Border protection. War games Download additional files for the game

Description of the flash game

border protection

border protection

A game in the style of everyone's favorite towers. Only in this game you have to defend yourself not from fictional monsters, but from well-trained soldiers of different types of troops, including:
several types of infantry, with different characteristics;
motorized riflemen rushing along the tracks on their motorcycles and quadrics;
tanks clad in heavy armor;
and even huge robots.
Against these lightning-fast armies rolling in waves, you have a pretty impressive arsenal of turrets. You won't find this kind of variety in other games. There are machine gunners, anti-aircraft gunners, snipers, various cannons that are shocking, shooting with a laser or poisoning with acid. And this is not a complete list! Plus, each tower has 5 upgrade levels!
Build turrets, kill enemies, get credits, build new turrets or upgrade existing ones, and so on until victory!
P.S. I would like to separately note the sniper - he is very good! You put him in the center, you improve, and he alone can control almost the entire map. For the first time, this will be enough. Well, then, as they say, one in the field is not a warrior, but with what forces to help him - choose for yourself.

"Conquest 2 - Border Wars Forever" is a real-time strategy designed for both single player (Single player) and multiplayer (Multiplayer) who can play each other over a local network or via the global Internet. In quick battle, you will have the opportunity to play as any of the three races against one or more "Artificial Intelligences" at the same time, with the choice of races for them at your discretion. Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI) has five levels of difficulty; Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard and Impossible. About all these levels, I will say that even a five-year-old child can win against “initial AI”, and it is very difficult to win against “impossible AI” even for an experienced professional with many years of experience. Personally, I like to play against two or three "heavy AIs" combined into one team. In a network game, up to eight players can play at the same time, who can join several teams or play on their own. Mixed teams of people with AI are also possible at the same time. (c) unknown

Year of issue: 2001
Genre: RTS
Developer: Fever Pitch Studios
Publisher: Ubi Soft Entertainment
Game version: 5.2
Publication type: Pirate
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: English
Tablet: Present

▼ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever is a well done Conquest: Frontier Wars mod.
The author of the mod fan "AllGrey" has done a titanic work to make a giant layer of changes to the game.
At the moment, the final version is 5.2. After the release of the new version, the distribution will be updated.

☢ Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
☢ Processor: Intel Pentium III 1.2 GHz
☢ RAM: 512MB (XP) / 1GB (Vista / 7)
☢ Video card: Nvidia Geforce 6600 or Radeon X300
☢ Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
☢ Free hard disk space: 1 GB

Download additional files for the game

"Conquest 2 - Border Wars Forever ™" is a real-time strategy designed for both single player (Single player) and multiplayer (Multiplayer), who can play among themselves on a local network or via the global Internet. In quick battle, you will have the opportunity to play as any of the three races against one or more "Artificial Intelligences" at the same time, with the choice of races for them at your discretion.

Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI) has five levels of difficulty; Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard and Impossible. About all these levels, I will say that even a five-year-old child can win against “initial AI”, and it is very difficult to win against “impossible AI” even for an experienced professional with many years of experience. Personally, I like to play against two or three "heavy AIs" combined into one team. In a network game, up to eight players can play at the same time, who can join several teams or play on their own. Mixed teams of people with AI are also possible at the same time.

Name: Conquest 2: Frontier Wars Forever
Genres: RTS
Interface language: Russian
Year of issue: 2001
Developer: Fever Pitch Studios
Publisher: Ubi Soft Entertainment
Game version: 4.8
File size: 190.32 Mb
Tablet: not required
Platform: PC

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Pentium III 1.2 GHz
RAM: 512 MB (XP) / 1 GB (Vista / 7)
Video card: Nvidia Geforce 6600 or Radeon X300
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
Free hard disk space: 1 GB

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We recommend downloading the game Conquest 2: Frontier Wars Forever via torrent for free on your computer in one click without registration. Select the Russian version of the game in the table and click on the green button. Remember, the greater the number of downloaders and distributors, the faster the download speed. Keep in mind that in order to download via torrent, you need a torrent client program, such as uTorrent. If you don't have such software yet, install or simply download the game from the file hosting service directly.

How to download free Conquest 2: Frontier Wars Forever?

The best way to download without torrent Conquest 2: Frontier Wars Forever for free is to download via a direct link without viruses from safe file hosting. Such as: Unibytes, DepositFiles. Principle of operation everyone has one - in 4 actions. 1 Go to the file page; 2 Select regular download, deselecting Premium access (no, thanks); 3 Wait for the countdown; 4 Enter captcha (characters from the picture) and get a direct link to the file from the server. The order of these steps differs from service to service, the main thing is to read further tips. After these simple operations, you can install the game on a PC and it will work without bugs and brakes even on Windows 10. If you still can’t download, click on the “How to download?” button, where you will find a detailed video review for each specific file sharing service.

Ruthless and bloody war has always been an occupation for real men. Only in extreme conditions of close combat can you demonstrate all your ferocity, power and courage, desperately rush towards the enemy and hit him with a proven and reliable weapon. War games will allow you to feel like a real strategist, undergo the necessary combat training and prove to everyone and everyone that you are able to cope with even the most dangerous opponent.

This category of games will instantly take you into the atmosphere of real combat operations. You will have to storm impregnable fortresses and half-ruined cities, meet hand-to-hand on the battlefield and mine river crossings, control a supersonic fighter and rush towards your opponents in a powerful military tank. You can travel back to any era and take part in the Second World War, a medieval battle or a nuclear confrontation between two great powers.

War games include not only classic battles, but also battles with aliens, zombies or ultra-modern robots. The main thing is not to lose strength of mind and to give a worthy rebuff to any enemy!