Material (senior group) on the topic: Different games for the New Year and in winter. Active winter games at home Game snowdrifts icicles and snowflakes

Advice for Parents on Raising Children

with attention deficit disorder (hyperactivity disorder).

  1. Maintain a positive attitude in your relationship with your child. Praise him whenever he deserves it, highlight his successes. This helps build the child's self-confidence.

  2. Avoid repeating the words "no" and "can't".

  3. Speak calmly, calmly, softly. (Screams excite the child).

  4. Give the child only one task for a certain period of time so that he can complete it. When the child gets tired, it should be switched to another activity.

  5. You should not play with the child near the TV or constantly opening doors - this irritates and distracts the child.

  6. Use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions.

  7. Reward your child for all activities that require concentration (for example, work with blocks, building blocks, board games, coloring, reading).

  8. Maintain a clear daily routine at home. The time for eating, doing homework, and sleeping each day should follow this schedule.

  9. Avoid crowds of people whenever possible. Staying in large stores, markets, etc. has a stimulating effect on the child.

  10. Limit playtime to only one partner. Avoid restless, noisy buddies.

  11. Give your child the opportunity to expend excess energy. Useful daily physical activity in the fresh air - walking, running, sports activities (gymnastics, swimming, tennis, but not wrestling or boxing, because these sports are traumatic).

  12. If the child is wrong about something, you should not lecture them, because. a long speech will not be fully heard and understood. It is better to establish rules of conduct and a system of rewards and punishments in advance. Requirements for the child must be specific, clear and feasible.

  13. Remember that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, although inevitable, can be kept under reasonable control with the help of these measures.

MBDOU No. 1 "Sun"

Second junior group

^ Teacher-psychologist N.A. Kolpakova

Mobile game "CAROUSEL"

Delhi stand in a circle and perform movements to the poem :

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin.

(Children begin to move slowly)

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run

(Speech and movement speed up)

Let's run, let's run

Let's run, let's run

Hush, hush, don't rush

(tempo slows down)

Carousel os-ta-but-vi-te.

(everyone stopped)

One-two, one-two

Here the game is over.

(Bow to each other)

Game "BUNNY"
A gray bunny sits and moves its ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws.

It’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this, the bunny needs to jump.

The wolf scared the bunny, the gray bunny rode off!
The music plays loudly, we will run, jump deftly.

How are we going to jump? Like this!

And as soon as it stops, Bunny sits down and sits.

Everyone sat down? Well done

The psychologist invites the children to go to someone's house on the train of friendship. The psychologist invites everyone to take their place, emphasizing some of the distinguishing features of children, for example:

- The girl who came in a green blouse will go to the first trailer. Etc.

The movement of the train can be accompanied by the following song:
The train rushes and rumbles

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock

The machinist is busy with might and main -

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo...

The train rushes down the mountain -

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

For children, the second carriage

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo.

The train rushes along the fields -

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

Hey, flowers with water fields -

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo.

Would you like to blow bubbles together?

Hold hands, stand in a circle, let's make it small, small. Now we say the words and “inflate the bubble” - we diverge from the center of the circle, making it big.
Blow up, bubble

Blow up big.

Stay like this and don't fall! (children move in a circle)

Our bubble - flew, flew

And hit a branch!

(all children move back into the tight little circle)

You can repeat several times

Don't be rude to anyone

Call everyone by name.

We choose the driving child. He stands in the center of the circle. Everyone else is around him. Then everyone goes in a circle, saying:

We played, we played

And now they are in a circle.

"Child's name", close your eyes,

Who called you - find out!

If the child found out who called him, then they change places, and if he didn’t find out, then the game is repeated again ....


We will learn to listen

When someone speaks.

You will only speak

When your friend is silent.

Listen to an adult very carefully,

And everything will work out just fine for you.
What does it mean? You need to listen carefully to the teacher, do not interrupt, then you will do everything right. When another person speaks, it is rude to interrupt him, you have to wait until he finishes talking, and then say it yourself.

^ And our guys are very well-mannered and know the Magic polite words. Guys, let's remember them. (We remember and call.) Well done!
Guys, I will give you various tasks, and you will have to complete them, but only if I say "please."

If I don't say that magic word, you will stand still.

Raise your right hand, please, etc.

Sit down.

Get up.



Spin around.

Clap your hands.

Raise your left hand.

Stand on one leg.

Spread your arms out to the sides.
The game "If you like it, then do it" (on the carpet)

The psychologist shows the children two drawings:

cheerful Kolobok and sad Winnie the Pooh.

If I show you a cheerful Kolobok,

you will run, jump and smile like this Gingerbread man.

And if I show you Winnie the Pooh, you will waddle,

like a bear, you will have a sad face.

Well you know the colors, you can probably play

to my favorite game "Traffic Light".

When I raise the red circle, you can run around my village, when it is yellow, you must walk,

and when green, you have to stop.

The game is repeated several times.

In front of the children, geometric rugs are laid out on the carpet - houses,

one set of the same geometric figures at the psychologist.

To the music you run across the carpet when the music stops

I will show you the figure.

You must find the same rug-house and hide in it.

I show a color card

you must find an object of the same color in the room and touch it.

Game "SNOW"

Movements are performed to the music referred to in the poem.

We dance with snowballs.

Look at us all.

This is how we stomp our feet! (stomp)

One-two, one-two, one-two!

Now let's put snowballs

We are here under the Christmas tree (put in a circle)

And now in the palms you can

We can easily clap. (clap hands, squat).

Don't forget to take the snowball.

Now we can dance

Dance and stand in a circle children are dancing)

Everyone will choose which vegetable he will be

(you can take the selected vegetable in your hand).

At my command, vegetables jump into the pan (hoop) those

which I will name and "boil".

^ The game "Snowflakes, snowdrifts, icicles"
If I say "snowflakes", everyone will spin around,

"icicles" - raised their hands up, joined their palms and stood on their toes, "snowdrifts" - sat down.

I can confuse something, but you should not be confused.

Conversation with children, what toys do boys like to play most of all. (Children's answers: cars, airplanes, boats.)

Correctly! This is all what? (Transport).

Naturally, every vehicle moves differently.

Let's remember how the plane flies (spread hands to the sides)

how does the car drive (as if they took the steering wheel),

how does the train go (stand in a column and follow each other)

how does the tank move (crawling on the floor)

how is the ship going (as if we are floating).

Wonderful. Now I will take turns showing pictures with this transport, and you will depict how it moves.

Be very careful, follow the pictures!

Here comes the cockerel.

Proudly raised the comb.

red beard,

Important walk.
(Children walk, raising their legs high, with their toes pulled down.

The body is held straight, the head is slightly raised.

The arms are extended and slightly laid back.

Children actively "flap their wings" - raise and lower their hands.)

Here are the funny guys

Pink piglets.

They have a snout nose,

The tails stick out in a crochet.
(Children stand still, arms bent at the elbows; with light half-squats, they make quick turns with their hips to the right and left.)

The cat is very good

Walks softly, slowly

Sit, wash

Wipes off with a paw.
(Children walk with a soft springy step, imitate the movement of a washing cat.)

Game "ZAMRI"
While the music is playing, you move around the room, as soon as the music stops, you freeze in the position in which the pause caught you.

^ MBDOU No. 1 "Sun"

Senior group

Teacher-psychologist N.V. Dolgova

"Flower-seven-flower". The program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers 4-5 years old / edited by N.Yu.Kurazheva. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2010
^ The mobile game "The Train of Names, or To the Land of Friendship"
We'll ride on the train of names.

I will be the first carriage, and my carriage is called Petrushka.

Along the path, I will attach wagons with your names to me.

We got ready, my trailer went (music turns on). I got to the first stop. What song will the first trailer sing? (Child's name). Let's go with me? Let's go! We got to the next wagon. Stopped. What song will the second trailer sing? (Child's name). Stand up for (first child's name). Go? Go. We arrived at the third trailer.

^ Mobile game "Dragon bites its tail"

The players stand one behind the other, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing.

The first child is the head of the dragon, the last is the tip of the tail. While the music is playing, the first player tries to grab the last one - the dragon catches its tail.

The rest of the children hold tightly to each other.

If the dragon doesn't catch its tail,

then another person is assigned to the role of the dragon's head.

^ Mobile game "Yes or not?"

The players stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader is in the center.

An adult explains the task:

if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout “Yes!”

if they do not agree, they lower their hands and shout “No!”

Are there fireflies in the field?

Are there fish in the sea?

Does a calf have wings?

Does the pig have a key?

Is there a crest: near the mountain?

Does the burrow have doors?

Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key?

Does the verse have a rhyme?

Does it have any errors?

^ Mobile game "Lumberjack"

And here is the Woodcutter! But what about him? He can't move, he's all rusty. Show how immovable he is.

I'll lubricate him with engine oil and he'll be able to move.

First the neck moved, then the arms, torso, legs

(children during the story show how the Woodcutter began to move).

And now the Woodcutter can already move freely.

He even sang his own song. Sing along with him.

And I was born of iron

I could be helpful

But just not enough

Heart kindness. (2 times)

Children, let's give him a piece of our heart?

Say: "Take, Woodcutter, a piece of our heart warmth."

(Children make the appropriate gesture.)

What glorious children! Now the Woodcutter has a heart and can feel.

^ Mobile game "Salki"

Since we are so brave, let's play tag with the evil Gingem.

I'll be Gingema, who will catch up with the fearless guys,

Whom I zasal, he goes to my domain (sits down on a chair).

The game is repeated several times, any of the children can be the leader.

^ The mobile game "Locomotive of Friendship"

Children are invited to visit any hero on the train of friendship and draw their attention to the distinctive external signs of children.

Each child is invited to take their place,

for example: "The boy who came in yellow trousers,

will go to the first trailer, etc.

^ The movement of the train can be accompanied by the following song:

The train rushes and rumbles -

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock

The machinist is busy with might and main -

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo.

The train rushes down the mountain -

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

For children, the second car -

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo.

The train rushes along the fields -

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

Hey, flowers with water fields -

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo.

^ Mobile game "Icicles, snowdrifts, snowflakes"

An adult invites children to play a game for attention.

When the word "icicles" is heard, the children should imitate the melting of icicles

(hit the left palm with the index finger of the right hand);

when the word "snowdrifts" sounds -

children spread their arms to the sides, depicting a large snowdrift;

when the word "snowflakes" sounds - children are spinning, imitating the dance of snowflakes.

^ Mobile game "I will freeze"

Children stand in a circle, stretch their arms forward.

An adult tries to touch them - "freeze",

children should quickly hide their hands behind their backs.

The same is done with the legs, noses, ears.

^ The nose and ears must be covered with the hand.

Mobile game "Edible - inedible"

And now we will play and see how attentive you are.

On the floor in a circle will be pictures with edible and inedible.

First, look with your eyes at what is edible and what is not.

While the music plays, we walk in circles (do not step on the pictures).

The music ends, and you must take something to eat.

Someone may not have enough pictures.

He exits the game and turns on the music.

(The first 2 times the pictures should be enough for everyone.)

^ Mobile game "Day and night"

Let's see how attentive you are, whether you know how to distinguish day from night.

Let's play a game of day and night.

When the cat says "Day" - we get up, when "Night" - we sit down.

^ Mobile game "Right or wrong"

Adult: I'll call the actions. If a cultured person can do this, you clap your hands; if you can’t, you stomp.


  • Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely!

  • You can invite guests only when your house is in order.

  • You can come to visit uncombed and unwashed.

  • You can feed the dog.

  • Guests are invited in advance.

  • Be sure to introduce your guests.

  • You can invite two enemies and see what happens.

  • Do not touch other people's things without permission.

  • At a meeting, you don’t have to say hello, because we said “hello” on the phone.

  • You can talk to guests in the hallway without inviting them to come through.

  • We need to see guests off.


And now let's play winks.

Turns out you can communicate with your eyes!

The driver sits on a chair in front of everyone.

His task is to wink at one of the seated players.

The one who winked should quickly run across to an empty chair. The task of those standing nearby is to detain their partner.

During the game, standing partners must keep their hands behind their backs.
"Forbidden Movement"

Cheerful rhythmic music sounds. Now let's play silently! We stand in a semicircle. Be careful: I will show the movements, and you repeat them. One move is forbidden. It cannot be repeated! (Movement is prearranged.)

^ Mobile game "Scouts"

Performed with musical accompaniment.

And now we will play scouts. To turn into them, you need to climb through the hoop. To each I give a geometric figure. We will walk in circles around the room while the music is playing and look for something that looks like this figure.

When the music ends, we'll show you what we've found.

All this must be done silently, because scouts do everything how? (Quietly, without speaking.)

After the children have found the items, they are given a card with a certain color. You need to find an object of the same color.
^ Mobile game "Hare family"

And now we'll play a little.

Imagine that you have turned into little bunnies.

Images of members of the hare family are attached to the chairs,

children have cards with the same images.

On a signal, the children take their places at the appropriate chair.

^ The game is repeated.
Mobile game "I am a snake ..."

Children stand in a circle, the leader is chosen - the head.

The "head" is looking for its "tail" with the words:

"I am a snake, a snake, a snake, will you be my tail?"

^ With these words, an adult addresses one of the children, he should crawl between his legs and stand behind him, clasping his waist. When the snake has fully assembled its “tail”, the “head” starts chasing it to catch it.

^ Children should hold each other tightly by the waist.

Mobile game "If you like"

Children stand in a circle and begin to move in a circle with the words:

"If you like it, then do it"

The leader shows any movement,

which the other members of the group perform together.

^ Mobile game "Don't listen to your name"

In order to return from Name Square, you need to complete the task: do not listen to your name.

The adult calls the names of the children one by one.

The child whose name was called must quickly perform a prearranged movement,

for example, clap your hands, jump, stomp, etc.

Mobile game "Newspaper"

While the music is playing, we move along the carpet.

As soon as the music stops, everyone should stand on the newspaper.

Then again we move to the music, and the newspaper is already folded in half. The music stopped, they stood on the folded newspaper.

Your goal is to fit everyone on a newspaper,

which is getting smaller and smaller.

^ Mobile game "Lesson - change"

Let's get in a circle.

If the word "lesson" sounds - you squat down,

If "change" - you run.
Advice for parents:

"Features of the development of children from two to seven years"

How to teach your child to clean up after themselves toys

How to teach your child to clean up after themselves toys

^ How to teach a 5-year-old child to clean up after themselves toys?

As soon as evening comes, and the games are over, tears and whims immediately begin. "Tired!" is the main motive. Although I played before - I didn’t get tired! Are there any ways that help organize this process painlessly for parents and children?
There are no number of parental tricks in the fight against children's reluctance to put toys in their rightful place after many hours of play. What causes this behavior in a child? Where is the line between a neat kid and the ruler of "toy chaos"?
It should be noted that parents themselves are not always ready to clean up certain items on time: dirty dishes in the sink left until the morning, dad's newspapers or socks on the floor, marking the places of his stay in the house, older brother's textbooks lying interspersed on the desk with a bag of chips and computer disks. All this allows the youngest of the family members to act in full accordance with the established family tradition. And if this problem is typical for adult households, then it is quite advisable for them to start solving the problem with themselves.
Much depends on the meaning of the game your child plays. If this is a “continuation” game (multi-day building of houses or castles, assembling a complex constructor, etc.), then forcing a child to remove something (and in his concept, “destroy”) seems to be a rather inappropriate requirement. And since the kids, knowing the world, are constantly striving for new experiences, they no longer want to experience the old ones. After all, tomorrow everything will have to start from the very beginning ...
Independent games have considerable weight in the upbringing of a child, since it is in them that the character of the baby, his intelligence and will are manifested. And here it is very important to unobtrusively direct the children's game in the right direction, when the day is already running out. Agree, it is very difficult at one moment, at the direction of adults, to hoist a huge number of toys into place. The main thing here is that the game does not end suddenly, but 15-20 minutes before its completion, smoothly flows into a kind of "cleaning" game. If the process of putting away toys is turned into an exciting adventure, then the chances of maintaining order increase dramatically.
It is very important if parents teach the baby to put away toys from a very early age, gradually reducing their participation in this process. Having got used to such completion of games, the child will clean up after itself toys independently.
It is important not to miss the moment when the child is in a good mood and is happy to tidy up the place of his constant games. Praise and admiration for his work is a guarantee that next time the baby will put toys in their places with even greater zeal.
It is great if the process of cleaning the room will be accompanied by some kind of cheerful melody lasting several minutes. The end of its sound should correspond to the end of the cleaning.
Try to be consistent when making demands on the baby: if yesterday he put the cubes in a box, then today, having played with them, he must do the same.
Children do not take general instructions well (“clean up the room”, “clean up here”, etc.), so your requests should be specific (“put the toys in the drawer”, “put the books in the closet”, “put the dolls on the shelf ").
If the child is tired or whimpering, be sure to offer him your help. Your support in difficult times will surely awaken a new burst of energy in the little man to complete the work he has begun.
A game from the category "One, two, three - take the toy away!" (who is faster or just all together) will easily help eliminate toy chaos. The main thing here is to develop the habit of cleaning up after yourself.
Older children tend to animate their toys. They share their joys and sorrows with them, they talk. Using this, we can teach the baby to love and care for his toy "friends". And this means that the toys should have a place where they return after the game - a cabinet shelf, a drawer or a basket.
Psychologists advise to periodically hide and change toys, reducing their visible presence in the children's room. By doing this, you will support the child's interest in the toys already available, preventing him from being too scattered in the choice of games.
Remember also that obedience in the matter of cleaning toys is not an end in itself. More important is to instill the child's readiness to cooperate with parents and fulfill their requests and instructions, trust elders. Good luck!
Psychophysiological features of children 2-4 years old.

There are 3 most important childhood crises: 2 to 4 years old, 7 to 9 years old and 13 to 15 years old.

During these periods, significant changes occur in the body.

Consider age from 2 to 4 years. The child quickly increases in height from 2 to 3 years, and from 3 to 5 years, growth slows down a little, the skin thickens, becomes more elastic, the number of blood vessels in it decreases, it becomes more resistant to mechanical stress. The mass of the heart increases, the body is ready for more complex physical exertion. The mass of the brain increases, 3 times compared with the mass at birth, which ensures intellectual development. All these changes affect the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, the child feels unusual sensations in the body: increased fatigue, irritability, mood swings. Children are more vulnerable and prone to disease. + to everything, the child develops a sense of his own “I”, “I myself”, “I want”, “I don’t want”, etc. This age is called a crisis of 3 years. (For some children, this behavior does not last long and fades away immediately after 3 years and by the age of 4 they become more obedient.


A child of 2-3 years old is very emotional, but his emotions are fickle, the baby is easily distracted and switched from one emotional state to another. This is facilitated by rhythmic swaying, tossing, stroking, etc. Such games abound in the folk tradition of nurturing children.

Learning at this age takes place both on one's own practical experience and on the basis of imitation of a pleasant adult. At the same time, the child imitates everything that an adult does, both good and bad; both right and wrong.

A peer is not yet of particular interest to the baby and is considered by him as another subject. Children play side by side, but not together. For each other, they often become sources of negative emotions. Namely, an adult is interesting as a source of ways of activity, a partner in play and creativity.

At this age, children are very susceptible to the emotional state of others. They are very susceptible to the so-called "contagion effect": if one happily starts galloping around the group, then at least three more "horses" will gallop next to him.

The main features of a child of 2-3 years old are openness, honesty and sincerity. He simply does not know how to hide his likes or dislikes for anyone or anything. The child's feelings are unstable and contradictory, and the mood is subject to frequent changes.

^ MENTAL PROCESSES (Perception, memory and attention are involuntary).

1. The child can learn and remember only what he liked or remembered in itself. But, nevertheless, what is remembered, remains for a long time.

2. The child is not able to keep his attention on any subject for a long time, and he quickly switches from one activity to another.

A baby aged 2-3 years is able to distinguish between:

4 shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); 4 primary colors - red, yellow, blue, green.

3. Children are inherent in visual-effective thinking. Action with items

(collection of nesting dolls, pyramids, boxes of shapes, puzzles, etc.)


The kid begins to clearly realize who he is and what he is. The inner world of the child begins to be filled with contradictions: he strives for independence, and at the same time he cannot cope with the task without the help of an adult, he loves his relatives, they are very significant to him, but he cannot help being angry with them because of limited freedom.

The activity and tirelessness of babies at this age are manifested in constant readiness for activity. The child already knows how to be proud of the success of his actions, to critically evaluate the results of his work. The ability to set goals is formed: he can more clearly present the result, compare with the model, highlight the differences.

Emotionally, the same trends persist as in the previous stage. Characterized by severe mood swings. Emotional state continues to depend on physical comfort. Relationships with peers and adults begin to affect mood.

At 3-4 years old, children begin to learn the rules of relationships in a peer group, and then indirectly control be treated by adults.


1. On the basis of visual-effective thinking, visual-figurative thinking begins to form by the age of 4. In other words, there is a gradual detachment of the child's actions from a specific object, the transfer of the situation to "as if".

2. The recreative imagination prevails, i.e. the child is only able to recreate images drawn from fairy tales and stories of adults. Of great importance in the development of the imagination is the experience and knowledge of the child, his horizons. Children of this age are characterized by a mixture of elements from various sources, real and fabulous. The fantastic images that arise in him are emotionally saturated and real for him.

3. Memory is involuntary, recognition prevails, not memorization. It is well remembered that what was connected with his activities was interesting and emotionally colored.

4. The child is not yet able to keep his attention on one object for a long time, he quickly switches from one activity to another. Distinguishes and names 5 shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval and triangle). 8 colors - red, yellow, blue, green, white, black, purple, orange).

5. A child of primary preschool age cannot navigate in space and time. Time is fluid, it does not have a visual form and therefore actions cannot be performed with it, any actions occur in time, and not over time.


The involuntariness of mental processes persists in children even at the age of 5 years.

The crisis of 3 years was left behind, the children became more emotionally stable. Less capricious. They begin to show interest in their peers as partners in the game. Peer opinion is of particular importance. Therefore, it is desirable to organize forms of interaction between children that involve cooperation rather than competition. A negative assessment, if it is inevitable, can only be heard in a situation of individual communication, when no one except the child himself hears it.

The wider use of speech as a means of communication stimulates the expansion of the child's horizons, the discovery of new facets of the world around them. Now the child begins to be interested not just in any phenomenon in itself, but in the causes and consequences of its occurrence. Therefore, the main question for the child becomes “why?”. The child develops, becomes more resilient to physical stress. This stimulates the development of psychological endurance. Fatigue decreases, the background of the mood evens out, it becomes more stable, less prone to fluctuations.

At this age, the peer becomes more significant and interesting. The child strives for partnership in games; he is no longer interested in playing “nearby”. Gender preferences begin to take shape. Game associations become more stable.

It should be noted that at the age of 4-5 years, the shortcomings of raising a child begin to gradually take root and turn into stable negative character traits.


There is a further development of the cognitive sphere. Thinking is visual. The dependence of attention and memory on emotional richness remains. But stability and long-term concentration on one object begins to develop. Fantasia continues to develop actively. It is necessary to discuss with the child his fantasies, to be included in them, to give moral assessments to the actions of the characters.

^ This is important to know. PSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL

development of children from 5 to 8 years

At this age, the growth of children increases (the child grows up to 6-7 cm per year). Experts call this age the period of the first physiological traction. Weight gain is also significant - about 2 kg per year. By the age of 6, a child, according to doctors, should, with normal development, double its weight at the age of one. At 6-7 years old, the surface of the skin in terms of 1 kg of weight in a child is larger than in adults, so they can easily overheat and overcool.

By the age of 5, the spine corresponds to its shape in an adult, but the ossification of the skeleton is not completed, there is still a lot of cartilaginous tissue in it. Children during this period are very mobile, their muscular system is rapidly developing, hence the significant load on the skeleton. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the posture of the child, his movements and games. While drawing, sculpting, reading a book, the distance to the eyes should be 30-35 cm. If necessary, place a bench under the child’s feet or purchase a chair that can be raised or lowered.

The bed should not be too soft, but, on the contrary, hard and even. Physical activity is necessary, but according to age.

In the same age period, the formation of the respiratory organs ends. The ribs gradually assume the same position as in adults, the respiratory muscles and lung tissue develop. Breathing becomes more and more deep, even and rare - by the age of 7, the respiratory rate reaches only 23-25 ​​per minute. After 7 years, children are much less likely than before, and especially in comparison with infancy, there are respiratory diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia and respiratory diseases.

At the age of 5-8 years, the capabilities of the digestive organs increase. It is necessary to expand the child's diet in a timely manner, give him new foods. This need comes from meeting the needs of a growing organism and to improve the efficiency of the digestive system, its resistance to changing products.

This age is characterized by the development of the central nervous system. By the age of 7, the mass of the brain reaches 1250-1300 g, approaching the mass of the brain of an adult. By the age of 6-7, the child acquires qualities that allow him to start studying at school: the development of speech, memory, the ability to sufficiently long attention, the ability not to be distracted by random influences, but to perceive a specific object in a directed way.

Hygiene should take an important place at this age. The child must wash his hands independently and without reminders before eating, after the street and the toilet. You should teach your child to brush their teeth 2 times a day. Bathe at the age of 5-7 years should be at least once a week, and wash the feet of all children and girls - every day. Remember that the hygiene skills laid down at this age will serve him well in the future.


A preschooler is able to distinguish the whole range of human emotions, he develops stable feelings and relationships. Formed "higher feelings": intellectual, moral, aesthetic.

Intellectual feelings include:



Sense of humor;


For aesthetic:

Sense of beauty;

Feeling heroic;

For morals:

- a sense of pride;

Feeling of shame;

Feeling of friendship.

The activation of the imagination contributes to the overall mental development. Imagination is the highest mental function that underlies the success of all types of creative activity of a person, including an adult. Adults should value in a preschooler not the ability to do, according to instructions or according to the model, what an adult suggests, but to come up with their own plans. Form ideas and realize individual imagination in all activities.

Mathematics requires translating abstract concepts into visual images, visualizing them. The development of this ability is promoted, in particular, by acquaintance with non-objective, abstract art, the object of attention of which is the line, shape, color in themselves. Music lessons, including listening to music, activate abstract thinking and imagination.

A feature of children of this age is interest and craving for beautiful, aesthetically valuable. The aesthetics of the visual materials used, their composition in the classroom, largely determine the degree of interest of the children in the subject itself.

It is necessary to instill in children a taste for reflection and reasoning, the search for solutions, to teach them to experience pleasure from the applied intellectual efforts and the intellectual result obtained in the form of a problem. It is important that the guys were successful.



The child knows all the colors and their shades, as well as shapes - a triangle, a circle, an oval, a square and a rectangle, a rhombus.

Shape - the ability to find familiar shapes in surrounding objects, as well as on oneself (for example, a head is round, a skirt is triangular, etc.), to highlight and designate the shape of real objects with a word: a ball is a ball, a picture is rectangular.

Size - compare objects by length, height, width; deeper, shallower, identical, lighter, heavier.


involuntary, so the child focuses only on pronounced examples, the attention span is 20-25 minutes.


Visual - remembers after showing 7-8 images (pictures), auditory - 6-7 words after a single naming.


Visual-effective - already formed (practical actions with objects (for example, drawing up a pyramid, nesting dolls, collecting cut pictures from 7 parts, etc.), from 5-6 years old the child begins to (think) operate with images, thus at this age visual-figurative thinking predominates (storytelling from a picture, recognizing seasons in pictures, understanding comic pictures, etc.) Children perceive information more easily if it concerns someone living.There is an interest in arithmetic and reading.Based on the ability to imagine what - or, the child can already remember something purposefully.At this age, like in no other, children listen to fairy tales with pleasure.

And also elements of verbal-logical thinking begin to form (verbal generalization of objects, classification of objects, finding inferences, etc.)


Five-year-old children no longer only indicate directions - forward, backward, up and down, right - left, but also move in this direction. In addition, they determine the position of one or another object, for example: "Ahead of me is the ball, behind me is the locomotive, Zhenya is to my right."


Alternation of parts of the day, season, months, days of the week.


As mentioned earlier, at 5-6 years old, the child grows rapidly and gains weight. The muscles of the trunk and spine develop especially intensively. But the final formation of the organism is still very far away: the central nervous system, on which behavior and mental activity depend, has not been formed, and the child's high fatigue remains characteristic. The arrival of a child in school significantly changes the social side of his development. The child will have to communicate not only with a large group of peers, but also with adults, obey their requirements, and most importantly, he will need to become a member of a team that has its own goals and functions that are different from the kindergarten team.


1. Good health of the baby plays an important role. The state of health of the child at the beginning of training is that reserve, that reserve of strength, which largely determines the success of both the first year of study and the entire school marathon.

2. Numerous studies have shown that younger students
love to study. At this age, the foundation of moral behavior is laid, the assimilation of moral norms and rules takes place. However, the illiterate behavior of parents and teachers leads to a decrease in diligence and responsibility. After all, every child by the time he enters school is at his own level of moral development. Therefore, some children begin to follow the established rules of behavior only in order to avoid punishment from adults. A higher level of moral development is characterized by the fact that a first-grader is guided by human principles and norms in order to maintain dignity and not be tormented by remorse.

3. The behavior of a child largely depends on his temperament. One
speaks quickly, the other - slowly; one is easily included in the work, the other acts uncertainly; one stubbornly and persistently solves a difficult problem, the other quits, and then continues to solve it again. It is almost impossible to change the temperament, since it depends on the properties of the nervous system, and you should not try to do this!

4. At 6-7 years old, children already have communicative abilities, that is, abilities that help to communicate. This also includes the desire to make contact with surrounding adults and children, the ability to organize communication and listen to the interlocutor, as well as knowledge of the norms and rules of communication.
At this age, the baby is distinguished by spontaneity, emotionality, curiosity, gullibility, responsiveness. Thus, the basis of readiness for schooling is both the physical and mental development of the child, without which he will not be able to successfully study at school.


Often, one of the main motives is the external paraphernalia of learning - for example, the desire to have a beautiful uniform, a briefcase, a place to study, go to school, as adults go to work. At the same time, in a modern child, the level of personal readiness for school may decrease somewhat due to other children's stories about difficulties at school, the experience of older brothers and sisters. An important time for the formation of motivation is the first 2-3 weeks of schooling, after which a critical moment comes. If by this time the child has not begun to motivate learning as; “I don't go to school because I have a nice bag and I'm proud to carry it. And I go to school to study, to be literate, etc., then he gets disappointed, his interest in learning decreases. As favorable features of motivation, one can single out a general positive attitude towards school, a breadth of interests, faith in the authority of the teacher, curiosity, spontaneity, and openness.
^ The child needs the most

in your love just then

when he least deserves it.

Erma Bombek.


What is an educational psychologist?

This is a specialist who can take a professional look at your problem and help you find a solution. This is the guide that carries the lantern until you step into the light.

Psychologist and psychiatrist- not the same thing.

Psychiatrist is a specialist with a medical education in the field of diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders (diseases). Treatment methods are drug therapy. A psychiatrist works with mentally ill people who have serious mental disorders.

Psychologist- A specialist in psychology. The psychologist is not a doctor, so he does not prescribe medications. A psychologist works with mentally healthy people who want help with their problems, such as divorce, loss, communication difficulties, decision-making difficulties, etc.

Psychotherapist- a specialist, doctor or psychologist who provides assistance most often by non-pharmacological methods. A psychotherapist is a specialist who has received a special psychological education (at least 3 years of study) in one of the areas of psychotherapy. Psychotherapists work both with mentally healthy people and with people in "borderlines", that is, in states on the verge of health and illness (neurosis, depression ...) The psychotherapist uses certain psychotechnics to help the client solve his problem.

A psychologist does not solve their problems for people.

The task of a psychologist- to create such conditions under which the client himself is able to understand his problem. He will help you reformulate your request so that you see the reason - what affects you. You will be able to change your attitude to the problem by changing yourself.

The psychologist does not see people through.

A psychologist is able, in a certain sense, to predict the possible actions of a person in a given situation. This requires more or less purposeful efforts: determining the characteristics of a person’s temperament and character, analyzing the situation in which this person is, etc.

A psychologist is not a teacher, not a mentor.

He doesn't know the right way. Each client has their own correctness. The goal is to find the best solution together with the customer. For example, one person is looking for water. And the second one has a vine. They team up and find water.

The psychologist is not a friend.

Psychologists do not work with their family members and friends because this seriously impairs the efficiency of the process.

A psychologist does not have superpowers, not a magician.

Many people believe that a psychologist is a clairvoyant or psychic. Such superpowers as clairvoyance, the opening of the third eye, the control of the energy of the cosmos are not scientific and are not taught in psychological universities. Superpowers are studied by the science of parapsychology. The prefix "para" means "around". This is an area of ​​near-psychological knowledge. The superpowers of a psychologist are nothing more than knowledge and skills acquired during training and verified by many years of experience.

If you have come with an “old” problem, you should not expect it to be resolved after one consultation.

A psychologist cannot solve all problems.

The psychologist does not solve the problem; in the course of psychotherapy, he creates conditions for the person to understand the reasons for the situation and choose the right solution for himself.

Services of a psychologist - for absolutely normal people!

Seeking help from a psychologist is neither an indicator of weakness nor a sign of mental illness. As already noted, psychologists work with healthy people. However, from time to time, all people need support and help from the outside. In our culture, the tradition of turning to psychologists has not yet taken root. Instead, it is customary to come to friends for help or to flood problems with alcohol. You can often hear "What am I crazy, or something, to go to psychologists?" The choice is always up to the individual. And a real psychologist does not impose his services. The initiative should always come from the person seeking advice.

The psychologist may have his own problems.

Psychologists are ordinary people who, like all mortals, can have problems. The advantage of a psychologist is that he is able to solve his problems more effectively. With psychological knowledge, it is much easier to understand what is the cause of the trouble that has arisen. During their training, and even after it, psychologists undergo personal psychotherapy, in which their problems are worked out.

Why going to a psychologist is better than talking with a girlfriend or friend.

It is possible that a heart-to-heart conversation with a girlfriend or friend will really relieve tension, it becomes easier and, undoubtedly, a close friend can sympathize with you, warm you with his participation and interest. But if the problem situation comes back again, then it makes sense to assume that talking does not help. What is the difference between a consultation with a psychologist and a heart-to-heart conversation? The main instrument of psychological work is conversation. After her, as well as after a conversation with a friend, you will feel better. However, the task of the therapeutic conversation is not only this. One support is not enough to break out of the vicious circle of unresolved problems; the psychologist has the tools to identify your destructive thoughts, reactions, behaviors. The goal is to recognize and find a positive replacement for them. One of the difficulties of the psychologist's job is to make the problem explicit to the client.

Working with a psychologist does not require much time and money.

It all depends on the task you want to solve and on the chosen psychologist. If you want to understand yourself, to understand in detail the reasons for your actions, to deal with children's fears and resentments - this cannot be done in a few sessions. It may take months or years to complete this task. And work with a psychoanalyst. Sometimes such work is justified, especially if working with psychologists from other areas has not brought results. And if you want to learn how to behave confidently, understand how to manage yourself in a situation of stress, or how to make friends, a psychoanalyst is not needed here. You can attend several sessions of a cognitive psychologist in order to understand how to proceed. Naturally, if you want to change your life for the better, you need to understand that you will have to spend energy on this.

No psychologist will be able to help me if I myself cannot understand myself.

Such an opinion often hides a reluctance to face the problem. After all, when we “boil in our own mess” it is much easier to find an excuse for ourselves and come up with a convenient reason for ourselves, which makes it difficult to understand ourselves. And if you go to a psychologist, what if he finds a solution? And you have to change something in yourself. Scary? Of course it's scary. For this, you need to go to a psychologist who will help you achieve success in finding a way out. You can consider the presence of a problem that bothers you in terms of benefit. It is like physical pain, which is very unpleasant, but has a useful protective function, signaling to a person that it is in the body that needs to be put in order. You can put up with the pain, take a painkiller, but the cause will remain. Also with the psychological problem. It has a certain positive function. For example, laziness may arise from the body's need to save energy or a signal that the thing you need to do is not at all what you would like. Or being overly emotional can satisfy a need to be seen by other people or diversify one's life.

Game "Smeshinka".

Let's start competing?

Who knows how to laugh better!

Boys like this: ha ha ha!

And the girls will laugh like this: hee hee hee!

Who recognizes himself in a rhyme

Well, of course, the girls ... (Hee hee hee.)

Who is always jumping around?

Energetic boys… (Ha ha ha.)

And who is in bright skirts here?

Our lovely girls!… (Hee hee hee.)

Who are the bullies?

Well, of course, boys! ... (Ha ha ha.)

Game "Christmas Treat"!

We will name a variety of goodies and delicious differences. If they are found in New Year's gifts, then you say "yes" in unison.

If what we will call does not come in sweet little bags, you say no. Deal?…

Are there candies in the bags? ... (Yes.)

And cabbage rolls with cabbage? ... (No.)

Different sweets? ... (Yes.)

Delicious cutlets? ... (No.)

Bagels, bagels? ... (Yes.)

From coffee cans? ... (No.)

Oranges, tangerines?... (Yes.)

Macaroni and sardines?… (No.)

Colored caramels?… (Yes.)

Smoked sausages? ... (No.)

Halva, raisins, nuts?… (Yes.)

Hot dumplings?… (No.)

Milk toffees?… (Yes.)

Sausages with mustard? ... (No.)

Garlic and eggplant?… (Yes.)

Apples, Bananas?… (No.)

Well done guys, bravo!

You answered well!

The game "Snowdrifts and snowflakes".

My favorite game is called Snowdrifts and Snowflakes.

We are not afraid of frost

We are careful in everything

I'll say "drifts" - we sit down,

I'll say "icicles" - we all get up.

As I say "snowflakes" - spinning,

"Herringbone" - we clap our hands.

Which one of you is attentive?

We will find out now.

The game is played with cheerful music. The lamb gives commands: snowdrifts, icicles, snowflakes, Christmas tree ... Increasing the pace of the game, the host tries to confuse the guys.

Dance - the game "Ta-ra-ram".

The characters perform a dance-game "Ta-ra-ram".

Right hand forward, and then her back,

And then again forward and shake a little.

We dance ta-ra-ram

Sing along louder to us

And clap your hands like this!

Ta-ra-ram! Ta-ra-ram!

Left hand forward...

Right foot forward...

Left foot forward...

The nose is the only forward ...

Together we jump forward, and then back again,

And then forward again, and then back again.

We dance ta-ra-ram

Sing along louder to us

And clap your hands like this!

Chorus: Ta - ra - ram! Ta-ra-ram!

Ta-ra-ram! Ta-ra-ram!


The host, having learned the questions in advance, asks them to the children, who answer with the same phrase. Many more questions can be asked. The main thing is to have fun.

Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?

Which of you, say aloud, catches flies in class?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Who is not afraid of frost, who flies on skates like a bird?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which of you, when you grow up, will only go to astronauts?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which of you, so good, went sunbathing in galoshes?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Who completes their homework on time?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which one of you walks upside down on the pavement?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which one of you, I want to know, has five diligence?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

How many of you come to class an hour late?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.


Several couples are involved. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately four meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain amount of snowballs (tennis or rubber balls). On a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The first pair to finish the game and collect the most snowballs wins.


Two stand in a circle and raise their hands. This is the Ice Gate. All the rest, holding hands, pass under the gate, saying:

ice gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited.

And for the third time

We'll freeze you. At the last words, the “gates” lower their hands. Those who are caught also become gates (or must perform a phantom).


In one minute, several children must draw together a portrait of Santa Claus on a sheet of drawing paper. Since they draw everything at once - it usually turns out a lot of fun! If there are many participants, you can divide into two teams, and then evaluate who has the most beautiful Santa Claus.


"New Year's Relay"

Participants are divided into 2 teams. A chair is placed in front of each team, on it are a hat, scarf, mittens. On command, the 1st runs to a chair, puts on a hat, mittens, a scarf and shouts “Happy New Year!”, Then runs to his team, then the next .... Whoever completes the task first is the winner.


Now I will tell you the most that you can not eat New Year's news. If you like the news - shout "Hurrah!" and clap, if you don’t like it, shout “U-u!” and stomp.

Today is the Christmas tree!

The most beautiful girls gathered in the hall

And cute boys!

Winter holidays have arrived

And they last, they will be one day!

And summer holidays are coming!

You will rest all summer

Under the pouring rain!

And then the sun will come out!

It will warm you with its rays

And suddenly the frost hits

But it won't be long

Only for two months!

Santa Claus is coming soon!

Bring gifts

But he won't give them to you

Because you are losers and hooligans!

Are you good kids?

Then there will be gifts and treats for you,

Both fun and entertainment.

One more game offers to remember the motive of the song "Fried Chicken" and perform it with new words and new content.

We are in the south

in the hot south

The sun shines all year round.

And everyone is dancing

Everyone is having fun

When they celebrate the New Year!

Everyone sings a song, and then the host says: "Right hand!" And this means that he still performs this "chants" again, but at the same time they will shake his right hand. With each successive performance of the song, new tasks are given: Right shoulder, left arm, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, everyone should "shake" more and more parts of the body. Everyone is funny and funny.

Theater - impromptu. In this case, the roles are distributed with the help of answers to riddles.

She is smarter than all the animals

Red coat on her

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

Is this beast of the forest?

The child who first guesses the riddle and says the answer gets a doll.

Foxes (glove) or Fox toy.

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

sucked brown paw

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This beast of the forest


Forests conceal many troubles,

Wolf, bear and fox.

There the animal lives in anxiety,

Takes away from misfortune

Come on, quickly guess

What is the name of the animal?

In winter, in the hours of fun

I hang on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a gun.

My name is


Here are your New Year greetings and gifts from friends and acquaintances!

After all the roles are distributed, let the kids become participants in a small performance. Everyone, to the best of their ability, performs their roles in accordance with the plot. The plot may be simple.

Once upon a time there lived a cracker. She was evil, wicked, she fought with a hare, fell on the head of the Fox, substituted the “leg” for the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling with displeasure. But one day the Bear called the Hare, the Fox and they decided to teach a lesson to the cracker. They surrounded her, pulled their paws towards her, and Flapper pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, the Fox and the Bunny began to have fun and dance!


The host says: "Christmas trees are ... big, tall, wide, thick ...". And the children should show it, and the leader makes other movements to confuse everyone.


Large boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree. Two children are playing. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree from different sides. Whoever runs around the tree wins

quickly and put on boots.


2 players participate. They are given in their mouths a spoon with a cotton ball in it. On a signal, the children scatter in different directions around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball from the spoon.


To cheerful music, children run loose or dance, as soon as the music stops, they must have time to jump onto the “island” (or draw, or put some kind of circle out of paper or cardboard). Who did not have time, he is out of the game.

Characters: Winter, Snowman, host.

Equipment: blue hoops, 2 sticks, 2 cones, 2 hockey balls

Entertainment progress

Gathering at the porch.

Leading: Hello guys! I invite you to a winter fairy tale, where there are a lot of games and entertainment.

With winter we meet, it's time,

We cannot live without her.

How not to ride a sled

How not to make a snowman!?

Well, guys, how can we stay

Without a snow slide, without a skating rink?

Leading: White snow covered all the roads to the village.

All roads, all paths - neither drive nor pass.

And now, in order for us to get to the kingdom of Winter, we need to overcome obstacles: first, the guys and I will cross the ice floes, and then we need to go through the snowdrifts one after another so as not to drown.

Ice floe crossing

Children line up in a column along the path leading to the sports ground and step over the ice floe hoops, reach the stairs, go down and follow the leader, trail after trail, forming a large circle.

Winter ( meets children)

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

I came to visit you

You recognized me?

I came with frosts, winds, snowstorms. Are you afraid of the cold?

Children: - Not!

Winter:- And you are not afraid of blizzards?

Children:- Not!

Leading: We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

Who knows how to have fun

That frost is not afraid! Have fun honest people, Winter-Winter is coming!

Winter: I love funny and brave guys. Do you want to go with me to my snowy fairy tale?

I have a magic wand

The wand is a turner.

As soon as I take it

I will turn you all into someone.

Once upon a time we were just babies

And they became big kids.

Here I am waving my wand

I will turn you all into a train.

Game "Train"

Our train is going, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on our train.

Winter: And I'll wave my wand

I will turn you all into rabbits.

Let's jump like bunnies.

Winter: And I'll wave my wand

I will turn you into a fox.

Leading: A fox walks through the forest

Squinting sly eyes.

Walks tail wags

He covers his tracks. (children portray foxes)

Winter: And I'll wave my wand

I will turn everyone into bears.

Winter: To the meadow, to the meadow

Quietly the snow is falling.

It snowed for a long time, a lot of snow fell. All the children were delighted and made a snowman. But where they left him, I don't know.

(The snowman walks towards the children, and groans. Oh-ho-ho ...)

Winter: - Guys, who is this? Maybe someone got sick? Do you think this is a snowman groaning? Let's ask him what happened.


You blinded me yesterday

They forgot to play with me.

I'm the Snowman guys,

I got used to the snow, to the cold,

You blinded me deftly

Instead of a nose, there is a carrot.

Now, if you played with me, my mood would immediately rise.

Winter: It's cold in our yard.

So that the nose does not freeze,

Gotta stomp your feet

And clap your hands.

To keep us warm

Come dance soon!

General dance.

Snowman: How friendly and funny you are. And I'm all alone, I'm bored without friends.

Winter: Let's help the Snowman find friends?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Then listen to the task.

Wind, blizzard, snow purge,

Spoiled all my friends.

You pass through all the sections,

Find friends for the snowman.

Children move from one area to another clockwise.

Plot (Rainbow group) - "Snowballs"

Children are greeted by a snowman.

Snowman: Do you like to play in the snow?

Children:- Yes!

Snowman: I'll throw snowballs high

Snowballs will fly far.

And the guys will collect them,

And they will bring it to the basket.

Pick up my white snowballs,

Yes, leave them at the target, show how clever.

At the end of the game, the Snowman hands the fragment to the children.

Plot (Solnyshko group) - "On a reindeer sled"

Lisa meets the children.

Reindeer sleigh game

Description of the game.

The game is played by two teams. On a signal, the participants on the sled, one at a time, carry a soft toy to the landmark, return to the team, and pass the baton.

At the end of the game, the Fox gives the children a fragment.

Plot (Korablik group) - "Ledyanki"

Leshy meets the children.

Ice skating game.

At the end of the game, Leshy gives the children a fragment.

Plot (Gnomiki group) - "Winter"

Children meet the Bear.

Game "Icicles, snowflakes, snowdrifts"

Description of the game.

At the signal "Snowflakes" - circle in place, at the signal "Icicles" - hands up; "Snowdrifts" - squat, wrap their arms around their knees and lower their heads down.

Snowman game

Fluffy snow we rake, we rake, we rake,

We sculpt, we sculpt a big lump

We sculpt, we sculpt someone else,

We sculpt, we sculpt the third room -

You will be a snowman.

Eye, eye, nose - carrot,

The mouth is large, up - a bucket.

We will look at you and run aside.

During the game, children perform imitative movements.

At the end of the game, the Bear hands the fragment to the children.

Plot (Ezhat's group) - "Hockey"

The Hare welcomes the children.

Hockey game.

Description of the game.

Participants are divided into 2 teams. It is necessary to circle the ball around the cone with a stick, return and pass the baton.

At the end of the game, the Hare gives the children a fragment.

Section (Teremok group) - "Sliding down the hill"

Winter meets children.

The game "Sliding down the hill"

Description of the game.

Rolling down the hill, the children try to touch the bell held by Zim.

After completing the tasks, all participants gather on the sports ground.

Winter: Did you complete my task?

Let's see what my assistants gave you.

Children lay out parts of snowmen.

Snowman: Well, thank you! How many friends do I have now!

Winter and the Snowman hand out treats to the children

Leading: Our holiday is over, we wish you all cheerfulness, health and good mood.

If I say “Snowflakes”, everyone circles around them, “icicles” - raised their hands up, joined their palms and stood on their toes, “snowdrifts” - sat down. I can confuse something, you should not be confused. We play.

IV stage. reflective

Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

Let's check if we found everything. Is everything in place?

Did you like Winter's pranks?

Our journey is over. Goodbye!

Lesson 14

Topic: Diagnostics 1


1. diagnostics of visual memory;

2. diagnostics of the emotional sphere;

3. diagnostics of attention (concentration, visual, switching);

4. diagnostics of thinking (analysis, concretization).

Materials: Snowman toy, worksheets for everyone, colored and pencils, flags for a group task, a ball, musical accompaniment, a demonstration form for visual memory, a bag of objects, three houses, pictures with characters of different emotions, animal exercises (text)


I stage. Organizational


Today we will greet each other in winter. And in winter it is cold, you need to dress warmly before a long journey.

Very cold in winter

But we will go for a walk with you!

I'll wear a coat

I'll wear a hat

I will wear a scarf

And also a scarf.

And also beautiful

Warm, fluffy

Crumbs - mittens

I'll put it on the handles.

And although we are small

We wear boots!

And to your neighbor

Loudly "Hello!", I will say.

(children greet each other in a circle)

II stage. Motivational

The appearance of the character Snowman.

The snowman invites the children to complete tasks from Santa Claus.

The game "Who called"

See lesson number 3

Snowman meets children

Introduces the rules of the game "Silent"

III stage. Practical

1. Task "Memory 1"(visual memory)( at the table)

Look carefully at the picture and try to remember as many items as possible, and then they will play hide and seek with us. (30 sec.)

Find them on your piece of paper and circle them. (psychologist gives an example)

2. The game "Icicles, snowdrifts, snowflakes"(attention, switching attention)

For each word, we perform a certain movement: snowdrifts - sat down, snowflakes - circled around themselves, icicles - stood on toes, hands up, joined palms. (the psychologist demonstrates each movement)

Now we play, be very careful and repeat all the movements correctly.

The task "What's in the magic bag?"

The bag contains small wooden objects (spillikins) that a child of 3 years old can recognize by touch (a plate, a mushroom, an egg, a barrel, a snowman, etc.)

Guess by touch what is in the bag.

4. Task "Noisy picture"(concentration of attention)( at the table)

Find what is hidden in the picture and color it.

5. Task "Mitten"(visual instruction)

Santa Claus asks you to help him. Find a pair of mittens he lost, a mitten with the same pattern, and circle it.

Dynamic pause "Animal Charge"

We checked your posture

And brought the shoulder blades together

We walk on socks

And then on the heels.

Let's go softly like foxes

And like a clubfoot bear,

And like a hare - a coward,

And like a gray wolf.

Here is a hedgehog curled up in a ball,

Because he's cold.

The ray of the hedgehog touched

Hedgehog stretched sweetly

7. Exercise "Pass in a circle" ( specification) ( in a circle on the carpet)

The ball is passed in a circle along with the name .... (vegetable, everyone passes their vegetable; fruit, utensils, animal)

8. Exercise "Let's assemble a garland" (on the carpet inside the circle)

Look how many bright flags the Snowman brought with him, we will collect a garland from them. I will start and you will continue. (children take turns laying out a garland in a circle)

9. The task "Beads on the Christmas tree"(analysis) (at the table)

Let's make beads for the snowman for his Christmas tree. Look, a few beads are already decorated. Guess what color the next beads should be, color them.

IV stage. reflective

Games and attractions bring a special touch of ease and disorganization to the atmosphere of any children's holiday. Unlike thematic songs and dances, they do not require special preparation, but they will decorate any matinee. I offer a selection of games and attractions for the winter and New Year holidays in kindergarten.

1. Game with winter character
3. The game "Run around the Christmas tree and put on boots"
4. The game "Snowdrift-Pit-Snowflake"
5. The game "Guess!"
7. The game "Who can make a snowman faster?
9. Game "Hit the snowman"
10. Game "Confetti"
11. Dance game "One, two, three!"
12. New Year's auction
14. Game "Two Frosts"
15. Game "Hat"
16. The game "The most dexterous"
17. Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"
18. New Year's concert
19. Music carousel game
20. Game "Boots"
21. Game "Collect a snowflake"
22. Game "Collect the Snowman"
23. Game "Merry Rattle"
24. Game "Catch the boots"
25. Game "Trap"
26. Rattle game
27. The game "Who will collect more snowballs"
28. Game "Hares and Fox"
29. Andgra "Give the Snowman a nose"
30. The game "Carry in the bag"
31. Game "Catch the snow"
32. Game "Ice cream"
33. Game "Snowballs"

Game with winter character

Guys, aren't you afraid to walk in the cold?

Children (clap their knees):

If we get together

If we hold hands

We will master any path.

What if the path is in the woods?

And we are with our legs: top-top, top-top (they are marching in place).

And if the snowdrifts are deep?

And we are on skis: chic-chic, chic-chic (waving ski poles).

What if the river is frozen?

And we are skating: flash-burn, flash-burn (hands behind the back, sliding movements of the legs).

What if the hill is steep?

And we are on a sled: uh-uh (two hands on the top right - movement down to the left).

What if the road is wide?

And we are in cars: w-w, w-w (steering wheel).

And if the rails are iron

And we are on the train: choo-choo, choo-choo (depict a train with their hands).

And if the bowl is dense?

And we are on the plane: woo.

Who will get more snowballs

Two children are playing. Snowballs from cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket each. On a signal, they begin to collect snowballs. Whoever collects the most snowballs wins.

Run around the Christmas tree and put on felt boots.

Large boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree. Two children are playing. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on boots.

The game "Snowdrift-Pit-Snowflake"

Character: And now, my young friends, while the cheerful melody is playing, stand in small circles. Hold hands.

(music sounds, children stand in circles)

As soon as I say: "Snowdrift!" Everyone raise your hands up. I’ll say “Pit!”, everyone sit down. I’ll say: “Snowflake!”, All without lowering your hands, depict it. That's all! Remember? Let's start the game! Snowdrift! Pit! Snowflake! Snowdrift!

Game "Guessing game" "!


Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(play violin)

Father Frost:

You brush your beard.


No, we play the violin.


Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(play the flute)

Father Frost:

You drink milk.


No, we play the flute.


Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(play piano)

Father Frost:

You sort out the grits.


No, we play the piano.


Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and make us laugh.

Santa Claus is dancing.

Relay "Who is faster on a broomstick"

2 teams, 2 brooms, skittles are staggered. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The broom is passed to the next in the team.

Who can make a snowman faster

Playing with three-dimensional and flat snowmen

Snowball fight (with balloons)

The song "Game of snowballs" sounded

Vinty: Great! Now let's have a real snowball fight!

Tinty: Come on. I've already prepared them (he brings balloons). While the music is playing, we throw "snowballs" to the side of the rivals. After the end of the melody, we count the number of "snowballs" on each side. Whoever has fewer of them wins. Attention! Started!

Game "Hit the snowman"

Children take "snowballs" (tennis balls) and try to hit a snowman drawn on a large piece of paper. The child who hits the snowman more times wins.

Game "Confetti"

Father Frost: Oh, and it's hot here with you, now I'll melt. Granddaughter, bring some cold water to cool off.

The Snow Maiden brings a large mug filled with 1/3 of confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and he suddenly "poureds" confetti from a mug on his parents.

Dance game "One, two, three!"

Parents come out and stand in a circle.

Santa Claus: I will give you tasks, and when you complete them, count to three. Ready?

1. We will go now to the left ... One, two, three!

2. And now let's go to the right ... One, two, three!

3. Let's gather in the center soon ... One, two, three!

4. And let's go back ... One, two, three!

5. We will circle a little ... One, two, three!

6. And clap your hands ... One, two, three!

And now we repeat everything twice as fast.

And now we are doing everything at space speed ...

(Santa Claus, instead of words, makes sounds reminiscent of rewinding a tape. The game goes on at a frantic pace.)

New Year's auction

Children take turns listing everything that happens in the New Year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, gifts, Christmas toys, needles on the floor, snow, lanterns, etc. The one who runs out of ideas is out of the game. The most resourceful wins.

Finger game "White snow"

Snowman: Show me one more time how snowballs fly in winter ?


Fluffy white snow (soft movements with the hands)

Spinning in the air, (“flashlights” with the hands)

And it's quiet on the ground (soft movements with the hands)

Falls. Lie down. (swipe down from side to side)

And then, and then (2 strokes - we shovel snow with shovels)

We make a ball out of snow. (making snowballs)

Wu-u-u-x! (throw snowballs at each other)

Game "Two Frosts"

Two “houses” are marked on opposite sides of the hall (you can mark them with flags). The players choose two Frosts: Frost - a red nose and Frost - a blue nose. Frosts are in the middle, and the rest of the players are on one side of the court behind the "home" line.

Both Frosts (address the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts are removed.

1st Santa Claus (points to himself). I am Frost - red nose.

2nd Santa Claus. I am Frost - blue nose.

Together. Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

All players. We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of Frost!

After these words, the players run to the other side of the hall behind the “home” line. Both Frosts catch and "freeze" those who run across. Those who were "frozen", they remain standing still.

Then the Frosts again turn to the players, and they, having answered, run back to the “house”, helping out the “frozen” along the way, touching them with their hands. Those who were rescued join the rest of the guys. The game continues on.


It is good to play the game with cheerful rhythmic music. Children stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the host of the holiday starts the game by shifting the hat from his head to the head of a nearby child, he, in turn, shifts the hat from his head to the head of a neighbor, and so on in a circle. At the command of Santa Claus (clap, whistle, blow with a staff), the movement stops, and the one on whom the hat is left at that moment must dance, sing or tell a winter poem, proverb, guess a riddle.

The most dexterous

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (or other characters according to the script) hold in their hands a hoop entwined with Christmas tree tinsel. Cotton balls (“snowballs”) are poured onto the floor. On the command of the heroes, children throw lumps into the hoops, then the number of hits in the Santa Claus hoop and in the Snow Maiden's hoop is counted.

dress up the Christmas tree

In front of the main Christmas tree, two small Christmas trees and two boxes with unbreakable New Year's toys are put up. Three people are called to each Christmas tree. At the command of Santa Claus, the children dress them up. Whoever quickly and accurately decorates his Christmas tree with all the toys from the box wins.

New Year's concert

Cards with New Year's illustrations are put into a beautiful chest: a Christmas tree, a round dance, a snowflake, an icicle, skis, sleds, etc. Children take turns taking out a card and, looking at the image, they must read a poem about this item or sing an excerpt from a song.

Music carousel

Chairs are placed in a circle (there are 1 less of them than the players). Among those playing Santa Claus or Snowman. Music sounds, all participants in the game begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, all the children quickly try to take their places. The adult hero plays at half strength (yielding), pretending that he does not have time to sit on a chair all the time. Since all the places are occupied by children, he will have to dance for everyone or distribute gifts.

Felt boots

Large boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree. Two children are playing. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on boots.

collect snowflake

Large snowflakes are cut into triangles. Laid out around the tree. Task: while cheerful moving music is playing, put all the details together. The winner is the one who keeps within the music and neatly folded everything.

Assemble the Snowman

Details of a snowman (two copies) are cut out of whatman paper: three circles of different sizes. From colored paper: eyes, mouth, carrot nose, bucket, scarf, panicle. The called children on command on the floor near the Christmas tree quickly assemble snowmen from the proposed parts. The winner is the one who assembles the snowman more accurately, faster and more correctly, using all the prepared parts.

Merry rattle

Santa Claus competes with children in running in bags or jumping on one leg around the Christmas tree. One condition is obligatory: having run or jumped to the agreed place, it is necessary to take a rattle - a maracas on a chair in front of the Christmas tree and ring it.

Catch up with boots

Children stand in a circle, a felt boot is given to them. Children pass the felt boots in a circle to cheerful music, and Santa Claus tries to catch up with him. Children need to pass the boots very quickly so that Santa Claus cannot take it away.


Having run away from the Snowman (or Santa Claus), the children stop and, clapping their hands, say: "One-two-three! One-two-three! Well, hurry up and catch us!" With the end of the text, everyone scatters. Snowman (Santa Claus) is catching up with the children.

Rattle game

Children, holding rattles in their hands, run in all directions to the cheerful music around the hall. When the music ends, the children stop and hide the rattles behind their backs. The fox (or another character participating in the game) is looking for rattles. She asks the children to show her first one, then the other hand. Children behind their backs shift rattles from one hand to another, as if showing that there is nothing in their hand. The fox is surprised that the rattles have disappeared. The music plays again and the game repeats.

Who will get more snowballs

Two children are playing. Snowballs from cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket each. On a signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one with the most snowballs wins.

Hares and fox

Children follow the text.

On the forest lawn

Bunnies ran away.

Here are some bunnies

Runaway bunnies.
(Children-bunnies easily run around the hall.)

The bunnies sat in a circle

They dig a spine with a paw.

Here are some bunnies

Runaway bunnies.
("Bunnies" sit down and perform imitative movements in the text.)

Here is a fox running

Red sister.

Looking for where the bunnies are

Runaway bunnies.
(The fox runs between the children, catches up with the kids with the end of the song.)

Give the snowman a nose

2 coasters are placed in front of the Christmas tree, large sheets with the image of snowmen are attached to them. Two or more children are involved. They are blindfolded. On a signal, the children should reach the snowmen and stick their nose (it could be a carrot). Other children help with words: to the left, to the right, below, above ...

Carry in a bag

A bag is placed in front of the Christmas tree (it is partitioned into 2 parts, one of them has no bottom). Santa Claus calls children who want to ride in a bag. He puts the child in a bag and carries him around the Christmas tree. He puts another child in that part of the bag where there is no bottom. Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, and the child remains in place. Santa Claus returns and is “surprised”. The game is repeated.

Catch a snowball

Several couples are involved. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain amount of “snowballs” (tennis or rubber balls). On a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The pair that finishes the game first and collects the most snowballs wins.

Game "Ice cream"

Snow Maiden: And now it's time -

We have a fun game!

Santa Claus: But first I want all of you guys to make a delicious riddle. Listen:

This little snow

Put in a waffle cone.

On the tongue it melts

What's this? Who knows? (Ice cream)

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus stand on both sides of the Christmas tree and take small plastic buckets covered with silver paper. The hosts take out a table on which stands a box with the inscription "ICE CREAM", in which there are multi-colored plastic balls; put it close to the audience. The facilitator invites the children to divide into two teams. Teams stand on both sides of the tree. Each team is given a small bucket covered with silver paper or foil, a large ladle. The presenter says that there are different ice creams in the assortment: raspberry, orange, blueberry, strawberry, pistachio and chocolate. The playing child must run up to the box with popsicles, take a scoop of “ice cream” with a ladle, put it in a bucket, run it and put it in the bucket of the Snow Maiden (the other team is for Santa Claus). The team that quickly fills the bucket of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus with ice cream balls wins. Parents can also take part in the game.

Attributes: a table, a box with the inscription "Ice cream", multi-colored plastic balls according to the number of children (even number), 2 small buckets pasted over with silver paper or foil, 2 large ladles, 2 medium plastic buckets pasted over with silver paper.

Game "Snowballs"

Children, divided into two teams, pick up "snowballs" - round balls made of foam or cotton wool, sewn into gauze - and try to hit each other. The task of the attackers is to hit the enemy with a "snowball", the defenders - to dodge and prevent themselves from being hit. The team with the most hits wins.


1. "Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten" / A guide for the educator and music director. M., 1982
2. Root Z. Musical scenarios for kindergarten. M., 2008
3. Zatsepina M., Antonova T. Folk holidays in kindergarten / Methodological guide for teachers and music leaders. M., 2008

Prepared by:

music director,

Minibayeva Alfiya Tuygunovna