Mosquito net on the window how to remove. How to remove a mosquito net from a window. Description of dismantling of different types. General principles of mesh dismantling

A mosquito net for plastic windows is an accessory that no one will doubt the need for. The main reason for its need is known to all, it is the ubiquitous insects, especially flies, wasps and mosquitoes, the most annoying, squeaky creatures. Other potential threats are birds, leaves, windblown debris. Some owners use the structure only in the spring and autumn, others leave it on the windows all year round. However, both of them need to be aware of how to remove the mesh from the window, because general cleaning of the frames is impossible if this device is not dismantled.

Design, its varieties

It is quite simple: a mosquito net for plastic windows consists of a canvas and a frame with handles. More often, the material for the last element is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), much less often - metal-plastic. For the manufacture of the grid use:

  • nylon;
  • stainless steel (for "anti-cat");
  • polyester;
  • fiberglass;
  • cotton.

Devices differ only in design, size, and type of fasteners. Mosquito nets come in several types.

  1. Framework. This is the most popular type of grids, as their cost is quite acceptable. The design is attached to the window frame with a spring pin (other names - plunger, rod) or holders: Z-shaped brackets, pockets (corners).
  2. Swing. They have a reinforced frame of a larger size, they are simply attached to the window block - with ordinary hinges, magnets protect it from opening.
  3. Roll (roller). These designs are incredibly convenient, but their price can scare away many. The mesh roll is fixed at the bottom of the window with a latch. When released, the canvas rises.
  4. Sliding. These grids are designed for similar compartment windows. The frame with the canvas moves along the guides screwed in front of the window block. This convenient device allows you to freely move the structure to where the owners intend to open the sash.
  5. Pleated. Its difference from rolled meshes is that the mesh “leaves” not up, but to the side: moving along two guides located above and below, the structure folds like an accordion. These mosquito nets are also expensive.

Despite the relatively large assortment, in almost 90% of cases, buyers stop at the usual - frame - designs, inexpensive, not capable of presenting a whole bunch of unpleasant surprises.

Types of attachments for anti-mosquito devices

Since frame structures are a hit, it is better to consider them in more detail. The mosquito net on plastic windows is attached in 2 ways: spring pins (rods) or Z-shaped brackets. Installation on the latter is carried out from the side of the street. In this case, the frame with the canvas is also inserted from the outside. This is a more popular type of fastener, which is chosen if circumstances permit.

Hooks are another type that are attached to the mosquito net frame inside the room. They cling to the profile of the window - to its internal parts. In addition to roller and sliding mounts, there is another way - with Velcro. The mesh is fixed to the frame with double-sided tape. The advantages of the method are quick removal, convenient storage, minus - fragility.

When fixing with plungers, the mosquito net is also behind the glass, however, the clamps in this option are not available for criminal talents, since the fasteners are located on the side of the room. This is the best way for apartment owners on the first floors. The absence of gaps between the opening and the mesh frame is ensured by brush inserts.

To remove or not to remove - that is the question

Some owners respond negatively to it, but the opinion of experts is directly opposite, since it is not at all difficult to remove the mesh from the window, and such a simple procedure will allow the device to last much longer. Leaving the structure for the winter, the owners may be faced with the need to buy a new “protector” in the spring.

  1. In snowy winters, snow is willingly clogged into the cells of the canvas, which subsequently often turns into ice. This process is accompanied by the formation of a crystal lattice by molecules, during which water is able to break the cells.
  2. The alternation of snow and ice often causes the net to sag. Despite the fact that the canvas remained intact, its appearance will leave the best. Temperature drops will also have a bad effect on the handles of the window element: they can burst or simply fall off. In the latter case, even dismantling the frame will be extremely difficult.
  3. A mosquito net sent for wintering will become a convenient place for birds to rest, whose claws, with a high degree of probability, will leave “cute” holes on a protective product. The consequence of this is the replacement of the structure.
  4. Corrosion is terrible, threatening the connecting nodes when fastened with brackets, especially grids made of stainless steel.
  5. Mosquito protection in the absence of a threat prevents the penetration of light, the amount of which is already small in winter.

Warranty repair of a damaged mesh (frame or handle) left in the cold is an unrealizable dream, since the company is unlikely to agree to such conditions, because the owners violated the prescribed operating conditions. If you do not want to (or are afraid) to carry out the operation yourself, it is better to agree with the master. The payment for his work in any case will be less than the cost of a new product.

There are exceptions to the rule in this case too: if the canvas is made of high-strength multilayer polyester, then the frame is made reinforced, capable of with honor to withstand any "tricks" of nature. Such mosquito nets belong to the "anti-cat" series, but it is better not to leave them in the cold, but to spare them.

Features of the operation "dismantling"

It is necessary to follow the rules, therefore, before removing the grid from the window, you need to get acquainted with them.

  1. It is strongly recommended to dismantle the anti-mosquito frame in warm, calm weather, otherwise, with a rush, the structure can fly away and break “on stones”. Rain will also greatly complicate the process.
  2. Remove the device not alone, but together. During the operation, it is not recommended to lean on the canvas itself. All actions require maximum caution, otherwise damage cannot be avoided.
  3. The dismantled structure is washed and dried thoroughly. Store products exclusively in a horizontal position, any load on them is prohibited. Installation is carried out only in the warm season.

All designs have their own requirements, so they need to be discussed in more detail. But before dismantling any product, you must first verify the reliability of the handles. Otherwise, they can fail, and the dismantled mesh will go flying and fall.

Dismantling the grid with holders

If the apartment is not located on the first floor, where the owners can operate from the street and "attract" a stepladder, an assistant is needed for this operation, since the risk of dropping the net is quite high. There are no fundamental differences between fixation with staples and pockets, therefore, in both cases, the same algorithm is used. First, with the help of the handles of the frame, the mosquito net is lifted to the stop, its lower part is pushed back so that it bypasses the fasteners. Then the top one is disengaged, unfolded and pulled into the room. The mesh fixed in the pockets is deflected to the sides.

Release from plungers

Such dismantling also requires an assistant, since this process is more complicated. First of all, they are engaged in the lower pins: they are pulled out at the same time. Slightly pushing the structure, then pull out the upper elements. Another easier way is to unscrew the rods. They are removed by turning the elements clockwise. Reverse rotation of the plunger will damage the fastener. However, it should be noted that when installing the grid back into place, you may encounter some difficulties.

Removing the frame with internal hooks

In this case, the work is completely elementary. Such models are dismantled by slightly loosening the screws that secure the frame in the upper and side parts. The lower elements are not touched. After loosening the fasteners, the hooks are turned inward. If the element moves reluctantly, the screw is unscrewed a little more. The top edge is slightly pulled out. Then the frame is lifted and removed.

Complicated roll fixture

The heaviness of the structure, the fasteners located on the side of the street, and the fact that it will have to be kept on weight are sufficient reasons to simply roll it “roll on roll” and then place it in a special container. Otherwise, the owners are waiting for a difficult dismantling procedure: both the mechanism and the guides.

Ease of sliding design

It is treated in the same way as with the wardrobe doors. The moving part is lifted, moved away, removed from the rail, then lowered and carried away. Since the pleated mesh is a miniature and more convenient type of sliding nets, it is also dismantled in the same way.

Mosquito nets - "undershirts"

The hinged structure is simply lifted and removed. Models of the old model, which were screwed with self-tapping screws, will require the "live participation" of the tool - a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

How to remove the mesh from the window? It is elementary if its owners live on the ground floor and also have a stepladder in their arsenal. Just when a master and an apprentice are doing the work. It is more difficult when it comes to reliable, but somewhat "tricky" plunger fasteners of the structure.

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Mosquito nets are the most affordable and effective means of dealing with annoying insects. Modern grids are very convenient, they do not interfere with the penetration of sunlight and air, they are made of durable materials and serve for several decades. And most importantly, anyone can handle their installation or dismantling. To do this, it is enough to study a little how to remove or install mosquito nets on plastic windows.

There are three main types of nets on the market: frame, roll and sliding. The design of all three types is different and the approach to their installation and removal also differs.

How to install a frame mosquito net on a plastic window?

Frame mosquito nets are a metal frame on which the canvas is stretched.

To install such a grid, you will need: fasteners (plastic or metal corners, pockets or hooks), a drill and small-diameter screws. You can purchase a finished frame with a mesh of the size you need or make it to order.

corners. It is most convenient to install frame mosquito nets on plastic windows using corners (brackets). It is cheaper to buy plastic corners, but for heavier nets or for the anti-cat system (a mosquito net of special strength that cannot be torn by claws), metal is used.

For standard size windows, four corners will suffice. They are mounted on self-tapping screws on the outside of the window from the bottom and top of the profile. The mesh frame is installed first in the upper corners, and then inserted into the lower ones. Please note that there are usually thickened inserts along the edges of the frame that prevent the mesh from being removed from the outside.

Pockets for attaching the mesh are installed at the corners of the frame, the frame itself is attached in the same way as in the case of mounting on the corners: first, in the lower mounts, then in the upper ones.

Hooks, unlike their predecessors, are not attached to the profile, but to the frame itself.

How to remove or install such mosquito nets on plastic windows is not much different from installing standard “mosquito nets”, the only difference is that in this case the frame clings to the profile from the outside, and the hooks themselves are in the room.

How to remove a frame mosquito net from a plastic window?

Frame mosquito nets are convenient because they are equally easy to install and remove. To dismantle such a grid, you need to take it by the canvas and pull it up, thereby first removing it from the lower mount. Then the grid is completely pulled out of the upper grooves. It is not necessary to remove the fasteners themselves, they do not interfere with the normal operation of the window.

How to install a rolled (roller) mosquito net?

Such mosquito nets, according to the principle of their action, resemble roller blinds or roller shutters. The entire mechanism and coil are located on the side of the room and are protected by a strong frame.

Despite the fact that the whole mechanism looks intimidating, installing such a grid is not at all difficult. You are purchasing a ready-made product and all that is required is to attach the mechanism to the profile with self-tapping screws. There is no need to remove the mesh from a plastic window for the winter - you can raise or lower it at any time. Inconvenience can arise if you want to put horizontal blinds on your window, because there will no longer be a place for their fastening on the profile.

How to install a retractable mosquito net?

A sliding mosquito net is another device that does not need to be removed for the winter, it operates on the principle of a compartment door, moves along a special bridge in two directions. You can open and close the grid with one move.

Such grids are not convenient for standard windows with a regular sash; you can install them only on compartment windows. Such a grid is already provided in the design of such windows. If you want to install it yourself, you need to attach a bridge to the screws, along which the future grid will move, at the top and bottom of the profile. Then the frame sliders are inserted into the upper bridge and only then into the lower one.

Make sure that the frame sits tightly in the mount and does not stagger.

How to install pleated mesh?

There is a kind of sliding mosquito net, which is suitable for a window with a standard sash - pleated mesh (pleated). It, like a regular sliding net, moves along a special bridge, its difference is that when closed, it folds into an accordion.

Sliding and pleated mosquito nets are installed on a plastic window according to the same principle.

How to remove an old mosquito net from a window?

More recently, "mosquitoes" were attached to the profile itself without the use of frames and fasteners. Such designs were inconvenient to use, needed frequent replacement and spoiled the appearance of the window, leaving traces of self-tapping screws and nails on the profile.

In order to get rid of such a mesh, you need to remove the nails with wire cutters or pliers and remove the canvas. You can cover up nail marks with a self-adhesive profile film. You can buy it from the window manufacturer. Unfortunately, it is not able to restore all the soundproofing and heat-shielding properties of the window, which will suffer due to the fastening of the mesh.

We talked about the main types of nets and how to install and remove them. But these are not the only rules for operating a mosquito net. Do not forget that the canvas needs to be washed periodically, because dust and dirt accumulate on it. It is better to wash the mesh with ordinary dishwashing gel and a soft sponge. Prepare a soap solution and moisten the fabric well with it, leave for a few minutes, then rinse off the foam and wipe the mesh dry. This wash should be done at least once a month.

The mosquito net installed on the window sometimes needs to be removed: this is necessary for winter storage in order to extend the life of some types of structures, or for cleaning it. Knowing how to remove the mesh from a plastic window , you will be able to do it yourself without damaging the mesh frame. Pick-up methods may vary for different types of products.

Regardless of what type of product you have installed, if you decide to remove the mesh, you need to choose dry, calm weather. The mesh has a large area, so a gust of wind can rip it off when you unscrew it, or tear it out of your hands. Falling to the ground, with a high probability the frame will break. The rain will drip in the face, which is not very pleasant.

If the design has sashes, then how to remove the mesh from the window , you don't have to think. You just need to open one sash and unscrew the outer fasteners.

How to remove the frame mesh

It is easy to recognize such a design: it consists of a metal frame with plastic or iron corners, and the mesh itself is stretched inside it. The corners themselves are usually located on the side of the street, and they are not visible from the room. Most nets have special handles, so you need to pull them up to remove them. Raising the frame by 2 cm, this will release the lower fasteners, then the structure must be pulled down.

Before removing the mosquito net from the plastic window , keep in mind that just like that it will not pass through the opening. It will need to be deployed on the street, and then dragged into the room. Remove all interfering objects located near the window inside the room: first of all, this concerns the windowsill. If the mesh is equipped with pockets that are screwed to the corners of the frame, it can be removed in a similar way, with the only difference being that it will not need to be deflected up and down, but to the side.

Some designs are connected with hooks. To remove such a grid, it is necessary, without dismantling the hooks, to release the canvas from them. The principle of operation is the same as in the case of attachment to pockets or corners. Details on how to repair a mosquito net with your own hands.

How to remove the sliding mesh

If compartment windows are installed in the house, they are equipped with sliding nets: a feature of this design lies in its ability to move to the side using special runners and guides for this. They are located at the top and bottom. Guessing how to pull the grid out of the plastic window , no need. The mesh is removed elementarily, it is enough to lift it slightly so that it comes out of the guide, and then pull it down with an offset.

Removing sliding nets

If the mesh is pleated (able to fold in a window opening), the technology for dismantling it is no different from a conventional sliding one.

We remove the grid on the plungers

The pin connection is used quite often, as it is considered the most reliable. This design is screwed to the window profile on pins from above and below. You can remove such a grid only if you unscrew all the plungers that fix the pin, after which the mount can be removed and the necessary actions can be taken with it.

Removing the grid on the plungers

Advice: in order to prevent the plunger from being lost, it is recommended to rotate the pin only clockwise.

Other ways to remove the mesh if its design is different

Thinking about how to remove the mosquito net from the window , it also occurs in cases where it has some special structure: for example, an old-style mesh. Such structures are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws or nailed with nails. You will need to pull out the fasteners or unscrew it. Leaving the holes left by the fasteners in the public domain is not recommended: they should at least be sealed with tape.

Removing mosquito nets on hooks

If you are dealing with a door mesh, then keep in mind that it is attached to its own hinges. To remove it, you will need to unscrew or disconnect them, depending on which loop is installed. Some difficulties can organize rolled nets, as they are placed above the window in a special box. Without dismantling the box, it is usually impossible to remove the canvas. If the frame is held on the flags, they will need to be bent, only after that it will be possible to dismantle the structure.

The mosquito net installed on the window sometimes needs to be removed: this is necessary for winter storage in order to extend the life of some types of structures, or for cleaning it. Knowing how to remove the mesh from a plastic window , you will be able to do it yourself without damaging the mesh frame. Pick-up methods may vary for different types of products.

Regardless of what type of product you have installed, if you decide to remove the mesh, you need to choose dry, calm weather. The mesh has a large area, so a gust of wind can rip it off when you unscrew it, or tear it out of your hands. Falling to the ground, with a high probability the frame will break. The rain will drip in the face, which is not very pleasant.

If the design has sashes, then how to remove the mesh from the window , you don't have to think. You just need to open one sash and unscrew the outer fasteners.

How to remove the frame mesh

It is easy to recognize such a design: it consists of a metal frame with plastic or iron corners, and the mesh itself is stretched inside it. The corners themselves are usually located on the side of the street, and they are not visible from the room. Most nets have special handles, so you need to pull them up to remove them. Raising the frame by 2 cm, this will release the lower fasteners, then the structure must be pulled down.

Before removing the mosquito net from the plastic window , keep in mind that just like that it will not pass through the opening. It will need to be deployed on the street, and then dragged into the room. Remove all interfering objects located near the window inside the room: first of all, this concerns the windowsill. If the mesh is equipped with pockets that are screwed to the corners of the frame, it can be removed in a similar way, with the only difference being that it will not need to be deflected up and down, but to the side.

How to remove the sliding mesh

If compartment windows are installed in the house, they are equipped with sliding nets: a feature of this design lies in its ability to move to the side using special runners and guides for this. They are located at the top and bottom. Guessing how to pull the grid out of the plastic window , no need. The mesh is removed elementarily, it is enough to lift it slightly so that it comes out of the guide, and then pull it down with an offset.

Removing sliding nets

If the mesh is pleated (able to fold in a window opening), the technology for dismantling it is no different from a conventional sliding one.

We remove the grid on the plungers

The pin connection is used quite often, as it is considered the most reliable. This design is screwed to the window profile on pins from above and below. You can remove such a grid only if you unscrew all the plungers that fix the pin, after which the mount can be removed and the necessary actions can be taken with it.

Removing the grid on the plungers

Advice: in order to prevent the plunger from being lost, it is recommended to rotate the pin only clockwise.

Other ways to remove the mesh if its design is different I

Thinking about how to remove the mosquito net from the window , it also occurs in cases where it has some special structure: for example, an old-style mesh. Such structures are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws or nailed with nails. You will need to pull out the fasteners or unscrew it. Leaving the holes left by the fasteners in the public domain is not recommended: they should at least be sealed with tape.

Removing mosquito nets on hooks

If you are dealing with a door mesh, then keep in mind that it is attached to its own hinges. To remove it, you will need to unscrew or disconnect them, depending on which loop is installed. Some difficulties can organize rolled nets, as they are placed above the window in a special box. Without dismantling the box, it is usually impossible to remove the canvas. If the frame is held on the flags, they will need to be bent, only after that it will be possible to dismantle the structure.

Conclusion: knowing how to remove a mosquito net , you can, if necessary, clean and repair it or clean it for the winter, if you do not want the canvas to experience additional loads.

Plastic windows have long been a very commonplace. They are found in almost every window opening, every house or apartment. They have appeared on the construction market for quite a long time and almost immediately won the trust of consumers, as they have good properties and characteristics that satisfy all needs.

You can buy metal-plastic windows in a specialized store, where you can also get acquainted with the assortment and ask questions to specialists. For example, the REMOKNA Almaty company provides a wide selection of these products, which can be found on the company's website.

One of the components of the window structure is a mosquito net. Of course, you can buy a window without a mesh, but having one has a number of advantages. This attribute requires special care. The mesh should be periodically removed and washed well.

Types of installation

There are three most famous and commonly used types of mosquito net installation:

  • on plungers;
  • frame installation;
  • sliding installation.

We remove the grid that is installed on the plungers

This type of connection is used frequently, and is one of the most reliable. This design involves screwing the top and bottom of the grid to the window frame with pins.

Grid dismantling technology:

  • unscrew each of the plungers that fix the pins;
  • pull out all fasteners;
  • carefully remove the mesh.

Removing the mesh

The constituent elements of this design are a metal frame and plastic or iron corners with a mesh stretched in the middle. Removed quickly and easily:

  • lift up the special handle by 2 cm;
  • after lifting, the lower fastening is released and the structure can be removed by pulling it to the bottom.

Removing the mesh

Sliding screens are installed in the windows - compartments. This design is special in that it is able to move around, as it is located on the guides with runners. To remove the grid you need:

  • lift it, and give it the opportunity to get off the guide;
  • gently pull the grid down.

Here are some ways to remove the mosquito net from the window. But be extremely careful and do not let the net fall off your hands and fall into the street. This is fraught with the fact that it will simply break and you will need to buy a new one.