Connection fastening. The junction of the roof to the wall. Stages of work with a soft roof

The junction of the roof to the chimney pipe is a rather complicated element of the roof from a technical point of view, the correct implementation of which largely depends not only on the service life truss system but also the comfort of living in the building. If you do not have any personal experience in performing roofing and tin work, then it is better to use the services of professionals - mistakes become the cause big problems, it takes a lot of time and money to fix them. In the most severe cases, you will have to do unscheduled repairs to the premises and the truss system.

There are a great many options for solving the problem of joining the roof, each professional master makes changes taking into account specific features and his skills. But there are several factors that have a critical impact on the technology of work.

The passage of the chimney through the roof - the main nuances of the arrangement

Type of roofing

To cover the roofs, soft roofing materials, profiled sheets, piece natural or artificial tiles, asbestos concrete sheets are used. Each coating has its own nuances in the manufacture of junctions; both standard components produced by coating manufacturers and home-made from galvanized steel sheets or rolled soft materials.

roofing materialMinimum slope angle, degrees
metal tile25
Asbestos-cement slate20-35
Ceramic, concrete tiles25
Euroslate (ondulin)6
Bituminous soft tile11

Roofing materials - types and photos

Prices for metal tiles

metal tile

Type of truss system

Depending on the architectural parameters, the roof can be flat, sloping, domed, etc. Depending on the type, the slope of the rafters, the type of base and battens for roofing materials, the location load-bearing elements designs. All these features must be taken into account when choosing materials and technology for adjoining the roof to the chimney pipe.

Chimney parameters

Chimneys are made of brick, concrete blocks, metal or asbestos-cement pipes. Structural differences affect not only the production technology of adjoining works, but also the choice of materials. Additionally, during the manufacture of the junction, the location of the chimney must also be taken into account.. If it is close to the skate, then you need to use one technology, if it is closer to drainpipes, then you should work with this factor in mind. This applies not only to the method of water drainage, but also to materials for sealing.

There is one more feature. Brick chimneys can have flat side planes or with special steps for draining water. Depending on the method of laying the chimney, a specific algorithm for the manufacture of the roof junction is selected. Some types of brick chimneys do not require chasing.

Connection installation time

Waterproofing of the junction can be carried out during the installation of the roof or after. There are ways to seal the chimney without the need to dismantle the installed coatings, all elements are laid on top of the existing roof.

For example, consider three options for manufacturing adjunctions on various types roofing materials: brick chimneys on soft tiles and metal tiles, and round ones on the finished coating. It is these options that are most often found during the construction of private houses. The algorithm for the production of works allows you to perform them yourself without the involvement of expensive specialists. But only on one condition - you have experience in roofing, necessary materials and tools.

Important! All work on the roofs should be carried out only in good weather, the temperature cannot be below +5°C.

Step-by-step instructions for connecting a chimney to soft roofs

To create an junction, you will need pliers, a medium-sized flat spatula, a mounting knife, a hammer, a screwdriver, scissors for cutting metal, a building hair dryer, measuring tools and fixtures. Mastic based on modified bitumen is used as a waterproofing agent, special mastic in a tube or any other material based on resistant to impact can be used for sealant. external environment polymers. If you have an air gun - great, it will be easier to work. If for some reason you do not have a special device, then nails can also be hammered in manually.

Practical advice! There is no need to buy expensive tools to perform one or more connections. They are used only by professional builders on an ongoing basis.

Mounting technology shingles involves the installation near the chimney of a fillet, a plinth or a 50 × 50 mm timber loosened diagonally. The elements are fixed to the crate, tightly pressed against the planes of the chimney and screwed in this position. A hydraulic protection is installed on top of the elements ( lining carpet), individual pieces are glued with bitumen. Chimneys made of piece masonry materials must be plastered, allowed to dry and primed with any bitumen-based material. It is advisable to do the installation of the junction at the same time as the installation of a soft roof - this not only simplifies the work, but also guarantees tightness.

Underlayment prices

Lining carpet

Step 1. Install the tile shingles in the usual way to the junction with the fillets. If one edge comes to the surface of the element, then it must be cut off mounting knife. Make a vertical cut along the corner of the chimney, and a horizontal cut along the bottom line of the fillet. To ensure that the lining carpet is not damaged when cutting soft tiles, always place a piece of plywood under the knife blade. Guide the tip of the knife exactly along the fold line of the roof. Cutting soft tiles is quite difficult, use strong and sharp knives.

Step 2 Additionally, seal all corners of the chimney with patches. How it's done?

It is recommended to seal the chimney passage assembly using patterns from the remaining pieces of the valley carpet. According to its performance indicators, it responds better modern requirements. In extreme cases, it is allowed to use patterns from the lining carpet.

Step 3 Attach a piece of carpet to the bottom of the chimney, make marks on it according to the width of the pipe. The length of the pattern must correspond to the sum of the sealing height on the chimney and the length of the material under the soft tiles. Practitioners recommend taking with a margin, a large length will not be a problem for further work, and too short a pattern can cause leaks. Put it in place, bend it and with your finger find the connection points of the fillet with the slope and the chimney. At these points you need to cut the pattern.

The height of the establishment behind the vertical must take into account climatic conditions the location of the house and the maximum height of the snow cover, but be at least 30 cm, the institution beyond the horizon - at least 20 cm. To these dimensions you need to add the length of the fillet. The width of the pattern depends on the parameters of the pipe, the length of the side parts of the envelope is at least 20 cm.

Practical advice! If it is difficult for you to immediately make a pattern on the material of the valley, then prepare a template on thick paper. This will provide an opportunity to gain practical experience and avoid annoying mistakes in the future. You will find out in which places you need to make bends, and which ones to cut off completely, you will see the optimal width of the hem, etc.

A more accurate pattern can be made on a flat area, transferring the location of the points of the cutting lines and kinks using a square and an ordinary nail.

Step 4 Gently coat the reverse side of each pattern with special mastic, do not leave gaps. The layer thickness is approximately 0.5–1.0 mm. Modern mastic will securely stick the pattern to the chimney pipe, allow you to withstand wind loads, and prevent water from getting under the protection.

Prices for mastic for tiles

Mastic for tiles

Patterns must be glued taking into account the direction of the water stack. The front is installed first, its lower part should cover the top of the shingles of the tile. All the water from the chimney will subsequently drain onto this element. Next, the side patterns are fixed, in the future they will be covered with a finish coating. The last to be pasted over the rear plane of the chimney.

Important! To improve the quality and reliability of gluing, professional roofers recommend using a building hair dryer. All joints are carefully bent, heated and re-glued, due to this operation, the adhesion between the surfaces is significantly increased, the mastic hermetically covers the stone chips located on the material.

Step 5 Insert the upper metal bar into the chimney gate to fix the position of the pattern. The slats are sold complete with the roof, if you do not have them, then the elements can be made independently from any galvanized and color-coated metal profile coating. The planks are fixed with dowels, they not only increase the tightness, but also exclude the possibility of the patterns breaking off from the surface of the chimney.

Step 6 Carefully seal the junction of the plank with a one-component polyurethane sealant. Try to fill the cracks to the full depth, remove the excess with your finger.

After gluing all parts to the chimney, you can continue laying shingles. The shingles are evenly cut at a distance of 5–8 cm without reaching the lower edge of the fillet. The side cut of the tile must be smeared with mastic, the same operation must be done in all places where there is no self-adhesive layer. The edge of the cut shingles serves as a groove that guides rain water in the right direction. The tiles are laid last on the back of the chimney, then work continues on the entire roof.

Chimney pipe bypass on a metal profile roof

Initial data: chimney made of unplastered silicate brick, galvanized steel is used for the production of works.

Practical advice! For abutment, it is better to buy a standard sheet profile for a gate with dimensions of 15 × 23 cm, the width of the shelf for the gate is 2 cm, the bend width of the drainage grooves is 1.6 cm. The profile is galvanized, zinc thickness is at least 20 microns.

Step 1. Attach the profile to the pipe with the side on which there is a curved shelf for entering the strobe. With a construction marker, draw lines around the entire perimeter of the chimney.

Step 2 Bulgarian with diamond disc cut a strobe at least 2 cm deep. Work carefully, try to make the cuts as even as possible.

Important! When working with a circular grinder, follow the safety regulations. Never remove the protective cover, wear goggles. Remember that the disk must rotate towards the worker, and not vice versa. If the direction of rotation is not respected, the tool will be thrown at the worker during biting, which can cause very serious injuries.

Step 3 Install the galvanized sheet first from the bottom junction of the chimney and the base of the metal tile deck to the eaves. It will drain all the water around the perimeter of the pipe. At the bottom of the chimney, you can also chimney, if this is difficult to do, then put it right next to the brickwork.

The first element is a galvanized sheet

Step 4 Install a bottom abutment over this sheet. This sequence must be observed with any method of draining water from the chimney. During the installation of sheets around the perimeter, one sheet is folded under the other, which prevents moisture from entering the junction points. How to take sheet dimensions and prepare a pattern?

This completes the cutting process.

Step 5 Put the cut part in place, bend its side tongues so that they are pressed as tightly as possible against the surface of the pipe. To do this, you need to unbend the profile shelves on the bent tongues, which are inserted into the strobe. Make sure that the metal fits as tightly as possible to the surface of the chimney, do not allow gaps to appear. The reason for their occurrence is wrong taken dimensions. If the gap does not exceed 2-3 mm, then there is nothing to worry about, just take into account errors in the future. If the gap is large, then you will have to repeat the measurements and cutting the profile.

Step 6 Proceed to the formation of the lateral junction. Align it with the bottom, make a similar markup for bending and cutting the sheet. Delete extra sections.

Step 7 Attach the finished part to the pipe and fix with dowels. The dowels must have rubber gaskets for sealing.

Step 8 Gently bend the protruding elements to the bottom of the outlet, with a wooden or metal hammer, press them together as hard as possible.

Practical advice! Experienced roofers smear the joint line with sealant before bending. This operation does not take much time, and the reliability of sealing increases significantly. We recommend that all beginners use this technology, they still do not have enough practical skills in working with metal sheets. As a result, the joints are uneven, water can flow into the cracks.

In the same way, connect with opposite side chimney.

Step 9 Proceed with the installation of the closing upper connection element. It is done in the same way as the first one. The only difference is that the bending angle of the profile must be reduced, and in the side bends at the angle of the roof, cut off not the lower part, but the upper one.

This completes the fixation of the metal elements of the junction, proceed to filling the grooves with sealant. Make sure that the folds along the edges of the metal sheets fulfill their function and direct the water flows down.

Connecting a round chimney to a finished roof

We have already mentioned that this is not the best option construction, but life often dictates its own rules, you have to solve problems as they come. Initial data: pitched roof with shingles, circular chimney.

Step 1. Locate the exact location on the roof where the chimney pipe exits. To do this, you need to attach a plumb line to the flooring of the coating, combine it with the center of the stove pipe and make a mark. Drill according to the mark through hole, working from the roof is much easier.

Step 2 Using a spatula, carefully pry the shingles and unscrew the screws. If the soft roof is fixed with carnations, then the work will become somewhat more complicated. Dismantle the roof using the same method, the dimensions of the freed area of ​​the roof should be 30–40 cm larger diameter pipes. Soft tiles carefully fold over free space all of which are recyclable.

Step 3 Proceed with the installation of a passage element at the outlet of the chimney; it must be fireproof and airtight. Elements are sold in specialized stores, it is much more profitable and reliable to use factory products than to invent on your own various fixtures. The kit includes a passage element made of high-strength polypropylene, heat-resistant rubber and a metal clamp.

Step 4 Cut a hole in the heat-resistant rubber for the diameter of the chimney. To facilitate work on upper surface element cast rings with specified diameters. Pierce a small hole with a knife, and then you can cut it off with scissors.

Step 5 On the penetration there are special lines indicating the different slope of the roof. Find a mark with your slope and cut a hole. The plastic is very hard, use metal shears to cut it. Due to its placement, the chimney will be in a vertical position.

Step 6 On the base of the roof, find a hole that points to the center of the chimney, lay the penetration on solid crate and install it in such a way that the centers are on the same vertical line. Mark the diameter of the cut hole for the pipe, using electric jigsaw cut out the slab.

Step 7 Attach the passage element in place and fix it with self-tapping screws to a continuous crate.

Step 8 Install the chimney, put a rubber sealing casing on it. Pay attention to the location of the technological mark, it should be facing forward. Put on a metal collar and tighten it. It is not necessary to apply great efforts, the rubber compresses easily, and too large loads can cut it. Assemble the chimney, install all special elements on it.

A strip of lining layer is inserted into the slot

Step 10 Put the shingles in place, cut off the excess. For a guarantee, coat the joints with a quality compound.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


On this installation work finished. To check the reliability of sealing, it is recommended to pour several buckets of water onto the roof. If leaks are found, they should be repaired immediately. It is much more profitable to do this in a timely manner than to engage in unscheduled repairs of the truss system or roof later.

Video - Adjacency of flexible tiles

Video - Chimney. adjoining

Video - Bypassing the chimney pipe on a metal roof

The junctions on the roof are the places where it comes into contact with other structural elements of the building, say: walls, shafts, smoke and ventilation pipes, parts of the facade and others. One of the common causes of leaks is poor-quality installation of joints in these areas. Water, penetrating through these areas inside, destroys the coating and, as a result, leaks form.

Installation of junction points, as the most dangerous in terms of potential leaks, must be carried out with great responsibility, observing special rules. Nevertheless, the repair of the adjoining roof remains one of the pressing issues of its maintenance and operation. The reason, as a rule, is one - a violation of sealing. Like the interface device to various surfaces, and their repair, depending on the type of roofing material, is carried out using different technologies.

Repair of junctions to the wall and structural elements of the roof

Flash method

Traditionally, rolled materials are used for repairs and hot bitumen. However, today the tightness of nodes can be restored much more in a simple way which you can handle on your own. By the way, it is much cheaper.

The principle of the work being carried out is to apply plastic mastic and special reinforcing to these places. Repair of the roof junction with flashing provides a complete restoration of the tightness, strength and elasticity of the joint for a sufficiently long period of time. This technology is based on the use of one-component mastic Hyperdesmo - RV-1K with bituminous polyurethane compound. Its undeniable advantage is the ability to use this technology on any surface of various shapes. The fact is that the mastic is applied with an ordinary brush or roller, so it can be laid even in hard-to-reach places.

We can say that flashing is a patch of two layers of mastic, with a layer of reinforcing fabric laid between them.

Applying mastic does not require any special knowledge or equipment. Moreover, there is no need to breed on the roof open fire which eliminates the risk of fire.

The main stages of the repair

The surface before applying the mastic must be carefully prepared:

  • the roll coating is cleaned of the powder, which is not firmly held, it can be swept away;
  • concrete is coated with a primer;
  • polyvinyl chloride must be degreased;
  • brickwork is plastered and thoroughly dried.

All interface nodes are cleaned of any dirt and dust. Chips and large cracks found during the examination are covered up.

Now everything is ready for applying the mastic, which is applied in two layers, after waiting from three hours to a day, but no more. The reinforcing geotextile is rolled out over the freshly applied first mastic layer. After complete drying, the desired color can be applied to the treated area.

In places of mating, cracks in which do not exceed 1.5 cm, reinforcing material can be omitted.

If the roll coating is severely destroyed, it is completely removed at the junction, and the mastic is applied to the bare wall metal structure. In some cases, it may be necessary to prime the base to enhance adhesion with the mastic.

When repairing the junction to the parapet, the mastic is applied with a height higher than the standard snow cover that falls in winter time.

Repair of soft roof junctions with the help of rails and self-tapping screws

  • The rolled coating is raised to the wall by about 15-20 cm and fixed with a rail with self-tapping screws using rubber washers. Joints with the wall are cleaned of debris, dust, primed and processed silicone sealant. At the junction points, a depression may form, which over time will lead to damage to the roof. Therefore, bars with a triangular cross section are installed on these sections, which are pre-impregnated with an antiseptic substance, and another layer of thermal insulation is laid. As a result, the roller formed in the areas will not allow the roofing material to tear and leak water, and additionally insulate the junction points.

Recommendations for the repair of some roll roofing units

Peeling of the roofing at the interface to the metal coating of the cornice overhang

  • The lagged edges of the panel are turned away and cleaned.
  • The metal covering of the overhang is freed from fasteners, straightened to ensure a snug fit to the base, then re-attached to the wooden plugs that are installed in the eaves slab using nails.
  • The folded edges are re-glued to metal coating eaves. The seams are carefully puttied with mastic.
  • If a gap in the roofing is detected, a patch is glued on top so as to cover the gaps by 100 mm. The edge parts are puttied and painted.

Damage to the junction to the funnel of the internal drain

Leaks in nodes at the parapet

  • Places of detachment are gently warmed up blowtorch, separate the sheets, each layer is dried and glued again, covered with mastic.
  • After gluing, the panels are immediately covered with a metal apron, fixing the upper edge to the wooden lath embedded in the wall with nails.

Cracks in the places of interface to the exhaust pipes

  • On the surface cleaned around the pipe, a fillet is applied from the polymer solution: in the form of a fillet.
  • A layer of mastic is applied, on which fiberglass is glued, mastic is also poured over it with a layer of no more than 1 mm.

Ruptures in the roof covering in the places of its junction with the ventilation pipes

Replace the damaged section of the coating and securely connect the restored section with an overlap with the old one, as well as with a pipe or funnel. To reinforce the carpet around the pipe (funnel), two additional

In order for the roof to reliably protect the house from the weather, its coating must be completely sealed. The junction of the roof to the wall and other structures must be carried out using materials and technologies corresponding to the type of roofing.

Connection Vulnerability

The adjunction of the roof to the wall is one of the most vulnerable places of the roof - it is in the places where the planes meet that the debris brought by the wind accumulates. It often retains moisture, which adversely affects the joint and can destroy the roofing or waterproofing material as a result of repeated freezing and thawing at temperature extremes. Snow masses accumulate near the walls in winter, which also increases the risk of leaks.

To ensure complete sealing of the roof, the principles for arranging junctions should be provided for at the design stage of the structure. For example, if a building is being built of brick, a half-brick canopy can be provided over the future junction of the roof and wall. Or, when laying, a recess is left, into which the edge of the roofing is subsequently inserted.

Sealing of junctions can be carried out using various materials. The technology of work is determined by the type of roof and type of coating.

There are two main types of connections: top and side. In both cases, butt strips PS-1 and PS-2 can be used.

Profiled metal roof connection

When installing a roofing from a metal profile, it must be taken into account that between it and vertical structures there must be a gap that allows for the necessary air circulation in the roofing pie.

The junction of the roof to the wall requires the use of special strips or aprons made of sheet steel. Installation of a single apron requires wall chasing - a groove 20-30 mm deep is made along the junction line at a height of at least 200 mm. The edges of the apron are processed with building sealant, after which the upper edge is installed in a strobe. The lower edge is attracted to the roofing with self-tapping screws equipped with neoprene or rubber seals to prevent moisture from entering the attachment point. The gate into which the upper edge of the apron is inserted can be filled cement mortar.

The use of a double apron allows for high reliability of sealing the abutment. In this case, it is not necessary to ditch the wall. The upper part is mounted to the base with dowels, then it is required to install the lower element under it, which, using lock connection snaps onto the top apron. The lower apron is equipped with clamps, which are fixed to the roof with self-tapping screws. All joints are carefully treated with building sealant.

Roofing from ceramic and soft tiles

If ceramic tiles are chosen as the roof finish, the abutment pitched roof to the wall is carried out using a corrugated aluminum tape. During installation, a soft metal tape repeats the profile of the coating; hot bitumen (bitumen-based waterproofing mastic) is poured into the seam, which reliably protects the joint from moisture penetration.

Using corrugated aluminum tape and bituminous mastic, it is also possible to qualitatively waterproof the junctions of a roof made of soft tiles.

Adjacency of a rolled roof

The adjoining of a soft roof to the wall can be carried out according to various technologies. Traditionally roll material it is laid with approach to a vertical surface, where it is attached with a rail. This method of installation can be used in the arrangement of not only flat, but also pitched roofs.

To ensure the reliability of the junction, the roofing material must be laid with an approach to the wall to a height of 10-20 cm. wooden lath, pressing the rolled material, is attached with dowels. The junction of the rail with the wall should be treated with high quality silicone sealant. Weak point of this design is a cavity under the roofing material in the corner formed by the planes of the roof and wall. The roof covering may be accidentally damaged when performing repair work or when cleaning the roof of snow. To avoid this situation, the corner is filled with a triangular bar or an additional layer of thermal insulation.

A construction consisting of a sheet of cotton insulator and a rectangular bar of small cross section, installed at the junction under the insulation, can be used. The resulting roller protects the roofing felt from accidental breakthrough and allows you to additionally insulate the junction.

When installing an insulated roof, along with the finish coating, all the layers included in the composition are brought onto the wall. roofing cake except for the heater.

Flash method

The device for adjoining the roof to the wall by flashing is a modern, easy-to-use option for arranging a soft roof. The technology of work involves applying an elastic hydrophobic mastic, reinforcing the joint with a layer of geotextile and re-applying the mastic layer.

The time interval between applying layers of mastic should be from 3 to 24 hours, no more.

At correct installation the junction made by this method differs:

  • absolute tightness;
  • elasticity;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • reliability and durability.

The flashing method allows you to equip adjoining roll roofing of all types to walls made of various materials. The technology of work requires high-quality preparation of surfaces on which waterproofing material will be applied. First of all, the roof is cleaned of debris, dirt and dust.

If a top coat the roof is a roofing material with mineral dressing, then the granules should be carefully cleaned off along the entire length of the junction with a continuous strip, on which the mastic will be applied. Otherwise, it is impossible to ensure the highest quality adhesion of the waterproofing to the roofing. Synthetic membrane materials should not only be cleaned of dust, but also degrease the points of contact with the mastic.

In the case when the roof is adjoined to a brick wall, attention should be paid to the quality of the masonry. If the brick surface is very uneven, has destruction, it is recommended to plaster it. Work on waterproofing the joint with the roof can be carried out only after the plaster layer has completely dried. Before applying the mastic material, it is recommended to treat the surface with an appropriate primer.

If the connection is made flat roof to a reinforced concrete wall, you need to make sure that there are no cracks and chips in it. If any are found, it is required to fill them with building sealant. All protruding irregularities must be carefully removed. Then concrete surface treated with a primer (primer) on a bitumen basis. This will reduce the absorbency of the material, increase the adhesion of the mastic to the vertical concrete surface.

On top of the finished junction, made by flashing, you can apply a layer of mastic to match the color of the roofing, which will make appearance roofs more aesthetic.

Roof connections to walls and other structures are considered potentially dangerous areas. Illiterate arrangement, violation of installation technology inevitably leads to the destruction of the waterproofing layer and the ingress of moisture into the under-roof space. The accumulation of moisture in cotton wool heaters significantly reduces their thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, moisture provokes rotting wooden elements roof frame, as a result of which in the future it will be necessary to spend significant funds on the repair of the truss system with the dismantling of the roofing.

The roofing system is one of critical systems buildings. Each element of a flat or pitched roof, even if it seems minor, has its own purpose, and contributes to the smooth operation of the roof structure as a whole.

An extremely important role in ensuring the reliability and functionality of the roof is played by typical knots roofs that are connected with the junction of slopes, parapets, various technological communications, etc. The quality of the roof units requires special attention because they are considered the most vulnerable to atmospheric influences destroying roofing and waterproofing over time.

Let's take a look at some of the most important nodes along the roof.

Knot of the parapet of a flat roof and adjoining to the walls

Structurally, for the connection to the wall, a steel apron or a special bar is installed. The vertical part of the latter is attached to the adjoining wall, and the horizontal part covers the roof.

Connecting device technology for various coatings roofing differs only in the way of sealing the seams, which inevitably appear during their installation. It is on the quality of this operation that the impenetrability of the roof depends to a greater extent.

Typical roof units can be made both with the device of an additional special niche in the wall, strobes, and without it. Sealants are used to seal seams. Today, bituminous compounds that were popular at one time have successfully replaced silicone ones.

  • Roof nodes covered with profiled metal, in areas of junction with concrete or plastered brick walls perform as follows.
  • When using a single steel apron, wall chasing will be required.
  • A groove 2–3 cm deep is made at a height of 20 cm or more, parallel to the junction line.
  • One of the edges of the apron, the upper one, is installed in a curtain, and the lower one is attracted to the roof. They are pre-treated with a sealant.
  • Roofing self-tapping screws equipped with seals are used as fasteners. Neoprene or rubber, from which they are made, effectively protect the attachment points from moisture.
  • The gate is then filled with a cement mortar.

If a special bar is used, then a wooden rail is fixed in the strobe.

  • A vertical part of a protective bar made of profiled metal is attached to it.
  • The other part of it lies on the surface of the roof.
  • The strobe, as in the previous case, is filled with sealant or cement mortar.
  • Manufacturers offer trims different colors and, as a rule, there are no problems with choosing an additional element to match the color of the roof.

On a note

Waterproofing, if any, is brought under the bar and glued to the sealant, bituminous or silicone. The junction planks are joined along the length with an overlap of at least 10 cm.

An junction of this type can also be made using a double apron. Unlike the previous options, a strobe is not required here.

  • Having secured top apron to the wall, a lower apron is brought under it and coupled with the upper one.
  • It is attached to the roofing with clamps.
  • All connecting seams are treated with an appropriate sealant.

  • For roofs from natural tiles the junction is performed using a special tape made of corrugated aluminum. It exactly repeats the profile of natural tiles. Docking seams are poured with hot bitumen, which reliably seals all joints, excluding moisture penetration.

On a note

Aluminum corrugated tape and mastic are also used for high-quality moisture protection of roof junctions covered with soft tiles.

  • One of the simple and reliable technologies for making such a soft roof assembly is flashing. The essence of this method is to perform following works:
  • application of an elastic mastic with high hydrophobic characteristics;
  • reinforcement of butt joints with a layer of geotextile;
  • reapplying the layer.

Roof with parapet and its junctions

The design technology of the parapet assembly is practically the same. However, being unprotected, the design very soon becomes unusable. It is negatively affected by the influence of external factors - precipitation, sharp temperature fluctuations and more. Brick buildings are especially vulnerable in this sense. In other words, the parapet needs protection. For these purposes, a kind of steel visor is constructed above it, equipped with special droppers. It is through them that precipitation is removed. Moreover, the probability of hitting the parapet of water is negligible.

Connections to chimneys

Roof units of this type are characterized by the presence of high temperatures in the process of heating the chimney. That is why the tightness requirements for its construction are not enough, non-combustible materials are needed.

One of the options in demand today is a roof cut for a chimney, which can have a different shape, size and angle of inclination.

Another way of sealing is the use of a roofing apron made of metal of a special design, which allows you to protect the under-roof space from moisture penetration even in extreme conditions e.g. very heavy snowfalls or heavy rains, accompanied strong wind. If water nevertheless gets behind the apron, it will simply evaporate. Double aprons provide the best results.

Let's note some features of their installation to brick chimneys on metal roofs.

  • Inner apron. This element ensures the tightness of the junction of the roofing with the chimney located above the slope. The installation is carried out before the installation of metal tiles in the chimney area.
  • An apron made of steel profile is attached to the wall of the chimney and a mark is made along its upper edge. A groove is made on the wall along the resulting line, using a grinder for this.
  • Work begins with the installation of an internal apron.
  • After cleaning the groove, insert its lower element there and press it tightly, exactly aligning upper part with groove. They attach it to the wooden roof elements with self-tapping screws and seal it using a sealant. A flat sheet is brought under it, because of its shape it is called a tie, along which water should be drained, and directed towards the cornice or valley.
  • Similarly, the elements of the apron are cut and installed on the sides and top, overlapping adjacent parts with an overlap of at least 15 cm.
  • Outer apron. The installation of an external apron is started after laying the roofing material. Its installation does not differ from the installation of an internal apron, with the only difference being that the upper edge of the outer one is not recessed into the strobe. Instead, the joint is sealed using special sealants.

Joining roof slopes

The internal junctions of roof slopes, or, as they are called, valleys, are considered the most difficult nodes, from a technical point of view. They are typical for roofs that have a complex shape, such as, say, hip hipped roof. These areas are the most dangerous in terms of the potential for leakage. A lot of various debris accumulating moisture, or ice, always accumulates here.

Methods for ensuring water tightness depend on the characteristics of the roof covering. General principle the implementation of the nodes is reduced to the installation of roofing iron elements under the cover, repeating the shape of the angle of the connection of the slopes.

  • For roofs made of metal, standard lower valleys are used. Their edges are bent so that water cannot get under the coating. Adjacencies are treated with a sealant or a self-adhesive porous sealant is used. The junction over the roofing is closed decorative strips corresponding to the color of the coating.
  • To seal the roof nodes from flexible tiles, a continuous waterproofing carpet is laid on the valley.

The line of interface between the roofing and the vertical surface of the wall is always considered a zone of increased risk of rain moisture and melt water. Often, when laying material on the roof sheathing, workers simply blow out the junction of the roof to the wall with polyurethane foam and cover it with a decorative visor. And after a couple of months of windy weather, the first signs of a leak appear. And the longer the line along which the roof adjoins the wall, the faster imperfections will appear.

How to fix the junction of the roof to the wall

The most problematic is considered to be the end conjugation of the vertical brickwork and the edges of the sheet of roofing material. The joint line is exposed to more intense rain and melt water than the rest of the roof. Even a little rain most often leads to the fact that water flows down vertical wall and collapses on the junction line of the roof to the wall of the building.

Most often, the junction is closed in the following ways:

  • Decorative overhead visor with enough wide brim overlaps;
  • If soft roofing material is used, the edge is wrapped onto the wall and sealed with mastic;
  • A special corrugated aluminum seal is used, this option is often used for corrugated slate or metal profiles, if it is necessary to work with a high “wave”.

Important! The main reason why the arrangement and sealing of the junction must be carried out especially carefully is the temperature deformations of the wall and roof.

The vast majority of roofing and walls are made of different materials, therefore, even the most durable and rigid seam in the area where the roof adjoins the wall will inevitably collapse due to thermal stresses.

Options for sealing the junction of the roofing material to the wall

Due to microscopic movements, the main material for sealing the abutment line are:

  1. Silicone sealants and sealants on an organo-silicon basis. They have excellent adhesion and give a high elasticity of the seam; in the absence of exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, a silicone seam in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction of the roof can stand for at least ten years;
  2. Bituminous and polyurethane mastics are used for gluing soft roofs and butt tapes, with correct application give a very tight and non-rigid connection;
  3. Polymer and rubber seals they do not tolerate high temperatures and sunlight, but in some cases they are indispensable for sealing canopies at the junction of the roof on the wall;
  4. Composite aluminum or copper tapes withstanding relatively high temperature. They are a specially developed material for sealing a section of the chimney wall and adjoining the roofing material.

Sealing the joint at the junction of the corrugated board to the wall

Most difficult situation a scheme is considered in which the roofing material has an adjoining side edge of corrugated board or metal tiles to the vertical surface of the wall. To seal the seam, an overhead cornice is used, fixed on the wall with one shelf, and the second shelf pressing the edge of the roof. Arrangement of the junction is carried out in the following order.

At a height of 10-15 cm above the level of the roof, a gutter with a section of 3x2 cm is cut out in the wall using a perforator or grinder with a stone circle installed around the stone. Accurate marking gutter lines can be obtained by laying a cornice with a rubber gasket on the roof in the area of ​​\u200b\u200badjacent to the wall. The lower edge of the gutter must be carefully rounded or made in the form of a slope. The gutter runs along the entire length of the laid roof. The cut groove will be required in order to secure the upper edge of the corner cornice along the entire length of the roof. This simple technique will allow you to hide the seam between the ledge shelf and the wall into the thickness of the stone. Water flowing down the wall, and even slanting rain, will not be able to flow into the space between stone and metal.

To fix the cornice, you will need to punch holes every 30 cm with a puncher for installing corks, wooden or plastic. After performing this operation, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the roof adjacent to the wall for the installation of the cornice. The easiest way is to layer cement-sand mortar and accurate leveling of a wavy surface with a plank. If the edge of the flooring in the area of ​​​​adjacency to the wall has a flat surface, this operation can be omitted.

We lay a rubber gasket on the surface of the corrugated board and install a corner cornice. According to the marked places for plugs in the wall, we drill a hole in the metal wall for self-tapping screws. On the last step we glue the gasket on the edge of the corrugated board with a sealant and apply a thin strip of silicone to the surface of the gutter, after which we install the cornice at the junction and fix it with self-tapping screws.

The lower shelf of the cornice is usually not attached to rubber gasket. This avoids breakage of the glued gasket and depressurization of the joint when the roof is deformed; under load, the shelf simply slides over the rubber surface. At correct execution mounting the pressing force of the metal angle is sufficient to provide protection against moisture.

Sealing the junction of a soft roof

The arrangement of the junction of the soft roof to the wall can be closed and sealed with a few simple operations. Laying a soft roof should be carried out with an overlap on the wall. The overlap is glued to the wall, if possible with the removal of part of the roofing sheet to the parapet. On the surface of the parapet, the laid roof is fastened with a plank. Gluing is carried out using hot bituminous mastic.

When sealing a joint in the case of a soft roof adjoining the wall with a side edge, the size of the overlap of the panel on the wall is chosen such that the edge folded in half is equal in size to the height of the eaves that will close the joint. The use of a decorative overlay measuring 10-15 cm significantly improves the appearance. If the latter is not of particular importance, or the abutment zone must be terminated on concrete slab, on the roof, it is easier and more reliable to seal the joint with a geotextile patch laid on bituminous mastic or glue. Most often, 3-4 patches are used with the obligatory procedure of rolling the glued coating with a rubber roller.

Sealing the joint of the edge of the roof at the point of contact with the surface of the chimney

The passage of the chimney through the roof especially requires careful sealing due to fluctuations in the temperature of the chimney itself and the structures partially in contact with it. The termination scheme is chosen depending on the material of the pipe, the roof and the way in which the passage through the roof is realized.

If the upper section of the pipe is made of bricks, and non-combustible materials are used to cover the roof - slate, corrugated board or metal tiles, in this case it is easiest to seal the roof junction according to the diagram shown in the figure, with a few additions. First of all, the passage through the roof must be supplemented with thermal insulation in the form of a belt on a pipe made of sheet asbestos, 10-12 mm thick. Waterproofing at the point of contact with the hot surface of the brick can be sealed with a high-temperature sealant without the use of traditional bituminous or polymeric mastics and films.

According to regulations fire safety, the removal of combustible materials from the elements of the chimney must be at least 35cm. In addition, between the walls wooden box on the rafters under the outlet of the chimney, a layer of insulation from basalt fiber is equipped.

It is easier to seal the junction for a cement-asbestos pipe. In this case, an annular blind area is made around the pipe from a piece of corrugated board, and the joint is sealed with cement mortar with the addition of asbestos or basalt fiber.

Nozzles made of heat-resistant silicone can also be used for metal chimneys, but only on condition that the temperature of the pipe wall does not exceed 230 ° C. This is the temperature at which dry pine chips begin to char when applied to a metal surface.

A more reliable way to seal the junction will be a special metal nozzle on chimney. Good heat dissipation from the metal surface allows you to install the adapter directly on the corrugated board or metal tile with a high-temperature silicone gasket. For roofs made of polymeric materials and soft roll coatings it is better not to use this option, even if there is thermal insulation, it may not be enough, and the nozzle will melt the coating.