Kitchen table: we make it ourselves from wood - quickly, simply, beautifully and reliably. How to make a wooden table - the specifics of the material and how to work with it How to put together a table from boards

Of course, today everyone has the opportunity to buy any furniture in the store, including a table. But why not make it yourself, with your own hands?

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In addition, you have the opportunity to make such a table that will ideally fit in size and appearance to the interior of your kitchen or other room.

In addition, do-it-yourself furniture is not only saving money, but also some kind of, but a reason for pride, since not every man knows how to make something these days.

What are the tables

If you decide from the boards with your own hands, then you need to figure out what types of tables are, and decide what exactly you need.

The simplest is an ordinary table with four legs, a table top and a frame. It will not be difficult to make it even for those who are not experienced in woodworking.

If you are experienced enough in this matter, you can make the dining table round or oval, decorate it with carvings, paintings, or burn patterns and patterns on the surface.

A more difficult option is from the boards. In fact, this is the same ordinary table, but rather thick and long crossbars are attached to its legs, on which seat boards are laid on top. So we get a table with benches on both sides. Such furniture is well suited for both the kitchen and for installation in the courtyard of a private house or cottage.

If the room has free space only in the corner, make a corner table that fits perfectly into this unoccupied space. It may not be as convenient to dine behind it as at a classic table, but you can put a TV, microwave or kettle on it - there will be enough space there.

Another interesting option could be a window sill table.

In fact, this is the same window sill, but significantly expanded and adapted, for example, for a convenient workplace for a schoolchild.

The advantage of this solution is that the table will be well lit for most of the day.

There is also a minus: sitting at such a table in winter, you will have to rest your feet on a very warm, even hot radiator, which is not very convenient.

Materials and tools

Buying everything you need to make a table with your own hands is quite simple and will not be difficult or expensive. The main material for the dining table is wood, or rather:

  • Boards 25 to 50 mm thick, 100–150 mm wide, rather long.
    The thicker the material for the tabletop, frame and legs, the heavier, but at the same time more durable they will be.
    Choose boards from good wood, without any defects.
  • Bar. It is necessary for the manufacture of table legs, so choose thick enough and strong samples. The beam can be replaced with the same boards, if you arrange them with the letter "G", or use purchased aluminum table legs. You can also use balusters (curly carved wooden posts that support the railing on some stairs) as legs.
  • Chipboard or plywood sheets, which can be used as countertop materials. Choose samples that are thick and strong enough to withstand daily stress.

As with the materials and Do-it-yourself tools and fasteners are easy to get, they are in most homes. If something is missing, you can buy it at the nearest hardware store.

  • pencil, corner, roulette and ruler;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw on wood;
  • screwdriver with a set of nozzles and drills;
  • plane, if it is necessary to pre-treat the boards from irregularities and defects;
  • kit self-tapping screws, furniture bolts and nuts;
  • sandpaper or Sander;
  • varnish or stain, roller or tassel for processing the finished table.

Attention! When working with a jigsaw, always remember the safety rules and keep small children or pets away!

simple plank kitchen table

First we need to make a countertop.
There are several options here:

  • Cut out a piece of the desired size from a sheet of chipboard or plywood using a jigsaw;
  • Lay several fairly wide boards and subsequently fix them on the frame;
  • Take a large number of relatively narrow boards, place them side up and glue them together with wood glue.
    The result is a fairly thick, heavy and durable countertop.

Stages of work

Step 1. Collecting from boards countertop.

Step 2 We make a frame from boards or their wooden bars. In size, it can be made equal to the tabletop or with a slight indentation, about 2–2.5 centimeters on each side of the table. Having fastened the parts of the frame with screws, connect the frame with the tabletop with them.

Step 3 After we with put together the frame and the tabletop, half the table is ready. It remains to make only his legs. If a timber is used for this, drill two holes in it for furniture bolts. Moreover, they can be made both on the one hand, one above the other, and on two different ones for more secure fastening to the frame.

Important! Carefully check the length of the table legs, they should not differ from each other. Otherwise, the table will stand unevenly and stagger. If you do not want it to spoil the floor material, fix rubber “shoes” at the bottom of the legs.

After that, make similar holes in the table frame and fasten the legs and frame with bolts and nuts. Also, the legs can be fixed from above, using screws, but over time, this fastening may weaken.

If you want to make table legs from boards, fold two boards into an “G” on the outer or inner corner of the frame and secure them with all the same furniture bolts or screws.

To prevent the legs from loosening, connect the folded boards together at the bottom and middle parts with screws or nails.

That's all, simple and reliable, do-it-yourself, ready!

Advice: Before proceeding, make a simple drawing, preferably from several sides. Constantly check the dimensions of the parts. Some parts of the same size can be sawn out at the same time if you fix the boards or timber with clamps.

pallet table

Wooden pallets are widely used in shops and warehouses as cargo pallets.

If you wish, you can get a few pieces for free and use them as a basis for making an original and unusual kitchen table.

If at least one side of the pallet surface is solid, then you no longer need to make a countertop, it is ready.

You just need to process it and, if desired, round the corners.

Note! Since initially the pallets are intended for warehouses, no one is engaged in their grinding and cleaning. Therefore, before making a table out of them, carefully sand them and remove all burrs. Irregularities and defects of the boards can be hidden with putty.

Stages of work

Step 1. Most of the pallets are open and there is plenty of space between the boards. distance, due to which to use the surface of the pallet as countertop not too convenient. There are two ways to solve this problem: either boards appropriate size and to fix with their screws between the boards of the pallet, or install a sheet on top plywood or chipboard.

Step 2 As for ordinary table, table legs from pallets can be made from timber or boards. The best thing fasten them with thick enough and strong pallet beam with nails, screws or furniture bolts.

To prevent the legs from loosening, connect them to each other with crossbars.

Often, to create something new, we need the advice of other people. Have you ever made your own furniture for your home? Today we’ll talk about how to make a table for a summer house out of wood with your own hands. The variety of tables is so great that the manufacture of a writing or dining table has its own nuances. But there are also general tips that can be useful when creating this piece of furniture. There are several important aspects that should first be taken into account in this work.

  • choose the right wood;
  • choose the right configuration for your table;
  • create a drawing and mark the necessary details and features on it.

The tree classification can be built as follows:

  1. Soft type: pine, spruce, fir, cedar and other woods.
  2. Hard type: oak, birch, beech, ash, maple, walnut, fruit tree wood.
  3. Very hard type: boxwood, yew, dogwood, birch wood

According to the needs of different people, as well as in the case of individual distinctive situations, different characteristics of wood or its features are important:

  1. Rot resistance.
  2. The texture of the material.
  3. The price of raw materials.

If your goal is to make furniture for a living space (rather than just practicing a skill), then you need to consider the quality of the materials without neglecting them. Dry lumber must be used. How it will be dried is up to you. Evaluate in advance whether you can dry the wood with high quality at home, if this is not possible, it would be more profitable and wiser to order ready-made material. During drying, the wood will be deformed, this must be taken into account, but at the same time, the purchase of already dry wood is much more expensive. For high-quality shrinkage at home, you will need:

  • constantly stable temperature conditions, otherwise the material will dry in waves;
  • good ventilation in the room, no draft;
  • it should be remembered that this process is very long, the material must be dried without shifting from place to place, for about six months.
  1. Tabletop.

Here, strength plays an important role, as well as the absence or low absorption of moisture by wood. Optimum material: pine, oak. For a pine countertop, choose a cheap but high-quality material - without rotten areas, cracks, protruding knots and other unnecessary defects.

  1. Table legs.

Optimum material: birch, it is she who is strong enough for a constant load, boxwood and acacia are also suitable.

To make a table made of wood, the material must first be processed with sandpaper. If you are just starting your carpentry career, it is worth using birch, pine, oak, acacia and boxwood in your work.

There are several advantages to using wood in construction:

  • easily subjected to various processing;
  • sufficiently resistant to changes in temperature and humidity;
  • good depreciation: practically no chips and scratches;
  • just undergoing restoration;
  • eco-friendly material;
  • the cost varies depending on the type of wood and processing methods;
  • the material is easily sawn, cut, chipped off with special tools;
  • does not require careful and constant care
  • external aesthetics.

However, there are some significant disadvantages to keep in mind:

  • the cost in comparison with other materials is much higher;
  • the tree can be deformed under the influence of weight;
  • without the use of special coatings, it is not resistant to mold and fungus, corrosion;
  • wood cannot be called a moisture resistant material;
  • over time, the above aesthetic appearance can be significantly lost.

Wooden tables: range of shapes and sizes

It is important to decide in advance what shape and configuration the table requires. Professionals advise to pay attention to several points:

  • the table should fit well into the room where it is planned to be installed;
  • think about how many people will constantly be at this table and what it will be used for, calculate the size of the product from this parameter;
  • choose a folding version of the table if from time to time it will be needed for more people;
  • consider the age and capabilities of people (for example, a table for children will be different).

The table can be of different shapes. In addition to different shapes, the table can also have different supports under the tabletop itself, in other words, a different number of legs.

  • table with one leg - this type of installation is only suitable for a small product, it can be used, for example, for the manufacture of a children's table;
  • a table with two stable legs - this kind of table is good for a rectangular or oval tabletop, but it is rather uncomfortable and unstable for constant use in everyday life;
  • a table with four legs - this is the most common type, has the greatest (in comparison with the others) stability, suitable for both dining and writing, and a coffee table - is the most versatile type of this type of furniture.

In order to guess the most successful table size for any room, you should always take into account and keep in mind the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself and that part of it that is the maximum allowable for placing this piece of furniture, as well, of course, you should take into account the wishes of the owners.

Features of the assembly of wooden tables

There are several types of manual assembly of wooden tables.

  • o on dowels (attached with glue);
  • o on drawers (required on tables that are subject to periodic analysis);
  • o bolted (similar connections are used mainly for garden furniture).

Workshop and woodworking tools

  1. room

There are several characteristics that are necessary when organizing your own workshop:

  • work should be carried out under some kind of canopy, ideal: a garage or a barn (otherwise there will be too much dependence on the weather);
  1. you need to make a high-quality hood, otherwise the dust will constantly settle on the finished product and you will not achieve smooth lines or high-quality finishing of the material. In addition to dust, the hood allows you to eliminate the toxic smell of varnishes and wood paints.


  • an electric jigsaw gives greater accuracy in cutting wood than a saw;
  • swivel miter box facilitates corner cutting;
  • the grinder is universal in use and is clearly required for the manufacture of wooden furniture;
  • a hand mill is required when processing holes;
  • impregnating and other compounds.

Consumables for working with wood: varnishes, paints, impregnation, glue

  • used motor oil is a great option for impregnation, but, unfortunately, is not suitable for a dining table;
  • it will be optimal to impregnate with a water-polymer emulsion twice, with a break of three to five days;
  • water-based acrylic varnishes outperform older furniture nitrocellulose varnishes;
  • PVA has been proven superior to bone carpentry glue.

Wood table options

  1. Wooden table with benches.
  • It is required to assemble the table cover: the boards are attached to the crossbars with self-tapping screws (it is important to use self-tapping screws as opposed to nails, since the latter contribute to the destruction of the wood surface).
  • After that, the legs are fixed to the crossbars, which must be strong and durable in order to withstand the weight of the table itself and the people sitting on it, thus, the minimum thickness will be 4 centimeters).
  • Then, it is required to fix the side rails to the legs, on the basis of which the benches should be built, fastening them with bolts, and not with self-tapping screws, for greater strength.
  • Next, we fix the benches and proceed to the subsequent processing of furniture.

There are several drawbacks to this invention that must be kept in mind:

  • If a person on one side stands up abruptly, then all the products will literally fly towards the other.
  • It is also not very comfortable to sit at this type of table.

You can improve this design so that its quality becomes unsurpassed, but we invite you to evaluate the idea and the project!

  1. Pallet board table.

If you have boards of different sizes, colors and, possibly, even tree species at your disposal, you can make an interesting design out of them by organizing the elements in a special way: alternating, grading, creating your own logic for building boards. Among other things, also use rejected dry boards. The side parts of the pallet can act as a good frame, and the rest of the assembled tabletop. We recommend that you carry out this work in the yard or garage with an exhaust hood due to the large amount of dust settling everywhere.

  • For legs, use a beam with a thickness of more than five centimeters. Pre-prepare all the tools and parts you need for the job: the tree needs to be sanded exactly along the fibers with sandpaper, starting with coarse, and then moving on to finer grain, carefully removing dust. Next, you need to paint the boards with acrylic or oil paint, apply the desired stencils, symbols or paintings. After that, carefully coat with varnish, repeating this procedure several times and dry.
  • An attractive rustic style table should be assembled from pallets (also called wooden pallets). In the event that a non-aqueous varnish is used, it is enough to apply two to three layers, while in the other case it is required to apply a greater number of times, up to about ten. After completing the varnishing of the elements, it is worth moving on to the installation, which consists of several steps.
  • We fix the tabletop with planks, we firmly connect the boards to each other and fix them with self-tapping screws. It is mandatory to use a drill so that when using self-tapping screws the tree is not damaged. Then we coat the joints with glue, we process the entire countertop with special means that protect the tree from decay.
  • Last of all, we put the legs: we need to fasten them with self-tapping screws in order to learn the structure, we install jumpers at the bottom.
  1. Wooden table with glued top.

For a glued worktop, you need to take boards of the same width. For this experiment, you will need grooves (and therefore a milling machine). Grooves are already present on old floorboards, if the appearance of the table is unimportant and its purpose is not for housing, it is worth using them.

  • The boards need to be laid out on a completely flat surface, this is important for the further collection of the countertop.
  • Thoroughly coat the sidewalls with glue, join, avoiding gaps between the boards, then pull off the resulting invention with special tools. Leave the product to dry for one to three days. If the operation of gluing the new countertop was carried out correctly, then the cracks will not appear. If cracks appear, then the countertop will spread even more.
  • It is required to process the ends - first, trim them with a jigsaw, and then sand them. If there is no belt sanding machine, replace it with manual processing - sandpaper, first coarse, then medium grit. Then carefully lacquer the resulting furniture in several layers (about ten layers of varnish, after each third layer it is required to treat the surface with sandpaper and remove dust with a damp twig), in no case do not rush at this final stage, then installation of the product is required.
  • It is required to make massive L-shaped legs. Take boards with a thickness of at least two and a half centimeters such that their thickness matches. Connect them at a ninety degree angle.
  • On the boards to be joined, make a selection, coat the joint with wood glue, and then install the screws. After the glue dries, coat the parts with varnish and bring them together into the final composition.

Get creative and create a functional, practical and great looking table in your own home! Such a standard piece of furniture can create a certain mood in the premises, ennoble your home with a special comfort! Choose your material and embark on a new adventure - inventing your own table, which, perhaps, will become a messenger for generations to come! If you still doubt that you can create your own table, you can imagine new furniture in your head, and then give it to professionals, and then, of course, also enjoy the resulting work of art!

Video: How to make a table with your own hands

Photo gallery: DIY tables made of wood

It is no secret that furniture is used in the country house that has served its time in the apartment. The table is no exception. However, in country conditions, the furniture that served perfectly at home may not always fulfill its purpose. We are talking about modern tables, made mainly of chipboard. Such tables are not suitable for gazebos, verandas, gardens, and even in a house with high humidity in the off-season, their service life is limited. In such conditions, a wooden table is necessary, but a wooden table is not a cheap pleasure. The solution to the problem is to make a table with your own hands. To do this is quite simple. In addition, this will save a lot, including on delivery.

The simplest table design

The simplest table design is shown in the photo below. At the same time, such a design is the least expensive both in terms of materials and manufacturing forces.


Optimal table dimensions

One of the advantages of making a table for giving with your own hands is that the table can be made in any size. Thus, the table is easy to adjust to the dimensions of the gazebo, porch or kitchen.

To make it easier to navigate in size, I will give a dimensional grid, which is most often used in the production of tables. The size chart is based on the size of the countertop.

  • 60x90 cm. A table with such dimensions is optimal for 3 people. At such a table it is convenient to have lunch, drink tea, etc. Due to its size, it will fit well into any small space.
  • 80x120 cm. 4 - 6 people can comfortably sit at such a table. Usually a table with such dimensions is appropriate to place in a large kitchen or on a veranda.
  • More than 120 cm. Tables with such dimensions are good for feasts. In the conditions of a summer residence and the limited space of a country house, such a table is mainly installed in a gazebo or under a canopy in the open air.

Naturally, when making a table with your own hands, the size can be made arbitrary, however, in order to be comfortable at the table, you should follow the recommendations given above.

Manufacturing procedure and table drawing

The drawing of the table is shown in the figure below.


Table legs are made of a wooden bar with a section of 40x40 mm and a length of 70 cm. If you want to decorate the table, then balusters can be used as legs. They are carved, and will make the design of the table more interesting.

The support for the countertop can be made from a board with a section of 25x150 mm, sawing it lengthwise into two halves. For support, you need 2 boards 650 mm long and 2 boards 1050 mm long.

With a countertop, everything is much more interesting. The tabletop can be made in various ways. The easiest option is to purchase a furniture board of the required size. It can be purchased at chain hypermarkets of building materials.


Following this path, it should be remembered that the furniture board is made by gluing small pieces of boards, and with constant exposure to atmospheric precipitation, it will quickly become unusable. Therefore, a table with a table top made of furniture board must be varnished or painted to protect it from moisture.

Another option is a plank top. Boards can be used in any size. For example, a section of 25x100 mm. This is a simple and cheap countertop option. This option is devoid of the disadvantages that are inherent in the furniture board.


However, without special equipment, it is unlikely that it will be possible to tightly fit the boards. Therefore, the countertop will have gaps between the boards. It looks good for a garden table. But not very practical.

You can get rid of the gap mentioned above by using an unusual, tongue-and-groove board. It will cost a little more, but you get a smooth, even tabletop.


As a grooved board, boards for the euro floor can be used. They are easier to find in the store. It is only important not to forget to cut them from the wrong side.

Table assembly

Once all the elements of the table are ready, you can start assembling the table. The assembly of the table is carried out in a certain order.

First, assemble the support for the countertop and fix the legs to it. This is the most difficult moment in assembling the table. As described earlier, the countertop support consists of 4 boards. They need to be connected to each other. This can be done in several ways.

The photo below shows how to assemble the support for the tabletop and fix the leg to it with a special tie.


This method is the ideal solution, except for the fact. That it may not be easy to purchase a special screed.

Another way is to pull the entire structure together with a wooden block.


When applying this method, you need to pay attention to the fact that the bar must be sawn off at an angle of strictly 45 degrees. Otherwise, the table will not be rectangular.

In my opinion, the simplest and most affordable option for assembling the legs and supports for the tabletop is to use a metal general construction corner 50x50 mm in size. You can buy it in any store, and it has the correct geometric shape.

The last step in assembling the table is installing the table top. Depending on the type of countertop, it can be fixed in various ways. The furniture board can be attached with corners or with glue. Separate boards with self-tapping screws and glue.


As you could already understand, making a table for a summer house or a house with your own hands is quite simple. It's important to get creative. Such a table can be decorated with any paintwork. A handmade wooden table will delight you every day and will last for many years.

Wooden tables and decoration ideas





Even if furniture production is far from your area, making a country table with your own hands to gather with family and friends on warm summer evenings is quite a feasible task.

Its main advantage, in contrast to the purchased one, is undoubted savings. It is not necessary to make a table from scratch: simply by assembling purchased parts, you will save 30-50% of the cost. If it is possible to use materials left over from construction or repair, the costs will be limited to the purchase of fittings.

To choose a design, you need to decide where the product will be used.

Using cheap non-standard boards for a country or kitchen table - substandard - you will get advantages that are not available for mass production. Sounds doubtful? But this is true: knots, due to which the boards are rejected, have interesting decorative properties. If you succeed in emphasizing them successfully, you will become the author of a completely unique design product, which is a pity to leave in the garden in the rain.

Making a country table with your own hands to gather with family and friends on warm summer evenings is quite a feasible task.

To choose a design, you need to decide where the product will be used: on a grassy lawn under a tree, to complement an arbor, to stand in a workshop or in a house.

The simplest country table can be assembled in a few hours with a minimum of materials, but it will not last long either. To get a product that will be really pleasant to use, you need to carefully prepare the boards and perform all technical operations at each stage with high quality.

Its main advantage, in contrast to the purchased one, is undoubted savings.

If you find a large stump in the woods, it can make an easy-to-make garden table. It is only required to remove the bark from the stump, make an even cut along the top, sand it, treat it with an antiseptic and varnish it. It is enough to nail or screw a finished furniture board to the "leg" from the stump - and you're done.

Worktops made of boards fastened at the bottom with transverse slats look good. If you prefer a glued worktop, you can do it yourself, but this will require a lot of effort.

If you succeed in emphasizing them successfully, you will become the author of a completely unique design product, which is a pity to leave in the garden in the rain.

It is difficult for a novice master to fix the legs securely, so try to choose a design by correctly evaluating your skills and taking into account the cost of labor and time. The easiest way to make cruciform and L-shaped legs. To attach straight legs - you need to carefully connect the parts.

One of the coziest options for a garden is a collapsible table with benches that can be installed in a gazebo or on a veranda. It is not difficult to perform it, the main thing is to choose high-quality materials and properly prepare them for work.

The simplest country table can be assembled in a few hours with a minimum of materials, but it will not last long either.

How to choose a tree?

For a garden or kitchen table, wood of many species is suitable, both soft (pine, spruce, cedar, fir) and hard (oak, birch, ash, walnut, maple, apple, pear, acacia, etc.). The exception is too soft woods wood (poplar, alder, aspen, willow).

One of the main parameters of the suitability of wood for making furniture is resistance to decay: the species listed above meet this requirement.

If you do not plan to engage in furniture work all the time or are just starting to practice, give preference to the most common types of wood - pine and birch.

Worktops made of boards fastened at the bottom with transverse slats look good.

It is possible to use wood of different species for the table top, frame and legs. At the assembly stage, you will need dowels: they are usually made from acacia or boxwood. Birch wood has an inexpressive pattern and can be significantly warped due to spilled liquid - it is better not to use it as a countertop material, but due to the hardness of this breed, legs can be made from it.

The countertop is best made of oak or pine. If you know how to brush wood, the surface of the kitchen table can become a real work of art. Brushing lends itself to soft wood: the wood is burned with a gas burner, and the soft fibers are removed with an iron brush. Work is best done in the yard due to the large amount of dust. If you managed to burn the wood evenly, the result will please you. The brush can be tinted with stains, stains, artistic acrylic paint diluted with water. Of course, wood brushing is not required: it is only a finishing option.

If you prefer a glued worktop, you can do it yourself, but this will require a lot of effort.

The choice of paints and varnishes and glue

Before proceeding with the installation, the boards must be protected from decay. The tree must be impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion (WPE): the treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 3-5 days. This is enough for the product to last a long time.

Some models require glue. Along with special carpentry adhesives (BF-2, etc.), building PVA can be used: it is applied to both surfaces to be glued, dried to a “tack”, then the parts are connected and kept under pressure for up to three days.

It is difficult for a novice master to fix the legs securely, so try to choose a design by correctly evaluating your skills and taking into account the cost of labor and time.

The choice of paint and varnish materials is determined by where the product is planned to be used: in the yard or indoors. For a garden table that is inevitably exposed to precipitation, alkyd, alkyd-urethane, nitrocellulose varnishes and oil paints are suitable. For the kitchen table, as well as for any furniture that is constantly in the room, it is better to use acrylic paints and varnishes: they are more environmentally friendly and do not have a strong smell. Lacquers marked with the "blue angel" mark are recommended for children's furniture and toys.

If you decide to cover the wood with stain, paint or just tinted varnish, this must be done before assembly. Material compatibility must be considered. The lacquer is tinted with a paint of a suitable composition: if the lacquer is alkyd, the paint should be oily, if you use acrylic lacquer, it can only be tinted with acrylic paint. First, a small amount of varnish is thoroughly mixed in a separate container with paint, and then the resulting mixture is added to a larger volume of varnish.

One of the coziest options for a garden is a collapsible table with benches that can be installed in a gazebo or on a veranda.

What tools are needed

For work you will need:

  • hacksaw,
  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer (if you decide to use nails).

For a garden or kitchen table, wood of many species is suitable.

This list includes only the most necessary tools, but in order to make the work more comfortable and the finished product look aesthetically pleasing, it is advisable to buy or rent a rotary miter box, an eccentric grinder and a milling machine.

The rotary miter box makes it possible to make cuts exactly at the right angle. An eccentric sander will allow you to prepare parts simply, quickly and efficiently: you will sand the boards in an hour, instead of doing it all day manually with sandpaper. For high-quality processing of the ends, a belt grinder is useful, and a milling machine allows you to select a tree for the necessary grooves and process the edges.

If you do not plan to engage in furniture work all the time or are just starting to practice.

Homemade pallet table

A spectacular rustic table can be constructed from pallets (wooden pallets). If you are a happy owner of such a container, especially a double-deck pallet, just disassemble it: there is no problem in purchasing boards!

Think it's always better to buy new boards? You probably have not worked with wood before: raw wood cannot be used (the product deforms after a few months), and dry boards are much more expensive. To dry raw wood boards, they are stacked in a well-ventilated area: this necessary process will delay your project by 4-6 months! A good option for the kitchen table can be the already mentioned rejected boards, also dry.

It is possible to use wood of different species for the table top, frame and legs.

Let's go back to the pallets: they are dismantled. Now you have at your disposal strong boards with different patterns and colors, it is possible that from trees of different species. These features should not be considered as disadvantages: they will give the product a zest: you just need to create an interesting composition from them, alternating boards of a similar shade.

The sides of the pallet will make an excellent frame, and the remaining planks will be used to assemble the countertop.

Work is best done in the yard due to the large amount of dust.

To make the legs, you will need a bar with a thickness of at least 5 cm. All the details must be prepared: sanding strictly along the fibers with sandpaper, first coarse (No120-150), then finer grit (No400-600), carefully removing dust.

Some boards can be painted with acrylic or oil paint. Loft style fans can use stencils in the form of numbers or simple graphic symbols. Boards with a beautiful natural pattern “morim” or simply varnished. After staining or the first layer of acrylic lacquer, the soft fibers rise; they need to be sanded with medium grit sandpaper and a new coat of varnish applied.

A spectacular rustic table can be constructed from pallets (wooden pallets).

If a non-aqueous varnish is used, it is enough to apply 2-3 layers, and if acrylic, the number of layers can reach up to ten.

A good option for the kitchen table can be rejected boards, also dry.

We fasten the tabletop boards with planks, which we place at the joints of the boards. Using a drill, a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, we fasten the boards to the planks (at the joints we use two self-tapping screws, on solid boards - one). The use of a drill is necessary so that when screwing in the screws, the wood does not crack. We assemble the frame from the prepared sidewalls of the pallets. Using a drill bit suitable for self-tapping screws, we drill holes at the joints. We coat the joints with glue and fix with self-tapping screws. We install the legs: simply fasten the boards to the frame, screwing in the screws diagonally. To strengthen the structure, we make jumpers at the bottom in a similar way.

To make the legs, you need a bar with a thickness of at least 5 cm.

Wooden table with glued top

For a glued worktop, you need to choose boards of the same width. If the table is intended for a workshop and its appearance is not of great importance, you can use old floorboards: there are already grooves there. To make the grooves yourself, you need a milling machine.

To assemble the countertop, a flat surface is required. We simply coat the sidewalls with glue, join the boards without gaps and tighten the resulting structure with clamps. Depending on the glue used, the countertop should dry from 1 to 3 days. If everything is done correctly, you will get a countertop with a completely flat surface without cracks. It remains to work out the ends - first trim with a jigsaw, and then sand. In the absence of a belt grinder, this must be done manually - with sandpaper, first large, then medium grit.

After varnishing the parts, you can proceed to the installation, which consists of several stages.

If you don’t want to mess around with glue and clamps, you can use a ready-made furniture board from a hardware store. Then the countertop remains covered with a transparent or tinted varnish.

For a good result, you need to apply 5-7 (for acrylic varnish up to 10) layers. After each third layer, the working surface of the countertop must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, carefully removing dust with a damp cloth. At the varnishing stage, it is important not to rush: each layer of varnish should dry well.

It remains to make the legs of a garden or kitchen table: let's focus on the option with L-shaped legs. You will need boards with a thickness of at least 22-25 mm.

For a glued worktop, you need to choose boards of the same width.

L-shaped legs consist of two parts connected at an angle of 90. On the boards to be joined, it is necessary to make a selection, coat the joint with wood glue, and then install self-tapping screws.

When the glue dries, cover the legs with varnish and after drying, simply fasten them to the countertop with screws.

The connection of the legs with the tabletop has several options.

Table with straight legs

To make straight legs, it is enough to file a thick beam into pieces of the same length. The connection of such legs with the tabletop has several options.

In order for the straight legs to be installed securely, at home, you can use the connection on the dowels. You can make them yourself from acacia wood or buy ready-made ones. To assemble dowel joints, you need quick-drying wood glue (BF-2).

To make straight legs, it is enough to file a thick beam into pieces of the same length.

Table with X-shaped legs

Sequence of work.

  1. On the inside of the tabletop, we fasten two strips on each side with self-tapping screws.
  2. To make the table look good, the edges of the planks must first be cut at an angle of 52.
  3. We fasten the paired planks so that the legs fit, we make laps of 2-3 mm on each side.
  4. We lay the boards on a flat surface, crossing them at the right angle. We measure the distance between the ends of the boards: it should correspond to the width of the table.
  5. We circle the intersection with chalk: here it is necessary to choose half the thickness of the boards so that after assembly they lie in the same plane.
  6. We coat the recesses with glue and place the parts under the press for 1-3 days. For greater reliability, the connection can be strengthened with self-tapping screws.
  7. We varnish the legs.
  8. It remains to attach them to the table top, placing them in the grooves formed by the slats - and the table for giving with your own hands is ready.

X-shaped legs are made of bars or boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm.

Table with benches

The best solution for a gazebo is a dining table with benches attached to it. It is better to make such a design collapsible in order to clean it indoors for the winter.

The table will require thick boards (from 32 mm), which must be cut into pieces according to the drawing. In this version, two benches are attached to the table. When all the parts are cut, they must be sanded, paying special attention to the ends. We varnish each board separately.

The best solution for a gazebo is a dining table with benches attached to it.

To connect the parts of the structure, we will prepare the studs (length 160 mm), nuts and washers - 24 pcs each. For other connections, use self-tapping screws or nails of a suitable length. Using a drill, it is necessary to prepare all the holes for the fasteners.

According to the drawing, we assemble the countertop and the upper parts of the benches. We cut the transverse slats along the edges, the angle should be 45. This is convenient to do with the help of a rotary miter box.

We make and fasten all the legs to the screws. We fasten the parts cut at an angle.

We varnish each board separately.

We tighten the product with studs with bolts. The holes for the studs must be pre-drilled with a drill. When installing the stud, you need to put washers on both sides and tighten the nuts using a wrench.

We tighten the product with studs with bolts.

Seat boards are fixed with gaps of 5 mm. When the seats are connected to the sawn supports, we attach them to the assembled base with 160 cm boards: you will need 4 boards.

We install the remaining studs and enjoy the result.

Using a drill, it is necessary to prepare all the holes for the fasteners.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself wooden table in the gazebo

50 photo ideas: how to make this table with your own hands

This piece of furniture is one of the most versatile in use. The table can be a dining table, household table, installed in a living room, on a veranda, territory, in a workshop, and so on. In a word, it is impossible to do without it. But purchased products do not suit many for a number of parameters - size, design features, shape, or for another reason.

Given that the tree is relatively easy to cut, grind, make a table out of it according to your own drawing, with your own hands for a good owner is not a problem. Yes, and it will be much cheaper. Plus - satisfaction from such work.


This is ideally an extension, a barn, an empty garage, although a small area under a canopy is also suitable. To work with a tree on a site, in the open air, means to be completely dependent on the vagaries of the weather. If there are “square meters” suitable for making furniture, then you should worry about high-quality ventilation in advance. Natural is sometimes not enough (besides, it depends on the change in wind direction and pressure), and an exhaust hood is installed.

Arguments that if you use protective equipment, then you can work in a closed space, do not stand up to scrutiny. Wood dust will immediately settle on everything, including the sample with which some actions are performed. Neither an accurate cut along the line, nor a high-quality surface treatment of wood (not to mention the impregnation and finish coating with a paint and varnish composition) can not be obtained.

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that many preparations used for wood processing contain toxic components. For example, varnishes, paints, impregnations, if they are not natural, then harmful fumes are guaranteed.


Their set depends on the extent to which it is planned to “ennoble” a simple wood structure, what shape to give it and a number of other nuances. If the master does not claim the elegance of a wooden table, does not aim to achieve its originality, then the usual carpentry set will be enough.

For more “fine” work in the process of making a table of unusual shapes, external design, special devices will be needed.

El / jigsaw. With a conventional saw, it will not work to make an inclined vertical cut, accurately maintaining the angle. The canvas will “play”, and therefore the quality of the work will be extremely low. The electric jigsaw is universal in use, besides it gives high accuracy in cutting wood or cuts in it.

Miter box rotary. The main function is to facilitate corner cutting. Such a device can either be bought or made. A thing, no doubt, useful in the house. The irreplaceable assistant for exact cutting of various preparations. For example, plastic or wooden fillets (floor, ceiling), which are used to decorate any premises during the repair process.

Grinder. There are several modifications of this electric tool on the market, and the criteria for choosing it are a separate issue. For the manufacture of the table is quite suitable tape. It is universal in application, and is used not only in the assembly of furniture.

Manual frezer . If it is necessary to select grooves, process holes, and in a number of other cases, one cannot do without it.

Many of the listed fixtures can be rented if furniture making is not a hobby, but a necessity.

Impregnation and other compounds

Rotting protection:

  • Working off engine oil is an effective, moreover, free tool. But not for dinner tables.
  • Linseed oil. A natural and effective product that penetrates deep into the wood structure and protects it from mold and mildew. Minus - high cost. But if the table is intended for eating - a great option. The drug has no color, therefore, after processing the lumber, it does not leave any traces in the form of darkening, stains, streaks, unlike mining.
  • The emulsion is water-polymer. It is characterized by duration of action and safety for health.
  • Acrylic varnishes. They practically replaced their predecessors of the "NC" category, as they are harmless and in many respects better than compounds that are diluted with solvents.
  • PVA, bone glue and a number of others. More detailed information about carpentry compositions -.

To decorate a tree:

  • Colorless varnishes are used not only to protect the material from moisture. With their help, you can save the texture of the tree, shade it.
  • Wood stains.
  • Varnishes with a coloring effect (toning).
  • Paints (but only for wood!).
  • Putties.

Using a colorless varnish and pigments, you can make a coloring composition, and any shade. It is enough just to correctly determine the proportion of components. This is easy to do by experimenting with mixing and applying a sample to a rejected board. This will allow you to choose an acceptable tone. More than expedient, since it is not always possible to buy exactly what you need on the market.


All tips for assembling a wooden table with nails (the argument is simple, fast and cheap) are best ignored. The reasons are as follows:

  • A nail easily pricks a dry tree (and this is exactly what is taken; more on that below).
  • Correctly directing his leg (strictly vertically) is quite difficult. In some cases, it is even more difficult to redo your oversight.
  • A tree, even the most protected from rot, eventually succumbs to it. The maintainability of a table knocked down with nails is extremely low. Practice shows that it is rarely possible to remove such fasteners without damaging adjacent structural parts. As a result, instead of the planned replacement of one element, 2 - 3 will have to be changed.
  • When assembling a wooden table, if one glue is not enough, you should use only self-tapping screws.
  • Sometimes its individual parts (at the joints) require reinforcement. It is not advisable to strengthen the strength with a hardware with a thicker and longer leg. The reason is the same - the probability of splitting the tree. For these purposes, metal strips, brackets, corners are used.

Features of the choice of wood

Someone focuses on the cost of lumber, another is important for the resistance of the tree to decay, for the third - its texture. What can you recommend to a novice furniture maker? Do not use for the table, unless it is intended to be installed somewhere in the back room or garage, the same type of wood. This is exactly what many novice "craftsmen" do, picking up the same type of boards and bars from what is left of the construction or repair and gathering dust in the barn.

When making a wooden table for living quarters, verandas, and so on, you need to take into account the properties of individual species. Naturally, if there is not enough experience in assembling furniture, you should pay attention to cheaper wood. The first table (chair, stool) in life is just a kind of training in manufacturing, gaining experience.

Tabletop. Here in the first place - strength and minimal absorption of moisture. It is on this part of the table that something is constantly spilled. The best choice is pine, larch, oak (although the latter is more expensive). Thickness - at least 3 cm.

If the dimensions of the countertop are small, then wood-based slab products (OSV and the like) can be used. But only with lamination to prevent swelling of the material when liquid enters the surface of the table. For example, LDSP.

Legs. Birch. From moisture it can “lead”, but in terms of strength - an excellent option. The optimal parameters for the blanks for the legs (in cm) are: length - about 76, cross section - 5 x 5. Dowels. Acacia. It is much easier to find than boards from the often recommended boxwood.

In the furniture industry, low-grade lumber is not used. This is not economically feasible, since pre-treatment of wood increases the duration of the production cycle. But in the manufacture of something, wood of lower grades, substandard - just right. The same pallets left after using stacks of foam blocks or bricks.

And not just because it's free or relatively cheap. Many of the disadvantages of such wood with a competent approach can be turned into pluses. For example, after coating with a colorless varnish, the countertop acquires a unique original look.

The main thing is that the boards do not have obvious defects in the form of rot, cracks, falling knots and wormholes.

If pine is chosen for the countertop (this also applies to many other conifers), then you need to pay attention to the location of the annual rings. These arcs are called humpbacks. The cuts of the boards show how they are oriented, and this is taken into account in the process of laying them in a row. Samples obtained by the tangential sawing method are arranged in alternation (pink down, the next one up); radial cutting - the same way (with arcs in the same direction). The nuance is insignificant, but it is the observance of this recommendation that eliminates the risk of warping and splitting of the boards.

For furniture, if you think about its durability, you should take only dry lumber. During the drying of the wood, it will deform; this is a natural process, and its consequences in the form of twisting, warping, bending are inevitable. Such a table will quickly begin to warp, and you will have to deal with its repair. And here you need to decide whether to purchase high-dry wood or rid it of moisture yourself. The first option is simpler, but such a tree is more expensive. The second will cost less, but there are a number of purely technical difficulties.

  1. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure a stable temperature regime in the place where the blanks are stored. Changes in its value will lead to uneven evaporation of moisture, which will negatively affect the strength of the tree.
  2. Secondly, good ventilation must be organized.
  3. Thirdly, and, perhaps, this is the most unpleasant moment - you will have to wait, up to about six months, depending on the initial moisture content of the tree. But this is not a guarantee that the result will be expected; Even this takes practice.

This once again confirms the idea that when starting to make wood furniture for the first time, one should focus on the simplest table for household needs from cheap lumber, without pretensions to its sophistication and originality of design. For example, for a barn, garage and the like.

Variants and schemes of wooden tables

It should be noted right away that any work related to the design and self-assembly is a creative process. There are no stereotypes in this business, so you can only take the model you like as a basis, and everything else - linear parameters, shape, manufacturing specifics - depends on the purpose of the product and your own imagination. Here are just a few examples of what wooden tables can be. For example, for summer cottages, small utility rooms, it is worth choosing structures whose geometry can be easily changed - folding, hiking, hanging, garden, level, and so on.

Tables that are supposed to be used for eating, playing games, as coffee tables for installation in living rooms for a specific purpose, are made stationary, that is, of unchanging size. These assemblies are more “solid”, since all articulated parts are fixed rigidly; no articulated joints.

Features of the assembly of wooden tables

If a person undertakes to make something, then he knows how to use the tool, read the drawings and work with lumber. Such a home master does not need to be taught the basics of carpentry. But a number of nuances in the manufacture of a wooden table will be useful to note. These notes will only help in the process of work.

Let's start with the types of connections. There are quite a few of them, but for a table that is assembled with your own hands, the following are quite enough.

On dowels

In this case, the parts are fastened by landing on the adhesive composition (Fig. 1 - 3).

The nuance is that for the manufacture of "cylinders" that are inserted into pre-drilled "channels", a tree of a denser structure is taken than the elements of the table. This is what ensures the strength of the connections. Before installing them, chamfers are removed from the edges of the dowels and holes.

These round sticks are commercially available, in any furniture store, in several sizes. To grind them, even with a carpentry machine, is a waste of time. It is not recommended to purchase plastic dowels for the table; they are used for collapsible connections. For example, frame furniture (walls, multi-level racks, etc.).

Nails should not be used to fix table elements (Fig. 4). Metal and wood differ in the degree of thermal expansion. Such a connection will not last long - a “shat” will begin, especially if the table is intended for installation on the territory or in an unheated room.

On the tsargs

It is advisable to make such connections if the table has to be either periodically disassembled, or without it it cannot be moved through the doorway. Although not all kings involve the dismantling of the structure. The most practiced options are shown in the figures.


Such connections are mainly used for garden or outbuilding furniture; for utility tables. An example is shown in the figure.

The nuance of working with fasteners

In order for the self-tapping screw to be easily screwed in and “go” in the right direction, a hole is first made at the point of its installation with a drill, with a diameter slightly smaller than the fastener leg. The main thing is to maintain the coincidence of the center lines, that is, to prevent skew. In this case, for the "landing" of the self-tapping screw, you can do without a screwdriver.

Features of wood processing

Everyone knows that a planer is used first, an abrasive with a large grain, and then a fine one. But sometimes it turns out that the last stage, grinding, has to be done repeatedly. Here much depends on the type of wood and the degree of its drying. After applying the first layer of varnish, the villi may “stand up”. Nothing wrong with that. You should wait for the workpiece to dry and repeat its processing with an abrasive. The work is painstaking and takes time. But it is by this technique that you can bring the "problem" wood to the ideal "smoothness".

To eliminate the risk of injury to a person, all edges and corners of the table should be slightly rounded.

Features of the exterior

  • Minor defects in the form of cracks, chips are eliminated with a putty composition.
  • After sanding, all wood dust must be removed. In this case, an ordinary household vacuum cleaner with an appropriate nozzle will help out. After such cleaning, it is recommended to wipe the entire table with a slightly damp cloth, let it dry and repeat the cleaning of the remaining dust. After that, you can safely proceed to applying stain or varnish - there will be no “pellets” on the tree.
  • You can give originality to the table not only with curly cutouts, an unusual shape of the tabletop or legs, a combination of textures of different species, and so on. One of the good options is art painting.

And finally. Work on the independent manufacture of something from wood (the same table) is just the initial stage in mastering the skill of the “assembly designer”. Having worked out the technologies and techniques on wood, having acquired the necessary skills, it is enough just to switch to other materials - metal, plastic, glass. So the benefits of a wooden table made according to even the simplest drawing (apart from the pleasure of working and saving money) are obvious - not wasted time.