, a drill, a screwdriver, a tape measure, a simple pencil, a hammer, drills, screwdrivers will definitely come in handy. To work with wood, you need a planer, a chisel, an ax. To work with metal, you need a grinder with cutting discs. When all necessary tools and the materials are selected, you can start creating masterpieces.




Step-by-step instruction

The advantages of DIY garden furniture are its cheapness, originality and changeability. If the furniture gets tired over time, it is easy to replace it with new products created by oneself. Among popular models for the garden, you can distinguish the following types of furniture:

  • Bench;
  • Deckchair;
  • Pallet furniture;
  • Braided options.

To better understand how to craft any of these items, it is worth considering step by step instructions assemblies. In the course of describing the manufacture of garden furniture with your own hands, successful homemade products, photos and drawings will be presented below.


The easiest way to make garden bench– application log cabins. Products made from such material add special comfort to the summer cottage, adding natural textures and colors. You can place a bench anywhere on the site: on the porch, in the gazebo, under the trees, near the bushes and even near the pond.

For self-produced you will need 2 logs, one of which should be thicker than the other. You also need tools for working with wood and thick bars. It is worth noting that the part used for the seat must be smooth. This is achieved using a milling machine. If it is not possible to use the machine, purchase a pre-rounded log.

Before starting to create a bench for suburban area, it is worth deciding on its type. The bench can have a back, be round, made of whole log or have fixed seats.

In this material, it is proposed to make a garden bench with a back. To do this, follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. Sawing thick log on the blocks and install them in the chosen place. The distance between them should not exceed 90 cm;
  2. The length of the logs should be longer than the seat of the future shop. To do this, leave gaps of 20 cm;
  3. On the logs, cut out recesses for inserting the seat. To do this, it is worth measuring the diameter of a thin log and making the appropriate cuts;
  4. A thin log is sawn lengthwise into 2 long halves. One of them is attached to the chumps, flat side up. This will be the seat;
  5. The bars are attached to the base of the chumps - their length will be the height of the back;
  6. The second part of a thin log is attached to the bars, making out the back.

At the end of the work, all the details of the bench are opened protective varnish in several layers. To create a decor, you can draw a picture on the seat yourself or involve children in such a fun activity.

We process boards


You can make a simple lounger for relaxing under the sun from wooden beams. Do-it-yourself furniture for a summer residence should not be expensive, and the bars have an affordable price. The following materials will be used in the work:

The first thing to do is to create a solid and reliable base for the deck chair. To do this, use the frame parts and connect them into a rectangle with screws. Next, the chair itself is made for the deck chair. Reiki of 60 cm are attached along the frame, leaving gaps of several centimeters. For the uniformity of the cracks, gaskets of the appropriate size are used.

The height of the legs for the product can be any, the indicated size of 35 cm is considered optimal. The legs are fastened with screws. At the side where the legs will be, they put 2 legs at once, at the head they screw 1 leg each. Next, a frame for the back is made, it is carefully inserted into the base body, but a small gap should remain. The slats for the back are stuffed onto the frame, they can be rounded for attractiveness. The backrest is screwed to the seat so that it can be adjusted. To do this, you need to step back from the edge of about 9 cm. For garden furniture, it is important appearance, so it is better to paint the deck chair in bright color and fix with acrylic varnish.

Assembling the frame

We create a back

Sew up the frame

We fix the back

We create notches

Ready deck chair


Metal furniture is distinguished by its simplicity, but at the same time reliability. When making a garden table, you can use metal profile, which will serve as a framework. It is more profitable to make a tabletop from wood or purchase a ready-made chipboard sheet. For metal work you will need welding machine, grinder, saw, as well as special paint to prevent corrosion, brushes and roller. In addition, you will need wood paint to process the countertop and a fixing acrylic varnish.

Of the elements for the frame, profile pipes of the following sizes are required:

  • 18x730 mm - 3 pcs;
  • 18x385 mm - 3 pcs;
  • Corners 30x30 mm 400 mm long - 3 pcs.

The tabletop should have a diameter of up to 1 meter, while its thickness should be 19 mm. You will also need screws, glue and balls for the legs. The manufacturing process looks like this:

  1. A triangle is made from the corners with angles of 60 degrees;
  2. From a profile of 38.5 cm, the same equilateral triangle is made;
  3. Using a drill and a drill for metal, holes are made in the frame where it will be attached to the table top;
  4. Pipes of 73 cm are bent to 65 cm using a vise and a hammer. These will be the legs, a triangle-shaped stand is welded to them;
  5. Tops bent pipes, which became the legs for the table, are welded to the triangular frame for the tabletop;
  6. Metal balls are welded to the ends of the legs.

At the very end, the worktop is processed. If it is chipboard, it must be carefully sanded, painted and varnished. After that, attach to the table frame. There are several options for decorating countertops, one of which is a stencil, which is considered the simplest. To do this, a drawing is printed, applied to the base, circled in pencil. The resulting image is painted over with a contrasting color. For a summer cottage, pictures of fruits and vegetables will be appropriate.

We connect the boards of the future tabletop

Assembling the table top and sides

We make legs and jumpers, fasten them

Lacquering the countertop

The table is ready

from pallets

Least costly and most original way production of garden furniture - the use of pallets. Such material does not require a specific assembly scheme, it all depends on the imagination and preferences of the owner.

Pallets may remain after transportation building materials, they can also be found in large quantities near construction supermarkets. Pallets are on sale at a low price.

The easiest way to use pallets is to make a table. To do this, paint the pallet in any color, open it with varnish and put a solid slab of chipboard, plastic or glass on top. You can decorate the table to your liking. Looks nice and practical corner seat rest for giving from pallets. It is advantageous to place it in cozy corner garden under trees or near a pond. For manufacturing you will need:

  • 8 pallets for seating and 6 pallets for back decoration;
  • Pallets for forming the base under the corner;
  • 2 small pallets for the table;
  • Fasteners and screwdriver;
  • Paint, brushes, varnish.

First you need to prepare a place to install the corner. For this, solid pallets are taken, on top of which they are stuffed solid foundations. They will serve as the basis for the smooth arrangement of the sofa corner. Next, 8 pallets for the seat and 6 pieces for the back are sanded, painted and varnished. They are placed with the letter G on a pre-prepared surface. Backs are nailed to the pallets from the back. To decorate the table, 2 small pallets fastened to each other are used.

To rid the corner of the devil industrial style, put on the surface of the new sofa soft pillows, plaids. It is desirable that the color of the furniture and bedspreads be contrasting. It is convenient to put glasses with drinks, food and decor items on the table. An interesting process of making garden furniture with your own hands and successful homemade products, which are the result, motivate the owners to new masterpieces. Pallets are universal material, which is useful for the manufacture of furniture, both as a whole and in disassembled form.

Creating Holes

Eliminate deformations

We clean the coating

Creating additional holes

We fasten all the elements

We mount the legs

Wicker furniture

Fashion on natural materials only increases every year. This also applies to wicker garden furniture, which brings a sense of comfort to the summer cottage. Such furniture can be classified as "do it yourself", because even children will like the weaving process.

The raw materials for natural wicker furniture today are:

  • banana leaves;
  • Hyacinth;
  • Bamboo;
  • Seaweed;
  • Rattan;

For beginners, it is best to work with bending bird cherry branches. It is easy to process, because it has high plasticity. For weaving, rods are used that do not contain buds. They are cut at an angle of 40 degrees and tested for flexibility. To improve the characteristics, the rods are boiled in water for about an hour, the dark branches are boiled for 3 hours. For production small sofa, a frame is made of 4 rods. At the next stage, the seat is braided, after which the legs are created.

A long stick is screwed to the legs, from which the braiding of the back begins. After manufacturing, it is advisable to additionally wrap the entire structure with a willow vine - it is thinner. A sheet of plywood is laid on the seat and decorated. The final stage of work is considered to be covering the sofa with a stain to prevent damage to the furniture. You can put a bright mattress on top or fill the seat with small pillows. If there is no experience in weaving furniture, it is better to practice making baskets first. So you can fully feel the vine. Handmade garden furniture is always original and individual. If you want to surprise your friends and acquaintances, try making a table or bench yourself.

Frame manufacturing scheme

Each owner of a private house in a city or country type, summer cottage or personal plot, sooner or later faces the need to improve its territory. And this is not about breaking beds and flower beds, planting trees and shrubs, but arranging comfortable, but at the same time practical areas for recreation, cooking and eating on fresh air. It’s hard to imagine a landscaped plot without garden furniture, but not everyone can afford to buy one, and it’s much more pleasant to sit on a bench made by yourself or dine outdoors at a table that didn’t cost you a dime. In this publication, we have collected many options for garden furniture that you can make yourself. Possessing only improvised materials, a small set of tools and a great desire to make your site landscaped, comfortable and aesthetic.

In order for garden furniture to appear on your site, which can become not only a reliable exterior item, but also a reason for the pride of the owners and the envy of neighbors and guests, you need not so much - waste material, perseverance, a little imagination, work and diligence. In this article you will find examples of making garden furniture from wood, construction pallets, used household items.

Choosing a material for the execution of country furniture

In order for self-made furniture to organically fit into the existing image of a summer cottage or a private courtyard, it is necessary to responsibly approach not only the manufacturing process itself, but also the choice of material. The most versatile and at the same time very malleable material in terms of processing is natural wood. The advantage of wood is that it can fit perfectly into any stylistic direction in landscape design. And this can be achieved through a variety of design options - from massive furniture made from logs to light and elegant products woven from vines or twigs.

The advantage of wood for creating furniture with your own hands is that it has many manifestations. You can create a piece of furniture with minimal material processing in the shortest possible time. For example, ordinary hemp can be turned into stools or small tables-stands. It is enough to make sure that the surface of the new pieces of garden furniture is perfectly hewn and becomes safe for use.

You can create garden furniture from branches and twigs ...

Or logs and large timber ...

Benches and benches - an essential attribute of country life

Even a very small backyard needs garden furniture to sit on to enjoy the fresh air, watch the sunset or watch the sunrise. Well, on the site big family or in the courtyard of hospitable hosts, where companies gather, and it is absolutely necessary to take into account the possibility of seating several people.

One of the most simple ways creating benches and benches - use wooden beam and cinder block with square holes. The bench or bench is assembled as a constructor, you do not even need to use any tool or bonding solution, construction adhesive. The advantage of such structures is not only ease of installation, but also portability - you can easily disassemble your piece of garden furniture and move it to another place or put its parts in a barn until the new warm season.

If you put soft seats and sofa cushions on a bench made of cinder block and timber, then the usual hard garden bench turns into a comfortable, comfortable sofa.

By combining the materials of garden furniture, you can increase the strength and improve the appearance of products. For example, together with a tree in one or another modification, metal structures can be used, for example, parts of beds (backs, legs).

Outdoor dining area

In the fresh air, any dish seems to be tastier. Every owner of even a tiny backyard tries to create an environment in which they could have meals on outdoors, even if we are talking about short breakfasts. Depending on the needs and size of your family, you can equip both a small area for short meals and install a roomy dinner table to welcome guests outdoors. It is noteworthy that both options are within the power to implement on their own.

One of the simplest yet practical ways to organize lunch group in the fresh air - making a table, together with benches. The model shown in the photo will require a minimum amount of material, but it will be quite roomy. The only drawback of such a dining group is that if you need to increase the number of people sitting at the table, then you can do this only for 2 seats (you will need chairs or stools).

You can equip a dining area or a segment for short meals (breakfasts and afternoon snacks) according to the type of bar counter. This is easy to do with the help of building blocks and wooden beams or boards. Only stools for such a countertop need to be selected as bar stools, with the appropriate height.

Recreation area on a summer cottage or personal plot

Outdoor recreation is associated with different things for everyone. For some, these are gatherings with friends and neighbors, for others, reading on a slightly swaying swing, and for others, sunbeds for air baths necessary. For all options for active and not very relaxing, you can make furniture with your own hands, and even from improvised means at minimal cost.

One of the most common ways to create garden furniture for a relaxation area is to use construction pallets or pallets. The advantage of such an assembly is its simplicity - wooden blocks already formed in terms of future armchairs and sofas. Well, build coffee table from pallets even the owner of a summer house or any other land plot who had not previously held a hammer in his hands. Even building glue can be used to fasten the elements.

Another benefit of using construction flights for the manufacture of garden furniture is that you can get the material at a very low price or even free of charge, because we are talking about used products. It will only be necessary to take care of thorough cleaning of surfaces, leveling and slight polishing, impregnation of the material with antiseptics against decay.

From building pallets, you can create whole compositions for outdoor recreation areas. It can be a spacious corner complex, composed of the type of a sofa, comfortable chairs and coffee table. It is enough to put soft pillows and seats in armchairs and sofas to arrange a living room environment right on a summer cottage or garden plot ...

With help wooden pallets you can equip the area not only for relaxation, but also for sleeping. A summer bed or just a layer of construction pallets with a mattress is a great opportunity to create a bedroom in the fresh air - take care only of a canopy over the bed to protect from the sun.

It is easy to build a comfortable swing from old pallets. You can tie them on ropes or chains to the roof of a canopy and gazebo, on a terrace or just under a tall sprawling tree with thick branches.

A slightly less popular, but at the same time a practical way of arranging a summer cottage garden furniture is the use of building wooden coils. They can be used to make chairs…

Even the most modern exterior can become much more comfortable if it includes garden furniture. Undoubtedly country furniture has differences with pieces of furniture intended for arranging residential premises, therefore it can be made even from improvised means. It is enough to study a few tips, show imagination, perseverance, a little work and on your garden plot furniture will appear that will become the pride of the owner and the envy of the guests.

In this article, we will tell you how to make garden furniture with your own hands from wood, pallets, metal, we will demonstrate drawings, diagrams and photographs, as well as video instructions for making garden furniture.

How to choose material

In order for pieces of furniture to blend harmoniously into the landscape, it is worth making a choice in favor of natural wood. To do this, you can use branches, trunks or tree roots that will help create unique works.

Natural wood has a variety of shapes, which allows you to make original furniture items with minimal processing. When choosing materials, it is worth being creative and trying to see the unusual in ordinary things.

If you want to decorate your backyard with not only fashionable, but also reliable items, take a closer look at a table with a base made of concrete blocks, fastened with a cement mortar with further tile lining. To make a table top, you will need 5 * 10 cm bars fixed with glue in a frame. Planks are attached to the holes that form the surface of the table.

Stylish and economical products can be obtained from the branches of flexible tree varieties. Nothing compares in beauty to wicker garden furniture. If you are not experienced in this process, stop at bird cherry branches, which are easy to process and pliable.


This is how techno-rattan furniture is made:

Varieties of designs

One of the popular options for garden furniture is considered workplace gardener. Even if you are not an avid gardener, it will be much more difficult for you without an equipped table.

If you prefer original solutions, you can make a picnic table in an unusual style.

On a fine summer day, a gazebo with folding chairs and a table, which are not only comfortable, but also compact, will be indispensable. Diversity will be brought to the landscape by bright modular designs, type of benches. With frequent family vacations, do not forget to take care of the kids and make a table and chairs of the right size for them.


  1. Novice carpenters in the furniture industry should give preference to more economical options, not too difficult to perform. That is, those for the manufacture of which you do not need to perform difficult connections. Make a choice in favor of wood, which is the easiest to process and purchase at a relatively low cost, and it is much more pleasant and easier to work with it;
  2. Semi-hard, hard and soft woods, as well as wood-based materials, are ideal for practical execution of furniture items. Rounded pine blanks are often used as legs, and for seats and backs - boards with a section of 2 * 12 cm, armrests are best made from bars 5.5 * 3.5 cm;
  3. You can start the process only after you have a sketch, either drawn or in the form of a drawing. Before starting work, decide on the dimensions of the future product, and stock up on the following tools:
  • bolts;
  • screws;
  • PVA glue;
  • self-tapping screws.

Also, as a support for the products, you will need metal corners, pipes, channels and other improvised materials suitable for the furniture you have chosen. At the same time, make sure that all fasteners are completely recessed into the material, otherwise you can get hurt on them while using the furniture.

Country wooden furniture in without fail must be treated with antiseptic and protective compounds that will protect parts from decay and abrasion. If you are not yet experienced in making furniture, when making seats, follow the proven technological advice: the product should have a slight slope towards the back, which will make the operation of the bench or chair as comfortable as possible.

In order to make a piece of furniture from improvised material, it will help you old barrel, which will later become an unusual chair with a back. AT short term you can build a bench using boulder stones as support legs and wooden board as a seat. To build such a bench, you will need tools:

  • planer for board processing;
  • drill with a diamond nozzle;
  • anchor bolts.

Having processed the board with a planer, they adjust the boulders under required height, after digging a hole and arranging at the bottom sand cushion. In the board and stones, it is necessary to drill holes for anchor bolts.

The final step is to tighten the bolts and cover the surface of the board with a protective layer of varnish.

The embodiment of unusual ideas

Furniture made on site

To create interesting items for decorating the landscape, you can decorate the table, chairs and benches with beautiful original branches. Such furniture will be a wonderful and appropriate element of the garden exterior and will not leave indifferent any of the guests.

Optional to create beautiful furniture use treated wood, with a little imagination, you can successfully use forked tree trunks without pre-treatment.

Another option for making a table for giving is using a large cut of the trunk as a support and a horizontal cut of the butt as a cover. The horizontal cut is fixed on a shield made from parts of the trunk. To give reliability to the structure, it is necessary to support it with logs, which have a pre-cut top, and fix them on the supporting pillars.

Pallets are also called pallets. They are trays enough large sizes, which usually remain from building materials. If you do not have the funds to buy garden furniture and even blanks for its independent production, then we suggest that you use pallets for this purpose. Buy them for a very affordable price possible in construction stores. There is enough good stuff there.

Boards in pallets are stacked not close, but at a distance equal to half the width of the board. Pallets also have sides with a height of 10 to 14.5 cm. There is no single size of pallets, but in our country 100 × 120 cm are usually found and the European standard is 80 × 120 cm (they can have a solid laying of boards).

Regardless of what piece of garden furniture you have to make, they should be pre-processed. First you need to remove the dirt from the tree, then dry it and sand it.

In some cases, in order to avoid getting a splinter on preparatory stage pallets are painted. But, most often this action is performed at the finishing stage of furniture manufacturing.

To make garden furniture, it is not enough just to buy pallets. You will also need thin, not very long nails. In addition, you need to purchase furniture fittings such as wheels, handles, etc.

You will also need varnish / paint, glue, glass, small lighting and fabric. The composition of this additional set, of course, depends on the design of the furniture.

Making a coffee/dining table

The easiest option for pallet garden furniture is dining and coffee tables. To make them, you just need to connect 2 pallets by placing them on top of each other and connecting them with nails. A fiberboard sheet, glass or thin wood can act as a countertop. On this coffee table is ready.

For the convenience of its movement on the terrace, for example, wheels can be screwed to the table.

More pallets are needed to make a dining table. For the tabletop you will need 2 pieces, and for the manufacture of legs you will need 1 pallet, which you will need to cut into 4 pieces, stretching it vertically and nailing it in the corners.

Another option for the legs is to take 2 pallets, arrange them vertically and nail them whole on the sides. So, you get a large dining table. If this table height is not enough, then you will have to lay 1 more row of pallets.

If you have skills in wood carving, then you can make the legs of the desired shape.

The recreation area can be decorated with sun loungers. To make them, you will need 3 pallets - 2 rectangular and 1 square (it will be 10 cm wider than the rest).

Put together rectangular pallets and fasten them together with nails. Initially, the pallets need to be sanded, and then painted. Now you need to make the back of the deck chair. At this stage, you will have to work a little more. Disassemble the wide pallet: remove the bottom layer and partly the middle one (1-2 pieces should remain from it). Will serve as a basis upper layer pallet. Remove 2-3 boards from the backrest blank. They will still be useful to you, so disassembling the pallet should be done very carefully, you don’t need to break anything. Saw one of the boards you removed in half.

Now set the square pallet at an angle to one of the sides of the rectangular pallets. So, you will form the back of a deck chair. Fix it with the screws removed from the pallet earlier. It will be possible to throw on the finished product dense fabric or mattress.

Making a sofa is very easy. For its base, you will need 3 square pallets and 2 rectangular ones. As sidewalls, you can use 1 pallet, previously sawn into 2 identical parts so that you get 2 thin pallets. Entire pallets can act as a backrest. For fastening, thick screws / nails, metal corners are used.

Now it remains to close the sofa with plywood, which, as an option, can be put on glue. Sand the sofa and paint it as desired.

Make foam rubber, for example, a mattress for sitting and cushions for the back. So, you get a cheap, but very original sofa.

Wooden furniture is environmentally friendly. It is characterized by brevity, beauty and relative ease of manufacture. Not only a man, but even a woman can cope with this task. Garden furniture can be made in a variety of ways.

It is easier to work with ready-made, pre-finished slats, bars and boards. There are both simple and complex schemes making wood furniture. To organize a recreation area, it is better to make benches with comfortable backs, for a feast you need a whole set. It is very easy to make a swing from a bench without legs. To implement these ideas, you need to connect your imagination, have elementary carpentry skills and acquire the necessary source material.

Needles are not suitable for making furniture. Resin is released from it, which will stain the clothes of vacationers. If at your disposal there is only wood from needles, then before starting work, it must be deresined.

To do this, you can use one of the compositions:

  • Mix acetone and water in a ratio of 1:4.
  • Mix acetone and rubber soda in a 5:1 ratio.

The surface of the tree must be treated with one of the solutions, and then rinsed with water and dried. Then the tree is treated with antiseptics and varnished.

Monumental shops can be made very quickly. To do this, you will need several logs, depending on the required number of benches. The simplest option does not require much intelligence - just put big log and throw a few pillows on top of him. But perhaps, for arranging a garden / gazebos / terraces / patios, it is better to come up with something more aesthetic and original.

For organization dining area stumps can be used in the garden. Small stumps will act as chairs. And for the table you will need a more massive stump. To make it convenient to eat, the stumps need to be fixed. For example, they can be dug into the ground or placed on a flat surface - a small area on the lawn or a pedestal on the terrace.

For the convenience of those sitting, sew / order bright pillows on stumps. Can be used as a table wooden shield. In addition, decorate the back and armrests for stumps with snags and branches.

A saw cut of a tree can serve as an original countertop and even seat for a chair. For example, sleep larger diameter can be installed on a stump of smaller diameter. They can be fixed with waterproof glue or ordinary nails.

Of the tools you will need:

  • boards;
  • hacksaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • electric saw;
  • varnish for wood;
  • hammer and fasteners;
  • tape measure and pencil.

Desmolder the tree first. How to do this has already been mentioned above. Before installing on the stump, the stool cover or table top must be sanded. You can make such a simple set right in the garden or in the gazebo. If it will be installed in the garden, then take care of mounting the beach umbrella in the table, for example.

Metal is more durable than wood, so it is better suited for making garden furniture. However, working with it is much more difficult than with a tree. For the manufacture of garden furniture, thick-walled duralumin/steel tubes are usually used. There are two options for connecting metal furniture elements:

  • nuts/bolts.
  • Welding seam.

Duralumin is not weldable, so you only need to connect it with screws / bolts.

The supporting parts of the table / benches / chairs can be made from profile pipe square section. This material is affordable. It can be purchased at the stores and construction markets. In skillful hands new life they acquire tubular metal elements of baby carriages, duralumin folding beds and even outdated water pipes.

It is easy to assemble metal furniture if you apply bending of elements from pipes or connect them with straight segments. To bend the pipe without damage, make a simple flexible tool from brake car disk. You can see how it looks a few more times.

To bend the pipe follow these instructions:

  1. Plug the end of the pipe with a cork, fill it with sand, and then plug the other end with a cork.
  2. Place it in the bending device, clamp it with the pin and the tab on the disk.
  3. Bend the pipe to the desired level. This requires a lot of effort.

To make the bending process easier, heat the bending point red-hot with a blowtorch.

The parts should be the same so you will also need a plaz. It is a sheet of plywood / cardboard, on which the contours of a piece of furniture are applied. After bending, check the pipe on the plaza for compliance with the contours. If you must have several identical parts, then they will also need to be checked for a match with each other.

If you connected the furniture elements by welding, then they will have to be processed. This can be done with a grinder / file. Before finishing metal frame, it must be cleaned of rust, if any, and then polished.

To make the simplest frame you will have to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. Profile pipe 20×40.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Welding machine with electrodes (No. 3).
  4. Sander / file.
  5. Sandpaper.
  6. Square / meter.

The size of the bench depends on your needs. Cut the pipe according to the measurements:

  • 4 children for the frame.
  • 1 children for the crossbar.
  • 4 pieces for legs.
  • Paired frame parts: 2 - a length equal to the width of the bench and 2 - the length provided for in the scheme.

The length of the legs should be determined depending on the height of the bench.

Assembling a metal bench

  • Clean the surfaces where the weld will be with a file. Lay out the individual parts of the frame on flat surface in the same way as they will be welded. Connections must be made at a 90º angle. You can check their evenness with a square.
  • Mark the middle of the long sides of the frame and weld in the cross member.
  • In internal corners frames need to weld the legs. They must be welded perpendicular to the plane of the frame. This is important, otherwise the frame will be uneven and the bench unstable.

The seat can be made of MDF / thick plywood or boards. If you want the bench to be made entirely of metal, then cut required amount identical pieces of pipe/steel strip. Weld/screw these elements onto the frame.

In accordance with this pattern, you can make a frame not only for a bench, but also for a chair / table / stool. Just resize the frame and think of additional elements/decor.

The frame of the bench from pipes bent at right angles in two planes is shown in the diagram.

For work you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • pipe bender;
  • dural/steel pipe Ø22 mm;
  • measuring tool;
  • self-tapping screws / studs;
  • wooden bushings.

From a pipe of the appropriate length, you need to bend the entire frame. This is done according to the measurements and sketch, and checked on the plaza, as in the previous case. If you have only short lengths of pipes at your disposal, then they need to be bent in parts, and then connected into single structure. To do this, bushings are driven into the ends of the docking. They must be fitted so that they fit tight. Then drill holes for self-tapping screws at a distance of 1 cm from the cut and fix the parts. The fastener is screwed into the sleeve through the hole made.

The seat frame can be assembled from bars. In this case, it is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws and corners. In the same way as in the previous case, a table / stool can be made from this sketch.

To make a stool, bend the metal parts in the shape of the letter P. This is necessary for the back, and in combination with the legs. The front legs and the seat frame are made according to the same principle as the bench - a bend is made in two planes. As in the previous case, you can use pipe segments, bend them in detail, and then connect them with bushings.

Front and rear end chairs are connected by a welding seam or screws / self-tapping screws.

After the frame is made, it needs to be processed and painted. So, you can create an imitation of forged furniture that looks very beautiful and noble. To make a soft seat to the base, screw plywood with corners onto self-tapping screws, previously sheathed with foam rubber and upholstered with furniture fabric. In the same way, make a soft back.

By increasing the length of the frame and soft parts, you will get a soft garden sofa.

If you master the manufacture of these simple metal furniture elements, then in the future you can make something more complex according to the corresponding sketches / drawings.

No matter which option you choose for yourself, in any case, the result will be exclusive. And the furniture, created independently, will constantly delight the household, giving warmth, comfort and extraordinary beauty.


A photo

Schemes and drawings

Garden furniture options are provided in diagrams and drawings:

The garden is a green corner, without which not a single suburban area can do, requiring correct design and rational use his free space. In this case, the Dachny Rai online store can offer set of garden plastic and wooden furniture , a wide range of which is presented here.

How to choose the right outdoor furniture?

By visiting our online store, you have already done right choice. Look at the catalog, because here you can find furniture for the garden, cottage or.

Pay attention to these details:

  • The use of natural and artificial materials for the manufacture of each product;
  • Functional features and weight restrictions;
  • safe, ergonomic and comfortable execution of the presented products in the general model line;
  • reliability and resistance to changing conditions environment;
  • Attractive appearance that will be combined with landscaping.

What should you focus on?

FROM hellish garden furniture- not just a decorative element. This is a collection of products that will make your home cozy and as comfortable as possible.

Wooden garden furniture will enliven and embellish your site. Wood is a material characterized by moisture resistance, durability and resistance to temperature extremes. This mobile garden furniture is perfectly combined with textile materials, metal, plastic and wicker elements.

Such furniture will help to equip an open area in accordance with the tastes and preferences of the customer, since here you will find:

  • Chairs, armchairs, benches and benches;
  • Rolling and folding tables;
  • A variety of kits or products-transformers.

More luxurious and rich looks garden furniture made of artificial rattan, which costs an order of magnitude cheaper, unlike wood, but is in no way inferior in its performance characteristics to him. In addition, rattan is a material that is considered a more moisture resistant material, but it does not tolerate interaction with household chemicals. Unlike wood, such furniture tends to fade, while acquiring a darker saturated shade.

Each of the models presented on the models has its own advantages and features that should be considered when choosing garden furniture made of artificial rattan.

But we know one thing for sure, elegant and graceful, beautiful and unusual, roomy and practical elements garden furniture at an affordable price will help you enjoy the perfect holiday!