How to get better at school. How to do well in school

Studying at school and university is not easy for everyone. Even if a person has an excellent memory, literacy and developed logic, he still needs to study a lot, read and constantly repeat what he has learned. Already learned knowledge also needs to be regularly updated, refreshed in memory, supplemented with new information. There are a number of barriers that prevent students from succeeding: some subjects are incomprehensible to some, some do not like a strict routine, many have difficulty getting up in the morning and perceive heterogeneous information during the school day. However, the main thing in this matter is your desire, determination, following simple recommendations. Then you can start to study well, and classes will gradually take less and less time from you, as you will master the base of skills and knowledge necessary for learning.

We are starting to study well. Helpful Hints
Simple recommendations will help you change the usual form of study: start studying according to a well-thought-out scheme, rationally allocate time and energy, master large amounts of materials and remember what you have learned for a long time. Good results will not keep you waiting, you will see that learning is gradually becoming easier, and knowledge can be proud of.
  1. Immediately pay attention to psychological side question. It is important for you to set yourself up for classes, find emotional stimuli, the right motivation. For example, always remember that there are no useless subjects, neither at school nor at the university. Even if you are convinced that you will never need some kind of science, take it for granted to study it. Mastering the intricacies of any subject can unexpectedly help you in the future. By studying a complex discipline, you develop thinking, logic, memory, willpower. All these qualities and abilities are far from being useless for every modern person. Also, often people unexpectedly find their true calling, sometimes having already received one higher education. At school, you become a universal specialist at the level of secondary education: study all subjects with dignity, then it will not be difficult for you, if necessary, to drastically change the direction of your activity, to reach heights in an actual, demanded profession.
  2. If a problem arises with a specific subject, you feel internal resistance and cannot force yourself to delve into the topic, delve into its study, motivate yourself purposefully. Try to find something interesting in the discipline, convince yourself that you need it, like it. Having overcome yourself, delving into what used to seem inaccessible and very difficult, you will gain confidence. In the future, it will be much easier for you to cope with difficult tasks.
  3. In the event that getting up in the morning, a rigid daily routine interferes with you, try to get used to these circumstances. To do this, you will need to adhere to a given schedule, not only on school days, but also on weekends and holidays. At first, such a transition is difficult, but then you yourself will forget that you once lived differently. The body adapts new mode, you will start to get enough sleep and become much better at remembering materials, perceiving information.
  4. For many, the problem is the perception of large amounts of information, learning in the classroom or in lectures. Attention is scattered, it is difficult to immediately understand what the teacher explains. How to start studying well when these factors become a serious obstacle? Take the learning process into your own hands. To begin with, try to purposefully concentrate on classes: do not think about extraneous things, do not talk with your desk mate, do not be distracted. Most likely, after that the situation will noticeably improve. If the techniques didn’t help, and you still don’t perceive the teacher’s speech well, you can’t delve into the examples on the board, start filling in the gaps on your own. Find out what type of memory you have better developed. Speak the material out loud, write it down, read the textbook. Perhaps you perceive information better visually: then you will need to write for yourself. brief summaries, draw diagrams. In the course of such classes, you will notice that the topics began to be remembered by themselves, and you already understood the materials well.
  5. Make a clear action plan. This is especially important when you are already far behind others in some subjects. In your plan, you need to indicate which disciplines need to be given heightened attention which topics need to be reviewed. Work on a schedule: study at the same time every day, take small breaks, but do not be distracted from studying for more than 1-1.5 hours if you have not finished work for the day. Distribute the load wisely - you should not forget about health either. Evaluate your capabilities, but remember that, having fully worked out now, then you will spend less and less energy on studying, because you will master the basic knowledge and methods. Purposeful work will surely lead to success.
  6. Study all topics, strictly follow the program and do not skip a single section, even if you are sure that you will not be asked about it, and there are no such questions in the test, exam. Any gaps then will definitely have a negative impact on your studies: there is nothing superfluous in textbooks, the program, everything is interconnected, built in strict sequence. Do not break it, then it will be much easier for you to understand and remember the material.
  7. Get things done right away, don't put it off until the next day. Homework is always easier to do on the same day, when all the teacher's explanations and work in the lesson are still fresh in the memory. In this way, you fix the topic well.
  8. Seek advice and help from teachers, teachers, discuss difficult moments with classmates. Feel free to ask questions, to clarify the unclear. Your interest is evidence that you are striving to understand the topic, this will please any teacher.
  9. Starting to learn better, do not be afraid to make a mistake, to answer incorrectly. Everyone has random mistakes. If you are in doubt about something, it is important to find out how correctly you understood the material. Get rid of the fear of answering at the blackboard, making reports, messages. You can rehearse at home, train. This will help you start to study well, since it is the stiffness that often prevents you from demonstrating your knowledge with dignity, stress prevents you from accepting corrections and teacher's advice.
  10. Take care of all your notes, notebooks, diagrams, tests. Do not throw them away, even if you have moved to another class, as they will certainly come in handy in the future. Keep your own notebooks, notebooks, writing out everything incomprehensible, memorized by heart.
Keep in strict order all your study supplies, books, follow the daily routine and do not forget to study on your own, delving into incomprehensible topics, repeating what they have already begun to forget.

Learning is just fine. Work algorithm
How to start studying well? Remember the tips, follow a simple algorithm.

  1. Come up with a few incentives and write them out on a large sheet of paper, decorate the poster beautifully. For example: “I will study only well in all subjects and achieve success in life”, “I will cope with (the name of a subject that is especially difficult for you) and develop willpower and determination in myself. It will help me to always overcome difficulties.”
  2. Determine the most difficult disciplines, topics, make a detailed list. Set aside time to study and review them.
  3. Make a daily routine, put it in a conspicuous place. Always follow him.
  4. Distribute loads wisely. Take breaks, change the type of activity: for example, study physics first, then Russian, and then do the algebra assignment.
  5. Do not leave spaces, do not skip topics.
  6. Always study on your own: repeat, delve into the material if you feel that you are worse at something.
  7. If you don't understand something in class, ask the teacher questions.
  8. Create your own collection useful materials: write short notes, draw diagrams with examples.
  9. For success, do not forget to please yourself: relax, do what you love, play.
Constantly monitor yourself, do self-examination, find out what needs to be repeated, clarified. Remember the tips and the algorithm, then you will definitely be able to start studying well.

All students want to know how to do well in school without spending abyss of time for preparing lessons. But why do some students succeed (and sometimes even in two educational institutions - ordinary and musical or art), attend circles, do household chores and at the same time still find time to communicate with friends, while others are unable to even learn school material, although they spend for this all day long, sometimes not having time to take a walk on fresh air. Still others have given up on the school altogether, because they do not believe that they will ever be able to study well. How to solve the problem of schooling? There are some simple rules.


- all necessary educational supplies;
- patience and perseverance.


  • Set a goal . Why do you personally (and not your parents and teachers) want to do well in school? Maybe you intend to get some unusual and hard-to-reach specialty, to enter a special university? Dare! Or do you want to earn the respect of others or attract someone's interest? Don't miss the opportunity! Or maybe you just want to be a literate and erudite person? So try.
  • Organize your time . If you have a lot of things to do - Sport section, mugs, meetings with friends and, of course, homework then do your homework first. The abundance of upcoming tasks will make you do your homework quickly and efficiently. Proper organization time is the main solution to the problem.
  • Don't skip classes . Even if they missed good reason, find out from your comrades what was asked and complete the task yourself. If at the same time something is not clear, do not be afraid to seek advice from a teacher or comrades.
  • Do not cheat or abuse ready-made solutions (it is known that there are many of them now - on the Internet, all sorts of solutions, etc.). Always complete assignments on your own. Only in this way will you get truly solid knowledge. You can learn how to solve problems only by constantly practicing it.
  • Don't be silent in the classroom, actively participate in the lesson . If you know the answer to a question, feel free to answer. But don’t “pop out” for any reason and don’t try to answer only easy questions. The teacher is most often an experienced person and quickly finds out, “ catching» you on difficult question that you didn't really understand the material. Demonstrate your true knowledge - if you really know the answer to some difficult moment and can "shine" a little, do not deny yourself this.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to write an essay or make a presentation . Moreover, when preparing, do not limit yourself to ready-made material from the Internet. Conduct your own search, comprehend and process the material found. Thus, you will deepen your own knowledge.
  • If you want to become a truly literate person, read ! live, good books written by top authors. And do not be lazy to write essays on your own. Constant " sticking out» on the Internet and download from there finished works won't make you smarter. The global network is full of errors. It is very unpleasant to see how people with diplomas illiterately and tongue-tiedly express their thoughts on their websites and blogs. Try to overcome these "problems of the century".
  • Don't "nod" in class . Firstly, it does not paint you in the eyes of teachers and comrades. And secondly, if you want to study well, then try to get enough sleep. This is especially important before an exam. Don't try to learn everything on the last night.
  • Write cheat sheets . By doing this on your own and creatively, you will better remember the material. Take cheat sheets with you to exams and tests - this will give you confidence and create psychological comfort. But try not to use these cheat sheets when preparing for an answer. Make it a rule to answer on your own, and let your wonderful cheat sheets at this time lie quietly where you hid them. Use them only in special occasions. Be more confident in yourself.
  • Don't get distracted during class . Listen carefully to the teacher and ask questions if you don't understand something. The more you hear, understand and remember in class, the less you will have to learn on your own at home.
  • FROMtry not to spoil relations with teachers and comrades . Conflicts distract you from your studies, prevent you from remembering the material. In addition, the grades from this also do not improve.
  • Establish yourself at school as a serious person with some skill . For example, if you know a craft, take a class on it. If you are good at taking pictures, drawing or shooting with a movie camera, become a schoolboy " photojournalist". Drive hikes if you are a good hiker. Sponsor younger students if you have a talent for working with children. Your skills will help you gain respect from teachers and friends. And it is possible that they will become your future additional (or main) specialty. People say: " The craft does not hang behind the shoulders, but feeds the person". All these simple tips, multiplied by your desire, patience and diligence will help you learn better. Success in your studies!

Studying is not such a simple task as it seems at first glance. Our body spends a huge amount of strength and energy on the development of new material. Every day a person has to force himself to get out of bed early, pack up and go to school. But, having come home, you need to re-process the material. Of course, this takes a lot of time. And many young people feel sorry for him, and therefore they try to spend it in a completely different way. Walking with friends or having fun in the park is always more interesting than studying.

How to force yourself to study, if everything is lazy - this is a question that almost every person asked himself in his life. If at school time the student is controlled and forced to do everything by teachers and parents, then during the time of study at the university, each person is “his own master”. When there is freedom of action, it is quite difficult to pull yourself together and direct all efforts to study. But, if you follow a few simple psychological tips, then it will not be so difficult to force yourself to study.

The correct statement of the problem

First of all, you need to learn how to set goals and objectives correctly. You need to think not about how to force yourself to study at the university, but how to start studying well, and most importantly - with benefit and how to overcome and defeat laziness. You can’t get away from studying, and you need to get used to this idea, and not be lazy. We need to start taking things easier. Otherwise, if you force yourself to study, it will not lead to anything good. Your subconscious will resist this process, and you will feel more and more discomfort.

Formulate tasks and questions in front of you as follows:

  • How can you end this year better than the previous one?
  • How to start learning better this semester?

You yourself will not notice how, on a subconscious level, you will begin to search for various ways getting the best grade. Your subconscious will tune in positive result, and with it you can "move mountains."

It is very important not to force yourself to learn, but to seek good reason what you need it for. So on a psychological level it will be easier for you and your subconscious. Motivation is a very powerful technique that pushes people to perform real feats and do things that they would never have dared to do for no good reason.

In the case of studying, you need to find a powerful incentive. Incentives can be:

  • further career and promotion at work;
  • expulsion from an educational institution for poor progress, etc.

Each person must find for himself a weighty reason that he needs to study. This question is strictly individual. Only you know what specifically can motivate you and make you work and study better than now.

Right mood

The state of mind of a person plays an important role in successful learning. A person must be prepared, both physically and mentally, for the fact that he will have to work a little. To do this, you need to properly adjust your body. A few factors that will help create the right mood for studying:

  • music that inspires you to do something;
  • active motor movements, running or just jumping on the spot will help “turn on” the body and create a “fighting spirit”;
  • come up with a speech in your head that will inspire you to sit down to study;
  • try not to be bored at your workplace, but be focused only on your studies.

Such, childish at first glance, tips will help you really tune in to study, and time will pass with benefit. Therefore, no one has yet canceled the correct psychological attitude.

Setting up a workplace

Another way to force yourself to learn is to properly organize workplace. The workplace is an important part of learning. A person during this process should be comfortable. Competent location things in the workplace are far from trifles. Any "mess" will distract and annoy a person, respectively, he will not be able to concentrate on his studies.

Please note that if you study in a "lying" state, you will absorb much less information and get tired faster. This has been proven by doctors and psychologists. Therefore, studying while lying on a bed or sofa is not best idea to organize a workplace.

In order to focus solely on studying, it is necessary to remove from the worker all extraneous objects that could interfere with this process. It can be:

You only need to leave all the necessary textbooks, notebooks and office supplies. If you need technology for your studies, then it is better to immediately open the desired textbook or page on the Internet and refuse all social networks and messages.

In other words, your workplace should inspire you to study. Perhaps new stationery or other items will help with this. Make your desktop the way you see fit. The main thing is that you feel comfortable working and studying behind him.


It is very important to understand that you are doing all this for a reason. You can watch your progress, but not get any pleasure from it. That is why you need to learn not only to praise yourself for your achievements, but also to encourage for all successes. This is another way to force yourself to learn.

For example, if you did a good job today, mastered a lot of new material and did not get a single bad mark, this is an occasion to treat yourself to your favorite chocolate bar or meeting with friends.

If you've been working hard for an important test or term paper and successfully passed everything - this is an occasion to celebrate this event with friends and relax in a relaxed atmosphere. Your body must understand that if it works well, then in the future it will receive not just praise and good rest and relaxation.

Proper time management

Time management is not just a loud and beautiful foreign term. Everyone should be able to manage their time wisely. Only then will he have time to do all the planned things and take a break from work or study.

For successful study, it is very important to make the right schedule. Then it will not only be easier to study, but also to live. For example, right after school it is better to go home for lunch. After lunch, you should take up important matters related to your studies. A certain amount of time should be allocated for this, for example, 2-3 hours. Then you will definitely weed out all unnecessary things and will be able to focus purely on your studies. After all things are redone, you can allow the body to rest a little.

Believe me, this mode will really improve the functioning of the body, and will also help you cope with all your studies much easier and easier. Scientists have long proven that people who follow the regime that they themselves have made achieve greater success than those who grab on to "everything in a row."

Forcing yourself to learn is no easy task. Only the right motivation, the right mood can make you do something really useful, and not be lazy. Self-study is a kind of test of willpower. Can a person, without outside control, really be able to pull himself together and force himself to study at school or university on his own? Or his willpower is so weak that he can't even do such a small thing. By the way, many people also depend on this self-esteem.

Everyone knows that learning is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Every day, the student has to get ready for school, sit in class, memorize the mass new information, write it down, answer in front of the whole class and write control. But this is not the most difficult thing, because in addition to this they have to return home, where they again continue their studies - read paragraphs, do exercises received at home, learn poems and solve problems. challenging tasks. Therefore, don’t say anything, but learning is a titanic work, especially for a child. There is nothing surprising in the fact that with such a tough regimen, not all children can withstand it, some of them begin to skip classes, do not do homework, etc. However, forcing a child to learn is not the surest way out of the situation. You need to approach the educational process carefully, and most importantly, correctly!

In general, the question “How to force yourself to study” is more often asked by students, since for school desk there is more control: both teachers monitor your progress, and parents “push” you bad marks, and other students do not treat you with respect if you are constantly in the “losers” in academic performance. In lyceums, institutes and universities, control leaves the student. Since you are already considered an adult, who himself has the right to decide how to study: good or bad. However, such freedom somewhat intoxicates a young man or a girl, and not everyone is able to come to their senses in time and think about the fact that with such a wild life they can slide down the ladder of life. And then the student asks himself a difficult, but quite interest Ask: "But how do you force yourself to learn??". Today you will find out the answer!

12 ways to force yourself to study

Get the task right! First of all, you (the student) must correctly set yourself a task or goal. Think not about how to force yourself to study, but about how how to start studying well, because you still, in fact, learn and will continue to learn. The formulation of the task is very important, a person is a rather strange creature, and if you force yourself to do something, then your subconscious mind will resist this and will interfere with the planned tasks (learning lessons, listening to a teacher, etc.). Moreover, you will get much more pleasure from such disobedience than from following your goal.

If you formulate your question in a different way, for example: “How to finish this year perfectly?” or “How to start studying well this semester?”, then you will not notice how you will start looking for ways to get a good mark at school, that is, your consciousness will begin to work in cooperation with the subconscious, focusing on a positive result.

The psychological aspect is very important in the learning process, so try not to force yourself to learn, but look for a good reason that can change your attitude towards learning in a favorable direction. But more on that in the next paragraph.

Find motivation (reason) to study well. As we have already said, the reason for learning - best method in learning. Your task is to find an incentive that would work in your particular case. There are motivations different nature, for example, the following phrase applies to some: If you do not start studying, then in the next semester you will be expelled from the educational institution! Although this call will not work on another person in any way.

For most, perspective is a good motivation, but for some, a long-term perspective works: If I graduate from this university with excellent marks, I can get a job with a high salary and the opportunity to move up the career ladder. For others, the perspective needs to be closer and more real: If I finish the last semester well, then my father will buy a ticket to the camp, where I will go with my friends for the whole summer!

We do not know what can make you learn, but we know for sure that there is such a motivation. Find her! In general, we would say that the incentive to study occupies one of the leading roles in learning, if it is found and used by the student, then he is able to achieve incredible success.

If you are a parent and you are reading this article with the hope that you will be able to understand how to get your child to learn, then we would advise you to learn about his relationships in the classroom. Sometimes the motivation to learn disappears precisely because of conflicts with other children. This happens especially often with teenagers who rarely want to go to school or other educational institution.

Set up your workspace. It would seem that such a petty issue as the arrangement of a student's workplace can affect learning, but believe me, it can radically change the speed of homework and its quality. We agree that lying on the bed with a tablet or laptop is quite pleasant to do "homework", but it is not at all effective. Since in a supine state a person remembers and understands it much worse, and most importantly - more slowly. This is due to the physiological features of the structure of human organs. Try to allocate a small place in your house in which you will deal exclusively with matters related to learning. A special feature of this place should be that there will be no computer, no laptop, no tablet, no mobile phone. Only the necessary notebooks, books and stationery(pen, pencil, eraser, etc.).

A computer or other technology can greatly distract from educational process. After all, you have a lot of temptations: icq, skype, VKontakte, interesting sites, movies, music, games, etc. Therefore, it should be resorted to only in those cases when it is specifically required to perform a particular task.

Those who are used to the fact that a computer should always be on the desktop without it, the table seems boring and dull, we advise you to organize everything on the table in such a way that it looks beautiful and interesting: buy new bright stationery, replace the boring table lamp, new and original. In addition, it is better to place the table near the window, so that not only daylight illuminated the workplace, but the view from the window allowed to be distracted or vice versa to concentrate.

If a computer takes a lot of your free time, but you cannot resist it, then we advise you to think about the fact that computer radiation is harmful to human health: it impairs vision, there are ailments associated with gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with the nervous system.

Change the style of clothing. Of course, clothes cannot force you to start learning, but their style can serve as the wave of a starting flag for an athlete. Let's explain a little more: each of us knows how to distinguish a good student from a bad one. A good student is always dressed neatly and strictly (especially for guys), which cannot be said about a bad student, his style is always radically different from that which should be worn in an educational institution. So, when this very “not very good” student comes to class in a strict suit, the attitude towards him changes dramatically, both among the students and among teaching staff. And the first thought that arises among those around is “Is Ivanov (for example) finally taken up his mind and began to study ?!”. Yes, yes, with the help of a simple change of image, you can achieve such changes in your attitude towards yourself. Naturally, after everyone has thought so well of you, it will be difficult to turn back into a quitter who goes to "sitting out his pants" classes.

Create from learning an exciting activity(associative map method). You have probably noticed that many girls in your group take notes at lectures not in solid text, but using various markers and quotes. Their recorded lectures are often not just a few pages of the teacher's handwritten phrases, but a whole masterpiece of art: important phrases are written in a different color, the rules are highlighted in various rectangular tables. The text has a lot of underlining and highlighting with a marker or other ink. Even small sketches are made with a pencil and a ruler. Do you think that they are just doing nonsense?! Wrong, they turn a boring lecture into an interesting activity by coloring in and highlighting the main points. In addition, at home it will be easier for them to remember this information, as they memorize terms not only in meaning, but also visually, which allows them to remember information faster and better.

When it is difficult to remember some information, try to understand it not literally, but through analogies. For example: remember the name "Battle of Borodino", you can use its analogy with "Borodino bread"; remember the initials of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, you can, as “Pushkin - ace ( the best specialist)". The examples may not be the best, the main thing is to learn the meaning and use it in your teaching.

To make learning even more interesting and comfortable, buy notebooks with beautiful covers, keep comfortable and bright notebooks and use multi-colored reminder stickers. Change pens more often and choose them not only for comfort in writing, but also for beautiful or unusual design. From time to time use pens whose ink smells, a delicious smell will also cheer you up, and when you open a notebook, you will not only remember your duties, but also some delicious fruits or chewing gum.

Reward yourself for success. It is difficult to force a teenager or an adult boy (girl) to study, but it is quite possible. Use reward methods for this, for example: You finished your studies today and did not get a single bad mark - praise yourself and allow yourself an hour or two to walk today. And if you also got a good mark in an important subject, then here you can still reward yourself with something tasty (chips, chocolate or pizza). Passed an exam or test- a bigger prize is supposed here: go with friends to a club, cafe or disco. Remember that encouragement should be only if you really deserve it. If they are guilty, then there can be no talk of any prize or rest. You must realize all the sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat.

Evaluate yourself for success soberly and honestly, sometimes a tense four deserves praise more than a solid five. In addition to grades, you can reward yourself for learning tickets, doing homework, going to the library, being active in class, etc. That is, the results can be expressed in completely different ways. Don't get hung up on ratings. It would be better to focus on the acquired knowledge. After all, as we know, the assessments that teachers give us are not always objective.

The first step is hard to take! The most difficult moment in learning is the first step, the beginning of the process. Admit to yourself how often it happened that you delayed your homework until the last hours of your wakefulness?! Probably often - because there are always things that seem more important than homework. Agree that starting to do homework is always more difficult than finishing it. It is so?!

The main reason for a difficult start is banal laziness. Homework it may turn out to be a matter of 15 minutes, but after all, you need to sit down for it, start thinking, and how you don’t want to do this. The sooner you overcome laziness in yourself, the sooner you will start to study well.

Learn well from the first semester! If you decide to finish this year with good grades and show yourself in the best light in front of teachers, parents and friends, then start studying well from the first semester. Don't put things off until later. At the beginning of the year (after the holidays), all tasks will accumulate gradually, and this is a chance to solve them quickly and correctly. If you delay, then towards the end of this year or semester you will get an unpleasant situation, there will be little time left until the end, and there will be many tasks and tasks. And you will no longer think about good grades, but about having time to pass the subject before the session. Learn to distribute the workload evenly and then you will definitely succeed!

Work more in class so less is left for home. A tricky way for those who know how to value their time. It often happens that the teacher manages to finish the lesson before the call and, in order not to burden you with unnecessary information, offers to go about your business. We do not advise you to waste this time, you are still at school, at your desk and cannot communicate loudly with friends, so use this time wisely: start doing your homework. Let not on this subject, but on another, even if not for tomorrow. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that you will save yourself time at home, which means that you can take an extra 10-20 minutes for a walk with friends in the fresh air.

Arrange contests and marathons. Try to negotiate with your parents for a kind of competition in which they will sponsor prizes. For example: if in the next two weeks you receive only good marks in algebra, then after these two weeks they will buy you a new mobile phone (for example). The time and gift may vary depending on your previous academic progress, as well as the wealth of the family. If you set conditions for a year or a semester, then consider two factors, firstly, for half a year or a year, family budget may change (and not always in better side), so try to get guarantees of a particular purchase from your parents. Secondly, keep in mind that it is very, very difficult to motivate yourself to buy the same bike all year round. Sooner or later, you may not be able to keep the bar up.

Manage your time properly. Try to study according to the compiled regimen. For example, immediately after class, do not come and sit down at the computer, but come and sit down at kitchen table, eat, then go do homework, and in the evening go out for a walk or go to a club. Thus, you will always know that at this time you need to do your homework, and not rest. Don't be afraid to experiment with your routine, as some of you can't be forced to study right after class, they need to rest first, and they start lessons the next day early in the morning, but this mode is quite risky, as there is always a chance to oversleep.

Develop your willpower. Sometimes it happens that no competition and no motivation can force a student to start studying. In such cases, there is only one piece of advice: “Git your teeth, gather all your willpower into a fist, and by all means, start learning! Not because you want to, but because you have to! Thus, you will develop your willpower, which will come in handy more than once in the future. Good luck!

Mountains of abstracts, shelves of books, cheat sheets, manuals, manuals, textbooks - all this helps us to prepare for seminars and exams. But will the knowledge gained be useful to us in real life? Probably not. So why should we try?

“I try to study, I try ... What's the point?” - this is how many students and schoolchildren think. The child tries to study, students and students try to study well, and as a result, teachers and teachers do not appreciate the effort expended.

Many adults say - they say, you are doing this for yourself. Who neither studies nor tries, he does not achieve anything in life.

However, practice shows that it is absolutely not important to study well. Look at the example of your parents. Many of them, just like you, graduated from high school with honors, many even have diplomas of higher education(and possibly scientific degrees). And what is the result? Working in factories and warehouses. Is this the reason to study well?

The first, and perhaps the most important life experience that a person comes to when thinking about the topic “Is it necessary to study well and why is it necessary?” Sounds like this:

I try to study better in order to understand in the near future: studying will not make me healthy, rich and happy!

Paradox, isn't it? And yet, the realization of this fact is important for every person.

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What prevents us from studying well?

And why does a person need motivation to study well, if he understood this still before he entered a university or other profile educational establishments? What subjects do you need to be good at in school?

Here rough plan grades that students should adhere to well:

  • Core subjects deserve more attention than non-core ones. It will be better to get high marks here. Therefore, students try to learn from them well.
  • In order for a child to study well, it is absolutely not necessary to force him to cram additional, non-core subjects. It is the saving of effort, time and nerves that will help you study well and develop in those industries that are of interest to you. And at the same time, what prevents students and schoolchildren from studying well? That's right - those items that have nothing to do with his possible future.

Dear parents and teachers! Please do not pressure your children and students! Remember: a red nose and a blue diploma are much better than a blue nose and a red diploma!

Is it worth it to study well?

Why study well? Because teaching helps us to become winners! And in order to study well, one must be purposeful, courageous, persistent. And if teachers require you to know unimportant subjects, the student service will always help and unload your head from unnecessary and unnecessary knowledge.