Is it possible to organize the removal of furniture from the apartment for recycling for free. We buy vintage and antique furniture according to the photo. Free estimate and departure! How to sell old furniture

Selling office furniture is a great option to save money when moving an office or closing it. Our company buys any used office furniture in quantities of 30 or more units. If your office is moving, then after calculating the cost of moving the office, you will understand that this requires significant funds, time and effort. Dismantling furniture, loading, carrying out and bringing in, lifting, assembling in a new place is a laborious and complex process. To do this, you will have to hire third-party companies, because. not a single office employee would agree to do such a voluminous and hard job. Benefits of selling used office furniture when moving.

As experience shows, it is much easier for a medium and large office in Moscow to sell old office furniture and purchase new one for a new office. This is beneficial for several reasons:
  • save a significant amount on the moving procedure, in Moscow sometimes equal to a new office;
  • get rid of old furniture, which, when moving and assembling, disassembling, may additionally suffer;
  • buy new or used furniture in the quantity that is really required;
  • upgrade the office and buy what the employees need.

How to profitably and urgently sell used office furniture?

If you have not sold office furniture before, please note that before filling out an application, you need to complete 4 steps:
  • count and record office furniture in stock: first, the number of sets of furniture from one type of wood, then piece furniture;
  • take clear photographs of furniture in good light: in sets, disassembled or folded - it doesn’t matter;
  • pay attention to how many meters are carried in the room from the offices to the elevator and from the elevator to the parking lot;
  • fill out the application, indicating all the details and contact information;

After that, expect a call from the furniture purchase manager during working hours within 15-30 minutes. The more accurate information you provide, the more accurate the manager can give you.

How to sell custom-made VIP office furniture?

We also buy unique executive offices at competitive prices. Take some photos and send the details with your contact information. In this case, the manager will personally come for inspection and evaluation.

How to quickly sell a large amount of office furniture at once?

Our company is known in Moscow as the fastest in buying up and removing large offices. While others take weeks to remove furniture, we sprinted to remove 250 jobs in 12 hours! This unprecedented speed is possible only if there is enough experience and high-quality organization. To evaluate furniture in large quantities, send an indicative list and photos with examples, you will be assigned a personal purchase manager who will come and make a detailed calculation.

Turning to our company for the purchase of furniture, you save money, get paid in a convenient way: in cash or to a current account and are guaranteed to save time. Fast! Qualitatively! Profitable!

Sometimes old furniture spoils the interior in the apartment for years. And we postpone the question of where to put it for a long time, and we don’t even think that we can get rid of it today, literally in half an hour.

How to do it? Pretty simple:

Cleaning an apartment from garbage in Moscow -

This is a common practice for our company. We can boast of a wide staff of experienced loaders, a large fleet of trucks, agreements with landfills. We can already come to your address today, disassemble, take out and take out your furniture for recycling. All this will take a minimum of your time, and will not hit your pocket financially.

How is garbage removed from the apartments?

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is order this service from our company. We need to do this for a number of reasons.

  • First, we have experience
  • secondly - we have the best price,
  • thirdly - we provide efficiency, fourthly - we guarantee impeccable service, fifthly - it is very easy to place an order with us.

To do this, you can even just write to us via Viber or WhatsApp. You can also call.

After discussing all the nuances of the order, finding out the exact price of garbage removal from the apartment, and leaving a request, you will complete the most time-consuming part of the garbage removal work for you. All you have to do is open the door for a team of loaders who will arrive at your address at the agreed time.
To take out old furniture for recycling, it will first need to be disassembled. You don't need to do this yourself.

Our employees will dismantle upholstered furniture - sofas, corner sofas, armchairs. They will remove all the blocks, disconnect the armrests, dismantle the furniture piece by piece. Without any problems, they will also dismantle cabinet furniture - walls, cabinets (including built-in ones), pencil cases, shelves, slides, etc. They always have all the necessary equipment with them to quickly and easily disassemble any furniture.

Prepare furniture for removal

Our employees lower it on an elevator or stairs and immerse it in a Gazelle for removal for disposal. The car is delivered simultaneously with the arrival of the crew and immediately after loading it takes all the furniture to the dump. Thanks to its good capacity, the Gazelle can take out all the garbage from your apartment in one run. It goes well into narrow courtyards, and you can even drive into the center of Moscow. Therefore, we give guarantees that we will be able to take out old furniture for disposal from absolutely anywhere in Moscow, without exception.

Garbage disposal

is no longer carried out by us, but by the employees of the landfill to which we ship the furniture. They sort it and send it for processing or for destruction. We have a contractual relationship with them, and you do not need to pay extra for this separately.
So, garbage disposal from an apartment in Moscow is best entrusted to professionals working in our company. We can quickly and inexpensively arrange for you a whole range of works that will once and for all save you from trash in the apartment.

Interested in furniture before 1950 production. Any country. I am engaged in buying up furniture in Moscow of the Soviet and pre-revolutionary period. Distinguish between antiques, vintage and old items. The price varies depending on the time of creation.

The procedure for assessing antique furniture includes:

  • attribution process, which determines the time and place of creation of pieces of furniture, authorship, style, direction;
  • determination of the market value of household items at the time of sale.

If you are a happy owner of Russian or Western antique furniture, hurry up to call me. My professional appraiser will determine what style the antique belongs to and what its real value is.

The purchase of furniture in Moscow is carried out promptly and at no cost to the owner. You do not need to spend money on the services of a loader and appraiser. I solve all issues myself.

Antique furniture is considered to be made more than 100 years ago. She survived historical events and is highly valued by collectors. It is of interest to private collectors, owners of antique shops and is more expensive than old furniture. Previously, household items were made from high-quality mahogany, Karelian birch, oak or walnut. Attention is drawn to the design of bedside tables and chests of drawers: a lot of painted drawers with locks attract the attention of creative people. Many also recreate the interior of their favorite years.

Buying used furniture is expensive - office, cabinet, upholstered, home in any condition. Preliminary assessment by photo, cash payment on the spot or by transfer to the settlement under the contract.If you have old furniture for export, or you just want to quickly sell it profitably, then this service will be very useful.

Furniture is accepted even if there is only one frame left of it - all the remains and fasteners, strong boards are recycled and restored. For example, an old chipboard is glued, veneer is applied to it, it acquires a new and beautiful look, and therefore can be used to make new furniture.

The price list for the purchase is indicative. In order to use the purchase of used furniture, you need to send a photo for a preliminary assessment, the price may be increased or reduced on the spot. So, how much can you sell for:

  • The frame of the sofa without upholstery - 2700-3500 rubles;
  • Sofa with solid upholstery - 7500-25000 rubles;
  • Leather furniture - from 15,000 rubles;
  • Office tables - from 4500 rubles;
  • Wall, slide - from 5500 rubles;
  • Office cabinet - from 3000 rubles;
  • Safes - from 11,000 rubles;
  • Kitchen dining table - from 3300 rubles;
  • Kitchen - from 5300 rubles;
  • Soft corner - from 5500 rubles;
  • Computer chairs and armchairs - from 2200 rubles;
  • Armchairs for visitors - from 800 rubles;
  • Sliding wardrobes - from 3000 rubles.

If the furniture is in good condition, then it can be rented at a high price to a thrift store.

In order to submit an application, you need to contact the managers and send a photo of the furniture, preferably with a good camera from several angles, with a detailed description of the defects. Next, the time is negotiated, an appraiser with a team of loaders-masters leaves for the place. If the price suits both parties, the furniture is disassembled and removed. Cash settlement is made on the spot, for offices, entrepreneurs and legal entities transfer is possible. Also, in some cases, second-hand furniture may be bought in exchange for new or restored furniture. In this case, the buyer pays the difference.

If the furniture is already in a substandard condition, that is, the fiberboard and wood boards are broken, the ransom may be denied. In this case, it can be taken out for an additional fee at the price of garbage. Together with the furniture can also be taken out:

  • Old household appliances;
  • Wooden frames with windows;
  • Doors interroom and iron;
  • Electric and gas stoves;
  • Bathtubs and heating radiators;
  • Pipes and plumbing items;
  • Sanitaryware.

These accessories can be taken out free of charge, or with a ransom, as well as the purchase of used furniture, each case is evaluated individually! Phone +79253595322.

Examples of assessing old furniture

Of course, the valuation rules for buying up old furniture change daily. An important role is played by the availability of alternative raw materials, the situation on the secondary market, the number of people who want to get rid of furniture and seasonality. For example, in summer, prices rise slightly, since old sets and cabinets are sold at good prices for summer cottages, and it is more profitable for a person to make a deal directly through an ad.

Soviet sofa-book, he is a sofa in excellent condition. Full upholstery, excellent wood. The purchase price is 2600 rubles.

Desk of the old production. Chipboard, lacquer with minor chips, drawers in excellent condition. Price - 800 rubles.

Old-style kitchen made of fiberboard with plastic veneer and aluminum inserts. Cabinets are one-piece, slightly sagging doors on the sink. The cost is 3000 rubles.

Children's wardrobe Ikea with two sections, a compartment for clothes, a shelf for books and drawers. Very good condition. Price - 3000 rubles.

The living room slide-wall type "Pharaoh" is almost new, secretary, glass doors, lower chest of drawers, lockers. Price - 12,000 rubles.

Jasmine style corner dining area with table, sofa and chairs. A couple of scratches on the table. Price - 3700.

Chiffonier, perfect condition, shelves intact, no scratches, doors open perfectly. Purchase - 2700 rubles.

Entrance hall, corner wardrobe, new. Sliding doors, original design, shelves for things. Price - 14,000 rubles.

Quite often, owners decide to sell new furniture, this often happens when a person changes an apartment or moves. Accordingly, if an urgent purchase is needed, the price may drop somewhat, but a good thing will go anyway at a good rate.

How to sell expensive used furniture?

How to sell expensive used furniture that, when purchased, cost over 60 thousand rubles per unit? Walls, office cabinets, kitchens and cabinet wardrobes can be quickly sold in Moscow - there is a high demand for them in the secondary market, so buying from them is carried out as a priority. Bedrooms, living rooms, home studies, and children's rooms are no less actively sold, and when assessed, rare and antique models can be valued even higher than their original cost.

A significant part of people decides to purchase used luxury furniture in excellent condition rather than a new cheap segment.

Examples of evaluating expensive used furniture when buying sets in good condition:

Carpenter's office made of solid walnut and mahogany (bookcase, desk and executive chair made of leather) - 550,000 rubles in cash or by transfer immediately.

Italian living room with two showcases and a TV stand in solid walnut, carved, bronze. Estimated cost - 150,000 rubles.

Sofa Padishah Avanti, sofa and two chairs. Good condition, some minor scuffs. The cost of the kit is 700,000 rubles.

Antique cabinet "Badminton", ebony, lapis lazuli, amethyst, agate, gold, quartz finishes. Purchase price - 2.7 billion rubles.

Sharpei George Roberto Cavalli bed and pouffe from the same company. The cost is 1400000 rubles.

Used Chinese, Italian and German furniture usually has priority when considering purchase applications. Antiques can be sold through an auction.

The cost of the examination is affected by holes, abrasions, broken mechanics (hinges, locks, lifting mechanisms for beds), varnish chips, broken springs or a crushed substrate. But market demand has a decisive effect, so the assessment by an intermediary differs from that carried out by bailiffs or independent experts (for example, when dividing property).

Conspiracies for the quick sale of furniture

You can quickly sell old furniture on your own with the help of conspiracies. The most effective in this case are the ancient spells of the priests from Transylvania.

It is worth remembering that you should read them only with a firm decision to sell furniture and this is very important!!! If the idea is subsequently abandoned, the thing will be mysteriously damaged, since the spirits, as it were, transfer it to the property of the new owner, laying in his head the desire to find and buy. Accordingly, if he does not buy it, then the connection will remain and may affect negatively.

So, the first conspiracy to sell any furniture. It is necessary to urinate on a rag or napkin, wring it out, lightly wipe the thing that you are going to sell, and then dry the matter in the sun. Next, you need to go out into the open space (on the balcony or on the street) at midnight, turn to the west, set fire to the rag and say out loud three times: “Timofti-timofti, preschedintele meu novel, uyte ne mine che sunt nebun, o pule kalului yoke-go” and then scatter the ashes to the wind, and walk away without looking back.

The second conspiracy works well for the sale of only upholstered furniture. You need to make a kind of sofa or chair that you are going to sell from a crumb of bread, put it in a jar, fill it with urine and put it under the door or under the car of a person with a good salary. While doing so, say: “Well, there is feces, there is urine, treyaske-treyaske mike raspberries”, spit over your left shoulder and leave without looking back.

Usually, after the ancient conspiracies of the Transylvanian priests, used furniture goes flying at least along Avito, at least according to the usual announcement at the entrance. These are proven white magic tools that work 100%.

Where to donate office furniture?

It is more profitable not to hand over office furniture, but to sell it through an auction. This furnishing option is in high demand, so it is easily sold, and you can bail out much more money than the residual book value.

The auction takes over the entire cycle of selling office furniture - photographing, loading, transporting, selling. The commission is 15% of the final price. The seller himself has the right to regulate the bidding step, set the blitz price and the terms of the auction.

You can also hand over office furniture for standard implementation, or, if it is broken, for recycling. Computer tables, chairs for visitors, counters, bookcases and safes - all this is the most liquid and in demand.

The purchase of used office furniture enters the life of Russians as tightly as the resale of cars and household appliances. If a thing can serve other people, it can be repaired and given a second life, why spoil the environment and recycle valuable raw materials? The maximum service life of an MDF panel can be up to 120 years, and if you change the edge and do surface treatment with polymers, then it is almost endless. Restoration is a real business.

Also, used office furniture can be rented out, such services are very popular during exhibitions, registration of one-day firms, sometimes even orders are received from television studios.