What thickness of slate to use for facade decoration. Exterior slate finish of the plinth facade. What is flat slate

When choosing building materials for finishing the basement, most developers prefer those that are distinguished not only by their durability, neat appearance and resistance to weather changes, but also by their affordable price, as well as ease of installation.

Today, consumers often “vote with a ruble” for flat slate, as this relatively inexpensive material demonstrates high performance, is easy to install, and the ability to paint it in various colors adds beauty and personality to the building.

Features of flat slate

Flat sheets of slate are produced by mixing asbestos fiber and Portland cement with the addition of water.

In this case, asbestos is placed throughout the mixture in equal proportions and thus forms a reinforcing base to give strength to the slate.

Currently, the construction market for the house offers 2 types of rectangular sheets of industrial flat slate - pressed and unpressed in standard sizes: 2500x1200 mm (with a sheet thickness of 6-10 mm); 3000x1500 mm (with a thickness of 8-10 mm); 3600x1500 mm (with a thickness of 8-10 mm).

The non-pressed sheet differs in the lower strength characteristic, the freeze-thaw cycle is 2 times shorter and, accordingly, the lower cost. For other indicators, it is almost the same as the pressed sheet. As a building material to protect the foundation of a house, flat slate is attractive because:

  • profitable financially;
  • has a long service life, is not subject to rotting and corrosion;
  • durable to bends;
  • not dependent on temperature changes, resists gusts of wind, snowstorms, does not overheat in the sun, withstands 25-50 freeze-thaw cycles;
  • provides sound insulation;
  • due to the presence of asbestos in its composition, it is fireproof, it is not a conductor of electric current;
  • resistant to aggressive environments, including chemical impurities, the action of acids. Reflects ultraviolet, radioactive and electromagnetic radiation;
  • easy to install regardless of the time of year.

At the same time, despite all the advantages of flat slate, the following nuances should be taken into account when using it for:

  • due to the increased fragility of the material, care is required during transportation and installation;
  • has a lot of weight, which does not allow lining the base with slate without helpers;
  • requires treatment with antiseptic agents that prevent the growth of moss;
  • not environmentally friendly when sawing due to asbestos dust arising during operation, requires the use of protective personal equipment;

Nevertheless, due to the ease of laying flat slate with your own hands, which does not require professional skills, you save money on attracting hired finishing specialists. And the speed of installation due to its simple technology will save time.

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The technology of finishing the plinth with flat slate sheets

To clad the plinth with slate, you will need to attach the sheets to the crate of wooden beams, similar to fastening drywall. If necessary, a layer of mineral wool can be laid between the frame posts as thermal insulation.

To connect the sheets to the frame, nails or self-tapping screws and fastening layouts (clamps) are used. It is impossible to drive nails directly into the sheet due to its fragility to point loads. Therefore, so that the sheet does not crack and split into pieces, holes are pre-drilled in it, a slightly larger diameter (1-1.5 mm) than that of the fasteners used.

The required amount of building materials (slate, wooden beams, a layer of thermal insulation and acrylic paint) is calculated by measuring the height of the basement, the width of the foundation protrusion (if any) and the perimeter of the building using a tape measure.

Of the working tools will come in handy:

  • gloves and respirator;
  • ruler, building level;
  • chisel;
  • cutter;
  • screwdriver;
  • circular saw;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • spray gun;
  • self-tapping screws, nails;
  • clamps for slate.

Before starting work on sheathing the basement, you should carefully inspect the slate for cracks, chips and deformations, so that when cutting the sheets, it is precisely such places that are scrapped. Cutting slate is as easy as shelling pears: if the sheet has a thickness of up to 6 mm, it is placed on a table, at the place of the necessary fracture, notches are made along the edges with a ruler, a chisel and a cutter, the slate is moved to the edge of the table to the marked edge, pressed - and the desired fracture will be made.

But if the thickness of the purchased sheet is more than 10 mm, then you cannot do without an electric saw, and when cutting, the slate must be sprayed with cold water for cooling. If it becomes necessary to cut the asbestos-cement sheet along the length, then at least 0.6 cm is cut off to prevent its destruction. On freshly cut parts of the slate, all fractures or cuts must be painted over using special acrylic paints.

There are two types of slate - flat and wave. The first option has a wider application, in addition to covering the roof with it. With its help, they also construct outbuildings and finish the facade of the house. Let's talk about how to independently build a house from slate and cover the house with slate.

Cladding a house with slate: material features

Slate is a fairly popular and inexpensive finishing material. With its help, roofing is most often performed. Asbestos, cement and additional fillers are a part of slate.

It should also be said about the high practicality of slate, which, after being removed from the roof, is also used for other purposes, for example, for building a fence. In the process of making slate, all the ingredients in a certain proportion are combined with each other. At the same time, a substance in the form of asbestos is used as a reinforcing base. It strengthens the slate and increases its strength to mechanical stress. To solidify the composition, special forms are used that allow you to get a certain texture.

There are two options for making slate sheets:

  1. Pressed type slate - characterized by low temperature resistance, high impact strength, bending strength and good performance.
  2. Non-pressed type slate - does not have such high strength indicators, but is used for interior decoration.

The manufacturer indicates all operational properties of slate on its label. Therefore, when choosing a slate, be sure to familiarize yourself with them.

The service life of slate on the roof of a house also determines the amount of asbestos in its composition, the characteristics of the substance itself, the length of the fibers, their mechanical strength, the quality of grinding, and equipment for the manufacture of slate.

Most often, the shape of slate is rectangular, although some manufacturers make it in various variations. Among the main advantages of slate, we note:

  • affordable cost of the material in relation to its high performance properties;
  • duration of operation, which is explained by the breadth of its application;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and heating from the sun;
  • high mechanical strength to withstand the weight of an average person;
  • processing with mechanical tools;
  • no sound during rain, good sound insulation characteristics;
  • lack of electrical conductivity;
  • resistance to corrosion and high humidity;
  • maintainability, the possibility of partial replacement in case of damage.

Flat slate is quite often used in the process of finishing facades. In addition, this material is popular in the industrial construction industry, even in the manufacture of certain types of formwork, fences and agricultural buildings.

Sheets of flat slate are widespread in summer cottages; outbuildings, shower cabins and roofs are constructed from them. With the help of flat sheets of slate, they line the facade, equip a dry screed and erect walls. In addition, the use of material in the decoration of the balcony is widespread.

The widespread use of flat slate is due to its following characteristics:

  • availability of material and low price;
  • the service life of the slate is more than 12 years;
  • high level of impact resistance;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • Fire safety;
  • resistance to the development of mold and various fungi;
  • resistance to moisture.

Despite this, when sheathing a house with flat slate, it is necessary to take into account its disadvantages:

  • installation of slate must be carried out by at least two people;
  • in the process of working with sheets, special care should be taken, since this material, although capable of supporting the weight of an adult, is particularly fragile;
  • in order to prevent the development of fungus, mold and moss on the surface of the slate, it must be covered with special compounds.

In principle, having studied all the disadvantages and advantages of this material, we can conclude that it is ideal for facade decoration. However, in this case, at least two people are required to work.

How to sheathe a house with slate with your own hands - technology

Since slate is a rather fragile material, special care and literacy should be exercised in the process of working with it. Before starting work, familiarize yourself with the features of working with slate:

  • since the slate contains asbestos, it is recommended to work with it by wearing a respirator, which will protect the person cutting the slate from dust;
  • the minimum thickness of the cut of the slate strip is 0.6 cm, otherwise, deformation and destruction of its edges will occur;
  • use acrylic paint to process freshly cut sections of slate;
  • before installing the nail into the slate, initially make a hole under it with a drill;
  • before mounting each sheet, inspect it for damage or deformation.

The slate is installed on a previously prepared frame. Most often, wooden boards or timber are used for its manufacture. The interval for laying wood for the crate depends on the size of the sheet and is most often 60 cm. If necessary, waterproofing and thermal insulation materials are installed before laying the sheets.

Before starting work, inspect the slate for damage and set the damaged sheets aside. Further, it is recommended to pre-cut the sheets according to the dimensions of the wall and begin their installation.

Sheathe the house with flat slate photo:

The process of cutting slate is quite complicated and requires special skills to work with this material. To do it correctly, follow these steps:

  • with a sheet thickness of more than 0.6 cm, initially mark the place of the cut with a ruler and a pencil, then make a notch on each side and place the sheet on the table in such a way that it is convenient for you to break it;
  • with a larger sheet thickness, a special saw is used to cut the slate, while cutting, cool the slate with cold water.

Self-tapping screws are used to fix the slate on the surface of the crate. Before installing them, it is necessary to pre-drill a hole, otherwise, the slate may burst. To close the hats of self-tapping screws, special linings are used. After installing the slate, it is processed with the help of special protective compounds that prevent the development of moss on its surface. If necessary, slate is painted in a color suitable for the exterior.

Features of finishing the house with slate: ventilation facade structures

A ventilated facade is a technology for finishing a building, during which space remains between its main wall and the finishing material for the facade for normal air circulation. At the same time, with the help of an air gap, it is possible to get rid of condensate and steam coming out of the walls. The optimal value of the air gap is selected individually for each building and ranges from twenty to fifty centimeters.

Sheathe the house with slate photo:

When equipping a ventilated facade, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Install a frame made of wooden beams or boards on the wall. It is possible to use a metal frame for the manufacture of crates. Before installing wooden structures, they must be treated with special compounds.
  2. If necessary, insulation is placed between the frame. If mineral wool was used as a heat-insulating material, then it is imperative to install a waterproofing material in the form of a moisture-proof membrane.
  3. Next, the installation of a control batten is carried out, which provides the necessary ventilation space. Further, slate is already fixed on it, performing the function of an external finishing material for a ventilated facade.

If there is no need for wall insulation, then the insulation does not fit, and the interval between the frames is about 5 cm. It is possible to purchase a ready-made kit for a ventilated facade. In this case, its installation and construction will be faster.

At the initial stage of designing a ventilated facade, the type of material from which the crate will be constructed is determined. Next, you should determine the need for installation of insulation, its thickness and type. If the thickness of the insulation is more than 10 cm, then in this case it will also perform the function of an excellent sound insulator. The thickness of the boards used during the installation of the crate is determined by the presence or absence of insulation.

Next, decide on the amount of material needed to equip the ventilated facade. When insulating the facade, we recommend stopping at the mineral wool type of insulation, it has higher performance properties than polystyrene foam. The plinth must be insulated with extruded polystyrene foam.

The use of slate in the arrangement of a ventilated facade has the following advantages:

  • it is installed both in winter and in summer, regardless of the temperature regime;
  • duration of operation;
  • high level of thermal insulation and protection of the house from extraneous sounds;
  • a variety of materials for the manufacture of the facade;
  • weather resistance.

In addition, after the installation of slate, it is painted in any desired shade and acquires additional aesthetic appeal. A slate house is, on the one hand, a cheap, but at the same time practical option. The duration of operation of a ventilated facade is more than 16 years, with proper care of the slate. If necessary, the damaged slate can be easily dismantled and replaced with a new one.

How to paint flat slate on a house

Choosing the right paint for flat slate will not only give an attractive surface to the walls of the house, but also improve the performance of the material. Incorrectly selected paint for slate will peel off its surface in six months.

Since the slate is outdoors and is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and temperature changes, the paint must be resistant to all these factors.

The use of plain enamel is highly recommended for covering slate. Since after a certain time has elapsed from the moment the paint was applied, it begins to slide from the surface, forming rags on the slate.

In order to protect the slate from moisture, it is recommended to use acrylic-based paint. In addition, this paint option is distinguished by a wide color palette, bright and saturated colors, not prone to fading.

If the slate is constantly exposed to the wind, then it is not recommended to paint it with silicone paint, as it will lose color over time and turn gray.

An excellent option is a combination of silicate and acrylic paint. In this case, the paint protects the surface of the slate from dirt and dust, and has high water-repellent properties.

Another option for covering and protecting slate from external factors is liquid rubber. It, after being applied to the surface, forms a dense film, characterized by elasticity and durability. And the presence of special pigments in the composition of the paint prevents its fading.

However, rubber paints are highly toxic, so they are only used outdoors. When working with paint, wear a protective mask and goggles.

In any case, before applying the paint, the slate is coated with a primer. It provides coating protection against fungus and mold. The primer is recommended to be applied in two layers. At the same time, waiting for the complete drying of each of the layers. Next, paint is applied to the slate, initially, it is recommended to apply one coat of paint, after waiting for it to dry, paint the walls several more times. Thus, it will be possible to achieve a rich color. Paint the slate before mounting it on the walls, while it is recommended to install the material in a strictly horizontal position.

There is a factory painted slate, in which case you can save time and physical possibilities for painting. Although the cost of such material is somewhat more expensive than buying ordinary slate and painting it.

Asbestos cement sheets, also called "slate" , well and long known to millions of developers due to their low cost, durability and very good performance.

The roofs of buildings for various purposes are covered with this material.

But in addition to the well-known and familiar wave slate, which is used mainly for roofing, there is its “brother” - flat slate.

It is not as famous and popular as the wave. And in vain...

After all, the scope of use of flat slate is much wider and more diverse. It, like wave slate, can also be used for roofing. But it is not only roofing, but also facing material. It can also be used for both enclosing structures and wall panels. And this is not a complete list of areas of its application. Flat slate can be found both in production, and in housing construction, and at their summer cottage. It gained such wide popularity due to its truly unique performance and technical characteristics.

Slate flat asbestos cement

Flat pressed slate, or, as it is also called, "asbestos-cement sheet", is made from fine-fibered chrysolite asbestos and Portland cement. The fiber content by volume is typically 8 to 10 percent. Their main purpose is sheet reinforcement. Due to their inclusion and uniform arrangement throughout the volume, the material acquires the necessary degree of strength and rigidity.

One of the main characteristics of flat slate is its weight. The weight of flat slate depends on the size and thickness of the sheet. The larger the dimensions and thickness, the more the sheet weighs.

For example, with a flat slate size of 3000 by 1500 by 12 millimeters, its weight is 104.4 kilograms, and with the same dimensions, but with a thickness of 10 millimeters - 87 kilograms.

An equally important characteristic of flat slate for consumers is its size. They are standardized by GOST 18124-95 and are set on the process equipment during its manufacture. The most common sizes of flat slate are 3000 by 1500, 2000 by 1500, 1750 by 1130, 1500 by 1000 millimeters. Sheets are produced with a thickness of 6 to 30 millimeters; in practice, thicknesses from 8 to 20 are more often used.

In addition, the sheets must be rectangular in shape, deviations in width or length from geometric dimensions should not exceed 5 mm. The difference in the horizontal plane for pressed sheets should not exceed 4 mm, for non-pressed sheets of flat slate - 8 mm.

Flat slate: two varieties of this product

As you may have noticed, the previous section dealt with "pressed" and "unpressed" ciphers. Yes, in fact, today the modern industry produces two types of flat slate - pressed flat slate and unpressed in accordance with GOST 18124-95.

What is the difference between them?

In short, unpressed flat slate has lower strength characteristics, half the freeze-thaw cycle, hence the peculiarity of its scope. Unpressed slate is used for interior decoration. Accordingly, unpressed slate has a lower cost.

For clarity of comparison, let us consider in more detail the main characteristics of pressed and non-pressed slate.

  • Firstly, it is strength - for a pressed one it reaches 23 MPa, and for its unpressed counterpart it is only 18 MPa.
  • Secondly, the density - for unpressed flat slate it is 1.6 g / cm 3, and for pressed slate it is 1.8 g / cm 3.
  • Thirdly, it is impact strength, measured in kJ / m 2 - for pressed slate it is 2.5, and for unpressed slate it is only 2.
  • Fourth, frost resistance - pressed slate can withstand 50 freeze and thaw cycles, and not pressed 25.

Flat slate marking

And that is not all. If you are already interested in flat slate, then it will not be superfluous to deal with its marking, from which a knowledgeable person can get all the necessary information. This marking looks like this:

LP-NP-2.5x1.2x6.8. Based on this marking, you can read the following:

  • LP - flat sheet
  • NP - unpressed

The numbers indicate the dimensions of the sheets. In our situation, flat slate has the following dimensions:

  • 2.5 - sheet length in meters
  • 1.2 - sheet width in meters
  • 6.8 - sheet thickness in millimeters

If instead of the abbreviation NP it is simply “P”, then it means that pressed flat slate is in front of your eyes.

Flat sheet slate: advantages and disadvantages

The widespread use of flat slate is due to its performance. It is light enough and has large dimensions, which allows you to quickly build various structures from it, including temporary ones. Asbestos, which is part of the material, provides its high fire resistance, which is used in the construction of fireproof partitions and lintels. Corrosion resistance and resistance to aggressive environments allows it to be used in chemical and hazardous industries. The same quality allows it to be used for the manufacture of sanitary cabins. It tolerates temperature extremes and climatic influences well, and therefore it is used as a roofing material. Asbestos-cement sheets, unlike metal tiles, are a quieter material, and during rain or hail, the house does not create discomfort from excessive noise.

Another quality that contributes to the popularity of the material is the affordable price of flat slate. It is cheaper than many materials that have similar consumer qualities. The material lends itself well to mechanical processing, thanks to which it can be given various shapes, which makes it possible to make almost any design from it.

So, among the main advantages of flat slate, the following can be distinguished:

  • Low cost. The materials used in the manufacturing process of flat slate make it the cheapest among other sheet products of this type.
  • Durability, which is evidenced by old buildings equipped with slate roofs.
  • Slate is a non-combustible material.
  • Hardness and strength.
  • Noiselessness. Unlike metal tiles or corrugated board, slate easily dampens the noise created by falling raindrops and even hail.
  • It is a dielectric and, unlike metal, does not corrode.
  • Easy to work with - it is quite easy to cut even with a hand saw.

In addition, flat slate does not attract sunlight, which contributes to its weak heating - as a result, a low thermal deformation coefficient, which ensures a long service life of this material.

Also, as an important advantage, it is necessary to mention the aesthetic and modern appearance. Previously, asbestos-cement sheets were produced in the same gray color. Today, colored flat slate has appeared on the market. Painted in different colors, it acquired new consumer qualities, which further increased its popularity.

The developed dyes give flat colored slate a stable and bright color that is resistant to many negative factors. If earlier this material could most often be found in industrial or auxiliary premises, today it is used for facade cladding and for other decorative purposes.

The disadvantages of this material are not so many - they include the following:

  • Weight of flat slate. Compared to other roofing materials, it is heavy.
  • Fragility. He does not tolerate point loads. A large weight of flat slate is able to withstand only if there is an even and dense support over the entire plane.
  • Weak water resistance, the consequences of which, as a rule, is the growth of moss. You can get rid of this with the help of special solutions.

Areas of application for flat slate

Flat slate has found its application in various areas of housing, industrial and civil construction. In industry, flat slate is used for fencing boxes, technical shafts, making formwork, as a facing material for internal and external walls.

In agriculture, it has found its application as a building material for the construction of fences and fences, cages are made from it in poultry farms, pens for livestock, and so on.

Gardeners and gardeners use flat slate on their plots, including not only for building nondescript compost pits, but also for creating beautiful, comfortable and aesthetic beds that ennoble the appearance of the entire site and, moreover, help increase yields.

In housing construction, the material is used both for fencing balconies and loggias, and for the construction of sheds, shower cabins, etc. Unpressed flat slate is used for interior decoration. In addition, flat asbestos-cement slate is used for the construction of walls using the "sandwich-panel" method, for the installation of dry screeds, as a roofing material.

Another of the most popular areas for using flat slate is the construction of fences, which literally personify the slogan "aesthetics and savings in action."

It must be borne in mind that when transporting, storing and installing flat asbestos-cement sheets, certain rules must be observed:

  • it is strictly forbidden to throw flat slate;
  • when transporting flat slate sheets, as well as during installation, they must be protected from impacts:
  • flat slate with cracks, through holes, chipped edges and corners (larger than the cut size) are rejected and not subject to installation.

At the construction site, flat slate should be laid in stacks, no more than 165 sheets in each stack. The feet of flat slate should be laid on a flat area, while two wooden blocks should be placed under the lower flat slate of the foot at a distance of 45-50 cm from the ends of the sheet.

So, flat asbestos-cement sheets (flat slate) are inexpensive, easy to install and one of the most versatile building materials.

"Construction Rules", No. 51/1, June 2015

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If wave slate mainly plays the role of a roofing material, then its flat counterpart is used in the industrial sector, in agriculture, and in housing construction. So, in suburban construction, flat slate is often used to improve the characteristics of the facade.

Varieties of flat slate - choose the quality

For quite a long time, slate could not find a worthy alternative, however, modern finishing materials have significantly pressed it on the market. Nevertheless, it will remain in demand for a long time due to its high quality characteristics and affordable price.

Facade flat slate has a fairly simple production technology. For its manufacture, only three constituent elements are required: water, asbestos fiber and Portland cement. The most important role is assigned to asbestos fiber - evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the sheet, the mineral serves as a reinforcing basis for slate. The finished mixture is poured into special molds that have specific dimensions. After hardening, a durable sheet material is obtained.

To date, manufacturers produce flat slate in two varieties:

  • Flat pressed sheet. Differs in excellent quality characteristics. It is able to withstand very low temperatures, up to 50 freeze and thaw cycles. The bending strength of the sheet is 23 MPa. The impact strength is 2.5 kJ/m 2 . And the density of the sheet is 1.8 grams per cubic centimeter. Due to the high performance, finishing the walls of the house with this type of flat slate is possible even in regions with particularly low temperatures.
  • Flat unpressed sheet. It has a lower performance, but it is also effectively used in construction, especially indoors. The non-pressed plate is capable of withstanding 25 freeze and thaw cycles. The bending strength is 18 MPa. The impact strength of this type of slate is 2 kJ/m 2 . The density of the plate is 1.6 grams per cubic centimeter.

The performance properties of the material are greatly influenced by the quality of the asbestos used in production. This is the mineralogical composition of the fiber, its length, diameter and fineness of grinding. Also important is the level of equipment on which flat slate is made. It is simply impossible to find out such detailed information, so you should buy it only from manufacturers with a proven track record.

Facing the walls of the house with flat slate - find out the disadvantages

In industrial construction, flat sheets are used for the manufacture of formwork, lining of boxes and technical shafts, as well as for lining internal and external walls. In the field of agriculture, such slate is used as a material for the construction of fences and fences, it is also used to create cages for birds and pens for cattle.

Often, flat slate for the facade can be found in summer cottages, where it is used not only for sheathing the walls of houses, but also for the construction of various outbuildings (showers, sheds, etc.), for roofing, for balcony railings. Also, asbestos-cement slate can be used for the installation of dry screeds and the construction of walls like "sandwich panels".

Of course, such a wide range of applications would not be possible without a number of advantages that flat slate has:

  • Affordable price allows it to be used by people with different incomes.
  • Long service life - able to serve more than 15 years without losing its qualities.
  • High strength - able to withstand the weight of a person.
  • Excellent soundproofing properties.
  • This material is fireproof.
  • It is a poor conductor of electricity.
  • He is not afraid of the processes of decay and corrosion.
  • Does not transmit ultraviolet rays.
  • Sufficiently resistant to sudden changes in temperature. Doesn't heat well in the sun.

Like any other building material, it is not without negative parameters. These are:

  • The mass of the material. Due to the fact that the sheets have a large thickness, their weight significantly exceeds the weight of alternative materials. That is why working with flat slate alone is very problematic.
  • Asbestos is not an environmentally friendly material. By itself, slate does not cause much harm to either the environment or human health, but researchers urge to work with it carefully.
  • The need to apply a protective layer using special compounds during installation, as well as during operation to prevent the formation of moss on its surface.
  • Requires careful handling during transportation and installation, as it is a rather fragile material.

If we compare all the pros and cons of using this material, we can conclude that it is still quite profitable. Flat slate walls will last a long time without harming human health. At the same time, you can save a lot on the purchase of material, and it may require a fairly large amount, depending on the size of the building.

Flat slate for the facade - detailed installation instructions

First of all, you need to prepare the work surface. Sheet slate is attached to a wooden frame, which is made of boards or timber. The distance between the boards should correspond to the dimensions of the finishing material - usually the step is 0.6 m. If possible, a heat-insulating or waterproofing layer is created between the wall and the sheathing. As a heater, you can choose mineral wool.

The next step is to prepare the finishing material directly. First, a batch of sheet slate should be inspected for defects. Next, the slabs of the required dimensions are cut so that they are ready for installation. At this interval of preparatory work, you need to be extremely careful not to spoil the material. To do this, you can start with sheets on which various defects were found (irregularities, chips, cracks).

If the plate has a thickness of more than 6 mm, then a circular saw or grinder is used. Due to friction, the material is heated, therefore, in the process of sawing, it is necessary to periodically cool it with water. In addition, the liquid reduces the formation of harmful dust.

If the thickness of the plate does not exceed 6 mm, then the use of a saw is not necessary. Using a long ruler and a construction pencil, a notch line is outlined. Then notches are made on both sides of the sheet, after which the slate must be placed on the table so that the break line and the edge of the table exactly match. After making sure that the sheet is placed correctly, gently press on the edge of the sheet - if everything is done as it should, the slate will break cleanly along the line.

Sheathing the walls of the house with flat slate is made using screws with an anti-corrosion coating, for which holes are pre-drilled.

To avoid splits at the attachment points, you need to make holes 1–2 mm wider than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. At the same time, a wide hat will hide the free space. In principle, on this installation of the skin can be considered complete. It remains only to treat the surface with special means that will protect the slate from the formation of moss, lichen or other microorganisms. To do this, you can use high-quality acrylic paint, which is able to withstand temperature extremes.

For facing a plinth made of concrete or brick, sheet materials, natural and artificial stone, profiled sheet, paint and varnish compositions are used. They can be combined into groups according to similar physical properties, installation methods.

In the segment of sheet finishing materials, flat slate, fiber-reinforced concrete panels and DSP can be distinguished. Let us consider in more detail the properties of each, as well as the methods of their installation on the basement of the house.

flat slate

This is an inexpensive material that has all the necessary properties for outdoor decoration. Flat slate is made from asbestos fiber, Portland cement and water. It is pressed and unpressed.

Both types of slate are durable with a service life of 25-30 years. Do not collapse in aggressive environments, at low temperatures. Flat slate has a low water absorption coefficient. Sheets do not burn.

Frost resistance makes it possible to sheathe facades of buildings in the regions of the Far North with flat slate. For all its strength, slate is fragile. It can be destroyed by dynamic impact, such as hitting a stone or large hail. Asbestos dust is very harmful to human lungs, so the sheets are processed in respirators. It is better to use denser pressed slate for finishing the basement.

The lining of the basement walls with flat slate is carried out on a metal or wooden frame on self-tapping screws. A hole of a smaller diameter is drilled under each self-tapping screw in the sheet.

External and internal corners are closed with additional elements made of galvanized steel. People are wondering how to paint the flat slate on the facade of the house after the installation is completed. Acrylic primer, water-based acrylic or silicone paint is used for painting. The primer is applied in one layer, the paint in two or three.

Fiber concrete panels

A material in demand on the market for finishing not only the plinth, but also the entire surface of the facade. Fiber concrete panels are made from cement and sand.

Fiberglass is used as a filler. It rigidly binds all components into a single strong structure. Additives are used to improve performance.

Fiber-reinforced concrete panels are an expensive material for a ventilated plinth. Fiberglass gives them additional resistance to natural oxidizing agents. The panels do not spread, do not absorb moisture, do not crack, do not break. Due to the low weight of the element, they are easy to mount on the plinth.

They are produced in a wide range of colors and textures. The only disadvantage of fiber-reinforced concrete panels for the plinth is the high cost. Step installation profiles 400-600 mm. Brackets can be of variable length to level the irregularities of the basement. Most often, fiber-reinforced concrete panels are used to install a ventilated base.

A layer of basalt mineral wool and vapor barrier is laid between the panels and the wall. There are two ways to fasten the panels to the rails: with self-tapping screws and clamps. Thin plates up to 14 mm can be mounted on self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets. Thicker ones are mounted using kleimer locks.

You can only cut panels with a grinder with a diamond wheel. Other tools crumble edges, increasing material consumption.

Cement particle board (DSP)

Finishing of the CSP basement is carried out both separately and as part of the cladding of the entire facade.

Cement particle boards are a universal finishing material in the form of sheets with a thickness of 8-36 mm. They are made by pressing wood chips and cement. Large fraction chips are at the base of the sheet, and finer ones in the upper layer.

TsSP moisture-resistant and frost-resistant finishing material with high strength. It doesn't burn or rot.

It is easy to handle. Cement particle board is combined with other building and finishing materials. It is easy to mount on a wooden or metal frame.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the large weight of the elements and the average service life of up to 15 years.

Sheets with a thickness of 16-20 mm are used for sheathing the basement. The technology of installation on the frame does not differ from the method of fastening similar materials. Each sheet is fixed at least 4 points.

Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, under which holes of a smaller diameter are pre-drilled. Joints between sheets must not be sealed with putty or plaster. For the treatment of seams, it is better to use a silicone weather-resistant sealant. It will not tear during temperature deformations of the DSP. Acrylic, silicone or combined water-based paints are used for finishing the basement. Finishing the basement with the above sheet materials will provide high-quality protection of the basement of the house from destruction.

The base will turn out beautiful and neat. The main thing is to follow the rules and regulations for working with sheet materials. Flat slate is a direct relative of the well-known and common wave slate. But due to its even structure, it has many more applications.

What is it, flat slate?

Slate is an asbestos-cement material intended primarily for roofing.

And in the past, he did an excellent job with this task, but in the modern building materials market, he is starting to lose ground. Nevertheless, despite the wide range of roofing materials, it remains in demand due to its affordable price. And the manufacturers of flat slate are helped by the practicality of this material, with which the facade can be sheathed and the roof can be covered.

The composition of flat slate does not differ in a complex recipe: Portland cement, asbestos fiber and water.

Asbestos in this mixture should be evenly distributed throughout the mass. It is asbestos that creates a reinforcing base in this simple composition, thanks to which the sheet becomes durable. The mixture hardens in special forms of a certain size, and as a result, sheets of flat slate are obtained.

Sheets of flat slate can be produced in two varieties:

asbestos-cement pressed (LP–P). This species can withstand very low temperatures (about 50 freeze and thaw cycles). The impact strength of this sheet is 2.5 kJ/m2, and the bending strength of the plate is 23 MPa.

The residual strength of the pressed slate is 40%, with a material density of 1.8 g / cm3. Unpressed asbestos-cement (LP-NP). The unpressed material does not have such high performance, but also finds its place in construction and is widely used indoors. This slate will withstand exactly half (25) freeze and thaw cycles.

The impact strength is 2 kJ/m2, and the bending strength is 18 MPa. The density of the unpressed material is 1.6 g/cm3. The residual density has the same indicator of 40%.

The listed characteristics are indicated by manufacturers on the labels, and this information can be easily obtained from the seller. But the performance properties of the material are also affected by the quality of the asbestos used in the manufacture: the length and diameter of its fibers, the mineralogical composition, the fineness of grinding, and even the level of equipment on which it is made. It is almost impossible to find out this information, so it is better to purchase flat slate from well-known manufacturers.

You can buy sheets only in a rectangular shape, but in several dimensional variations:

    sheet length - 300 cm, width - 150 cm, thickness - 0.8-1 cm; length - 250 cm, width - 120 cm, thickness - 0.6-1 cm; length - 360 cm, width - 150 cm, thickness - 0.8–1 cm.

Finishing the facade with flat slate: arguments for and against

The scope of flat slate is very wide and varied.

This material can be found in various areas of construction. In industrial construction, for example, flat sheets are found in the fencing of technical shafts and boxes, in the lining of external and internal walls, in the manufacture of formwork. Bird cages, fences and fences for livestock and agricultural land are often built from this material.

Often flat slabs can be seen in summer cottages, where they are widely used for the construction of outbuildings, showers, fences, roofs, etc.

e. Flat sheets are used as façade cladding, dry screeds, and sandwich panel walls. The same material can be seen in the city when arranging loggias and balconies.

Such a wide range of uses is possible due to a number of advantages that this material has:

    combination of availability of material, low price and high quality; durability - its service life is more than 15 years; has high resistance to impact, bending and freezing; has the property of sound insulation; does not support the combustion process; is not subject to mold and fungi; is not a conductor of electric current does not rot or corrode.

Of course, along with the advantages, all the existing disadvantages should be taken into account before sheathing the house with flat slate. Negative characteristics are represented by the following positions:

    when installing the slate, you will need an assistant, since the weight of the sheet will not allow you to carry out the work yourself; the sheets are strong, but at the same time very fragile, so you need to transport and work with them very carefully; after laying, it requires mandatory coating with special compounds to protect the surface and prevent the appearance of moss; asbestos is an environmentally unsafe material and is harmful in large quantities.

After analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages, we can conclude that finishing the facade with flat slate would be a good idea. This material is able to soundproof the house, protect the walls from the effects of the external environment for more than 15 years and at the same time it will be quite cheap. The only thing is that you will have to find a neat assistant in order to translate everything conceived into reality.

How to sheathe a house with flat slate: a scheme of actions

Slate - the material is quite fragile, which obliges you to work with it carefully and competently. Before proceeding with the installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of working with this material. Just a few rules, the observance of which can facilitate the workflow and prevent negative consequences:

    you need to prepare a respirator or a protective mask that can protect the respiratory tract from asbestos dust that appeared when cutting slate; you can not cut very thin strips - the minimum width is 6 mm, otherwise the edge will begin to deform and collapse; all sections of slate must be treated with acrylic paint; in order to drive a nail into the slate slab, you must first drill a hole for it; it is necessary to conduct a visual inspection of each sheet for deformations and cracks.

The step-by-step scheme for sheathing a house with flat slate is as follows:

The slate will be attached to the frame, so the first step is to ensure the presence of a wooden crate.

The crate can be made of boards or timber, which will be laid at a distance in accordance with the dimensions of the slate sheet (approximately 0.6 m). If desired, you can add a layer of waterproofing or thermal insulation between the frame. For this, cellulose insulation ecowool or mineral wool is suitable.

Facing material before work must be inspected and deformed sheets removed. Next, you need to measure and cut the slate so that it is ready for installation. Cutting is the most crucial and difficult moment.

    if the sheet has a thickness of no more than 6 mm, then the cutting process looks like this: using a ruler and a pencil, a notch line is marked, then notches are made on both sides. Next, you need to place the sheet on the table so that the edge of the table and the break line coincide, and carefully break it; if the sheet is more than 6 mm thick, then you need to use a saw. The material during the cutting process will need to be periodically cooled with water.

Slate sheets that have any flaws (cracks, punctures, bumps) must be cut first if there is a need for smaller slabs.

The slate is attached to the crate with screws, for which a hole is pre-drilled. The heads of these screws will be closed with fastening layouts. The hole diameter for the screws should be 1-2 mm wider than the nails and screws used to avoid cracks and splits at the fastening points.

At the final stage, you need to treat the slate with special means that will protect it from the appearance of mosses and lichens. For these purposes, acrylic paint is well suited. It is better to paint with a spray gun or spray gun.

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    When choosing building materials for finishing the basement, most developers prefer those that are distinguished not only by their durability, neat appearance and resistance to weather changes, but also by their affordable price, as well as ease of installation.

    Today, consumers often “vote with a ruble” for flat slate, as this relatively inexpensive material demonstrates high performance, is easy to install, and the ability to paint it in various colors adds beauty and personality to the building.

    Features of flat slate

    Flat sheets of slate are produced by mixing asbestos fiber and Portland cement with the addition of water.

    In this case, asbestos is placed throughout the mixture in equal proportions and thus forms a reinforcing base to give strength to the slate.

    Currently, the construction market for finishing the foundation of the house offers 2 types of rectangular sheets of industrial flat slate - pressed and unpressed standard sizes: 2500x1200 mm (with a sheet thickness of 6-10 mm); 3000x1500 mm (with a thickness of 8-10 mm); 3600x1500 mm (with a thickness of 8-10 mm).

    The non-pressed sheet differs in the lower strength characteristic, the freeze-thaw cycle is 2 times shorter and, accordingly, the lower cost. For other indicators, it is almost the same as the pressed sheet. As a building material to protect the foundation of a house, flat slate is attractive because:

      profitable financially; has a long service life, is not subject to rotting and corrosion; durable to bending; does not depend on temperature changes, resists gusts of wind, snowstorms, does not overheat in the sun, withstands 25-50 freeze-thaw cycles; provides sound insulation; due to the presence of asbestos in its composition, it is fireproof, it is not a conductor of electric current; it is resistant to aggressive environments, including chemical impurities, the action of acids. Reflects ultraviolet, radioactive and electromagnetic radiation; easy to install regardless of the season.

    At the same time, despite all the advantages of flat slate, when using it to finish the foundation with your own hands, the following nuances should be taken into account:

      due to the increased brittleness of the material, care is required during transportation and installation; it has a large weight, which does not allow lining the base with slate without assistants; requires treatment with antiseptic agents that prevent the growth of moss; protective individual means; not durable with point loads.

    Nevertheless, due to the ease of laying flat slate with your own hands, which does not require professional skills, you save money on attracting hired finishing specialists. And the speed of installation due to its simple technology will save time.