The correct technique for performing the exercise plank for weight loss at home. Plank exercise - benefits and options

    The plank exercise is considered one of the most effective exercises for pumping the muscles of the press. This exercise gained popularity due to the ease of training and the opinion that it helps well with weight loss. Is it so? We will talk about this and how to do this exercise correctly in our material today.

    The exercise is unique in that it works out several different muscle groups at the same time without devices and simulators. These are the muscles of the press, shoulder girdle, arms, back, legs, buttocks. Plank exercise also increases the endurance of the whole organism, helps to lose weight due to the acceleration of metabolism, and even improves the psycho-emotional state. It doesn’t matter if you prefer group CrossFit workouts or individual workouts, it’s the plank practice that will make other exercises safe and effective.

    The plank exercise is great for a hitch in CrossFit!

    Let's talk about the following things:

    • All types of planks.
    • Proper plank technique.
    • Benefit and harm to the body.
    • How to make plank progress in 30 days.

    Types of planks

    All types of planks have general rules and similar technique. However, they differ in the position of the body, arms, legs, inclination of the body. Accordingly, in each type of exercise, different muscle groups can be included.

    • Straight arm plank. This is a classic exercise. Runs statically and is the best exercise to improve the stabilization abilities of the abdominal muscles.
    • Elbow Plank is a more difficult option. The angle between the body and the floor decreases, as a result of which it becomes harder to stand. In addition to the abdominal muscles, the pectoralis major muscle, deltoid, large square muscle of the back, muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh are included in the work.
    • Plank with outstretched arm or leg. Enhances the effectiveness of the exercise by reducing the fulcrum. Gives a great load on the muscles of the core, develops balance well.
    • side plank. That is, you stand in a fixed position on 1 arm and 1 leg.

    Having mastered these exercises, you can subsequently diversify your workout by adding jumps, push-ups, twists, lunges to the classic version, as well as using additional devices, such as fitball, bench, pancake or sandbag weights.

    The plank exercise comes in over a hundred different variations. Today we will take a closer look at two classical type: on the arms and on the elbows. The exercise seems simple, however, if the execution technique is violated, the effectiveness of it may come to naught. Therefore, before getting into the bar, carefully read the text below and then the benefits of the exercise will be maximum.

    Execution technique

    Now we will figure out how to do the plank exercise using the example of 2 classic execution techniques - on straight arms and on elbows.

    Very detailed and clear about the bar on the video - look!

    Straight arm plank

    Remember what's important correct technique. Further, having dealt with the nuances of the exercise, you will gradually be able to improve the time indicators. On the first day of classes, standing in the bar for 20 seconds will be enough for a beginner. Every day you can gradually improve your result. Then you will achieve the best results.

    If you do not have a mentor with you who will check the correctness of the technique, then perform the exercise in front of a mirror. Also use a fitness mat.

  1. Take an emphasis lying down. From this position, rise in such a way that you rely only on your palms and toes. The hands should be exactly under the shoulders.
  2. Don't bend your legs, keep them straight
  3. The back position is absolutely straight. The shoulder blades are down. Do not round your back or stick out your tailbone. The gaze is directed forward
  4. The press must be kept at maximum tension and not relaxed until the end of the plank.
  5. Feet can be placed together, or can be parted to shoulder width. The wider the feet are, the easier it is to perform the exercise, but at the same time you will reduce the efficiency of the muscles.
  6. Breathing is calm and continuous

Complicating the exercise

  • Plank on one leg. It is necessary to stand up, observing all the above rules and raise one leg up, keeping the body position in static. After completing the exercise with one leg, repeat with the other. To maintain balance, hands can be placed slightly wider than shoulders.
  • Plank with outstretched arm. Standing in the bar, stretch one arm forward and keep your balance, keep your back straight. Repeat the same steps, extending the other hand.

Elbow Plank

The principle of execution is the same as in the bar on the hands. The only difference is that you lean on your forearms. To do this, you need to bend your arms, keep your elbows strictly under your shoulders. Make sure that the spine does not bend, the coccyx does not protrude, and the press remains in tension.

Complicating the exercise

  • On one leg. Leaning on your elbows, lift one leg up and linger in this position. Then repeat with the second leg.
  • With outstretched hand. While in the bar on the elbows, stretch your arm forward. After standing still in this position for a few seconds, change your hand.
  • The bar on the arms and elbows can be combined into one exercise. First, take a position on straight arms, then lower yourself onto your elbows, alternately bending first one arm, then the other. Then return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Video with 5 unusual and effective options planks, for those who confidently do the classic version of this exercise.

The benefits and harms of the bar

How useful is the plank exercise? Conventionally, the benefits of it can be divided into several components, such as benefits for the back, legs and abs. Let's talk in detail about each case in terms of the benefits and harms of the exercise.

Benefits for the back

Back pain affects most people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The back is a vulnerable spot for both professional athletes and ordinary visitors to the gym. The main reason for this phenomenon is weak core muscles. The benefit of the back plank exercise is to strengthen the muscle groups that are responsible for stabilizing our body. During the plank, large muscles of the back are worked out: the rectus, latissimus dorsi, muscles of the lower back and neck. Such a symmetrical load on the press and back makes the posture correct, and the stomach tightened. By performing the plank exercise regularly, you can get rid of back pain, notice progress in strength exercises, minimize the possibility of spinal injuries. The plank for the back will serve as a prevention of osteochondrosis.

However, be careful: the exercise can be harmful in case of any problems with the spine. A violation of technique can even lead to back injuries.

Benefits for the legs

Almost all the muscles of the legs work in the bar. AT various types exercises in great tension are the middle and large gluteal muscles, the muscles of the thighs and calves work. By doing the bar regularly, you will notice that the muscles of the legs are strengthened, gain tone, the buttocks become more toned, and the legs are slender. The plank for the buttocks has another positive effect - the reduction of cellulite, due to the improvement of blood microcirculation in this area. Starting the exercise, you should take into account the great stress that falls on the legs.

Although the classic plank is performed in a static position and has a gentle effect on the joints, in some cases, for example, with problems with the ankle, the exercise can be harmful.

For weight loss

Great news for those who want to lose weight. By doing the plank, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds. As you know, the effect of losing weight is achieved in case of a calorie deficit. That is, you need to spend more energy than you consume with food. By combining proper nutrition and plank exercise, you will significantly speed up your metabolism, which will lead to weight loss. The benefit for losing weight is also that the systematic exercise tightens the skin and makes it more elastic.


We have already found out what the plank gives and what the benefits of the exercise are. However, please note that doing the plank can also be harmful. It is contraindicated for people with spinal injuries, intervertebral hernia, pregnant women. In the postoperative and postpartum period, exercise should also be done with caution. Such people should consult a doctor, otherwise they can cause serious harm to their health.

Program for 30 days

Plank exercise will become you indispensable assistant on the way to health and excellent figure. Having learned how to do the plank correctly, start exercising. The positive effect of training will not be long in coming.
Check out our 30 Day Plank Program. In it you can combine different types. How useful each of the exercises you already know. In a month, you will feel the effectiveness of the exercise and see amazing results. Plank for 30 days using this scheme, which will make progress by gradually increasing the execution time.

Day 120 sec
Day 220 sec
Day 330 sec
Day 430 sec
Day 540 sec
Day 6Rest
Day 745 sec
Day 845 sec
Day 91 min
Day 101 min
Day 111 min
Day 121 min 30 sec
Day 13Rest
Day 141 min 30 sec
Day 151 min 30 sec
Day 162 minutes
Day 172 minutes
Day 182 min 30 sec
Day 19Rest
Day 202 min 30 sec
Day 212 min 30 sec
Day 223 min
Day 233 min
Day 243 min 45 sec
Day 253 min 45 sec
Day 26Rest
Day 274 min
Day 284 min
Day 294 min 30 sec
Day 305 minutes

In the struggle for a slim figure, elastic muscles and toned body women and men around the world are looking for a universal exercise that engages all the muscles in the body. And there is such an exercise - this is a plank. Some experienced coaches compare the plank to running - during this physical activity more than 90% of various muscles are involved. Some are satisfied with the static nature of the exercise - no need to run anywhere, it is enough to keep the body in the correct position. For others, the plank is a quick and easy way to stay in shape. Even if you don't have time to workout, doing a plank every day will help you keep your body in good shape. And all this in just a few minutes a day! But for the result to be really noticeable, the exercise should be performed correctly. So today let's talk about the bar - useful properties and correct execution this exercise.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise?

Today, the bar is included in the training program of many areas of fitness, usually this is the final exercise, which, as it were, fixes the load on the abs, arms and legs. How useful the bar is for the body, let's try to figure it out.

  1. High-quality "pumping". The load on the muscles in a static position is much more intense, since a person is in an unnatural position, it is much more difficult to maintain your body weight in the plank exercise. This allows you to better pump the muscles of the back and abdominals, which cannot be achieved with a dynamic load.
  2. Slim stomach. The bar qualitatively pumps the lower, upper and side abs, back muscles, buttocks, thighs, biceps. With the help of the plank, you can achieve a perfectly flat stomach and embossed cubes, which is important for both women and men. Plank allows you to get rid of the beer belly.
  3. Movement coordination. The bar allows not only to train muscles, but also to improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, because the exercise requires a long-term balance and coordination of movement. Especially if we are talking not about the classic, but about the side plank, it is much more difficult to maintain balance during such an exercise.
  4. Back. This exercise is a great workout for the spine. Keeping the body in a horizontal position allows you to work out the muscles of the back with high quality, this gives feasible training loads on the intervertebral discs. The plank is very useful for hernias, as it forms a muscular corset around the spinal column, which eliminates the displacement of the vertebrae. But it is worth doing the exercise only after the permission of the doctor. Regular exercise "Planck" relieves back pain.
  5. Warm up. The plank is very useful for those who have to do sedentary work all day long. This quick yet effective exercise can tone your body in minutes.
  6. Slimming. Despite the fact that the load in the exercise is static, this is a great way to burn fat. Regular exercise on the muscles stimulates their growth. Growing muscles need nutrition, they take energy not only from food, but also consume a significant part of the reserves. subcutaneous fat that every person has. The plank allows many athletes to dry out and lose weight. excess weight before the competition.
  7. Posture. The plank is for you if you want to improve your posture. The load is mainly on the cervical and lumbar spine. Regular training will help to make your back even in a couple of weeks.

All these benefits make the plank an incredibly effective and versatile exercise that is accessible to many. The bar can be done by men and women, adults and children, professional athletes and novice amateurs, this does not require special sports equipment. But in order for the exercise to give you the maximum effect, it must be done correctly.

How to do plank exercise

The bar is one of the few loads in which technique is very important. Many coaches advise - do not chase the duration of the bar. It is better to hold the bar correctly for 10-20 seconds than to hold the body in the wrong position for more than a minute. Mistakes in plank performance will not only make the exercise useless, but can also be harmful - excessive bending of the lumbar spine can lead to disc displacement, back pain, etc. Here are some tips and tricks to follow when doing a plank.

  1. Before the load, be sure to do a warm-up - do light stretching exercises, do exercises, jumping, jogging - all this will help you warm up your muscles. It is very useful to do the bar after the main sports activities, to consolidate the result.
  2. Make sure you have good sports shoes with rubber soles. This will help you keep your body in a horizontal position, your legs should not slip, otherwise you will not be able to do the exercise correctly.
  3. Another common problem when doing a plank is the skin of the elbows, especially in women. Many of the fair sex admit that it is difficult to keep the body in balance for a long time, because the delicate skin on the elbows hurts, especially if the exercise is done on a carpet or other corrugated, hard surface. To eliminate this, you need to wear elbow pads or simply substitute soft yoga mats under your elbows.
  4. Take a horizontal position, toes of the feet and palms rest on the floor. On command, when the timer starts, you should take the classic plank position with a flat body.
  5. The elbows should be directly under the shoulders, the shoulder blades should not be reduced and separated, they should be kept in a static position with muscle effort. Do not place your hands too close to each other, this can lead to injuries of the shoulder joints.
  6. The head should not be raised up, the gaze should be directed to the floor or down. Imagine that you are squeezing a tennis ball between your chest and chin, which should not fall. Many make the mistake of raising their heads and looking in front of them in the mirror - this way the load on the cervical spine increases significantly.
  7. The wrists in the correct position should be on the floor, parallel to the elbows. That is, the hands should be, as it were, clenched into fists. Some trainers allow the connection of two brushes in the castle, but it is better not to do this. And, moreover, you should not turn your hand so that the palm is completely lowered to the floor - this is a mistake.
  8. The hips and abdominal muscles should be tense. You should also tighten your buttocks, you will feel special pressure on the coccyx. In no case should you bend your back in the lumbar spine, this is the most common mistake. In some cases, people feel less stress in this position, which is why they arch their backs. But it is very harmful for the spine.
  9. It is important to watch your breathing - it should not be interrupted, you should not hold it. You need to breathe deeply, measuredly. The body itself will tell you the pace at which you should breathe, depending on the energy consumption.
  10. Hold the plank for as long as you can. Do not rush to increase the time of the exercise. Now the body must remember the execution technique, this is much more important. Hold the bar at first for 15-20 seconds, gradually increasing the time to two minutes.

In many armies of the world, the plank exercise is a kind of indicator of the level of preparedness of recruits. If a young man can hold the bar for more than two minutes, he is in good physical shape. If the future fighter cannot keep his body in an even horizontal position for 30 seconds, he has very weak and flabby muscles, weaned from the load. If you easily exceed the two-minute mark, then you should modify the bar and consider other ways to perform this exercise.

Experienced trainers are always modifying exercises to increase or decrease the degree of load in order to change the group of working muscles. Here are a few more types of planks that can be performed in combination with a classic exercise.

  1. Side plank. It is more focused on the development of the oblique abdominal muscles. You need to stand on the bar sideways, that is, the supporting leg with the side of the foot and one elbow. You will immediately feel the tension of the peritoneum on one side - you can even feel it with your free hand. The side plank is great for developing coordination, as you will need to maintain balance in order to perform it. As a rule, if you stand on your right elbow, the right side of the abdomen is pumped, but the left side does not rest either. If you bring your left (free) hand behind your head as much as possible, this gives an excellent stretch to the oblique abdominal muscles on the left side. Be sure to repeat the exercise on both sides.
  2. Plank on outstretched arms. This exercise is considered more lightweight, since holding the weight own body easier in this position. It is usually recommended for beginners or overweight people when the muscles are not prepared for excessive stress. It is not difficult to perform the exercise - you need to stretch your arms forward, put your palms on the floor, lean on the toes of your feet and palms, without bending your elbows. The most difficult thing in the exercise is not to stick out the buttocks, but to make a straight line from the back and legs.
  3. Reverse plank. This is a very difficult variation of the exercise, which is not given to many. The bar in this case is done in the opposite direction, that is, you need to lie on your back, and then raise the body and lean on straight arms or bent elbows, the second point of support is the heels. Socks should point up, the whole body should be a straight line. In this position, a special load goes to the cervical spine and buttocks.
  4. Plank with arms and legs. This exercise is also very difficult to do. After you get into the position of the classic bar, you need to simultaneously raise right hand and left leg to the sides, keeping them straight. Then you need to change the reference points and raise the opposite arm and leg. Exercise should be done slowly, straining the press, keeping the body in a static and even position.

In no case should the plank exercise be done during pregnancy, whatever its term. Excessive load on early dates(especially if you did not exercise before pregnancy) can lead to uterine tone and miscarriage. Also, you should not perform the exercise after spinal injuries - this is a rather serious load that can lead to problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Remember, the plank is not a panacea. But with its skillful execution, in combination with proper nutrition and cardio loads, the plank will help you make your figure beautiful and your body toned.

Video: top 5 common plank exercise mistakes

Just one exercise - that's all universal charger. But what! It will help you tone up all your muscles and lose weight!

Today I will tell you about one very effective exercise for the whole body. This exercise is called plank.

The plank is one of the most popular and effective abdominal exercises around the world. The plank makes not only the muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle work, but also the muscles of the whole body.

This is one of the few ab exercises that will allow you to get rid of fat in the lower abdomen.

The essence of charging

It consists in the fact that once a day, as it were, “hang” above the floor for several minutes, relying only on the hands and toes of the feet. Undoubtedly, being “in limbo”, even for two minutes, is not an easy task. But the result will not keep you waiting. After two weeks of regular exercise, you will notice how all the muscles of your body are tightened.

classic plank

Plank is a static exercise. There are no movements in it, because the most important thing here is to keep the body correctly.

How to do: Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and go to the emphasis lying on your elbows (see photo). The body should form a straight line from the top of the head to the heels of the feet.
Rely only on your forearms and the tips of your toes. The elbows are directly under the shoulders.
Keep your body as straight as possible, tighten your abdominal muscles and do not relax. Try not to bend your hips down towards the floor.

1. Feet . Put together: balance will become more difficult, which will increase the load on the abdominal muscles.

2. Legs. They should be straight and tense, otherwise the load on the rectus abdominis muscle, which holds the lumbar region from deflection, will also decrease.

3. Buttocks . Tighten up. And do not let go of the tension until the end of the approach. Contraction of the gluteal muscles increases activation of all core muscles.

4. Loin. The most difficult moment! When properly performed, the lumbar spine should be flat. That is, the lower back can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is firmly pressed against the wall.

5. Belly. Retract, and then (already retracted) try to pull up to the ribs. Throughout the approach, keep your stomach in this position, but do not hold your breath.

6. Elbows. In order not to create unnecessary stress on the shoulders, place your elbows strictly under the shoulder joints.

To increase the intensity, the elbows can be moved slightly forward.

Exercises must be performed on the exhale, and hold - until moderate tension in the muscles. Hold this position for as long as possible: to begin with, it is enough to hold out for 10 seconds. As a rule, people with different preparedness keep the plank position from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Ideally, you need to keep the body in a stationary position for as long as possible - this way you use the muscles to the maximum, but if you are a beginner, do not try to break the record: start with the smallest.

Advice: if you are doing the front plank exercise for the first time, first hold for 10 seconds, the next time for 20 seconds, then 30 seconds and eventually up to 1 minute. A good result is 2 minutes, but if you do 3 sets, then hold out for 1 minute.

Try to gradually increase your workout time.
If it’s hard for you to do the exercise, lean on your knees.

The muscles that work in this exercise are the abs, core muscles and buttocks. All you need to do is to stand still on your elbows correctly, and the muscles will contract, thereby pumping the press.

The following muscles are involved in the Planck exercise:

But for this exercise to give results, it must be performed correctly, otherwise the load will not be distributed correctly, and you will not feel any effect.

Detailed learning exercise "Plank from the forearms" with Milena Poznyak:

Variants of the Plank exercise

The bar can be varied according to your “taste and color”. If just standing in one position for two minutes makes you bored, modify and experiment.

Straight arm plank

The basic plank pose has several features.

  • Do not pull your head into your shoulders - you are not a turtle to put your head in your shell! Instead, straighten your neck and straighten your shoulders.
  • First, the hands should be located strictly under the elbows, and the elbows - directly under the shoulders. If you put your hands wider than your shoulders, a big load will fall on your shoulders - this should not be allowed!
  • Secondly, the angle between the wrists and hands should be 90 degrees - this is very important to prevent joint injuries.
  • Tighten your abs and don't lower your lower back: imagine that your body is a straight line.

How to do: standing, legs together or shoulder-width apart, the stomach is pressed against the spine, the buttocks are compressed, the coccyx is pulled forward (to avoid deflection in the lower back).
As you exhale, begin to lower the body down, vertebra by vertebra, until you reach the floor with your palms. Then move your arms forward until your body is parallel to the floor. Shift most of your weight onto your hands. Close your eyes and try to feel how your abdominal muscles support your entire body.

Important: Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders, elbows SLIGHTLY bent, stomach pressed against spine, buttocks clenched throughout the exercise

side plank

What's the secret: This ab exercise is more effective than the traditional plank, as you support your entire body weight on two points of contact instead of four. You have to strain more to keep your balance.

How to do:

BUT. Starting position: lying on your left side, place your elbow exactly under your shoulder, legs straight. Place your right hand on your right thigh. Legs are straight.

AT. Tighten your abs and lift your pelvis off the floor until you form a diagonal, balancing on your forearms and feet. Remember, your body must form a straight line! Stay in this position for 30-45 seconds (or max. possible time). If you don't last that long, do the exercise again for a total of 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat the same steps.

Working muscles:

Detailed learning exercise "Side Plank" with Milena Poznyak:


To strengthen the muscles of the whole body, you only need 1-2 minutes per set. If you can’t stand it for two minutes, you can cheat a little and bend your knees.
If you can easily do a plank and side plank for two or more minutes, you can make your life a little more difficult by adding some elements to the exercises.

1. Plank with a raised leg

Raise one leg up. So you significantly increase the load on the muscles of the core. And you reduce the number of points of support - it means that the body has to make additional efforts to stay in position.

What's the secret: By reducing the area of ​​support, the load on the abdominal muscles increases markedly.

How to do: Stand on your elbows, as you would with a regular plank. Draw in the stomach, make the lower back flat. Without changing the position of the body, lift one leg up just above the shoulders, keeping it straight. Pull the toes of the raised leg towards you. Hold this position for as long as you can. Rest and then repeat with the other leg.

When to do: you can stand in a regular plank for a minute - go to this option. It is very important that the lower back does not bend. The muscles of the press and buttocks should be in constant voltage, while the stomach should be pulled in, which provides correct position pelvis, pressing the coccyx inward and holding the body parallel to the floor. If the technique breaks, stop, rest for a few minutes, and repeat again.

2. Raised Arm Plank

Raise one hand up. The situation is the same - you will have to apply some force in order not to fall on your side. And this is good.

What's the secret: A more difficult option - standing on one hand is even more difficult.

How to do: Get into a regular plank position with your back locked and your stomach in. Keeping the position of the legs and body, stretch one arm forward. Stay in this position for as long as you can.
Rest and then repeat with the other hand.

3. Complicated side plank

What's the secret: This is a completely different type of bar, but in our chain it is the most difficult. Works the lateral part of the cortex, thigh muscles

How to do : lie on your side, connecting and straightening your legs. They should form a straight line with the body. Place your left forearm on the floor (elbow exactly under the shoulder joint). Raise your right leg up left hand above oneself. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Rest and repeat, turning to the other side.

When to do: as an additional exercise to the regular bar or its complicated variants.

4. Plank on a fitball

Use the Swiss ball to make it more difficult, resting on it with your elbows, or putting your feet on the ball.

What's the secret: With this multifunctional exercise, you can add some movement to a simple plank exercise while training your sense of balance through work on a balance ball. Basic trick this exercise in order not to be drawn into the shoulders. If you feel like you can't keep your balance on the ball, lean it against a wall for more stability and stability, or practice this exercise on the floor first.

How to do:

BUT. Starting position - on your knees, elbows on the ball. Roll the ball forward until your back is fully extended. Then, keeping your back straight, straighten your knees. Make sure that the ears do not press into the shoulders.

AT. Hold the resulting plank pose for 1-2 seconds, lower your knees, lightly touching the floor before returning to the plank pose again.
Do 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps.

Variant of the Plank exercise on a fitball

Place your feet on the ball so that the support falls on the shins. In this case, the palms should be located on the floor strictly under the shoulders and at their width.

From this position, stretch in one line, without bending in the lower back, and maintain balance for a minute and a half. If you feel like you can do push-ups easily, do it.

Benefits of the Plank exercise

If you haven't been exercising in a while, it may be hard to lift your legs at first. But even if you limit yourself to only the "suspended position", the gluteal muscles will work. Over time, try to raise your legs higher and higher.

This exercise is aimed at . So you will not only give them the desired shape, but also get rid of cellulite.

During the exercise, the lower back muscles are trained, as well as the shoulders and cervical region. So this exercise can serve as a prevention of osteochondrosis in the neck and lower back. In addition, you will get rid of pain in the shoulders and between the shoulder blades, which happens due to carrying heavy bags or constantly sitting at the desk.

The muscles will get stronger, the shape of the shoulders will improve - any open T-shirt will look great.

The main emphasis in the exercise falls on the legs. In this case, everyone is involved. Do not be afraid if you feel a burning sensation in the muscles - this means that the muscles are working.

As a result, you can wear even the tightest skirt.

When the whole body is tense, automatically, both lower and lateral.

To work your abs even better, pull your stomach in a little, and then strain and hold it until the end of the workout. But try not to be out of breath.

It is quite obvious that along with the legs in this exercise - they account for half of the body weight.

At the same time, both biceps and triceps swing at the same time. Result: you have strong, but at the same time thin arms.

At first, during the exercise, your legs will tremble. Don't be scared! Having become stronger, the muscles will become less “shake”.

The plank is a static exercise. When performing it, a person does not make any movements. However, at the same time, under the weight of his own body, a large number of different muscles work for him: abs, back, buttocks, arms and legs.

It is worth noting that this exercise has many advantages:

  • One of the few that allows you to quickly lose weight and completely get rid of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen.
  • It does not require a long time to complete it (maximum 2 minutes per day).
  • Requires a minimum of space to run.
  • Can be performed with any physical fitness.
  • Universal - suitable for both women and men.
  • Thanks to many variations, it allows you to strengthen various muscle groups.
For a modern person with his accelerated rhythm of life, the "bar" has become a real find, allowing you to save time on going to the gym. That is why she is so popular.

However, it is worth paying attention to the contraindications that exist for performing this exercise:

  1. The first six months after childbirth and cesarean section, it is not recommended to perform the bar.
  2. With active diseases of the cardiovascular system and the locomotor apparatus, the “bar” is not done.
  3. The presence of a vertebral hernia or spinal injuries is a ban on standing in the bar.
  4. During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, training is postponed until the state of subcompensation is reached.

What are the benefits of plank exercise?

Women actively strive to lose weight and keep themselves in good shape. To solve many problems with the figure will allow daily standing in the plank. You can see the result in ten days.

Plank exercise for weight loss

Regular exercise "bar" will allow you to lose weight. This effect is achieved due to the acceleration and normalization of metabolic processes in the body. This is what contributes to the burning of excess fat, and as a result - weight loss.

In order for the effect to be as fast and noticeable as possible, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules:

  • The use of fatty, smoked foods, fast food, mayonnaise, ketchup, chips in in large numbers will not let go of extra pounds. Therefore, they must be limited in your diet.
  • Your diet should include cereals, protein foods, including dairy products, lean meats, and fish.
  • Compliance drinking regime. At least a liter of water (excluding tea and coffee) you should drink during the day.
  • Do not forget about fresh fruits and vegetables, which can be consumed especially in summer.
  • Do not severely limit yourself in the sweet. A couple of sweets or a chocolate bar will not spoil the result.

It is important to remember that increased physical activity, combined with a rigid diet, can provoke the development of anorexia and lead you to a hospital bed.

What gives the plank exercise for different muscle groups

"Plank" is considered a universal exercise in which all muscle groups are involved. Its benefits are enormous. Performing this exercise every day, you will not only strengthen your abs, eliminate extra pounds, acquire a slender figure, but also significantly increase the overall tone of the body.

Plank allows you to:

  1. Make the buttocks strong and elastic. This effect is achieved due to muscle tension that occurs during sagging. If you add alternating leg raises to the bar, then you can also eliminate cellulite.
  2. Strengthen the muscles of the back, get rid of osteochondrosis and strengthen the shoulders. In addition, the “bar” eliminates shoulder pain, which often worries office workers who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Strengthen all leg muscle groups.
  4. Strengthen all abdominal muscles. In this case, it is enough to perform only one “bar”, and not a whole set of exercises. For best effect when performing, it is recommended to pull the stomach into yourself and fix it until the end of the approach.
  5. Strengthen the muscles of the arms without the appearance of large biceps. This is especially important for women who do not need inflated arms.
In addition, the "bar" guarantees getting rid of the "orange peel" due to the active impact on the problem areas of the thighs and buttocks. Thanks to the work of deep muscles, which are quite difficult to use with other exercises, excess fat is burned, and intracellular metabolism improves.

You can plank at any time of the day and even after meals. The only point worth paying attention to: in the absence of constant physical activity, before performing this exercise, you need to stretch your muscles a little.

How to do plank exercise

There are several varieties of the plank exercise: classic version, on the side, on the elbows, in a complicated version, with a Swedish ball, V-shaped method, with raising arms (legs). This diversity makes it easy to choose best way for anyone. At the same time, they differ not only in the execution technique, but also in the load exerted on the body.

The correct plank exercise in the classic version

The classic version of this exercise is as follows. From the “lying on the floor” position, you need to rise with outstretched arms. In this case, the spine and the whole body should remain straight and straight. Leaning on the tips of your socks and hands, tighten and fix all the muscles. In this position, you must be for a comfortable time for you. It is recommended to start with 10 seconds and gradually increase them up to 2 minutes.

Highlights of the classic plank:

  • To increase the load on the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to keep the heels together.
  • You should not bend your knees. Thus, you reduce the load on the press.
  • To strengthen the work of all muscles, you need to keep the buttocks in a tense state until the completion of the exercise.
  • It is forbidden to bend the lower back. This leads to an extra load on the vertebrae of the back and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The abdominal area is drawn in as much as possible and remains so until the end of the exercise.
  • Breathing should be even and calm.
  • Pay close attention to the position of your hands. Wrong posture causes unnecessary tension.
The duration of the exercise depends entirely on your physical capabilities. On the initial stage should be held for 10 seconds. With the right posture, even in such a short time, your body will receive a strong load. Gradually, the “standing” time should be increased, bringing it up to 2 minutes.

If you have sufficient physical fitness, then you should give preference to more difficult option planks.

How to do the plank exercise on your side

The side "bar" is one of the varieties of the classic version. To perform it, you need to take a starting position. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, turn on your side and raise your body on an outstretched arm or elbow. In this case, you should keep all muscle groups (gluteal, leg, abdominal muscles) in a tense state.

Your palm should be in line with your shoulder. Legs should be straight and straight. In this version, the body has only two points of support: the lateral line of the foot and the palm of the hand. Don't roll over to the side. Try to keep your body straight, without bending to the sides. Your breathing should be even and calm.

This exercise is harder than the classic plank. It affects the same muscle groups as the first option. However, for a beginner, its implementation is a rather difficult task. Therefore, this option is better to use, having good physical fitness.

The execution time depends on personal abilities. At the initial stage, 10 seconds is enough. Then the "standing" time should be increased.

How to do a plank exercise on a ball

You can diversify the exercise and use the Swedish ball for fitness. You need to lean arms outstretched on the floor and put your feet on the ball. Now tighten all muscle groups, as in the classic version, and fix the position. Pay close attention to the position of your palms. They should be parallel to the shoulders.

You can complicate the exercise and try to push yourself off the floor. If you can't, then just hold the position for as long as you can.

"Plank" on the ball can be done in another way. Bend your elbows and rest them on the ball. Then roll it forward until your body is fully extended. Fix the position and stay in it for as long as you can.

When doing the exercise on the ball, do not forget to strain the muscles of the buttocks, legs and abdomen. Be sure to watch your breath and do not overexert your body. Otherwise, it may end badly. Beginners should start with 10 seconds, gradually increasing the time.

The effect of the plank exercise when done correctly

If you follow the bar according to all the rules, then in a couple of weeks you will notice how your stomach, arms and legs have changed. However, to achieve positive effect possible only if simple recommendations. Otherwise, you can earn more problems than get benefits.

What is the effect of the exercise:

  1. Due to the fact that the exercise is completely static and you will not perform any actions, it is necessary to take the correct position and fix it.
  2. When choosing a place for exercise, it is better to dwell on where there is a soft mat or non-rigid flooring. After all, the skin on the hands is delicate, you should not injure it once again.
  3. During the exercise, your spine should be absolutely straight, and your body should resemble a straight line. The chin should be placed at a right angle to the spine, and the eyes should be lowered to the floor.
  4. The position of the elbows is strictly under the shoulders. This will avoid additional loads on the shoulder girdle. Connect the brushes in front of the eyes so that the hands form a triangle. When doing the exercise, remember that the arms are only a fulcrum, so they should not be in tension.
  5. When doing the exercise, pay attention to the stomach. It needs to be pulled up. The muscles of the press should be in tension, and not dangle freely. Keep them in this position for as long as possible.
  6. Most of the questions are caused by the position of the back when performing the bar. Beginners make the mistake of fixing the spine incorrectly. Because of this, a deflection is observed in the lumbar region, and the vertebrae begin to experience a load that should not be. Experts recommend that you first fix the even position of the spine while standing, and then get into the bar. Virtual pressing of the back against the back of a chair or a wall helps a lot.
  7. To reduce tension in the back during the exercise will allow the tension of the gluteal and leg muscles. By performing this action, you activate deep tissues, which are very difficult to pump. Do not bend your legs, do not drop them on the floor, try to keep the body in one line.
  8. Let's not forget about the feet. In this exercise, they play the role of a fulcrum. If you want to increase the load, put them together. If you want to reduce it, then put your feet shoulder-width apart.
During the plank, do not forget about proper breathing. It should be even and calm. Don't delay him. This can cause an increase in pressure and cause redness of the face.

The results of the plank exercise

The results from the exercise will not keep you waiting. After a couple of days, you will feel that your body has become lighter and more flexible. Of course, at the initial stage, all muscles will hurt, but this pain indicates that they are working and straining.

A more noticeable effect from this exercise can be noted after 10-15 days from the start of classes. The abdomen, buttocks and legs become more toned and strong. Excess fat from the bottom of the abdominal cavity leaves, the manifestations of cellulite on the legs decrease.

There is no exact recommendation on how many times a day you need to stand in the bar. Exercise can be done in the morning immediately after sleep, or you can do it several times a day. The execution schedule is up to you. The only thing is that it is better to perform the exercise at the same time. This trains the muscles and allows you to get the maximum effect.

How to do the plank exercise - look at the video:

Choose for yourself suitable option planks and make your body flexible, slim, beautiful and toned. It will not take much time to complete it, and the result will please you very quickly.

Plank, plank is one of the simplest and most effective isometric (static) exercises that strengthens the body, lower back and shoulders of a man. All you need is your own weight and enough floor space.

The plank is simple but functional, and there are a lot of variations of this exercise: side, on the elbows, palms, with one leg raised and using additional improvised objects, such as a ball or books.

Fat burning and muscle toning based on resistance strength is the main effect of the plank exercise for men. It improves posture and coordination, supports back health and strengthens the body.


The plank strengthens and tones muscles throughout a man's body, including the shoulders, arms, and torso, but the main target is the ABS (rectus abdominis, rectus abdominis), which contracts and tightens heavily during the exercise. In addition, willpower is also trained, since it is quite difficult to stay in this position for a long time and motionless.

What is useful plank exercise for men

  1. Strengthens core muscles

The plank engages major muscle groups, including the transverse, rectus, and oblique muscles, as well as the glutes. Performing this exercise alone will not help you quickly create relief abs, cubes on your stomach or burn fat for an untrained man. But in combination with diet and other types of training, it will contribute to the systematic formation of an athletic body.

  1. Reduces pain and risk of back and spine injuries

In most cases, the plank is safe for minor disc problems or back pain because it does not require flexion or extension of the spine. It engages the back muscles without straining the spine, and also pumps the abdominal muscles, which also support an even posture. Good posture improves back health and curbs the development of degenerative osteoarthritis. When the abdominal muscles are developed and the back is always straight, pain in the neck and shoulders appears much less frequently.

  1. Improves posture

The more developed the back and press, the less man will slouch. The plank helps you stand and sit upright, maintaining your posture. She trains many important muscles, including erector spinae - the muscle that straightens the spine, as well as the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

Good posture is the correct position of the bones, which facilitates breathing and promotes the normal placement of internal organs. A flat back also makes a man visually taller and slimmer.

  1. Increases metabolism

The plank is an easy exercise for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Doing it for a few minutes can boost your metabolism for the whole day and even night.

  1. Increases flexibility

Plank helps expand and stretch back muscles back and legs.

  1. Improves mood

Almost any physical activity improves mood, but the stretching effect of the plank helps to release muscles that become stiff from prolonged sitting. De-stressing relaxes and helps to get rid of stress.


  • Classic plank at the elbows

Lie face down on the floor with your legs extended. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders so that each arm (from shoulder to hand) forms a right angle. Forearms (from elbow to hand) should be pressed to the floor. The hands can be kept together. Lift your hips off the floor, lean on your hands and socks (toes). Feet can be kept shoulder width apart. Feel the tension in the abdominal area, tighten the abdominal muscles. The back should be straight. Do not rise or bend towards the floor. Keep your breathing even and don't lift your head too high. Try to keep your body in this position for at least 20-30 seconds. Do the plank every day two or three times, gradually increasing the duration.

  • On outstretched arms

When doing this, the arms should be fully extended. You can only lean on your palms (do not put them too close to each other) and socks. The body should form a straight straight line, do not raise or bend the hips.

  • Plank on the knees

If you still can’t do a regular plank, you can perform a simplified version of the exercise while kneeling, while your arms can be straightened or bent at the elbows, as described above. Watch a video where a professional trainer shows you how to do a plank for beginners.

When you can hold out in this position for more than two minutes, you can move on to the classic version, and then to more complex options.

  • Plank Superman

This exercise is similar to a yoga pose. Starting position, as with a regular bar on the palms with outstretched arms. Lift your left arm off the floor, straighten it and stretch it forward. Lift the opposite (right) leg at the same time. Straighten and pull it back, holding it above the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds (2-3 seconds is enough to start). Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.

This exercise can be done if you can hold a regular plank for at least 30 seconds. When performing this and similar types of plank, attention may switch to the muscles of the arms or legs. Remember to focus on the press.

When performing the plank, you can also use improvised items: a ball, dumbbells, books. Additional equipment serves as a support for arms or legs instead of the floor and develops coordination. You need to do the bar on the ball carefully and slowly so as not to get injured.


How long should you hold the plank?

The world record for the longest time belongs to a Chinese police officer who managed to hold the bar for 8 hours and 1 minute. The second result was obtained by an American marine who stood in the same position for 7 hours and 40 minutes.

There are no norms or standards, for example, the TRP for the duration of the bar. Instructors always advise starting with a minimum time, increasing it gradually.

Plank: standard for men

The longer a man can hold the plank, the tighter the lower back will be and the better the abs will look. Do the plank several times a day, each time trying to hold the position a little longer.

Plank for men: table for 30 days

All it takes is a few minutes a day, which will be a test of will and physical endurance. To distract yourself, you can listen to music or watch a movie during the exercise. Start implementing the plan from the table when you can confidently hold on to the classic plank for 30 seconds 2-3 times a day, or do the exercise on your knees to start. If you start a 30-day program without preparation, you can get back pain, which often occurs with improper technique.


  1. Can doing the bar somehow harm the body?

Any exercise will have side effects if done incorrectly. Poor technique can lead to pain, injury and.

  1. Plank renders Negative influence on the joints?

When performing the exercise, the intercostal and pectoral muscles, pressing on the joints and cartilage that connects the ribs to the chest. When lifted off the floor, there is also a lot of pressure on the joints of the ribs and shoulders, which can lead to inflammation. If a man has or had problems with ligaments, joints, spine, it is necessary to consult a doctor before doing the plank. Perhaps, in this case, it will be allowed to do gentle exercises.

  1. Breathing problems

During exercise, the muscles are very tense, this can lead to a decrease in oxygen levels. Sometimes for this reason, experts advise performing the plank on all fours (hands and knees) so that oxygen reaches the thin muscle tissues. If a man has asthma, breathing problems, insomnia, panic attacks, problems with the lungs or other internal organs, you should consult a specialist before doing the plank.