The appearance of runes. Various versions of the origin of the runes. God Odin and runes

Often what we see in a dream looks completely different in reality. Every sign, every symbol in a dream is of great importance. Something promises us good luck, something tells us about dangers. What does the dream in which you saw tomatoes mean? First you need to remember the dream in detail and analyze all the moments, actions and objects.

Why do tomatoes dream

So, why do tomatoes dream, we will analyze in detail. As a rule, tomatoes characterize the personal life of the sleeper. Most often to see tomatoes in a dream - to good sign and good luck. Great importance has color, size, quantity.

Seeing tomatoes on the table indicates that you are leading a calm, measured life. All problems pass you by. If you see them growing in the garden, good news awaits you.

A lot of tomatoes growing in a greenhouse indicate that your house will soon be replenished. Just look at the tomatoes - success awaits very soon. Seeing growing tomatoes on a branch is also a good sign: complete happiness will come to your house, where love and harmony will reign. Cutting vegetables for salad - to a breakdown. Sour tomatoes mean your coldness and indifference to your soulmate.

Planting tomatoes - good sign who prophesies your family happiness, prosperity and complete understanding in the family. Such a dream tells you that soon you will make an act that will help you improve relations in your family. Lonely, he promises finding a soul mate. Caring for tomatoes in a dream - all your efforts will pay off in full. You will be able to achieve what you have been striving for.

ripe tomatoes

To see ripe tomatoes in a dream - to a romantic relationship and passionate love.

Seeing red tomatoes for a young woman portends the beginning of a new relationship and the creation of a family. Your marriage promises to be strong and happy. Pleasure prophesies a dream if you ate ripe tomatoes. However, if you ate a salted tomato, expect the betrayal of a person close to you. Your life will be filled with joyful events if you see red, ripe tomatoes growing in your garden in a dream. collect tomatoes - you can safely count on a successful, rich future.

green tomatoes

Seeing green tomatoes in a dream symbolizes getting a chance for you to improve your financial situation. Another such dream may mean a lack of initiative in love relationships. Also, green vegetables symbolize the heavy burden that you put on your shoulders. Despite the fact that green tomato in a dream prophesies difficulties, you should show patience and perseverance. And then everything will end well for you. And perhaps even exceed all your expectations.

rotten tomatoes

Why dream of rotten tomatoes? To see rotten tomatoes in a dream - to failures, losses and problems in business. Throwing away rotten tomatoes promises you defeat. You should be more careful in your actions.

Blackened tomatoes, as a rule, dream of illness. After such a dream, you should be attentive to your eyes. If you saw how you feed your pets with rotten tomatoes, expect a serious illness for your close relatives.

buy tomatoes

The dream in which you buy tomatoes indicates more business area of your life. Buy tomatoes - you may have conflicts with competitors. In this skirmish, you will most likely be defeated. H

about there are other meanings of buying tomatoes in a dream. If you bought tomatoes and brought them home - to treason. Moreover, it can be a betrayal of both your loved one and yours. It can also represent a very persistent admirer who is ready to make any sacrifice to achieve your location.

We dream and leave signs. In some cases, they promise joy and happiness, in others they warn us against troubles. Sweet dreams and happy reality!

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Had a chance to try ripe tomatoes in a dream? The dream interpretation claims: no, this is not vitamin deficiency, but a lack of love and money, but a lot will change soon. Why dream of raising and stealing, salting and throwing away? Some details can completely change the interpretation.

Passed love, withered tomatoes

In the dream book of Sigmund Freud, the interpretation echoes a playful sentence. If a tomato was seen in a dream, the psychoanalyst finds a connection between the plot, insufficient sexual activity and the desire for intimate relationships.

A branch with sweet cherries hints at interest in group experiments, and tasting green ones - to have sex with a minor or fantasies on this topic.

If a girl dreamed in a dream that she was biting a red tomato, then she was shy before the first intimacy that was about to happen.

Why dream of seeing landings

What dreams of growing seedlings is described in Vanga's dream book. Sorting seeds in a dream is a harbinger of the birth of a baby. He will appear in the family of the dreamer or his relatives.

Planting tomatoes is a sign that supports hope for good changes. Germinated seeds are a guarantee that children will delight in obedience.

If a woman with infertility dreamed of weak sprouts, then the plot confirms the anxieties. By Islamic dream book, strong shoots in a dream herald material grace, and fragile ones - about the ingratitude of children.

To dream about stealing vegetables

Do not worry if something was stolen in a dream. If in your imagination you do something illegal, this is not a reason for shame, but just a premonition that results in images that have developed over the centuries. However, it is still better not to steal, but to grow a crop.

I dreamed of a plentiful harvest - you can hope for a measured, calm life, without need and upheaval, they stole someone else's - you will have to fight for well-being.

As a robber

Dream Interpretations prophesy to a person who stole other people's tomatoes that he will have to defend his interests tough, up to assault. To see how the fruits in your hands suddenly deteriorated, turned from appetizing to rotten: stress will have a bad effect on health. Throwing away spoiled means liberation from illness.

alien vandalism

If they stole from you, the forecasts worsen. Why dream that they discovered the disappearance of seeds or young seedlings? It is necessary to protect the growing offspring from bad influence.

We saw how a stranger savagely plucked tomatoes - to material damage or the destruction of relationships. Trampled seedlings - watch the health of your children.

Did they give you a whole bucket for free or did you sell it?

Did you see how you stocked up on tomatoes? This speaks to the scale of change. For a dream book, the method of acquisition and packaging matters.

The one who bought - it's time to take care of the "airbag". If a businessman sold in a dream, then he can win the tender. If you were given for nothing, then soon support someone who needs it. If you yourself gave it to another, you will be lucky in the new business. What is the dream of a container for tomatoes?

  • Big pelvis - financial success is deceptive.
  • Wooden box - circumstances will be tested for strength.
  • The bucket is a turning point, everything changes for the better.
  • Carried in a package - tedious work.

Dreamed of food: Miller's predictions

Even in a dream it is difficult to see a tomato and not eat it. Not surprisingly, the plot often develops in the direction of a snack or a festive feast. Why is this dreaming, according to Miller?

The dream book prophesies to a sick person speedy recovery. For a young woman - joy in marriage. And the rest - the enjoyment of life.


Cutting tomatoes into a salad means waking up to problems in paying salaries. The dream interpretation claims: cut in half - the delay will be temporary, but finely cut ones portend the process of "knocking out debts". If the salad was abundantly seasoned with oil, then the wages will be generous.

There are whole tomatoes at the table - a sign warning that others are encroaching on your property.


If you dreamed about how they cooked and put borscht seasoned with tomatoes on the table, then you are burning with a passion that is looking for a way out. Remember who was treated in a dream - if it was your chosen one, then feelings will overwhelm both of you.

However, if during cooking they rubbed or crushed tomatoes into a dressing, Miller's dream book predicts that a love interest will lead to confusion.

What does a lot of blanks mean

Continuing the culinary theme, consider why we dream of canning tomatoes. A person who salted will shun former attachments. If you held salt in your hand, you will need to rethink a lot. Life will return to normal, as canned foods represent loyalty to habits.

Many twisted cans symbolize stability. The color of the fruit suggests what might happen:

  • Pink - an unexpected turn of events.
  • Red - a swift marriage.
  • Yellow is a reason for jealousy.
  • Black - betrayal.
  • Blue - original rest.

Dream Interpretation Enigma about your own tomatoes

Why dream of growing beautiful tomatoes yourself? To work diligently in the garden, to water the plantings - this portends hard work in reality. The way they have grown and matured is the return on effort.

A large bush, huge as a tree, represents a rich reward, as well as adult children who stand firmly on their feet. Blooming is interpreted by the Enigma dream book as a life full of happiness. Fully strewn with ripe fruits symbolizes the joy of love. They were born very large - a bank account will be just as convincing.

Surely every second girl thinks what it means if she saw tomatoes in a dream. AT real life these vegetables, of course, do not cause any interest. Unless you buy them and cut them into a salad. But in night vision, they certainly carry some special meaning. No wonder tomatoes are also called the golden apples of love.

Color reference

If a girl and in the morning she wanted to know what this could mean, it is worth remembering the details of the plot. The most important detail is color. Of course, tomatoes are often red. And usually they are the harbingers of a stormy and passionate romance.

Unripe green tomatoes symbolize naivety and inexperience. They warn the dreamer to be more careful in their feelings. Although many dream books claim that green fruits are harbingers of financial well-being. Especially if it was not a faded shade, but bright, rich, juicy.

Yellow fruits usually portend betrayal and betrayal of a loved one. Although often such visions also indicate the unreasonable jealousy that the dreamer feels towards him. It is better to become less suspicious and more reasonable. Then it will be possible to avoid a showdown from scratch.

The main thing is that black fruits do not appear in the center of the plot. Nothing good portends such a dream. Large black tomatoes promise trouble that will come when the girl least expects it. And she will have no choice but to wait out the dark streak.

Main plot

It is extremely important to remember what the dreamer did in a dream. This will help you understand the interpretation. If she didn’t just see tomatoes in a dream, but bought them, for example, in the market, it means that soon she will have problems with money. She will probably even borrow.

Collect tomatoes in a dream - to suspend work. This is if they were green or brown. Most likely, the girl needs to take a break in order to gain energy and then proceed to fulfill her duties with renewed vigor.

The fruits of a faded, slightly greenish hue, which the girl cuts from the bushes, indicate her lack of initiative in bed or in her personal life. It is worth starting to be more active - your partner will like it and take the relationship to a new level.

According to Miller

This book of interpretations assures: if a girl in a dream saw tomatoes that were fully ripe, then you can rejoice. Such a vision promises material wealth and career growth.

If she only watched the fruits grow, then guests should be expected. Their visit will bring only joy and positive emotions.

This is not all that such a dream can mean. Red tomatoes, gradually ripening, portend a generous reward that the girl will receive for her labors. The more carefully she looked after the fruits and the bush, the greater her reward will be.

It happens that the plot of the vision unfolds a little differently. The girl sees that she looked after the fruits very well, but when it came time to harvest, many black, spoiled and rotten tomatoes appeared. Then in real life she should take a closer look at the people who surround her. Among them lies an envious and ill-wisher.

Modern dream book

This book, too, can tell a lot of interesting things about being a red woman. If she saw how she was growing these fruits in her apartment, then in real life she has many rivals and enemies. The higher the bush - the stronger these people.

To see from the side of oneself sorting through tomatoes and throwing out the most rotten fruits - to a duel with competitors or enemies. And for the sake of victory, they will be ready to do anything. By the way, suddenly blackened fruits promise illness.

But the main thing is that the girl does not dream naked tomato bush. Because it usually promises discord in the family.

More red women, in addition to the above? If they were cut and served in the form of a dish, then the girl will have a long and happy marriage. Family life bring her a lot positive emotions. But if she cut the tomatoes into the salad herself, then it's time for her to take a vacation. There must have been a lot of fatigue already. To prevent it from turning into depression, you need to take a break.

Women's dream book

It happens that a girl sees herself in the center of the plot of a dream, standing near the stove and preparing tomato borscht. The interpretation of such a vision is quite interesting. They say that this dream means that the girl in reality hides her feelings towards someone, and for a long time. However, very soon she will get tired of it, and she will throw them out.

But when a girl sees herself eating pickled tomatoes, it means that her actions are not entirely ambitious. It's not entirely bad, but it lacks that quality. It's time to stop thinking too much about other people and start acting for your own good.

By the way, eating unripe, hard, sour fruits promises disappointment in work and quarrels with a loved one.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Finally, it is worth saying a few words about what Tsvetkov's book of interpretations tells about tomatoes that appeared in dreams.

When the girl saw the red in the center of the plot oak barrel- she should expect some kind of celebration. It could be either corporate party. To see that a barrel of tomatoes is in the basement - to increase wages. But that's not all that such a dream can tell.

The red tomatoes that the girl intends to pickle in her dream are another confirmation that in real life she is satisfied with her occupation. The dreamer does what she likes, and it brings only pleasure. However, if one large, juicy tomato is seen, it means that in the near future she will be offered more profitable way earnings. It may not be as pleasant, but profitable.

The main thing is not to dream of a lot of wet salted and bursting tomatoes. This usually portends nervous stress. But when a girl notices a tomato among other vegetables in a dream, one can expect happiness and peace.

As you can see, a vision has many interpretations, in the center of the plot of which is a tomato or several such fruits. However, even if the meaning of the dream turned out to be not the most pleasant, there is no need to be upset. The vision may not be real.

Tomatoes are symbols that are associated with human well-being and position in society. Also, tomatoes can portend changes in the dreamer's personal life. But to understand why red tomatoes are dreaming is possible only after analyzing all the smallest details of sleep.

red tomatoes

Red tomatoes in a dream are always related to the love sphere. They may indicate that you are passionately looking forward to new love adventures. Also, tomatoes often symbolize the strengthening of family ties. But in order to determine what tomatoes dreamed of in night dreams, and how they can affect waking events, you need to recall the plot of the dream in detail.

Why dream of fresh tomatoes

If fresh tomatoes dreamed, then this means for the girl that in the very near future there will be a meeting with a loved man. For a man or a guy, such a dream symbolizes love pleasures.

ripe tomatoes

Ripe tomatoes in night dreams portend family happiness. And if a girl dreams that she picks ripe tomatoes from a bush, then soon she should expect a marriage proposal from her chosen one. When you water ripe tomatoes in a dream, this symbolizes preparation for the wedding.

See tomatoes in the store

If you see ripe tomatoes in a dream on the counter of a store, then this indicates that in real life a very successful period is coming. All failures and troubles will bypass you, and life will be filled with bright events. For a sick person, such a dream portends a speedy recovery.

Taste ripe tomatoes

When in a dream you not only see red ripe fruits, but also taste them, this indicates that you will soon receive very important news for you. Also, such a dream can be a prediction that the business you started will end with tremendous success.

Red tomatoes in a jar, seen in night dreams, symbolize that it may happen that joyful changes in life will pass you by. And the reason for this will be your conservatism.

Canned or pickled tomatoes

It is necessary to pay attention to the dream with canned tomatoes in the event that you felt their bitter taste. This means that in real life you will have to endure a strong disappointment. It may also very well be that you will have to be ashamed of your own actions in reality. If you dreamed of salted tomatoes, then in real life you have to do something unusual. But when you see in a dream that you are eating a vegetable platter, which also includes pickles, then in reality you will be in trouble. They may be associated with the betrayal of a loved one.

Pickled tomatoes - interpretation of sleep

Dreamers are interested in what pickled tomatoes dream of. In a dream, such tomatoes symbolize spicy unusual situation in the real life. Maybe other people will provoke you to extraordinary actions on purpose, and you will not be able to resist. It is important after such a dream to carefully look at the people of your immediate environment and try to find envious people who are trying to control you.

Big red tomatoes

Large red tomatoes in a dream indicate that you are trying to hide a secret love affair. But, as you know, the secret always becomes clear. Therefore, in the near future, your secret will be revealed.

Why dream of growing a tomato?

A dream with a garden where tomatoes are grown can be interpreted in different ways:
    Processing beds with tomatoes means that strangers will gossip about your personal life; Looking at tomatoes in the garden and admiring the fruits means spending time in reality in the family circle; Planting tomatoes - hoping to strengthen love feelings; Picking tomatoes - enjoy in real life with your love.
If you dreamed of tomato seedlings, then in reality a person who causes you unpleasant feelings will come to visit you. Your guest will greatly complicate your life by disrupting your usual order. By interpretation various dream books beautiful garden bed with tomatoes portends joyful life span. Separate tomato bushes in a dream portend a stormy feast with friends. Moreover, it is very likely that during this period you will meet your soulmate in reality.

Buying a tomato - how to interpret

When you buy red tomatoes in a dream, this indicates that in real life you have a rival. This woman is a real threat to your love.

Cut tomatoes in a dream

Often interested in what they dream of different actions with tomatoes. If you have to cut red tomatoes in your night dreams, then this draws your attention to the fact that your subconscious fears and anxieties greatly interfere with your life. You need to try to get rid of them and learn to perceive the world around you more optimistically.

There are ripe tomatoes

If you dreamed that you were happy to eat ripe red tomatoes, then such a dream can be associated with an upcoming rich and prosperous life, as well as with harmonious personal relationships. But just remember that personal happiness must be protected.

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals.

Caring for tomatoes in the garden portends that excessively curious persons can find out and divulge your heart secret.

Tomato seedlings mean confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering high in a dream large bushes tomatoes, portending a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon find out about the existence of a rival living with you in the neighborhood.

Collect ripe red tomatoes - to happiness and wealth; unripe, brown or green - to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled, blackened from unexpectedly early fogs, tomatoes - bad sign portending a weakening of vision or a progressive eye disease.

Throwing rotten tomatoes - fail because of your own indiscretion, feed to cattle - to the illness or death of loved ones.

Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom.

Cutting tomatoes for a salad portends a decline in business or a delay in salaries, cooking borscht with tomatoes - love ripens in the soul and will soon spill out with insane passion.

Buying tomatoes in a dream portends that you can suffer a serious defeat in competition from their business rivals.

There is fresh tomatoes- carefully monitor your property, which you can lose; tomato dishes - you will reach a ripe old age.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Tomato

I dreamed that you were eating tomatoes - great. So you are recovering.

Growing tomatoes dream of happiness and joy in family life.

A girl who sees ripe tomatoes in a dream will be happy in marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from