What to build a wooden house. What is better to build a wooden house? Whole, rounded log and timber. larch house

Long gone are the days when wooden houses were made exclusively from debarked logs. Today, varieties of wall materials for construction wooden house there are more than a dozen. About which of them and in what cases it is worth preferring, and will be discussed in this article.

Wood - although one of the best, but far from perfect construction material, which has a whole list of shortcomings, or, if you like, features that you must either put up with or look for ways to get rid of them, while retaining the no less numerous advantages of the tree.

The main disadvantages of houses built of wood natural humidity, are significant shrinkage, as well as cracks formed during drying. A slightly smaller problem is the fight against gaps between the crowns. A lot of ways to deal with these shortcomings of wood have already been found and, apparently, even more will be invented in the future. But the perfect recipe not yet, what explains such a vast variety of materials, during the construction of which the house will be considered wooden or, at least, will be outwardly similar to wooden.

Many of these materials have several names, and sometimes one name is assigned to several completely different materials or technologies at once. It will be difficult to understand all this diversity, and even more so objectively compare their consumer characteristics, without special education. To simplify the perception, we tried to group all the materials and highlight the advantages of each of them. Let's just list them first to see what you have to choose from.

All wall wooden materials can be divided into several large groups: logs, timber and panels.
The group of logs, that is, materials with a profile close to a circle, includes: ordinary debarked (chopped) logs, including dead pine, planed logs, rounded logs, gun carriage, glued logs.
Bar group consisting of materials rectangular section, also numerous: four-edged (rectangular) timber, profiled timber, glued timber.
Massive group wooden panels very young and, probably, in connection with this, it is represented by only three technologies: CLT, HMH and Naturi.
It is worth highlighting materials (and technologies, and sometimes trade marks), houses from which are declared as wooden, but objectively are insulated wooden structures and are often located on the border of wooden and frame housing construction: hollow log, thermobeam, cassette beam, double beam, wooden hollow blocks(DPB), superbeam, superlog, SuperLog, Woodlock.


Log houses, despite their centuries-old history, still occupy a significant percentage of the market of wooden housing construction. They are valued primarily for their environmental friendliness, since the logs for such a house are practically not processed in any way, the bark is only removed from them and the groove of the thermal lock is cut down. Since the dense layers of the log do not open, such a house can be normally operated even without protective coating antiseptics, which is the case with all other options for materials for wooden houses would lead to the appearance of mold and fungus on them.

The log house is an author's work, each log is separately selected for its place and adjusted to the neighboring logs. Each debarked log is unique in its shape, as a result of which it is not possible to automate such construction.

A log house can be made both from logs of natural moisture (spruce or pine), and from the so-called dead pine. The only difference is that the dead pine has dried up, standing upright on own roots in the forest. The absence of transverse loads and the time-consuming drying process of such wood leads to the fact that large cracks there is practically no such tree in the trunk, which significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of the walls, making a house made of such a tree noticeably warmer. In addition, a house built from dry logs has minimal shrinkage.

The surface of a planed log is treated with a planer, which removes all excessively protruding parts, which makes it possible to bring the shape of the log closer to the cylinder and make it more convenient for construction. The planer affects only the surface layers, due to which the natural protection of the log from mold and fungus suffers little. But in the rounded log, all uniqueness is removed, and the log is an almost perfect cylinder with a turned thermal lock and cups.

A house kit is made at the factory, which remains only to be assembled at the construction site. share manual labor is significantly reduced, the gaps between the logs are minimal and stable in thickness, due to which they are effectively closed interventional insulation. A house made of rounded logs must be covered with antiseptics, since it is very vulnerable to mold and fungus.

The carriage in cross section is not a circle, but an oval. This is done so that the walls of the house are flatter. A carriage is used in construction quite rarely, since only logs of large diameters are needed for its manufacture, which significantly increases the cost of the house. In addition, shrinkage cracks in the carriage are formed mainly not in the body of the thermal lock, as in round logs, but in the part facing the street or the room, which increases the thermal conductivity of the wall.

The glued log is the closest relative of the glued beam. It is distinguished from glued beams by the shape of the side boards, which are not rectangular, but semicircular, like a blockhouse. This form is given to the material solely for aesthetic reasons, so that the house built from it looks like a log house.

Article continued:
part 2.
part 3.

Our article today is more specific - about wall materials for wooden housing construction.

And FORUMHOUSE users will help us understand them.

From our material you will learn:

  • About the features of wooden houses;
  • About what forest it is better to build a house from;
  • About the pros and cons of wooden houses;
  • What is the difference between a log manual felling from round logs;
  • What are the types of timber.

Features of a wooden house

One of the main advantages of living in a wooden house is a favorable microclimate. It is easy to breathe in a house built of wood, it is cool in summer and warm in winter, it has a special, "home" atmosphere.

These features are due to the properties of the tree. Wooden walls have low thermal conductivity - like in a stone building, but the walls in a wooden house are thinner.

This reduces construction costs. Because the wooden house weighs less than stone, there is no need to build a powerful foundation under it. And with an appropriate wall thickness, a wooden house does not need to be additionally insulated.


- In my opinion, for a house for permanent residence in Moscow and the region for walls, it is enough to take a profiled beam with a thickness of 190-195 mm. If you take ordinary timber 150 mm thick, you will need additional insulation on the facade in 50 mm. A rounded log must be at least 260 mm in diameter.

The greatest heat losses do not go through the walls, but through a poorly insulated floor, roof and improperly installed windows.

It is also necessary to build from a log, paying attention not to the diameter of the material itself, but to the width of the groove (the place where the logs are stacked on top of each other). You can put a log house with logs with a diameter of more than 300 mm, but with a groove only 5-7 cm wide. As a result, the actual thickness of the log wall will be the same 5-7 cm and, despite the spectacular appearance a house made of such logs will be very cold in winter. Even heating on the main gas will not save.

Therefore, before starting the construction of a wooden house, it is important to understand why it is being built and how it will be operated: how summer cottage, or as a place for permanent residence.

If a wooden house is used in the "cottage" mode, then upon arrival at the site it quickly warms up, and a well-heated wooden house, built of thick logs, thanks to their heat capacity, retains heat for a long time (the walls act as a heat accumulator).

Even in an unheated wooden house there is no feeling of dampness, because. wood, due to its good vapor permeability, removes excess steam and moisture to the outside. Studies have shown that the movement of steam and air in a log occurs more in the longitudinal than in the transverse direction.

Thermal energy from a wooden house goes out the other way around - across the log.

Because steam, tending outward, moves in a perpendicular (along the annual rings) direction, there is no mixing of these flows.

Steam does not reach the outer, cooled layers in the wooden wall and is removed through the ends in the logs, and does not condense when a “dew point” occurs.

Therefore, a favorable microclimate is maintained in a wooden house.

When building a wooden house and choosing materials for its decoration, it is important to follow the principle: the degree of vapor permeability of materials should increase from the inside out.

Among the advantages of wooden houses are:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • finishing appearance of the walls: they do not need additional external and interior decoration except for coloring.

Despite all the advantages, wood, as a wall building material, is not without a number of disadvantages.

A wooden cottage takes a long time to sit down, so you can’t immediately start finishing it - insert windows, doors, etc. The house should "stand" under a temporary roof. On average, this process takes about a year. Shrinkage of walls: the change in their height depending on the degree of moisture saturation of the source material can be from 3 to 12%. Therefore, even at the stage of the project, it is important to include this coefficient in the height of the streams.

Timber can start to rot, it can be driven or “helicoptered”, it is prone to cracking and attack by pests. Also, the tree needs comprehensive protection from destructive impact water and sun rays. To combat these phenomena, the wood is treated with fire-bioprotective agents, painted and impregnated with special compounds.

Wood is a “living”, capricious material, which is constantly influenced by external adverse weather factors. Find out from our news how and what to protect

The best tree for a log house

The most important thing for a house is the material from which it will be built. The price depends on the choice of material, performance characteristics and durability of the building. Ideal Materials does not exist. Each has its pros and cons, and we will talk about them.

There are three base material, from which houses are built in Russia: wood, brick, concrete. Everything else is numerous variations and combinations involving these three components.


Let's start, perhaps, with the traditional material for Russian housing construction - wood. About 23% of our houses were built from it. A wooden house can be built from logs (rounded or profiled) or from timber (plain or glued). log houses are cheaper than log houses. The most expensive material is glued laminated timber.

The advantages of a wooden house are its beautiful appearance, environmental friendliness, frost resistance, speed of construction, seismic and wind resistance. In addition, wood does not need additional cladding ( good savings for the budget).

There are also disadvantages, but they are relatively few. First, wood is a capricious material. For example, wooden houses often shrink. Shrinkage at home is a natural process of changing the volume of walls due to the drying of the material from which they are made. The maximum shrinkage is about 10% and is observed in houses from freshly cut logs. Such a building needs to stand without finishing for at least 8 months, and usually a year. In the process of shrinkage, the house may crack, which are coated with special compounds. Minimum shrinkage is observed in houses made of glued laminated timber and ordinary dried timber. Such materials are almost immediately ready for finishing. However, it will take a lot of money to insulate a house from a bar. Another disadvantage of wood is flammability, a fire can destroy such a structure in a matter of minutes. Therefore, wooden houses are impregnated with special compounds that increase their fire resistance. Special formulations needed to protect against decay and insects. Impregnation is a necessary measure, and the special equipment themselves are not always environmentally friendly. In addition, a wooden house requires constant care, especially if it is intended for seasonal residence, it must be heated, as damp wood begins to rot. In general, the durability of wooden houses built by specialists, in compliance with all technological nuances is 70-100 years old.


Brick is one of the most popular materials on the market. More than 50% of houses in Russia are built of brick. Two types of bricks are used in construction: silicate (white) and ceramic (red) bricks. silicate brick consists of a mixture of quartz sand, water and air lime. It is strong enough, resistant to frost, has good sound insulation. But for the construction of external construction teams prefer ceramic bricks. Seven stamps issued ceramic brick: from M75 to M300. The higher the numbers, the stronger the brick. You should also pay attention to frost resistance, denoted by the letter F. Most low quality- F15, the highest is F75.

The main advantages of brick are strength, fire resistance, wide selection on the market and reasonable price. Small brick house uk can sometimes cost less than a wooden cottage. The brick keeps the temperature well, in this sense, it is ideal for houses where it is planned year-round living. But at the same time, in terms of heat transfer, brick is seriously inferior to wood.

Brick also has a lot of drawbacks. To build a brick house, sometimes one and a half times more time must be spent than to build a wooden house. Brick is a heavy material, which complicates its logistics and storage. A brick building needs a strong and powerful foundation, and these are additional costs.

Foam and concrete

AT recent times become more and more popular houses from cellular concrete, or as it is also called, foam concrete. There are several types of such concrete (foam concrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete) that are used in the form of blocks.

Foam concrete has earned its popularity largely due to its budget cost, speed of work, and light weight. Since the foam concrete has a porous structure, the weight of the foam blocks is significantly reduced, respectively, the laying of the house goes faster.

Walls made of cellular concrete, unlike brick walls, are breathable. Due to this property of the material in living quarters is constantly maintained optimal humidity air, excluding the appearance of mold and fungi. Cellular concrete is not subject to rotting and is not affected by harmful insects.

At the same time, "breathing" walls are poorly combined with high humidity. Over the years of operation, foam concrete gains a sufficient amount of moisture, becomes damp, thereby increasing operating costs. If construction technologies are not followed, it is porosity that can lead to the destruction of the house. The moisture accumulated in the pores of foam concrete increases in volume during freezing and leads to the appearance of cracks.

A more modern version of the building blocks available on the market is aerated concrete. During the manufacturing process, it is dried in an autoclave, thus getting rid of the main disadvantage of cellular concrete.

Anton Sveshnikov

Starting the construction of a house, the future owner must solve many issues, the main of which is what material to build from. The choice is influenced by many factors, both subjective and objective.

If for some developers the cost is not significant, then for others this parameter is decisive.

In the same way, the future comfort and safety of living should be considered. This article discusses the features various options construction of a country house.

The main options for building a house

Along with the cost factor of construction, one should take into account the features of the building design, climatic conditions, appearance and speed of construction work.

brick house

A brick house always has a spectacular appearance, but it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of material. Brick products vary significantly in quality. For example, there are bricks that cannot be used in conditions high humidity and temperature fluctuations.

Houses made of such material will not last more than 15-20 years. But there is material, houses from which will stand for more than 30 years.

The advantages of brick material are:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • increased noise and heat insulation;
  • environmental friendliness and the possibility of a variety of interior decoration.

At the same time, such material is quite expensive, construction is possible only in warm time years, and the houses themselves warm up for a long time and are afraid of dampness.

Houses made of aerated concrete and foam concrete

Cellular concrete is an artificial stone in which the pore-cells are evenly distributed and filled with gas or foam bubbles. Unlike foam blocks, aerated concrete is more inclined to accumulate moisture.

Blocks artificial stone easy to move, not subject to rot and rust.

Compared to brick material foam blocks can withstand lower loads, so these materials are often used in combination - for bearing walls brick is used, and for internal walls - foam blocks with high thermal insulation properties.

Advantages of foam concrete:

  • economy and fast pace of construction;
  • higher noise and heat insulation compared to brick;
  • the possibility of conducting communications through the voids of the blocks.

Such blocks are less durable, and in the cold season you need to warm up the house and provide protection from dampness.

Artificial stone must be covered with protective materials, and during the operation of the house, precipitation and cracks may occur. In the latter case, a more powerful foundation and adherence to masonry technology are required.

Rubble stone houses are a good solution for permanent residence. In summer, they create coolness due to thick walls.

But with irregular residence there will be additional expenses for heating - heating a building with such walls is quite problematic.

Monolithic houses

houses from monolithic concrete characterized by high strength. This material is used in the construction of houses with a higher number of storeys. The advantages of such houses are:

  • high construction speed;
  • slight shrinkage of the structure;
  • strength and long service life;
  • seismic resistance and the possibility of construction on difficult ground, in areas with increased risk of floods;
  • the possibility of creating original designs.

At the same time, the construction of monolithic houses is higher, in winter period it increases even more, including through the use of special equipment. Such houses are characterized by low sound insulation, poor ventilation, and require additional insulation.

Modern frame houses

Frame-panel technologies are common in the construction of houses due to their low cost, high speed and ease of construction (assembly), as well as due to relatively good operating parameters and seismic stability.

In such houses, reinforced concrete or timber is used. Its purpose is to provide the structure with strong support and load-bearing structures. To ensure insulation, a variety of heaters are used, which are subsequently covered with finishing materials.

Since frame houses are quite light and elastic, they do not require a strong foundation. Shrinkage will be insignificant, and therefore finishing can be done immediately after the construction of the structure.

Panel houses are built from finished panels that are stuffed with special insulation materials. From the outside, the house is finished with a special façade type tile.

To significant disadvantages frame houses include:

  • low sound insulation and vibration isolation;
  • possible voids in which pests may appear;
  • destruction of insulation, which harms the health of residents.
  • requirements for the height of the house - no more than 2 floors.

Construction of log houses

Wood is an environmentally friendly, radio and magnetically transparent material, which is often used in the construction of houses. In summer, wood absorbs moisture in the air and dries it.

And in winter, when it dries, it evaporates moisture, softening the air in the rooms. However, this effect persists for several years, until the wood dries out and loses these properties. And increased absorption of moisture can lead to damage to the material.

When a decision is made to build a house from rounded logs or profiled timber, it is necessary to plan additional processing of seams and joints after the wood has dried and shrunk.

A wooden house needs constant care. Permanent residence in the building is necessary in order to heat it and dry it in a timely manner. Otherwise, the risk of rotting and the occurrence of mold and fungi increases. Therefore, wood is treated with special antibacterial compounds, as well as fire-fighting solutions.

Wooden houses can be built on difficult ground, do not require a strong foundation. In addition, frost resistance and maintaining a stable temperature regime are ensured.

And the most important condition for ensuring long-term operation of the house is quality roofing with a high base, which will prevent leakage and getting wet.

The considered advantages and disadvantages of various structural solutions for the house are decisive when choosing a construction method.

If you are planning a long-term residence, then you need to opt for a stone structure with external insulation. best solution for a bathhouse and a summer house is wooden beam. The choice is yours based on your budget and desired layout.

Photos of the best buildings of private houses

When starting to build a house on their site, many people think that it would be nice to build a house made of wood, which will be warm, cozy and comfortable. Someone just wants to save on building materials, and someone wants to be closer to nature, constantly breathing in the aromas of the forest. Others, on the contrary, refuse such buildings, thinking about less reliability and the possibility of a fire.

Our today's article will be devoted to this issue, but we will talk not only about how good or bad such houses are. We will consider what types of wooden wall there are, how to build it correctly and how to finish it if necessary.

As a material for walls, wood is used in the construction of one and two-story buildings. During construction, it is best to use finished factory products manufactured in forest-rich regions.

Now enterprises offer prefabricated structures, which, after delivery to the site, are assembled by a qualified team. Hiring builders and lifting equipment in this case inevitable, since it will be impossible to hoist massive logs up with your own hands.

Although, if you are a physically strong person who is not afraid of hard work, then you can find yourself the same assistant and use the old lifting method. On two guides installed under acute angle, logs are pulled up by looped ropes.

Carefully! It will be difficult for an unprepared person to withstand such a load. Be attentive and careful. If you feel when climbing that you can’t hold on anymore, in no case let go of the rope, otherwise your partner will be pulled down, following the heavy log. Act like this. Let your partner know that you are tired and begin a smooth reverse descent. Take a break, and try to repeat the rise.

Types of wooden buildings: pros and cons

Timber structures can be built in five ways.

They can be:

  • Log cabins– natural logs are used for construction cylindrical shape. Such buildings have great airtightness, high strength and will be very durable. The old log buildings, which are at least 200 years old, have been preserved in excellent condition.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted: high consumption of wood, due to which the price of such structures is very high; it is impossible to finish the premises immediately after the construction of the box, since the shrinkage of the log cabins and the shrinkage of the wood lasts about 1.5 - 2 years.

  • Paving stones- are made of a bar of rectangular section, interconnected by dowels or spikes included in the sockets. They have the same properties as log buildings. Additionally, it should be noted the curly processing of the bars, which is done at the material manufacturer.

  • Shield- the walls are built from large wall panels, which are a stable spatial system. They are the basis for attaching fencing elements to them.

  • Frame- such buildings have a supporting frame-skeleton, which is sheathed from the inside and outside with a board. The internal space between the casing and the uprights is filled with loose or tile insulation. There is also a technology for filling this space with straw soaked in a liquid clay solution. It is rammed and hardens, forming a monolithic core of the structure.

Unlike log and paved buildings, such houses do not shrink much, and can be finished immediately after construction. It is very important that when building a house they use effective heaters, which will cope with frosts in the latitude where the house stands.

  • Frame-panel- combines the two previous methods. On the installed frame shields made of wood or OSB panels are screwed on, filled from the inside with insulation and sheathed again, but on the other side.

The main advantage of frame-panel construction is the saving of material, and hence the construction budget. Subject to all norms, requirements and technologies, as well as proper care and finishing, such a structure will last for many years.

Take at least Europe, where such construction has been very popular for more than one century. For example, german houses in the style of "Fachwerk". It is too frame structures, which can be not only beautiful, but also warm.

A common disadvantage of wooden buildings is the fear of fire and water. These problems can be prevented by treating the material with special protective compounds.

Materials and tools for work

What kind of wood better fit for a monumental wooden structure?

According to sanitary and hygienic standards and thermal conductivity properties, they are best suited conifers. In addition, they have the correct shape of the trunk, the wood is easily processed, and due to the content of resins and phytoncides, it better tolerates moisture, which means rotting. At the same time, the cost of such wood is much lower than that of hardwoods.

To make logs for construction, it is better to cut down the forest in winter. Such wood is drier and will be easier to process. Branches and branches are immediately cut off from the trunks, then they are skinned so that insects that can spoil the material do not accumulate under the bark.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

They have combs selected at the factory for stacking them on top of each other. The master performs round grooves for collecting crowns on the spot, therefore, an unprepared person has little chance of doing such work with his own hands with high quality.

Powerful bars will be required not only for cobbled buildings, but also for the main racks of the frame in frame-panel construction. These elements take on the main bearing load.

The most reliable and time-tested way of fastening wooden elements.

They are used for laying a finishing floor, wall cladding and creating a subroofing frame. The cross section of the blanks is selected based on the place where they are installed.

Required for sawing massive logs and beams.

Great material for frame-panel house- not afraid of fire, water, very durable and can easily get off.

In the common people - "monkey". Widely used for sawing blanks and selecting rectangular grooves. Sometimes a jigsaw or hand saw may also be required.

For drilling various holes on logs.

It is used for gouging grooves of any configuration - from rectangular to rounded. The butt of the tool replaces the hammer.

We have listed only the main materials and tools, the rest we will mention in the course of the description of the construction process.


And now let's describe how these or those wooden walls that we wrote about above are assembled. The instruction will not be very detailed, but it will be enough to theoretically "savvy" in this matter.

Construction of a log cabin

First, a little terminology so that an inexperienced reader does not get confused in the text:

  • Crown - a fully laid row of logs, around the entire perimeter of the building;
  • Butt - the lower part of the log, having larger diameter than the other;
  • Slab - the sawn side of a log on one side is not full length.

Walls made of chopped logs are the most time-consuming to install. They are made in the form of a log house, consisting of separate crowns connected to each other. The logs at the intersections at the corners are joined at the cuttings.

For middle lane Russia uses logs with a diameter of 22 cm or more. The first, most lower crown, is made from logs that are 2 to 3 centimeters thicker than the main ones. This crown is called salary.

To fold the logs into a crown, they cut round grooves at the edges with a width of 12 to 15 centimeters. The blanks are hewn or sawn off the slab from the side of the log, which will be turned inside the room. For logs laid on internal walls, the slab is sawn from two sides.

Logs are connected as follows (only the main methods of fastening are listed):

  • a) Vertical comb - used to connect logs along the length;
  • b) Cutting into the bowl with the rest - this connection is used in the corners of the building;
  • c) Cutting into the paw without residue is an alternative to the previous method. For clarity, see the diagram;
  • d) Rallying logs into round grooves with the installation of additional spikes.

When assembling the crowns, the logs are stacked with butts in different sides alternately, while the joints of the crowns will be located apart. The crowns are laid with grooves down to prevent further water leakage. Tow or moss is laid between the logs to seal the connection.

Rows of crowns are interconnected with spikes with a section of 25x50x120 mm, along the entire perimeter. They are inserted into nests, which are pre-cut in logs, at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters. At least two spikes are installed in the piers, which are no less than 15-20 centimeters from the corner.

After all the walls are folded, the seams between the crowns are caulked with tow. After 1 - 2 years, the shrinkage of the structure will end - the house can settle by 5% of its original height. After shrinkage, the seams must be re-caulked.

Installation of a log house from bars

This type of building is not so laborious, as it eliminates the need to process parts manually. The beam is produced by an industrial method with all cuts and grooves for their ligament. Builders can only assemble the house as a constructor.

It is also worth noting that the consumption of wood is significantly reduced, which cannot but affect the cost of construction.

Unlike log structures, such walls are assembled immediately on ready-made foundations - without prior aging for 9 months.

Depending on the climatic features region, for construction use bars with a section of 150x150 or 180x180 mm. For internal partitions enough options 100x150 or 100x180 mm.

The bars are hardly stacked on top of each other. Resin tow is laid between them, after which the seams are additionally caulked. To prevent water from penetrating into the joints, a chamfer of 20x20 mm is removed from the upper edge of each beam.

The bars are connected in the corners in different ways, but they are all similar - grooves, ridges, cuttings, and so on are cut on the adjacent parts.

Rows of bars are connected to each other. For this, apply wooden dowels 3 cm thick and 6 cm long, or stainless steel pins of the same diameter. The dowel is 60 cm long and runs through all rows.

Unlike a log building, although not always, a block house does not look less impressive, so the facade of such a house is usually clad. This should be done after shrinkage of the structure, and after re-caulking.

For cladding, the following materials are most often used(see Finishing a log house):

  1. Board or lining - will give additional protection walls from moisture and wind. Under the skin, if necessary, lay an additional layer of heat insulator.

  1. Brick - will protect the walls even better, and add fire resistance to them. Masonry is carried out in half a brick, with an indent from the wall of 5 - 7 cm to ensure sufficient ventilation gap. For the same purposes, air is left from below and above the masonry.

Ventilation of such a facade is essential, otherwise after a while the logs will begin to rot, as they are organic material.

Frame and panel construction

We decided to combine the remaining types of structures in one chapter, since their construction is almost identical to each other.

The frame walls of a wooden house are a load-bearing frame sheathed with panel or molded materials (see Finishing a frame house).

The frame of such a structure consists of:

  • Upper and lower strapping - horizontal beams on which all racks rest.
  • Racks are the main load-bearing element of the entire structure, located vertically. The height of the rack corresponds to the height of the floor or the entire structure.
  • Braces - support element structures, located at an angle, and connecting the racks together.
  • Rigel - horizontal load-bearing elements structures usually located above door and window openings.

All elements are fastened together with nails, anchors, screws, metal staples, and cuts are also arranged, the same as those described above.

Racks can be located on different distance- it depends on the type of wall filler, and on the location of the floor beams. Usually it is made equal to 40, 50 or 100 centimeters. The most common section for the rack is the 5x10 cm option.

For braces, it is enough to use boards 2.5x10 cm. They cut flush into the racks - one edge rests on the bottom trim, and the second on the side rack.

On top of the racks, bars of the upper trim are placed, which serve as the basis for supporting the rafters and ceilings of the attic. To organize door and window openings, window sills connected to crossbars are installed in the walls. More details are shown in the diagram above.

Today, two types of frame are used in the construction of such houses:

  1. Frame with external racks on two floors - forms a solid monolithic structure due to the connection with the lower, upper and interfloor strapping. The latter serves as a support for the floors between floors.
  2. Frame with floor racks - it is also called platform. It is inferior in strength to the first option with continuous racks, but is more convenient for mass production and installation. Therefore, it is much more common.

After installation, the hollow frame is filled with insulation, which can be of four types:

  • Bulk - these include expanded clay, slag, antiseptic sawdust, thermolite (a mixture of sawdust, lime and building gypsum). Such a heater has one significant drawback - it settles over time, forming voids.

  • Roll and plate- various mineral wools, as well as straw, fibrolite, hardboard and shevelin heaters.

  • Sprayed - this type is the most modern, and consists of spraying liquid polyurethane foam, which, after hardening, forms a monolithic windproof layer of heat insulator. It is carried out by machine method, with the involvement of specialists.

Finishing a frame house is the easiest way, since sheathing finishing materials performed on an already finished frame. For these purposes, perfectly suited: lining, boards, gypsum fiber or plasterboard sheets.

Advice! Before you close the frame from the inside, take care of laying all communications.

Frequently asked questions and answers

In this chapter, we will talk about questions that are often asked by our readers when they encounter woodworking for the first time.

Question. How to hide an untidy outer corner after lining the room with clapboard?

Answer. For this, special wooden corners are used to protect the corners of the walls. They are nailed into the sweat or put on glue, which is not so practical. Choose rigid fixation with nails, as outside corners often subjected to mechanical stress.

Question. How is mineral wool fastened to a wooden wall?

Answer. Usually, during the construction of the frame, the width of the slab or roll is predetermined mineral wool. At the same distance carry vertical racks from each other. After the outer side of the frame is covered with sheathing, the mineral wool is inserted into the left openings. If the sheets are squeezed back, then it is possible to screw pieces of the rail onto the racks for temporary fixation.

Question. How is support performed wooden beams on a brick wall?

Answer. The beams are laid on top, and it is possible to lay out recesses from the brick in advance for the support nodes on outer wall wooden beams. Then a bunch of anchors is performed directly, or with a wire to an anchor hammered into the wall. If it's about floors, then the ends of the beam are immured into the wall. More details in the diagram below.

Question. Do you need wood paneling walls?

Answer. It may be required to decorate the wall or to protect it from precipitation. Also, sheathing is required if additional insulation is required.

Question. How to fix flat slate to a wooden wall?

Answer. On the wooden frame slate is fastened with self-tapping screws with special layouts. Previously, in the slate, a hole is drilled at the attachment point. The work is reminiscent of screwing drywall.

Question. How to cover up a wooden wall so that it does not see through from the cracks?

Answer. For these purposes, special sealants are sold in tubes. Such coating is done not only at the joints of the logs, but also in the cracks that occur in them over time. White sealant can additionally create a beautiful contrast seam.

Question. How to lay a wooden wall near the stove to protect it from overheating?

Answer. Question fire safety worries all owners of wooden buildings, especially if the house has a stove or fireplace. It is better to insulate adjoining walls at the stage of building construction, or during repairs. For these purposes, non-flammable facing materials with low thermal conductivity, for example, Nitiha panels, which are made of fiber cement, or GKLVO, lined with tiles.

To learn more about the properties of such materials, watch the video in this article.

What do wooden houses look like?

At the end of the article, we have selected for you a small gallery with wooden houses of various designs. Surely the options shown will be of interest to many of those who are just planning to build a wooden house on the site.

Perfect combination of natural materials in the form of wood and stone Light, light, energy efficient frame houseperfect solution for warm regions Combination of a massive frame and large windows Power and straight lines A real tower is beautiful A house made of rectangular timber An air castle made of wood A luxurious wooden house from the inside A hut on the edge

Yes, wooden buildings really beautiful and attractive. If you want to have something similar at hand, but there is no way to change your stone housing, then you can always finish the room natural materials. wooden wall in the interior will not only decorate it, but also fill the room with a pleasant woody aroma.