Wooden houses: construction from wooden hollow blocks. Which blocks are better for building a house Wooden block house

A stone house in many respects will give odds to wooden and frame buildings. More durable, less fire hazardous, it will last more than one generation. Plus significantly reduce the time for the construction of the building. There are many varieties of blocks, let's try to figure out how to choose the best option for the available budget.

Building blocks: types and specifications

The basis of any building block is concrete. Sometimes it is only one, more often in combination with other materials. A classic reinforced concrete block is made from gravel and reinforced with metal to increase structural strength. The building material is heavy (the minimum weight of one block is 15 kg), therefore it is mainly used for laying the foundation and external walls in multi-storey buildings.

In the construction of individual housing, a country house, a cottage, the erection of walls for the internal planning of premises, blocks of so-called light concretes are used, whose bulk density does not exceed 1800-2000 kg / m3. "Stuffing" here are porous, cellular and light organic aggregates. Manufacturers are not only trying to make concrete lighter, but also to reduce the heat transfer of the building, to increase vapor permeability.

  • Slag concrete blocks are created in special pressing machines on the basis of slag metallurgical and ash waste, small gravel. About the harm to the health of such blocks is a myth. In the USSR, high-rise buildings were successfully built from slag-alkali concrete. In Europe, it still produces tens of millions of tons per year. Such concrete and blocks from it are many times cheaper. Of these, they prefer to build industrial buildings, warehouses, garages, sheds.
  • Foam concrete blocks are made from cement, water and a foaming agent (cellular concrete). The solution is whipped and poured into molds, standard sizes 20x30x60 cm. The material is light, it holds heat and sound well. Convenient for the construction of internal, non-bearing walls.
  • Expanded clay blocks. Material with a filler of granules of foamy burnt clay, made by pressing. Variations are possible: polymer insulation and cladding (does not require additional processing and insulation), imitation of brick, tile or even natural stone.
  • Arbolite blocks. The “concreteness” of the material is very arbitrary, since 90% of it consists of wood chips bonded with cement, and often slaked lime with aluminum sulfate. A house with wood concrete walls is almost a wooden house: dry and warm, but at the same time the material is not combustible and does not rot, although it actively absorbs moisture. Sawdust-concrete blocks are close in composition to them.
  • Ceramic blocks (or). In fact, they are, but wood sawdust is mixed into the clay, which burn out during heat treatment, forming peculiar pores in the structure of the material. The size of a standard ceramic block is 38x24.8x23.8 cm. They are durable and hold heat well, but they absorb a lot of moisture and have a rather fragile structure, so it is not recommended to grind them, it is also impossible to use shock mode when drilling.
  • Polymer blocks consist of a concrete base and polystyrene, which makes the material durable and holds heat well. But the polymer block tends to shrink under heavy load on the supporting structure. Therefore, it is better to use it for the construction of partitions or insulation, but not the main walls.

Criteria for selecting building blocks

There can be three goals: structural, structural and heat-insulating, heat-insulating. Simply put, you just need to build something, insulate it, or both.

The first criterion is the strength of the material, that is, the ability to withstand certain physical loads.

In order to choose the right block, you need to look at the brand. So the brand of expanded clay M - 50-150. This means that the material can withstand a load of 50 to 150 kg per square centimeter, this is a very high strength.

For example, a foam block is marked with an indicator of 0.25-12.5, which means that it will be a mistake to build load-bearing walls from it. On the Internet, you can find summary tables of the strengths of building blocks and make the calculations necessary for specific needs.

The second criterion is the attitude to different temperatures

It is worth paying attention to the frost resistance of the material: any building block is able to withstand a limited number of cycles of complete freezing and thawing, after which it will begin to collapse. Even in high latitudes, the walls do not completely freeze through, so the indicator is conditional. The level of frost resistance (Mrz) 35 (so many full frosts will withstand) is sufficient, most lightweight concrete blocks reach it. For ceramic models, the indicator is 50.

The ability of a material to absorb moisture

Concrete is inferior to brick here, so walls made of any kind of blocks need external facade finishing (cladding, plaster, siding, etc.). Therefore, the finishing procedure should not be postponed for a year, until the start of the new summer season.

Do I need to take into account the shrinkage of a house or cottage from building blocks?

A lot here depends on the foundation: for the construction of low-rise buildings, a monolithic strip foundation is usually laid out from building blocks, which is relatively inexpensive and strong enough. The material also plays a role: aerated concrete and foam concrete are most susceptible to shrinkage, while expanded clay concrete, ceramics and wood concrete successfully cope with this challenge. In any case, it is necessary to follow the masonry technology, in particular, do not forget about its reinforcement with a special metal mesh or alternative material (plastic, for example) around the entire perimeter of the walls. This procedure will become something like a screed and prevent cracks on the walls.

Why are concrete building blocks better than wood and brick?

Building with concrete blocks of any type is much faster than with bricks, even taking into account the time spent on reinforcement. Some craftsmen cope on their own, without resorting to the help of construction teams. It is much easier to calculate the required number of blocks (by the way, there are convenient online calculators for this) than the volume of bricks or wood consumption.

But after the erection of the walls, the question of their finishing will inevitably arise, and here again options are possible. So, for example, for gas blocks and foam blocks, it is necessary to provide some ventilation space, since they absorb moisture well.

Expanded clay and ceramics go well with brick facades and plaster. Siding, lining, facades with insulation and so on are actively practiced. It all comes down to your tastes and budget. The very construction of the "skeleton" of a building from blocks is not only faster, but also cheaper than brick construction.

Subject to simple rules (a foundation with minimal shrinkage, a finish that does not allow moisture to accumulate), an artificial stone house will last 100 years for sure. The construction of foam blocks, wood concrete, with proper operation, will withstand several dozen without a major renovation.

From time immemorial, wood, due to its availability, low thermal conductivity, natural origin and beauty, has always been considered one of the best materials for construction. Any professional will confirm that there are very few shortcomings in wood, and humanity has gradually learned to deal with those.

Our ancestors built houses from wild felling. Difficulties with manual adjustment of logs during construction, a lot of questions about wall insulation and drying out of the initial material, as well as the need to unify and reduce the cost of all cycles for building wooden houses led to the emergence of manufacturing rounded logs, timber and profiled timber. In turn, the problem of shrinkage and the ever-increasing demands on the quality of interior decoration, together with a scientific approach, gave rise to glued laminated timber. But the high cost of the latter and controversial environmental performance (especially for domestically produced glued beams) forced the Institute of Wooden Construction to look for new ways to build high-quality and affordable wooden housing.

The lumber manufacturer, inventor and designer Yuri Chmil repeatedly thought about creating a new material that was not inferior in its characteristics and strength to glued laminated timber but, at the same time, would surpass it in all other indicators. Since 2001, Yuri Svyatoslavovich has been analyzing the cycles of production and further construction of wooden houses. The conclusion was unambiguous - despite the huge selection of wall materials made of wood, there are no products and technologies on the market that would combine the properties of glued beams and at the same time meet stringent requirements for heat transfer resistance, ecology, and were also unified in design, production and construction.

Finally, as a finished product, wooden block brick was prepared by the joint efforts of specialists under the leadership of Yuri Chmil at the end of 2009. The product was first presented at the exhibition of wooden housing construction in Kyiv. Yuri Svyatoslavovich became a laureate of the competition Innovative technologies in the field of wooden housing construction, and block brick was noted in the Best Product nomination and was awarded the corresponding diploma.

The study of world trends and the experience of our own experiments made it clear that a wooden block-brick is not a separate product. As a result, a new technology of wooden housing construction was developed, taking into account modern world (in particular European) requirements. Particular attention was paid to the resistance to heat transfer.

Unfortunately, the economic crisis did not allow practical testing of prototypes in the planned timeframe, and only in 2010 did it become possible to finance the construction of the first houses from wooden block-brick, manufactured at the company's production (Kyiv).

The company's management realized that the main task of the team was to work out the technology for building such a wooden house, which would become equally comfortable and reliable housing. That is why it took specialists a few more years to observe and test the product in finished designs. Houses built of wooden block-brick were tested at temperatures from -29 C (winter 2011) to +40 C (summer 2011, 2012) and at a relative humidity of 35-100%. As a result of research into the characteristics of the material and technology as a whole, a full cycle of production and quality control of wooden block bricks was adjusted.

In the media and on the Internet, there are a lot of projects and articles on the so-called "wooden brick", but these are just surrogates created "in haste". Having studied in detail all types and technologies for manufacturing such wood products (it’s hard to call them “wooden bricks”), it’s easy to make a simple, and at the same time the only correct conclusion - this technology is unique and has no analogues.

wooden brick is a multi-layer bar of a unified size (for example: 750:125:145mm), consisting of several boards (lamellas), which are glued and fastened together with a certain offset, resulting in locks from all sides to connect bricks to each other. For gluing the lamellas, environmentally friendly water-based glue is used. The use of exclusively coniferous wood species (depending on the cost: more affordable pine, spruce, as well as cedar and larch), a full production cycle and a three-year observation of finished objects made of wooden block bricks allows us to draw a loud, but quite justified conclusion - wooden brick , manufactured using such a patented technology, is the best that currently exists on the market of wooden housing construction. The cost of production of this product is 1.3 times lower than the cost of glued laminated timber (the closest in essence and quality of the competitor), and the range of application is much wider. With it, we have the opportunity to build objects of any complexity and configuration.

made of wooden bricks are not subject to blowing (and wooden structures suffer from this drawback). Walls made of wooden block bricks have an increased resistance to heat transfer. In Europe, the heat transfer resistance coefficient for wall materials is 3.61, and in Moscow 3.19. For example, according to the thermotechnical calculation formula, the thickness of a glued beam wall at the joints should be 42 cm. for the Moscow region, and according to more stringent European requirements, 52 cm. The calculated resistance to heat transfer of a wall made using this technology corresponds to a heat transfer coefficient of 4.2, which exceeds the existing requirements.

No deformation (torsion) of the structure due to the short elements that make up the block-brick, the lack of shrinkage of the building, maintainability that has no analogues in similar technologies, as well as the speed of installation and the ability to make changes to the building plan directly on the site - all these are additional "pros", speaking in her favor.

Wooden brick is applicable not only in the construction of cottages, dachas, industrial premises and other low-rise buildings, but also for insulation, creating a unique microclimate, stabilizing humidity and aesthetic design of finished buildings. Wooden brick can be used for exterior and interior decoration of houses built using any technology (panel, monolith, brick, frame, etc.).

Wooden Block Brick Specifications

Block-brick made of wood is an environmentally friendly building material consisting of several wooden lamellas interconnected with a certain offset, resulting in the formation of locks for fastening blocks to each other in vertical and horizontal planes. The connection of the lamellas to each other is carried out using glue and dowels

Elements for the manufacture of block bricks - lamellas have the following characteristics:

  • Dimensions: 750*125*35mm (D.W.T.)
  • Production material - pine
  • Humidity 10-12% (chamber drying)
The brick block consists of several lamellas.

Basic Models:

  1. Block-brick 4 - consists of 4 lamellas, total thickness 142 mm. Purpose: the outer perimeter of the building.
  2. Block-brick 3 - consists of 3 lamellas, total thickness 106 mm. Appointment: internal perimeter, partitions.
  3. The wall structure pie consists of: block-brick4 (142 mm) + frame with insulation (100mm) + block-brick3 (106 mm) = 348 mm total heat transfer resistance R0 = 3.81 [ m2 0C / W ],
For comparison: profiled laminated timber 260 mm - heat transfer resistance R0 = 2.15 [ m2 0C / W ]

Modern new wood construction technology makes it possible to build wooden houses in compliance with the most stringent standards for the thermal conductivity of wall fencing - the ability to form a wall of any thickness and any composition of the wall pie: block-air-block, block-insulation -block, block-insulation - wagon, etc.

Today, a fairly new, but quite popular material for the construction of residential buildings is wooden brick. This is a prime example of excellent value for money.

Updating the range of building materials in recent years has been happening very often. Manufacturers are trying to take into account the wishes of customers, so there are more and more environmentally friendly building materials from which you can build a house. The cost of production also plays a huge role. In the face of fierce competition, it is necessary to invent eco-materials at an affordable price. It is these products that are most in demand among the general consumer.

Features of wooden brick

What is called a wooden brick resembles a standard building material only in its convenient form. Otherwise, it is pure wood, which is carved to a special size. That is, for the manufacture of wooden bricks, a wooden beam is cut, after which it is used for laying walls. In its appearance, it is a wooden brick block, but always with special locks, with the help of which the installation is carried out.

Most often on sale you can find a wooden brick made of coniferous wood. At the same time, the wood is necessarily subjected to certain processing, after which the brick becomes so durable that it is ideal for many situations in the construction of houses. It is worth noting that the material is thoroughly dried so that its moisture content is no more than 10%. In addition, the mechanical treatment of the surface and its careful grinding are necessarily carried out.

As a result of this, an excellent building material is obtained, which is not only environmentally friendly and durable, but also very convenient to use. Ready-made walls made of wooden bricks do not require additional processing. The facade and the inside of the wall will look just fine. If desired, you can use additional finishing materials, but this does not make sense, since the look of natural wood is always relevant. This is a classic that always looks great.

A feature of wooden bricks is that, if necessary, the buyer can order any format. If this is required by the construction project, then you can order from the manufacturer exactly the form that will be most suitable.

Pros and cons of wood bricks

With the appearance on the building materials market of such a format as a brick made of wood, many craftsmen immediately solved several problems. First of all, it is worth noting that in this case there is no need to wait a long time until the wooden structure stands and shrinks. As a rule, when a log house is being built, this is exactly what happens. A house made of wooden bricks will not shrink, so you only need to install windows and doors, after which you can start finishing work. Most often, they are carried out only from the inside, and outside, the maximum that will be appropriate is the use of wax.


Wooden houses made of this material are dry, they do not undergo deformation, so you can immediately call in and live in them. Moreover, such a building material is cheaper than many others and does not require the use of special equipment and various additional materials, such as sealants, plaster mixtures.

If the master is going to build a house of wooden bricks with his own hands, he needs to be prepared to purchase rigid pillars that will be the main building. Without them, the house can simply fold like a card house. Most often, glued laminated timber is used for this, which is characterized by high strength and inexpensive price.

But this option also has several drawbacks - this concerns the fact that the house does not come out too warm. Therefore, wooden bricks are not suitable for the construction of buildings in harsh climates. In addition, experts do not recommend building large and multi-storey buildings from building materials of this type, since a block or brick may not withstand such a load.

Nevertheless, this type of building materials is widely used in our time, including for the construction of buildings with their own hands. Wooden brick is ideal for the construction of small residential buildings and cottages, as well as gazebos, fences, partitions in the apartment.

What you need to know about working with wood bricks?

If the master is going to build a house, he needs to draw up a project for the building. Based on this, the type and size of the wooden brick will be selected. The material can be ordered from professional manufacturers or made by hand. But the latter option is quite complicated, requires special knowledge and equipment. Therefore, it will be much more convenient and cheaper to simply order a suitable brick at the factory.

Working with this material is very simple, but the master must have some knowledge in the field of construction. It is necessary to lay the brick correctly, that is, observing all the requirements for working with this material.

When erecting the walls of a house, it is necessary to lay bricks in rows - this is the most important condition, since without ordering the wall will not be strong enough.

Blocks must be laid with an edge on the lock. Every three blocks, a transverse dressing is needed.

With proper work and laying of wooden bricks, there will be a small gap between the inner and outer wall. It is suitable for thermal insulation. In the case of wooden bricks, sawdust is ideal.

But in any case, even with the best thermal insulation, such houses turn out to be quite cold. Therefore, it is not recommended to build them very large, especially in those regions where there are severe frosts.


Despite the rapid development of technology, stone houses are still as popular as ever. Such a house will not only faithfully serve your family for decades, but will also be left as a legacy to your children and grandchildren. From building materials - a modern and high-quality element that can significantly reduce the time of construction of the building. Today we will help you determine which ones are best for building a house. Price, performance, application features and other important information in this material.

The best thermal insulation is at. Ceramic blocks in this indicator occupy an honorable second place.

According to all indicators, aerated concrete is knocked out as a leader. What is the best material for building a house is up to you. But it is worth considering additional factors influencing the choice.

What else influences the choice of wall blocks for exterior walls

It is necessary to consider not only the technical characteristics of the building material, but also the specifics of the future structure:

  1. For an energy-saving design with good thermal insulation, gas blocks will be required.
  2. A building with a heavy roof must be built from durable materials - ceramic blocks and.
  3. When choosing a building material, its availability plays an important role. Agree, it makes no sense to choose blocks if the cost of transportation doubles their price.

Important! It is not often possible to meet houses built from one type of building material. The ideal option is a combination of different materials, depending on the design features. For example, for a two-story house, it is rational to use a ceramic block for the construction of the first floor and foam concrete or wood concrete for the second.

Pros and cons of foam blocks for the construction of a residential building

Foam concrete and gas blocks are the leaders in popularity among developers of individual housing. If your choice fell on this particular building material, it is worth clarifying all its advantages and disadvantages.


  1. The material is environmentally friendly and provides a microclimate that is comfortable for a person in the house.
  2. The cost of foam concrete in comparison with other types of blocks.
  3. Lightweight material that does not require massive.
  4. The speed of construction of housing from foam blocks is up to three months.
  5. Excellent heat and sound insulating properties.
  6. . Foam blocks are fastened with special glue, which can significantly save on mortar


    1. Easily damaged by careless transportation.
    2. May crack with sudden changes in temperature after laying.
    3. Requires reinforcement and.

    Block building advice from professionals

    • For storage and transportation, the material should be protected from moisture with a plastic film.
    • Blocks are transported on special pallets. To prevent the material from shifting during loading, it is fixed with slings.
    • Construction of block material is carried out at an ambient temperature of at least five degrees Celsius.

    • Gas blocks can be sawn ordinary. Tape is used if the scale of work is very large.
    • For the accuracy of cutting foam concrete building materials, a building corner is used.
    • Glue is applied to the joints with a trowel with teeth.
    • The elements are adjusted and seated with a rubber mallet.
    • When arranging, one should not forget about. It will remove excess moisture from the block walls. Blocks (with the exception of polymer ones) do not settle, so that, having built the first floor, you can immediately start finishing work
      • Ceilings in the house of blocks can be made of or concrete. Good results are obtained by combining materials.


Consumption ecology. Manor: A house made of bricks or wood? Probably, everyone who has conceived the construction of a private house, at some stage asks himself this question, because both of these building materials have been leaders among the materials for building a cottage for many years.

However, now you can not think for a long time, choosing what to build a house from. The ease of installation of brickwork with the reliability and environmental friendliness of wood combines a building material with an unusual name for many - wooden brick.

The beginning of construction from wooden blocks obtained from timber processing waste was laid in the USA more than 20 years ago. And although the craftsman who built his house in this way patented the technology, it did not receive much development due to the lack of a proven assembly method and proper equipment.

The modern version of wooden brick, which more and more people choose as a building material for their home, was introduced and patented by Russian inventor Sergei Lichin in 2012.

Wooden brick is a block made of solid wood on high-precision equipment. On the four sides of the block (at the ends and two masonry sides) there are special tongue-and-groove locks that allow you to firmly connect the bricks to each other and prevent the appearance of gaps between the elements during operation. The length of wooden blocks can vary from 150 to 950 mm, height - from 100 to 150 mm, and width - from 45 to 70 mm.

The construction of a wooden brick house is carried out according to the principle of hollow walls. Another advantage of this building material follows from this - material consumption does not increase even when the wall thickness changes upwards.

When mounting walls, you can do without glue and fasteners, since the tongue-and-groove system is responsible for the strength of the structure. Building from such blocks is quite simple - the essence of the technology lies in the four-way connection of blocks with each other.

It may seem that a wooden brick is not such a necessary thing. Indeed, there is, for example, a beam? However, wooden brick has its own advantages.

  • Proper drying. Often, large-section wood material is not completely dried due to its size, and the buyer has to pay for chamber drying. A relatively small wooden block dries in a shorter time.
  • Correct geometric shape. It is also a consequence of properly dried wooden blocks.
  • No cracks when shrinking the house. The plasticity of the material will avoid cracks during shrinkage of the building due to the absence of internal stress in small parts.
  • Ease of transportation and installation. Small parts are easier to transport to the construction site. And for their processing before installation, you will not need to work with massive and expensive equipment.
  • No need to hire a whole team. Even one builder can handle the installation of wooden brick walls.
  • Aesthetic component. Facade decoration in any traditional sense is not required. But wooden blocks can be decorated with carvings and get a truly unique home with an individual character.

In general, we can confidently predict that the number of wooden brick houses will only grow. As well as the number of houses built from various types of wood and wooden structures. published

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