When the heating period ends according to snip. At what point does the heating season end and what activities accompany its end. What to do if the heating season has begun and the batteries are cold

Many people think that turning on and off heating is directly from the average daily temperature. However, this is only a minor factor, since the date remains the decisive factor. Let's figure out when the heating season begins and ends.

Turn off and turn on heating schedule

The timing of the start and shutdown of heating, first of all, determines the date. Naturally, if warm weather lasts for several days in December, no one will turn off the heating. In this case, they can only reduce the feed power.

But even if the temperature does not drop below normal, heating will still be turned on in early November. Also influenced by the average daily temperature outside and the temperature in the apartment.

From what date to supply heating to residential apartments and when to finish the heat supply, it is not the housing and communal services that decide, but the regional authorities. They make the schedule. However, the boundaries and limits are set by Russian law.

So, the heating season should begin in the period from 1 to 15 October. The average daily temperature should be less than +8 degrees and stay at this level for five days.

The heating season can end in mid-April - early May, provided that the average daily temperature is above +8 degrees and lasts five days in a row. However, if frosts are expected in the near future, they will not turn off the heat.

For a comfortable life in the apartment, it is important to maintain a comfortable temperature. The minimum temperature norm is set at the legislative level. But it is important to adhere to general recommendations that depend directly on the residents.

The temperature in the apartment

  • The temperature norm in residential premises is at least +18 degrees, in corner rooms it should not fall below +20 degrees;
  • It is desirable that the temperature in the bedrooms is not higher than 17-18 degrees. This mode will ensure a healthy and comfortable sleep;
  • For kitchens, a temperature of 18-19 degrees is suitable, since a large number of electrical and heating appliances are located here. At higher temperatures during cooking, it will be very hot and stuffy here. In addition, more dirt, soot and grease will remain on the walls, furniture and ceiling. How to wash grease in the kitchen, see;
  • In the bathroom, you need to maintain a temperature of 24-26 degrees, since this room is characterized by high humidity. At a lower temperature, there will be sensations of dampness and cold, mold and fungus may appear;
  • Pay special attention to the temperature regime if a small child lives in the apartment. For newborns, a comfortable temperature is 22-24 degrees, for older babies it is 20-22 degrees;
  • In rooms, except for the bathroom, do not exceed warming up over 22 degrees, otherwise the rooms will be stuffy and uncomfortable.

How to heat an apartment in the off-season

If the heating season has not yet arrived, and the apartment is cold, you can use additional heating methods. This is especially important if small children live in the house. In this case, fan heaters will help, which are able to heat even large areas in a short time.

To heat the room, floor or wall heating convectors or oil heaters are also used. They do not adversely affect the content and quality of the air, but dry it. In addition, such radiators consume a large amount of electricity.

Air conditioners are a suitable solution, as they are safe, rational, practical and economical. In addition, they combine the functions of cooling and heating the room, depending on the needs.

We examined at what time and at what temperature the heating is turned off and on. We learned how to heat the room in the off-season. But what to do if the time for heating has already come, but there is still no heat in the batteries?

If there is no heating in the apartment

The temperature in residential premises should not be below normal. If during the heating season the apartment has cold batteries, you need to write a complaint to the organization that serves this house. This is a housing office, an HOA or a management company.

Find an agreement with this institution, where, as a rule, the conditions for filing a complaint or claim are prescribed. In addition, applications are written to these organizations, there is no gas or electricity.

Applications are submitted in writing, where they describe in detail the problem with a request to report on the results of the consideration of the application, take measures, and also recalculate utility bills.

Be sure to make and keep a copy of the claim! The application must be accepted and registered with the ZhEK, HOA or managing organization.

After submitting an application, an expert comes to the apartment to take temperature measurements and check the condition of the plumbing in the premises. As a result of the check, he draws up an appropriate act. If the temperature is below normal, and the service company is to blame, the violations must be eliminated in 7-10 days.

If the problem is low-quality batteries that are installed in the apartment, the owner himself must replace or repair the radiators. For example, heating appliances are outdated or broken. To carry out work, it is necessary to obtain permission from the management company, housing office or HOA!

When the heating is turned off due to an emergency, additional checks and temperature measurements in the apartment do not need to be done. In this case, the service organization must restore heating in no more than 16 hours at a temperature in residential premises above 12 degrees Celsius and in four hours at a temperature below + 10 degrees.

If the deadlines are exceeded, you can demand a recalculation of the payment for heating. As a result, payment is reduced by 0.15% of the cost of the tariff for each degree of temperature deviation from the norm and by the same amount for each hour of exceeding the deadlines. To recalculate, you need to write an appropriate application and submit it to the service organization.

If the problem is not solved

If the HOA, the housing office or the management company have not taken any action, or the problem has not been resolved within two weeks after the act is drawn up, you need to file a complaint with the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor or immediately with the Prosecutor's Office. Or you can send an application to three instances at once. To speed up the result, it is better to make a collective complaint of tenants.

In the application, carefully describe the problem, attach a copy of the appeal to the service organization, a copy of the act and a copy of the response of the service. In addition, you can take additional temperature measurements and check the living conditions in the apartment with the help of an independent expert.

In our country, it is impossible to do without heating apartments. Despite the numerous alternative types of individual heating, centralized supply remains the main way to maintain a comfortable temperature in the cold season. Therefore, the time of the beginning and end of the heating season remains relevant, especially since the heat is started and turned off at different times.

Heating in winter is one of the most exciting issues, so everything must be arranged in advance

Season Features

Previously, in the cold season, houses were heated by stoves, and the question of what date the heating season starts from did not arise before anyone. In our time, the heating season period should begin on the day when utilities start heating and end on the day it is turned off. It usually starts in late autumn and lasts until early spring.

The heating season starts differently everywhere, depending on the onset of cold weather

Heat in apartment buildings is carried out with the help of hot water or steam, which are supplied through pipes to the housing.

Central heating is carried out as follows:

  1. From the city's central boiler houses, pipes are laid to the houses and they diverge from apartment to apartment. This is how heating is done using hot water.
  2. If the house is heated from a heating plant, then steam is used as a heat carrier.
  3. For the supply of heat carriers, an extensive system of pipes is used, which are laid in two rows. One by one, hot coolant is supplied to the apartments, by others it is returned back.
  4. In apartments, heat goes through pipes to central heating batteries. Batteries do not heat up immediately, but over several days.

More about the heating season:

Thus, all the cities of the country are heated. Residents of houses pay for central heating.

Determining Factors

The issue of the beginning of the heating season is not decided by the utilities, but by the municipal authorities. They report this to the CHPP and heating networks, and those to the housing and communal services and the UK. By the beginning of turning on the heat, the public utilities are obliged to prepare all heating systems for operation.

Before starting the heating, it is important to test the system

Once the beginning of the heating season was October, and this month the heat was turned on in all regions. Over time, the start date of the season began to be coordinated with local climatic conditions. In some regions of the country, winters last for 10 months, while in others it is almost constantly warm. Therefore, central heating in some places works for almost a whole year, and in others - only half a month.

The following conditions affect the start date of the season:

  1. By law, heat must be switched on when the air temperature does not exceed +8ºC for 5 days.
  2. If weather forecasters report that the cold will last no more than a week, then heat is usually not turned on.
  3. To determine the optimal start date for the season, the temperature is measured several times a day for 5 days.

Some people believe that it is very beneficial for utilities to turn on the heat as late as possible. But they are wrong, since starting the system too late threatens to break it. Non-working pipes in the cold can burst, and utilities will have to pay for repairs at their own expense.

The end of the season is also an important moment that worries people. Heat in an apartment is a rather expensive utility service, and residents want to know when the heating season ends and when they stop charging for it.

It is impossible to predict the end of the heating season, since it is not known in advance how long the cold will last. Heat is also turned off according to temperature indicators for 5 days. When calculating the end date of the season, the factors described above are taken into account. But if warming has come, for example, in February, then the heat will not be turned off, since it is clear that the cold will still return. If the weather is warm, then the temperature of the batteries will be reduced to a minimum.

Turning off the central heating

Many people, if possible, choose autonomous heating, since central heating has many disadvantages:

  1. In winter, the air is very dry, as the heating works continuously.
  2. In severe frosts, there are interruptions in heat, as pipes burst in the cold.
  3. The temperature cannot be regulated, so some people find their apartments too cold or too hot.

Utilities must ensure that heating works efficiently and without interruption. Otherwise, sanctions are provided.

Autonomous heating allows you to independently regulate the process

Utilities are required to follow the following rules:

  1. The duration of heat shutdown during the heating season should not exceed 24 hours.
  2. If the temperature in an apartment without heating drops to +12ºC, then the heating must not be turned off for more than 16 hours.
  3. If it drops to +10ºС, then the allowable shutdown time is reduced to 8 hours.
  4. If up to + 8ºС, then up to 2 hours.

If the heat cut-off period exceeds these norms, then the tenants have the right to apply to the management company or housing department with the requirement to recalculate the heating fee. For each day of excess, the monthly fee is reduced by 0.15%.

It is impossible to accurately determine and predict the dates for turning on and off the heat, as they depend on many factors. If warming has come in the middle of winter, the heating is not turned off, since it will be very difficult to start it again. If during the season there was a heat outage and its duration exceeds the norm, then the tenants have the right to demand a recalculation of the service fee.

In this video you will learn about the features of the heating season:

Every year, residents of cities have a question about when the heating will be turned on and off. Often, weather conditions and schedules for the start of the heating season do not match, and when cold weather sets in, the batteries remain cold, which causes discomfort. And, on the contrary, when it becomes quite warm outside, utilities continue to heat.

The start and end of the heating season directly depends on the repair and preparatory work. At this time, utilities and emergency services operate in emergency mode, not having time to respond to all applications. Let's figure out what the temperature schedule of the heating system is and how it is observed.

How does the heating turn off

Heat supply systems in all apartment buildings are turned off at the same time due to the characteristics of the device. Sometimes the transition to summer mode implies turning off hot water, for this reason it is worth knowing in advance exactly when it will happen. Residents must be notified in advance of the planned hydraulic tests so that they can prepare.

As a rule, the period for turning off heating falls on the spring months: the second half of April - the beginning of May. But this does not mean that in the first two weeks of May, the batteries are turned off, and they immediately become cold.

Organizations involved in the life support of a particular settlement are responsible for monitoring temperature fluctuations, namely:

  • housing and communal services;
  • administrative bodies.

They are required to have information that no further reduction is expected in the month set for the shutdown.

When they turn off

The choice of a specific date when exactly the heating is turned off does not depend on the housing office or plumbers, the decision is made exclusively by the municipality in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The average daily temperature outside should stay at 8 degrees above zero for at least 3-5 days in a row, and only in this case the heating will be turned off.

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • compliance of the shutdown date with the period;
  • the decision to turn off the heating must be agreed with the meteorological services.

Often in the middle of winter, a minimum temperature regime is set at which you need to stop heating. But due to the fact that the time period and the schedule of the central heating shutdown do not correspond to each other, there will be no stoppage of heat supply, even if it is much above zero outside the window for a long time. In this case, it is only possible to reduce the temperature along the heating main to the central control system as much as possible.

The heating supply is stopped after the relevant instruction of the district or municipal administration and its publication, as a rule, this happens after April 20. The same body issues a decree on the beginning of the heating season.

Who decides

Heating is turned off by the local thermal power plant (CHP) by decision of the city administration after the due date. That is why it makes no sense to start a conflict with the housing board on the issue of the presence or absence of heat, its supply or suspension, they do not take part in this.

Due to the fact that in Russia there are several climatic zones and the onset of heat in them varies, residents of the northern regions should acquire additional heating devices. After all, the heating shutdown schedule is the same for the whole country. Local utilities cannot influence the date of the heat shutdown. A thermal power plant can make such a decision only due to force majeure.

IMPORTANT! If you are in the summer, be sure to crimp them. Before starting the heating, the pipes are always filled in order to identify possible defects, and without this procedure they will not be safe.

How to find out the end date of the heating season

The decisions of the administration to suspend the supply of heat must be published on the official Internet portal of the municipality. Unfortunately, not all state bodies have such sites, therefore, in parallel, the decree is printed in the local city newspaper, which represents the interests of municipal structures.

In addition, local television and radio, as well as electronic news systems, announce the heating temperature schedule and the exact date of its shutdown. If necessary, all the information of interest can be obtained by calling the Committee for the Management of Housing and Communal Services. The CHPPs themselves will not be able to report the exact date of shutdown without an appropriate decision from the administration.

Stopping the heating system and switching to summer mode cannot be carried out immediately. They are turned off in a certain sequence:

  • administrative and industrial buildings;
  • schools, kindergartens and hospitals.

Thus, often tenants of apartment buildings continue to pay for heating, despite the fact that outside the window the temperature minimum necessary for its suspension has long been established. In this case, only the installation of individual metering devices or turning off the heating before the deadline after submitting a collective application for the heat supply organization will help.

In view of the climatic conditions of the region, heating apartments and houses in cold weather is a prerequisite for comfortable and safe living in them.

The beginning of the heating season and its end are tied to a specific date, but the dates may be adjusted if the cold snap started earlier than usual. Therefore, the heating season may have a different start date, this is decided by local authorities, city utilities, and sanitary services.

For those apartment owners who use a centralized highway, it is important to know when heat will be supplied. After all violation of the regime - a reason to file a complaint with the responsible authority.

ATTENTION! The standard heating period is typical for houses with a centralized heat supply system. Homeowners with an individual boiler can independently turn the heating on or off.

Definition of the heating season

Traditionally, heat is given to the apartment in the fall, somewhere in the middle of this time of year. That's when the air temperature starts to drop. Inside the apartments, the air is cooled to the limit. The duration of the heating period is about six months, it completion depends on the establishment of a comfortable outdoor temperature s.

IMPORTANT! The emergence of the concept of a heating season in the public sector became possible after the development of a centralized supply of thermal energy to apartment buildings.

What law regulates the process of heating residential premises?

The dates that determine the scope of the heating season - October 15 and April 15 - are conditional. Public utilities are approximately guided by them when preparing equipment and networks for long-term operation during the cold period. But in reality, the start and finish of heating houses is set differently every year, depending on the weather, the average temperature outside.

On May 26, 2006, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 304 was issued, according to which to start heating, you need to fix the temperature no higher than 8 degrees for 5 days. To calculate the average temperature, the highest and lowest air values ​​of the day are added together.

ATTENTION! Sometimes residents of houses complain that even after 5 days of cold (below 8 degrees), the batteries in the house are cold. But heat does not enter the apartments immediately after the start-up of the boiler house; it may take more than one day to evenly heat all objects.

Principles of district heating

The pipeline through which heat is supplied to the house consists of pipes stretching from the central city boiler house. Typically, the heat carrier in the pipeline is hot water. But can be applied to heating steam, electricity.

In apartments, pipes are mounted at the inlet of hot water and at its outlet. Thanks to a properly designed heating system, heat energy is evenly distributed through pipes and radiators. Centralized heating of apartments is used in settlements with different population sizes.

This type of heating is convenient, practical, economical. But not always its duration corresponds to weather conditions. Therefore, it is important for residents of apartments to know the norms for turning on heating depending on the outside temperature.

What determines the start of heat supply?

At what temperature the heating is turned on - this question interests consumers every autumn, because there is no desire to freeze in the house due to the fact that the autumn bad weather began ahead of schedule. If a low average temperature remains in a dwelling for a long time, this affects the health of residents, the condition of furnishings and the house itself.

ATTENTION! No matter what date the heating season starts, it is important that utilities are fully prepared for it. It is necessary to check the integrity of the pipeline, the reliability of the boiler room equipment, the readiness of the heating system inside the house to supply hot water.

  • For a certain time, the standards determined the start of heating from October throughout the country. But on such a large area, the climatic conditions in cities and villages are different, depending on the climatic zone. And so the order of the beginning of the season was changed, as well as its duration.
  • What months are included in the heating period? It also depends on the region. In hot areas, it is necessary to heat only a few months, the cold part of the country needs heating for almost the entire year (ten months).

According to the law, heat energy suppliers must turn on systems for heating residential buildings if the air temperature outside for more than 5 days is not higher than 8 degrees Celsius.

But the rules and procedures for the heating season take into account other important factors. Even if it is cold outside in early autumn or late spring, but weather forecasters predict an imminent warming, the batteries can remain cold. During the inter-heating period, the heating system is very rarely started, this is associated with high costs.

The official decree on the beginning of the district heating season for apartments and houses is a guide to action for the municipal utilities of the settlement. Before the issuance of such a decision, experts calculate the most favorable beginning of the period, for this they record data on the average daily outdoor temperature several times a day, study information from meteorologists and weather forecasters.

ATTENTION! The heating period must necessarily begin before frost, since at an average temperature below zero, which persists for some time, the non-working equipment of the heat pipeline, the boiler room fails. Expensive repairs will incur large costs.

For the same reason, suppliers do not carry out heat cuts until the desired temperature is established on the street.

Features of the end of the district heating season

  • How long the heating period lasts and when it ends - it is important to know this information in order to demand high-quality performance of utility services from heat suppliers. The months when you have to pay for heat are the most difficult in terms of financial costs for the population.
  • In which month the heating is turned off this year, it is impossible to say in advance, it depends on weather conditions, on the duration of low temperatures, on the climatic zone in which the settlement is located. Therefore, the modern law does not establish the exact date when the period of heating of residential premises by a centralized system ends.
  • Like the start of heat supply, its end is related to the temperature outside. An important indicator for shutting off the coolant supply is maintaining a certain outdoor temperature for 5 days.
  • Suppliers must comply strictly with this and other conditions for the end of the heating period.

If frost, low temperatures persist for a long time and in spring, the heating season drags on, although this will lead to high utility bills.

And yet, without a comfortable temperature in the house, it is impossible to live in it, relax, and maintain good health.

Is it possible to turn off during the heating season?

Suppliers must carefully prepare for each heating season, checking the condition of highways, boiler equipment, and modernizing networks.

And yet, even with the high quality of training there are cases when utility companies turn off the heating in houses or apartments. This is usually associated with emergency situations on pipeline lines or in the boiler room itself.

Also, the heating of the house can be stopped for a while due to damage to the pipeline in the premises of a residential building.

ATTENTION! According to the law, shutdown during the heating period is not possible, if it took place, the time without heat supply should be minimal. Otherwise, the supplier is subject to fines and sanctions due to an irresponsible attitude to his duties.

  • If the room temperature is only 8 degrees Celsius, heating it can be stopped only for 2 hours. At a temperature of 10 degrees - no more than 8 hours.
  • Only for 16 hours is it permissible to turn off the heat when the room is 12 degrees.
  • Even due to accidents during the heating period, the permissible number of hours without heat supply is 24.

If utilities do not follow these important rules, the Pursuant to the law, consumers have the right to demand recalculation of heating payments. The payment will be reduced by 0.5% for each hour of exceeding the allowable standards.

What to do if there is no heat in the apartment?

If there is no heat in the room during the central heating period, you should first exclude the formation of air pockets in the radiators, then you need to call the management company to solve the problem. Perhaps there was an accident and now it is eliminated.

Useful video

This video investigates the reasons why in winter the heat of the batteries is not enough to warm our homes.

Preparation for the heating season in all cities of Russia begins long before it starts - in the summer. Conventionally, the heating season is the period from October 15 to April 15. However, on May 26, 2006, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 307, according to which the heating season depends on the average daily air temperature. The outside temperature should not be higher than 8 degrees Celsius for five days. After that, they are required. The average daily temperature is calculated from the sum of the highest day temperature and the lowest night temperature.

It should be borne in mind that the process of supplying heat to apartments can take more than one day, it all depends on the specific housing and communal services serving the house.

If you were not given heating on time, you have every right to complain to the Housing Inspectorate.

You should be aware that the owners themselves can set the terms for the supply of heat, but this must be officially registered. Otherwise, housing and communal services will be guided by Decree No. 307 of the Government of the Russian Federation. Some regions have their own terms of heat supply. It all depends on the decision of the municipality.

If there is no heat

Sometimes it happens that the heat in the apartment does not appear for a long time. Do not rush to the management company - first go to the neighbors. If they are all right, then there is a problem with your batteries. For example, so-called "air locks" often occur. After removing them, your apartment will be filled with warmth.

Earlier, heating will be turned on in the following organizations: kindergartens and schools, medical and social institutions. In this case, everything will depend on the readiness of the city's heating systems by the beginning of the heating season.

According to statistics, the time of the beginning and end of the heating season has shifted since 1962. Today the heating season starts an average of 5 days earlier and ends 12 days earlier.

If your house has an autonomous heating system, then in this case, the start and end dates of the heating season are determined by the apartment owners and agreed with the management company.

As for the end of the heating season, here one should be guided by setting the outdoor temperature above eight degrees Celsius for five days.

For example, in the Central Federal District in the last five years, the heating season begins in late September - early October. So, in 2013, heating was provided to apartment buildings in mid-September.