The Three of Wands will help you in a difficult situation. Arcana Three of Wands: Meaning and Description Three of Wands tarot combination

Wands in divination are traditionally responsible for power and ambition, describe the possibilities and prospects that open up to a person in various areas of life. They are convenient when you need to get an answer to a specific question. Of course, each card has its own meaning. Tarot Three of Wands - what does it promise? The answer to this question is contained in this article.

Tarot Meaning Three of Wands: General Information

So what is known about the map? To understand the meaning of the Tarot Three of Wands, you need to carefully consider the drawing shown in the picture. You can see a man standing alone on a high hill. The man's gaze is directed towards the sea, which stretches all the way to the horizon, the pose speaks of confidence. Nearby are three wands, one of which the man firmly holds. They have already managed to grow into the ground, to start up shoots.

How does the drawing help to understand the meaning of the Tarot Three of Wands? The map informs that it is easy to find a solution to existing problems. A person is only required to remain cool, not to succumb to feelings and not to commit

Direct position

What does the direct position of the Three of Wands Tarot card indicate? The meaning of this image is vital energy, which a person can easily activate in himself if he demonstrates initiative and confidence. The card carries two significant symbols at once. First of all, behind him is a long and difficult road, who managed to climb to the top as a result. It is also a sage who has reached a height from which the secret meaning of the universe was revealed to him.

The direct position of the card informs that everything that is happening to a person now is planned for him by fate itself, against which one should not rebel in order to avoid consequences. Obstacles that arise in his path can be easily eliminated by showing diplomacy and carefully considering each of his actions.

What does the Three of Wands (Tarot) warn about in conjunction with other cards? The meaning of the layout, in which the Emperor is also present, implies the soon receipt of the necessary information. In conjunction with the Wheel of Fortune, the Three of Wands ensures that the planned project will soon move or has already moved off the ground.

Reversed position

What does the inverted Three of Wands (Tarot) warn the fortuneteller about? in this case, it signals the excessive haste that a person shows who wants to know his future. Ill-considered actions and deeds can lead to the fact that he will not be able to achieve the desired goal, will not notice the unique opportunities that fate itself provides him. Having received such a result, it is worth stopping and thinking.

In addition, the Three of Wands can warn of stubbornness and arrogance, which have become a stumbling block in a person's relationship with the outside world. In this case, long-term work on yourself is necessary.

Combinations in which there is an inverted Three of Wands are also interesting. For example, paired with the Hermit, the card indicates that the fortuneteller runs the risk of being completely alone. Relations with friends deteriorate due to the stubbornness of a person, his unwillingness to compromise. He also scares away potential partners, an alliance with which can turn into a profit. In conjunction with the Tower, an inverted card speaks of an incorrectly chosen path, at the end of which fatal failures and losses in various areas of life are possible.

Career, business: direct position

What is the meaning of the Tarot Three of Wands in terms of career, business? If the card has a direct position, such a sign should in most cases be regarded as good. There is no doubt that a person never allows himself to break the law, conducts business in good faith.

In addition, it is worth assuming that the fortuneteller did not make a mistake when choosing the business of his life, he receives only pleasure from work, which will not disappear in the future. Finally, the card may indicate that the case of interest will be successfully completed, progress has already made itself felt. If the Three of Wands goes in conjunction with the Priestess, the fortuneteller will soon have influential friends, relations with which will turn out to be of significant benefit. Combinations with the Hierophant indicate a reverent attitude to the letter of the law, which helps in business.

Career, business: inverted position

The inverted position of the card, on the contrary, indicates that the fortuneteller experiences a constant craving for risk, dangerous adventures beckon him. It is possible that a person is too fond of dreams, forgetting to soberly assess his chances. Such an approach may turn out to be a mistake for him when choosing a direction, as a result of which all efforts will be in vain or even result in significant financial losses.

In addition, the inverted Three of Wands is able to predict the difficulties into which the first successes will soon be transformed. It is very likely that a person will be unprepared for obstacles, and as a result will not be able to successfully overcome them. The presence of the Jester in the layout indicates a dangerous carelessness in business, with which it is advisable to start fighting right now in order to avoid serious consequences. The loss of the Three of Wands in conjunction with the Devil indicates that a person uses the wrong methods, trying to achieve his goal.

Love, relationships: direct position

If the fortuneteller is interested in questions related to the romantic sphere of life, what can the Three of Tarot Wands in the upright position (meaning in relationships) warn him about? The appearance of the card indicates that the long-awaited mutual understanding has finally reigned in the relationship of the couple, secrets have disappeared. Lovers do not hide their intentions from each other.

The Three of Wands in most cases indicates the strength of the union, a person should not doubt his partner. For those who have been married for a long time, the card can promise a change of residence, a long joint trip. Also, the birth of a long-awaited child is not excluded. People who have not yet married may soon receive a marriage proposal that they have been counting on for a long time. The chances of this event are increased by falling Lovers in combination with the Three of Wands.

Love, Relationships: Reversed

Which reversed card matters? Tarot Three of Wands in a relationship layout in this case warns of problems. It is possible that the cause of the difficulties that have arisen is the stubbornness of a person, his disagreement with the arguments of reason. It will be possible to correct the situation if the fortuneteller agrees to take the advice of experienced people.

In addition, the inverted Three of Wands can signal unwillingness to take a serious step, unwillingness to deal with emerging difficulties. This value is enhanced if the Five of Cups is associated with the card. Union with the Moon, on the other hand, indicates that a person avoids any changes with all his might, wanting to maintain relations in their current form. Perhaps he does not have the desire to marry, which the partner insists on, or he refuses to live together.


What is the meaning of the Tarot Three of Wands in the health layout? A card that has a direct position generally makes a favorable forecast. However, this does not apply to people suffering from a severe illness. In this case, the Three of Wands indicates the rapid development of a troublesome ailment. You should definitely consult a doctor, you need complex treatment.

Should I be afraid if the card falls upside down? This symbol indicates sluggish processes. It is possible that the disease from which a person suffers will soon pass or has already passed into a chronic form.

Map of the day

What is the significance of the Tarot Three of Wands as a card of the day? It is likely that a person has finally taken a strong position from which it will be easy for him to climb to the desired peak. It is also likely that this has already happened, that immense prospects have opened up before the fortuneteller, which cannot be ignored. Now is the best time to realize your capabilities, think over long-term goals, since all plans will certainly be implemented.

Regardless of the current state of affairs, a person should not allow himself to indulge in self-doubt. Luck will certainly turn to face him, this may happen in the near future. At the moment, it is worth relaxing and allowing yourself a little rest. The Three of Wands card indicates that the time has come to start enjoying life. The existing problems are minor, and they will soon resolve.

The Three of Wands is a card of growth, stability and success (and other cards will indicate the area to which this applies). Whatever the question is - personal relationships, career, spiritual growth - this card says that we must continue to move forward, go beyond the current boundaries, stop early.

Ideas are inspired and realized along this map, they take shape and receive direction. She promises a successful outcome of the case, regarding which the question was asked. A stable position, strong support and further prosperity, excellent prospects - these are the two meanings of this card. Therefore, the Three of Wands is considered a decoration of the alignment, it reflects a positive course of events and gives a favorable forecast.

The card says that a person has already achieved certain heights and will be able to achieve even more in the future. It makes sense to hope for the best and breathe deeply. This card means primary order, its meanings are a solid foundation, success, a strong position. She says that a certain point or point has been reached in the case, where you can not be afraid of anything and look forward with confidence. As Banzhaf writes, "This card is one of my favorites, because it not only speaks of a stable state of affairs at the moment, but also promises further prosperity."

Some authors believe that the Three of Wands describes small problems in business that can be solved. This is a small test, which the questioner is quite capable of overcoming through sound and responsible actions, as well as with the help of friends. In any case, this card says: "Everything will be fine!" If before that there was a black streak in life, the Three of Wands heralds the end of disasters.

Sometimes the importance of preparation is emphasized before taking a decisive step into the future.


The map indicates that the period of doubt and reflection has come to an end, and the person is ready not only to make a specific decision, but also to actively seek its implementation. On this card is a brave and positive perception of reality, planning activities with optimism and self-confidence. Harmonious spring mood, no destruction. Strength and hope. Creative inspiration, realization of the plan. Philosophical and positive attitude, willingness to build a new life (and the heart is already there).

New activities and interests, spirit of wandering, initiative. A vast world lies ahead and the wisdom within is now strong enough to cast aside any anxieties and doubts that may arise. Gloomy reflections and scrupulous calculations lose their meaning when a person is full of vitality and light, sincerity and disinterestedness. Awareness of one's abilities and development of self-confidence.

Ancient interpretations emphasize such meanings as power, determination, firmness, audacity, self-confidence. Modern writers call this "personal growth."
The card also carries the growth of insight, intuition, the ability to foresee.
Among the old meanings are integrity, honesty, uncompromising virtue.

This card symbolizes the primary order, is associated with understanding, awareness. Creative energy is directed towards new goals in a powerful triune stream. At the level of this card, a vector of social activity and the ability to widely disseminate one's ideas are formed.

In essence, everything that surrounds us is the result of such a spread, we did not create it ourselves, starting from a toothbrush and ending with a computer monitor. Falling out in a layout, the Three of Wands says that life provides us with the opportunity to realize our ideas (provided that we leave behind everything that depletes our precious reserves of energy).

The map depicts a man who has traveled the path and finally reached the top. And in addition, from this peak, he had a wide view of the world around him, literally - views. Visions for the future! At a deeper level, this card means the ability to foresee as a result of spiritual development. Finding luck on a spiritual level. One of the interesting remarks (by Filadoro) regarding the symbolism of the Arcana is that, being dressed in aristocratic, almost royal clothes, the person on the Arcana is not shod. Perhaps he does not know his origin, he came from obscurity - this motif is repeated in the fate of many legendary heroes and is in many ways the key to their success: they grow up in mansions, nothing would have come of them.

Regarding the astrological meaning of the card, the following information was found: the second decade of Aries is ruled by the Sun and symbolizes confidence, positivity and joy of life. The impulse of the initial movement is gaining strength and strengthening in its correctness. An ardent young ambitious impulse, striving for the ideal (hence the name - "virtue"), is realized in life's creativity.

The choice is conscious: the source of enthusiasm is a conscious idea (isn't it interesting that the word "enthusiasm" has an "ace" hidden in it?). A person finds all the necessary energy resources in himself: his support is the light of reason. Compliance with the internal law gives him the opportunity to exercise his free will. True, in order to realize your ideals, you need to find support among the environment: you don’t go on a ship alone. To do this, it is important to overcome the excessive desire for risk and material selfishness. A reasonable understanding of the possibilities of the world, friendship and love will be the key to success.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Tip: explore new frontiers! Act smart and hope for the best. Do not under any circumstances be discouraged. Feel free to accept the help offered. Be absolutely confident in the success of your endeavors. We must do everything we can to make our dreams come true! Actions at the moment in no way contradict the plans of fate, there is a hit in the right direction. Now it is possible to overcome almost any difficulties, provided that reasonable and responsible steps are taken (the person himself usually knows perfectly well what needs to be done).

Warning: valiant prowess is a sacred thing, but now it's out of place! Recklessness and haste, the tendency to “run ahead of the locomotive”, senselessly ahead of events (“in the life of every person there comes a moment when he mercilessly breaks with his past, and with the trembling hand of the future tears off the mysterious cover of the future!”) excessive arrogance and overly ambitious plans that can lead to serious difficulties (as is the case, for example, with ill-conceived business expansion, unreasonable expansion). Excessive optimism and frivolity. Disregard for useful advice and guidance. Sometimes (in old manuals) an indication of a hidden plot, an ambush.

Stable position and further prosperity. Successful problem solving. Excellent opportunity to further improve the situation. Financial success through sensible behavior. The Three of Wands is favorable for matters related to material well-being. It means commercial success, and generally shows a person who occupies a strong position and has a reliable rear.

According to this card, a house is being built, an apartment is being bought.

The meaning of the Three of Wands can manifest itself in two ways, depending on the context of the situation. If there are relationships in a person’s life that do not suit him, then this card has a clear intention to throw off the shackles, free himself for a better life and build his future anew. If the relationship is important and valuable, then the Three of Wands describes progress, their successful development, concern for deepening and strengthening trust and mutual understanding. The partner described by the Three of Wands expects a lot from this relationship, has high hopes for them, associates his aspirations with the partner and believes that this is mutual. At the very least, he believes the relationship has a future.

There is faith and hope here and no room for doubt (whether this is justified is another question).
Often on this card there is a declaration of love, or at least an open and honest manifestation of one's intentions.

Traditional interpretations include an engagement and even a wedding (again due to the success of the Threes and the officiality of the Wands), modern authors indicate that this may be some smaller event, nevertheless certifying the affection and value of this relationship (for example, a significant gift).

In any case, whether a person is mired in an unhappy relationship, in love or looking for a mate, he knows exactly what he wants to achieve and relentlessly creates plans to implement his plan. The Three of Wands is the card that is traditionally considered the key to happiness. She says that sorrows and troubles will be left behind, all opportunities for building a prosperous life are revealed, and everything will be fine in relationships. Spring mood and sexual harmony.

The card has another interesting meaning, which it shares with the Two of Wands, and which also sometimes works instead of the more usual one. She speaks of nostalgia, longing, an ardent desire to go where the heart is ... it is clearly not here, perhaps with someone who is not nearby. You need intuition to guess whether this meaning can work in the situation of the questioner. Of course, the Six of Cups nearby greatly simplifies things.

Physical and moral strength.

If a direct card speaks of the ability to foresee the future, that an inverted card warns of indiscretion, recommends that you think it over again and, most likely, postpone your plans until better times. Lack of expected successes and/or broad prospects. Loss of chances of success.

In addition, a person does not dare to undertake something new, because he does not feel solid ground under his feet and does not see prospects. Some authors believe that this may make it more open to collaboration. But the fact of the matter is that in an inverted position, the card means cooperation in which a person is not free. Help may be provided with some ulterior motive, an ulterior motive. In general, the most traditional meaning of the reversed Three of Wands is precisely this - a warning against the offered help.

Sometimes the underestimation of the enemy's forces is emphasized and therefore the neglect of the offered help, or an overly cautious attitude towards the one who offers this help (reinsurance). The traditional meanings of the Three of Wands reversed are gloomy: addiction, duplicity and betrayal, trickery, treason.

The collapse of plans, the "dead season". Uncertainty, stagnation. Moreover, inconsistency in joint actions leads to such an outcome.

With the Jester - strengthening the meaning, opening up new horizons, a new round of the path

With the Emperor - bright leadership

With Justice - an escape from life (from an old interpreter)

With the Moon - fear of changes in one's own life

With Peace - the emergence of a new person, communication with which will bring a lot of pleasant emotions and experiences, as well as interesting and valuable information.

With the Five of Cups - passivity, inertia

With the Eight of Cups - the beginning of the journey, departure

With the Two of Swords - refusal to see the obvious

With the Three of Pentacles - sensible planning, preparation for the future

With the Eight of Pentacles - righteous works to achieve the stated goals

God's Promise to Abraham of the "Promised Land"

A man standing on rocky ground looks out to sea.
The stone underfoot symbolizes the achievements of man, and the ships on the horizon - his ideas.
His ships, or plans, have just been launched and now is the time to analyze if everything is working as it should.

The person looks lonely and would definitely be happier if he had the support of other people throughout his action, but he did not ask them for help.
In general, the Three of Wands means success, but it can also mean frustrated plans, the collapse of ideas or an obstacle to the flow of thoughts, or that too much time is spent on words and not enough on the execution of what was planned.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Three of Wands
  • Are you implementing a new idea or starting a project?
  • Too many words and too little action?
  • Do you need to ask someone for help or advice?
  • Does conviction give you courage?
  • Everything that happens, you will see through?
  • Are you expecting something or someone?
Key Ideas
Think positive.

A positive approach will help create positive results.
Visualize yourself getting what you want or getting where you want to be.
Keep focusing on the goal and working towards it.

Increased focus and increased energy will increase your chances of getting what you want.

Direct map: You can keep looking for new friends and at the same time maintain the commitments of old friendships.
Direct map: You can't build a city in a day.
Success in exams requires steady, regular work and self-discipline.
Reversed card: There is no easy and quick way to pass the exam with excellent marks.

Either you work long hours but don't push yourself too hard, or you prepare quickly but risk overworking.
Don't rely on other people's cheat sheets.

Direct map: You are ready to put a lot of effort into relationships that are important to you.

Determination will bring positive results.
Reversed card: Are you working on relationships at least a little?
If not, think about why and make a decision.
If you can't make your partner happy, let him or her go from you - let that person find happiness with someone else.

A family
Direct map: Your family treats you like a wise soul.
Your prudence and soundness of judgment is simply amazing.
Reversed card: Don't be so far away from your family.

Relatives can be helped by your insight.

Direct map: You may be interested in politics or law.
Reversed card: Are you interested in anything right now?

Why do you let boredom take so much of your time?

Health / Appearance
Direct map: You are at peace with yourself, so you are characterized by confidence and maturity.
Reversed card: You are not an outcast in your environment.

Stop not loving yourself.
Now you see yourself distorted, and others - correctly.

Direct map: Your work is paying off.
You can rejoice at success and consider further opportunities.

Reversed card: Now you have too much study load, you do not have enough time even to think about earning.

Divination in half a minute
Aaron is interested in Tarot and spends quite a lot of time playing cards.

The Three of Wands indicates that Aaron needs to find a worthy challenge for himself in the mental and physical sphere.
It is very good that he likes to work with Tarot, but he should not be limited only to cards.

Around - a whole huge world, which also can and should be explored.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The resting figure indicates the completion of the initial stage of the project.
Completion of the first stage.
The inspiring energy of the Ace of Wands and the readiness for action of the Two find their logical conclusion in the Three of Wands.

The preliminary stage begun by Ace is over, but there is still a lot to be done - this idea is reflected by the climbers in the Medieval Scapini Tarot.
In the Tarot of Herbs, this card depicts a man peering into a landscape unfolding before him, where there is no other vegetation than a huge blooming saffron flower in the foreground, indicating the presence of opportunities for development that are already beginning to appear.

The Three of Wands symbolizes new opportunities.
While we may have already achieved one of our goals, we recognize that we still have a long way to go, and it may even be longer than before.

Exciting new opportunities open up before us that we may not have known before, and we are ready to continue the work that was started by the Ace.
We come across a fresh idea and are eager to seize the opportunity.

This card indicates that strength and determination are needed to achieve our goals.
She encourages us to focus fully on this task.
The Three of Wands predicts a favorable outcome of our activities and informs us that the time has come to take an important step forward and show our talents to the fullest.

If this card appears in a spread, it means that you are full of creative ideas.
You can start a new career or a new stage in life and look to the future with optimism, although it may take time for you to test your ideas in practice.

The Three of Wands encourages you to move forward and confirms that you are ready to take the next step.
You are satisfied with what you have achieved so far, and you are both confident and excited about the opportunities that are opening up.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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Value for divination
Practical knowledge.
Insight in business.
A business.
Reversed value
Help with an ulterior motive.

End of trouble.
A warning against offered help.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Three of Wands indicates problems that can be resolved if you remain calm, reasonable, full of self-esteem.

inner meaning
Whatever difficulties have arisen before, the Questioner is able to overcome them.

Don't act impulsively; you know what to do.
Use your experience and common sense.
In fact, if your difficulties were caused by your own mistakes or even a sense of inferiority, sane and responsible actions will allow you to deal with them.

If your problems are caused by the interference or opposition of others, you can also resolve them by acting firmly and decisively.
You can also count on the help and advice of friends.

Value in the layout
Direct or Positive: Good behavior in your business or enterprise will lead to financial growth.

You can also get help from your consultant or business partner.
This card indicates that collaboration, like mature decisions, is the key to successful action.
In the most general form: success in business or trade; negotiation.

A solid foundation has been laid or can be installed.
Reversed or Negative: Your problems are solved; difficulties behind.
You can expect the end or end of disputes and disasters.
For a while you are provided with a quiet life.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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If the Two showed the need to make a decision, then the Three of Wands had already launched the flywheel of events.
On the Waite-Smith deck card, the ships have already been launched.
This card shows that you have the strength, confidence, and courage to start a new venture, perhaps based on a combination of three people or three factors.

From a position of authority, you command, oversee the process, and direct the activities of others.
All this can take place in the sphere of business and trade, international commerce or negotiations with representatives of foreign powers.

However, you can wait until your ship arrives in the harbor.
From a historical point of view, shipping was a large and very risky business, paying off even in the event of complete success only after months or even years.

You can build long-term projects or plan your future creatively with a bird's-eye view of what's going on in your head.
However, the subject of your study may be small, momentary details.

You are exploring a new project or setting out to explore new territory.
You are ready in time to seize the opportunity predicted by the previous card.
The Three of Wands advises you to be bold and fearless in achieving your goal, even if it seems imprudent now.

Perhaps for you, the card means travel or the need to manage your affairs from afar.
Foresight and prudence will be needed to determine the course of events.
Traditional meanings: enterprises, trade, negotiations.

Activity, business.
Courage, courage, recklessness, imprudence.
Grab or take away.
Courage, audacity.
Commercial ability, intellectual dynamism.
Travel and discovery.

Fruitful cooperation.

Reversed Three of Wands
The reversed Three of Wands warns that your plans will be difficult to carry out or that you are in a genre crisis.
You may have bitten off more than you can chew and the task seems impossible.

At one end of the spectrum, you lack vision and foresight, resulting in hectic activity, hasty decisions, fatigue, and failure.
On the other hand, your dreams, dreams and desires are unable to come true, because you do not know where to start and are afraid to take risks.

Also, over-ambition, arrogance and stubbornness can be a source of problems, the natural consequence of which is concern about whether you will receive at least some reward for your efforts.

You may hesitate to accept help from others because you don't trust them and are afraid of being deceived.
The result is a feeling of alienation and isolation.
All this will lead to delays and setbacks, but they will be temporary; the situation can still improve.

However, the possibility that you will not receive any dividends from your investments, and the project will fail, still remains.
Focus your attention on specific, momentary, step-by-step actions.

Break the workflow into successive small subtasks.
Perhaps your unconscious attitudes and expectations are the reason for failure in relationships with people who do not correspond to these attitudes or do something wrong.

You may feel ignored and deprived of important information that everyone else has access to.
On a personal level, you may have turned your back on the future in order to focus on the past.

It can be anything - from memories of past lives to genealogical research.
This card can also mean an emigrant.
When projected onto others, it may seem to you that they are ignoring their day-to-day responsibilities, hovering in the clouds, or focused solely on future possibilities that are still far from being realized.

In terms of health, these can be illnesses "earned" on foreign trips, or a genetic tendency to certain ailments.
From a shamanic and magical point of view, this card speaks of a person's responsibility for his actions, the consequences of which extend "seven generations ahead", and as some say, even back.

Traditional inverted meanings: hidden motives.
Distrust, treachery, betrayal, deceit.
A process interrupted by failures.
Labor award.
Termination of disasters.
The end of pain, ordeal and disappointment.

Respite from trouble.
Beware of the help offered.
Hope, desire, attempt.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
I know that to be successful I need to be a real diplomat.
Description of the card and its inner meaning
As with the Two of Wands, this card depicts a person looking into the distance expectantly.

Only now he is surrounded not by two, but by three staves.
The Three of Wands says that the problems that have arisen can be solved if you act sensibly, remaining calm and reasonable.
Whatever these difficulties may be, the Questioner is now able to overcome them.

If, say, they are caused by the interference of others, he can resolve the situation by acting very decisively.
If the difficulties have arisen as a result of the Inquirer's own mistakes, sound and timely action will help to cope with them.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - B, number - 3, Ruled by the planet - Jupiter, zodiac sign - Aries, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 35th hexagram ("Sunrise"), Weather conditions - rain, Corresponding color - yellow, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the sephirah Binah.
Card meaning
Direct position
The Three of Staves says that the problems that arise are solved if you act not impulsively, but thoughtfully and diplomatically.
The questioner may receive advice from friends or colleagues.

Perhaps a positive resolution of issues and contracts.
Success in trade and business is expected.

Reversed position
In this case, Arkan portends the Questioner a calm life and a successful resolution of the situation, the end of disputes, the end of troubles.

And let Fate punish the Questioner for premature self-confidence, nevertheless, much is forgiven him.
Three Staffs speaks of the need to do some work, which in the future will bring considerable profit.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Three of Wands indicates the successful development of the planned enterprise.
Growth, positive development, well-being.
The period of doubt and reflection is over, and now you are ready for vigorous activity in order to fulfill your plan.

Now fate favors you: you are in the "stream", so there should be no obstacles.
It is also possible that a new person will appear in your life, who will bring you many pleasant emotions.

Inverted - the idol is overthrown from the pedestal.
Ideas do not bring the expected results.
You grab a lot of things in a phase, but you don’t finish anything.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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III. Troika - a calm, majestic figure, turned back, looks from the edge of a steep cliff at the ships passing through the sea.
Three sticks are stuck in the ground and he leans lightly on one of them.

Direct position: the card symbolizes solid (authoritative) strength, enterprise, efforts, trade, commerce, deployment (affairs).

These are his ships, carrying his own goods, which are sold overseas.

Reverse position: the end of worries, the suspension or cessation of misfortunes, hard work and disappointments.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Mercury in Leo as confidence in the future and breadth of outlook and a harmonious aspect with Saturn as a reliable basis.
THREE OF WANDS The Three of Wands combines two important images.

Firstly, this is a person who has traveled a long and difficult path and finally reached the top, and, secondly, this is someone who has a wide view of the world around him from a height.
A solid foundation is our support, and the prospect of a bright future, our goal - these are the two meanings of this card.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Dignity The second decade of Aries from 1 to 9 April.
Astrological equivalents: Mars, Jupiter in Libra.
The second decade of Aries is ruled by the Sun and symbolizes confidence, positivity and joy in life.

The impulse of the initial movement is gaining strength and strengthening in its correctness.
An ardent young ambitious impulse, striving for the ideal (hence the name - "virtue"), is realized in life's creativity.

The choice is conscious: the source of enthusiasm is a conscious idea.
A person finds all the necessary energy resources in himself: his support is the light of reason.
Compliance with the internal law gives him the opportunity to exercise his free will.

True, in order to realize your ideals, you need to find support among the environment: you don’t sail alone on a ship.
To do this, it is important to overcome the excessive desire for risk and material selfishness.
A reasonable understanding of the possibilities of the world, friendship and love will be the key to success.

The trap is frivolity as a result of disregard for useful advice and guidance.
Direct position: In the upright position, the card symbolizes the primary order.
This is a solid foundation, success, a strong position.

A certain point has been reached, a certain point where one can stand on all fours and be afraid of nothing.
The situation when "the earth gallops towards the rider."
At the level of this map, a vector of social activity is formed.

The Three of Scepters is always associated with understanding, awareness.
The sphere in which this occurs will be indicated by the surrounding cards.
This is both practical knowledge, and the ability to conduct business, strength, enterprise, a penchant for trade, commerce, success in the latter, as well as: audacity, and courage, and a bold attempt (valiant daring), and ...

Sometimes, even carelessness.
Reversed position: In an inverted position, the card means: cooperation in which you are not free, betrayal, underestimation of the enemy’s forces, neglect of the offered help, or an overly cautious attitude towards it; who offers this assistance (reinsurance).

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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A man stands on a high hill and looks at the sea, stretching to the very horizon.
Ships are visible in the sea.
Next to the man are three wands that have grown into the ground and have already given rise to shoots.
The hand of a man lies on one of them.

This is the Traveler, a man who, in his time, embarked on a long and unsafe path in order to reach the sea.
He left the familiar world, changed a lot in his life and changed himself.
His path was difficult, he was tired, but he achieved his goal.

The sea is a new world, a new life that has opened up to man.
Now he is free from the burden of the past.
In the Aquarius Tarot cards, a person is just getting ready to go, looking at the distant sea from the tower of his castle, but this does not change the meaning of the card.

The Three of Wands is similar in meaning to the Two, only here we are talking not about intellectual, but about material labor - building a house, buying an apartment, creating a company, etc. In the upright position, she gives a favorable forecast; in the inverted position, she recommends rethinking everything and, most likely, postponing what was planned until better times.

Vitaly Zaichenko. "Tarot Waite and more, wise instructions sent by cards."

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Beyond the distance

No need to run ahead of the future, you need to blind it, as you imagine

Symbolic image:
A dark red cape on a person indicates a thirst for activity.
With hope, a man watches the ships sailing through stormy waters.

Astrological correspondence:
Element: Fire, Planet: Mercury

Traditional meaning:
Growth, development, courage, optimism, fulfillment, completion, reliability, strength, success, reward, satisfaction.
In many ways, the meaning of this card, like that of the Two of Wands, is that a huge world stretches ahead, and you need to make a choice: what to do, where to go and how to get there.

This man, however, has already descended from the fortress wall and is surveying the space from the top of the mountain.
The point here is that we are already on our way.

There is still an element of reflection and caution here, as this card speaks of the planning stage of an idea or venture.
The Three of Pentacles also carries this meaning, but on a more practical, financial level.

The Three of Wands refers rather to the search for good luck on a personal, spiritual level.
Often this card communicates that you are looking for a road to the future, knowing that the answers are somewhere here, but you still do not know where to find them.

Here lies the meaning of preparing for action before taking a decisive step.
Sometimes this card can hint at nostalgia or longing: your heart is in a different place, with someone who is not around, but for now something keeps you away.

What are we talking about?
About positive, promising prospects.

About a happy ending and a good start.
On the positive course of events/enterprises.

What needs to be done?
Look to the future with confidence, hope and optimism.
Take into account new goals.

Develop alternative ideas and perspectives.

Communicating with others:
It is necessary to create joint ventures.
Try to strengthen friendships.

Give others support.
Do not give up.

Treat others with care and trust them.

In love, in matters of the heart:
Be bold and resolute, look to the future with full confidence.
Trust your partner and strengthen the solid foundation on which you stand.

In professional activity:
Be open to new relationships and use them whenever possible.
Make decisions decisively and independently.

Create a solid foundation for financial prosperity and successful work.
Develop your ideas.

At a difficult moment in life: think about what you have achieved, what you are striving for.
Favorable prospects open before you.

Lift your eyes and look down on the horizon.

What should be avoided?
Stops, irresponsibility, isolation, megalomania, exaggeration, overestimation.

What surprises does the future hold?
Soon you will achieve well-being, a solid foundation.
The future opens up only good things for you.

If you don’t know what to do today, how to console yourself, Arkan whispers in a low whisper:
Today you just need to translate your plans, efforts, talents and creative resources into the existing world.
Think about where to direct your energy and knowledge to be useful.

Meditating on this Arcana, ask yourself:
In what area of ​​my life do I need to look at the horizon? What/who is coming to my shore?

The following statements will inspire you, help you to tune in optimistically and easily walk along the road of life.
I feel solid ground under my feet.

I look at the horizon and rejoice that / who is coming to my shore.
I myself build my relationships and arrange my life.

Three of Staves - Minor Arcana

From the position of astrology, the Three of Staffs corresponds to the second decade of Aries, which serves as a symbol of a positive attitude towards life, confidence in the future, and life's joys.

This decade is ruled by the Sun. The initial impulse gains strength and power. This is an impulse that inexorably strives for ideals. The idea laid down by Ace is filled with creative power, and a person with a powerful internal potential is in a hurry to realize it. The only thing he needs is to find support among his surroundings, overcoming selfishness and excessive desire for risk.

Other names for the Three of Staves: Three of Wands, Three of Sceptres, Three of Spears, Lord of the Affirmed Power.

A brief description of the Arcana: Opening opportunities, Dignity, Good prospects, Virtue.

Description of the Three of Staves

The Three of Staves in the classic deck is represented by the image of a young man standing on a high plain and looking into the distance. His gaze opened wide expanse of water, stretching to the horizon. Next to him, three wands come out of the ground, which gave new sprouts.

The man is wearing expensive clothes that speak of his high status, but at the same time he is barefoot, which indicates his poor origin. The man has achieved everything himself. He went from an inexperienced young man to a man with a high position in society. However, he does not stop there, but looks into the distance at the prospects that open before him.

In the Tarot deck of the Age of Aquarius, the Arcana is also represented by a young man looking forward. He has a head held high and a look filled with wisdom. In his hand he holds one staff - a symbol of the experience gained earlier. He has a castle behind him, which he leaves in search of new achievements, hurrying to new conquests.

The sacred meaning of the Three of Staves

The deep meaning is revealed by the image on the classic Arcana: a man standing in front of the sea horizon. This is a direct indication of the opportunities that open up before a person. The beginning of the path was laid by the Ace of Staves - a single impulse, accompanied by enthusiasm, underwent a period of decline, which was not in vain: a person had to make his choice in order to open new horizons for himself. This choice was made during the reign of the Two of Wands, and the time has come for the implementation - the Three of Wands.

Now powerful creative energy is directed to the implementation of the plan through the new opportunities received. But a person needs to leave behind all the doubts that deplete the reserves of the energy he needs.

A person stands on a hill, which speaks of his achievements. Having gone his way and having achieved good results, he got the opportunity to climb to the top, from which he can clearly see the prospects. This is a vision for the future!

Arkan speaks of the ability of foresight that has opened up to man, which, of course, is the result of his spiritual development. It comes along with the experience that a person can now use, which is what the wands say. Some deck writers depict this idea very vividly: the man is dressed in rich clothes, while he is not shod. Having no primary experience, he was able to gain it in the course of his journey. If he had grown up in the palace from the very beginning, then he would hardly have been able to receive those invaluable lessons that fate taught him.

Mythological Correspondence of the Three of Staves

The most striking narrative that reveals the deep meaning of the Arcana is the biblical story of how the Almighty promises Abraham the promised land.

The meaning of the direct Three of Staves in the layout

If the Two of Staffs required a person to make a choice and make the only right decision, then the Three says that the time has come for active action - the flywheel of the chain of events has already been launched. A person has enough strength, self-confidence and information to boldly move forward, start a new business, and solve complex problems.

The card predicts success, stability, growth. To understand in what sphere of life this happens, it is necessary to turn to the nearby Arcana in the layout. The only thing that is extremely necessary is to continue moving towards the intended goals, not stopping and not looking back, so as not to miss the chances bestowed by fate.

Whatever issue is considered by the layout, the Three of Wands will talk about its successful resolution. It always reflects the positive course of what is happening in a person’s life and gives favorable forecasts. Whatever happens, a person can be calm and breathe deeply: he is led by the conduct itself, he has already achieved a lot, and nothing prevents him from achieving even greater success.

Do not forget that fate throws up trials, but in the case of the Three of Wands, they are always surmountable and are only small problems that a person can overcome.

For those to whom life has presented unpleasant surprises, you can sigh with joy: the black streak is over.

The meaning of the inverted Three of Staves in the layout

If the direct Three of Staves indicates the ability to foresee, then the inverted one indicates indiscretion. With such a map, it is best to leave your ideas for further consideration. In a sense, the Three of Wands reversed returns a person to the state of the Two of Wands, when everything must be carefully weighed before taking a step forward.

With such a map, a person does not see prospects in front of him. He feels insecure, which is caused by the soil leaving from under his feet. Quite often this happens due to the fact that the ambitions went off scale and the person simply took on an unbearable burden. He's crouched under her, unable to see beyond his nose.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is difficult for a person to decide to accept help from outside, since at the moment he does not trust anyone. It is easier for him to isolate himself and try to find a way out than to interact with others. The card also warns a person against any help, as she can often have ulterior motives.

Quite often, a person under the influence of the Three of Staffs tries to hastily solve his problems, which makes him later regret his arrogance and stubbornness, because because of his uncoordinated actions, he can simply miss opportunities or take the smallest fraction of them.

In an inverted position, the Three of Staves promises failure, ruined plans, uncertainty in business, stagnation in situations, the inability to build coordinated relationships with others.


In layouts related to career and business, the card speaks of good, promising connections, the search for potential partners, outside help, and often from high-ranking persons. The map indicates the development of already started projects, and quite rapidly.

For a new undertaking, the card predicts a solid foundation and excellent opportunities. Any occupation considered by the Three of Wands has good prospects, promises profit and success. A significant role in this is played by the insight of a person and the ability to foresee everything in advance.

Representatives of the advertising business, promoters, people involved in promotion will feel very good with this card. Arkan is also favorable for commercial activities, trade.

The Troika Posokhov speaks of professional growth, acquiring new skills, advanced training, and achieving new successes in the field of education. He reports on beneficial business trips, business trips, especially those related to gaining new experience.

Reasonable behavior, constructive interactions with the environment necessarily lead to the success and prosperity of the business. The map shows that the team is aimed at one goal, and between people there is mutual understanding and coordination of actions.

Next to the Hierophant (V Arcana), the Three of Staves indicates that success in business will come if it does not go beyond the law. And in conjunction with the World (XXI Arcana), this card speaks of high achievements, significant results in the planned project.

The inverted Three of Staves indicates an excessive desire to take risks, building unrealistic projects, and a person firmly believes in their feasibility, which makes him do rash acts and follow the wrong path. This causes him to irretrievably waste time, make extra efforts and even spend money.

The map shows that a person is not ready to face difficulties, although he is aimed at success, but when difficult situations arise, he is lost, therefore, he is not able to complete the task.

Sometimes the card shows frivolous actions, especially if the Jester (XXII Arcana) is next to it. Problems in business can arise due to the dishonesty and deceitfulness of partners, dirty tricks on their part, which can completely destroy all plans.

Direction of self-development

Three Staffs says that it is very important for a person to be optimistic, to believe in himself and his abilities. For him, doubts should go by the wayside, they should have been left behind, passing the lesson of the Two of Staves. Now the time has come for concrete actions, and only they are able to advance a person on the path of self-development.

It's time to learn and gain new knowledge, and life requires you to be like everything philosophically. During this period, the soul blossoms, and creativity breaks out. Do not interrupt his flight, because he will open new horizons for a successful path. One of the active helpers during this period is inner wisdom based on past experience. She does not require looking back, she helps to move forward, only by giving subconscious clues.

This is one of the most favorable cards for personal growth.

The inverted Arkan warns that a person has neglected self-development. He is not ready to acquire new knowledge, he is more worried about the precarious situation that is created by his not entirely faithful and decent environment. He is mired in soul-searching and sees no further prospects.

In essence, one can say that a person has turned away from the opportunities before him, he has turned his back on the future and is focused on the problems left in the past.

A problem for self-development can be excessive self-confidence and unwillingness to use past experience, lack of insight and wisdom.

Personal relationships

Interestingly, the Three of Staves describes alliances. Most often, she indicates that the union has a very reliable foundation, relations between people will successfully develop, strengthen and bring mutual pleasure. But this is the case when partners initially care about the integrity of the union. If the relationship, for some reason, does not suit a person, then the Three Staffs speaks of the desire to throw off the shackles that weigh on a person and open up to new relationships. In any case, Arkan indicates that the time has come to clearly and clearly dot the "i".

If the card falls on one of the partners in the union, then we can say that he has high hopes for these relations and counts on reciprocity. He himself strives for long-term relationships and expects that his half longs for the same. Traditionally, this Arcana is associated with a declaration of love and even a marriage proposal, especially if it is adjacent to the Lovers (VI Arcana).

The Three of Staves is considered a card predicting happiness. It indicates a prosperous period in a person's life, the absence of problems in relationships. You can also talk about sexual harmony in the family. But there is one caveat: in such a marriage, people think more with their heads than they feel with their hearts. Such alliances are quite long and reliable. As a rule, this attitude towards marriage is mutual, they see the potential in relationships and strive to maintain them.

In an inverted position, Arkan shows difficulties in relationships due to the unwillingness of one of the partners, and sometimes both, to listen to good advice, which makes him follow his stubbornness, escalate the situation and act contrary.

Very often, the card speaks of parting because of the dishonesty of one of the partners, his tendency to cheat, tricks on his part. This destroys not only relationships that have already taken place, but also those just beginning, which are at the stage of the candy-bouquet period.

Very often a person is not able to make a serious decision and take a decisive step. He may be dissatisfied with the existing relationship, but he tries to move away from the partner, and even retire, without listening to anyone's advice. Especially if the Moon sat next to the inverted Three of Staves (XVIII Arcana).

The inverted Three of Wands is almost always a love triangle.

Personality characteristic

Three Staffs tells about a very cheerful optimistic person who is full of strength and energy. He is determined and determined to win in everything. He easily manages to cope with obstacles, especially if he sees prospects in front of him.

As a rule, these are successful people who have achieved a lot thanks to their determination and perseverance. They do not look back, but are rapidly rushing forward, casting aside doubts. It is quite difficult to knock them off the established path.

They are self-confident, harmonious and sociable. They have eloquence and an excellent ability to find compromise solutions. Very often, such people are inspired by a new idea and look for rational ways to implement it. They tend to philosophize and have creative abilities. They are proactive and always open to new beginnings, and they, as a rule, are successful.

These are adventurers in the good sense of the word, they have the spirit of wandering and there is no fear of the unknown. They always and in everything see prospects for themselves. They can easily leave their homes and embark on a journey to distant lands.

They are not devoid of wisdom, but they are not prone to scrupulous calculations, because activity is seething in them, and optimism always sets them up for victory. Intuition is developed and there is a gift of foresight.

These are virtuous and self-sufficient individuals who are prone to honesty. They will always provide support and never refuse useful advice.

Inverted, Arkan indicates a person who is charged with pessimism. Such a person easily succumbs to difficulties and falls into a panic mood. He is not confident in himself and often does not find the strength in himself to move the situation that weighs on him. He does not have the ability to see the future, largely due to his pessimism.

He is distrustful of others, tries not to become attached to people for fear of being deceived or betrayed. This makes him a loner in life. He himself is able to betray a person, in part this makes him see betrayal in others.

As a rule, a person prefers to achieve everything alone, without involving other people. He is self-confident in his knowledge, but in fact he lacks experience. It would be nice for him to get competent advice from outside, but he does not strive for this, which often deprives him of success.


Arkan speaks of the abundance of physical and moral strength. Inverted will talk about loss of strength, moral fatigue, impotence, pessimistic mood.

Situation breakdown

In layouts that consider a specific situation, the Three of Staves speaks of a favorable resolution, since prospects open up before a person, and he can follow the right path. It is important to understand that specific actions are required to resolve the situation, since eliminating it will only aggravate the situation.

The map shows that in order for the situation to go in the required direction, you need to either attract certain people to it, or take advantage of someone's competent advice. The main thing is that there are always such people next to a person, and it will not be difficult for him to use their help.

If the situation concerns trips, then we can say with confidence that they will be very successful, and a person can count on maximum results, especially if the Chariot (XVII Arcana) is nearby.

The inverted Three of Staves indicates that there is a rational way out of the situation, but, alas, a person is not able to find it. As a result, at the moment the situation is in limbo, and it can be resolved only when a person changes his thinking and can see the prospects for resolution.

According to the “dead end”, the situation described by the Three of Staves can be compared with the inverted Chariot (XVII Arcana). This is when different people in a situation do something different, pull the blanket over themselves, or the person himself is confused in the options for getting out of the situation. He sees several paths, but cannot decide to take even one of them. The situation may be accompanied by betrayal, quarrels, scandals, reticence of people.

To understand what awaits a person in this situation and what will affect its outcome, it is necessary to look at the neighboring Arcana.

Map of the day

A very successful day that opens up favorable prospects for a person. On this day, you can build far-reaching plans, start something new. A good day for a marriage proposal.

An inverted card promises a stop in business, you can say “a day of rest”, when you can step back from everything so that you don’t make mistakes because of your own farsightedness.

Card of the year

A year of accomplishments, achieving goals and realizing dreams. Success will accompany all endeavors, but only to those who do not dream, but act. During the year, with the Three Staffs, a person will practically not encounter problems, and minor troubles will not have any effect on the course of events.

An inverted card indicates a rather difficult year in all areas of life. This will be due to the fact that a person will lose the ability to see perspectives for his ideas and undertakings, which will make him indecisive and sometimes inactive. There is no need to despair, but you should simply step over your own conceit and find helpers from the outside. They will be able to give good advice that will help overcome difficulties.

Arcana Council

The Three of Staffs recommends boldly conquering new frontiers, looking ahead with optimism and self-confidence. No need to lose heart when some difficulties appear, inner willpower and enthusiasm are enough to overcome them. Do not turn down the offer of help.

Short description

The map depicts a man standing with his back to us, who looks at the ships sailing on the sea. Waite points out that these are his ships carrying his goods. A man who owns three ships is, by medieval standards, a very rich man. As you know, the difference between a sea merchant and a pirate is very small. And it seems to me that the armor, clearly visible on his right hand, just emphasizes the implicit pirate essence of the character of the card.

However, Waite connects this figure with a partner who is sent to help you by the God of trade himself.


  • Stage end
  • Path choice
  • temporary pause
  • decision point
  • Border between past and future
  • respite

Key Ideas

  • The old has already ended, the new has not yet begun
  • Building on the past, shaping the future
  • Correlate your route with the true position of the targets
  • Manage events or let them unfold at their own pace

Basic meaning

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The meaning of the Tarot card of the Three of Wands (Staffs) indicates the completion of a certain stage in development or movement. This is not the final stage, but the completion of one of the segments of the path. The map indicates a forced and necessary pause in the stages of movement. You should give yourself a rest, orient yourself on the ground, clarify your route and decide whether there are enough reserves for the next stage.

This is a map of decision making and path selection, a map of summing up intermediate results. It is equally turned to the past and the future. Based on the path traveled, on the past, a person paves a new route, shaping his future. The card indicates a pause, which should be wisely disposed of. Restore your strength, replenish supplies, assess the difficulties that you will face at the new stage and prepare for them.

Meaning in relationships

The previous phase of the relationship has already ended, the new one has not yet begun. What it will be depends on the person himself. The card focuses not so much on what the future relationship will be like, but on the fact that the old form of relationship has already exhausted itself. Regardless of whether the relationship was good or bad, they cannot continue to exist as they existed before. And even if the person himself does not do anything, the relationship will still change. Therefore, it is better to take control of these changes, to make the new relationship the way you want it to be.

Open-closed card

The meaning of the Three of Wands (Staffs) in relation cannot be described as open or closed. It has no certainty. Rather, it is a transition point, an opportunity. Something old is closing, something new has begun to open. An important point is that it has not already opened or closed, but is only in the process of opening or closing. The person has not yet completed the old relationship, but is already trying on a new one. It may be a new form of relationship with an old partner, or it may be a new relationship with a completely different person.

Relationship Intensity

The map suggests two possibilities for determining the intensity of relationships. The standard situation is a short pause between two stages, a brief state of weightlessness in a dead loop. At this point, the intensity of the relationship is zero. Also, the map may indicate a state of confusion, misunderstanding, inability to decide on a further route. This can be a great internal tension associated with the expectation of something, and a person can neither speed up nor otherwise influence events.

Also, the map may indicate internal throwing. A person spends a lot of emotional energy and does not get any result.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

The meaning of the Tarot card of the Three Staves (Wands) in love may indicate that a person is about to take some decisive step. Moreover, the card does not say what this step will be - a break or a marriage proposal. There is no indication of love or sympathy here, the card indicates a crisis point in the relationship, that the previous form of relationship has exhausted itself. Unlike the eight of staffs, the situation cannot hang for a long time and be resolved one way or another.

In family relationships, the card often indicates that a person intends to look for new forms of relationships and interactions. And leaving is one of the easiest decisions. I emphasize that the triple of staves itself does not speak of leaving, but warns of its possibility.

It should be noted that relationships, like many other processes, develop in accordance with a certain logic. The Three of Wands often indicates the end of one of the stages of a relationship and may not have any tragic overtones.

In working relationships, this is usually a closed situation, an indication of an exclusively formal relationship. The card may indicate a short-term relationship or a relationship that is long in the performance of a particular job.

If in fortune-telling there is a question about the relationship “How does he feel about me?”, Then the card indicates that at the moment his attitude towards you is being transformed. If we are talking about action - to stay or part - then this is rather an indication of parting.

Psychological condition

The person in the 3 staff card is in a state of choice. He has to take a decisive step. And here it is very important not to make a mistake, to make the right decision, to choose the right path.

Not the fact that he will do his job. A person is not sure what the results will be if he does this act and if he does not. Not sure about the reaction of the environment - how it will react to the action taken. And he cannot even rely on the win-win “Do what you must, and be what will be,” because the decisive factor in this situation is not duty, but his desire.

An important detail of the map drawing is that the person is standing with his back to us. Either this is our lookout, sentinel, leader, and we feel safe behind him. Either this is a person who does not care about us, he does not pay attention to our actions, because he is focused before committing some important act for him. The map often points to the second option.

In this card, a person is rarely guided by duty. More often, the decisive factor is his desire, curiosity, which beckons him beyond the horizon. Therefore, it is more likely that he will prefer not just a new relationship, but also a new partner.

There is a hint of uncertainty in this card. He cannot foresee the reaction of others to his act and is a little afraid of it. But desire and curiosity push him to the realization of what was planned. The card is very unstable. Any trifle, insignificant, at first glance, a trifle can affect the decision-making. It is possible that the character of the card is just trying to see the sign sent to him far beyond the horizon.

The man was on the border of a new area. As if in a computer game, one location abruptly replaces another, and he, among other things, is trying to orient himself in new conditions, to understand what awaits him and what he should prepare for.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • Three of Wands combined with a card: Having made an important decision, act without hesitation.
  • Three of Wands combined with a card: When making your choice, choose what you like, and not someone else.
  • Three of Wands combined with the card: The waiting time is running out. You are on the eve of change.

Health status

The meaning of the Tarot card Three of Wands (Staves) speaks of good health. But it can also indicate chronic sluggish diseases. In any case, the Three of Wands is a respite that should be used wisely. You need to rest, restore your strength, put your body in order and prepare it for new loads.

In combination with the suit of Staves

  • with a card: Both cards emphasize the importance of decisions being made.
  • with a card: Boldly go towards danger, do not shy away from battles.
  • with map : The chosen route will require special care.

Business and finance, professional activities

The old situation has run its course. Perhaps we will be forced to work in a new way and look for new incomes due to new conditions. The card indicates that new opportunities are not closed. You should be ready for new meetings, new business options, new ideas and partners who will come with these ideas.

At the moment, the available resources should be spent very sparingly and limitedly.

Stability, manageability, controllability

The card is not stable. On the one hand, you know that you are approaching the pass, and on the other hand, it opens suddenly. What is more here - surprise or readiness for an event? It depends.

While you are standing still, you are in a comfort zone, stability. But it is worth starting to move in any of the directions - and the level of control and manageability drops sharply.

Theoretically, you can control it, but one or two steps forward, in a very narrow range. Otherwise, there is a great danger of underestimating or overestimating the scale of changes. The repeatability of the plot in the past also matters: hence the psychological readiness for trouble, and control over the consequences. The first bankruptcy is a disaster, the fourth is a working moment.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The basic principle and meaning of the Tarot card Three of Wands (Staves) in matters of work during this period is not to look back. The old has become obsolete, it's time to look for a new one - either in the already familiar form of activity, or in other areas. And do it calmly, giving yourself time to rest and regroup forces. It's like a break between rounds in boxing - in a short time you need to have time to recover. A negative change in the situation is unlikely, and it is possible to weigh the potential opportunities associated with new meetings, companions without fuss and excitement.

General state of finances and trends

If we talk about the current financial condition, then there are enough funds. Another question is enough for what? This is a tough daily diet, the supply is not unlimited and is about to run out, the old situation has already exhausted itself. But the prospects are encouraging: the presence of new opportunities ahead, new sources of income is a real fact, not a blind hope.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The positive impact on income in this card is manifested primarily in the fact that a person can be sure that there are favorable opportunities. But sometimes a lot of options are no better than none. The card advises looking for a compromise: there is one! Entrepreneur from the word to undertake: move, study prospects. The main thing is to follow some conditions. One of them - avoid hectic actions, do not fuss.

Do not rush into battle without restoring your breath: this time is given to you precisely for a respite. The second danger is to get stuck in your previous obligations: I will die, but I will come, I will do what I promised. Loyalty to the word is, of course, good, but it is already obvious that the wrong road was chosen at the fork. So why waste energy on it?

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • with a card: In the next stage of life, great chances await you.
  • with a card: Sometimes moving forward is associated with tears. But that doesn't mean you have to stay put.
  • with a card: Meeting with your other half is just around the corner.

Today you should not rush, do not fuss, but prepare for tomorrow.

Card of the day Caution

Better to wait than risk.

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • with a map: Before the campaign, you should sharpen your sword.
  • with a map: Recovery after a hike will require more strength than you thought.
  • with map: Get ready to cross to the other side.


The 3 of Wands character is focused on assessing the situation. It is not for nothing that he is depicted with his back to the viewer. He is only interested in his own problems. He is not ready for contact, closed for relationships. The character of this card is at a very important point in making a decision, choosing, determining his future path. Mistakes and inaccuracies can be very costly in the future.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

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