Dark green walls in the kitchen. Green wallpaper for the kitchen. Green ceiling and floor

According to data obtained in the course of research, a person perceives green, close to natural, as a symbol of health, longevity and freshness.

Perhaps that is why green kitchens are becoming more and more popular.

Homeowners note that being in kitchens painted in this cheerful color is quite pleasant.

In the morning, you feel a charge of positive and cheerfulness, and in the evening, being in the kitchen, you relax and tune in to a good rest, which will follow dinner.

Oh, what a wonderful variety of shades

Some people still mistakenly believe that there are not so many shades of the green color palette.

In fact, the range of variations is so wide that it is wrong to call all shades the same color.

Indeed, each of these shades is characterized by a number of subtleties, which means that it is advisable to use them in a variety of situations:

Emerald and malachite shades are ideal for decorating a classic kitchen in green, as they maximize the depth of color and emphasize its sophistication and luxury.

However, these shades can only be used to design decorating elements or a furniture set. Painting the walls and ceiling in these shades is not worth it.

Olive and pistachio shades - can be used as the main, in contrast to the emerald and malachite shades.

Therefore, if you want to get a beautiful light green kitchen, use them. They are able to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room.

If the design of the room is not overloaded with details and there is no excessive dynamism, these shades are ideal.

Shades with iridescent yellow are the most dynamic of the entire palette, so they should be used with extreme caution.

They look most advantageous in the modern design of green kitchens, which are distinguished by their brightness and originality.

But don't use too many combinations of green and black as this will create a tense atmosphere. Being indoors will be uncomfortable.

Basic rules for building a design

Before proceeding with the design of any room, and not just a green kitchen, you should carefully consider the design.

And at the same time, do not forget that there are a number of features that must be taken into account without fail:

Always remember that before choosing shades for wall decoration, you should choose a furniture set, household appliances.

Only after that you can begin to choose the color scheme in which the walls and ceiling will be painted.

Please note that the bright green colors in the interior of the kitchen are completely unsuitable for decorating large surfaces.

If you use them to design, for example, a furniture set, there will be a feeling of dissonance.

However, this does not mean that you have to completely abandon the use of such a beautiful, rich color. On the contrary, you can use it as an accent.

If your kitchen windows face south, it is preferable to use green, in which the content of mint, turquoise shades is higher.

An example is the photo of a green kitchen, which is presented to your attention below.

For the design of kitchens with windows facing north, warmer shades with a yellow note should be preferred.

Small kitchens should not be decorated in dark colors, as they visually reduce the space.

It is preferable to use a light palette. For example, you can paint the walls in a light green shade, but use white furniture, countertops, and household appliances for interior decoration.

Since the green kitchen in the interior, made in the same color scheme, looks too intrusive.

The combination of green with other shades

There are so many shades of green in the palette that you can pick up absolutely any one you like and use it to decorate the kitchen.

The only requirement is a competent selection of colors that act as a companion.

This is important not only for small green kitchens, but also for spacious rooms.

Regardless of whether you have a lot of free space in your kitchen or a little, the choice must be approached responsibly.

After all, even the most successful layout can be ruined by an ineptly chosen color palette.

Designers are convinced that the combination of green and white is the most successful and harmonious.

That is why you can find such a combination quite often.

But it is important to remember that this green kitchen color combination is classic, which means it is not suitable for people who prefer modern styles.

For those who prefer styles such as minimalism, hi-tech or modern, a trendy combination of brown and green is suitable.

In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to purchase wooden furniture. It is enough to paint some elements brown.

However, you should not use too dark shades of brown, especially in a small kitchen.

For people who like to experiment and are not shy about expressing themselves, the combination of red and green will seem interesting.

This combination looks quite extravagant and bold. When decorating a small kitchen in this color scheme, care should be taken that there were as many glossy surfaces as possible in the room.

With their help, you visually expand the space and compensate for the "eaten" red.

As you can see, green kitchen design does not always have to be monotonous and boring.

There are options in which the kitchen takes on a completely different look. Its interior becomes more interesting, refined and elegant.

It's always a pleasure to be in a place like this.

Photo of green kitchen

Green cuisine is freshness and juicy flavor. This color can be walls, a set or an apron. How to choose a shade? Examples, 69 photos.

It is considered one of the most favorable for the psyche. It gives calmness, a sense of security, relieves stress. A green kitchen can become an island of calm and positive in your home.

When assembling a kitchen in green tones, you need to decide: what shade to buy a set, what wallpaper and backsplash tiles will be, what style the rest of the furniture will be. Collecting a picture in your head is not so easy.
There are a huge number of shades of green, and each of them has its own mood, its own advantageous combination, preference for style, etc. Buying a kitchen is easy, creating a cozy, modern, harmonious interior is difficult.

The kitchen is quite complex in its structure - it has a lot of cabinets, there are household appliances, finishing by zones. A green kitchen can be called if one of its important parts is this color. So the following types of design are distinguished: a kitchen with a green set, or walls or an apron.

Shades of green kitchen

Green kitchens are very different: light and cold; warm and cheerful; dark and majestic; rich and intelligent; muted and modest, etc. The combinations of shades in such an interior are just as varied, but the combination with white is the leader in this cascade. It is the most expressive, where the shade of green is the main violin, and white is just an accompaniment that adds freshness and light to the composition.

The brighter the tone, the more it matches the high-tech style. The colder, darker, the more they are drawn to the classic options. But the most popular is the modern style, close to minimalism: comfortable drawers, smooth matte or glossy facades, simple chrome handles, frosted glass in wall cabinets. Such headsets most of all meet the needs of the city dweller, for whom every minute counts. The shades of such headsets are chosen from cheerful to serenely calm: such as the color of green peas, light green, olive, shades of green tea, apple green. The cold, dark scale for such headsets is presented very narrowly: mainly these are shades of jade or menthol.
Modern countertops are almost never green. Basically, these are shades of white, gray, beige, black gloss. Wood-look countertops in light, medium and even dark shades will look good. But if you want something special, then consider them in not bright blue colors.
But aprons for green kitchen sets can be in color. This hides the depth, combining the top and bottom into a single whole. Although in some cases it looks like an overabundance of one tone. If you want to make an apron with a green headset in the same color, but still maintain balance, include other shades in it, such as orange, red or blue.
In most cases, aprons for green headsets are made light: shades of white or gray.

Emerald Green Kitchen

It does not fit into the modern range of shades of green, but, nevertheless, it has its place. More herbal shades of emerald are especially preferred.
This tone of green is dark for small kitchens, it looks much more profitable in large spaces in corner sets that occupy one and a half of a full-fledged wall. The emerald kitchen is not supported by other decor details of the same tone. The vast area of ​​kitchen cabinets with smooth matte or glossy fronts is enough to create an overall atmosphere. With one large object, the emerald looks holistic and definite. A strict, elegant image of the kitchen, created according to this principle, takes on an expensive, luxurious, but unobtrusive look. It is suitable for women with a strong character, purposeful, modern.
The most commonly used tone paired with emerald is white. Against its background, the room looks more juicy, contrasting, besides, it compensates for the dark direction of this shade. A dark floor of a rich brown tone will bring a certain zest.

Green walls in the kitchen

If the set is a picture of the kitchen, then the walls are the frame. And, as you know, the frame and the central object of the same color merge into a single spot. Therefore, either a green kitchen set or green walls. You can use different shades of green for saturation or lightness.
When thinking about a green kitchen, it is important to decide where the dining area will be located: a place for a snack (there is always a place for it), a tea drinking area, feasting celebrations, etc. For some, the kitchen is mainly a workplace or a “field” for creativity, as well as a way to maintain cleanliness in the apartment, due to the localization of food products. To communicate, to make holidays with a set table, such people prefer in the room. For others, the philosophy of the kitchen is a place of gatherings, tea drinking, and communication. In this case, the kitchen is more of a room function than a catering unit. Depending on preferences, a set or kitchen walls in green tones are selected. If you have the first option for this room, then look towards the green headset. If the latter, green walls will be a better option for you.
The secret of this choice lies in the fact that the green walls remove the emphasis from the kitchen unit, transferring it to the center of the room. A table, comfortable chairs, a sofa in a kitchen with green walls will look more comfortable, especially if it is decorated with textiles in warm shades of plain or with a small pattern. Also, shelves with books or accessories, more suitable for the room, will maintain the privacy of the atmosphere. This technique is often used by cafes, with the expectation of delaying visitors with a relaxing environment.
The lighter and colder the tone of green, the more spacious the kitchen seems. The brighter and darker the shade, the more chamber and cozy it will be.
Kitchen sets in this case are selected with wood-like facades (this is closer to the furniture in the room) or neutral tones such as white, beige or gray.

What green apron to choose for the kitchen

The use of a kitchen apron as a bright accent in the kitchen has become quite recent. You can call it a new trend. This was facilitated by the expansion of the range of ceramic tiles, the appearance of solid panels, including fiberglass, both plain and with a "print". This was also influenced by the expansion of lighting methods in the apron area: chiseled, diode, using tape, halogen lamps, etc. Putting together a bright backlit apron against the background of neutral shades of the kitchen set, we get an amazing effect: the space inside the set becomes deeper , and its bottom, not like in a box - dark, but like a window - light. This light at the end of the tunnel, combined with positive, juicy, life-affirming shades of green, not only uplifts the mood, but is a modern masterpiece of aesthetics.
Glossy, matte tiles in the form of mosaics or bricks are in fashion. The more textured the pattern, the deeper the color. But you shouldn't be put off by the amount of detail when painting a picture of an assembly. If it is a ceramic tile, then it comes in large pieces with a texture: 10x20, or 20x20, and even 20x30. And you can choose a special panel for the kitchen, which is attached with a monolith, but no one will distinguish it from the laid tiles.
Fiberglass has become one of the most popular materials for an apron. Glossy, rich in color, it shimmers with many shades, including the reflections of dishes, which enhances the effect of depth. Reflections of light - increases the resemblance to a window. This is a good solution for small kitchens.
When choosing your shade of green in the framework of current trends, it is important to know:
1 A bright green backsplash looks especially good against a white or black and white kitchen in a modern style.
2 A black or dark countertop makes the green more saturated, while a white one makes it lighter.
3 In order for the bright green apron to be expressive, it should not go into the color of the walls. The walls should be paler than the tone of the apron.
4 Glossy aprons look most advantageous against the background of a smooth headset, the degree of light reflection of which is lower than that of fiberglass. And vice versa, if you have glossy kitchen facades, then the apron should have a more matte finish.
5 If you add wood-like elements to the interior of the kitchen with a bright green backsplash, for example, a floor or a table, or a countertop, choose bright and dark shades better.

Green is the most common color in nature - the color of life, freshness, strength. Formed from a mixture of two opposites - warm yellow and cold blue, it is the personification of harmony and balance. This is the perfect color for decorating the working areas of the house - the kitchen and the office. Kitchens of green colors tend to invigorate and improve mood in the morning, and in the evening they calm and set you up for relaxation.

  • Green color in interior design is considered one of the most versatile. Professionals appreciate it for its ability to animate, soften and add immediacy to spaces thought out to the smallest detail;
  • This color has an incredible number of shades: emerald, jade, jade, apple, lime, olive, pistachio, light green, mint, pear, khaki, etc. By combining different variations of green with other colors, you can create different moods and visual effects.

Our goal is to use these properties as efficiently as possible and create the desired atmosphere by matching the right complementary colors to the desired green hue.

For those who are in the process of searching for ideas for their new, future or existing green kitchen, we have compiled a list of the most successful combinations and collected a large selection of photos of successful "green interiors".

5 general rules

When creating a "green design" kitchen, you need to keep in mind a few recommendations:

  1. Ideally, if you are in the planning phase of a green kitchen design, it is wise to start with headset selection, furniture, apron, countertops and appliances, and only then proceed to search for a tone of paint or wallpaper;
  2. With all the versatility of green, you need to take into account some of the subtleties of using its shades. Bright green tones (lime, ripe pear, chartreuse) are not desirable for decorating large surfaces. With such active shades, you can only decorate an accent wall in a restrained kitchen (example in the photo below). And dark green ones (myrtle, coniferous, aspragus, etc.), on the contrary, are revealed precisely on large surfaces.
  1. To design a south-facing kitchen, green tones with a greater proportion of blue should be used, that is: turquoise, mint, gray-green, jade, malachite, emerald, mossy. And for kitchens facing north, green shades with a predominant yellow note, that is, olive, marsh, lime, chartreuse, pear, are suitable.

  1. Try to stick to the rule: muted, dusty, as well as deep, dark shades are appropriate in the interior of strict, traditional, or masculine kitchens.

The predominance of pure, bright shades are more suitable for modern styles, for example,. Although, this is more likely not a rule, but just a recommendation. Take a look at the following photo of a classic yet modern dining room. Pistachio and lime in combination with a beige background and accents in the form of orange and pink look quite harmonious.

  1. If large spaces can be decorated in any range, then small kitchens can be decorated only with a predominance of light shades. For example, the kitchen can be white and the walls light green. Or vice versa: the kitchen is green and the walls are white. If this is a green wallpaper, then they should have an unobtrusive pattern that will not “eat up” the space (photo below).

We combine colors correctly

The combination with white color is universal and win-win

White-green kitchen is the most classic and harmonious combination. You can add any color accents to this duet and not worry too much about proportions.

A pistachio or cooler mint kitchen combined with white walls and inclusions of pink looks fresh and delicate.

Mint and grey-green kitchens paired with light finishes and wood work for a contemporary kitchen with a hint of country.

The olive color kitchen looks organic, English and American classics.

A kitchen in almost acid green color, perhaps, is combined only with a white background.

Here are interesting kitchens with green bottoms and white tops.

The second version of the white-green kitchen is even more common, when the set and furniture are white, and the walls are light green, dark green, gray-green, etc.

The pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen, combined with white and warm woody shades, as in the photo below, looks warm and cozy.

Olive-colored walls are appropriate in the interior of a kitchen of any style, both modern and traditional.

Bright grassy shade of walls with a white kitchen.

Bright lime, apple, pear shades are very active, therefore they are appropriate only on a fragment of the wall.

Dark green walls in the kitchen combined with white look less gloomy. In a small kitchen, dark green half-wall wallpaper as in the photo below will not make the kitchen smaller.

Gray-green and light green walls are the basic color that will fit into any interior, especially good for classic-style kitchens.

Combination with shades of brown (beige, wood, wenge) - classic and soothing

Another classic combination is green and brown or beige, which can be presented in the form of wooden furniture, a brick wall, tiles on the floor and backsplash, etc.

Beige kitchen with green checkered wallpaper.

Combination with orange - for a healthy appetite

Orange and green are two self-sufficient, bright colors that are simply made for kitchens and dining rooms, as they increase appetite and mood. In order not to get tired of the abundance of bright shades of lime, pear, grass and orange, use them in a 1:3 ratio. The best background for this union is white, and inclusions of pink, yellow, blue shades can dilute it.

A green kitchen is a unique island of freshness and natural beauty in an apartment. Many people choose shades of green for this room, as they set up positive thoughts and only decorate the space. In order to feel peaceful in such a room, to relax with your soul and body, you need to properly design its interior.

Green kitchen features

Green color has a mass of various shades, so choosing among them the right one is not difficult. It's hard to decide which one to choose. The color of greenery in any performance has the most positive effect on a person from a psychological point of view. He is able to calm down. So, all the disputes taking place in the green kitchen will imperceptibly turn into a calm conversation.

A green kitchen space will allow you to feel a surge of energy during breakfast and wake up faster. At the same time, at the end of the working day, this design will gently relax. From all sides it can be considered that green is a positive color. You just need to correctly combine it with others, so as not to get a boring faceless interior or its motley parody.

Combinations of green in the kitchen with other shades

First of all, before choosing a shade of green for the room, you should determine which side it is located on. If the sun floods it most of the day, then it is better to apply shades of the green cold spectrum. This will help to find harmony between the interior and lighting conditions. Otherwise, you will need to use warm shades with a yellow undertone, which will give northern cuisine a certain softness and tenderness.

Green is a unique color that can be perfectly combined with most options, resulting in the most unusual interiors. For a better understanding of what to combine with what, consider the most popular.


White plays in contrast with green in this version of the kitchen. A green kitchen combined with white elements will look very elegant and fresh. For greater luxury of the interior, the green color is taken dark, and more white is added. Such green kitchens can be quite diluted with yellow, pink or red, which will bring liveliness to the interior.

Usually white in this combination is used as a background, while green becomes the color for the headset and related elements. It is best to make the table top brown, which will only emphasize the naturalness and become the accent of the room. For zoning and giving clarity to individual parts of the kitchen space, they are decorated in black. White is chosen for the floor and ceiling, which will make the kitchen more airy and visually expand it.

yellow green

This combination of natural shades for the kitchen is perfect. They are both very active, so beige or white can serve as a background, but in small quantities. Such a "juicy" cuisine will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

For a green kitchen with yellow accents, some elements of khaki, light green or sky blue will suit. In these tones, you can make accessories or textiles.


Another natural color combination option. Brown is the color of the earth, green is the color of vegetation. They are the best match for each other. Moreover, you can use a variety of their shades: from soft to saturated. Such options with brown look beautiful in Japanese design or in a classic interior. Wooden furniture and a brick wall as an accent will look great in this room.

In brown, an apron can be created and supported by a dining group. The ideal solution would be the lower part of the headset in brown, while the upper one is in green.


Restrained gray will be an excellent solution for the background of a green kitchen set. It will only support the design and make it the most concise. Metallic-colored appliances, a gray dinette and a worktop of a similar shade will fit perfectly here.

black and green

Green and black are two active colors that play beautifully in contrast to each other. Diluting a green room with black elements is a stylish option for bold personalities. Dishes, the lower part of the headset, the floor, wall tiles on the backsplash and other interior components will be the best addition.

Many are worried that such an interior will look gloomy, but with the right choice of green shades, this effect is excluded. This color scheme is perfect for kitchens in modern styles, where there is a minimum amount of decor.

purple green

With the right combination of green and purple, a stylish kitchen interior is obtained. But the combination is carried out very carefully to avoid the opposite effect, when the kitchen rejects rather than attracts. If you really want to have a purple-green kitchen, but you are not sure that you can do the design yourself, it is better to turn to specialists.

Important! Purple is used in small quantities as accents, for example, in the form of dishes, flowers on an apron or textiles.

Beige green

This classic combination balances the kitchen space and makes it minimally provocative. Beige is a great backdrop for a green kitchen. It is almost neutral, so you can choose shades of green to combine with it as simply as possible - everyone will do.

It is not necessary to use any other colors to decorate the kitchen; you can combine two or more shades of green. It will also look very interesting and organic.

Materials for finishing a green kitchen

The design of a green kitchen depends on the style to which it belongs. A wide variety of materials can be used, there are no special restrictions here.


For a bright green kitchen, the best solution would be a white matte ceiling, framed by a simple snow-white skirting board around the perimeter. To fill the room with soft light, spotlights are built into the ceiling surface.

If the kitchen is made a little calmer and you want to focus on the ceiling, then it can be stretched glossy or matte green with an interesting arrangement of point light sources. Moreover, multi-level structures are also welcome, but only in the case of a sufficient height of the room. This will allow zoning the kitchen space into the working and dining areas.

It is not excluded the use of decorative brown or white beams on the ceiling. This is the prerogative of Japanese, Chinese trends or Provence and country styles.


For wall cladding, as a rule, apply:

  • coloring in one or more tones, including with additional texture;
  • decorative plaster;
  • wallpaper;
  • brickwork;
  • wooden panels;
  • wallpaper.

Most often, the walls in the green kitchen are painted with water-based paint or acrylic-based mortar. Moreover, it is not necessary to cover all surfaces with one color, the tones can be successfully combined with each other.

If it is decided to stick wallpaper, then only those that have a washable surface should be used, since this is very important for the kitchen. For a small room, it is optimal to decorate one of the walls with a small ornament. In the spacious green kitchen, you can experiment with a massive pattern and even a 3D effect.


For the design of flooring in the interior of a green-colored kitchen, all known materials are suitable, including tiles, linoleum, moisture-resistant laminate, self-leveling floor, parquet, natural wood, tiles. For a green kitchen, it is the natural shades of the floor that are most suitable. It can be wood color, gray, white, brown.

Apron or skinali for green kitchen

The use of green to design an apron in the kitchen is an excellent accent move. Easy transformation of the interior is possible by using both dark and light shades for the apron.

To design an apron in the interior of a green kitchen, both ceramic tiles and skinali are suitable - glass panels with photo printing inside. Due to the variety of options for facing the working area, you can decorate the kitchen in various styles.

When choosing a shade for an apron in a green kitchen, you need to take into account several important features:

Advice! Green ceramic tiles in the design of the apron can be diluted with splashes of red, yellow, white, orange or purple, depending on the combination of colors in the interior.

Green kitchen furniture

Furniture for the kitchen is selected depending on the dimensions and geometry of the space, its style and the need for certain furniture items. So, for the kitchen are very important:

  • a kitchen set with sufficient space for storing kitchen utensils and products;
  • dining area, which can be either large with a large table or small with a bar.

Additional pieces of furniture are already selected as there is free space and need.

For a green kitchen, it is not necessary to select a set of the same color. If the walls are made, for example, in pistachio or light green shades, the set can be beige, orange, yellow, brown, white, black or any other that will be combined with the base cladding.

Snow-white furniture against the background of green walls looks elegant and airy. Such an interior immediately has a pleasant conversation and refreshes. Moreover, this design is not able to go out of fashion.

White or beige walls require bright accents. They can be green furniture. Here the choice of shade is a matter of taste of the owner. Both light pistachio and dark emerald are used.

Important! The main thing to consider when choosing furniture for a green kitchen is the combination of all its elements with each other.

An eco-style kitchen with beige walls, a green set and a brown dining area looks interesting. In this case, a floral ornament can be depicted on the walls or an apron, for example, a photo of bamboo or large palm leaves.

green kitchen lighting

In most cases, soft diffused light is better for illuminating a green kitchen. But modern interiors sometimes require a rich glow from sources. Lamps are selected depending on the style of design of the kitchen space. It can be both built-in lamps and massive forged chandeliers. The lighting around the entire perimeter of the kitchen looks good, which visually raises the ceiling and expands the space.

It is important to understand that one central lamp for such a kitchen will not be enough. It is necessary to correctly illuminate each zone. At the work site, this is additional lighting at the location of the kitchen apron and lamps built into the furniture. And in the dining area - one or more light sources, slightly lowered above the table. For evening romantic gatherings, you can mount sconces on the walls that will give a slight glow.

Accessories, textiles and decor for a green kitchen

The choice of additional design for a green kitchen should be as competent as the definition with colors and furnishings. It is very important that every detail has its place and is combined with the basic design of the room.

Curtains and textiles for a green kitchen

If green is chosen as the color for the kitchen, then the curtains must necessarily correspond to the texture and shade of the execution of the main or additional tones. First of all, they are guided by the color scheme of the kitchen set and furniture upholstery. For a green kitchen, not only plain canvases are suitable, but also those that have a pattern.

Important! No need to select curtains that mimic the color of the walls. They should match, but not match.

For a green kitchen, beige and cream curtains, yellow-green and pale blue canvases will be the best and most versatile options. A win-win color for any kitchen space is the white shade of tulle.

It is best to choose curtains for the kitchen from practical materials that do not absorb odors and are easy to care for. Curtains made of natural and mixed fabrics do a good job with this, from which dirt is quickly removed.

An important component of any, including green cuisine, is textiles. This includes towels, napkins, tablecloths, chair covers, sofa covers and other items. All of them can both concisely fit into the interior, and stand out from the general background. But the selection is carried out only so that all the details are in harmony with each other, and are not alien in the interior.

Utensils for the kitchen in green

For a green kitchen, it is best to choose dishes in contrasting shades that are combined with the rest of the details of the room, for example, with textiles or a shade of a headset. Black, white, red, yellow, blue or beige dishes look beautiful in such a kitchen.

In some interiors, it is customary to flaunt kitchen utensils. In this case, it is worth choosing it wisely and stopping only at shiny stainless or cast-iron options and a painted service.

Green Kitchen Decor

Decorating the kitchen in the color of greenery is best done minimally, since the interior itself is bright and juicy. It can be supplemented with spicy herbs in pots, which are convenient to use when cooking, original pepper shakers and salt shakers, jars of cereals, pasta, olive oil.

Often, one of the kitchen walls is decorated with a massive clock, which becomes the accent of the room. Interesting panels, small paintings, a slate board are additional components that make the interior even more cozy and comfortable.

Interior style for a green kitchen

As mentioned earlier, a green kitchen can be made in any stylistic direction. The most commonly used are modern designs and classics.

Modern style

This direction can be called universal, which will appeal to the vast majority of people. It does not require a large amount of financial investment to create it. As a rule, such interiors require natural surface finishes and glossy facades of kitchen units.

At the same time, household appliances can be of any color, but green and metallic have an advantage. Do not overload a modern green kitchen with decor. It will be enough to have photo wallpapers on one of the walls or an original apron in the working area. Already these details will make the interior complete and stylish.

Classic style

In this direction, the high quality of all interior elements, especially furniture, is appreciated. Here it is usually made of natural solid wood. If the walls in the kitchen are green, then the shade of the headset is white or natural wood.

If the surface of the walls is neutral, then the suite is selected in a noble emerald color with gilded inserts or glass elements on the facades. This conveys the excellent taste of the owner of the premises.

Corner green kitchens

In modern conditions of small kitchens, corner sets are especially common. In green, they look as individual and beautiful as possible, which immediately attracts attention.

For a cramped kitchen, a corner layout of the space is perfect, which will save such important square meters. Thanks to this, it will be possible to place a dining group in the form of a table and chairs, a corner or a bar counter in the room.

Additional lighting and the unique design of the apron of the working area will only expand the room and give it a special charm. Corner green kitchens look as organic as possible both against a neutral background, for example, beige, and on a bright finish in orange or yellow tones.

Kitchen with green facades

The green facades of the kitchen set are an excellent solution if you want to give the interior freshness and individuality. But it is worth taking into account that for a small kitchen, the lightest tone is selected so as not to hide the space. It can be pistachio or olive. For a spacious interior, more saturated shades and even dark green are selected, which will nobly emphasize the design of the space.

If you choose a furniture set with green facades for the kitchen, you need to make walls in a contrasting shade so that the design does not merge. So, universal colors for this are gray, beige or white. If you want to show all the riot of colors in the kitchen interior, then they use lemon, orange, soft brown, lilac, sky blue and even red. The last combination is a risky decision that only a true master can execute. It is important to withstand the number of shades and their compatibility.

Design for a small green kitchen

Green in a light version can be a good addition to a small kitchen. It will make the room fresher and more expressive. With a competent combination with other light shades, such a kitchen will visually expand, which is very important for a small space.

Filling with light is also an important step when decorating a small green kitchen. Multi-level sufficient lighting is the key to success in creating the chosen interior. Unique examples of such design can be seen in the following photo selection.


A green kitchen is a universal option for a unique design both in an apartment and in a private house. And this is no accident, since there are a great many ideas for the execution of just such an interior. The right combinations of all surfaces, furniture and accessories will help create a beautiful kitchen that will not only be a pleasure to start the day, but also to end it.

green kitchen interior design

Green shades are the brightest representatives of natural natural colors. Kitchens of green and light green colors have gained great popularity among buyers due to their bright and warm shades.

They can represent the lush greenery of tropical rainforests, sun-bleached grass on a hot August day, and delicate leaves of water lilies.

For the kitchen - green is considered the most suitable color. It cannot be too much or too little. You can design the kitchen in one green color, only in its different tones and shades.

Most often, under the concept of "green kitchen" people mean a green kitchen set. The question immediately arises: how to decorate the room so that it matches the green cabinets and cabinets?

Green kitchen: walls, floor and ceiling

Option 1. The ceiling is creamy white, the walls are light beige, the floor repeats the color of the kitchen unit.

Option 2. Baked milk ceiling, golden brown walls, brown floor.

Option 3. White ceiling with a slight yellowness, pale yellow walls, golden floor.

Option 4. Pure white ceiling, light green walls, milky floor.

Option 5. White ceiling, bluish-white walls, blue floor.

Color and design of kitchen fittings

The choice of fittings depends on the shade of the kitchen. If these are cold colors, then you should choose accessories for metal or silver. If the kitchen is made in warm colors - gold or bronze.

Table top and apron

These components of the green kitchen interior should be made of the same material and color, thus creating a single plane. Their color should contrast with the shade of the kitchen set, but, at the same time, match it exactly.

A green kitchen looks great with brown, gray, beige, cream or orange countertops and an apron.

Curtains in the green kitchen

* Depending on the stylistic orientation of the room, you need to choose the color, texture and density of the curtains. In addition to the main daytime curtains, night ones are not excluded.

* A high-quality interior of a green kitchen will help create classic curtains in beige, green, golden colors. Their main trump card is natural colors and precise, but at the same time smooth lines and waves.

* For a room in which the green kitchen set is made of solid wood, gas synthetic curtains should not be chosen. It is better if it is a natural material.

* A hi-tech or modern green kitchen does not support heavy blackout curtains.

* Green tones should be present to a greater or lesser extent in any kitchen. Even in the form of indoor plants. You should not be afraid of the green color, as it carries a huge charge of positive energy.

salad kitchens- the trend of interior design of the last few years. As a rule, bold, modern people of creative professions and broad views choose this color. Light green shades of the kitchen give room for imagination, because they are most often associated with spring, greenery, the awakening of nature. In addition, scientists believe that it is in the eating area that light green shades and colors allow you to eat right, eat smaller portions and get satiated faster.

Light green color combinations will never be boring and unmemorable, they are a real explosion of emotions, a storehouse of positive charge, healthy optimism and good mood. The interior, where this color dominates, becomes truly unique, inimitable.

When, when choosing a kitchen, we stop at such a bright set, then its design is no longer so important, because in this case the color is dominant, already setting the interior of the room.

You need to choose the right light green colors so that the whole design does not annoy you. This color adds freshness to the space, but at the same time, if you overdo it, you can end up with a tasteless color cacophony.

For example, if the furniture set of the kitchen is of such a bright shade, then the background of the room must be restrained and even featureless so that there is no color overload.

Suitable colors

In order for the design of your kitchen to look harmonious, you need to know the basic rules for combining colors.

All shades of light green go well with black and white. The natural gamut of shades also perfectly complements such a primary color.

Very gentle colors are considered an ideal background - cream, creamy, milky, light gray. Against their background, the green set becomes less bright and more airy, natural. Orange and yellow are best used not as a background, but as complementary colors for decor elements. Cute trinkets, small souvenirs perfectly emphasize the freshness of the light green color. Monochrome combinations will also look good, for example, a light green set against the background of a moss-colored apron.

For flooring, it is better to choose pale colors that only set off the brightness of the furniture.