Frame houses for permanent residence. Frame houses for permanent residence

Frame houses for year-round use are becoming more and more in demand. This is due to the advent of building materials and technologies that make the house durable, reliable and very warm. At the same time, the main advantages remain - low cost, speed of construction and the ability to build regardless of the season.

The Mechtaevo company has been building turnkey frame houses for permanent residence for more than 15 years. During this time, we have mastered Canadian technology to perfection, and have also developed our own solutions in the field of frame housing construction. We offer:

    standard and non-standard projects;

    houses with optimal equipment that does not require any modifications;

    compact houses from 30 m2 and spacious cottages up to 300 m2 and more;

    houses with mortgages for future expansion;

    the possibility of redevelopment and change of individual elements of the building;

    houses with an attic or an exploited roof.

Frame houses built by our company have a number of features. We use kiln-dried wood for the frame. This material practically does not shrink, does not deform, tolerates changes in humidity and is able to withstand loads from the weight of the building, snow and wind. To prevent rotting and damage from insects, the wood is treated with antiseptics, and flame retardants increase the fire safety of the building. You can start finishing work immediately after the completion of the main construction.

Warming is one of the most important stages in the construction of frame economical houses. We use a modern heat-insulating material made of basalt wool, which is characterized by a dense structure and low hygroscopicity. Due to the preservation of the shape, the plates remain in place and do not slide down the walls. The material retains its characteristics for 50 years, it is not afraid of moisture, it is environmentally friendly and does not generate dust. A house with such insulation turns out to be very warm, year-round comfortable living is possible even at temperatures down to -40 ° C.

We install high-quality plastic windows and metal entrance doors with a closed sealing circuit. In some configurations of houses, several types of facade decoration and roofing materials are provided. For those who want to get the best quality inexpensively, houses with special equipment are provided.

In our company, you can buy a frame house for permanent residence, completely ready for occupancy. We perform:

    connection and wiring of water supply, sewerage, electricity;

    external and internal finishing works;

    installation of fireplaces;

    erection of outbuildings;

    landscaping work on the design of the site.

For more than five years, being engaged in the creation and implementation of low-cost housing projects for the population of the central and northwestern regions of the Russian Federation, Russian Construction has studied their needs and financial capabilities. The company successfully sells dozens of turnkey 8x8 frame houses.

The site presents more than ten options for buildings for suburban construction. These are one- and two-story buildings with a balcony, an attic, a porch. Opposite each option is the complete set of the house, prices, floor plans.

Advantages of cottages

One-story frame houses 8x8 in size have a total area of ​​​​64 sq.m., two-story buildings - up to 128 sq.m. The first options will suit a family of 1-2 people - an elderly couple or newlyweds. The latter are suitable for a family of 3 to 6 people, depending on the model of construction. The first floor is occupied by utility rooms and a living room, on the second floor there are bedrooms. By purchasing a frame house 8 by 8, the owners receive additional benefits:

  • operational deadlines for the delivery of the object;
  • low cost of the building due to own production of material and low-cost foundation;
  • saving money on finishing outside and inside, since the beam is laid professionally and has a presentable appearance;
  • good thermal insulation and reduced heating costs.

Buying a frame house 8x8 in the "Russian Building" is a profitable investment!

  1. High-quality materials of own production
  2. Relative lightness of construction
  3. Assembly speed
  4. Compliance with construction technology - installation of door and window blocks after shrinkage of the building, installation of waterproofing, fine finishing, thermal insulation, etc.
  5. Low price
  6. Staged payment
  7. One year warranty, etc.

All this will provide customers with the purchase of comfortable housing at an affordable cost. If you have any questions, please use the online form or request a call.

There is an opinion that if the property is being built quickly, then it is suitable only for temporary residence. This stereotype. In our country, there are specialists who are ready to offer frame houses for permanent residence. In such a house you will be able to comfortably survive many winters. The company "RIFT" offers the construction of turnkey frame houses at affordable prices.

If you have already flipped through our catalog, you are convinced that it contains projects of frame houses for every taste.

Frame houses for permanent residence: features

What are the advantages of "frames"? The following advantages of frame technology can be distinguished:

  • high rates of construction (from 1 month),
  • a cottage will cost less than an analogue made of brick or timber,
  • no shrinkage (immediately, you can do interior decoration, insulation of the house),
  • lower heating costs in winter.

Frame houses for year-round use heat up many times faster than stone ones. True, such a structure can cool down in a matter of hours, if you do not lay a sufficient layer of insulation. Frame-panel houses also have their drawbacks, but they can be dealt with:

  • The appearance of mold or fungus avoids the correct calculation of the "dew point". Condensation does not form, which means that there is no decay.
  • Fire retardants will prevent the wood from catching fire.
  • You can increase sound insulation by using a thicker insulation.

Features of design and construction in "RIFT"

You can order frame houses for permanent residence in the RIFT company. We offer our clients a large selection of cottages (ready-made solutions, modified options, individual projects to order).

You can choose a house with a total area of ​​more than 150 m2 or about 50 m2. Each of the projects has a thoughtful layout that includes all the necessary spaces for a comfortable life. We will make changes to the options available on the site free of charge at the request of the client.

Why are our homes warm all year round? The fact is that winter frame houses are insulated not only on both sides along the walls, but also from the side of the roof and floor. We use high-quality insulation with a thickness of 100 - 150 mm. At the request of the client, we bring communications to the house.

Do you want to build a solid house for year-round use? Contact RIFT LLC. We will build frame house projects in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions inexpensively, but with high quality.

Column supports 40x40x40cm free of charge (in the absence of a foundation on the site)

The lower trim is carried out with a trimmed beam with a section of 100x150mm

Walls and partitions
The frame of the outer walls is made of edged board 50x150mm (thickness 150mm), the frame of internal partitions is made of edged board 50x100mm (thickness 100mm), the lower and upper trim of the partition frame is made of edged board 50x100m. The frame of the walls and partitions is sheathed with clapboard of class "B" on both sides. The outer walls are insulated with glass-staple fiber 150 mm thick, the insulation is laid on the outside with a wind-moisture protective vapor-permeable membrane, on the inside with a vapor barrier membrane. Insulation of internal partitions is not carried out. The internal height of the premises on the first floor is 2.5 m.

Floors and joists
The floors of the first floor are double: rough floor: edged board 18-20mm thick, finishing floors - floor planed grooved board 30-40mm.
The floor joists are made of edged boards with a section of 150x50mm, the beams are installed in increments of ~0.5m.
The floors are insulated with glass-staple fiber 50 mm thick, the insulation is laid on both sides: from below with a wind-moisture-proof vapor-permeable membrane, from above with a vapor barrier membrane.
The floors of the attic are laid over the interfloor beams of the floor of the house - a floor planed grooved board 30-40mm.

Doors are installed in the house: entrance and interior doors - paneled DHF (pine): box size 2.1x0.9m - 4 pcs. (paneled doors are not supplied with handles for opening and locks).

The house is equipped with double-glazed wooden windows OS GOST, glazed window blocks of incomplete factory readiness (window blocks are not antiseptic and not treated with protective compounds, glass is installed without the use of putty, there are no sealing gaskets on the sashes and porches) 1.2x1.2 m in size - 4 pieces, size 0.6x0.6m - 1 pc.

A staircase is installed inside the house, the main elements of which (steps, stringers, bowstrings) are made of wooden furniture panels. Useful width of stairs ~ 830mm. The stairs are assembled on self-tapping screws using metal corners for fastening winder steps and other structural elements. The plan of the stairs indicated in the drawings indicates only its location and direction of ascent, but does not reflect the detailed design of the stairs, the actual number and shape of the steps.

Horizontal and vertical corners of the interior are trimmed with plinth.
Galvanized iron sills are installed above the windows. Window and door openings are trimmed on both sides with a platband.
Temporary wooden steps are installed to enter the house.

The shape of the roof of the house is a mansard gable (or broken) with frame gables. Roofing - galvanized corrugated sheets. The roof kit includes: roofing corrugated sheets, ridge elements, fasteners. A heater is laid under the ridge to prevent snow from blowing.

Construction work included in the price
All partitions, windows, doors are placed in accordance with your individual project

Many believe that frame houses are not very suitable for permanent residence in the Russian climate. But it doesn't, and here's why:

  • the thickness of the insulation laid in the walls and coatings by our specialists is 15-20 cm. Frost, cold and chilly wind, together with the heat, cannot overcome it, and there is always a good microclimate in the house;
  • frame structures are lighter than brick walls and floors, which means that the load on the foundation is less, and you can save on it;
  • frame buildings are much easier to build - they are assembled as a designer, which guarantees a short construction time;
  • thanks to the lightweight construction and smaller volumes of building materials, the customer saves about 20-30% of funds compared to stone and brick buildings.

And this is not all the advantages - the list can be continued for a long time.

How is the construction process

We have been offering construction services for 20 years. During this period, we have ideally worked out all the stages of their construction:

  • collection of information about the construction site, calculations, creation of a project and calculation of estimates - a preliminary stage;
  • earthworks, arrangement of the designed foundation on the site;
  • erection of the main frame, mounting of panels, installation of the floor and roof;
  • arrangement of internal surfaces, stairs, doorways and other things.

Work with the project ends with the delivery of the house by our specialists and its acceptance by the customer.

Our advantages

Gradodel has been on the market for a long time and has proven the quality of its work in practice. Affordable prices and projects of frame houses for permanent residence on unique requests are not all of our advantages. Their list also includes:

  • short construction time - no more than 21 days for a task of medium complexity;
  • purchase of materials at wholesale prices from reliable suppliers with free delivery to the site;
  • high quality work.

Only you can choose which construction company to work with. But we want to warn you that cooperation with us will bring many surprises - only pleasant ones. We look forward to your call or email!