How to pump up the press cubes quickly at home. How to achieve perfect six pack abs

If you have a desire to lose weight and get rid of excess fat from the waist, revealing six-pack of perfect abs, then this article can help you.

There are several common myths that are exploited in advertising. It's time to dispel them.

Well-known fitness blogger Scooby believes that the sooner people learn this bitter truth, the better. As you know, the truth sometimes hurts the eyes, but delusions cause even more harm. Here are the main myths about six-pack abs.

Myth 1: perfect abs are achieved by abdominal exercises.

For 95% of people, doing ab exercises will not give the desired effect. The press and the cherished six cubes (large or small) each of us has, these are the realities of the anatomy of our body.

Most of them are hidden under a layer of subcutaneous fat. This is the essence of the problem.

To see the press, you need to get rid of fat. Doing abdominal exercises will not remove belly fat. The only thing the right remedy- eat and do less. This works in any weather.

Take a fold of skin on the abdomen and measure its thickness with a caliper. If it is thicker than 1.5 cm, then the problem is fat. If the skin fold is less than 1 cm, and six packs are not visible, then you are lucky and you just need to pump up the press by doing more exercise on the press. However, this is a rare scenario.

Myth 2: You can remove fat locally

It is impossible to remove fat in one area while leaving another intact. The body is a holistic system and distributes fat reserves in certain places.

The body decides which areas lose fat. The belly for men and the hips for women do this last.

It's a physiology that you can't go against. Fat is not stored on the ears and hands, as this is inconvenient.

The abdomen and thighs (center of the body) represent the most convenient places to store the surplus that goes out last. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of fat locally, it is a process that affects the entire body.

Myth 3: 8 minutes a day is enough for perfect abs.

If we could achieve this in 8 minutes, then even the grandmother next door would have perfect abs. Is not it? As mentioned above, in order to remove abdominal fat, you need to lose weight.

Therefore, all these programs, designed for 8 minutes (5-6-7-8-9-10 minutes, etc.) of abdominal exercises per day, will not work if you do not lose weight.

Myth 4: You need a contraption to create the perfect abs.

There is nothing easier than sitting in front of the TV with a piece of apple pie while the vibrating belt does all the work. it perfect option utopias and the triumph of laziness.

All these devices have common feature: no need to work hard and eat right, just buy this device at a discount. The technology may vary widely, but the essence remains the same. Don't fall for this bait. Don't expect magic and quick results.

Myth 5: You need to do other exercises for your lower abs.

People often divide abs into upper and lower abs. It is true that trunk curls train the upper portions and leg raises the lower portions. However, this has nothing to do with the appearance of the press cubes through the thickness of fat. First of all, fat is stored in the umbilical region and especially below the navel.

Even in thin people, the fat in the lower abdomen is twice as thick, and this is a feature of the physiology of the human body, which needs to store supplies in certain places.

Photo courtesy of basebodybabes

Myth 6: Achieving six packs is too exhausting.

Many beginners diligently pump the press, doing it for 30 to 60 minutes. This will of course lead to powerful abs, but this is not the same as . It is better to use this time for running or swimming in the pool. Pressing the press is not cardio training.

To burn fat, you need to raise your heart rate (HR) so that your pulse is in the zone of weight loss. To achieve this, it is necessary to use big muscles, such as quadriceps when running or cycling.

Small abdominal muscles are not able to raise the heart rate and hold it for 30 minutes.

Instead of wasting money on ingenious devices, it is better to use the ingenuity of these guys. Photo:

So ab exercises are useless?

Don't go to the other extreme. Abs exercises are important, but not a priority in gaining six-pack abs. Press training is necessary to strengthen the core (base, basis) on which the whole body is built. This helps to avoid injury.

Without a strong press, it is also impossible to achieve success in other activities (boxing, martial arts, gymnastics), since it is the basis.

Do you want to know how to pump up the press to cubes at home or in gym? Then read and apply our tips to pump up the abdominal muscles and make them embossed.

Below you will find not the secrets of getting abs cubes, but the real rules for training abdominal muscles. These are proven nutrition and training tips that will help you achieve results and finally pump up the coveted six-pack abs.

Let's immediately decide that it does not matter where you train, at home or in the gym. It doesn't matter where you practice. The main thing is what you will do and how, in order to pump up the cubes. If you are looking for a secret ab exercise or supplement, then immediately leave this matter in the past. With the wrong approach, no training, even the most effective exercise will give results. And supplements will only be effective for a while, but we want to look good all year round.

What needs to be done to pump up the press cubes?

The secret of how to pump up the press to cubes is not in exercises, simulators or miracle pills, but in proper nutrition, which will help remove excess fat from the abdomen.

The main secret to getting relief abs that many people and even trainers ignore is proper nutrition.

The main rule to remember:

Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

You can practice on your own all the time the best program ab workouts, but if your diet does not allow you to burn excess fat, then your cubes will not be able to appear on your stomach. That is, they are already there, perhaps not as prominent as they can become after a workout, but they are and hide under a layer of fat that we have to remove.

Read more to understand what needs to be done. You will also find nutritional advice there.

Your success in getting cubes is actually 90% dependent on diet.

You can diligently pump the press and will be very strong, but almost invisible under the layer of belly fat. Instead of looking for the next miracle program or supplement, focus on the principles of good nutrition. Well, without right system training is also indispensable, so read our tips and put them into practice.

6 rules how to pump up the cubes on the stomach

1. Eat enough protein

Protein will help build lean muscle mass and burn the excess subcutaneous fat, including on the stomach. Of all the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats), protein has the highest thermogenic effect, meaning it is the best fat burner. In addition, the process of losing fat mass is accompanied by the consumption of a small amount of calories, which can lead to a loss of muscle mass, which we do not need. And that's just protein and will help maintain muscle.

Consume 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

That is, with a weight of 80 kg, you need to consume about 150 grams of protein with food.

This is the main supplement to take if you want to see cubes on your stomach. All professional athletes and competitive bodybuilders eat high protein foods and have better physiques! This applies not only to men, but also to women. We are all human with the same DNA and muscle fibers, we all need protein for a fulfilling life, and also to burn fat!

Sources of protein can be ordinary foods: eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese, legumes. And you can also resort to supplements that can supplement the daily protein intake.

2. Eat Post-Workout Carbs

Many people mistakenly believe that carbohydrates are bad and that they make you fat. This is definitely a myth that needs to be busted!

Sure, eating too much of anything (even protein) can put you on weight, but natural sources of carbs like buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal are actually absolutely beneficial for your abs, especially when consumed after a workout. When you eat carbohydrates after exercise, when all your glycogen stores have been used up, they have little chance of being stored as fat.

Try eating a moderate amount of carbs and vegetables along with other meals. This ensures that your body receives the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fibers it needs to function and stay healthy.

3. Eat Healthy Fats

“Polyunsaturated fats must be present in the diet. They help to fight excess weight more effectively.

Above, we found out that in order to see the press cubes on the stomach, you need to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. And here it is important to understand that body fat accumulates more due to consumption. a large number calories in general and extra carbohydrates in particular. That is, we get fat not from the fact that we eat a lot of fatty foods, but from the fact that we eat a lot of carbohydrates.

Moreover, consumption the right fats(mainly of plant origin and) help speed up the process of losing weight. Include healthy fats in your diet, such as:

Dietary fats obtained from these sources will keep your insulin levels stable, which is very important if your goal is to lose belly fat and show six-pack abs. This does not mean that you need to eat only nuts and fish.

This means you don't have to be afraid to include healthy fats in your diet. Eliminating fat from the diet will only negatively affect the burning of extra calories. A diet that eliminates fat from the diet will definitely not help you lose weight.

The daily rate of fat in the diet should be about 20% of the total calorie content.

By combining protein foods with fiber-packed vegetables and slow carbs, you can boost your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning machine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And the best thing about all this is that you can achieve all this without supplements, ab machines, and without doing 100 useless crunches.

4. Proper nutrition is the key to six-pack abs

To burn fat and show cubes on the stomach, it is important to eat a balanced diet consisting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Protein helps build extra muscle fibers and maintain existing muscle mass while burning calories. This is perhaps the most important macronutrient of all, mainly because your body, when you are in a calorie deficit, will burn muscle mass along with fat, thereby slowing down your body's metabolism.

Calorie counting can be challenging task, so the simple option is to eat most of the carbohydrates after workouts.

When you eat carbohydrates after a workout, your body quickly absorbs them, directing them to restore the spent energy, promoting muscle growth, and not being stored in fat depots. These carbs also help your muscles recover quickly, giving you better results faster.

Many people believe that eating fat can make you fat, but in reality, healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats like nuts, fish oil, and olive oil actually help you burn more fat than a low-fat diet.

Eating the right fats keeps your insulin levels stable, which helps keep you from accumulating extra body fat.

A final nutritional tip is to include enough fiber and raw vegetables at every meal. Vegetables contain tons of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are very important for building toned body and embossed press cubes.

5. Stop doing abs

At first glance, this is strange advice, because in order to show the cubes, you need to download the press, but in fact this is not the case. To see the relief cubes on the stomach, you need to remove excess fat, which hides the muscles underneath. And more effective here will not be 1000 twists on the floor, but heavy multi-joint exercises that consume more energy and, as a result, lead to weight loss due to body fat and help build additional muscle fibers that help increase calorie expenditure.

It is foolish to waste an hour of your time on a hundred useless crunches when you can spend that hour on exercises that are more productive for burning fat.

How many times a week to download the press?

It is necessary, in general, to work on the press for about 20 minutes two or three times a week. It makes no sense to download the press more often! Below are the best multi-joint exercises you should include in your fat burning workout program:

  • Barbell Squat
  • Lunges with dumbbells
  • Deadlift bar
  • Standing press
  • slopes
  • Narrow Grip Barbell Press
  • Pull-ups
  • Bench press
  • Push ups

6. Use intense cardio workouts to burn fat and show off abs

The best way to burn fat is to do long-term cardio at a slow to medium pace. It's a suitable method of losing excess weight, however, there are many The best way. Combining interval training with abdominal training will give a better effect.

During the active recovery period after interval training, do ab exercises. For example, if you're doing sprint intervals on a stationary bike or treadmill, run 30 seconds at your top speed.

Get off the machine and immediately do 20 twists on the ball. Then return to the simulator and start it again. Repeat 5-8 times.

Workout to burn fat in the gym

You can change your abdominal exercises between breaks, such as twists, crunches, planks, etc.

A set of exercises for training the muscles of the press


In conclusion, the key to the six pack is the correct balanced diet, performing basic exercises and intense cardio workouts. This is the secret of how to pump up the press to the cubes, which works when training at home and in the gym.

Complex on the press for those who love them

If I didn’t convince you that you need to focus on proper nutrition and basic strength exercises to burn the maximum amount of fat, then here is an interesting set of exercises for six-pack abs at home.

Relief cubes of the abdomen are a sign of beauty, strength, and a harmonious physique. Pumped up abdominal muscles are necessary when walking, they support the stomach, liver, kidneys. With their weakness, a belly is formed. To quickly train the abdominal muscles, it is not necessary to become a bodybuilder, since girls, guys, men, women can pump up the press at home. The main requirement is the regularity of classes, proper nutrition.

How many cubes and levels of the press

Those who have been involved in fitness for a long time know how to pump up the press and achieve cubes. Beginners should figure out what "cubes" are and how many of them should appear as a result of home workouts.

The so-called "cubes" are formed by the rectus muscles. There are two of them, they are located vertically, one on the left and one on the right side in the middle of the abdomen.

Each muscle is divided into 4 cubes, there are 8 in total. Square shape only in the top six, the bottom pair looks like two triangles.

The division of the rectus muscles into the upper and lower levels is conditional, made, among other things, for the convenience of grouping the proposed complex 10 effective exercises for the press.

Food to lose belly fat

If the abdominal muscles are weak and flat, and the layer of fat deposits is large, in order to quickly pump up the perfect press, proper nutrition will be required. Otherwise, no one will simply see the most prominent cubes under a layer of fat.

For rapid increase volume of muscle mass in front of the abdomen is needed. Its intake also helps to get rid of excess fat, since the body spends a significant amount of calories on the digestion and assimilation of protein foods.

Immediately after doing the exercises, the press is needed for training, which in this situation will not have time to turn into fat, since tired muscles require an early supply of energy for quick recovery and growth.

It is especially important to follow the rules of nutrition when pumping up the relief press for girls and women, their body, due to natural physiological reasons, is disposed to accumulation.

Helps to stop the abuse of sweets, physical activity during the day, frequent meals in small portions, sufficient intake of moisture into the body so that after getting rid of fat deposits, the skin retains elasticity.

How and how much to download the press to the cubes

The abdominal muscles recover quite quickly, so physical activity on the upper and lower sections, oblique muscles can be alternated during one session.

A beginner should avoid intense home workouts, otherwise the muscles will ache. At first, a complex of 3-4 of any proposed exercises for the upper and lower press is enough, each perform maximum amount repetitions that will succeed, two or three approaches, swing in a day or two.

It is necessary to get involved, to be patient, not to set a goal to pump up the relief press in a week or a month. A little time will pass, and home workouts will begin to bring pleasure, improve mood due to the entry of endorphins into the blood - "hormones of joy."

For constant increase relief cubes continue to train the upper and lower sections of the abdominal muscles. To quickly pump up the press, bring the number of repetitions of each exercise without weights to 15-20, with a dumbbell - up to 10.

Home workouts for men, women, girls in short term increase the relief of the upper and lower muscles, if you perform each exercise with full tension and dedication - to "I can't."

In an effort to quickly find the perfect press, you should not pump it up in the literal sense. Excessive rocking engages the stabilizing muscles, which are responsible for balancing body parts during exercise, as well as the transverse abdominis. As a result, the waist may begin to look more voluminous.

Home exercises for the upper abdominal muscles

To quickly pump up the oblique muscles and the upper press, while lying on your back, perform the following sports movements:

Exercise 1 ("twisting"):

  1. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor at a short distance from each other.
  2. The palms are clasped at the back of the head, the beginners have straightened arms on the floor on the sides of the body.
  3. Tear off the shoulders and upper body from the floor, touch the left knee with the right shoulder, the legs remain motionless.
  4. Hold, return to starting position.
  5. Repeat for the other side.

Exercise 2 (inflating the press by lifting the legs):

  1. Clasp your hands at the back of your head.
  2. Raise your straightened legs to an angle of up to 45 degrees.
  3. Hold, slowly take the starting position.

Exercise 3 (simultaneous lifting of arms and legs) helps to pump up the press, emphasize the relief of the abdominal muscles, but requires training, so it can be difficult for beginners:

  1. Hands on the floor, straightened, head between the forearms.
  2. At the same time, raise straightened arms and legs towards each other, in the upper position, touch the instep of the feet with your fingertips.
  3. Hold, take the starting position.

Exercises for pumping up the lower section

To strengthen and develop the oblique and lower abdominal muscles while lying on your back, perform the following exercises:

Exercise 4:

  1. Straighten your arms, put your palms under a heavy piece of home furnishings.
  2. Raise straightened legs, tear off the pelvis from the floor.
  3. Bring your knees closer to your face so that your toes touch the floor.

Exercise 5:

  1. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, straightened arms at the sides of the body.
  2. Touch the fold of the right hand lying on the floor with the left knee.
  3. After a short pause, slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.

Exercise 6 ("bicycle"):

  • Simulate the rotation of the pedals of a bicycle with your feet.

Exercise 7:

  1. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, palms clasped at the back of the head.
  2. Alternately touch the right knee to the left elbow, the left knee to the right elbow.

Exercise 8 (inflating the lower press on the horizontal bar):

  • Raise straightened legs in an arc, touch your knees to your shoulders.

This exercise helps to quickly cope with a bulging belly.

How to pump up the press of the upper and lower section

The exercise remarkably develops the abdominal muscles, makes the cubes more prominent, but requires sports training, so it can be difficult for beginners.

For home training of the oblique muscles, as well as the upper and lower press, while lying on your back, perform the following effective

Exercise 9:

  1. Legs and arms are straightened, palms on the floor on the sides of the body.
  2. Raise straightened legs at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Hold on for a few seconds.
  4. Slowly lower your legs, but do not touch the floor with your heels.
  5. Raise straightened legs again at an angle of 45 degrees.
  6. Alternately touch the toes of the floor to the left and right of the body.
  7. Take the starting position.

Dumbbell exercise

To develop the relief of the upper abdominal muscles, perform

Exercise 10 ("twisting" with a dumbbell):

  1. Lie on the floor, legs straightened, feet under a heavy object (bed).
  2. The hands hold the dumbbell at chest level or behind the neck.
  3. Tear off the shoulders and upper body from the floor, touch the right knee with the left shoulder, return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for the other side.

Perform up to 10 times, 3-4 sets. After 2-4 sessions, increase the weight of the dumbbell. With this weight-bearing exercise, some people manage to pump up the relief press in a month.

How much can you pump up the press

Performing at home the described 10 exercises for the press does not require special devices, except for a rug.

Having learned how to pump up the press with cubes, even a beginner in a short time with regular training can achieve the desired result. It is difficult to achieve relief in a week or a month, especially if the level of sports training is low.

Some girls, women, men manage to pump up the abdominal muscles in a couple of weeks or a month, others need more time.

Modified: 02/10/2019

The chiseled relief of the back and chest, the perfect press is not only for brutal guys from the spreads of glossy magazines. Regular visitors to fitness rooms and lovers of home workouts have no less luxurious figures.

How to achieve cubes on the stomach of a man

Cubes on the stomach in men appear only after systems approach and . Those who have a genetic predisposition to slimness achieve results faster. Those who are unlucky with this are forced to look for ways to burn subcutaneous fat on the abdomen, since the cubes are visible only with a thin layer of fat.

How many cubes on the press

If you ask this question to an American, he will answer that there should be cubes 6 pack- exactly as many as cans of beer in the package. In order to achieve six packs, men have to deny themselves pleasures and six-pack with beer prefer six-pack on the abdominal muscles. Remove creases you can only while sitting on a protein diet, denying yourself gastronomic pleasures, constantly train and do it correctly.

To burn belly fat and pump up steel press take into account some aspects.

  • Maximum contraction of the abdominal muscles occurs with a rounded back and lowered chin. In all modifications, curl up.
  • When lifting legs bend your knees and pull your pelvis up. This technique removes the local load from the hip flexors, front surfaces and accurately loads the bottom of the press.
  • Train your transverse muscles forming a flat stomach. For this purpose, follow the example of Arnold, who did on an empty stomach.

Exercises for cubes on the stomach for men

Ideally, it is better to go to the gym, but with a lack of time, you can successfully work out at home.


To tone your stomach, core, and back, start with.

  1. Take an emphasis lying on your elbows, resting on your toes.
  2. Curl your tailbone up and align your body in a line.
  3. Hold in a static position for 1-3 minutes.

Rest first after each 60 seconds, then each time linger in a static pose 5 seconds longer.

Crunches with twists

  1. Lie down, weave the brushes into the lock on the back of the head.
  2. Tear off your shoulder blades and reach with your right elbow towards your left knee.
  3. Do 20 reps and change direction. For variety, perform alternately to the right and left.

Tilts to the side

  1. Standing straight, hold a dumbbell in one hand.
  2. With tense abdominal muscles, lower yourself into opposite side as low as possible.
  3. Pause and straighten your body. Do the same for the other side.

Leg raise

  1. Lie down on a bench or on a row of chairs.
  2. Grab the edges with your palms.
  3. Raise your legs vertically, lifting your pelvis off the surface with the force of your abdominal muscles.


  1. Lie down, stretch your body into a string.
  2. At the same time, tear off your back and legs, trying to touch your knees with your forehead.
  3. When extending the torso, do not put the limbs on the floor, but hold them 10 cm from the floor.
  4. After a second delay, go to the repetition.

Hang on the horizontal bar

If you feel strength in your hands, work on the bar.

  1. Grasp the bar with a parallel grip on the line of the shoulders, clasping it with your thumbs for security.
  2. Hang with your knees bent. Inhale and pull them towards your stomach, twisting your pelvis up. Do not raise them exactly to the horizontal, otherwise the iliac muscles will receive the lion's share.
  3. After touching the body with your knees, exhale and slowly lower them down. Fully straighten, allowing the muscles of the lower abdomen to relax. This will allow them to optimally contract at the top point on the next ascent.

How to burn fat for men

  • The key point in training the press is to keep the abdominal muscles under load. The number of repetitions is not so important like your own feelings. Burning in the muscles- the main indicator of a well-developed target area.
  • Take care until the moment until there is no strength left repeat the last move.
  • For drying at home and in the hall, do from 15 repetitions in 3 sets.

Before you go on a diet and start training to develop those coveted abs, learn a little about the anatomy of these muscles. In addition, we have included several useful tips to help you achieve what you want!

Before you go on a diet and start training to develop those coveted six-pack abs, learn a little about the anatomy of these muscles.

First you need to figure out how many cubes there are. The answer will depend solely on individual features the structure of your body, or rather from the structure of the rectus abdominis muscle. It originates from above the ribs, descends and attaches to the pubic bone. The rectus muscle along its entire length has three or four cross bridges. Above the navel are two jumpers, forming cubes that are easiest to pump up. Another jumper is located at the level of the navel, and one is below it. Many people do not have a lower jumper by nature, in this case there will be not 8 packs of the press, but six, and this is normal. The important thing is not how many abs cubes you could find, but how much effort you put in to develop and improve them.

Rectus abdominis

It is a pair of long and flat muscles that, together with the external and internal obliques and the transversus abdominis, form the abdominal wall. This pair of muscles lies on either side of middle line passing through the top and the pelvic bone from below.

Each pair of muscles is enclosed in the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle, a fibrous covering formed by the aponeurosis or white fibrous portions of other abdominal muscles. Tendon bridges attach the muscles to this fibrous covering and, as noted above, it is thanks to these bridges that the press cubes are visible when the muscles contract.

The margins of the rectus abdominis are also well defined, where the fibrous portions of the other abdominal muscles separate to enclose the rectus abdominis, forming the rectus abdominis sheath. In the midline, the sheath of the rectus muscle merges on both sides, forming a white line that defines the shape of this muscle and makes visible cubes on the press during contraction.

Why crunches are effective

The rectus abdominis is attached to the 5th, 6th and 7th ribs from above and to the pelvic bone from below. So when it contracts, it helps to bend the spine forward. This is why these muscles are best seen when the person is lying horizontally and trying to lift their shoulders and head off the floor.

For the same reason, crunches and other spinal flexion exercises are used to strengthen the rectus muscles. These muscles are also involved in exhalation.

abdominal fat

The abdominal wall, superficial fascia, or tissue layer under the skin contains a certain amount of fat. Correctly, more fat is located in the lower abdomen, around and below the level of the navel. It is this fat layer that hides the rectus abdominis muscles. Therefore, burning abdominal fat is also important so that the 8-pack abs are visible.

Basic program - Abs for a month

Triset 1 - upper press

Triset 2 - oblique muscles

Triset 3 - lower press

* — The service is under beta testing

How to see your abs

The process of perfecting the body must have A complex approach, so just doing crunches every day is not enough to get abs, it's also important to pay attention to your nutrition and training program:

1. Include cardio in your program.

it important step to get dice. There is no such way to lose fat in a certain part of the body, but you must lose fat in your belly. Even if you train, and you will have perfectly inflated abdominal muscles, if there is a fatty layer above them, then you will not see your cubes. Cardio is a workout that increases your heart rate over a set period of time. It could be running, cycling, dancing or rowing.

2. Cut down on your dinner.

A large dinner interferes with the fat burning process, since most people are inactive in the evening. This is what formed the basis of advice like "do not eat for a certain number of hours before bedtime." However, the statement that the entire dinner turns into a fat reserve is erroneous. This process is more complicated, but the fact that you are less active in the evening is enough to nullify your efforts. In order not to be so hungry in the evening, you can have a larger lunch or have a light healthy snack before dinner. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great choice for curbing your appetite, not to mention the other health benefits. A handful of nuts is also good for a snack. Before you sit down at the table, drink a large glass of water.

3. Have breakfast.

Many people skip breakfast because they don't have time for it. From a weight loss standpoint, the downside of skipping breakfast is that it forces you to eat a huge lunch since your body hasn't had anything in the past 12 hours or more. A large meal leads to drowsiness after eating, so you become less productive and inactive. It does not take long to cook and eat porridge. If you're in a hurry, toss a breakfast cereal and a dairy dessert into your bag and eat it on your way to work or school. Even an apple or yogurt is better than nothing. Ideally, your breakfast should be the largest meal of the day, the second largest is lunch, and the smallest is dinner.

4. Include in your program strength exercises.

The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. In addition, resistance training is essential to limit the amount of muscle mass you lose when you cut calories. If you only do cardio without strength training, you risk losing muscle mass, including your abs.

5. Keep your metabolism steady.

Do one small welcome food every three hours. During the day, the metabolism slows down, its speed is restored after eating. Meals every three hours will keep your metabolism and calorie burning stable throughout the day, and this will allow you to lose excess fat faster. Every meal should include lean proteins so your body doesn't have to resort to breaking down muscle fibers for fuel, which will shrink your muscle mass and slow down your metabolism.

6. Drink plenty of water every day.

To find out the minimum amount of water you need to drink per day, divide your weight by four to get the number of ounces (1 ounce = 30 grams) of water you need to drink. So a person weighing 70 kg per day needs to drink at least 2.2 liters of water. This may sound like an absurd amount of water, but do not forget that you also get water from food, in addition to this, you can drink tea or juice.

Excessive drinking of water (several liters, especially during sweating) can be dangerous due to the excretion of some salts and minerals. If you train hard and sweat a lot, you need to replenish your salts as well as fluids. Complement drinking water sports drink or potassium-rich fruits (bananas, apples).