How to build a gazebo: the choice of form and material. How to build a garden gazebo from wood Gazebos are the simplest structure

What could be more comfortable than a warm family circle, when after a working day everyone dine at the same table or have tea on a day off, and even in the fresh air? What could be more carefree than a friendly party with wine and barbecue in the depths of the cottage, under the dense crowns of trees? Where can you be alone with yourself, relax in seclusion and enjoy the silence? Nothing will create such a variety of scenarios for relaxation as a garden gazebo, the very name of which contains the most joyful moments of life - conversations - communication with family and friends, unity with nature. It will be especially pleasant to spend time in a place lovingly built with your own hands.

Stage # 3 - roofing and roofing work

The easiest way is to cover the gazebo with shingles, as shown in this video example:

The technologies for building a shed roof - and a gable roof - are also very well described.

Extraordinary design ideas for garden gazebos

You may be interested in how to build a gazebo from the simplest materials that are literally lying under your feet. Take a closer look at ordinary plastic bottles, which, it would seem, cannot be used anywhere, but it’s a pity to throw them away - it always seems that they will come in handy somewhere. You can easily use plastic bottles as a building material, and you can easily build a structure yourself.

Here, of course, one cannot do without the mandatory stages of arranging the foundation, frame and roof, which will require both financial and labor costs. The walls of such a gazebo, made of plastic bottles, not only cost free, but also serve as a good option for protection from the sun and precipitation.

The contrasting combination of transparent and brown plastic bottles emphasizes the unusualness of a colorful country-style gazebo

Simplify the task of building the creation of a foundation of ready-made metal screw piles, which can be screwed into the ground on their own, equipping the base for the gazebo in just one day. The frame will be easiest to make from a metal profile - a corner, a square or a pipe, by welding structural elements with a welding machine.

Plastic bottles are strung on metal rods, which are then placed between the lower and upper frames of the frame. An important condition for the formation of a harmonious structure is the selection of bottles of the same shape and size, while the color can be varied - this will give the gazebo a unique flavor.

The material on creating decorations and crafts for the garden from plastic bottles will also be useful:

Option # 2 - glass bottle gazebo

In addition to plastic bottles, another non-traditional material for construction can be glass containers, which can be purchased for almost nothing at recycling centers.

Art Nouveau garden arbor with flowing forms and plenty of glass, vividly reminiscent of the famous Gaudí gardens

So, we are building a gazebo from glass bottles. The principle of building a building is the same as that of a brick - the bottles are stacked in rows, which are fastened together with cement mortar.

Having splashed out your imagination, combining glass bottles of various shapes and colors, you can build an unusual gazebo both outside and inside.

The bottles are located with the bottoms outward, and the necks - inside the structure. Given that the bottles are difficult to dock at the corners of the building, they can be used to lay out individual fragments of the walls, giving the structure an unusual sound - iridescent glass surfaces will sparkle in the sun like a crystal.

Option # 3 - construction from old tree trunks

An interesting and fairly economical option for a gazebo for a summer residence can be a building using the trunks and branches of old trees.

In the garden there are always obsolete trees that have already ceased to bear fruit and require sawing. Removing logs is often difficult and expensive, but don't be in a hurry to get rid of fruitwood - it has beautiful trunk curves and texture, which makes it an excellent building material.

The trunk and branches can be cleaned of bark, which, when crushed, is also useful on the farm - it can be sprinkled with bushes of plants prone to freezing in winter. The trunk of the tree will be used to create support columns, and large branches - for fencing, railings and balusters. Most likely, one tree will not be enough, you will need two, or maybe three trunks to form four columns with a height of 2.5 m or more.

The twisted trunks of old trees with knots and a raw surface, used to build a gazebo, give it the appearance of a forest hut.

For the construction of this colorful gazebo, not only the trunk of the tree was used, but also the stumps used to create the columnar foundation

Wooden columns are fixed at the corner points of the columnar foundation and fixed with the help of the lower and upper strapping from the timber. It is advisable to treat old wood with moisture-resistant primers, as well as open it with varnish to give the desired color and protect it from further drying out. A logical continuation of the style decision of the forest “hut on chicken legs” will be a roof made of plant materials - shingles or reed mats.

Option # 4 - from cement mortar

An unusual solution for a garden can be the construction of a gazebo using ordinary cement mortar. The most difficult thing in this variant of arrangement is the creation of a rigid frame from reinforcement, chain-link mesh or ready-made reinforcing structures that need to be bent and welded. At the stage of preparing the frame, you can turn to specialized specialists, and then give free rein to your imagination.

An unusual tented gazebo made of stone and cement mortar resembles a bizarre piece of rock that blends seamlessly into the forest landscape

Having prepared the solution closer to a thick one, you need to gradually, in small portions, throw it on the reinforcing structure, and after drying, form the bizarre shapes of the columns and walls of the gazebo. With the help of the solution, you can imitate the trunks of intertwined trees, lianas, fantastic plant forms, creating the image of an exotic plant, as if invented by nature itself.

On hot summer days, a gazebo in the depths of the garden near a murmuring waterfall will give you the long-awaited coolness and solitude.

Such a design can also take on fantastic unearthly forms, resembling a spaceship, if metal parts are used or the reinforcing cage is fragmentarily exposed. The roof in this case should be made of metal or plastic - corrugated board or transparent polycarbonate will do.

Option # 5 - from reed mats and vines

A wonderful decoration of a pond, lake or artificial swamp on your site will be garden structures made of reeds, reeds, vines.

A great solution for a gazebo is the use of natural materials such as reeds and vines.

From these plant materials, both walls in the form of wicker weaving and the roof, which is a plane made of ready-made reed or reed mats, can be made. Such a building will naturally merge with the natural environment, especially with water, because reeds and reeds are traditional inhabitants of this environment.

A gazebo on the shore of a reservoir with a reed roof is an example of a harmonious combination of landscape design with the environment

The use of such plants with a hollow stem for construction is the key to a comfortable microclimate in the gazebo - balanced humidity, protection from heat and effective ventilation.

Option # 6 - "live" gazebo for the garden

Looking around your garden plot, you may ask yourself how to make a gazebo without introducing any other elements into the landscape of the garden, except for plants. The most affordable, but at the same time, the most time-consuming solution would be to create a structure only with the help of plants - trees or shrubs.

Specially shaped and trimmed crowns of trees create original roofs for garden arbors

Such an interesting design does not require complex construction preparation in the form of a foundation, frame and roof, as it consists only of specially grown species of dwarf, undersized or weeping tree-like plants. Various types of willow, mountain ash, willow are planted, most often, in a circle. The trunks and crowns of such plants are formed and directed, as they grow, in the right direction - to the center, creating a vegetative roof of the gazebo.

Openwork frames of arbors in combination with climbing plants give garden landscapes completeness and harmony.

Such a gazebo will naturally fit into the landscape design of the site and will be a shady place to relax on a sunny open lawn in front of the house. The only thing is that the creation of such a plant composition will require a lot of patience and time. A simpler option for a “living” structure can be planting - grapes, ivy, roses along the outer perimeter of its frame, formed from a wooden beam, metal profile or trusses. In this case, it is important to achieve complete concealment of the structure in the thickets, so that the impression of its absence is created.

A bright accent that adorned the garden gazebo on a solemn day can be “clusters” of balloons imitating grapes

Option # 7 - from wooden pallets

An extraordinary solution is the use of euro-pallets made of wood for arranging walls. Such wooden pallets, painted in bright colors, will not only create an original flavor, but will also be a good solution for walls - environmentally friendly, contributing to good air access to the interior of the gazebo.

If you buy ready-made - how not to be mistaken?

An analysis of 10 popular mistakes when choosing a finished gazebo can be viewed in the video above.

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B a gazebo is an indispensable attribute of a private house, a country cottage and just a dwelling, in which there is a separate land plot. It will protect from the rays of the sun, rain and other adverse weather conditions. Under the roof of the gazebo, it is always comfortable to spend time with friends or settle down with your family during an evening tea party. However, not everyone knows how to make a gazebo with their own hands from wood step by step. Let's look at the rules for building a gazebo: what to make it from, what materials are needed, and, finally, the stages of its installation.

wooden gazebo

Arbor made of wood: what are the advantages?

To date, there are many materials from which you can make a gazebo. The most common of them are metal and wood. In this article, we will look at how to make do-it-yourself gazebos from wood step by step. Why wood? Because this material has a lot of advantages:

  • easy to install, as wood is a relatively light material;
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, so it will not be able to harm the environment;
  • Wood is a fairly durable material: it is immune to ultraviolet rays. To prevent the wood from rotting from exposure to moisture, it should be coated with a transparent varnish for wood;
  • Wood goes well with stone, concrete, metal and other materials. In terms of decor, it is universal;

  • Wood carving is also popular now. Exquisite relief drawings will become a kind of decor for the gazebo.

Despite the fact that wood as a material for gazebos has a number of disadvantages (for example, it rots when exposed to moisture, may not be durable enough, subject to the negative effects of termites), it is the best material for building gazebos, which has no alternative.

Related article:

Materials for building a gazebo made of wood

To build a gazebo, you need to stock up on such materials and tools:

  • Iron or wooden pegs pegs - will be needed to mark the area where the gazebo will be installed. Also, for convenience, a fishing line is used, which is pulled between pegs installed along the marked edges of the structure;

  • Auxiliary materials: saw, planer, nails of various calibers, etc.

The amount of materials needed depends on the size of the planned gazebo.

Stages of building a gazebo made of wood

The choice of design and drawing of the gazebo

Before construction begins, you need to decide what kind of gazebo you want. Here the flight of fancy is unlimited. Designs can be rectangular, hexagonal, round, square, etc. Having decided on the form, you need to set the dimensions of the future building.

Below is a plan for the construction of an octagonal wooden gazebo. This design is very convenient because inside the gazebo it will be comfortable and convenient: up to 12 people can easily accommodate there. Its area may be different depending on the location and your desires. The height of the gazebo is 2.5 meters.

Construction stages


The site selected for construction is cleared, and in accordance with the above dimensions, iron pegs are installed in the corners. Line is stretched in the corners. Mark the place where the entrance will be located.

Foundation preparation

According to the marking, he digs holes, at the bottom of each of them we make a sandy base. It is highly desirable to compact the sand before laying the foundation to avoid excessive settlement. We install concrete blocks or bricks on the bottom, fill it with gravel, tamp it down and fill it back with soil. All blocks must be set strictly according to the level.

Instead of blocks in each pit, formwork can be made and cement mortar can be poured.

Base device

After the foundation is ready, we install a wooden base in accordance with the drawing. This can be done in two ways. The first way: we expose the base of wooden bars using internal jumpers, sew up the floor and only after that we expose the wooden racks, attaching them to the floor with nails and metal plates.

The second method involves placing wooden racks directly on each foundation pillar between the base lintels.

The fastening of the bars is carried out using metal corners.

For the reliability of the structure, at the stage of erecting the foundation, it is possible to lay a metal rod in each pillar, onto which the base of the wooden rack will be inserted.

Strapping installation

Further along the edges of the gazebo (except for the place where the entrance to the structure is planned) we install a strapping made of a wooden beam, made in the form of some kind of pattern. We fix the bars with nails and screws. Leave the entrance open.

Roof device

Now we equip the roof of the gazebo. If you want to make a roof with a sloping slope, install 8 rafters on the supporting pillars, connect them with a horizontal cross member. The end result is an "A" shape. If you prefer a single-sided gazebo made of wood with your own hands step by step, then we equip one continuous rafter on the pillars.

We lay the roof, and only after that we lay the tiles on its surface.

To understand how to make a wooden gazebo with your own hands, a step-by-step drawing is simply necessary. Having calculated and planned the entire structure from the very beginning, the installation process will be an easy and exciting experience.

The simplest wooden gazebo, photo report of the building.

A gazebo in the country is an ideal place to relax, every summer resident can build it, it does not require special skills in construction, just look at step-by-step photos of building a gazebo.

This time we will make a simple arbor from timber and boards with a gable roof with a slate ceiling.

We build a gazebo with our own hands photo.

STEP. 1. We make a columnar foundation, it is enough to fill in 6 supporting concrete supports. The device of the columnar foundation is described in detail in this article. Supporting concrete pillars must be covered with waterproofing material, such as pieces of roofing material, otherwise the wood will draw moisture from the concrete.

STEP. 2. We make a strapping from a bar, at the corners the bar is fastened with a spiked joint and self-tapping screws.

STEP. 3. We install the supports and make the upper harness from the timber. The supports are attached to the strapping with metal corners and also with self-tapping screws. We cover the lower trim with used engine oil, which will serve as an excellent antiseptic and protect the wood from decay and insects.

STEP. 4. We fix the rafters for the gable roof. The slope of the roof slopes must be at least 30 degrees.

STEP. 5. We fill the crate of boards on the rafters and lay the covering material, in this embodiment, slate was used, but it is better to work with corrugated board, it is much easier and easier to install.

The slate laying scheme, first the bottom row of slate is laid, then the upper one with an overlap, the laying direction is towards the most windy side.

We lay a wooden floor, fasten the side walls of the gazebo and the gables of the roof.

Any owner of a land plot dreams of creating a corner of comfort and coziness for outdoor recreation. By the way, a gazebo, equipped according to the individual fantasies of the owner, comes in handy.

To build a gazebo with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to have special skills or education - you need simple theoretical training, a set of necessary tools and, of course, desire and aspiration.

The design of the country house, despite its maximum openness, has the function of protection from rain and wind, so it must be strong enough.

Actual types of gazebos

So what can be a gazebo in the country? The materials for this building and the style of its design must be chosen taking into account the surrounding landscape.

It should harmoniously complement the design of the country house and the design of the entire garden plot, and not stand out from the background of the main ensemble.

But we must not forget about the functionality of the model, beauty and well-being at the same time!

Basically, there are three types of covered buildings:

Closed type, usually small houses (brick or wooden), with doors and window openings. Such a structure is insulated for a useful pastime both in hot summer time and on frosty winter days. Inside, it is reasonable to provide a stove, fireplace, or barbecue to keep the heat in the room;

Semi open type. This common variety of classic gazebos is the most popular for the comfortable arrangement of a personal plot. More often, wood is used to create, or forged structures, using curtains for curtaining window openings;

open type. This includes canopies and rotundas. Typically, the frame of such a structure includes wooden (iron) supports and a light top coating.

They are very convenient in small cramped areas, occupying a minimum of free space, but advantageously create shady barriers that are simply necessary for summer holidays.

To decorate open arbors, the bases are woven with climbing flower arrangements, which annually expand in growth and create a beautiful living wall.

The variety of forms of gazebos

Modern buildings are rich in a variety of designs, but despite this, there are traditional forms:

  • The round one is a classic canopy, with pillar bases that support a light roof. Designers suggest making them from polycarbonate, plastic, but the most interesting option is a cozy gazebo woven from willow twigs.
  • A simple rectangular one is a structure built from a metal frame, polycarbonate, wood, or brick.
  • Polygonal - a hexagonal semi-closed building made of wood or wrought iron.
  • A structure made up of several different shapes. More often, these are closed houses with an attached open area for an active recreation area (brazier).

Arbor Installation Instructions

Having decided on the shape and type of the gazebo, having prepared all the necessary tools (saw, electric jigsaw, drill, screwdriver, level, pliers, drill, etc.) and purchasing the selected materials, you can safely proceed to the main construction work.

Consider the most popular popular option for installing a gazebo design.

Since the building is not too heavy, it is possible to put it on well-packed soil (crushed stone drainage) or build a foundation from pillars dug into the ground.

Important! The tree for the gazebo must be subjected to mandatory water-repellent impregnation and an antiseptic to prevent the external influence of weather conditions, decay and the harmful effects of insects.

To work on a wooden building, you will need the following materials:

  • Pipes.
  • Racks.
  • Bars.
  • Beams for the frame.
  • Cement, crushed stone, sand.
  • Wooden bars.
  • Boards, plywood.
  • Roofing materials.

After collection, the finished structure is processed: puttying, grinding, staining to protect the wood from moisture and beautiful appearance.

A careful approach to work, drawing up a drawing, studying the construction technology - all this will really help to put a beautiful, comfortable gazebo on the land yourself!

Photo gazebos do it yourself

Having their own house outside the city, many people think about building such a cozy and useful house next to it. After all, you must admit that a chic garden, well-groomed beds and neat paths with impeccable fences do not create a complete picture of a garden plot without a cozy gazebo on it. Today, it is a rare case when a country house does without a full-fledged recreation area on the territory or a small garden gazebo. The construction of a country gazebo is a great way not only to decorate landscape design, but also to create an additional place for complete unity with nature. In the gazebo you can have a great breakfast with the whole family in the early morning, enjoy evening tea, or accommodate guests invited to a picnic. Under the roof of a cozy building, you can hide from the scorching sun or shelter from the rain. The design of the gazebo is another chance to show the talent of the designer and give comfort to your possessions.

The main types of gazebos

Let's look at the main options for making gazebos located in the territories of a country house.

An open gazebo is the easiest to assemble. The simplicity of the design allows you to meet in the shortest possible time and create a full-fledged recreation area. An open gazebo for a summer residence is assembled from supporting posts and a hinged roof, after which it is decorated with decorative elements and partitions between the posts. Inside the gazebo, you can place a comfortable table, benches or chairs with pillows and blankets, and next to organize an area with barbecue and grill.

In an open gazebo in warm weather, it is very pleasant to enjoy the singing of birds and the gentle sun, this is the best option for family meetings.

However, in cool weather there is a risk of freezing in the open air, so in winter this design loses all its relevance.

A closed gazebo is a house, closed on all sides by walls. In such a gazebo, bad weather and insect raids are not terrible. You can sit up in it until late at night and not disturb those who went to sleep.

However, closed space will not allow you to fully enjoy nature and in order to breathe fresh air, you will have to periodically go outside.

Particular attention should be paid to the design, which should not only shelter people from rain, snow and sunlight, but also be aesthetically attractive.

A gazebo with a barbecue area - solves the problems of cooking on an open fire. Such a gazebo is equipped with a special barbecue and a high-quality chimney.

It can be equipped with a full-fledged kitchen area with a stove, cabinets, a table for cooking and a separate dining area.

A living gazebo is a lightweight structure, the main part of which is climbing plants that create dense green walls (hedges). In such an arbor, a complete feeling of unity with nature is preserved, it is pleasant to enjoy the smell of plants and invite friends. With proper care, such gazebos can please the eye for more than one season.

Also, such an arbor can be decorated with grape seedlings, the fruits of which will hang in beautiful clusters, while creating a natural shadow.

Materials for manufacturing

Wooden gazebo. Wood is the most popular material in the construction of buildings of this type. It is easy to make a structure from it with the desired design and various shapes, the main thing is to correctly determine its dimensions, and impregnation with water-repellent agents will make it possible to preserve the original appearance of wood for a long time.

Usually, spruce or pine is used for the construction of wooden arbors, less often oak. Wood is a fairly light building material, so it is not necessary to build it for construction.

A stone or brick gazebo is a great option for building any type of gazebo in which you plan to place a barbecue. Brazier and barbecue can be placed on a special stand or podium made of stone and brick.

Fabric gazebos for summer cottages will become your favorite place to relax. A gazebo in the form of a tent looks very interesting, attracts attention and allows you to diversify an ordinary yard.

It can be equipped with soft pillows and then it will become a real decoration for your site.

Metal gazebos - you can buy relatively inexpensively from manufacturers, both in finished form, and make it yourself, while realizing your dreams and fantasies.

Usually these are very simple, not overloaded with details designs made of wrought iron, which gives them a special charm.

Choosing the right style for summer construction

Classics - nothing superfluous, everything is concise and strict. A gazebo of a regular shape, a rectangle, without additional decor, furnished with the simplest pieces of furniture. This is a simple option for giving, where it is planned to spend little time and not arrange frequent long gatherings.

Rustic style is an interesting design with carved windows, shutters, a real stove and various details like a samovar, tablecloth, dried herbs and candles instead of lamps.

Building a gazebo in a rustic style is a rather complicated process that requires special flair and certain knowledge.

Oriental style - an exotic design for a country gazebo. The basis can be a real Chinese pagoda with light walls and a multi-tiered roof. The decor welcomes the presence of pillows and a lampshade, as well as many Chinese lanterns.

You can decorate a country house for relaxing on the territory of your site in any style that the owner of the estate likes.

There you can put a rocking chair, a table with your favorite books, an old gramophone with records. In any case, the presence of such a house will sometimes allow you to feel in complete harmony with nature and spend some time alone with yourself.