How to paint a wooden floor in the kitchen. How can you paint wooden floors in an apartment: an overview of materials. How to paint a wooden floor

The issue of floor painting should be given Special attention, since this section of the building is most susceptible to various kinds of influences. Among the variety of colors it is hard not to get confused. Therefore, further we will talk about the choice of paint for various kinds of floors and how to paint the floor correctly and efficiently.

Paint is used to update the appearance of the flooring. This method is used by both apartment owners and owners of non-residential premises. The main advantage of floor painting is the fact that the paint can be applied to any kind of surface: wood, concrete, gypsum, etc. At the same time, painting does not require hiring specialists or using special equipment. Even one person can do it.

Other benefits of floor painting include:

  • resistance of the coating to moisture, since most paints applied to the floor are moisture resistant;
  • paint creates a protective film on the floor, which protects it from various kinds of influences;
  • the coating becomes easy to clean and easily withstands any type of cleaning, both dry and wet;
  • the paint is applied quickly and does not require special physical effort to carry it out, in addition, after the paint dries, the floor is ready for further use;
  • this type of finish is economical and affordable, therefore it is the most popular among alternative options.

Among the disadvantages of painting floors in the house, there are:

  • low level of thermal insulation winter time walking on a painted floor does not bring comfort, so it requires the installation of rugs;
  • low level of wear resistance, this coating is not able to be used for a long time and requires periodic updating;
  • low drying rate, most paints dry for two to seven days, during this time it is forbidden to walk on the floor;
  • appearance the coating is quite simple, so when arranging a special design room, painting the floor will be inappropriate.

How to paint the floor - the technology of the process

The first stage of work is preparatory. It requires the removal of old flooring or other finishing materials, if available. In the presence of greasy spots on the surface, they are removed with degreasing agents such as white spirit.

If wax is used to polish floors, it should also be removed. It is better to do this using a solution of soda with water, in the proportion of a glass to seven liters of liquid. Next, apply the mixture to the floor surface and wipe off the wax with a stiff brush. Finally rinse the floor clean water and leave to dry completely.

In the presence of convex knots on wooden floor, remove them with a chisel, and drown the caps from the fasteners a few millimeters deep and putty.

Before painting, treat the surface with a primer or drying oil, the latter option is only suitable for floors made of wood. If possible, wait a few days until the solution is well absorbed into the surface and begins to perform its intended functions. Perfect if needed flat surface, it is recommended to treat the floor with putty, choose compositions with oil base, they are highly durable and will last on the floor long years. Please note that the color of the putty should not differ much from the color of the floor. Apply putty to the entire surface of the floor, eliminate irregularities or minor defects. Use sandpaper to sand uneven areas. If desired, repeat these steps several times until the surface acquires the desired appearance.

After finishing preparatory phase a staining procedure follows, which will make the floor attractive in appearance and protect it from external irritants.

Before starting work, pour the paint from the can and mix until the mixture acquires a uniform consistency and structure. Please note that the presence of lumps or small clots is unacceptable.

Use masking tape to protect areas that do not require painting but are in direct contact with the floor. It is this material that will protect these places from a sudden hit of paint.

Carry out coloring in stages. First apply the first coat of paint, after it dries, apply another coat. Applying a second layer will make the surface more attractive and qualitatively painted. The second layer must dry for at least four days.

Tip: When re-painting the surface, it is enough to apply one coat of paint, but if the floor is being painted for the first time, then a minimum of two, and sometimes three coats should be applied.

Please note that the application layer must be thin, otherwise, after a certain time, it will deform and swell.

The coloring of a wooden floor is carried out along the horizontal movement of wood fibers. It is preferable to start work from the perimeter of the room, namely from the plinth.

Pick up some paint, wring the brush against the edge of the tank that contains the paint and apply it to the surface. Hold the brush at an angle to the surface to be painted. Try to work with smooth movements - strokes. The power of pressing the brush is affected by the required layer thickness and its color saturation.

After painting the baseboards, proceed to paint the entire surface of the floor.

It is better to do this with a roller. Get started with the corners:

  • lower the roller into the paint bath;
  • soak it;
  • squeeze the relief area on the bath;
  • put the roller on the floor and roll the paint over the surface.

Tip: Do not lift the roller from the floor as long as there is at least a little paint on it.

When the first coat of paint is dry, inspect the surface for defects and re-paint if necessary. The floor must be free of streaks, paint drips, stains, streaks or roller marks.

Take care of cleaning all glued tape, residues of drying oil, oil on the floor. This is done by periodically cleaning the floor. special solution, for the preparation of which you will need to dilute water with vinegar. At the same time, the addition of soap, powder, any cleaning agents or soda to this mixture is unacceptable, as this will significantly affect the attractiveness of the coating. If the appearance of the floor is satisfactory, proceed to its operation.

Painting a wooden floor

Wooden floors are environmentally friendly types of coatings that are able to maintain a healthy indoor climate and atmosphere, so their popularity is very high.

In addition, this type of flooring is durable, durable, resistant to many irritants. But at the same time, wooden floor requires special care, and in particular, treatment with various kinds of antiseptics, impregnations, etc.

Before you start painting a wooden floor, you should take care of the choice quality material which will help to keep it in use.

In relation to the appearance, paintwork materials for wooden floors there are:

  • transparent;
  • colored.

The first option consists of varnishes or impregnations. Some of them contain special substances that contribute to a clearer manifestation of the texture of the tree.

Color types involve the use of paints various origins. Among them are the following materials:

  • polyurethane;
  • oil;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic origin.

The main function of the impregnation is to protect the wood from fire or biological irritants in the form of fungi or mold.

Impregnations are of two types:

  • flame retardant;
  • biocidal or antiseptic.

The first option makes the tree non-flammable and protects it from fire. Their use is associated with public, industrial or residential buildings.

The latter contribute to the improvement of the antiseptic properties of the tree and protect it from biological effects.

There are two types of impregnations:

  • surface action;
  • deep action.

Only the first option is suitable for applying to the floor with your own hands. Before applying the impregnation to the surface, it must first be cleaned and dried. To apply the impregnation, use a sprayer or brush.

Another type of impregnation are oil-based products. For their manufacture, oil from wood or flax is used, as well as modified natural resins that strengthen and protect the tint of wood. The oil base is better absorbed by the tree, so it works more efficiently.

Pay attention to these types of oils, which do not contain a solvent. Better if the oil will have natural basis And you don't have to wait long for it to dry. The use of oils is associated with high traffic areas such as corridors, living rooms or hallways. In addition, they are suitable for floor treatment in unheated premises or in rooms with increased level humidity.

If we consider the issue of choosing a varnish or paint, then here we should proceed from individual features premises and personal preferences of its owners. The varnish is less resistant to mechanical irritants in the form of shoes, heavy objects, etc., so its use as a floor covering is limited.

In the process of choosing a paint, pay attention to environmental factor, the best option there will be a water-dispersion-based material that does not contain solvents of organic origin in its composition.

This type of paint is characterized by water resistance, good adhesion to the surface and color stability. To paint the floor in the kitchen or bathroom, it is recommended to purchase paint at acrylic base. It is more durable and resistant to moisture. To paint the parquet, use alkyd enamel.

Tip: When choosing the amount of paint, you should first find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to be painted. On each can of paint is indicated its consumption for one square meter. In the calculation, it is necessary to take into account the number of layers and calculate the paint consumption.

Instructions for painting the floor with your own hands:

  • clean the floor, take care of the absence of dirt, dust, various kinds of stains on it;
  • seal and putty all the cracks, wait for them to dry;
  • sand, sand and dry the floor;
  • apply antiseptic compositions and wait until they dry;
  • paint the floor with your chosen varnish or paint.

Tip: Apply a second coat of paint only after the first has completely dried. Otherwise, the paint will warp.

The procedure for staining with varnish is practically no different from applying paint. Although there are some subtleties here. After applying the first layer, wait for it to dry, sand the surface and apply the second layer. If this technology is followed, the coating will acquire perfect evenness and a pleasant sheen. The varnish is applied in at least three layers.

Floor painting is carried out various technologies, among which there are three main ones:

  • Covering a wooden floor with drying oil or a primer. Drying for three days. Paint application and drying. Apply the second coat and wait 3 to 6 days.
  • Puttying the surface using a mixture with an oil base. Alignment of cracks and other defects. Finishing the floor with fine sandpaper. Its puttying and leveling. Application of paint in two or three layers.
  • Applying varnish to the floor surface. Its drying and puttying, which is carried out several times. Cleaning the floor with sandpaper, priming, drying and painting in at least three layers.

Tip: When choosing the type of primer, consider the type of paint that will be applied to the floor surface. For example, when applying acrylic enamel, the primer should be acrylic.

Concrete floor painting: features and technology

The quality of surface preparation directly affects the life of the concrete painted coating. The first step is to remove dirt, debris, dust from the floor, old paint or bitumen.

Take care to remove concrete chips, close up and putty small surface differences, if any. With the help of a special grinder sand the surface. It is this process that will make the surface even and significantly improve the adhesion between the paint and the floor.

Use a vacuum cleaner or a regular mop to get rid of dust. For dedusting concrete base purchase compositions of polymer origin. They will significantly improve the quality of concrete. To strengthen concrete surface use toppings - these are impregnations with a firming effect. Products with a hardening effect will increase the strength of the base and protect the floor from dust for 4 years.

In order for the adhesion between the concrete floor and the paint to be the best, use a primer. Among great variety of this material, select the composition, in accordance with the type of paint with which the surface will be treated.

To apply the primer, use a foam roller, which helps to evenly distribute the primer on the surface. The application of a primer requires compliance with a special technology:

  • first you need to mix it;
  • so that the floor is not slippery, add to ready mix some quartz sand;
  • apply the composition in two or three layers.

After purchasing and choosing floor paint, the type of tool used in the work should be determined. It can be a regular brush, roller or spray gun. The decisive factor in this matter will be the paint that will be applied to the surface.

The last option contributes best application paints. In addition, it is easy to perform, economical and a small amount of time that staining takes.

This is followed by drying the floor, which is carried out under certain conditions. During this process, the temperature in the room should be about 19 degrees, and humidity - up to 86%. The floor dries within three to eight days, it all depends on the drying conditions and the type of paint. After drying, the coating is ready for further use.

For hundreds of years, wood has been one of the main building materials. AT wooden house created special atmosphere, because wood is actually the only material that can "breathe", as well as disinfect the air and maintain a favorable level of humidity.

That is why the decoration of such a house is made from environmentally friendly clean materials. The floor in it in most cases is also wooden. Naturally, the question arises of what is in a wooden house, so that they not only have a beautiful appearance, but also retain their natural qualities as much as possible.

Function of decorative wood flooring

Wood in the interior always creates a special comfort, which primarily applies to the floor, whether it be board or parquet. In addition, such a floor is distinguished by reliability, strength, excellent thermal insulation and antistatic properties.

But, on the other hand, the wooden floor, due to its natural properties, and has a number of disadvantages. These are low moisture resistance, flammability, susceptibility to decay and a soft structure, due to which the coating wears out during operation, scratches and dents appear on it, and under the influence of humidity and temperature changes, the tree is deformed.

In fact, all floors, regardless of the type of wood, have these disadvantages, and therefore, when determining what is in a wooden house, you need to think about how to choose a coating that will also protect them.

To date, for quality finishes wooden floor, protection from external influences and increase its durability, there are several types of coatings. These are transparent - varnishes, oils and waxes, as well as opaque - enamels and paints.

When choosing a coating, you should know that wood has varying degrees softness, and when deciding what is better to paint the wooden floor in the house, you need to dwell on the one that best suits its characteristics.

Lacquer coating

Modern varnishes protect the wooden floor from mold, fungus, insects, give the surface a shine and effectively show the natural texture.

Varnishes based on polyurethane or organic solvents emphasize natural, dry quickly and gain the necessary strength, but over time the wood may darken and acquire a yellowish tint.

Water-dispersion varnishes, despite the fact that they perfectly show and maintain natural color wood, do not change its appearance at all during long-term operation. But they dry much longer, and gain strength not earlier than after 10 days.

When deciding how to paint the floors in a wooden house, you should be aware that varnishes are not used in cases where the floor board has been impregnated with drying oil or other oil-containing compounds. Also, they are not recommended to cover the floor in rooms with high humidity, and outside the house - a porch,

oil coating

Modern oil flooring compositions contain natural oils(linseed, soybean) and which makes it possible to preserve wood well, increasing its wear resistance.

With the help of oils, you can both preserve the natural color of wood, and give it a variety of shades. Depending on the colors the interior is also determined by what color to paint the floor in a wooden house. So, with the help of oils, the floor can be made white and even black. Give it a yellowish, reddish, beige shade up to deep brown.

Compared to varnish, oil, penetrating through the pores of wood, impregnates it quite deeply. Despite the fact that the protective film is very thin, the oiled floor becomes wear-resistant and durable without losing its natural look.

But such a coating is not suitable for floors in rooms where humidity is high and temperature changes are observed, as well as finishing parquet or boards when arranging the "warm floor" system.

wax coating

The foundation wax composition for the floor - beeswax and linseed oil. The floors covered with it not only perfectly preserve the natural color and texture of wood, but also acquire a silky-matt surface with a golden shimmer.

But when deciding how to paint the floors in a wooden house, it should be taken into account that, being moisture resistant, such floors are not resistant to abrasive and mechanical stress. In addition, they require constant care, which is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, in residential premises, wax is used to cover the floor quite rarely.

Wood floor paints

In addition to the transparent coatings listed above, opaque coatings are also widely used. These are paints that completely cover the surface of the wood, hide its texture and give it any color.

To decide what paint to paint the wooden floor in the house, you need to know that their range is quite large, and each type has certain properties.

These can be enamels - oil, alkyd, pentaphthalic and nitrocellulose, as well as paints - acrylic, water-dispersion and latex.

Enamels have a wide range of colors, and after covering and completely drying the floor on the surface, they form a durable film (glossy or matte), thanks to which it becomes resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. But the enamel dries, depending on the type, for a long time, up to 36 hours.

As for everyone, they are used very widely, because they create a wear-resistant coating, and the color range includes more than 2000 colors.

New wooden floor

A new floor that has never been painted before does not require pre-training and cleaning from the old coating. There is room for fantasy here. When deciding how to paint a new wooden floor in a house, you should build on your tastes and interior features.

If you want to completely recreate the atmosphere wooden house and preserve the color and texture of wood, then preference should be given to transparent coatings.

If interior design involves specific color floors, you can choose tinted varnishes or opaque coatings.

Painting floors is a fairly simple process that everyone can handle.

Everyone who is going to paint the floors should know how to properly paint the floors. This process, despite its visual simplicity, has a lot of features and nuances that cannot be overlooked. Following the exact technology will allow you to simplify and facilitate this process as much as possible.

For a more detailed acquaintance, and as an addition to the guide available in the article, we also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the presented photos. In them you can find both the process of painting the floor covering, and the finished result.

Pros and cons of this coverage

Today, there are a large number of options and materials that can be used as the basis for flooring (laminate, parquet board, tiles (see Floor tiling with ceramic tiles - the correct cladding), linoleum, boards). However, the use of boards requires additional surface preparation and the use of paint.

The pros and cons of this method can be found in the following table:

Advantages Flaws
This coating is extremely resistant to moisture. What prolongs the durability and the possibility of using this option.The paint does not have good thermal conductivity. Walking barefoot on a painted floor is not very comfortable.
Creation with the help of a coloring composition on the surface of the floor covering of a thin protective film. This allows you to protect the floor from various influences.Low wear resistance. Paintwork will not last very long, and after some time it will need to be updated.
Possibility easy care. If necessary, dry or wet cleaning of the premises can be carried out.The most budget coloring compositions dry for a long time. Complete drying time individual cases can be from 2 to 8 days.
A simple method of application that does not require professional skills. Painting takes a little time.The coating visually looks quite simple, and does not create a good aesthetic effect in the interior.
The price of paint is one of the most budgetary. This type finishing is available to everyone, and therefore enjoys great popularity.

Despite the abundance and variety of floor coverings, painted wood floors are not a thing of the past. In apartments today they are quite rare, but in country houses and cottages, floors are most often made of wood. In addition to the decorative function, painting protects the wood from moisture, facilitates cleaning and creates a unique pastoral interior. In addition, it is not so difficult to choose how to paint a wooden floor in country house- this can be determined depending on the type of wood used and the purpose of the room.

The choice of types and colors of paint and varnish products is very large.

Why you need to paint the wooden floor in the country

Wood is soft natural material capable of rapidly degrading under the influence of external factors without additional protection. Therefore, in any case, the main task of the coating applied to the wooden floor is to protect it from moisture, decay, the spread of mold and fungus in the room. However, this is not enough. The interior of the house in general and the floor in particular should be beautiful, cheer up, make you return to the dacha with joy and impatience.

Gone are the days when the dacha was used solely as an additional warehouse of unnecessary things in the city. Today interiors country cottages this is an independent area of ​​​​design, and the choice of paint for a wooden floor must be approached very responsibly.

Accordingly, there are a number of main reasons for painting a wooden floor in a house:

    painted floors practically do not absorb moisture, do not dry out;

    paint protects the tree from mold, fungus, prolongs its service life;

    painted surfaces are much easier to care for, they are easy to clean;

    paint protects the surface from temperature fluctuations;

    with the help of varnish or paint, you can create a very beautiful, original interior.

Floor painting is only part of the design of the room.

The main types of materials for painting the floor

When deciding how to paint a wooden floor in a house, the choice will have to be made from two main categories of paint and varnish coatings:

    transparent compounds. These include varnishes different bases, which create a transparent protective film on the surface of the floor, allowing you to admire the structure, color, quality of wood.

    Coloring compounds. They cover the wood with a dense protective film of the selected color, completely hiding the wood. Wooden floors are painted with oil, alkyd, acrylic paints. New generation, compounds based on rubber, perchlorovinyl, polyurethane.

High-quality floor painting involves the use of traditional enamel, and to emphasize the beauty of wood and the naturalness of the coating, you can varnish the floor boards. You can also look in the direction of modern protective compounds based on oils or wax.

Video description

In the video, the treatment of a wooden floor with oil:

Paint or varnish, which is better for wood

When choosing how to cover a wooden floor in a country house, with paint or varnish, it must be borne in mind that varnish coatings are more difficult to operate than paint. Lacquer can only be applied to a perfectly finished, sanded floor.

Lacquering is applied only on a flat floor surface

Another question is how to paint a wooden floor in an unheated country house in cold weather. If the dacha is not heated and in winter it is practically never visited, then under the influence low temperatures varnish can crack and fly around. Therefore, for a wooden floor in a country house, varnish is not always functional. If you definitely want to cover the floors with varnish, take a closer look at the compositions for outdoor work. They are more thermal and wear resistant, but the price of such a varnish will be higher.

Paint for a wooden floor in the country, allows you to get the desired shade of the coating, retains its decorative, protective properties, allows you to hide possible defects, usually quite affordable in price.

Compounds for floor treatment

In addition to varnish and paint, floors are often covered special formulations based on oils and waxes. They protect the floors well from moisture, preserve the structure of the tree, perfectly mask minor defects, and do not slip.

The disadvantage of such a coating is the need to periodically update it (rub to a shine). On floors treated with such a composition, it is better not to put metal objects, as they will leave dark spots. To clean such a floor, special detergents are needed.

It is better to wash the painted floor only with compositions intended for this purpose.

Rubber and polyurethane compounds form a strong, durable coating that does not slip, does not crack, has additional waterproofing properties, high density.

The disadvantage of such coatings is a significant price.

The advantages of floor painting have been known for a long time, so no matter which floor covering option is chosen: varnish, paint or wax coating, the main thing that wooden surface was protected, served for a long time, could not harm the health of people living in the house.

Video description

Clearly about the features of painting wooden flooring in the video:

Paint Compatibility

Before covering a wooden floor with paint or varnish, you need to consider this nuance:

    Acrylic paints can be applied over almost any previous coating.

    Alkyd, can be applied to oil-painted floors.

    Polyurethane mixtures are compatible only with each other.

If there are any nuances in combining materials, then this should be reflected in their characteristics. Therefore, when choosing a paint, you should definitely study the information that the manufacturer indicates on the label. In addition, the seller can also suggest something useful.

Which varnish to choose

Lucky on water based They do not have an unpleasant odor and are easy to apply. If the cottage is heated, the coatings do not suffer from temperature changes and high humidity, then they can be used to cover the floor.

Varnish it timeless classic for wood flooring

Floors in rooms that can suffer from cold and dampness should be covered with more serious protective compounds. In this case, it is better to overpay a little, but choose a varnish for outdoor work - it forms a stronger, more durable protective coating.

What paint to choose

When deciding how to cover a wooden floor in a country house, the choice can be made from several types of paints, which differ primarily in the basis on which they are made.

    More recently, the floors in the dachas were painted mainly oil paints. They dried for a long time, had a pungent odor, over time the coating cracked, flew around. Today, oil paints are rarely used.

    acrylic paint for a wooden floor, it is a safe water-based composition, it forms a coating resistant to abrasion, does not lose its brightness over time, and perfectly protects the wood.

    Alkyd paints and enamels. Cheap and practical. Floors covered with such paints are easy to clean, and the coatings themselves are beautiful and last a long time.

    Polyurethane paints. Form a very durable coating, practically not deformed, durable. Often used when painting verandas and gazebos, they are not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity.

    Rubber paints. A novelty in the market of the paint and varnish industry. Form a very dense matte finish rubber-like. It perfectly protects the floor, is durable, does not wipe, does not slip.

Painting with rubber paint

With an abundance of offers on the market, the choice always remains with the buyer and depends only on the budget laid down for this part of the repair and general interior at home. In general, no matter what paint for the wooden floor inside the house is chosen, if you follow all the recommendations for applying it, then the house will always be cozy and warm.

Video description

What errors can occur when painting a tree - in the video:

What tools will be needed

The quality of the work performed depends not only on the right paint, but also on the tools prepared in advance - so that you do not have to be distracted on this issue during the work. Before you start painting, you need to buy protective gloves, a respirator, a few brushes different size, roller on long handle. Telescopic handle more convenient, it allows you to adjust the tool to the growth of the worker.

Brushes are needed in any case, for painting corners and baseboards, even if everything else will be painted with a roller. By the way, for the roller itself you will need a paint tray (or several, depending on the number of workers who will paint the floor).

When working with a roller, you will need a paint tray

You will also need masking tape - they will cover areas of the surface that are easy to stain with paint during operation.

When using oil paint and enamel, it is additionally necessary to prepare a solvent or drying oil and ensure the ventilation of the room.

If alkyd paint is chosen for painting the floor, buying a sprayer will greatly simplify the work.

The order of preparatory work before painting

How to paint a wooden floor in a country house depends largely on the quality preparatory work. Before painting, the floors are cleaned of the old coating, chips and cracks are cleaned. The gaps between the floorboards are sealed with putty, cleaned after drying. Sand if necessary. After that, the surface is washed and allowed to dry. You can paint, only dry, clean floors. If floors are to be painted, they should be treated with a suitable primer. This will make painting easier and reduce paint consumption.

Applying a primer coat to parquet

If the floors are planned to be varnished, the sanding should be of better quality. In addition, the first coat of water-based varnish lifts the microfibers of the wood, making the surface rough. It is necessary to wait until the floor is completely dry, sand it to smoothness, cover it with another two or three layers of varnish.

Priming floors before painting

On a clean, dry, ready-to-paint floor, apply a suitable primer in 2 coats. Each layer needs to dry. The primer is chosen depending on the type of paint that you decide to use. Consult the seller and carefully read the composition and instructions for use on the primer container. Priming will reduce paint consumption, facilitate the painting process. The primer can be applied with a brush or roller

Painting wooden floors

First, the baseboards are painted with a brush, and those places where it is difficult to reach with a roller. Then the entire surface of the floor is painted with a roller, moving from the windows to the exit. The second layer is applied after the paint of the first layer is completely dry. Usually two layers of paint give a high-quality, durable coating.

How to varnish floors

Before coating the floors with varnish, they are also primed. This is done with nitro-lacquer, which is applied along the wood fibers, carefully, without leaving untreated areas.

After the primer has completely dried, varnish is applied to the floor. When varnishing, a roller is usually not used. The varnish is applied with a wide soft brush, which must be carefully chosen, since falling hairs are difficult to remove from the treated surface.

Wide brush for applying varnish

Important! At the time of buying a large number paints or varnishes, it is highly recommended to pay attention to the product article and batch number. In such a simple way, it will be possible to pick up and purchase paint of a completely identical shade.


Paint for a wooden floor in the country, the easiest and most accessible view finishes. With simplicity and low cost, this method provides excellent protective and decorative results. In addition, the painted floorboards are an indescribable tactile sensation, because it is so pleasant to walk on them. bare feet, in contrast to the "bare" tree, on which chips and cracks may appear over time.

On our website you can find a list paint companies, among the houses presented at the exhibition Low-rise Country.

The appearance of wood flooring can be easily updated with paint or varnish. Such a simple repair allows you to quickly transform the interior of both a city apartment and a house outside the city. Why is floor painting necessary? Can you do it yourself? To answer these questions, it is worth learning more about the basic rules of work.

Experts note that a painted or varnished wooden floor will last much longer than one that has no coating. Paints and varnishes are significantly prolong the life of wood, protect it from moisture, abrasion and minor damage, provide ease of care. And most importantly, the room becomes more comfortable, its design - complete, concise, unified.

Important for flooring right choice paints. AT construction stores and on the markets a wide range of paints and varnishes for wood, facade and internal works. When choosing paint for a wooden floor, usually take into account such features as:
- type of material - type of wood;
- terms and conditions of operation (humidity level, intensity mechanical impact, antistatic, elasticity);
- possibility of preliminary preparation and reprocessing;
- paint compatibility with the previous coating;

Basically, wood flooring is done oil paints, alkyd enamels, alkyd varnishes, alkyd or water-acrylic protective impregnations(Pinotex, Belinka, Tikkurila, Dulux, etc.). On average, 200-250 g of paint is required per 1 m2 of a floor painted in two layers. Tools - paint brush, roller or spray, depending on the area to be treated.

Before painting, the floor surface must be prepared: cleaned of dust, dirt, grease with a damp cloth, leveled from roughness, well dried. This will not only reduce paint consumption, but also allow you to achieve a high-quality result. Wood flooring technology provides three ways. The simplest one is suitable for floors that do not have defects, and the most difficult one will allow you to save the result for a long time. In any case, the number of layers of paint must be at least two.

Method number 1. The plank floor is first covered with drying oil or a primer, dried for about 3 days, and only after that it is painted with the first layer. The paint is given time to dry well, only then the floor is covered with a second layer. The time for drying the second layer takes from 4 to 7 days.

Method number 2. The preparation of the floor for painting is carried out in the same way as in the first variant: the surface is covered with drying oil or a primer, dried well. Then cracks and other defects in the boards are leveled with an oil putty matched to the tone of the paint. The composition is allowed to dry, after which it is treated with a fine sandpaper. Re-putty and smooth again with sandpaper. It is necessary to prime and paint "problem" places until the putty stops showing through. The next step is to paint the wooden floor.

Method number 3. This coloring of the floor is the most labor-intensive finishing work, which can be done with two various methods. In the first case, wooden flooring cover with drying oil, dry and putty in several layers, each time carefully cleaning with sandpaper. Then they putty again, cover with a primer and paint in three layers. In the second case, after the first layer of putty and its stripping, a mask-like layer of putty is re-layed on the floor surface, and tightly stretched gauze is embedded in it. Then, a third layer of putty is applied to the dried surface, which is cleaned and primed, the floor is also painted in three layers.

During work coloring composition need constantly mix If you neglect this, divorce will appear. When applying paint to a wooden floor, it needs a little shade thinner layers along the direction of the boards so that "wrinkles" and bubbles do not appear. Correcting such defects can be much more difficult than preventing them. After it dries last layer paint, wash the floor clean hot water to give it a gloss and remove the remaining drying oil.

Stained wood flooring is considered an excellent finish for spaces that require a durable and hard wearing finish.