Is it possible to increase the internal memory of an android phone. How to increase memory on Android: operational and permanent. Is it possible? Increasing the phone's internal memory

Sometimes RAM becomes very clogged, and users face the question of how to increase RAM on Android. This can be done by cleaning up garbage, using standard settings or third-party software, stopping unnecessary applications, adding a swap file.

A little about RAM

Before talking about what RAM cleaning on Android is, it should be clarified what RAM is in principle. This abbreviation translates as "random access memory". Simply put, RAM. If the system memory stores the applications themselves directly, then the RAM contains various processes and data that are simply necessary for the operation of a particular application. You can clear system memory on Android by deleting system apps or moving some to a memory card. Clearing RAM on Android is already a little more difficult.

Lack of memory can cause the phone to lose its speed, respectively, will slow down. Some of the processes you never use, so users are faced with the issue of increasing RAM.

Using default settings

Before installing additional software, let's figure out how to clear RAM using standard OS tools. Android has a huge functionality, so in most cases you can quickly and easily increase the amount of memory on Android.

Optimization of an android smartphone or tablet is largely carried out by cleaning the RAM using a standard “cleaner”. It, as a rule, is a small icon that shows the amount of occupied RAM as a percentage.

How to clear memory? It is enough to click on this icon, and the system itself will free the RAM. If you do not have this shortcut on your desktop, then add it:

A similar button will appear on your desktop.

Unload applications and stop processes

The above method can indeed clean up RAM, but how to clear RAM from applications? Everything is very simple. They need to be unloaded from memory. Note that now the question is, of course, not about how to clear the system memory. This is completely different.

To unload unnecessary programs from the RAM and increase the amount of free space, you need to:

It is recommended to clear the RAM in this way at the end of each working day. You can also stop background processes that are "hanging" in RAM. It is also useful for optimization. To do this, you simply need to do the following:

The disadvantage of this method is that when you start this program, you will have to stop it again in this way.

Delete information on the clipboard

All copied text or images are stored on the clipboard. All this takes up memory, which is why many people ask how to clear the Android clipboard. There are several ways:

  • Delete all content in the /data/clipboard folder (requires superuser rights);
  • Open the clipboard on Android, and then delete all blocks (supported only in new models);

The system itself clears the buffer when it overflows, so a large amount of information is not stored there.

Using Third Party Applications

There are thousands of programs in the Google Play store that allow you to do almost anything, from turning on a flashlight to overclocking your Android processor. To expand the functionality of the OS, and then clean up the RAM on android, the Clean Master application will help. It is completely in Russian, provides the user with wide functionality and optimizes the work of the gadget.

To optimize your device:

Now you don't have to manually free the memory. An increase in free memory is possible through such programs. Also in the functionality there is a super-optimization function, thanks to which, without overclocking the processor, you can speed up the phone.

If you have an Android smartphone, then sooner or later you will be faced with the need to do something and decide whether to increase the RAM to install new applications. In most cases, in such a situation, users simply begin to remove previously installed games and programs, but there is another way, which will be discussed later.

The essence of the problem

Sooner or later, a small amount of memory will cause any user a lot of trouble. The most obvious of these is the inability to install any new applications. In addition, if there is not enough memory, you may also encounter such a problem as the inability to add a new contact or send an SMS message. If you have become very interested in the question of whether on Android, then we can say that you can partially solve the problem by transferring some applications to a memory card, but not all applications can be transferred. This may require special utilities.

Ways to solve the problem

You can consider the principle of their work on the example of a product such as Link2SD. With it, you can transfer applications to the memory card that cannot be moved in the standard way. In addition, this utility makes the system treat part of the memory card as its own internal memory. With this program, you can transfer not only application files, but also the caches they create, which also take up a lot of space. It should be understood that the operation of this program will require you to have superuser rights. After they are unlocked, most likely, the official warranty for your smartphone will be lost.

Preparing a memory card

So, if you understand the question of how to increase RAM on Android, then first, when working with the program, you need to create a partition with. To do this, you need a card reader and a program designed to work with hard drive partitions. For these purposes, Acronis Disk Director Suite or another similar program is quite suitable. Before creating a new partition, you need to back up the files on the memory card. If something turns out to be wrong, then you can restore the drive from the backup. Further, everything will be discussed using the EaseUS Partition Master Home application as an example.


First you need to free up some space. This is done by right-clicking on the letter assigned to your flash drive. In the menu that opens, select the Resize / Move Partition item. Next, you should be interested in a graph called Unallocated Space After. It needs to be set to 512 megabytes, there is no need to select a larger number. It is worth noting that the program does not immediately make changes to the disk, it only adds a new one to the list of outstanding tasks.

After this procedure, a new area appeared on the flash card, which has no markup and is signed Unallocated. You will need to right-click on it to bring up the context menu. In it, you must select an item called Create Partition. The program will definitely warn you that Windows is able to recognize only the main partitions on the drive. By agreeing, you confirm that you are required to continue with partitions.

In a new window that opens, you will be required to enter the following data:

Partition Label. Here you can enter absolutely any name that you see fit.

Create As: Primary, that is, this will be the main section of memory.

File System: Ext3. As already mentioned, this is required in order for Android to be able to determine the partition as a system partition.

When you click OK, you'll add a second task to run, however this won't make any physical changes to the flash drive right away. Next, you only need to launch tasks for execution, which is done by clicking on the Apple button, it is located in the upper left corner.

Installing Link2SD

So, if we understand the question of how to increase RAM on Android, then we should proceed to the next steps. When the preparation of the memory card is completed, it should be inserted into the smartphone, and then turn it on. Next, you will need to visit Google Play, where you need to find the Link2SD program. Now you can install it on your smartphone in the same way as other applications. If everything is done correctly, then you will see a message stating that the script has been added to startup, after which the smartphone will need to be rebooted. If an error is generated by the application, you need to create a partition on the memory card again, and then check if it is primary.

After launching the application, you will find yourself on the main screen of the program, where you will immediately understand how to work with it. The list will contain all installed applications, and next to them will be indicated the specified location of each - in the phone memory or on a removable drive.

We transfer the necessary applications

To increase the RAM of Android, you need to transfer some applications to a memory card. To do this, click on the name of the application of interest to open a window with detailed information. This window has everything you need so that you can transfer the application to a memory card or click on the additional "Send" button to determine the list of files that should be moved. To increase Android RAM, all checkboxes must be checked so that applications can be moved along with libraries and caches.

When the process is completed, click OK. After that, a line should appear in the list of programs confirming that the programs being moved are now located on the second section of the memory card. Increasing the RAM on Android will allow you to forget once and for all about the lack of system memory required for smartphone applications.

Alternative option

The technology that is used successfully in conventional computer operating systems can also serve on smartphones. There is such a program as SWAPit RAM EXPANDER, which is designed to expand the device's RAM up to 2.5 gigabytes: none of the devices can boast of such amount of real memory yet. If you are interested in how to increase the amount of RAM using this method, then you will need a memory card. It is most convenient to use it to place the swap file. If the memory needs to be used as RAM, then high performance will be required, so it should be from 4 and higher, it is best if it is 10. Next, you will need root access, since the program works with the system at a very deep level.

How it works

So, if you figure out how to increase the amount of RAM, now you can start creating a swap partition, after which RAM will be added. The program can be registered in autorun, which will allow it to work constantly. This application is especially relevant for outdated smartphones, as well as for the works of Chinese craftsmen who provide their gadgets with a modest amount of memory. Through this program, even from a budget device, you can achieve considerable speed. Before you start using the application on a permanent basis, you need to check its work with the device.

Now you know how to increase RAM on Android.

Sooner or later, users of smartphones and tablets involuntarily think about how to increase the RAM on Android. This can be done with the help of special programs, as well as without them.

We will analyze the most common and working ways to perform such a non-standard task.

1. Method number 1. SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

Let's start with the hard stuff right away. SWAPit RAM EXPANDER is a special program for increasing RAM. You won’t be able to download it in regular app stores, but you can find it on specialized sites, for example,

After downloading and installing, the usage process will look like this:

  • On the first screen, you will need to select the language in which you will work. Unfortunately, SWAPit RAM EXPANDER only supports English and German. Here, choose for yourself which one you understand more. Check the box next to it and click "OK"

Rice. No. 1. Language selection window in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  • The program will ask for superuser rights, they are also root (root) rights. Read about what it is and how they usually turn out. But in this case, you do not need to use any additional programs - SWAPit RAM EXPANDER will do everything by itself. Just click Allow.

  • Finally, you got to the window where you need to select the options for increasing the RAM. Here you can set all the options yourself, or you can simply click the "Optimal" button and the program will automatically select the optimal parameters. But in order for this choice to be as correct as possible, it is better to first check the box next to the “Swap Aktiv” item. It is responsible for scanning the device. That is, first SWAPit RAM EXPANDER will perform a scan, and then, based on its results, it will select the most optimal values ​​for all parameters.

Rice. Number 3. Choosing optimal parameters in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  • Scanning will begin - you can watch its progress. After that, you will see the results and you can click on the “close” button (in German, “schliessen”). The program will independently increase the RAM as much as it sees fit.

Rice. No. 4. Scan result

As you can see, everything is very simple.

2. Method number 2. ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER

This is a paid program that can be downloaded from It is very easy to use and very functional.

If you don't want to pay, you can always find hacked versions on the Internet, but there is a possibility that you will catch a virus. And to cope with it is very difficult - it will entail new problems.

So it's better to pay, especially since the price is very low - 100 hryvnia, 3.8 dollars, 240 rubles.

Important! ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER needs root rights to work. In this case, you will have to give them to the device yourself. The same article mentioned above describes how to do this.

To increase RAM using ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER, do the following:

  • Run the program. Then you will see the parameters of your device, which the program calculated independently. But we are interested in the line where it says "Swap file = ..." - it is she who is responsible for the size of the swap file, which, in fact, increases the memory. Just move the slider next to this inscription to increase or decrease its size.
  • When the parameters that are optimal in your opinion are set, click the "Activate swap" button.
  • Just wait for ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER to do its thing.


As you can see, everything is much simpler here, and if you really need to increase the amount of RAM in your gadget, it is better to use ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER. Even if you have to pay.

3. Method number 3. Without programs

There are ways to accomplish the task without any programs.

To put it simply, you need to clean the system of everything that can slow it down. This includes the cache, residual files, unused applications, and junk files. All this significantly slows down the operation of the OS.

Therefore, to increase the amount of available memory, do this:

  • Go to the "Application Manager" (there is such an item in the settings, it may simply be called "Applications"). Go to the unused programs page and click "Stop" or "Disable".

Rice. No. 6. Stopping or disabling an application

  • Do the same as in the first step, only instead of disabling, click "Delete". The fact is that not all programs have such a function available, but if it is available, it is better to use it.
  • Clear cache and junk. To do this, you can use programs such as Clean Master and CCleaner. You should also manually clear the cache of certain programs. How to do this, read this article.

The last procedure is best done from time to time!

The first thing to say is that in this article we increase the internal memory of an android phone or tablet using the memory of a flash card. Accordingly, if you do not have a memory card, purchase it.

At the same time, without fanaticism. The memory card must be comparable to the system's RAM, otherwise when working with a very large SD card (for example, 16 gigabytes with 512 megabytes of RAM).

So, the card is purchased and inserted. If there is already a card, and there is also valuable information on the card, we transfer it from the card somewhere, so during the procedure for increasing the internal memory, the data from the card will be deleted.

The second thing to say is that in order to increase the internal memory on an android, you will need a personal computer or laptop to work.

So, we started. Install the MiniToolPartitionWizardHomeEdition program on the computer, connect the phone's memory card to the computer via a card reader. We open the program and find our memory card in it, delete the card section (select the Delete item in the pop-up context menu).

Next, using the Create button, we divide the map into two parts. What does this mean: two independent partitions will be created on the card, one of which will be perceived by the phone as internal memory, the other as a memory card for photos, music and other personal data.

So, we create partitions, in the system they are called FAT. If the card is capacious, it is better to choose FAT32 formatting (for cards from 4 gigabytes of memory). If the flash drive is small, FAT is also suitable. The first section is created for your files, you can name it as convenient, as well as set the size. Remember that this section is NOT for expanding the memory, respectively, the more it weighs, the less space will be left on the map to increase the internal memory of the android phone.

The second section is created from what is left of the map. It's called EXT2. Note: This section cannot be larger than 2/3 of the total memory card capacity. Usually, on capacious cards, 512 megabytes are left for it.

When the card is broken, we put the UnlockRootPro program on the computer, it will be required along with the Crack tablet. At the same time, we put Total Commander for Android on the phone. We put the card in the phone and run the commander.

Select the Settings item and enter the words in the line. An icon will appear at the bottom of the screen, which was not there before. This is the Development icon. We start Development and connect the device to the computer via a USB cable. We launch the UnlockRootPro program on the computer.

The phone will begin the process of obtaining root rights, that is, administrator rights. When the phone reboots, it is ready to work with the increased internal memory.

Another tip for using such a “broken” memory card is not to store files that you often use on it. If the card is constantly in use, there is a chance that it will overheat or wear out. It will have to be formatted.

Nowadays, almost every person can afford to purchase not a simple cell phone, but a mini-computer or smartphone. Such devices allow you to install hundreds of games, applications, watch movies, listen to music, and so on. But there is one point here, without which it is impossible to do without and which every user of smartphones and personal digital assistants (PDA) will face - this is an insufficient amount of memory in the phone. When this happens, it is no longer possible to install any applications on the phone without freeing up memory. Our article will tell you how to increase the memory of your phone.

Increasing the phone's internal memory

It is not possible to physically increase the amount of memory built into the phone. But how to increase the internal memory of the phone? Very simple. Most modern smartphones have the ability to install and transfer installed applications to a separate memory card.

If the memory card memory is already full, then you can buy a larger card and transfer all files and applications from the old card to it. When removing the card from the phone, you need to pay attention to its marking, because the main thing is to purchase a memory card of the same format. You can buy these cards in any mobile phone shop.

If it is impossible to transfer applications to the card, or if the phone itself does not support the installation of memory cards, you must:

  1. Install any file manager on your phone (eg X-plore). Use it to remove unwanted ones:
    • photos and films
    • temporary files (folders tmp)
    • folders with data left over from already uninstalled programs
  2. If you have not freed up enough memory, you need to look at the list of already installed programs. Think about how often you use a particular program. Most likely, you do not use most of the games and programs at all. So delete them. Then, again check the file manager for temporary files and folders. As a rule, games occupy the most, so they should be deleted first. And if some application you deleted is needed again, you can install it again simply and quickly.

Increasing your phone's RAM

Sometimes you need to increase not only the internal memory of the phone, but also the operational one, so that programs can work quickly and correctly. Read on to find out how to increase your phone's RAM.

To increase RAM you need:

  1. Launch the process manager on your phone, usually by pressing and holding the Menu button for a few seconds
  2. See what processes are already running and disable unnecessary ones

Now you know how to increase the memory of an android and symbian phone!

Apple smartphones, namely the iPhone, have a closed file system. Without internal intervention in the device, manually clearing the phone's memory will not work. You can only delete unwanted music, programs and video files.