Plank exercise: rules and options (photo). Exercise bar for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: the correct execution technique

plank- an exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles, the maximum effectiveness of which is achieved only if it is performed correctly. This article contains all the information that will help you understand the intricacies of this exercise. Subject to the rules and recommendations below positive result provided - a taut stomach and inflated abs. All this can be achieved at home.

The most common rookie mistake gyms is a sharp and excessive load on the press, including classic or side twists. Template exercises in this case are completely unimportant. To bring the muscles on the abdomen into tone, you can work out new and non-standard ways of training. In particular, the bar, the implementation of which allows you to strengthen the muscles of the core, form a strong muscle corsage.

It should be noted that this method of training is not used in cases where the work is on the relief. The reason is that the plank is aimed at strengthening and shaping, and not at pumping up muscles. In this regard, the exercise is most popular among those who seek to increase the level of strength and endurance.

The plank is not an isolating exercise, its main goal is to strengthen the abdominal muscles, all abdominal sections are not pumped.

Exercise contributes to the development of a number of body characteristics, namely:

  • strengthens, develops muscles;
  • improves concentration;
  • perfects the waist.

Learn more about each benefit. The main effect of the exercise is aimed at the formation of rigid corset muscles, especially the abdominal and dorsal ones. If the plank is performed correctly, the neck muscles will also be involved, which will significantly improve posture.

This method allows you to increase the endurance of the shoulder muscles, which is achieved by strengthening them during training. The bar also stimulates the development of the biceps, this is facilitated by the intensive work of the biceps of the shoulder, which occurs when the upper section is held on outstretched arms. In the process of training, the pectoral, lower dorsal, gluteal muscles, abs, and calves are strengthened.

From a psychological point of view, an important benefit is the improvement in concentration, the importance of which cannot be underestimated. Performing the exercise implies focus and concentration on the goal. It is also a good test for character - a body stretched like a string must be held for a long time, which not everyone can do. At the same time, this is a great opportunity to work on yourself and temper your character, not feel sorry for yourself and not give up.

This exercise will be appreciated by those who decide to start the fight against a sagging stomach and a swollen waist. The plank will not only effectively eliminate these problems, but also make the body more perfect with a taut waist and beautiful cubes. However, one should not forget about balanced diet and skip cardio.

Correct exercise

Watching a person doing this exercise gives the impression that it is very easy. In fact, it is quite difficult to support the weight of your body, relying only on your hands, elbows and toes.

The plank technique includes the following steps:

  1. On the floor opposite large mirror Lay a fitness/yoga mat. Then the emphasis is taken lying down.
  2. Rest your toes and hands on the floor and stretch the body.
  3. Stretch your back so that you can mentally draw a straight line from head to toe. Tighten the abdominal muscles, and control the central part of the body. Sagging, protrusion of the priests should not be allowed, otherwise the exercise will not be effective.
  4. In this position, hold the body for at least half a minute, maximum - as long as there is enough strength.

The Seven Basic Types of Planks

Different variations of the exercise can come in handy as the endurance increases, when the standard stance will not cause problems and the feeling of discomfort will disappear.

1 - Elbow stand

Having taken a prone position (belly down), stand on your elbows. Then raise the body in such a way that a straight line is mentally formed. It is important not to allow sagging or protrusion of the priests. Maintain this position maximum amount time, while recording all the results and increasing the duration of each workout (by initial stage the difference can be several seconds).

2 - Side stand

It is performed according to the same principle as on the elbows, only the body turns sideways, and the emphasis is transferred to only one arm. Exercises are performed on each hand in turn. The requirements are standard: a straight line of the body without sagging and protruding parts.

3 - Stand on the leg

Take a starting position and raise your leg. Hold the body in this position for the maximum amount of time.

4 - Stand with outstretched arm

Take the starting position - the usual bar. Raise your arm and straighten it so that it is parallel to your body. Hold in this position for a while, then return to the classic stance and repeat everything, but with the other hand. This counts as one rep.

5 - Rack with transition

Lie on the floor, raise the body, as when performing a classic plank. Then go to the side stance, after 10 seconds turn to the other side. The holding time on each side is the same - 10 seconds. Take the original position. This counts as one rep. That is, the classic stance alternates with the side stance without rest.

6 - Side stand with a turn

Take a position, as when doing a side plank. Emphasis is placed on one hand, the second rises up above the body and straightens so that it is perpendicular to the floor. Lower your hand, touching the floor and raise to the starting position. Do 10 times, then switch to the other side and repeat again.

7 - Rack with fitball

For this exercise you will need a bench. Place your legs on the bench, forearms on the ball. When done correctly, the stance forms a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles. Hold the body in this stance for one minute.

You can move on to the listed bar variations after an increase in endurance is noted when performing the classical technique. It is important to remember that such exercises increase blood pressure, so they are contraindicated for people with health problems.

In cases where the bar is performed for the first time, it is recommended to start with short workouts - no longer than 30 seconds. Increase the time gradually, with each workout for a few seconds. Also, at the initial stage, you can do the exercise on bent knees, and proceed to the classic stance after the holding time of the “simplified” bar exceeds two minutes.

If the bar is performed with the aim of developing the spinal muscles and is prescribed by the therapist as a recovery exercise after injuries, the course includes 10 days of training. The duration of holding the bar should be in the range of 0.5-1.5 minutes. Thanks to such training, the frame muscles are toned.


Finally, we offer you to look at another 100 options for planks:

Hello my dear readers! We continue to analyze ours, there is already a little left, today we are studying the penultimate exercise, which is called the Plank Elbow Stand. The exercise is quite original.

In each of the exercises we studied, there was a striking similarity: the positive phase of the movement was on the exhale, the negative phase was on the inhale. In today's exercise, there are no twists or straightening. The exercise is static, all the time of the exercise we are in one position. Unusual, right? for the rectus abdominis, according to research, it is equivalent to classic twisting on the floor. For the oblique muscle, Planck showed very high efficiency, scoring 2.3 points.

The bar can be used to reinforce your abs workout by doing the exercise after other exercises planned in the workout. Also, the elbow stand can be used as a daily exercise. Just 2 minutes a day will be able to make the press elastic and muscles toned. Of course, hovering above the floor, even if only for a couple of minutes a day, is not an easy task. But the results will begin to appear after two weeks.

This is the second edition of the article about the bar. After the first publication, I began to actively carry out this exercise, and today in the article there will be personally noticed features by me.

Elbowstand Benefits:

  1. Just a few minutes a day is enough to keep the body in good shape;
  2. No contraindications, you can do it even on a full stomach;
  3. Great help;
  4. Very fast results;
  5. All muscles work;
  6. The bar can be done anywhere your heart desires, no equipment is required.

What muscles are working?

The main muscles involved are the abs, buttocks, and core muscles. But in order to use the muscles as efficiently as possible, you need to follow the technique as correctly as possible.

Exercise technique

Out of habit, I almost began to write: "in the starting position ...". Here, in fact, you just need to master the starting position. Since the exercise is static, it is very important to consider the position of the body in detail. I propose to look at the figure below and consider each item carefully:

Body location:

  • Elbow position: So that there is no excessive load on the deltas, the elbows should be placed clearly under the shoulders.
  • Belly: To increase the effectiveness of the "Plank" you need to tighten the press and in this position pull it to the ribs. It is necessary to keep the stomach in tension from the beginning to the end of the time allotted for the exercise, while breathing evenly, no holding your breath.
  • Loin: The main condition is that there is no discomfort. It happens that at a certain position, the lower back pulls and aches (especially when the lower back bends). So this shouldn't be. I noticed by myself that when rounding the lower back and at the same time tensing the abdominal muscles, the abdominal muscles are worked out especially cool! In general, we listen to our own feelings and feel how comfortable we are, and how not.
  • Buttocks: Keep your buttocks tense the entire time you do Plank. A tense butt increases the load on the core muscles.
  • Legs: Straight legs, the muscles of which are tense all the time, will increase the load on the press. If you allow yourself to relax your legs, part of the load will leave the muscle we need.
  • Feet: It is better to press the feet together. The area of ​​support will decrease, balance becomes more difficult to maintain, and, accordingly, the load on the abdominal muscles will increase.

How long to hold Plank?

Of course it all depends on your level of training. Someone holds the Plank for 2 minutes, someone for 10 seconds. For beginners, I advise you to start with a small time. For example, on the first day, stand for 15 seconds, the next 25, and so on incrementally reach your maximum. The main thing is not to stop at any limits. If you managed to do 2 minutes, you do not need to anchor on this figure.

Typical beginner mistakes

The most common plank mistake is arching your lower back. The arched lower back brings us discomfort and possible risk injure the lower back.

In order to avoid these mistakes, you need to pull the lower abdomen, as it were, to the chest, and pull the tailbone, as it were, to the heels. It is important to form an even, parallel to the floor, line from the chest to the knees to the chest. When performing the exercise, you need to feel your press, it is especially important to feel the tightened lower abdomen. To do this, the heels can be pulled back a little.

I try to strain the press as much as possible while doing the Plank. And although I have been actively practicing this exercise for half a year now, at maximum tension, everything beats me. After 3 sets of Plank, the press becomes just stone.

  • The knees are tense all the time, which will not allow you to sag down;
  • You need to hang in the air with the help of tension in the press and stretching the spine, you do not need to shift the weight forward by moving the load on the forearms;
  • The shoulder blades with the "Planck" are pressed to the spine, and do not stick up like wings;
  • The head should not go down, no need to pull the chin to the chest, the gaze is directed just above the horizon line;
  • The socks are brought together, the wider the socks, the more load goes from the press to the knees.

Exercise for the press Planck as a morning exercise

Plank is a wonderful way to wake yourself up in the morning. Crawling out of bed, you can hover above the floor with your eyes closed for 30–90 seconds. It's hard, of course, but awakening is guaranteed. Ideally, you can repeat the procedure after the morning toilet.

Consequences of the elbow stand

A few more words about Planck

When mastering the Plank, it is quite possible that the press and legs will tremble. It's okay: trembling means tense, and tense means working!

Plank Variations

When the classic "Plank" no longer inserts, it has become too boring, you can try different variations of this exercise:

Plank on straight arms

Perhaps from this type of "Planck" it is necessary to master the exercise. This type static exercise for the press minimally strains the lower back and, in fact, is the easiest.

We get into the starting position of push-ups from the floor and fix in this position. After, when it’s already not difficult to hold such a “Plank” for 2 minutes, we move on to the classic bar on the elbows.

Leg Raised Plank

You need to stand in a rack as for a regular "Plank", and then raise one leg and gain a foothold in this position for a certain, maximum possible number time. Then take a break and do a Plank with the same amount of time for the second leg. This version of the exercise will greatly increase the work of the core muscles during execution. The area of ​​support decreases, and the load directly increases proportionally.

Well, the exercise, of course, becomes more difficult to do, not without it. Great solution, for trained people, will stand in the classic "Plank" for two minutes, and then stand for a minute on each leg.

Raised Arm Plank

It is also necessary to stand in the rack as for the usual “Plank” on the elbows, fix the position of the body, and then straighten the arm. Stand on one hand for as long as possible, and after a little rest, do the exercise on the second hand. The raised arm variation is more difficult than the leg variation. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the exercise increases.

Side Plank

Of course, the exercise becomes much more difficult, because instead of four points of contact with the floor, there are only two. The balance is more difficult to maintain, respectively, and the load on the muscles increases.


  • Lying on one (conditionally right) side, you need to substitute your elbow under your shoulder. The other hand rests on the thigh. The legs are strictly straight.
  • Raise the case as shown in the figure. We strain the press and tear off the pelvis from the floor. We raise it to a position until the body takes a flat diagonal line.
  • Balancing on the forearm and the side of the foot, we hold on to the forearm for the maximum amount of time. In a good way, this is 30-60 seconds, but who can get how much.
  • Having done the exercise on one side, you need to rest a little and do the exercise with the same time on the second side.

Lateral Complicated Plank

This variation is for gourmets. This version of the exercise is very difficult, for its implementation it is not enough to be an amateur, you need to professionally play sports. To perform, you must first fix in the side plank, and then stretch your arm and leg up. Hand and foot are as even as possible.

In this position, fix for a while, then roll over to the opposite side and repeat the exercise.

Fitball Plank

The fitball is perfectly able to add weight and at the same time diversify the exercise. It is more difficult to keep balance on the fitball, at the same time as the muscles on the ball, the sense of balance is also trained. To perform the exercise, you must first kneel in front of the fitball, rest your hands on the ball, then straighten your legs and linger in the position right amount time.

Exercise for the press Plank video:


The Plank Elbow Stand is a great shaping exercise. beautiful body. According to the results of the study, this exercise caught up in effectiveness with the classic twists on the press. We already know that it is possible to pump up a beautiful press only thanks to integrated approach. However, doing a daily elbow stand as a workout can improve results and bring each of us closer to the dream of a beautiful and sexy body.

I wish everyone to quickly approach the standards of beauty and sexuality. And of course, success in sports and happiness in your personal life!

As usual with you Vitaly Okhrimenko .

The plank is a classic static fitness exercise that is popular all over the world. It does not require movements, but in the process of its implementation, you can change the position of the legs, arms, training all the muscles of the core - the abdomen, hips, buttocks, back, chest, shoulders. The exercise is suitable for both men and women.

In the process of performing the plank exercise, a person rises above the floor, leaning on his hands and toes. To an uninformed person, it will seem that the pose is simple, and you can stand like this for a long time. In fact, it is not easy to hold even 2 minutes in this position. But the result from regular repetition of the exercise is visible after 2 weeks, but only if the person knows how to do the plank correctly.

This exercise should not be performed by patients with a herniated disc. With caution, it should be done by people with old spinal injuries, joint diseases.

Regular exercise will make the figure slim, beautiful, toned, legs slim, buttocks elastic, remove excess fat from the abdomen and hips. The benefits of exercise are manifested in the prevention of back pain, the occurrence of osteochondrosis.

You can perform the exercise at home, in nature, sports equipment for the bar is not needed. The exercise has several variations, differing in the degree of complexity, the impact on various muscle groups.

Preparing for the exercise

A person who has not previously performed the plank exercise, has not done ab workouts for a long time, or is simply not confident in his own physical form, must undergo training.

  1. You need to get on all fours, lean on your elbows, rest your toes on the floor.
  2. The elbows should be under the shoulders, the neck should be extended forward.
  3. It is necessary to raise one knee, straighten the leg, resting the foot on the toe, raise the second leg.
  4. Then the legs alternately lower to the starting position.
  5. The duration of the exercise is 1 minute. After its full development, they proceed to the classic version of the bar.

classic plank

It is necessary to lie on a hard surface on the stomach, bend your elbows and, exhaling air from the lungs, rise, leaning on your toes. The body should be absolutely even, starting from the legs and ending with the crown of the head. The neck, head, shoulders should form one line, they do not need to be strained. The elbows should be under the shoulders so as not to overload the shoulders. If the elbows move forward, the load will increase.

The press must be strained and not relaxed until the end of the exercise, you need to breathe calmly, freely.

For beginners, it is easier to perform the exercise with legs apart. If the feet are moved together, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport will decrease, the load on the abdominal muscles will increase, the training will become more difficult, but more effective. The legs should be fully straightened, straining the front surface of the thighs so as not to increase the load on the lower back.

We keep the back absolutely straight, it can not be arched, bent. You can imagine the spine tightly pressed against the wall. Buttocks need to be tightened.

In this position, you can feel how the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and the press work. The more time a person is in this position, the stronger the muscles work. Beginners should not try to set endurance records; for the first time, 10 seconds of time spent in the classic plank position is enough. The second time it is worth spending 20 seconds in this position, the third time - half a minute, and so on up to 1 minute. Those who are accustomed to training need to stand in position for 2 minutes. If several approaches are done, then you can do 60 seconds each.

Plank on outstretched arms

It is performed similarly to the classic plank, only the arms are not bent at the elbows, but straightened. The neck needs to be straightened, the shoulders should be relaxed. You need to look forward or at the floor without lifting your head up. To avoid injury to the joints, it is necessary to monitor the position of the hands: they should be located at a right angle relative to the wrists. The arms should not be too wide, so as not to strain the shoulders. The stomach must be pulled in, pressed against the spine, the buttocks must be strained.

side plank

This type of exercise is more difficult than the previous ones. In the process of its implementation, you will have to keep the weight of your body not on four points of support (two arms, two legs), but on two (one arm and one leg). Balance in this position is not easy to maintain. Doubling the load increases the effectiveness of the exercise.

To assume the side plank position, you need to lie on your side, leaning on your elbow, fully straighten your legs, tighten your stomach and begin to raise your pelvis until a straight diagonal line is formed. So you need to hold out for at least 30-45 seconds. How many sets do you need to do? If the first time you fail to stand for half a minute, then you need to perform 2-3 approaches so that their total time is not less than 45 seconds. The exercise must be repeated on the other side.

In this version, the buttocks, hips, deltoid and pectoralis minor muscles are well worked out.

Complicated side plank

You need to lie on your left side, stretch your legs, lean on your elbow, raise your pelvis, and then stretch up right hand and lift up right leg. The elbow should be positioned directly under the shoulder. This position must be maintained for as long as possible. After resting, the exercise is repeated with the left arm and left leg on the right side.

Leg Raised Plank

This type of exercise represents the classic plank. increased difficulty- raising one leg. By reducing the number of support points, the load on the core muscles increases. This option is suitable for people who can calmly hold out in the classic plank position for more than 60 seconds.

Performing the exercise, stand in the pose of a classic plank, leaning on the elbows and toes, raise the right leg up, completely straightening it. The stomach is pulled in, the buttocks are tense. They stay in this position for as long as possible, then lower their leg and raise the other.

Classic one arm plank

This version of the exercise is more difficult than the previous one: it is difficult to maintain balance on one arm.

You need to get into a classic plank position, stretch your right hand forward, stand like that for a while, put your hand back on the floor, and then repeat this with your left hand. We must not forget about muscle tension and a straight line of the body.

Fitball Plank

An ideal option for women is to perform an exercise on a ball designed for fitness. Many girls use it to lose weight. In addition to strengthening the core muscles, you can train the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for balance.

Types of straps on fitball

  1. With an emphasis on the elbows. You need to kneel, lean your elbows on the ball, push the ball forward straightening your back, stretching your body in a line. You need to straighten your knees, and linger like this for a few seconds, then relax your legs, bend them, touch the floor, return to the starting position. It is recommended to perform the exercise in several sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  2. Focused on legs. Feet should be put on the fitball, leaning on the shins. Hands must rest on the floor. You can do the exercise with outstretched arms or bend them at the elbows, as in classic version planks. If the outstretched-arms pose is used, the palms should be placed directly under the shoulders. From this position, you can do push-ups.

The main condition for the effectiveness of the exercise is its correct execution. With an uneven load on the muscles, there will be no point in training. If during the exercise the execution technique begins to break down, then it is worth taking a short break, and then resuming the training with renewed vigor. Consistency in mastering the correct technique of this exercise is the key to a successful result.

Plank is an exercise that was included in home workouts a couple of decades ago. Then they somehow forgot about him: newfangled simulators appeared that helped to “achieve perfect cubes on the stomach”, and freshly developed complexes for training. And more recently, the bar was again remembered. Why all of a sudden? What opportunities a seemingly simple exercise gives and what types of planks are, Woman's Day helped the school coach figure it out perfect body#Sekta Irina Grishchenko.

This is a static exercise, and this fact basically makes those hungry for toned muscles question its effectiveness. What is our psychology? Must be hard. And then you stand for a minute or two in the plank. But you first try to stand correctly this minute.

The exercise includes several muscle groups in the process at once. And by changing the positions of the arms and legs, experimenting with the number of points of support, you will train the press, arms, back, buttocks and more. a large number of different groups muscles. And the best part is, you don't need any exercises for this. special conditions. At home, in a hotel room (suddenly you are on a business trip?) Or, as we are this time, right in the park - wherever there is a flat area for support, you can make a plank.

To perform these exercises, you do not need additional equipment, but at the same time they are very effective for the abdominals and core muscles. If you always do not have enough time for sports, then the bar is a godsend for you. minute exercise instantly warms up the whole body, and if you do the plank every day, you will notice that you not only pumped your muscles, but also became more resilient. I will show you classic and advanced types of planks. The only important thing is to follow the technique. Let you stand in the bar for less time, but properly load the muscles.

Plank with straight arms

Effect: works well on the abdominal muscles.

Technique: the hands are under the shoulders, do not bend the legs at the knees, the back should be straight. Make sure that your head does not fall down, look forward. Tighten the press as much as possible, and twist the pelvis, that is, the butt should not sag or stick out.

Start with 1 minute, increase the time by 30 seconds every two days. So gradually bring the bar up to 3 minutes. If you're tired, don't put your knees on the floor, but go into the downward dog pose - this way you will rest, but keep the effect.

Plank on the elbows (complicated version of the classic plank)

Effect: well works out the abdominal muscles, large chest muscle, deltoid muscle, square muscle of the lower back.

Technique: we still follow the back - it is important that it is straight, the lower back does not sag, the butt does not stick out. If it’s easy for you to stand in the plank on your elbows, then you are doing something wrong! In this position, the muscles that hold your body in a straight position are tensed; not only the stomach is pumped, but also the muscles of the arms, back and front of the thigh.

Side bar with straight arms or on the elbow (complicated version)

Effect: the external abdominal muscle and the internal one are well worked out, the gluteus medius muscle, the broad muscle of the thigh are involved.

Technique: the body is one straight line, the legs are either one on top of the other (it’s more difficult), or one in front of the other (as in the photo). You need to keep the press as tense as possible, upper arm on the lower back or pointing up with an open palm. Make sure that the pelvis does not sag down.

To change sides, don't kneel. Go to the classic plank with straight arms, and then turn around to the other side.

We start with 1 minute on each side. If it is very difficult, rest, but again in the “downward-facing dog” position. Return to the starting position and hold for a minute. You will notice that each time you need less rest, you will become more enduring. Then increase the time.

Side bar with two-point support

If you have mastered the advanced version of the side plank, it's time to move on to new level and leave only two points of support.

Effect: the external abdominal muscle and the internal one are well worked out, the gluteus medius muscle, the broad muscle of the thigh are involved, the external muscles of the thighs are being worked out. Plus, a lot of muscles responsible for stabilization are connected to the work, they help to maintain balance.

Technique: we take the initial position of the side bar and tear off the leg and arm from the ground, keeping them as tense as possible. At the same time, we also make sure that the pelvis does not fall.

We didn't promise it would be easy! But the exercise is most effective and works on almost all muscles.

Plank exercise: video

Plank with a raised leg or arm

This is a more complicated version of the plank by reducing the support points.

Effect: even more pressure on the core: in addition to holding your own weight, you also have to monitor the balance in order to keep one line.

Technique: we take the starting position of the bar and tear off the arm or leg from the ground, while the pelvis remains parallel to the floor. Make sure that neither the shoulders nor the hip joints move out of a straight line.

Elbow Plank with Arm or Leg Raised

Actually, why are there so many types of planks? Because this wonderful exercise is wonderful in that even a slight change in it increases the load at times.

In the last exercise, we reduced the fulcrum. By dropping to the elbow, we will increase the load even more, as it will become EVEN more difficult to keep the body straight.

Effect: the load on the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks increases, the oblique muscles are also involved - the body, in order to stay in upright position, you have to resort to the help of all the muscles existing in that area, the names of which we will not load you with. One thing is for sure - this type of plank is very effective.

Technique: note that you should only switch to this type when you are confidently standing in a regular plank on two hands. Now stand in a classic plank on your elbows, then lift in turn right-left hand and legs. Hang in each position for at least a minute. Make sure that your bar is first of all correct - that is, straight.

Four point plank

In fact, this exercise is an asana from yoga "Chaturanga dandasana".

Effect: the muscles of the arms, abdomen are strengthened, strength develops. There is also an internal massage of the abdominal organs! It also quickly restores blood circulation after a long sitting on a working day.

Technique: stand in a classic plank, and, pressing your elbows to your body, bend them so that your body is parallel to the floor. Make sure that the elbows do not stick out to the sides. Look ahead and don't forget to breathe!

The exercise is quite heavy, so stay in this position as long as possible, gradually increasing the time.

Plank on crossed straight arms

Effect: stabilizer muscles, abs, shoulders and arms work

Technique: starting position - again, the bar on outstretched arms. Next, "step" with one hand to the side so that the arms are crossed. Tighten your abdominal muscles, tuck your tailbone inward - and stand in this position for a minute.

Plank crunches

Effect: the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the muscles of the arms are well warmed up and pumped, increases endurance.

Tighten the stomach and pump the press - the double effect of one stand on the elbows. Step-by-step instruction how to do the plank exercise correctly, recommendations for beginners on how to quickly achieve results.

Plank exercise which muscles work

  • oblique abdominal muscles
  • transversus abdominis
  • rectus abdominis
  • small and medium gluteal muscles
  • adductor muscles
  • muscles rear surface hips
  • infraspinatus
  • coraco-humeral m.

As you can see, the plank exercise involves all the muscles of the core, as well as the muscles of the chest, shoulders and legs.

How to tighten the stomach?

The press cubes are the result of the well-developed rectus musculature of the abdominal region. The basic elements for this group of muscle fibers are twisting and hanging leg raises. However, the predominance of these exercises in training leads to the opposite effect - bulge.

To tighten the press, you will need to simultaneously pump internal muscle fibers, both oblique and transverse. The basic element for this section of the abdominal muscles is the stand on the arms bent at the elbow joints, called the "bar".

What are the advantages and benefits of a plank?

Combining the bar with push-ups or lifting on the crossbar, you can get a full-fledged warm-up complex for strength training. Combining with elements for posture and breathing techniques, they get a home set of exercises that can be performed on a daily basis.

For tightened belly Equally important are the dynamics with weights and the static nature of the elbow stand. Effective study of the internal abdominal muscles is the result of the plank.