Do-it-yourself installation of corrugated roofing. We carry out the correct installation of corrugated board on the roof. Ridge and end strips: how to install

If your home needs a roof that has an attractive and sophisticated look at a relatively low cost, a corrugated roof cold rolled galvanized steel sheet with color resin coating is what you need.

Advantages of profiled steel sheet:

  • excellent operational qualities: resistance to atmospheric factors, solar radiation, mechanical strength, resistance to corrosion,
  • low specific gravity (from 5.5 to 9.5 kg / m 2), therefore, low load on the truss systems and the crate,
  • roofing material can be selected according to the texture and color for the design of the building,
  • relatively low price with high aesthetic qualities.

What kind of corrugated board is suitable for the roof

Any of the brands of corrugated board (universal, load-bearing or wall) is suitable for roofing, but laying thin wall material will require an almost continuous crate. For a regular crate with a step of 65-100 cm, it is preferable to use a more durable and rigid profiled sheet. The most commonly used material with such indicators:

  • brand H or HC (carrying and universal),
  • profiled sheet thickness from 0.5 to 0.7 mm (strong and light at the same time),
  • corrugation height 20-75 mm (provides the possibility of elastic deformation of the roof),
  • the presence of a capillary drainage groove,
  • coating color that matches the existing or planned exterior of the house.

The price of corrugated board depends on several indicators of the material.

What you need to cover the roof with corrugated board with your own hands

It will not be difficult to cover a simple shed or gable roof of a country house, summer kitchen or garage on your own with one or two assistants and some skills in working with a screwdriver and a jigsaw. A broken gable roof of a house with an attic will also be able to work independently. Help with this video.

If the roof frame is of a more complex configuration, experienced specialists should be invited to cover the roof with corrugated board. The price of work will depend on the complexity of the roof and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes.

How much material is needed

It is not difficult to calculate the amount of material for a shed or gable roof, knowing the dimensions of the slopes. If the length of the slope is 12 m or less, you need to divide the width of the slope by the width of the material, the resulting number of sheets should be increased by 15%.

For more complex roofs, you can calculate the corrugated roofing online using special programs. Programs allow not only to determine the amount of material as accurately as possible, but also calculate the roof slope, overlap dimensions, and determine the best option for the location and fastening of the profiled sheet.

Tools and fasteners for work

For work, you will need measuring and cutting tools, fastening materials:

Features of laying a roof from a profiled sheet

It is best to do the work with four people, it will turn out much faster. Two people can also cope, but it is very difficult to work with long sheets of corrugated board alone.

  • The minimum angle of the roof slope is 10 o. With a smaller slope angle, water can get under the material.
  • The standard length of the profiled sheet is 12 m. If the length of the slope is less or more, the sheets will have to be cut.
  • To protect the corrugated board from corrosion, waterproofing and vapor barrier should be made along the crate.

Installation of the crate under the profiled sheets

An important stage in the installation of corrugated roofing is the organization of hydro and vapor barrier to protect the metal from corrosion when water vapor enters.

They do this in two ways:

  • laying a vapor barrier on the rafters under the crate and waterproofing (roofing material) on top of the crate under the corrugated board;
  • organization of a ventilated roof, creating a ventilated space between the waterproofing layer and the roofing material. To do this, false rafters from bars are installed along the rafter legs along the waterproofing, a crate is made along them, a puff cake will turn out: rafters, waterproofing, false rafters, crate, profiled sheet.

Important! All elements of the crate must be impregnated on all sides with an antiseptic composition for wood. This will extend the life of the roof.

Lathing boards are laid in increments of 0.5-1.0 m, attaching them with nails or self-tapping screws to the rafters. The thicker and more durable corrugated board is used, the greater the distance between the boards of the crate. So, for example, for a profiled sheet of brand CH35, the crate step is 0.5-0.6 m, for CH44 - 0.65-0.75 m. The distance between the boards should not be more than 1 m.

Having made the crate, you need to check the diagonals of the slope and align the slope along the verticals, horizontals, diagonals. This will greatly facilitate the work of laying corrugated board on the crate.

The procedure for laying corrugated board with your own hands

  • Profiled sheets are laid, from bottom to top, starting along the slope from the end of the building, from left to right or right to left - it all depends on which side of the sheet the manufacturer made the capillary groove. When laying the material, the groove must be closed by the wave of the next sheet.
  • The size of the overlap of profiled sheets horizontally and vertically depends on the angle of the roof slope. At small values ​​of the angle of inclination of the slope, the sheets are laid with an overlap in two waves vertically, at high values ​​- in one or half a wave.
  • The horizontal overlap of the slope is at least 10 cm. The first row is laid with an overhang of 30-50 cm above the overhang (the distance depends on the design of the drainage system). The joints between the profiled sheets are sealed with a special tape. The sheet of the second row is laid with an offset along the end by half the width.

If 2 or more people are working, lifting the sheets is easy. They are laid on a frame of 5-6 bars in packs of 5-10 pieces and are pulled up with a rope along inclined boards attached to the crate.

On the crate so that the sheets do not roll down, one or two bars are nailed from below and a pack of coating sheets is placed. It is much more convenient to work this way than to serve one at a time, although this method is also used.

How to fix corrugated board on the roof correctly

Sheets are attached to the crate with self-tapping screws with washers and sealing gaskets. Their number is no more than 6-10 pieces per 1 sq.m. flooring. On the slope, the screws are screwed into the lower, and on the ridge - into the upper waves of the sheet.

If the material is thin, the screws are simply screwed in with a screwdriver, they easily pass through without damaging the coating. On thick steel sheets in the places where they are attached to the crate, it is advisable to pre-mark and drill holes for self-tapping screws with a drill.

Important! It is necessary to precisely align and correctly install the very first sheet, the quality of all work will depend on it.

The first sheet is first fixed in the middle with one screw and the overhang from the cornice and the vertical position of the crate are carefully aligned. After that, it is fixed with a second screw.

The material is attached to the upper and lower boards of the crate by screwing self-tapping screws into each deflection of the wave, into the central boards through the deflection.

The second highest row is placed with the sheets shifted to the right or left by half the width. They cut the profiled sheet with an electric saw, a hacksaw for metal or an electric jigsaw with a metal file. They do it on the ground.

Attention! It is impossible to cut a profiled sheet with a grinder. This will destroy the polymer coating. For cutting, use scissors for metal, and paint over the cuts with paint.

Horizontal joints are also sealed with tape. Self-tapping screws on the overlap are screwed into each recess of the wave. The rubber sealing washer should protrude 1-2 mm around the perimeter of the screw head, this indicates that it is not pinched or loose.

Installation of the skate on the corrugated board

Ridge additional elements for corrugated roofing are produced

  • simple in the form of a sheet bent at an angle with a shelf width of up to 30 cm,
  • with a semi-circular edge
  • with a U-shaped rib and shelves of the same dimensions.

To install a ridge on a corrugated roof, the last row of sheets should be aligned in the upper part along the end and laid in the same horizontal plane. The installation order is as follows:

  • on the edge of the last row of sheets, a tape or a strip of ridge seal is laid,
  • bars are fixed parallel to the axis of the ridge,
  • ridge elements are screwed to the bars with screws into the upper corrugation after 20-30 cm, starting from the side where the wind most often blows,

“How to properly cover the roof with corrugated board and is it possible to do it yourself?” - these questions are asked by every homeowner who decides to use a corrugated sheet as a roof covering for his house or outbuildings. Profiled sheet as a roofing material is a leader not only in terms of price-quality ratio, but also in ease of installation. If you act step by step and strictly follow the simple technology, then covering the roof with corrugated board will not cause any particular difficulties.

For the roof, a metal profile of the H57 or HC35 brand is chosen. H57 corrugated board with an additional stiffener, the so-called load-bearing one, is ideal as a roofing material, but a little expensive. Usually they use the universal HC35, it is suitable in terms of quality and is more affordable in terms of cost. You can choose a regular galvanized sheet, or you can choose a polymer-coated one, it all depends on your wishes and wallet. Before covering the roof with corrugated board, you need to decide on the number of sheets of material, additional elements. If the roof is simple enough, then you can do the calculation yourself. The slopes of the roof are rectangles, isosceles trapezoids or triangles, that is, the length of the slope is the value from the ridge to the base, add 5 cm and get the length of the metal profile sheet.
When roofing with corrugated board, it is desirable that the slope be covered in length with one sheet, since the fewer overlaps, the more reliable the roof, but if you still have to cover in several rows, then you need to add 20 cm for each overlap. Consequently:

  • PROF SHEETS LENGTH \u003d Slope LENGTH + 5 cm, if the roof will be covered in one sheet.
  • LENGTH OF THE PROF SHEETS \u003d LENGTH of the slope + 5 cm + 20 cm (for each row with an overlap), if the roof will be covered in several horizontal rows.
The number of sheets of corrugated board is considered according to the school geometry course. The area of ​​​​each slope is calculated and divided by the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe profiled sheet. CALCULATION EXAMPLE: The slope is a trapezoid. Making measurements:
The roof can be covered in 2 rows of 4.3 m each - 20 cm will go to the overlap, 5 cm to the overhang, and it turns out the working LENGTH of the sheet \u003d 4.3 m-0.2 m-0.05 m \u003d 4.05 m. For each type of metal profile has its own working width, but in this example, the most common corrugated board for roofing HC35 is considered. The useful width of the HC35 metal profile sheet is 1 m, so the working area of ​​​​the sheet for such a slope is 4.05 × 1 = 4.05 m2. We consider the number of sheets: 128: 4.05 \u003d 31.6, that is, you need 32 sheets of metal profiles of 4.3 m each. You can take and cover the roof with one sheet 8.15 m long, you will need 128: 8.15 \u003d 15 such sheets, 7, that is 16 sheets. But will it be convenient to work with such a length yourself ... If the roof is “broken”, with many bends, you need to scan all the slopes and count the number of sheets for each slope and add them up. You can also turn to specialists, they have special programs that will make a calculation and even a better installation scheme. There are also online calculators for calculating the amount of corrugated board, but before entering the data into the program, check the correctness of their calculation using a simple example, at least the one above. Depending on the type of roof, additional elements are also purchased, such as skates, end, cornice and butt strips, self-tapping screws for their fastening. Self-tapping screws are purchased at the rate of 11 pieces per 1m2. Thus, before covering the roof with corrugated board, it is necessary to carry out painstaking work on measuring, counting all the materials that will be used in the work. This stage should be worked out very carefully so as not to interrupt work in the future due to a lack of some details.

standard stage. Warming and vapor barrier

A roof made of corrugated board for our climatic conditions necessarily requires insulation. The insulation technology is the same as for all other types of coating: mineral wool between the rafters and a vapor barrier layer, the insulation layer must be at least 15 cm.


In order to protect the heat-insulating layer from moisture and prevent the roof from leaking, a waterproofing layer is laid. This is a mandatory step, it cannot be neglected. Consider how to properly waterproof the roof. Under the roof with corrugated board, it is better to choose modern waterproofing materials. Both membrane and polypropylene films are widely used. The technology of their laying is very simple. If the roof is new, being built from scratch, then, of course, it is better to use a membrane. The waterproofing layer is unwound over the main rafters in horizontal rows. The overlap of the upper row on the lower one should be 15 cm, the film should sag a little by 2 centimeters (but there should be a distance between the insulation layer and the waterproofing of about 3 cm) and fastened with a stapler to the rafters, the overlaps should be glued with adhesive tape.
If it is planned to simply cover the roof with corrugated board, previously covered with other material, then there is no point in using a membrane. A dense thick polyethylene film is laid on top of the old insulating layer, for example, roofing material. In any case, the waterproofing is fastened with a stapler, and the joints are glued with construction tape.

Counter-lattice and crate

After the waterproofing layer is laid, the counter-lattice is stuffed. Along the main rafters, over the hydro-barrier, bars are stuffed with gaps of 20 mm. For the counter-lattice, 25 × 40 mm bars are usually used. A crate is stuffed onto the counter-lattice. For different types of corrugated board, different types of sheathing pitch, the thinner the corrugated board and the smaller the roof slope, the smaller the sheathing pitch. This article discusses how to properly cover the roof with corrugated board, therefore, the recommended correct option for the roof is considered - the HC35 metal profile. However, in the table below we will indicate the recommended step for different types of profiled sheet.
Type of corrugated boardroof pitchSheet thicknessLathing step
S-8more than 15 degrees0.55 mmsolid
P-18; MP-20; P-20; S-20up to 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmsolid
more than 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 500 mm
NS-35up to 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 500 mm
more than 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 1000 mm
S-44up to 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 500 mm
more than 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 1000 mm
H-600.7; 0.8; 0.9 mmno more than 3000 mm
H-75not allowed less than 8 degrees0.7; 0.8; 0.9 mmno more than 4000 mm
For lathing, 30 × 40 mm slats are usually used. They begin to be stuffed in horizontal rows from the eaves to the ridge in increments of 500-1000 mm, depending on the angle of the roof. The slats are spliced ​​only on the rafters. For all these works, galvanized nails are used. The length of the nails should be 2 times the thickness of the battens. It is advisable to make a continuous crate on the ridge and on the eaves of the roof, in the places where the pipes exit, on the valleys, it is necessary to fill additional bars, to which additional materials will be attached later for their design. Ideally, a sectional roofing scheme with corrugated board looks like this:

Laying profiled sheets

It's time to directly attach the corrugated board to the roof. Sheets are fastened only with special roofing screws with a rubber lining near the cap and a drill at the end, matching the color of the profiled sheets. For fastening, a conventional screwdriver is used. First, the eaves plank is attached.
Sheets rise to the roof along inclined boards so as not to deform them. The first sheet begins to be laid from the lower corner of the roof, the sheets are carefully aligned with the eaves. The fastening of the corrugated board to the crate is carried out in the lower wave with self-tapping screws 4.8 × 35 mm in size.
There are several schemes for laying profiled sheets, but the rules for working with profiled sheets are always the same:
  1. The lowest row (along the eaves) and the uppermost row (along the ridge) are fastened with self-tapping screws into each wave deflection.
  2. The middle of the slope is fixed through the wave in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Self-tapping screws are screwed in clearly perpendicular to the plane of the sheet, distortions are unacceptable.
  4. The longitudinal step for fastening the sheet is 1 m.
  5. Vertical overlaps between adjacent sheets are 1 wave (for a flat roof 2 waves).
  6. The top row lies on the bottom row with an overlap of 20 cm.
  7. The horizontal overlap line is fastened with self-tapping screws into each lower wave.
  8. Profiled sheets along the edges of the roof are attached to each plank of the crate.
  9. Cutting profiled sheets is done either with an electric jigsaw or electric shears (not a grinder!).
  10. You should move along the roof along the lower wave in soft shoes.

Since it is not so difficult to properly cover the roof with corrugated board, fixing the sheets should not take much time. After all the sheets of the metal profile are fixed, they begin to fasten the additional elements: skates, end (wind) strips, snow retainers. The ridge is fastened with self-tapping screws into every second upper wave, with an overlap on the sides of 150-200 mm. End (wind) strips are installed with an overlap of at least 50 mm.
All additional elements are fastened with special long self-tapping screws for the metal profile - 4.8 × 50 (60) mm.

Using galvanizing for "difficult" moments

It is very convenient to cover the valleys with ordinary galvanized iron or painted metal. To do this, an ordinary sheet is bent at the angle of the valley and nailed to the crate, and corrugated board is applied on top. For decorative design of this element, in order to close the corner that is not suitable in color, you can install the upper valley bar from above, which matches the color scheme. To insulate the pipe, you can also use a metal sheet bent with the letter Z, the upper bend is sawn 2 cm into the pipe, the lower one is attached to the crate, and corrugated board is laid on top. To get comprehensive answers to the question: “How to cover the roof with corrugated board with your own hands” and learn some tricks, you can check out the following video tutorials.

  • 1 Benefits of using corrugated board
  • 2 Mounting considerations
  • 3 Installation in the area of ​​the valley, ridge and pipes
  • 4 Fasteners and seals
  • 5 Videos
  • 6 photos

Decking is a universal material made on the basis of galvanized metal sheet, widely used in modern construction practice. Elegant and attractive forms of roofing, made of profiled sheets of bright colors, are quite common today in private buildings. Often they are made in the form of a combination of geometric shapes of various configurations, giving the roofing a special chic and originality.

Roof sheeting with capillary groove

Before you cover the roof with corrugated board with your own hands, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the advantages of this material, as well as take into account some of the features of working with it.

Benefits of using corrugated board


The main advantage of corrugated board is the possibility of its independent installation, produced without the involvement of third-party workers. In this case, you can get by with the forces of just a few people invited as assistants.

First of all, you should know that the profiled billet is made from a cold-rolled metal sheet with a combined protective coating. The sheet blank formed in this way has the following advantages:

  • the profiled sheet has a sufficient thickness to ensure the resistance of the roofing to mechanical stress (to the effects of wind and packed snow);
  • multi-layer coating, which includes a special paint layer, reliably protects the metal base from the damaging effects of moisture (corrosion);
  • galvanized corrugated board is cheaper, but over time, such a coating fades;
  • the cost of the material in question can please a potential consumer with its availability.

Mounting Features

Installation of corrugated board on the roof

Everyone who wants to get acquainted with how to properly prepare a roofing from corrugated board, first of all, it is necessary to take into account some features of the operations carried out in this case. First of all, these features should include:

  • a method of delivering sheet material to the place of work (to the attic of a building being erected or being repaired), ensuring the complete preservation of the appearance of the material;
  • the procedure for manufacturing the lathing used as the basis for the installation of roofing;
  • the safety of the operations performed, ensured by the observance of the rules for working with metal (the use of overalls and gloves, for example), as well as the need to use soft shoes to move along the laid material.

Sheathing for corrugated board

In addition, before starting work, it is necessary to determine in advance the main characteristics of the mounted truss system (rafter pitch, roof overhang angle, etc.), which, in turn, depend on the configuration of the coating itself.

In the most general case (when installing roofs of complex configuration), it is necessary to ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • First of all, the fastening elements of the lower valley (the junction of adjacent roof planes, which serves to drain rainfall) should be prepared.
  • The laying of the roofing itself should begin with fixing the end cornice strips, located approximately at the level of the waterproofing layer.
  • Installation of the coating begins, as a rule, from the corner of the roof (in cases with hip structures - from the center of the hip);
  • The amount of overlap between adjacent sheets (the so-called overlap) is selected depending on the angle of the roof. It usually has a value from 150 to 200 mm, but not less than the width of one wave.
  • At least seven self-tapping screws should be spent on fixing each sheet; moreover, the most important joints are sometimes strengthened with special steel rivets.

Before the final fixation of the workpieces laid in a row, they are all subject to mandatory alignment along the lower cut of the slope.

Installation in the area of ​​the valley, ridge and pipes

Installation of corrugated board in the ridge area

When installing corrugated board, you will definitely encounter the need to finish such places that are inconvenient for laying, such as valleys, chimney pipes, ridges and other junctions. To finish them, it is necessary to use special elements included in the profiled sheet covering kit.

The order of installation of adjoining elements is as follows:

  • To equip the groove at the dormer window, you will need a sheet cut into two parts, which should be prepared in advance. When finishing the window, the lower half of the cut blank is first placed, then the so-called bottom plank, and only the roofing sheet itself is mounted on top of it.
  • Installation of a special end plank of two meters in length with an overlap of about 50–100 mm should be started from the side of the overhang with a gradual shift towards the ridge. The bar is mounted on a pre-prepared end board with a step of about 1 meter. The unused rest of the bar is simply cut off.
  • When working with roofing material, it is recommended to use special seals with fine corrugations, which are placed directly under the sheet to be mounted. In this case, the overlap between adjacent sheets (overlap) should be about 100 mm.
  • In the area of ​​​​the exit of the chimney to the roof, the sheet to be laid is cut out in advance in the shape of a pipe, after which the docking points are closed with special elements (adjacent strips) that form a kind of “apron” around the pipe.
  • When finishing the roof ridge, special ridge elements are used.
  • Fasteners and seals

    Roofing screws

    Roof seal self-expanding To fix profiled sheet blanks, it is recommended to use special galvanized self-tapping screws, complete with sealing gaskets made of elastic material. The caps of the fasteners must be protected by a special composition, matched to the color of the coating and providing them with the necessary resistance to corrosion, mechanical and ultraviolet influences.

    Often in practice, when installing corrugated board, special gaskets are used to ensure a snug fit of the coating material to the base planks. The use of sealing elements makes it possible to protect the under-roofing structural elements from falling on them from climatic precipitation in the form of rain, snow, wet drizzle, etc.

    Such protection not only increases the service life of the elements of the truss system, but also improves the soundproofing characteristics of the entire coating as a whole.

    Roof ridge seals made of corrugated board

    Currently, manufacturers of building materials produce sealing elements that repeat the structure of the corrugated surface of corrugated sheets. In addition, special seals are also commercially available to ensure a secure fit of the ridge roof elements.

    • do-it-yourself solar battery from improvised means;

    You can watch a video on working with roofing material of the class we are considering at the end of the article.

    Video about the installation of corrugated board with your own hands. In the process of viewing, the author will share some professional secrets that few people talk about:

    Installation of corrugated roofing

    Old house covered with corrugated board

    Red corrugated board

    Roofing from corrugated board

    Gable roof made of corrugated board

    Roof made of galvanized corrugated board

    Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

    The construction of a corrugated roof is considered the most affordable and simple method of arranging roofs in a private house. This building material is lightweight, resistant to corrosion, and any man can handle its installation without involving hired workers for the construction. Our tips will help you make a roof from a profiled sheet with your own hands and save money.

    Preparing for installation

    Before starting work, prepare the following materials and tools:

    • tape measure, level and knife;
    • drill, screwdriver, hammer;
    • construction stapler, metal scissors;
    • roofing screws measuring 4.8 × 35, 4.8 × 60 or 4.8 × 80 m;
    • wooden bars for crates;
    • profiled sheets.

    Think about how you will be served sheets on the roof. To do this, you can use logs, winches or blocks. To avoid accidents, use special mounting belts and ropes for insurance and work in shoes that do not slip.

    In order for a do-it-yourself corrugated roof to be durable and reliable, when choosing a brand of material, consider the climate of your area. Ideal option for roofs of private houses of any areas - a professional flooring of the HC44 and HC35 brands.

    Framing and vapor barrier

    1. Making the crate. For the crate, take wooden bars, they are lighter than metal ones and it is more convenient to mount them. You can take boards from spruce, pine, oak or alder. First, treat them with an antiseptic so that there is no fungus on the roof and a refractory compound. At this stage of the construction of a corrugated roof, it is advisable to mount special membranes necessary for vapor barrier. The crate is mounted on the truss system.

    Consider the following points when installing the crate:

    • first, reinforce the first board along the eaves, which should be thicker than the others. Mount the board on special rails, pre-nailed to the rafter legs. The slats run perpendicular and are needed to provide the ventilation gap required for the corrugated sheet. Then continue attaching the rest of the boards. It is convenient to start fastening from the bottom, gradually rising to the top;
    • collect the construction of the crate using nails or self-tapping screws. For fixing boards to concrete, dowel-nails are used;
    • select the step between the bars depending on the angle of the roof slope and the size of the profile. Usually the step is 50-100 cm.

    2. Vapor barrier. Vapor barrier prevents moisture from accumulating under the roof. This is a special film with membranes that release steam and prevent moisture from seeping through. Lay the film before you begin the installation of the corrugated roof roof. Lay the vapor barrier sheets overlapping, they are fastened with special self-tapping screws.

    Features of laying a profiled sheet on the roof

    Roofs for houses are single-pitched and double-pitched. A shed roof made of corrugated board requires less material and its construction is much simpler. Start fastening sheets on any roof from the bottom of the roof slope.

    Main points of work:

    • all sheets are fastened to a wooden crate with roofing screws. Laying starts from the edge. If something is not clear, we recommend that you look at the photo and video of the installation of the roof, which you will find in our article;
    • screw the screws strictly perpendicular to the plane of the roof, distortions are unacceptable. Self-tapping screws are mounted in the bottom of the sheet wave. Each sheet will require 7-8 self-tapping screws, the installation of profiled sheets overlaps. The overlap of adjacent sheets must be at least one wave;
    • first, it is desirable to fix the profiled sheets with one self-tapping screw so that they can be corrected if it turned out not evenly. If the row is even, then securely fasten all sheets along the crest of the wave. The sides are sewn up with a special sheet after laying the entire row.

    Recently, profiled steel sheets have been increasingly used for roofing, they have successfully replaced the galvanized metal coating and won the trust of builders and homeowners. Decking is used for the construction of roofs in low-rise residential and industrial construction. This material is famous for its high bearing capacity, resistance to corrosion and temperature changes, as well as an affordable price. However, the main advantage of the profiled sheet is the simplicity and ease of installation, which allow you to do the roofing with your own hands. The device of a roof made of corrugated board has its own characteristics, without knowledge of which it is impossible to achieve a high-quality result. In this article, we will tell you what a roofing pie consists of, as well as how it is laid and fixed.

    Profiled sheeting is a modern material used for the construction of a roof, which is made from thin-sheet cold-rolled steel. The production technology of this coating provides for the coating of steel blanks with zinc alloy and a layer of polymer or paint, which increase the corrosion resistance and impact resistance of the product. After painting, the steel sheets are put into a machine, which extrudes a trapezoidal or rectangular profile into them with special rollers. The advantages of a professional sheet are:

    • A light weight. The mass of 1 square meter of profiled steel roofing is 8-17 kg, which is 2-3 times less than ceramic tiles weigh or. Light weight reduces the load on the foundation, allowing you to save on the roof truss frame.
    • Corrosion resistance. The "chronic disease" of metal roofing is rust. But zinc and polymer or paint coating protect the steel from which the corrugated board is made from contact with water, thereby increasing the anti-corrosion properties of this material.
    • Long service life. The service life of a roofing from a profiled sheet, depending on the quality, price and compliance with the technology of the material, is 25-50 years, which significantly exceeds the operation of roofing material, ondulin and slate.
    • Large selection of colors. Polymeric and paint coating allow you to paint corrugated board in any shades. The color scheme offered by manufacturers includes hundreds of items, including the metallic series.

    Note! The thickness of the corrugated board is 0.45-1 mm, it depends on the thickness of the workpiece and the layer of polymer or paintwork. Sheets are produced with a width of 646-1200 mm. The smaller the width of the sheet, the higher the profile of the material and, as a result, the greater the load-bearing capacity.

    Roofing pie roof from corrugated board

    A cold roof is a roof structure that does not include thermal insulation of slopes, because the attic space is not heated. This technology is considered traditional, it is very effective, since the under-roof space serves as an air gap necessary for the roof frame. As a rule, a cold type roof is used in the construction of household, industrial and seasonally used structures. The roofing pie scheme in this case consists of the following elements:

    1. Rafter legs. Rafters for a cold-type roof made of profiled sheet are made of wooden boards with a section of 50x150 mm or metal. The maximum step between the rafter legs is 100 cm.
    2. waterproofing material. On top of the rafter legs, with the help of a construction stapler, waterproofing is fixed with overlapping strips, which is used as films, diffuse membranes or ordinary roofing material. The waterproofing material is laid with a slight sag to prevent tearing.
    3. Control grid. The counter-lattice is made of wooden slats 2-3 cm thick, which is nailed along the rafter legs over the waterproofing. It additionally fixes the waterproofing material and provides a ventilation gap between it and the corrugated board.
    4. Crate. The crate is made of boards 40x100 mm or bars 40x40 mm. Lattice and solid mounting scheme is used. The greater the bearing capacity of the profiled sheet, the less often you can take a step between the elements.
    5. Roofing material. Sheets of corrugated board are laid on the crate, which overlap each other in the horizontal and vertical directions to create an airtight coating, and are fixed with roofing screws.

    Differences between the roofing cake of a “warm” and “cold” roof

    Important! The installation instructions for a warm roof made of corrugated board differ in that heat-insulating material, for example, mineral wool, is laid between the rafter legs, and a vapor barrier membrane is fixed below the rafters. In addition, roofing material is not used as a lining waterproofing of a warm roof, since it does not allow steam to pass through.

    Each roofing material has a recommended slope, which is stipulated by the manufacturer's instructions, and confirms the experience of roofers. Decking is recommended to be laid on roofs with a slope angle of 8-9 degrees. This indicator is associated with the form of release and the method of laying the coating. If the roof has a slope that is less than recommended, water will seep into the horizontal joints between the sheets, leading to inevitable leaks. The technological map of laying the profiled sheet is compiled in accordance with the roof structure:

    • If the angle of inclination of the roof slopes is less than 8 degrees, then the overlap between the sheets of corrugated board should be 200-250. To prevent leaks, all joints are treated with silicone-based roofing sealant. When installing low-slope roofs, material consumption increases, which increases the cost of roofing.
    • If the roof slope is 9-15 degrees, the overlap between the corrugated sheets should be at least 200 mm, and the processing of joints with sealant is not a mandatory operation.
    • If the roof slope is 15-30 degrees, the overlap between sheets of roofing material can be reduced to 150-200 mm, which corresponds to 1-2 waves.
    • If the angle of inclination of the slopes exceeds 30 degrees, the overlaps between the canvases are 100-150 mm, overlapping the sheets for 1 wave.

    Important! When installing low-slope roofs from corrugated board, a continuous crate is constructed from edged boards or moisture-resistant plywood to prevent deformation of the coating as a result of intense snow and wind loads. The steeper the angle of inclination of the slopes, the greater the step between the elements of the crate is allowed.

    Design requirements

    The reliability and service life of corrugated roofing is determined by the quality of the roofing material used and compliance with the installation technology. A roof built without following the recommendations for laying profiled steel will eventually begin to leak, rot and require replacement in 5-7 years. In order for the profiled sheet coating to become a reliable barrier to atmospheric moisture, wind and cold, the roof structure must meet the following requirements:

    1. Decking is allowed to be mounted on roofs with a slope of 8-60 degrees. At the same time, the angle of inclination of the slopes is determined in accordance with the climatic conditions in the construction zone.
    2. The maximum step between the rafters for the installation of corrugated board is 1.5 m. This figure depends on the bearing capacity of the material. If the roof is of a warm type, the rafters are placed at a distance of 60 cm or 120 cm, so that it is convenient to place heat-insulating material between them.
    3. To reduce the number of joints between sheets, a material is used for roofing, the length of which corresponds to the length of the slopes.
    4. When laying a roof from a profiled sheet, it is allowed to install a solid or sparse crate. However, at the joints of the sheets, the installation of snow retainers or drainage elements, the crate is reinforced with additional boards.
    5. The instruction prescribes the use of special roofing screws with a sealant to fix the sheets. The neoprene washer flattens out when twisted, sealing the hole in the roofing material.

    Experienced craftsmen note that it is possible to make a high-quality, hermetic coating from profiled steel using shaped elements for equipping a ridge, valleys, pipe outlets or joints between slopes. They are also made of steel and painted to match the corrugated board to be invisible after installation.

    Video instruction