Plank 5 minute complex. Plank exercise: maximum benefit. plank exercises: a unique selection

Beautiful posture and detailed abs with recognizable cubes, proper metabolism and increased flexibility of all parts of the body - a daily Plank Exercise - 5 minutes allows you to achieve perfect physical shape in just a few weeks: and how to achieve the desired result is told in the Android application of the same name. Everything is logical and thought out there - at the start, you just need to enter some information regarding the current physical form. Namely - age, height, weight, waist circumference: the entered parameters will become a kind of starting point for subsequent achievements.

And the parameters will help you monitor progress and results in general. In general, you should not skip such an important step - otherwise the motivation during training will not be enough.

After a little preparation, the main menu of the "Plank exercise - 5 minutes" manual will be divided into several parts, where, firstly, a training program has already been prepared, both for beginners and professionals (they allow you to choose and immediately start exercising), and secondly secondly, useful instructions, all kinds of tips and tricks have been added. So, for example, everyone will be explained what diets to follow, under what conditions to exercise and when not to be active once again.

It is not necessary to deal with additional information, but for the best results it is better not to be lazy once again and read additional literature prepared in advance by the developers!

If the parameters are entered, the interface is studied, the complexity is selected, and the literature is read or skipped, you can proceed, in fact, to the classes, divided into several interconnected steps and built exclusively on the "bar" exercise. You won’t have to take any additional actions - no standard crunches on the press, no squats, no other elements. And therefore, training proceeds according to a completely predictable algorithm. Namely, you need to stand in the plank, then take a break, then perform the static exercise again, and after that, take a break again.

Such "circles" of exercises continue until the system tells you to stop and sums up the results of the past workout. And, it is worth noting, everything works fine - in a few weeks the whole body will noticeably get stronger!

The free program "Plank exercise - 5 minutes" for android is already dreaming of changing the bodies of everyone, do not stand aside!

Static exercises have been helping athletes in many aspects of their sporting lives for a long time. In most cases, they are used to strengthen the ligaments of the body and increase the strength and endurance of the athlete's various muscle groups. But, in addition to this, statistical exercises are often inserted into various fitness workouts, as they do an excellent job of losing weight even in a very short time of training.

Also The unambiguous advantages of statics include the following properties:

One of these static exercises is the bar, which I will tell you in detail in this article.

The benefits of exercise

If you have been dreaming of a good figure for a long time, but you cannot allocate a lot of time for classes in the gym or for a morning run, plank is the perfect choice for you! Performing the bar for 5 minutes every day, in a month you will completely change your entire body beyond recognition. Let me list just a few of the main features of this exercise.

Core muscles

Core muscles - this is one of the most important muscle groups in the human body, since it is she who is involved in the formation of correct posture, which helps maintain intra-abdominal pressure at the proper level. That is, one exercise simultaneously involves the transverse, rectus and oblique muscles, which are responsible for excellent abs and a narrowed waist. At the same time, the gluteal muscles, which are responsible for supporting the back and shaping the body, also tense.

Despite the fact that absolutely all the muscles of the core will be maximally loaded, the back and hips will not be subjected to such painful loads. And this, firstly, removes the possibility of any injury during the exercise and, secondly, allows you to strengthen your upper body and improve your posture.

Flexibility and stress resistance

Since during the exercise you constantly stretch the muscles and ligaments of the shoulders, hips, arms, shoulder blades, and toes, after a month of daily exercise you will be able to perform many other stretching exercises while constantly increasing the flexibility of your entire body.

In addition, due to the constant need to freeze your body in one position, which is also quite stressful for it, you learn to keep focus, balance, emotional calm even with such strong physical and mental stress. And this, in turn, has a very good effect on your further perception of various everyday problems and contacts with people unpleasant to you on the street or at work. Believe me, in a week or two you will look at the world around you in a completely different way!

Acceleration of metabolism

Plank burns twice as many calories than any other ab exercise. How much energy you expend doing a plank for 5 minutes a day depends primarily on your expenditure and metabolism, as well as on your body type. For ectomorphs often consume energy 5-8% faster than mesomorphs, while endomorphs, on the contrary, are 6-9% slower.

Although this is a fairly popular exercise, unfortunately, the bar does not burn calories as much and quickly as the same cardio workouts. On average, for a mesomorph, it is 6-8 kcal per 1 minute during exercise, and prolonged burning also occurs within a few hours after exercise.

Integrated system

From the very beginning, standing for a full 5 minutes in the plank seems impossible. But choosing the right set, you can achieve the desired result very quickly. This training option will allow you to stand for a longer time due to the constant change of muscles that are loaded:

For novice athletes it can be difficult to stay in one position for such a long time, so if you feel like you can no longer stand, lie down on the floor and rest yourself for 10-15 seconds, then move on to the next step.

Attention, only TODAY!

Bodyweight exercises are a simple and practical way to get your body in shape. The plank is one such exercise that is unlikely to go out of style. Why? Doing the bar will not require much from you, and the result will be significant. First of all, the bar will improve the condition of the abdominal muscles, but not only.

Just 5-10 minutes will give you a boost of energy for the whole day, and daily repetition - for life. Here, for example, is a five-minute complex with which you can start today.

If you start doing the plank every day, you are waiting for at least seven pleasant changes.

1. Core muscles * become stronger

The core muscles provide support for the internal organs. They are also involved in the formation of good posture and help to avoid injuries to the lower back. Doing a plank every day will help you strengthen these muscles in the first place. And just one exercise immediately involves all the main muscle groups of the core:
  • transverse muscle - helps to lift heavy weight;
  • rectus muscle - helps to jump better, it is also responsible for the "cubes";
  • oblique muscles - expand the possibilities of lateral tilt and twisting at the waist;
  • buttocks - support the back and give a beautiful profile.

2. The condition of the back muscles will improve

Doing the plank will allow you to build core muscles without the risk of unnecessary stress on the back and hips. Moreover, the regular implementation of the bar will strengthen not only the lower body, but also the upper one. This will reduce the risk of back pain.

3. Metabolism will speed up

The plank burns more calories than the classic crunches and sit-ups. Even 10 minutes of strength training a day boosts your metabolism. And for a sufficiently long time: even at night you will burn more calories. A nice bonus for those who want to lose weight.

4. Posture will improve

Strengthening the core muscles has a profound effect on the condition of the neck, shoulders, back and lower back. Doing a plank every day will help keep them in the correct position and improve your posture.

5. Develop a sense of balance

How long can you stand on one leg? Just a couple of seconds? Then you need to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The plank will help with this. By the way, a developed sense of balance will help you achieve great results in any sport.

6. Flexibility will improve

Thanks to the bar, the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, hips, even toes are stretched. You can also work your obliques with the side plank. By increasing the flexibility of the whole body, you will get additional benefits in any other exercises and just in everyday life.

7. Psychological state will improve

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that are active in stressful situations. After a whole day in the office chair, your whole body becomes numb, you feel tense. As a result, the mood worsens, you become lethargic and dull. Doing the plank every day will help improve your mood and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

* Core muscles- this is a whole complex of muscles that are responsible for stabilizing the pelvis, hips and spine.

Core muscles include:

  • oblique abdominal muscles;
  • transverse abdominal muscle;
  • rectus femoris;
  • small and medium gluteal muscles;
  • adductor muscles;
  • muscles of the back of the thigh;
  • infraspinatus muscle;
  • coracobrachial muscle, etc.

I can’t visit the gym more than 2 times a week, but this load is not enough, I need to work on it at home. And for this purpose there is an amazingly useful exercise - the bar. It is as useful as it is difficult, but you can endure 5 minutes a day.

If you do the bar every day, then at least seven pleasant changes await.

1. Core muscles will get stronger

The core muscles provide support for the internal organs. They are also involved in the formation of good posture and help to avoid injuries to the lower back. Doing a plank every day will help you strengthen these muscles in the first place. Moreover, just one exercise immediately involves all the main muscle groups of the core: the transverse muscle - helps to lift a lot of weight; rectus muscle - helps to jump better, it is also responsible for the "cubes"; oblique muscles - expand the possibilities of lateral tilt and twisting at the waist; buttocks - support the back and give a beautiful profile.

2. The condition of the back muscles will improve

Performing the bar will allow you to form the muscles of the core without the risk of unnecessary stress on the back and hips. Moreover, the regular implementation of the bar will strengthen not only the lower body, but also the upper one. This will reduce the risk of back pain.

3. Metabolism will speed up

The plank burns more calories than the classic crunches and sit-ups. Even 10 minutes of strength training a day boosts your metabolism. And for a sufficiently long time: even at night, calories will be burned. A nice bonus for those who want to lose weight.

4. Posture will improve

Strengthening the core muscles has a profound effect on the condition of the neck, shoulders, back and lower back. Doing a plank every day will help keep them in the correct position and improve your posture.

5. Develop a sense of balance

How long can you stand on one leg? Just a couple of seconds? Then you need to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The plank will help with this.

6. Flexibility will improve

Thanks to the bar, the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, hips, even toes are stretched. You can also work your obliques with the side plank. By increasing the flexibility of the whole body, you will get additional benefits in any other exercises and just in everyday life.

7. Psychological state will improve

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that are active in stressful situations. After a whole day in the office chair, your whole body becomes numb, you feel tense. As a result, the mood worsens, you become lethargic and dull. Doing the plank every day will help improve your mood and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Here, for example, is a five-minute complex with which you can start today.

The plank exercise is one of the most common and popular. It refers to the so-called static exercises. That is, when it is performed, the human body is motionless, but at the same time the muscles of the whole body are tense and actively “work”.

In addition to the obvious effect on the body, the plank has several other very pleasant advantages. First of all, you need to spend a maximum of 5 minutes to complete it. How long does it take to go to the gym for a full workout? The answer is simple: at least a couple of hours. And for a modern person, the day is already loaded to the limit. And it is sometimes simply impossible to single out even these two hours in a busy schedule.

The bar can be done at home at any time: in the morning, after sleep, or in the evening, after returning from work. It only takes a few minutes to complete the exercise. Another plus of the strap is that it does not require inventory. Of course, it is most convenient to perform the exercise on a special mat and in sportswear. But, if you do the exercise on an ordinary carpet and in home clothes, its effectiveness will not decrease from this. The main thing is to do the bar correctly.

Those who are just planning to start doing this exercise often ask themselves the question: how often should you do the exercise. And again, the extremely simple answer is every day. Moreover, even if you do the exercise two or three times a day, it will only benefit. The main thing is not to overdo it with the execution time.

According to experts, a 3-minute exercise is enough to strengthen muscles and get a boost of energy.

Often, even before starting training, a person is interested in what will happen to his body with constant exercise.

Consider the TOP 10 consequences of what will happen if you do the bar every day:

By the way, the bar can be done not only at home. Fresh air is another plus to the bricks in building your healthy body.

For weight loss

Many are interested in whether the plank gives the effect of losing weight, if you do the exercise every day? The fact is that when performing the exercise, despite the active work of the muscles, not so many calories are burned. Therefore, if you only perform the bar, the weight loss will not be so significant. But it will help prepare the muscles for more effective exercises.


You can summarize a little: the plank is a universal exercise that has a complex effect on the body. Doing it daily can make your body healthier and more attractive. At the same time, noting the physical transformation, you will feel a significant improvement in the emotional state.