Ideal space: how the offices of the world's leading IT companies are arranged. Creative office interior: how to design a rest room in an unusual way What is it like

People spend at least a third of their lives in the office, and if we take away the time we spend sleeping, it turns out that we spend half the time that we are awake in the office.

Naturally, in the office we want not only to work hard, doing challenging tasks but also be able to relax. Today's leaders who care about their employees understand this. They also understand the importance of having a break room in the office for employees who are working hard.

Who needs an employee lounge?

To all large and small companies that can afford to re-equip the premises for it.

After all, in fact, the rest room in the design of the office is not only the room where you can relax and unwind after taking a break during a busy day, but also the room where the boss can talk with his subordinates or partners in an informal setting.

Some studies claim that it is in rooms with such an atmosphere that the most interesting and non-standard management and marketing decisions are made.

The break room for employees promotes a mental "reboot", so it is especially needed in those offices where people are constantly busy with mental work. For them, this opportunity to relax can bring big profits to the company in the long run.

What should be the right rest room?

First of all, when designing an office in a rest room, attention should be paid to lighting. Well, if during the daytime there will be enough street light, this will help the eyes of workers to rest from the constant look at the monitor.

The room should be bright to create a positive atmosphere. It would be great if in the rest room for employees there will be an opportunity to switch to physical activity: play darts, table football, billiards, air hockey and other active games.

But it should also be possible to sit on a comfortable sofa and drink coffee with a colleague. By the way, it was on such sofas that a lot of creative solutions which the people in the office would never have thought of.

The very idea that at work it is necessary to create conditions for relaxation is quite controversial. For example, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Portland Charlotte Fritz during the study found that breaks spent listening to music, chatting on the Internet and talking on abstract topics reduce performance. while, exchange business information and planning in your spare time allow you to increase concentration and focus.

In Russia, there will hardly be many people who want to replace a tea break with a brainstorm, because discussing pressing issues over a cup of tea has become almost a tradition for us. Alexey Pushkov, head of the information and analytical department of the National League of Governors, is sure that "tea" can become an analogue of rest rooms, because "the Russian mentality is more predisposed to this." Alexei emphasizes that if for countries Latin America sleep for three hours at the height of the working day is normal, then for the Russian people it will be unacceptable - it is unlikely that we will be able to return to our duties after a siesta as if nothing had happened.

National peculiarities of thinking mean a lot, but even they can change in the conditions modern business. Everyone knows the enormous working capacity of the Japanese, who sleep an average of 6.5 - 7.5 hours a day, and devote about 10 hours to work. The Moscow office of the Japanese broadcasting corporation NHK refused both rest rooms and tea rooms, arguing that employees do not like to relax at work. How do those who are still accustomed to devote time to rest spend their leisure time?

What to do during a break?

Undoubtedly, people of creative professions, who are always in search of inspiration, can benefit from a change of scenery. In addition, they are more reverent about. That is why the most original ideas interior design can be seen in companies specializing in design and advertising. For example, employees of the Art. Lebedev Studio, while at work, can visit the Museum of Junk.

Room industrial designers. Collection of antique radios and communications equipment. Photo: Vladimir Korovin

The Moscow office deserves special attention, which was created, according to company representatives in their corporate blog, "with a Russian soul." Office interiors are decorated in Russian style folk tales, familiar to everyone since childhood cartoons and films. In the favorite place of all employees - the Lukomorye recreation area - you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a fairy-tale land and sit under a green oak tree while reading a book.

Unusual interiors inspire new labor exploits. But cozy rooms rest is not the only way relaxation, a massage room is at the service of employees.

Photo - from the Google corporate blog

According to corporate trainers, the creation of rest rooms is not a very common practice. There are several reasons: the eternal desire affects Russian businessmen to save money, exorbitant prices for renting premises in the capital play a role, sometimes the personal prejudices of the management serve as a barrier.

AT Russian companies the culture of corporate recreation is limited to holidays dedicated to the birthday of the company or the date of the conclusion of a strategically important contract. Meanwhile, the opportunities to maintain the loyalty of employees and increase labor productivity are much wider. For example, I often advise executives and HR managers who complain about a limited budget to buy intellectual or economic board games- "Monopoly", "Energy Network", etc. Such games do not require a separate room - employees can arrange tournaments outside the working day, right in their offices. It's practical and effective method. - Svetlana, business coach at a Moscow recruiting agency

Should there be a rest room for employees? This question, as a rule, is asked only by the most progressive and modern leader.

in the western corporate culture For a long time and everywhere it has been customary to organize the rest of the company's workers in a specially designated place with fairly comfortable conditions.

In our country, it is still often believed that a lounge for employees is:

First, the extra cost of equipping the premises;

Secondly, the territorial costs of the premises at the disposal of the organization (it is better, as many people think, to allocate an area for “useful business”: a warehouse, an office, a retail space);

And thirdly, according to many employers, employees who come to work to relax are not employees at all, at work you only need to fulfill your labor functions and rest in your spare time.

However, the equipment special room in the organization is not without meaning and in many respects, as Western practice shows, it makes it possible to increase labor efficiency.

A rest room is a kind of zone, geographically located within the organization at the main place of work, where company employees have the opportunity to relax in an informal setting, like at home, disconnecting from the main work process for a while.

The equipment of such a room can be very diverse - from a simple room with a sofa, flowers and a kettle, to a spacious room with a cinema, billiards and a restaurant, etc.

There are several reasons that justify the need to equip rest rooms for employees.

Here are the most significant ones:

Man is not a robot capable of working without rest.

As you know, effectively people are able to work up to eight hours a day, and then with a lunch break. After this time, labor productivity decreases significantly. At the same time, the mode daily work often for a number of positions and areas of activity actually exceeds eight hours. As a result, it turns out that there is a person in the workplace who is neither emotionally, nor intellectually, nor psychologically able to cope with his duties. It turns out that it would be much more effective to offer the employee a rest and then he would be able to continue working with renewed vigor. For a person, psychological, mental and physical unloading is extremely important, including at the workplace.

Naturally, the introduction to the organization of the rest room should be approached wisely. Of course, that for her visit should be strictly reserved certain time, a schedule has been set, etc. After all, abuses in this regard will also not benefit the overall productivity in the company and discipline.

The presence of a rest room for employees has an extremely positive effect on the level of team cohesion, which is also important, because labor activity characterized much more high rates if it is carried out in an atmosphere of united team spirit.

Equipping a lounge for employees increases the competitiveness of the company in the labor market, increases its chances of winning the sympathy of more qualified and experienced specialists, as well as long-term cooperation with them.

And, in the end, the presence of a rest room increases the prestige of the organization, raising it to the level of modern European firms with high level corporate ethics and work organization.

So, at first glance, it may seem that the allocation of a separate room for the rest of workers promises only trouble for the employer (reduction of the area useful for business, violation of labor discipline, additional material costs, etc.). In fact, the situation is completely different. After all, by investing in a well-organized, productive rest of employees during the day, the manager sows fertile ground for increasing the efficiency of his subordinates, the prestige of the company and the cohesion of the team.

Competent division of the company's office into zones, their attractive and stylish design are one of the most important components of the success of your business. They allow you to create a good atmosphere in the premises, which has a positive effect on both visitors and employees.

The former will be happy to contact you again, and the latter will feel better, which will increase their efficiency and overall positive attitude. In this article, you will learn how to do office zoning correctly and what you need to pay attention to.

Drawing up a design project

It is done first. Allows you to visually see how the office space will look in the future, and eliminate it in time possible mistakes. When designing an interior, consider the following factors:

  • All rooms must be decorated in the same style. Exceptions are the meeting room and management office. Their interiors may vary. Ideally, if the design of the office matches the corporate identity;
  • it is necessary to correctly select and arrange furniture so that it is not only beautiful, but also convenient for work;
  • the environment should emphasize the importance of your business, so that visitors understand at a glance that they have come to a serious company.

During the preparation of the design project, measurements are taken and a plan for the location of partitions, lighting, switches, sockets, various equipment and furniture is prepared. After that, it is developed general concept and a 3D model is prepared for rendering.

This is quite a serious job, which is best entrusted to the appropriate specialists. See photos of office zoning to get acquainted with the solutions offered by professionals in their field.

Principles of zoning

Most often, the zoning of space in the office begins with the conditional division of it into the following parts:

Front office. Designed for receiving visitors, holding public presentations and seminars. There is a reception room, a meeting room, a manager's office, etc. here. Since this part provides the main communication of the company with customers, the furniture here should be aesthetic and beautiful, but at the same time multifunctional.

Back office. Represents workspace and a recreation area hidden from visitors. The main requirement for the environment here is convenience and comfortable conditions for work activities.

Furniture here can be purchased simpler, but many modern leaders don't skimp on it. aesthetic workplace well stimulates professional growth and increase of efficiency of employees.

According to the type of construction of activity zones, offices are divided into classical and open. In the first case, the premises are isolated from each other. Each office performs a specific function - sales department, transport service, accounting, etc.

The second option is more modern. Here, the premises are not separated by capital walls, but represent one large space. For zoning such an office, partitions are used, which can significantly save space.


The arrangement of this zone must be treated with special care. Your clients and partners get the first impression when they visit the office right here. Make sure the reception area is as comfortable as possible.

The ideal option would be if you divide it into two parts. The first is informational. Here place the reception desk and stands with booklets. The visitor should be able to quickly get all the information of interest. The second is a place to rest. Here, place sofas and armchairs on which people could relax and wait for their turn.

Don't forget that the reception area needs to show that you belong to your brand. Use more corporate colors when decorating it. Great idea- place a 3D logo on the wall in a prominent place.

Zone for negotiations and meetings

This place is intended for business meetings or discussion of work issues between management and subordinates.

Often the topics discussed here are of a confidential nature, so it is better to allocate for such a zone separate room, although modern style allows the use of screens and partitions. Main Attributes - long table, chairs, office easel, projector and monitor.

Negotiation room where business partners are invited and potential clients may be less official. Usually located here soft sofas, low table, aquarium, flowers and live plants. Everything that will make the visitor feel comfortable.

Work zone

It occupies the main part of the office. When planning it, first of all, it is necessary to identify illuminated and dark areas. Workplaces should be located close to windows, no further than 6 meters. In places where Sun rays do not reach well, you can arrange toilet rooms, pantries, utility rooms and other technical premises.

When distributing jobs, make sure that employees do not then sit with their backs to the door. This will help to remove anxiety and anxiety, allowing a person to calmly control personal space.

Do not sit people face to face - constant eye contact makes it difficult to concentrate and creates a feeling of being watched. Using partitions in your office for zoning will help you meet these requirements.

If you want to improve the interaction between two specific units, place them side by side. According to statistics, up to 60% of contacts are made between people working in close proximity to each other. This contributes to a useful exchange of experience.

Head office

With his respectable appearance, on the one hand, he should emphasize the high status of this person, and on the other hand, talk about the welfare of the company and its basic principles. It is appropriate here individual design, more expensive materials, including natural, large furniture and armchair.

The tabletop is massive, veneered. It can also be made of tempered glass, which will emphasize transparency and openness for partners.

Technical area

Designed for toilet equipment, sinks, etc. plumbing equipment. There may be a pantry with cleaning equipment, a place for lunch break. The technical area must be located in separate rooms.

Rest zone

Working without breaks is detrimental to the well-being of any employee. The presence of a recreational corner will help team members to relax, take a break and drink tea in a calm environment.

For this, it is not necessary to select private room. With the help of partitions, a recreation area is easily created next to the workspace. A good option- place it near the busiest place where traffic flows intersect.

Put there modular semi-soft sofas with armchairs and coffee tables. It will be useful to allocate a place for coffee breaks. In many large companies recreation areas are equipped with video and audio equipment, game consoles.

The design here does not have to be official. Having creativity and warm colors allow the employee to quickly switch to rest. The main thing is that the atmosphere contributes to relaxation and the appearance of a feeling of comfort.

Photo of office zoning methods

Office design is extremely important for creating a creative working environment. Mobile technology and flexible working hours dictate new approaches, as traditional ideas no longer work, and Google understands this like no other. Their ideas for organizing office space have gone far from simple sentences for ergonomics.

1. Person-centered approaches

Google does not copy the principle of organizing its California office in other cities. They adapt local materials, styles and elements of identification in each new location. For example, the company's Pittsburgh office in Pennsylvania is distinguished by the fact that designers use large Steel City-inspired photo wallpapers depicting a massive iron bridge structure in the decor.

2. Hedgerows in London

Fresh air is a strong stimulant of mental activity and raises the morale of workers. The company did not want to be limited to just picnic tables next to the parking lot, as many firms do. The designers have created a secret garden with private and public seating areas on the roof of their London headquarters.

3. Meeting room - ward №6

Those who try to avoid conflicts at work will like the idea of ​​meeting with colleagues in a specially equipped room with soft walls like the one at Google's headquarters in London. total area office is about 50,000 m2.

4. Remember your roots

The designers of the D/DOCK company in Amsterdam came up with the idea of ​​locating the Google office in a garage. Other rooms, including a conference room, have been designed in the same garage style.

5. Reading nook

At Google's headquarters, every room or hall has a surprising and funny name. The same applies to the name of the mini-library, which was called LaLa Library. It was created for office workers to educate themselves, sitting comfortably on the couch with a good book in their hands. The company is grateful to designers from PENSON for this nice corner.

6. Meeting room magic

In the Madrid office of Google, the designers from Jump Studios have created a large conference room, which is equipped with last word technology, and on the walls of the scenery in the form of a binary code, when deciphering, you can read the word "Madrid".

7. Hanging hammock

Some workers find it hard to come up with something creative in traditional leather chairs. In Google's Pittsburgh office, designers from Strada have built a hammock that gives new meaning to the Google Hangout.

8. Let's sweat

In order for employees to give their best to work and be productive, they need somewhere to put their physical energy. Since medical services are very expensive today, this idea is also beneficial from economic considerations. Google in its office in Tel Aviv has equipped areas for training, ergonomic workplaces and even in the meeting room there is an opportunity to play ball. AT gym You can work out on a treadmill, use a bike and elliptical trainers.

9. Smile at work

Some just have to close the doors of traditional boring offices if they need privacy. This phone booth or reading nook was created by the designers at Google's Amsterdam office as a mobile home, which is much nicer as it looks aesthetically pleasing and fun, which the company has never been afraid of in the field of design ideas.

10. A little more than just a drinking water tank

Google is known for creating specially equipped snack areas for its employees. In addition to mini-kitchens, the offices have rest rooms where you can retire and talk face-to-face over a cup of coffee. This cute place, which many will look with envy, is created in the headquarters of YouTube in Tokyo.

11. Company logo

The colorful logo in traditional blue, yellow, green and red can be found everywhere. Susan Molinari, vice president of public relations, said that by creating offices, they want people who come to them to know that their problems will be solved here, and the logo confirms this message at every turn.

There is always a lot of light in Google's offices. But if there is no possibility of access to natural light or it is night time, then in this case, the designers equipped the offices with fluorescent lighting. These floral floor lamps complete the design and create the feeling of being outside. Lighting not only fulfills its function, but also is a decoration of the office.

13. For health!

This bar is located in one of Google's offices, in this case in Dublin. Above the design of the headquarters, whose area is 153,000 square meters, the designers of the Camenzind Evolution company worked, who wanted to convey the energy of the city.

14. Relax

For most, work and play are polar opposites, but at Google's Zurich office, relaxation rooms with massage chairs and relaxing bubble baths make work feel like you're on vacation.

15. Bon appetit

Both food and drinks at the Google office are not only delicious, but also free. The office food is jokingly referred to as "Google fifteen", which corresponds to the 15 kg that can be obtained if you spend all your time in the cafeteria. But on the other hand, eating is a social phenomenon that brings together and predisposes to communication.