Is there any harm from a polyurethane foam mattress. The harm of polyurethane foam to health - a myth or a real threat to humans Are polyurethane products harmful?

Choosing a sofa or mattress is not easy. As a rule, they are not cheap, so no one wants to make a mistake. In most stores, you will be allowed to try out the model - sit on the sofa or lie on the mattress. But even if the furniture you like seems absolutely comfortable to you, it is worth clarifying what material it is filled with. What is it - PPU filler or foam rubber? It depends on what the sofa or mattress is stuffed with, how long the furniture will last you and whether it will cause health problems.

What is this material

Polyurethane foam is one of the varieties of foam (gas-filled plastic). It is produced by foaming liquid composition, which then freezes.

Polyurethane foam consists of a large number cells filled with gas - pure carbon dioxide, air or any other. The thermal insulation properties of this material are explained by the fact that it consists of ninety-eight percent of the gas that fills the cells. The remaining small percentage is the solid material itself.

Polyurethane foam furniture can be made in two ways.

  1. In the first case, parts of the required shape are immediately cast from the material.
  2. In the second, blocks are first created in the form of a cube or cylinder, from which blanks are then cut.

The first method is most convenient for assembling sofas, armchairs and other upholstered furniture. This is explained simply.

  • To create details, individual forms are used. Therefore, all parts of the furniture are the same and even. They do not require further processing.
  • When manufactured in this way, the density of the material increases.

But in the manufacture of mattresses, block polyurethane foam is used. Thus, the mattress has less weight, has higher air permeability and the necessary moisture exchange.


There are two main types of polyurethane foam:

  • closed cell;
  • open cell.

The first consists of closed cells, which are filled with gas, which ensures the expansion of the composition. And the same gas is the key to the low thermal conductivity of the material. This type of polyurethane foam is the most dense and durable.

In addition, it serves as protection against steam, moisture and air. It is more often used for isolation.

Open-cell polyurethane foam consists of elastic cells interconnected. It is not so dense and resembles a sponge in structure. But this material is not so durable, therefore it is not used as a heater.

Improved types of polyurethane foam

In the manufacture of polyurethane foam, various catalysts are also used, due to which foaming of the material occurs. Depending on how much and what substances are used, it is possible to obtain polyurethane foam with different properties.

Highly elastic polyurethane foam

It is also called artificial latex. Its difference from the usual filler in the structure and shape of the cells. AT classical material all cells have same size and wall thickness, and their arrangement is ordered. The highly elastic version consists of cells that differ in all these characteristics. And they are arranged in a random order. Thanks to this feature, the load is distributed between small and large cells. Furniture made of this material is more durable and able to change shape, which is quickly restored. Therefore, highly elastic material is used for filling:

  • furniture for apartments;
  • office furniture;
  • children's products;
  • orthopedic mattresses;
  • massage couch;
  • car seats.

This variety is found under different names - "Memorix", "Memoriform", etc. The peculiarity of this material is its ability to adapt to the body. At the same time, in contrast to the type described above, this viscoelastic material recovers somewhat more slowly.

When a person sits, for example, on a sofa made from Memorix, it immediately adjusts to the shape of his body. This effect is also achieved due to the structure of the cells of the material and its increased sensitivity to temperature changes. From human warmth, the furniture becomes softer and changes shape.

This material is different:

  • higher density;
  • low air permeability;
  • the ability to dampen vibrations.

How is it used

By itself, polyurethane foam is quite an expensive material. And finding a mattress filled only with it is quite problematic. It is important to know when buying a polyurethane foam mattress: such products, as a rule, contain a filling consisting of several layers: in addition to the base material, coke fiber is often used. Or polyurethane foam is used as a coating on the springs. Even such a small amount of material used to make a mattress can improve its properties.

For greater effect, manufacturers additionally strengthen the walls and corners of the mattress. Thanks to this, when you lie down on the bed, the mattress does not change shape so abruptly (after all, this can usually be inconvenient). It also prolongs the life of the mattress, which receives additional protection from damage.

But sometimes you can find mattresses that are a solid block of polyurethane foam. Their price is higher, but this is no accident. They do not have springs and are characterized by a higher density. Therefore, they can even be placed on uneven surfaces while still feeling like you are sleeping in your own bed. True, they make these mattresses last longer, which also makes them difficult to buy.

Positive properties

Polyurethane foam mattresses have a number of positive traits which made them so popular.

  • If we are talking about mattresses, which are only partially composed of this material, then the price makes them especially attractive. Their cost is not so high.
  • Big choice. Due to the wide distribution, it will not be difficult to find a mattress of the size you need or make it to order.
  • A large number of varieties of material. Thus, it is easy to choose a mattress that will have those properties that are most important to you (different density, ability to take shape, and so on).
  • Thanks to their softness, these mattresses are easy to roll and transport.

Harm to health

But, despite the positive properties, this material is still capable of harming health.

The whole point is that main feature polyurethane foam, which makes it attractive to consumers, is its main disadvantage. This material is quite soft. And the fact that it takes the form of a human body does not benefit us at all. This softness leads people to start sleeping in positions that seem more comfortable to them. However, such postures are unnatural. Because of them, there is a deformation of the spine.

Such mattresses are especially dangerous for children. Their posture is not yet formed. The spine needs support. To do this, the child must sleep on a hard mattress. Especially popular natural materials - for example, coconut fiber.

There are other disadvantages of polyurethane foam.

  • Due to the impact of direct sun rays it collapses.
  • He does not tolerate prolonged contact with liquids.
  • According to some experts, under the influence of temperature, it releases harmful substances.

Miss Purity magazine draws attention: although the last argument has not been officially confirmed, many people, having tried mattresses from artificial materials, indeed note that gradually they increasingly appear headache, nausea and drowsiness. Even if you don't worry about possible consequences for the spine, pay attention to these symptoms.

Alternative materials

So, if you understand that such a mattress does not suit you, you should take a closer look at natural materials. Unlike polyurethane foam, they don't seem as modern. After all, these mattresses are not able to take a different shape, become softer under the influence of temperature, and so on. But, as we have already found out, this is their strength.

  • Coconut springs. These mattresses use coir processed in the form of springs. They are rigid and do not bend.
  • Coconut coir. The hardest mattresses are made from this material. It is them that are best purchased for children of preschool and school age, whose posture has not yet been formed. Coconut fiber is also found mixed with latex. A different ratio allows you to get the most successful option for a particular person.
  • Abaca are processed trunks and leaves of banana palms. An alternative to coconut fibre, abaca has a slightly longer lifespan.
  • Horse hair - used in combination with other, softer materials. Used for hard layer.
  • Seaweed - also add cruelty.
  • Felt - it is made from cotton.

Most often, polyurethane foam is found in the composition of mattresses, sofas and armchairs. This is synthetic material. By adding various substances, manufacturers change the properties of furniture, making it softer, able to adapt to the shape of the human body. However, many doctors argue that this quality carries potential harm to health. Soft mattresses cause spinal deformity. For an adult, it may not pose such a danger. But it’s better for children to buy hard natural mattresses - for example, from coconut fiber.


civil engineer

It is useless to ask Reliable and K about this, because they absolutely do not know the material itself, they created a topic about the material itself, but they can’t really say about it, (this message of a reliable one shows well his knowledge of polyurethane foam
They all write about what cannot be used on facades. (So they would create the topic “you cannot use PPU on facades” and justify with their only argument “there is no technical certificate”, before they had the slogan “high cost of PPU”, then PPU is harmful, but then they switched to a technical certificate, because others good reasons use of PPU on facades NO.
The PPU material itself easily outperforms POLYFOAM in terms of properties, so the foam brethren stirred up

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam - there is no harm. .

Styrofoam -


I understand that I prevent you from recouping investments in your foaming pots with hoses, but what to do, not everything is suitable for building houses. Change your job... do, for example, contraceptives for men... although it's not necessary, with your quality on your knee in the garage, the young ladies' eyes will be scratched out... well, then I don't know what to do. But to fool the people with your spraying of PPU - stop.

Even in the dumb panorama from Yandex, you can see the blackness on the facade, from crumbling foam., Ulyanovsk, Novosondetskiy boulevard, 22&sll=48.580864,54.381601&ll=48.581282,54.381045&spn=0.041370,0.005311&z=15&l=map,stv&ol=stv&oll=4828.5812=4828.5812 dir:-4.735709522131145,37.156280290533076~spn:102.89093780465933,44.359120457019856

I was recently in Tula, that's where the PPU workers really cut their money, the number of both * facades of buildings rolls over.

Firstly, when PPU is pouring, it is not black, but red, and secondly, if you are talking about what is visible on the 15th floor, this is not PPU. I have already given photos of the third floor, and even "Reliable" the only negative that I found is a miserable appearance with which I was quick to agree. Otherwise, the facade has been living for at least 8 years and the signs of destruction are hardly noticeable.


  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1.192 Acknowledgments: 309

    Everything has been listed for a long time, refresh your memory:

    I wonder how PPU wins over PPS?

    PPU - does not have a Technical Certificate, and, accordingly, a permit for use for thermal insulation of buildings (neither roofs, nor walls, nowhere)
    Styrofoam - there is GOST, it is registered as a heater in all facade systems SFTC is used without any restrictions for thermal insulation of all building structures

    PPU - material price per cube - 10-12 thousand
    Styrofoam - facade grade 2 thousand/cu.m. For housekeepers, there is a brand 15 for 1.5 thousand rubles (but it is not recommended to anyone)

    PPU - You can’t spray PPU on your own, you need to learn, buy expensive equipment
    Styrofoam - self-installed without training, anyone can work with Styrofoam, no equipment required.

    PPU - the manufacturing quality of the material is unknown, as it depends on the equipment, on which everyone likes to save money, on the knowledge that is different for everyone. Almost all the PPU spraying that is offered is performed by single garage handicraftsmen, it is impossible to check the quality of the spraying, from which there are also no guarantees.
    Styrofoam - prefabricated material, the quality of which is constantly checked in laboratories of both output and input (raw) quality.

    PPU - it is impossible to make claims on the quality of the deposition, since there are no standards at all, approved technology, not a single court can be won, even if you go there. The customer will not be able to control the quality of foaming and application in any way.
    Styrofoam - all prefabricated material that has all the documents prescribed by law, for the quality of which the specific manufacturer of the material is responsible. It is not a problem to assess the quality on the spot.

    PPU - carcinogenic material (approved by the European Directive 2010)
    Styrofoam - there is no harm. Food packaging is made from expanded polystyrene.

    PPU - does not have laboratory tests, documentation to make calculations for "Heat engineering". Neither thermal conductivity, density dependence, nor vapor permeability are known. There are no technical data for calculations.
    Styrofoam - thoroughly investigated material, which has GOST and all the necessary chemical and physical data both for use and for all necessary calculations when designing building structures.

    Baikal, Enough to let the dregs already in the 10th round, tired. You have PPU sellers gossip only. There is no real proof. By the way, if you hate Styrofoam so much, then don’t buy products in the store packed in EPS, especially fish - it is all delivered in Styrofoam packaging, even fresh is in EPS boxes right on the display window. Also throw away the computer, keyboard and all household appliances- this is also polystyrene (only not foamed) and ABS plastics, which are made from styrene. But I like polyurethane, I won’t refuse it ... excellent sealants, it’s even higher than barrier contraception, but foamed polyurethane, and for insulating buildings, is nuff-nuff.

    Here's a great post! This is what I called for from the very beginning. Clearly and point by point your claims to the material. Now you can also disagree on points, agree, or decide for yourself that some of this can be neglected.

  • I wonder how PPU wins over PPS?

    PPU - does not have a Technical Certificate, and, accordingly, a permit for use for thermal insulation of buildings (neither roofs, nor walls, nowhere)
    Styrofoam - there is GOST, it is registered as a heater in all facade systems of the SFTK, it is used without any restrictions for thermal insulation of all building structures

    PPU - material price per cube - 10-12 thousand
    Styrofoam - facade grade 2 thousand/cu.m. For housekeepers, there is a brand 15 for 1.5 thousand rubles (but it is not recommended to anyone)

    PPU - You can’t spray PPU on your own, you need to learn, buy expensive equipment
    Styrofoam - self-installed without training, anyone can work with Styrofoam, no equipment required.

    PPU - the manufacturing quality of the material is unknown, as it depends on the equipment, on which everyone likes to save money, on the knowledge that is different for everyone. Almost all the PPU spraying that is offered is performed by single garage handicraftsmen, it is impossible to check the quality of the spraying, from which there are also no guarantees.
    Styrofoam - prefabricated material, the quality of which is constantly checked in laboratories of both output and input (raw) quality.

    PPU - it is impossible to make claims on the quality of the deposition, since there are no standards at all, approved technology, not a single court can be won, even if you go there. The customer will not be able to control the quality of foaming and application in any way.
    Styrofoam - all prefabricated material that has all the documents prescribed by law, for the quality of which the specific manufacturer of the material is responsible. It is not a problem to assess the quality on the spot.

    PPU - carcinogenic material (approved by the European Directive 2010)
    Styrofoam - there is no harm. Food packaging is made from expanded polystyrene.

    PPU - does not have laboratory tests, documentation to make calculations for "Heat engineering". Neither thermal conductivity, density dependence, nor vapor permeability are known. There are no technical data for calculations.
    Styrofoam - a material studied in detail, having GOST and all the necessary chemical and physical data both for application and for all necessary calculations in the design of building structures.

    Baikal, Enough to let the dregs already in the 10th round, tired. You have PPU sellers gossip only. There is no real proof. By the way, if you hate Styrofoam so much, then don’t buy products in the store packed in EPS, especially fish - it is all delivered in Styrofoam packaging, even fresh is in EPS boxes right on the display window. Also, throw out the computer, keyboard and all household appliances - this is also polystyrene (only not foamed) and ABS plastics, which are made from styrene. But I like polyurethane, I won’t refuse it ... excellent sealants, it’s even higher than barrier contraception, but foamed polyurethane, and for insulating buildings, is nuff-nuff.

    I understand that I prevent you from recouping investments in your foaming pots with hoses, but what to do, not everything is suitable for building houses. Change your job... do, for example, contraceptives for men... although it's not necessary, with your quality on your knee in the garage, the young ladies' eyes will be scratched out... well, then I don't know what to do. But to fool the people with your spraying of PPU - stop.

    All estimates are in plus for expanded polystyrene - unequivocally refer to plus for rigid polyurethane foam boards, for the production of polyurethane foam boards in paper, in foil, in glass-canvas. I think that it is impossible to compare slab insulation with PPU spraying, because this different methods its application and use in structures. There are pluses and minuses, but regarding the comparison of the structure itself, chem. composition, - you can then operate with this data in defense or attack! after all, the topic is called in defense of PPU, PPU is polyurethane foam. I operate with polyurethane foam exclusively as a material in terms of environmental friendliness, resource, safety, fire hazard, thermal conductivity that is not lost over time (like foam plastic, for example) Also, the Q indicator is the compressive strength your foam plastic is resting) it has 2 tons per square meter. meter. PPU from 15 tons.
    Therefore, the creator of this post needs to decide! what did he mean about PPU? I believe that PPU is polyurethane foam. This is a material that is used in construction as thermal insulation. There are many PPUs. It is in all pillows that are sold in IKEA, for example, upholstered furniture and many other options. By the way foam and min. there is no cotton! and PPU is.
    It seems to me that it is necessary to add to the title of the topic - PPU as a spray method as a heater. And then you can argue about this method ad infinitum. But if you leave everything as it is. That PPU - polyurethane foam, then everyone who operates against this component, as a material that is used as a heater in construction, please compare PPU with your foams, wadding, extrusions, provide information with evidence that your material is better! I ALREADY SAID A LOT IN DEFENSE OF PPU and added certificates and laboratory results. So what are we arguing about next, about PPU or about the method of applying it to the surface?

  • Registration: 30.04.13 Messages: 1.567 Acknowledgments: 1.616


    civil engineer

    Registration: 30.04.13 Messages: 1.567 Acknowledgments: 1.616 Address: Moscow

    PPU cannot be insulated at all. Only finished sandwich panels and pipe shells are produced. It's all.

  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1.192 Acknowledgments: 309

    PPU cannot be insulated at all. Only finished sandwich panels and pipe shells are produced. It's all.
    I remind you that you cannot use polyurethane foam for insulation, but if you really want to get rid of complete hack, let's assume ... take four different designs insulation and calculate the cost of such insulation.
    I'll spend my time hunting witches, so be it ... Suggest two designs. I will also offer two. Go?

    I would be interested in such a comparison! For me, the issue of the attic is relevant now. Roof area 102 m2. Configuration - 4 pitched. Structure from inside to outside - rafters (50 * 250), lathing with a board 25, corrugated board. There are no ventilation gaps, no counter-battens. Board natural humidity(drying in the chamber did not pass). There are 4 skylights 1600*900.
    I propose this construct as one of the 4 protected ones.

  • Registration: 22.12.11 Messages: 104 Acknowledgments: 64

    and in terms of thermal conductivity, a foam plastic cube and a polyurethane foam cube are two big differences. Thus, one and a half cubes of polystyrene foam per cube of polyurethane foam are needed. This time. Thus, we get 3,000 rubles for the foam material and 3,000 rubles for the installation of the foam. Total 6000 for what can be called insulation. By the way, PPU is different. Open cell can be found for 5 thousand cubic meters.
  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1.192 Acknowledgments: 309

    and in terms of thermal conductivity, a foam plastic cube and a polyurethane foam cube are two big differences. Thus, one and a half cubes of polystyrene foam per cube of polyurethane foam are needed. This time. Thus, we get 3,000 rubles for the foam material and 3,000 rubles for the installation of the foam. Total 6000 for what can be called insulation. By the way, PPU is different. Open cell can be found for 5 thousand cubic meters.

    Let's leave the theoretical reasoning behind. Octagon offered to make the correct "natural" calculations. Is this not an objective comparison?

    That is, we take as a base the standards for the thermal conductivity of enclosing structures (I know that there are requirements, but I don’t know what they are). And we consider how much it will cost to achieve such results with the help of 3 materials - cotton wool, PPS, PPU.

  • Polyurethane foam, otherwise - a foam mattress, is still quite common. At first glance, it seems that the foam rubber is dense enough, and quite suitable for sleeping on it. However, experts are of the opposite opinion and do not recommend mattresses filled with polyurethane foam for sleeping.

    Polyurethane foam, foam rubber or ppu, what is it? - let's figure it out. The material was invented in 1937 by a group of German scientists. The rapid growth of PPU consumption among the population began in the 60s of the last century.

    It is possible to talk about the benefits or harms of PPU only by studying its properties. The material with foam structure has artificial origin, which is already initially not in his favor. The chemical components that make up its composition do not like moisture, do not like open sunlight - under their influence, the foam rubber is destroyed.

    O positive properties PPUs say a lot:

    In addition, foam rubber is very cheap, so it is often used as a filler for mattresses. Foam rubber itself is very light due to its soft, porous structure, it can be easily bent, twisted and transported.

    However, it is too early to fall into euphoria, because PPU contains active chemical components, among which phenol is the most dangerous. In addition, it contains resins, catalysts, solvents. During combustion (and foam rubber burns in the presence of a direct source of fire), toxic components - formaldehydes - are released into the air.

    The most dangerous component of PPU is phenol. Dangerous fumes can last for years, with fumes from new material being more dangerous. Phenol has a destructive effect on the most important systems of the human body: cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory. That is why it is worth thinking 100 times before giving a child a toy stuffed with foam rubber or laying it on a foam mattress.

    Phenol vapor can cause serious health problems:

    • allergic reactions;
    • lung pathologies.

    Dangerous consequences of harmful fumes are frequent headaches, loss of coordination of movements up to loss of consciousness, and possible violation of the functions of the liver and kidneys.

    When using polyurethane foam as the basis for a mattress, up to 30 volatiles are released into the air. chemical compounds and phenol is not the only one that can harm a person.

    Orthopedists insist that you need to sleep on a sufficiently rigid base so that the spine is in a level position during sleep. Such a state of his is capable of providing orthopedic mattresses with coconut coir filler, independent spring blocks.

    If you press on the thick foam rubber and release your hand, it seems that it is quite dense and hard. However, under the weight of the body, the foam rubber easily bends and the spine is in the wrong, curved position during sleep, which over time will lead to its curvature. If you sleep for a long time foam mattress, this can lead to dangerous degenerative changes.

    Yes, sleeping on it may seem comfortable, soft, but in the morning you will be greeted by a headache, numbness of the limbs, tingling in the muscles. This is due to the foam mattress.

    A mattress with PPU-filler is especially dangerous for children's health, an unformed spine of a crumb. Hazardous substances emitted by the mattress are inhaled by the child, causing chronic diseases respiratory system, therefore, you should not buy a sofa or a mattress for a bed filled with foam rubber for a child.

    As is often said, human fears and concerns are the product of ignorance or the unknown. This is also true when a person chooses a particular product in the market. Rather, preference will be given to, albeit not the best, but a proven and more than understandable solution. Since entering the market new technology or a product, even if it is obviously more effective, there is a huge and thorny path in the minds of consumers.

    In our opinion, polyurethane foam and polyurethane foam (PPU) spraying technology are now making a similar path. Despite the fact that PPU was invented back in 1937 by a chemist from Germany named Otto von Bayer, his wide application on the Russian market of thermal insulation began relatively recently. While the markets of Europe and North America PPU is well known, widely used and occupies a significant market share, for Russia it is a niche “newcomer”. Compared to expanded clay, mineral wool and glass wool, used for decades, PPU in Russia has been used only since the beginning of the 90s. Since then, the PPU market has grown tenfold. This can be judged by the growth in the consumption of PU foam components and PU foam processing plants. This, of course, cannot but rejoice. However, the product could win much a large share market, if it were not for the wandering myths and distortions of information about PSP (often by competitors).

    An excellent illustration of what end users this material is not clear, became a social survey. The survey was conducted in construction supermarkets, markets and construction sites. 1500 respondents were polled. The question was posed like this: "What is your opinion about polyurethane foam as a heater?". Here are the responses received:

    • PPU is dangerous to health - 64%
    • PPU flammable material – 55%
    • PU foam absorbs water like a sponge - 18%
    • PPU is short-lived, afraid of the sun, falls off - 10%
    • PPU expensive material - 12%
    • Not familiar with the material and its properties - 14%
    • They think that polyurethane foam and polystyrene are one and the same - 5%
    • Good and reliable insulation - 7%

    Of particular interest is the fact that respondents who gave negative statements about PPU found it difficult to answer the question about the facts, studies and evidence regarding their judgments.

    Let's try to understand each of these theses.

    PPU is hazardous to health. Is it so?

    We live in the age of polymeric and composite materials, which is also PUF. We lay linoleum based on polyvinyl chloride on the floor, install plastic windows, we use brushes made of synthetic polymer materials for brushing our teeth, we wear clothes and shoes partially or completely made of artificial fibers, we sleep on a mattress and pillows made of elastic polyurethane foam, we drive a car that is half made of polymers (including chairs, a panel and PU foam steering wheel). Whether we like it or not, but polymer materials are used everywhere today. Of course, each material is certified for safety for health. There are SanPiN norms for permissible emissions from materials that are safe for health. Polyurethane foam used for thermal insulation of buildings and structures is no exception. PPU has all the necessary certificates, has approvals for the construction of even kindergartens and hospitals, is not an allergen (unlike mineral wool insulation) and does not accumulate moisture in itself, which creates a good environment for pathogens. In addition, the peculiarity at the chemical level of PU foam is such that component A is inherently more than a safe oil (polyester), and component B (polyisocyanate), which for any reason may be residual, is completely neutralized by air moisture in a short period of time . As an illustration, we can cite PPU hives, which are so chosen by bees around the world. Bees are so capricious about their ecosystem that they cannot even live near power lines or cellular stations.

    In the "certificates" section on our website you can see examples of hygiene certificates for PPU:

    PPU is a fire hazardous material. Is it so?

    Let's start with what we mean by combustible and non-combustible material. To do this, we turn to GOST 30244-94 “Construction materials. Test methods for combustibility. In this document, building materials are divided into combustible (G) and non-combustible (NG). Non-combustible materials include metal (and even then not all alloys), stone, glass, expanded clay, basalt, etc. All materials on wood or polymer base are combustible and are divided into combustibility groups:

    • G1 - low combustible(for PPU, this means that it is not capable of igniting, resistant to open fire and thermal radiation, but under the influence of a flame loses mass, smolders)
    • G2 - moderately combustible(resistant to open fire and thermal radiation, does not support combustion, self-extinguishes in the absence of a flame)
    • G3 - normally combustible(in the absence of a flame it self-extinguishes, cannot be a source of ignition)
    • G4 - highly flammable(supports combustion and may be a source of ignition)

    In addition, the tests take into account other factors - flammability, smoke emission, mass loss, flame propagation speed, decay time, release of toxic substances and a number of other factors. After such comprehensive studies, a conclusion and a certificate are issued. fire safety, which regulates the scope of a particular material in construction.

    Polyurethane foam is good because, depending on its composition (type and amount of fire retardant used), it can belong to all four flammability groups. And the choice depends directly on the scope and wishes of the Customer. So, for example, polyurethane foam with flammability groups G1 and G2 can be used as a heater in residential and industrial facilities with open access to the heater (roofs, facades, plinths, etc.). While the use of PPU with a flammability group G3 and G4 is justified for refrigeration units, at the conclusion of PPU between other non-combustible building structures etc.

    In the "certificates" section on our website you can see examples of fire safety certificates for PPU:

    PU foam absorbs water like a sponge. Is it so?

    Water is the number one enemy of any insulation. Water can get into the insulation in different ways - direct precipitation, water from the ground, humidity from the air, vapors from inside the room, the “dew point” phenomenon. When a heater with low thermal conductivity absorbs water having high rate thermal conductivity, then it begins to lose thermal insulation properties, that is, ceases to be a heater. In addition, wet insulation is an excellent environment for the development of mold fungi and pathogenic bacteria. For mineral wool insulation, water is also terrible because it increases the weight of the insulation sheet and contributes to its clumping, slipping and overconsolidation, which leads to the appearance of cold bridges and cold corners and joints.

    To determine the hygroscopicity of the insulation, special tests are carried out. Compare the weight of a sample of dry material and the same sample after saturation with water. Saturation with water is carried out either by a jet of steam or by immersion for a long time under water. All tests are regulated by GOSTs.

    The table shows the test results:

    As can be seen from the table, PPU has better stability to moisture absorption. This is determined primarily by the rigid closed cell structure. The higher the density of foam, the more quantity closed cells, and therefore lower moisture absorption. This does not mean that it is necessary to choose PPU only by yourself. high density- it will cost more and will not have the highest thermal insulation performance. Everything should depend on the destination. So, PPU with a density of 60-80 kg / m 3 is usually used only for places with constantly high humidity or even as an additional waterproofing. PPU with a density of 40-60 kg / m 3 has found the widest application, since it combines excellent thermal insulation properties, mechanical strength and more than moderate moisture absorption. This density is suitable for a wide range of purposes - from roofs and facades, to filling the inter-wall space. PPU with a lower density is preferably used indoors or where there is no risk of direct contact with precipitation or moisture.

    PPU is short-lived, afraid of the sun, falls off. Is it so?

    Polymeric materials really do not like direct sunlight. PPU is no exception. This process is called aging or UV degradation. What can I say, even a tree dries, darkens and slowly decomposes without special protection from atmospheric influences. There are protections for PPU.

    Elementary coloring of the PPU surface or applying mastic will allow PPU to serve faithfully for more than 30 years, even on an open facade. If the PPU is hidden under facade structure(siding, clapboard or porcelain stoneware), then you can not worry about its safety without additional funds protection. By the way, PPU is not "Snegurochka", which melts in the sun. Only the upper layers of polyurethane foam are subject to destruction, not more than 1 mm per year (depending on conditions). This layer will darken and will tend to crumble. But the inner layers will retain their structure and properties. During installation, these processes can generally be neglected.

    The modern construction market is ready to offer its consumers both materials with long-term use and a stable reputation, as well as a whole list of polymers that have entered the market not so long ago and are still gaining recognition from customers. This group includes polyurethane foam.

    What is polyurethane foam?

    Experts refer this modern building material to the group of gas-filled plastics. consists of an inert gas phase by more than 85%. The scope of this material is wide and varied. However, the fierce debate over whether polyurethane foam is harmful to health has not subsided for many years. The most discussed from this point of view include the behavior of the material during combustion and the release of toxic components when heated.

    The history of the appearance of the material

    The date of birth of polyurethane foam can be safely called 1937, when a small group of scientists from a laboratory in Levenkusen synthesized a material with unusual properties. Depending on what was the mixing ratio of the components of the new material and how quickly the reaction took place, the properties of polyurethane foam were radically different. On the one hand, the material was elastic and flexible, but rather fragile to breaking loads. On the other hand, strength, hardness, density, but brittleness in bending. The material opened up extremely broad prospects, but the Second World War significantly slowed down their implementation. However, since the 60s of the last century, the manufacture of PPU began to develop at a rapid pace.

    Component composition of polyurethane foam

    The main components that make up polyurethane foam and are necessary for the formation and attachment of polymer chains are polyol (component A) and polyisocyanate (component B). Sometimes domestic producers one more component, a catalyst, can be added to the polyol. The main components of polyurethane foam have a specific smell and are a liquid enough thick consistency with shades from light yellow to dark brown.

    Polyol during long-term storage tends to exfoliate, so it is recommended to mix it before use. Polyisocyanate interacts with water - upon contact, crystallization begins. During long-term storage for outdoors a film forms on the surface of the material. In my own way component composition PPU can be of two types - for spraying and for pouring.

    Biogenic properties

    Polyols and polyisocyanates used for the production of PU foam are petroleum products. However, it is known that polyurethane foam components can also be produced from vegetable oils. The best option for this purpose - castor oil. The polyol component can also be obtained from sunflower, soybean, and rapeseed oils. However, the cost of this raw material is quite high and the production is not economically feasible. Biogenic polyurethane foam materials are produced in small volumes and are used to solve very narrow specific problems.

    PPU properties

    Polyurethane foam produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers has a number of both positive and negative characteristics.

    Low (0.019 - 0.03 W / m), almost complete vapor impermeability, water resistance make polyurethane foam an excellent heat and water insulator. The same can be said about soundproofing. The high coefficient of adhesion makes it possible to apply polyurethane foam on almost any surface.

    However, not only positive qualities characterized by polyurethane foam. Harm to human health can be caused during the combustion of PPU (in the presence of a direct source of fire, the material burns). In addition, polyurethane foam releases toxic substances into the atmosphere - formaldehyde. Polyurethane foam, the components of which interact with air and the influence of sunlight. Over time, it darkens and falls off.

    Scope of PPU

    This modern building polymer has found wide application in various areas of human activity. Its widest area of ​​application is in construction: thermal insulation, acoustic and waterproofing of civil and industrial facilities for any purpose (residential, country houses, workshops, warehouses, hangars, etc.). Due to the low thermal conductivity, polyurethane foam is used to insulate not only roofs, but also walls, both inside and outside buildings. PPU sandwich panels are indispensable in the construction of prefabricated construction projects.

    PPU with a density of 30-86 kg / m³ (rigid polyurethane foams) are used as a sound and heat insulating material. Material with a density of 70 kg / m³ or more has a dense structure, does not let water through and is successfully used for waterproofing work.

    In the production of refrigeration equipment, PPU is used as a cold insulator. The shoe industry uses the material to make various elements of shoes and arch supports.

    However, there are areas where the benefits of using a material such as polyurethane foam are very doubtful. Health damage can be caused lining material and fillers for upholstered furniture, mattresses, pillows, etc. (polyurethane foam with a density of 5-40 g / m³ - soft foam blocks). Although PU foam manufacturers claim that the material is environmentally and biologically neutral, its use as a filler for children's toys can also make parents think about the health of their children.

    Sleep in the arms of PPU ...

    We will talk about such items of bedding as mattresses made of polyurethane foam. Harm, and quite serious, can be caused by inhalation of fumes of complex volatile chemical compounds (about 30 types), the most dangerous of which are phenol and 2-ethylhexanoic acid. Moreover, new mattresses filled with polyurethane foam are emitted into the atmosphere 5-6 times more hazardous substances than the old ones. The vapor concentration of these substances is comparable to the emissions from a new laminate flooring.

    Confidence in the safety of mattresses filled with polyurethane foam is doubtful for the simple reason that resins, catalysts, solvents, active chemical components (phenol!) are used at the stage of their manufacture.

    Is the threat from phenol great?

    Phenol is considered a toxic substance because it emits toxic fumes, and this process can continue for years without reducing or losing toxicity. This chemical element may cause disruption critical systems human body: respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular. The result may be headaches, loss of consciousness, impaired coordination of movements. Kidney and liver function may also be impaired. Constant contact with phenol and its fumes can cause such formidable diseases as asthma, infectious pulmonary pathologies, and allergies.

    According to scientists involved in research in this area, the use of polyurethane foam for the manufacture of children's furniture, mattresses, toys is unreasonable. PPU may well be replaced with safer materials. If parents are concerned about the health of their children, they should be very careful about choosing toys and mattresses for them, in which polyurethane foam can be used as a filler. The bulk of civilized countries have banned the manufacture of everyday goods.

    What else is bad?

    Products made of polyurethane foam are widely used in many areas of human life. and foam board based on polyurethane foam adversely affect the lungs, skin, eyes. Thermal insulation boards made of polyurethane foam release toxic polyisocoanate compounds into the air that can cause allergies or asthma. When heated PPU boards heating batteries or sunlight the release of the polyisocyanate is enhanced.

    In the event of a fire, PPU burns and releases toxic gases, which is an additional source of danger and threat to life. However, it is worth noting that in recent times more and more applied non-combustible types PPU obtained by introducing special additives into their composition. Such polyurethane foam practically does not cause harm to health.

    So where is the truth?

    Polyurethane foam - what is it? Harm from it or benefit? A huge number of places where polyurethane foam is used in various areas of human life does not allow us to give an unambiguous answer to this question. For the construction industry, this is certainly a benefit, and a huge one. The ability to make a mixture and apply polyurethane foam on the surface to be insulated directly on construction site reduces associated costs and allows you to create a monolithic polyurethane foam surface without gaps during installation and Thermal insulation of main low-temperature pipelines of the chemical industry is also hardly possible today with the same efficiency that polyurethane foam provides.

    However, the use of this material in the production of goods for people (and for children in particular) is seen by many specialists in this field as not entirely justified. The release of toxic substances can Negative influence on human health. Even before 2003, the technology for manufacturing domestic components for the production of polyurethane foam provided for the use of highly volatile ether compounds. Today, manufacturers claim that this technology has been abandoned. Within 3 days after application, the material is released from a small amount of gases remaining after the reaction of the components, and after that the polyurethane foam is environmentally safe.

    In general, in each specific case, before using PPU products, one must sensibly assess all the pros and cons of using this material in a particular area of ​​life.