Do-it-yourself high chair or how to make a do-it-yourself transformer chair for feeding a child from wood. Do-it-yourself children's wooden chair Drawing of a plywood children's chair

To provide your child with comfortable, durable, beautiful furniture, without spending a lot of money, you need to make it yourself. Start small - try making your own baby chair. Consider the photographs of similar pieces of furniture presented on the Internet, ready-made diagrams, drawings, determine what dimensions the finished product should have, how it will fit into the interior of the children's room, etc.

What material to choose?

Of no small importance is the choice of material of manufacture. Of course, it will depend on the financial capabilities and skills of the master, but the factor of its naturalness and safety for the health of the child should not be overlooked. In the production of children's furniture, it is best to use raw materials from their deciduous trees. The advantage belongs to beech, as its wood has good density, hardness, and is easy to process (for example, compared to oak). You can also use linden, birch. From coniferous species - pine, spruce, but so that during operation resin stains do not form on the surface of the product, the wood must be deresined.

When choosing wood for a chair, be sure to pay attention to the blanks being free of knots. Such parts of the tree are harder to process, they are less strong. Active use of the high chair can lead to breakage at the site of the knot, as a result, to injure the child.

Plywood is considered an inexpensive wood material. It consists of several layers of veneer of coniferous and deciduous trees. In addition to the low price, the advantages of plywood include light weight, as well as ease of use. The elasticity of the material allows you to create original curved shapes of various parts.

Chipboard is considered the most short-lived, but the cheapest material. A significant disadvantage is the use of formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde resins (6-18%) in its production. Also, chipboard does not have a dense texture, because of this fastening is not reliable. In children's furniture, chipboard (as well as plywood) often makes flat parts: seats, backs, table tops.

What you need to make a wooden baby chair

We offer drawings and the procedure for manufacturing a children's chair. Its dimensions:

  • product height - 630 mm;
  • distance between legs: in depth (from front to rear) - 280 mm, in width (between front / rear) - 320 mm;
  • leg length: rear - 630 mm, front - 410 mm.

For a more reliable connection of parts, self-tapping screws and spikes will be used at the same time.

To make a wooden chair for a child with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials, tools and fixtures in advance:

  • A bar with a section of 50x50 mm will be used in the construction of the frame.
  • Bar 20x40 mm for stiffeners and crossbars.
  • From plywood, a board or a piece of solid wood 30x10 mm we will make a chair seat.
  • To enhance the reliability of perpendicular connections, we use metal corners.
  • Electric jigsaw or hacksaw.
  • Plane.
  • Screwdriver or electric drill.
  • If fastening will be carried out with the help of spikes, an electric mill is needed.
  • Sandpaper or sander to smooth wood surfaces.
  • Roulette, square, ruler.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First of all, you need to cut 4 legs from the timber (20x35). 2 of them should be 410 mm long and 2 more - 630 mm. Then we prepare 4 connecting strips (from the same beam) 280 mm long. They will be assigned the function of stiffeners, as well as handrails.
  2. With the help of spikes of standard diameter (from 8 to 10 mm), we connect the left legs: short front and long back. In the right places of the parts to be joined, we drill holes with an electric drill. To make the connection strong, the hole must have a diameter of 0.5 mm smaller than the spikes. Then generously lubricate each hole with glue and tightly hammer the spike into it.

  1. Next, we perform at a height of 250 and 410 mm the connections of the front and rear legs with crossbars (we will get the height at which the seat will be installed).
  2. Similarly, in the same sequence, you need to do with the right legs - connect the front and back.
  3. The places where the legs of the chair are connected to the crossbars are additionally reinforced with metal corners. We fasten them to the screws.
  4. Upon completion, we compare the two resulting designs. They must mirror each other, otherwise the chair will turn out uneven.
  5. We fasten both halves obtained using bars 20x20x310 mm. We drill holes in the crossbars with a diameter of 8 mm. We screw in them self-tapping screws containing internal hexagonal recesses in the head. At the end of this process, we get an almost finished chair without a back and a seat.
  6. At the next stage of work, you need to make the back. To do this, we take several (2-3) pieces of plywood or planks with the following parameters: width - 30 mm, thickness - 10 mm. We glue them together and place them under a press until the glue dries. We fix the back to the long legs with small nails. This detail will give the whole structure additional rigidity. In a similar way (from glued boards of the same size or plywood), a seat should be made.

Children's furniture should be not only comfortable and light, but also completely safe for the child. Therefore, after assembling the chair, it must be processed, varnished or painted. Playing with his furniture, the baby will move it, turn it over. All surfaces, edges and joints must be carefully sanded with sandpaper or a grinder, making sharp corners rounded.

Several layers of linseed oil will create a protective coating for the wood and extend its life. After you can start painting. Choose light or bright colors for decorating children's furniture, paints that are durable and will not peel off. A layer of colorless water-based varnish will help to securely fix the paint.

Highchair for baby

Such an original chair can be made using simple drawings, or even without them, from light in weight (715 g) and in work material - plywood. The chair has a small size, namely:

  • product height - 360 mm,
  • height to the seat - 180 mm,
  • seat - 190x240 mm,
  • back - 115x235 mm.

You can make a test model out of cardboard to see if a chair of this size is suitable for your child. If this product is small, increase it by the desired factor and feel free to get to work.

Materials and tools

  • Plywood 8 mm thick.
  • You can assemble the chair at will on spikes or simply on screws.
  • Feather drills, electric jigsaw.
  • Sandpaper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Drill with screws for connecting parts.
  • Colorless varnish.

Operating procedure

  1. Based on the data or your measurements, draw a side part for the chair with a pencil on a piece of plywood.
  2. Drill decorative holes with spade bits. Large - using a jigsaw.
  3. In order for the second sidewall to turn out exactly the same as the first, we put the finished part on plywood and outline it with a pencil. Cut it out the same way.

  1. We make the markings of the back, seat and details, which gives the chair rigidity, does not allow the sidewalls to loosen.
  2. When all the details of the chair are ready, it is necessary to make them absolutely smooth, rounded, carefully sand the surfaces and especially the cut points.
  3. We assemble the chair for glue and fasten the joints with screws.
  4. At the final stage, we are engaged in the decor of the chair. Top it off with a few coats of stain if you want to make it darker, or paint it a bright color and top it off with a water-based varnish.

With a little imagination and drawings of your own, you can change the look and finish of the high chair, as well as make a table for a child in a similar design. Your child will appreciate it.

A small wooden stool will find its use in every home. With such high chairs, children rush with great joy. Sitting on such a stool, it is convenient to peel potatoes and perform other "sedentary" work. However, not many people decide to buy a small stool due to the fact that there is always a more important waste of financial resources. But, almost everyone can make a small wooden chair with their own hands. To make it, you need a jigsaw and a little imagination.

Parts manufacturing, grinding.


The preparation of the material and the necessary tools plays an important role and saves time in the future. To make a stool we need:
- hewn board 800x200x25 mm in size (approximate dimensions, you can proceed from what is available),
- 8 shiny screws (50-60 mm),
- sandpaper,
- electric jigsaw,
- screwdriver or screwdriver
- paint and varnish on wood,
- tape measure, pencil and corner.

You need to start by marking the board. First of all, with the help of a corner, a pencil and a tape measure, we mark a rectangular segment without knots 32-33 cm long. This will be the upper part of our chair. Next, we mark two segments of 23 cm each - these will be the sides. Now it is desirable to give them some curly pattern. You can use any objects that have a circle for this, simply by outlining them with a pencil. But, this method involves an irrational waste of time. After all, you will have to mark the center and other dimensions in each sidewall. Therefore, for the sides it is better to use a pattern previously cut out of thick cardboard or other material. It will allow you to easily and quickly mark a large number of sidewalls. It is enough to attach a pattern and circle with a pencil.

By the way, the use of a figured pattern on the sidewall not only gives them a beautiful look, but also allows you to cut off all unwanted knots.
And immediately mark the jumper. It should have the shape of a trapezoid and have sides of 230 and 220 mm. The width of the jumper is not critical - from 80 to 120 mm.

So, it has a marked board.

Important! Do not draw too thick lines - this affects the evenness of the crop. Yes, and the pencil is not erased so easily.

Using an electric jigsaw, we cut out all our details. Equity is important here. For even trimming of the cut, it is better to lead the tool blade not along the line, but to the side of it.

You can learn how to cut evenly on unnecessary waste. So, cut out all the details.

This will give the product not only a beautiful look, but also hide all possible irregularities in the cut.
Further, all these details are carefully polished with fine sandpaper. It is most rational to carry out this procedure at this stage, since a number of inconveniences may arise when grinding the finished structure. It is convenient to grind even planes by putting sandpaper on a wooden block, or on a manual machine for grouting putty. The main thing is quality, since after painting all the flaws will appear and be visible.
This is what the sanded and unsanded sides look like.

So, it has the same parts, but already ready for assembly.

It is desirable to assemble in the following order:
- we connect the sides with a jumper (1 screw on each side);
- we expose this design on a flat surface and screw the top cover (2 screws on each side);
- We strengthen the connection of the sides with the jumper (1 more screw each).

The chair is assembled! We check it again on a flat plane. If the stool staggers a little, then we trim the legs until the product is completely stable.

Before painting, we once again check the product for defects, if necessary, erase them and the remains of the pencil. Using a brush, we clean the stool from wood dust and proceed to painting.
There is already “there is no friend for the taste and color”! You can leave the natural color of the tree by opening it with a colorless varnish. You can give the product a certain color using a variety of wood paints, which are full in all hardware stores. In principle, one layer is enough for painting. But, if, after the first layer has completely dried, the surfaces are again lightly sanded with fine sandpaper and a new layer of varnish is applied, then the gloss of the product will noticeably increase.
Important! Poorly sanded ends absorb more paint and become darker.

It looks like a finished, varnished chair.

Many modern parents are trying to make a highchair for feeding with their own hands. Made at home, it will meet all high requirements and completely eliminate allergens and components harmful to the child. In addition, given the high cost of furniture for a child, this will be a good way to save money.

A person who knows how to work with wood can easily make a good, and most importantly, safe transformer chair with his own hands. Before assembling a high chair, you should carefully select the materials for it.

Experts advise using softwood, such as spruce or pine. They should be chosen because they are easy to process, long-lasting and relatively inexpensive. Nevertheless, professional carpenters are used to assembling children's furniture from linden. It costs a little more, but will last much longer.

Since a highchair is being made, it is imperative to rid it of splinters and irregularities. You can use sandpaper for this, but the work will go faster with the use of a grinder. For a child, comfort and safety are important, so these items are the main ones in this work.

Prepare in advance all the necessary tools: nails, bolts, nuts, hinges, and as a result, take care of painting the finished product. The mobile high chair must be painted with acrylic paint. It is less toxic, as well as acrylic-based varnishes. The child will not only breathe harmful fumes every day, but also taste them by mouth, so parents should take care of his safety.

Types of chairs

Feeding chairs with their own hands come in different types. Before starting work, you should decide on one option, this will allow you to more accurately determine the amount of option spent. You also need to know from what and until what age the child should eat in a place specially prepared for him.

Starting from six months, the baby is able to visit the children's chair for feeding. The design must be made in such a way that the child cannot fall from it. A high chair for feeding a child should have high legs so that the child sits at the same level as adults. By knowing how to choose a high chair, your child will feel comfortable with every feeding.

High chair (option 1) High chair (option 2) High chair (option 3)
High chair (option 4) High chair (option 5) High chair (option 6)

The standard option for a high chair is a seat with long legs, to which a small table is already attached. This option can be placed anywhere, and the child pollutes only a certain area that is allowed to him. The combined children's chair for feeding is a small chair, qualitatively installed on a table-desk. When the baby grows up, the wooden chair can be removed and turned into a play desk.

Work process

Drawings, dimensions, diagrams - all this is available on the Internet. Also there you can find photos and videos of the process itself. After creating a schematic drawing, you can proceed to the very cutting of a chair for a child:

  1. Each piece of wood is processed with sandpaper before attaching them to each other.
  2. The dimensions must exactly match the drawings, otherwise the feeding chair will be uneven.
  3. You need to connect from the bottom to the top in order to properly secure the seat.

We cut out the details for the chair. It is advisable to use a router with a copy cutter.
The base to which the seat will be attached The back and sides are ready
Baby highchair - transformer, it can be folded and hidden Baby highchair is ready

Before work, check at what age you need a high chair. It should not be made too small or too large - this will bring inconvenience when feeding. All edges that come into contact with the child are made smooth and varnished in several layers.

In some cases, it is better to wrap the highchair with foam rubber. This will provide additional security, and the rules say that you need to make a high chair at the highest level. Experts advise sewing a cover on the chair, which can be washed more often, that is, kept clean. The main thing is not even what kind of chair, but how comfortable it will be for the baby to sit in it.

Knowing how to choose the right model and how to assemble a highchair, you will provide your child with high-quality and safe furniture. These necessary interior items will come in handy in any case, and buying them in the store is not always safe. And saving money always has a positive effect on future parents. Instructions on how to make a highchair will help you deal with all the subtleties and achieve an amazing result that will surprise all your loved ones.

When it comes to wooden furniture for a child, many parents ask themselves the question - is it possible and how to make a children's highchair for feeding with their own hands according to the drawings? There is only one answer - of course, you can, if you know how to hold a planer, saw and hammer in your hand. The main thing is to decide what kind of wooden chair you need to make - folding (regular), transformer, growing, or simply sewing mobile from fabric. In this article, we will focus on a regular folding chair, and take a closer look at its example, how to make a do-it-yourself highchair for feeding, and also show impromptu diagrams with dimensions.

Do-it-yourself baby highchair drawings diagram dimensions - getting started

To get started, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, which can inspire you to make a folding wooden children's highchair for feeding with your own hands. Of course, the video has flaws. There are no drawings, no step-by-step demonstration of how and what is being done. The author of the video himself said that he took the dimensions out of his head. He shows what he has done. However, if without exact dimensions and having only a rough plan, you can do SUCH, then it's easy. He made an excellent chair, and this cannot but inspire him to create his own masterpiece.

Usually, before you start making something yourself, you need to clearly define the type of chair and its dimensions. To do this, sketch out at least a rough plan on paper. For more experienced craftsmen, it may not be needed, but the dimensions are still needed.

So, what is a classic folding wooden feeding chair? Seat with a small table, located on high legs that fold. The table and seat can also be folded. Only the back and front legs remain stationary.

In order not to reinvent the wheel, the scheme can be searched on the Internet. There are several of these do-it-yourself baby highchairs with drawings and dimensions. The most successful options are shown in the picture.

When deciding on the size, first of all, you need to know the height at which the chair itself is located. The optimal leg height for a folding wooden chair is about 80 cm (800 mm). At this height, it is convenient to feed the child - there is a table and armrests on it. The seat itself is located at a height of 60 cm (600 mm) from the floor. But the legs will have to be done exactly according to the height of the table.

In general, when choosing the height of the legs of a do-it-yourself highchair for feeding, you should follow two rules:

  1. It should be convenient for parents to feed the child, and not bend down next to him in three deaths. At the same time, the height of the chair should be such that the grown-up baby, if desired, could climb into it himself.
  2. It is very convenient that the chair in its unfolded state enters with its small table under the usual large table, or is flush with it. So you can not only feed the child while yourself at the big table, but also let him play at this big table, or let him just be next to you at the table. Choose your option.

Do-it-yourself highchair for feeding - looking for the right material

In general, wooden furniture is best made from coniferous wood. Bars of them are cheaper and the easiest to work with. However, both spruce and pine can release resin, which is highly toxic and may not be good for babies. Therefore, a do-it-yourself highchair for feeding (and in general, all products for small children) is best made from linden. Lime bars are also easy to process, but the linden does not emit poisonous resin.

After you have decided on the type of tree, you need to prepare (buy, find in the bins) the required number of bars and boards from which the details for the future chair will be cut. And for this you need to choose a suitable scheme or drawing of a baby highchair with dimensions in order to have a clear idea of ​​what parts you will make it with your own hands.

So, we liked the following scheme, then the spare parts for the high chair will be as follows:

  1. 4 long bars per leg (80 cm each)
  2. 2 transverse strips located between the legs below - the main support for the high chair (450x60 mm)
  3. Side "high chair walls" - 2 pieces. (200x200 mm). The legs are attached to them.
  4. Armrests - 2 (400x30 mm)
  5. 2 planks between which the back of the chair is attached (170x20 mm)
  6. 2 rear crossbars - located between the two hind legs, the seat (310x30 mm) rests on the top.
  7. Table - 1 (500X200mm)
  8. Seat and back (300X300mm), (400X300mm)
  9. Two crossbars located between the front legs. They play the role of steps so that the baby can climb onto a chair on them. And also they are needed so that the legs of the chair do not spontaneously disperse in case of poor fasteners. Although, ... they play a secondary role, so making steps is optional. (310X60mm).

The thickness of all bars is 25 mm. This is quite enough for a toddler up to 20 kg - the design will withstand. Of course, if he doesn’t jump on a chair like on a trampoline, well)

Folding wooden children's highchair for feeding with their own hands - preparing the details

As an example of a do-it-yourself folding wooden baby highchair, you can use the following videos. It first shows the phased production, and then the final result of production. The author tells what and how he did. A glimpse shows the dimensions and a rough plan. However, even such a short review is quite understandable in order to learn from his experience and make your own chair.

After you have decided on the number of parts and their sizes, have found the right material, you should go directly to their cutting, sawing. For this, it is most convenient to use an electric jigsaw. Those who deal with carpentry will understand me, because not everyone has a machine at home. After all the details are cut out, you need them CAREFUL clean from burrs, then sand (treat) with sandpaper. Small children not only feel everything with their hands, but also try it on the tooth. So once again ATTENTION. no burrs, the safety of the baby directly depends on this. No one needs extra injuries and splinters, so we do it thoughtfully and with passion.

When all the details are cut out, processed with sandpaper, you can proceed directly to the assembly of the chair.

How to make a do-it-yourself highchair for feeding - assembly

Now, having ready-made spare parts and a plan in my head, to the question of how to make a highchair for feeding with your own hands, there is only one answer - to assemble. For assembly, you will need self-tapping screws, hinges, wooden or metal dowels. So let's go.

  • First, the sidewalls are screwed to the front legs (processed bars).
  • At the back, two strips are screwed to the sidewalls, between which the back will be located
  • Screw the back to the planks.
  • Install hind legs. They are attached either in the center of the sidewall, or in the middle to its upper part. It is the hind legs that become mobile.
  • Screw on the crossbar on which the seat rests. After that, you can screw the rest of the transverse strips, including the lower ones, on which the chair will directly stand.
  • Attach a seat. It is mounted either on small loops or on couplings that fasten pipes.
  • Screw the armrests to the table
  • Attach the armrests to the chair. They are attached to the back bars, to which the backrest is screwed.

Chair assembly completed

DIY highchair for feeding - the final stage

After the do-it-yourself baby highchair is made and assembled, you should take care of the soft seat, in other words, the comfort of the baby. To do this, foam rubber is glued to the back and seat, after which the seat is upholstered with washable oilcloth in bright colors. If the foam rubber does not stick stubbornly, then we fasten it with furniture staples or just large staples and a construction (furniture) stapler. Oilcloth can also be attached with a construction stapler, here you can take small staples.

The finished chair must be painted or stitched. At the same time, paints should be used ATTENTION., exclusively ACRYLIC, and varnishes NON-TOXIC. This is necessary in order not to harm the health of the child, and suddenly he decides to try the chair for a tooth.

DIY baby highchair - which is easier to make or buy

And now, after sweating and, finally, having done it, let's ask ourselves a question - is it easier to make or buy a children's highchair for feeding with your own hands? Today, most parents don't bother. And they just go to the store and buy the chair they like. In general, this is justified. Of course, if you buy ready-made material and make a chair yourself, you can save on money. Especially when you consider that folding wooden chairs from well-known manufacturers are not cheap today. However, an ordinary purchased wooden transformer is comparable in price to a hand-made folding chair. Therefore, if the question is which is easier: do it yourself or buy it, then the answer is unequivocal - it's easier to buy.

Another thing is, if you like to do everything yourself, there will not be such a question here. In addition, if you often make something, then you will certainly have a large supply of building material. Then you won’t have to spend much money, but only to sort out long-term blockages, which is also not bad.

Ultimately, you will decide what is preferable for you, but I want to say to beginners: any dad can make a simple folding wooden children's highchair for feeding with their own hands. You don't need to be a professional carpenter to do this.

To make the life of the baby more comfortable, many parents purchase special furniture for all life situations. So, for example, a high chair is used to design a play, workplace, is a necessary piece of children's furniture, which is also used to feed a baby. The cost of such a device is quite high, and the choice among materials and models is even greater. But there is a solution to this situation - this is a children's chair made of plywood or boards. Material, tools and fasteners for the manufacture of this product are quite affordable - they can be found in any hardware store or even at home. Particular attention should be paid to this question: how to make a highchair with your own hands?

The easiest way is to build a wooden chair. This option has many advantages that relate specifically to the type of material:

  • The material is easy to process
  • The cost of the tree is not so high
  • The aesthetic appearance of a product made of this material is initially acceptable without additional staining or decoration.
  • Wood product is completely eco-friendly

Consider what components, consumables you need to make a children's wooden chair with your own hands. In addition to the main material, additional elements will be needed, without which a quality product simply cannot be obtained:

  • Parts can be fastened with furniture glue, carpentry nails or small self-tapping screws.
  • Sometimes metal corners are used to strengthen the structure.
  • Often the seat and back are upholstered with foam rubber, which is covered with fabric.
  • To hide the places where parts are fastened with self-tapping screws, you need to buy special plastic lining
  • For the legs, there are also rubber and plastic pads so that they do not scratch the flooring.

For processing, stain or varnish on wood may be required. Sometimes a wooden chair is painted with eco-friendly paint. Such measures are not necessary, the main thing is that the baby does not get hurt due to a poorly treated surface of the product.