Brick houses with a garage. Brick house with garage Brick house 2 floors with garage

Own land, an original project, the use of classic building materials and innovative technologies will allow you to build a brick house with a garage. Brick is resistant to flame, has thermal insulation properties, and has a beautiful appearance. If you have to think about building a country house, then a reasonable building is a brick mansion with a garage.

Pros and cons of the solution

A car garage on the ground floor of a private house makes it possible to save building materials. The extension and the beautiful cottage will be separated by a common wall covering. As a result, it is easy to turn a car storage place into a heated room. The door leading from the garage to the living rooms is convenient and adds comfort. There is no need to go outside in the rain or snow, open the room, warm up the car. This project also has its downsides. When building a garage under the same roof as a house, it occupies an area of ​​land or a room that could be used for other purposes. The garage is a fire hazardous place and its location in the house is associated with some risks. Such a project is not suitable as a parking lot for two cars.

If the size of the land allotment is small, then the basement floor would be an ideal option for placing a garage. Under the house there is parking for a large car and use it not only to protect the car, but also as a storage room or workshop. In this option, a brick garage will be significantly more expensive than the previous project, because it will need to be equipped. Interfloor ceilings are well sealed due to the fact that when a car is repaired indoors, toxic fumes can leak and enter the dwelling.

A car room can be attached to a wooden house. Wooden buildings are modern, environmentally friendly and beautiful solutions. The sites of architectural companies present small one-story houses or multi-story cottages with various outbuildings. The completed premises have a common roof with the house or are designed with two separate ones.

Preparatory stage

After the general construction plan, its detailing is developed.

At this stage, plans are made for brick houses with a garage. At the stage of drafting the project, the wishes of the owner are carefully considered. Then they develop an exact plan and visualize the layout. The project of a residential two-story or one-story cottage provides scope for the implementation of bold design decisions. With their own hands or with the help of an architect, they develop a general plan of the building, and then a detailed layout.

Construction companies have an arsenal of techniques to design comfortable housing. The project of two-story houses with a garage allows you to see the future architectural ensemble on paper and correct mistakes in time. Brick cottages have a presentable appearance. Examples of work with detailed plans are posted on the websites of architectural companies. For novice designers, they will:

  • avoid gross mistakes;
  • get the exact amount of building materials;
  • see the result of the design;
  • prepare a package of building permit documents.

Projects of brick houses with a garage

More often they are building cottages measuring 150 square meters. m. This is the area where you can comfortably accommodate all the necessary premises. Such a building would be cheaper and more practical than huge villas. If they are not satisfied with the standard designs of two-story houses, they are changed according to the wishes of the customer. Experts in the field of architecture and construction will help to draw up a plan correctly, correctly calculate the load on the walls and foundation.

The finished building can be lined with clinker tiles.

When choosing a typical plan for a house with a garage, it is taken into account that the projects of brick houses must be adapted to local conditions and to create a brick dwelling. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises will appear in the future, leading to the destruction of the building. The facade according to a standard project is finished using facing red or yellow bricks, plaster for painting, clinker tiles.

After determining the size of the house, one-story or two-story, they decide how to attach a garage. It can be adjacent to the wall of the building, located at the level of the basement or be freestanding. For the construction of a parking space located separately from housing, the technique of frame construction is used. A frame garage needs a foundation in the form of a concrete slab, and support beams are being erected around it. After deciding on the placement of two street structures - a dwelling and a garage, the premises inside the buildings are distributed and grouped.

Despite the emergence of new building materials, the construction of brick housing does not lose its relevance. And there are many reasons for this. Brick houses, especially those built with the latest technology, have good thermal insulation, strength and durability.

Consider the projects of brick houses with a garage - what are the advantages of such buildings, the variety of options for combining a residential building and a box for cars.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick buildings

There are a lot of advantages of brick housing:

  • The strength of the structure largely depends on the quality of materials and compliance with the technology of building a house.
  • The building will have good thermal insulation if a system of its additional insulation is used.
  • The considerable thickness of the walls allows you to perfectly isolate the house from external influences.
  • High-quality brick has excellent characteristics for environmental friendliness.
  • The service life of brick buildings is very long. An example of this is the ancient buildings that have stood for more than one hundred years.
  • The fire safety of this type of houses is very high.
  • With your own hands, you can build a structure of any size and architectural form. To do this, you need to have some knowledge in the field of bricklaying. Instructions on the methods and technology of work can be taken from the Internet.
  • This building material goes well with any kind of finish. During construction, it can be used in combination with other materials.

Two-story brick house with a garage - photo

Brick also has some disadvantages:

  • The significant weight of external wall structures requires a reliable foundation.
  • The price of such a house will be much higher than for structures made of many other building materials.
  • Small-sized masonry elements will require a long time for the construction of the building.

Nevertheless, projects of brick cottages with a garage are quite in demand.

Car box can be made in several versions:

  • Built into a house on one foundation, as a rule, this is a single project. The construction of the automobile compartment is carried out jointly with the construction of the main building.
  • Attached machine box- this option implies that the extension of the garage to the brick house is made after the construction of the main building. Here it is recommended to make a separate foundation for a room for cars.
  • The entrance to the technical department is made not only from the street, but also from the house. It is advisable to make it through the boiler room or other utility room. In this case, exhaust gases and technical odors will not enter the residential area. This option is also convenient because in bad weather you can get into the car without going outside. It is also easier to bring any purchases from the car directly to the house.

But not everyone is suitable for the close proximity of a residential area with a technical room for cars. In this case, you can pick up separate projects for the house and garage.

Project options for brick buildings with a garage

You can make a drawing of the future house yourself. But complex structures still require a professional approach. In this case, it is more practical to purchase a ready-made brick house project with a garage. Here are some examples.

Single storey house with garage and terrace

The layout of the house in one level has a lot of advantages. In particular, there are no stairs, which can often pose a danger to children and the elderly in the family. All rooms are on the same floor, moving around the house is much easier.

If the plot area allows, then building a one-story brick house with a garage for many is a very convenient option. Consider an interesting building project with a total area of ​​121.8 m2. The house is practical and functional. This property is perfect for a family of four.

General information:

  • The living area of ​​the building is 61.9 m2.
  • The dimensions of the house are 13.5 by 14.3 m.
  • The building area is 194.9 m2.
  • The foundation can be made in a reinforced concrete monolithic or prefabricated version.
  • External wall structures - lightweight brickwork with an insulating layer.
  • For the attic floor, reinforced concrete slabs are used, or wooden beams are laid.
  • Roof type - four-pitched hip.
  • The roofing material can be any type of tile or ondulin.

Explication of the premises:

  • Entrance vestibule - 2.9 m2.
  • Mini-boiler room - 2.9 m2.
  • Kitchen - 9.1 m2.
  • Living room combined with a dining area - 25.7 m2.
  • Terrace -8.5 m2.
  • Hall - 6.2 m2.
  • Storage room - 1.9 m2.
  • Bedroom - 10.6 m2.
  • Bathroom - 5.8 m2.
  • Bedroom - 14.4 m2.
  • Corridor - 3.5 m2.
  • Bedroom - 11.2 m2.
  • Car room - 18.6 m2.

The kitchen is separated from the living room and dining room by a sliding partition, which is very convenient. From the living room there is access to the backyard terrace. The garage is completely isolated from the residential area.

Attic house with garage, terrace and balcony

Often when building a house, the issue of using any additional area for living quarters is important. In this case, an attic floor and an attached brick garage would be a good option - the projects of such houses are convenient in that a room for cars can be built after the construction of the main building.

Left side view - facade

Right side view - facade

Here is a variant of an attic house, in which such a car box is provided:

  • The total area of ​​the house is 193.6 m2.
  • The residential area occupies 85.9 m2.
  • Building area - 161.9 m2.
  • The dimensions of the house are 9.08 x 16.45 m.
  • Under the building, a strip foundation of a monolithic or prefabricated type of reinforced concrete is provided.
  • External wall structures - brick.
  • Wall decoration - plaster with coloring and tiles under natural stone.
  • The ceilings are made of reinforced concrete slabs.
  • The roof is gable type.
  • Roof - metal tile or flexible tile.

On the first level of the house are located:

  • Entrance vestibule - 3.5 m2.
  • Hall - 12.8 m2.
  • Boiler room - 4.7 m2.
  • Bathroom - 1.8 m2.
  • Kitchen - 10.4 m2.
  • Living room - 28.6 m2.
  • Guest bedroom - 12.2 m2.
  • Attached box for two cars - 32.4 m2.

Attic level:

  • Hall - 19.3 m2.
  • Dressing room - 5.5 m2.
  • Bedroom - 14.3 m2.
  • Bedroom - 13.4 m2.
  • Bedroom - 11.9 m2.
  • Balcony - 0.8 m2.
  • Combined bathroom - 8.9 m2.
  • Open terrace - 11.2 m2.

From the living room there is access to a large backyard terrace. The entrance to the engine room is made in two versions - outside the house and from the building through the boiler room. The roof of the car box is supposed to be used for a large open-type terrace.

Two-storey cottage with garage, terrace and cellar

The project of a brick house with a garage, the total area of ​​​​which is 277.7 m2. The front facade of the building is beautifully decorated with a semicircular bay window. The house has 5 bedrooms and quite a lot of space for utility rooms.

  • The living area of ​​the house is 117.8 m2.
  • The area required for the construction of this building is 212.2 m2.
  • The external dimensions of the house are 13.1 x 17.06 m.
  • Foundation type - tape monolithic or prefabricated.
  • The wall material is brick.
  • External finishing of wall structures - plastering plus painting. The plinth is lined with natural stone, or tiles for it.
  • Hip type roof.
  • Roof material - various kinds of tiles, ondulin.

Basement layout:

  • Corridor - 9.3 m2.
  • Boiler room - 5.3 m2.
  • Utility room for laundry - 6.0 m2.
  • Sports hall - 7.9 m2.
  • Utility room - 11.0 m2.

The project of a brick two-story house with a garage provides for the location of the premises on the ground floor:

  • Entrance vestibule - 3.9 m2.
  • Hall - 13.3 m2.
  • Bathroom - 5.7 m2.
  • Kitchen combined with dining area - 23.9 m2.
  • Terrace - 7.4 m2.
  • Living room - 35.7 m2.
  • Guest room - 13.8 m2.
  • Technical room - 8.2 m2.
  • Attached car box - 23.4 m2.

Layout of the second floor of the house:

  • Hall - 18.4 m2.
  • Bathroom - 7.7 m2.
  • Balcony - 2.1 m2.
  • Bedroom with a bay window - 23.9 m2.
  • Corridor - 6.4 m2.
  • Bedroom - 15.3 m2.
  • Bedroom - 13.7 m2.
  • Bedroom - 15.4 m2.

In the basement of the house there is a gym and a laundry room. The attached box has two entrances: an entrance for a car outside the house and an exit to the backyard. Under the roof of the car department, you can arrange a technical room.

Cottage on two floors with a garage for two cars and a terrace

Projects of brick two-story houses with a garage are often offered with the option of two parking spaces.

Basic information about the cottage:

  • The total area of ​​this cottage is 165.0 m2, residential area is 87.3 m2.
  • The building area is 183.0 m2.
  • The dimensions of the building are 10.5 x 13.7 m.
  • Type of foundation - prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete.
  • The outer walls are made of brick.
  • Overlappings are possible from reinforced concrete slabs or wooden beams.
  • Roof of complex shape - a combination of gable and hip structures.
  • Any type of tile can serve as a material for roofing.

Explication of the premises of the first floor of the building:

  • Terrace - 3.5 m2.
  • Entrance vestibule - 1.7 m2.
  • Hall - 6.8 m2.
  • Toilet - 1.9 m2.
  • Living room combined with a dining area - 17.2 m2.
  • Kitchen - 11.5 m2.
  • Backyard terrace - 1.9 m2.
  • Staircase to the second floor - 8.9 m2.
  • Guest room - 10.5 m2.
  • Technical room - 5.8 m2.
  • Garage for two cars - 38.5 m2.

The project of a brick cottage with a garage on two levels provides for the following layout of the second floor:

  • Hall - 17.2 m2.
  • Bedroom with a bay window - 15.1 m2.
  • Toilet - 2.2 m2.
  • Bathroom - 7.2 m2.
  • Bedroom - 10.5 m2.
  • Guest room - 10.0 m2.

In the living room, which is combined with the dining area, there is a bay window. From the kitchen there is access to the terrace behind the house.

There are three entrances to the garage - entrance for cars from the main facade, from the backyard and from the house. On the second floor there is a balcony, which can be accessed from the hall.

Garage with hozblok

Projects of brick cottages with a garage can also be a separate building for cars. This option for arranging a garage has its advantages.

A large garage for four cars can be partly used as a workshop. Its area is 98.4 m2. There are two boxes of 39.6 m2 each. Each is designed for two cars. Between them there are two rooms 9.5 m2 and 9.7 m2.

  • The building area is 121.7 m2.
  • External wall structures are supposed to be made of ceramic blocks or aerated concrete.
  • The ceiling is made on wooden beams.
  • Roof material - PVC membrane.

A modern residential building most often involves the presence of a garage. It can be a built-in room, or a separate building. It all depends on your needs and financial capabilities.

More information

Renting a garage in a parking lot or parking a car in front of the entrance is equally inconvenient. Our projects of brick houses with a garage will show you their main advantages at a glance.

The advantages of brick houses from the company "Dachny Sezon"

  1. Your house will not have a stereotyped Soviet-style garage, in which there is no way to turn around, but an extension that will be built taking into account your needs. You can easily place any vehicle in it, and if necessary, you can carry out complex repairs.
  2. On our site you can appreciate photos of 2-storey mansions with an attic terrace and two garages and small beautiful turnkey red brick buildings. The price of construction of any project remains incredibly affordable, as the process itself is ideally optimized and brought to automatism.
  3. The project of a brick house with a garage is very different from an old-fashioned summer house. It can comfortably accommodate a family of four. At the same time, each tenant will have their own bedroom and space for leisure activities.
  4. A one-story brick house with a garage has full protection against insects and rodents. It also does not rot and does not contribute to the spread of mold. Such a building will last you longer than 100 years without a general overhaul.
  5. A two-story brick house with a garage looks amazingly stylish. The material used allows you to realize any architectural idea. Classic, modern, European style. There are no more barriers between your dreams and reality.
  6. If you make a choice in favor of a building with a built-in boiler room, you can live in such a house throughout the year and at the same time not suffer from rolling hot water cuts and other achievements of “modern apartments”.

Projects of brick houses with a garage designed with careful calculations of load-bearing and insulating elements. Brick buildings are heavier than buildings made of timber or, for example, aerated concrete. Therefore, they are built on solid foundations. Even before the start of construction work, it is necessary to examine the soil on the site. If the soil is weak, it is strengthened with a sand cushion, deepening the foundation, or some other method.

Finished projects at low prices

When designing a house with a garage, architects pay special attention to the dividing wall structure that separates the garage from the residential part of the building. The dividing wall in most cases is planned to be load-bearing. This is necessary in order to make the whole house more durable, as well as to protect living quarters from the penetration of cold and harmful emissions. A brick cottage with a garage can be combined with an internal entrance. With such a planning solution, a separating buffer zone is provided, which is necessary for reliable isolation of the technical zone from the residential one. For maximum convenience, the garage extension can be supplemented with a pantry, furnace or workshop.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

In all our architectural developments, not only the technical nuances and layout, but also the appearance of the designed buildings are carefully considered. We create beautiful projects of brick houses with a garage, from which you will certainly find and be able to order or buy exactly what you need.