We select an orthopedic mattress for the bed according to all the rules. What you should pay attention to? How to choose a mattress for a double bed? Tips for choosing the right mattress

Every day we spend about 8 hours in a dream. Not only the morning mood and working capacity, but also health depends on how well the sleeping place is equipped. - that's only half the story. It is also necessary to choose a suitable mattress, because in case of an error, you will experience muscle and back pain, insomnia and even allergies. Making the right purchase is not as easy as it might seem. Outwardly, all mattresses are very similar, but at the same time they can differ significantly in the type of filler, the presence of springs and other parameters. Let's try to figure out how to choose a mattress for a bed in order to ensure a healthy sleep and comfortable rest.

No. 1. Mattress size

The simplest thing is choosing the right size. It is enough to measure the inner perimeter of the bed by removing the old mattress:

The least problems arise when the bed and mattress of the same brand, and even bought at the same time.

No. 2. Mattress construction: spring or springless

A key characteristic of any mattress is the presence or absence of a spring block in it. Looking ahead, we note that both options can be used for permanent rest.

Mattresses on springs

Mattresses with a spring block are divided into two types:

Mattresses with dependent spring block have been produced for over 60 years. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that all the springs are interconnected. Springs are made from cold drawn steel wire and can be cone or cylinder shaped. To their main benefits include low price and high strength. disadvantages the design has more. Since all the springs are connected, the pressure on some of them causes an instant "response" in others. This effect is especially noticeable in double mattresses, when the difference in the weight of the sleeping people is more or less significant: one spouse will certainly roll down to the middle of the bed. A similar effect will be inevitable even for a single mattress. It turns out that the human spine will adapt to the curves of the mattress, and not vice versa.

In addition, "bonnel" type mattresses are pressed through in the middle part over time, and as a result, instead of a comfortable bed, it forms. If you want to choose an orthopedic mattress for a healthy sleep, then a model with a dependent spring block is clearly not suitable. This is an option for rare use, for example, for a country house.

Independent spring block means that the individual springs are not only not connected to each other, but are also in their own fabric cover. Isolated springs perfectly adapt to a sleeping person, and the presence of a cover allows us to talk about the absence of squeaks. When one of the sleepers gets up or rolls over, the mattress springs under the other sleeper will remain motionless. No one will slide anywhere, nothing will sag over time.

This design allows you to provide excellent support to the spine and take its shape. The durability of such mattresses is on top, as is the price. Orthopedic mattresses are equipped mainly with an independent spring block.

depending on the number of springs There are the following types of mattresses:

The more springs and the smaller their diameter, the better the mattress will adapt to the body of the sleeper. If you need to choose a good orthopedic mattress, then it is better to take S-1000 or S-2000.

In addition to the traditional design of an independent spring block, there are Dual Spring mattresses. One spring is in the other, which provides optimal support for people of different weights - a good option for a couple in which the weight of partners is very different. Designed for overweight people reinforced block mattresses: the springs in them are made of thicker wire and are staggered. There are mattresses that are used in different areas springs with different degrees of rigidity. Due to this, maximum ergonomics are achieved, because the pressure exerted by the head and pelvis is different.

Springless mattresses

Such products consist of one or more layers of natural or artificial materials, the rigidity of which can vary greatly. The simplest and cheapest option is a foam springless mattress. At first it will be comfortable, but very soon it will begin to slip. Mattresses show themselves better, where foam mixed with additives other materials, such as coir or latex. Latex foam mattresses are highly resilient and long lasting, but the most durable will be mattresses made entirely of natural latex or coconut fiber. These are elastic, elastic and hypoallergenic products. Depending on the combinations of certain materials the required level of rigidity is reached.

A high-quality springless mattress will cost a lot, but in terms of performance, it almost does not differ from a product with an independent spring block. Since there are no springs in it, no one will slide anywhere, and the problem of squeaking will be impossible in principle. This is ideal for . We also add ease of transportation, since the springless product can be twisted. True, under such a mattress, an orthopedic lattice of flexible slats is needed - most modern beds have such a base.

No. 3. Mattress fillers

No. 8. Mattress manufacturers

The name of the manufacturer is a guarantee of quality. Risking your reputation in an era when information on the Internet is distributed instantly, few people will. You can trust products of such brands:

When choosing a mattress, do not forget to test it personally, checking the quality of workmanship and rigidity. If the product is uncomfortable, then it will be clear almost immediately. And further. A mattress is one of the few things you shouldn't skimp on, as too much depends on the quality of your sleep.

When choosing a mattress for a double bed, it is worth considering the parameters and preferences of two people at once. How to choose the best option so that the sleep of each person in a pair is comfortable and healthy?

Optimal level of firmness

The first parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing a mattress is its rigidity. This characteristic is very subjective, even the same mattress may seem hard to some, and soft to others. In addition, the feeling of rigidity of the mattress is affected by the complexion of the sleeper and his age. But at the same time, there are general recommendations that will allow you to understand which mattress is right for you: hard or soft.

Choose the firmness of the mattress depending on your weight. If the weight of the sleeper is up to 50 kg, then a soft mattress is suitable, with a weight of 50 to 90 kg, a model of medium hardness is suitable. If the weight of the sleeper is more than 100 kg, then a moderately hard or hard mattress can provide a healthy and comfortable sleep.

The age of the sleeper also affects the firmness of the mattress. For newborns and children under three years of age, hard coconut models are recommended, for school-age children and teenagers it is better to choose mattresses of medium hardness. Moderate to medium firmness is also suitable for adults with an average weight, while older people should choose softer mattresses.

Since we choose a mattress for a double bed, it is worth taking care that it is comfortable for each sleeper, but how to do this if, for example, they have a different weight category?

Mattress for couples with large weight differences

For a couple with a large difference in weight, it is worth choosing a mattress especially carefully. If it is too soft, then the heavier person in the pair will “fall through” into it and sleep will not be as comfortable. And on a hard mattress it will be uncomfortable for a person with a small weight to sleep.

In addition, often couples with a large difference in weight face the problem of "rolling" the lighter person in the pair onto the heavier one. But there are mattresses for couples that can easily solve all these problems, creating a suitable bed for two at once.

First, you should choose mattresses with an independent spring block.. Each spring in such a block is in a separate case, it works completely autonomously, without involving neighboring springs in the process.

Secondly, the more springs in the mattress, the better support it will provide. We advise you to pay attention to models with 1000 or more springs per bed.

Which models are suitable for couples with a big difference in weight?

  • With a spring block DS, or in other words, "a spring in a spring." Larger external springs work with a small load on the mattress, and internal ones with increased pressure on the product;
  • Models with variable stiffness, in which two parts of the mattress are made of springs of different densities;
  • Mattresses with pocket springs and asymmetric or zonal filling.


Which mattress to choose: spring or springless?

When choosing this option, you should rely primarily on your personal preferences, since a quality mattress, spring or not, guarantees you the same quality support and comfortable sleep.

What is the difference between spring and springless models?

Spring Models

Mattresses with springs are more popular, they withstand heavy loads and have maximum durability. All spring blocks are divided into two types: independent springs and the Bonnel block.

  • Block of dependent springs "Bonnel";
  • It is a block of rigidly fastened 5-turn springs made of steel wire. The strength of this spring block has been tested for decades, it is wear-resistant and durable. Suitable for people of average build, not recommended for couples with a large difference in weight. Mattresses with the "Bonnel" block are also distinguished by a democratic price.

  • Block of independent springs
  • In such a block, each spring works autonomously, while neighboring springs are completely immobile. Special covers isolate the springs from each other, allowing the mattress to provide point support for the spine. These models eliminate the “hammock effect”, and therefore are suitable even for people with a solid weight and for couples with a large difference in weight.

Orthopedic mattress and the maximum load per bed is directly dependent on the number of springs per square meter.

Springless Models

Many people think that mattresses without springs are less durable, but this opinion is erroneous. Springless models are not inferior to spring models either in wear resistance or in orthopedics. For the production of springless models, high-quality modern fillers of different hardness are used, both from natural and artificial materials. Let's talk in more detail about the most popular among them.

natural latex- made from the sap of rubber trees. Recognized as one of the most comfortable fillers. It has moderate softness, comfortable and convenient, gives a pleasant feeling of "drowning". At the same time, it provides high-quality support for your body, preventing it from “falling through” into the mattress.

coconut coir- natural filler made from coconut fiber, which is treated with latex for strength. It is a hard filler, the best mattresses for newborns are made from coconut coir. Possesses the maximum orthopedics, well passes air, material strong and durable.

artificial latex- its qualities are similar to natural ones. Also durable and quite comfortable. It has medium rigidity, compared to natural latex, artificial latex is slightly more rigid and dense. It has a democratic price and does not cause allergic reactions.

Memorix- a soft filler of a new generation, its uniqueness is that it has the effect of "memory". Under the influence of heat and the weight of the sleeper, the memorix “remembers” the shape of your body and adjusts exactly to it. You feel a slight feeling of "weightlessness", getting maximum relaxation.

PPU- a popular inexpensive filler, has good elasticity and provides high-quality support for the spine. Allergy-free, wear-resistant and durable.

Eco Foam- high-density elastic foam, a modern analogue of polyurethane foam. The material is strong and durable, maintains the anatomically correct position of the body during sleep.

Hollofiber and struttofiber- materials of average rigidity. They have a special density, differ from each other in the way the fibers are laid: vertical and horizontal. Durable and inexpensive, and therefore very popular fillers for mattresses.

Bicocos- consists of natural coconut coir and struttofiber. Cheaper analogue of coconut coir, not as hard and dense compared to it. It is designed for high loads, passes air well and does not accumulate dust.

The most comfortable among springless models are mattresses with combined filling from materials of different hardness. For example, the middle layer of a mattress can be a coconut coir slab, which will provide the necessary rigidity and orthopedics of the model. And the top layer can be made of comfortable natural latex or soft memory foam.

Choosing the right size

If you have already decided on the type of mattress and its filling, then it remains only to correctly determine the size of your mattress. The size of the mattress always matches the size of your bed. It is worth measuring along the inner perimeter of the bed: the length of the bed from the foot to the head and the width of the bed between the side parts - this is the length and width of your bed.

Mattresses with a width of 160 cm are more popular among buyers, and more and more often they choose "royal" bed sizes - 180 cm and 2 m wide. The standard length is 190 cm or 2 m. The height of the mattress should also be determined in accordance with the dimensions of your bed. The average height of a spring model is from 18 to 24 cm, a springless mattress is 15-18 cm.

If the dimensions of your bed are far from standard, then we will easily produce a mattress according to your individual size.

Which mattress to choose: double-sided or single-sided

One-sided mattresses are most often premium segment models, among them high mattresses of foreign manufacturers are often found. They are ideal for sleeping systems and low beds.

Double-sided mattresses are more practical. By turning the mattress over from time to time, you prolong its life, preventing it from caking and sagging. In addition, a double-sided mattress can have different stiffness of the sides. If you can not determine the firmness of the mattress that is ideal for you or want to change it from time to time, then double-sided models will be the best option.

Among double-sided mattresses, winter-summer models are especially popular, which provide an optimal microclimate for your sleeping place throughout the year. In such mattresses, the "winter" side usually contains natural wool, and the "summer" side is equipped with a breathable cotton cover.

A good “correct” mattress is not a cheap purchase. But it is worth the cost, because the quality of sleep depends on the quality of the mattress, and health, in turn, depends on it. This is not an exaggeration - a good sleep gives the body the rest it needs, and a good mattress is a guarantee of the absence of insomnia and allergic reactions, a "medicine" for the muscles and spine. Having ensured a comfortable sleep, a person will not experience a feeling of constant fatigue, will cease to be irritated, feel drowsy, will become more active and happy. The quality of life will improve. In addition, an orthopedic product for sleep will help to correct deviations in the spinal column without any effort on the part of the person.

But before studying information about corrective mattresses, it is necessary to answer the question of whether a person needs an orthopedic model. What does this term generally mean, and is it useful for everyone to sleep on such a mattress, ignoring the usual one.

Important! An orthopedic or anatomical mattress is a product that is most friendly to the human body. It is adapted for him and really helps to create the most favorable conditions for the location of the joints and spine during sleep. During the day, a constant load is placed on the supporting organ, and if competent relaxation does not occur at night, diseases cannot be avoided.

The task of an orthopedic mattress is to provide support for the spine when a person sleeps or rests.

Such mattresses are indicated for both adults and children, and those who have problems with the spine, and those who do not have them. The difference between the anatomical one is that it simply takes the shape of the body lying on it, exactly repeating it. Orthopedic also bends in shape, but provides some resistance, correcting and supporting the spine in its bends.

Orthopedic mattress

Naturally, it is necessary to make the right choice of your own mattress, because if you choose it incorrectly, instead of correcting and benefiting, it can cause significant harm.

What should be an orthopedic (anatomical) mattress

There is a necessary set of functions that a mattress of this type should perform. By them, it differs from a conventional product, the function of which is only to serve as a surface for sleeping.

  1. . Orthopedic bed automatically makes a deflection at the location of the pelvis, shoulders, back. At the same time, the product has elasticity, which helps to support the sleeping body in all positions, preventing it from bending.

  2. Correction and absence of curvature. Therefore, it is important to choose the level of stiffness that will help relax the muscles, and not strain them. An overly rigid product can eventually distort the vertebral arch, constantly maintaining its unnaturally stressed state, as well as too soft, since the deflection will be deep.

  3. . Only in a relaxed state do they get rest. This function - complete relaxation - is one of the leading ones. In this state, you can get quality sleep and good rest.

  4. Relief from pain. When sleeping on a too hard, bumpy mattress that does not differ in depreciation qualities, body weight is distributed unevenly. This can lead to discomfort and pain. The anatomical product excludes them.

  5. Getting rid of insomnia. In many episodes of insomnia, it begins with the wrong mattress and pillow. When arranging a comfortable bed, the problem disappears.

  6. . Corrective models provide elasticity in those points that need to remain mobile in order to avoid pinching nerves or blood vessels. On an absolutely flat, not elastic, or vice versa, bumpy (and also not elastic) surface, sooner or later the nerves will be pinched.

  7. Preservation of the microclimate. The mattress does not adhere directly to the body, like pajamas or bed linen, but air exchange in it is very important, as well as moisture and heat exchange. A person emits up to half a liter of sweat per night, thermal energy and carbon dioxide. To remove these waste products, the mattress must have the necessary qualities.

  8. Hypoallergenic. This indicator is important not only for chronic allergy sufferers. The material filling the product must be environmentally friendly and contain hypoallergenic components, antibacterial, and also prevent the development of mold and fungi, and the reproduction of ticks.

Criterias of choice

If you list all the selection criteria, there will be more than a dozen of them. It is not necessary to take into account absolutely everything, but the main ones must be taken into account.

Table. Criteria for choosing an anatomical mattress.

By design typeThere are options with springs and without. The latter, in turn, are divided into products with dependent and independent springs.
According to filler materialThere are a lot of them - from those used since ancient times, to the latest, innovative, with "memory". There are natural and artificially created fillers.
By the quality of the sidesEach mattress has the same number of sides, but the quality may vary. In this regard, they are divided into one- and two-sided.
According to the degree of hardnessThere are three levels: hard, medium, soft. They are selected depending on age, the presence of problems with the spine and their severity.
By sizeThere are products single, double, one and a half, teenage, children's, for babies. Size matters.

Options overview

It will not be possible to analyze all models - manufacturers offer thousands of them. But in order to navigate, you need to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat options are possible and consider them in detail.

By the way. In addition to specific characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the size of the bed, the age of the user, and necessarily personal preferences and comfort. On the selected product, you need to lie down and try to feel whether it is right for you.

Design choice

Perhaps the first thing to start with is the selection of the mattress design. Its base will either be spring-loaded or not.


If you stop at this option, then you purchase a product consisting of block or single sheets of natural or artificial material, pressed so that the shock-absorbing functions are performed to the maximum extent.

By the way. This category also includes inflatable and water mattress products, which can also be orthopedic.


More often, springs are hidden under the outer cover. And, as already mentioned, they may or may not be dependent. What is the difference?

dependent springs are intertwined. That is, if it is a double mattress on which two people rest at the same time, they can roll towards each other, or when one gets up or changes position, the entire mattress reacts.

Independent are such because each spring is taken into an individual autonomous "glass" covered with fabric. In the case of isolating the springs from each other, they more accurately adjust to the body, doing this locally, only at the point where the change occurs. The optimal number of independent springs in the product is from 500 pieces per bed.

Advice. Which is better? The choice is individual, but orthopedists do not exclude the possibility of being limited to dependent springs, if a person sleeps alone, and purchasing an option with independent ones, for sleeping together.

Filler selection

This is a very important step when choosing a mattress. The variety of fillers is amazing, new ones are constantly being invented, along with the fact that some manufacturers continue to use felt, wool and other “grandmother's” materials.

All fillers can be divided into two types - natural and artificial. Moreover, in the case of mattresses, it is not at all necessary that natural means the best.


  1. Latex. An extremely popular material that is obtained from the juices of the rubber tree. It has natural elasticity, hygiene, anatomy and is not allergenic. Supports the spine well. There is artificial latex - polyurethane foam. When buying, you need to be careful, because in the artificial version, latex is just the generally accepted commercial name for the product.

  2. Coconut. Coconut coir, or coconut fiber, is another natural filler that has recently become popular. It is elastic and durable, famous for its antibacterial properties. Usually used for more rigid products.

  3. Sisal. Less popular natural fiber with hygroscopicity and antistatic properties. The material is high-strength, withstands heavy loads.

  4. Horsehair. Continues to be used in mattresses of increased rigidity. Valued for environmental friendliness.

  5. It is not used in a single form, it is used only as interlayers in springless versions or a soft frame in spring ones.

  6. wool fiber can be used from different animals: camel, sheep, llama, merino. Basically, it also acts as an interlayer for tougher materials, although there are also completely woolen models.

One side or two

Most mattresses on the market are single sided. They are no worse than bilateral in performing orthopedic tasks.

Bilateral differ in that they are more functional. Both sides have different degrees of hardness, different coatings or a winter/summer version.

For example, a felt or wool layer on one side gives a "winter" option that retains heat. And on the other side - a hygroscopic fabric that absorbs moisture and provides coolness in the summer.

By the way. A double-sided mattress is always more expensive than a single-sided mattress. The choice in this case depends on the desire of the buyer to have a multifunctional or monofunctional product.


It is also one of the important indicators, which is selected based on many criteria.


This type should be preferred to people who have a lot of weight. Also, a high degree of rigidity is suitable for young and middle-aged people who do not have problems with the lower part of the spine (without pathological diseases), adolescents and younger students. They can be used by those who suffer from pain in the upper back, as well as to improve posture.


Products of medium rigidity are suitable for people of average weight and the elderly. They are also indicated for various vertebral pathologies that are localized in the thoracic region of the spine. You can use them medium for small and large children.


For people of average and thin build, not elderly, who do not have problems with the spine, it is possible to use a soft mattress. Also, this type (on the recommendation of an orthopedist) should be paid attention to those suffering from certain diseases of the lumbar region, but it is imperative that, with all the softness, the product provides proper support.

The size

This parameter matters, firstly, because of the size of the bed. You need to select the product so that it does not hang from the base.

Secondly, the mattress should not be short so that the sleeper's legs in an extended position do not protrude beyond the edge.

Advice. The calculation of the size is carried out as follows: his height plus 20 cm is the length of the product. On average, 80 cm is its width (two widths of the shoulder girdle ideally). Accordingly, a double mattress should be at least 160 cm wide.

In terms of brands and quality, today there is a very large selection of manufacturers. Each of them produces products equipped with all hygiene certificates. But this applies to global and popular brands, whose prices are quite high. In parallel, there are a lot of companies that make mattresses of dubious quality. Therefore, it is better to choose a worthy brand, carefully select the necessary criteria and, perhaps, wait for discounts or buy a product in installments than harm your health by purchasing a mattress from an unknown and unreputable manufacturer.

If you want to know why it occurs, as well as get acquainted with the causes and ways to eliminate pain, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Orthopedic chair

Video - How to choose an orthopedic mattress

There are two main criteria that you need to focus on when choosing: support and comfort.

Support ensures the correct position of the spine during sleep. In whatever position you lie, your spine assumes a natural anatomical position. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right firmness of the mattress, which would provide optimal support for you.

Comfort is also an important factor that affects the quality of sleep. The level of comfort depends on the ability of the mattress to adapt to the contours of your body and thereby evenly distribute pressure. The more comfortable the mattress, the less you will turn during sleep.

If you have found a mattress that supports your spine in the correct position and does not create excessive pressure on the body, then you have found a suitable option. But you should also pay attention to other indicators:

Eco-friendly and anti-allergenic. You need to make sure that the mattress is safe and that it does not contain materials that can cause you allergies.

Temperature and humidity control. Quality mattresses always have good ventilation and maintain the optimum temperature. Often manufacturers make mattresses with the "winter-summer" effect. This means that the mattress has a different bedding material on each side. The cool summer side is covered with cotton, while the warm winter side is covered with wool.

Transfer of motion. If you sleep together, it is important to minimize the transfer of movement from the mattress. You can roll over in your sleep or get out of bed without the risk of waking your spouse. Typically, such a disadvantage as a high transmission of motion is inherent in spring mattresses based on the bonell block.

Edge support. With spring mattresses, it is important that the edge of the mattress does not sag too much if you sleep next to the edge of the bed or sit on it. To solve this problem, either special springs are used around the perimeter, or a polyurethane frame is installed, or simply a steel frame is used.

1.1 How to check the level of support?

The most important factor in finding an orthopedic mattress is the right level of support. All mattresses can be divided into firmness levels: soft, medium-hard and hard. You need to determine what level of stiffness will provide the best spinal support for you.

Correct position of the spine. The right firmness mattress will follow the contours of your body and keep your spine in a naturally straight position. Your muscles will be able to truly relax, which will ensure a deep and healthy sleep. And in the morning you will wake up rested and feeling great.

Too hard. If the mattress is too hard, your shoulders and hips will push up and your spine will not be straight. In addition, normal blood circulation is disturbed due to excessive pressure on these points.

Too soft. If the mattress is too soft for you, then you will lie like in a hammock. If you stay in this position for a long time, you may wake up with back pain.

The main criterion that you need to focus on when choosing the rigidity of a mattress for an adult is weight.

  • For people up to 55 kg, a soft mattress is best.
  • From 55 to 90 kg, the optimal choice is medium hardness.
  • If the weight is over 90 kg, you need to choose a hard option that will provide the necessary level of support.

How to check? Lie on your back and try to run your hand under your lower back. If your arm moves freely, then the mattress is too hard for you. Try to roll over from one side to the other. If you find it difficult to change position, then the mattress is too soft for you.

1.2 How to check the comfort level?

The feeling of comfort is achieved by reducing the back pressure of the mattress on the body, especially on the shoulders and hips. The larger the area of ​​​​contact of the mattress with the body, the less pressure on individual points.

The top layer of the mattress is largely responsible for the level of comfort. As a rule, soft and elastic materials are used as the top layer of the filler, such as natural latex, synthetic latex, memory foam, felt, strutofiber, batting, holofiber, etc. Natural latex and memory foam reduce pressure best of all. For spring mattresses, it is also important to pay attention to the density of spring blocks - the more of them, the better the mattress will follow the contours of the body.

It is important not to confuse the level of comfort with the ability of the mattress to support the back in a natural position. A mattress that is too soft will follow the curves of the body well, but will not support the spine in the correct position.

High pressure.The red and yellow zones show the points where the pressure is greatest. In these places, the circulation of blood and lymph worsens, and painful sensations appear.

Optimal pressure distribution. If the mattress adapts to the smallest bends of the body, then the pressure on the body is distributed evenly. Reducing the pressure on the soft tissues helps to fully relax.

On a comfortable mattress, you will turn less in your sleep and will not wake up in the middle of the night. This is very important, because in order to feel rested, you need to reach the stage of deep sleep.

How to check? Try lying down on a mattress in the store and lying on it for a few minutes without moving. If you are comfortable and do not want to roll over, then the pressure is distributed evenly and you will sleep comfortably.

2. Types of orthopedic mattresses

There are two main types of mattresses: spring and springless. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Springless mattresses they are made from filler monoblocks or several layers of different fillers are combined in a "sandwich" type. In this case, the orthopedic effect depends on the properties of each material and their combinations.

Spring mattresses consist of a block of springs and one or more layers of filler. Spring blocks can be of two types: dependent and independent. The latter support the spine much better and are more durable.

Both types of mattresses can have any level of firmness and comfort.

2.1 Types of spring blocks

Dependent blocks - bicone springs are installed in a row and intertwined with each other in spirals. This is an economy class model and belongs to the mattresses with the least pronounced orthopedic effect. Mattresses with dependent blocks are not suitable for people weighing more than 100 kg, as well as for partners with a large difference in weight. The service life of such mattresses is 5-7 years.

Independent blocks- the springs in them are not interconnected and each is located in a separate case. The covers are sewn together to provide a flexible yet secure connection. A high-quality mattress should have at least 200 spring blocks per 1 sq.m. The service life of mattresses with independent blocks is 7-10 years.

Independent spring blocks are divided into several more groups depending on the size of the springs and the type of their location:

  • Pocket Spring (TFK, S-500) is the simplest type of independent spring block. It has a spring diameter of 5-6 cm and a density of 220-300 pieces per 1 sq. m. The maximum load for 1 bed is no more than 110-120 kg. As a rule, it is installed in mattresses of the middle price range.
  • Multipocket (S-1000) - better conforms to the contours of the body than Pocket Spring, and creates a more "streamlined" effect due to the increase in the number of springs. The diameter of the springs is 4-4.2 cm, and the density per 1 sq. m up to 500 pieces. Designed for loads up to 120-130 kg.
  • Micropocket (S-2000) - has the smallest spring diameter of 2-2.6 cm and a high density of up to 1200 pieces per 1 sq. m. This type of block provides excellent point elasticity and creates a minimal springy effect.
  • Hour Glass ("hourglass") - these blocks got their name because of the shape of the spring, which resembles an hourglass. This form provides universal rigidity of the mattress and is therefore suitable for partners with a large difference in weight. The same spring has three levels of stiffness and will equally well support any weight of the sleeper.
  • Dual Spring (spring in a spring) - designed for partners with different body builds (with a difference of 20-40 kg). It can withstand a load of up to 150 kg per bed.
  • Reinforced - suitable for people with a lot of weight (up to 150 kg). The springs are made from thicker wire, and the blocks are staggered.
  • With zones of rigidity. Springs of different degrees of rigidity are distributed along the length of the mattress, which provides a different level of support. By the number of zones, such mattresses are three, five and seven-zone. Also, the mattress can be divided lengthwise into two halves with different degrees of rigidity, which solves the problem with a large difference in weight.

2.2 Types of fillers

Before choosing an orthopedic mattress, study the qualities of internal fillers.

Polyurethane foam (PPU, foam rubber, orthofoam) is a completely artificial material of a cellular type. It has good anatomical properties and low cost. Of the minuses, one can note low air permeability, the ability to accumulate and retain odors, as well as a low service life.

Memoryform (Memory Foam, Memorix, memory foam) - the same polyurethane foam, but specially processed. It has a more viscous structure, resembles foam in appearance and always returns to its original shape after compression. This filler puts less pressure on the body, which contributes to good blood flow. The only drawback of the material is low breathability.

natural latex- a natural material that manufacturers receive from the juice of the Hevea palm tree. Harmless, environmentally friendly, soft, easily takes the anatomical shape of the human body and quickly recovers after compression. Latex practically does not absorb moisture and has good thermoregulation. The service life of such a filler is up to 20 years.

artificial latex– wear-resistant and highly elastic material. It is similar in composition and structure to foam rubber, but surpasses its performance. It does not contain Hevea palm juice, it is made from processed polyurethane foam. It got its name because of the similarity of elasticity and elasticity with natural latex.

Periotek and struttofiber made of polyester with the addition of natural materials (cotton, wool, bamboo, horsehair, eucalyptus, linen, algae). Both materials have a similar three-layer structure. Well restore their shape after reformation, do not contain resins and glue. Struttofiber has greater elasticity than periotek.

Hollofiber is another artificial material made from polyester fibers. The material perfectly keeps its shape, does not cake, does not absorb moisture, is breathable, does not contain toxic or carcinogenic substances. It has excellent softness and elasticity.

Coconut coir is a compressed pile of coconuts. Natural material that does not rot, does not fade and has a high moisture resistance. High-quality coir filler has long fibers. Coir with short fibers quickly breaks and crumbles. Coconut fiber filler gives the mattress rigidity.

Sisal is a natural material, the fibers of which are obtained from the leaves of Agave sisal (Agava sisolana). Sisal boards are additionally impregnated with natural latex.
Sisal boards are more rigid than coir boards, but also more wear resistant.

Horse hair is an excellent natural material. It has high breathability and moisture resistance. Fibers for plates are made from the hair of the mane and tail of horses, the plates are additionally impregnated with latex. Horsehair filler belongs to the elite category, which is reflected in its price. Used for the manufacture of hard and medium-hard mattresses.

Technogel is an innovative gel-like material. Unlike memoryforms, technogel provides deformation with a 3D effect. This means that it can be deformed not only up and down, but also to the sides. This allows you to distribute the load even more evenly and thereby reduce the pressure on the body. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

3. How to choose the size?

To choose the right size of an orthopedic mattress, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. 1 The length of the mattress should be at least 15-20 cm longer than your height.
  2. 2 The width of the mattress should be such that you can freely put your hands behind your head. At the same time, the elbows should not go beyond the mattress, and if you sleep with a partner, then his elbows should also not touch yours.
  3. 3 Measure the area your bedroom to better estimate what the maximum size of a mattress can fit in it.

Manufacturers produce mattresses in standard sizes. But if for some reason you need a different size, then many factories can make a mattress to order in any size.

4. How not to make a mistake with the choice?

To finally make a choice, you must definitely lie down on different mattresses. Only in this way will you be able to understand which one is really suitable for you. Each brand has its own gradation of rigidity, so you need to focus only on your feelings. Here are some general tips:

  1. 1 Take your time with the choice. A mattress is not only an expensive purchase, but also extremely important for your health. Lie down on each for at least 10-15 minutes.
  2. 2 As you test, try different sleeping positions.
  3. 3 Be sure to take your spouse to the store. After all, both of you should be comfortable and comfortable to sleep.
  4. 4 Go shopping in loose and comfortable clothes. This will help you feel more comfortable.
  5. 5 If you are planning to buy a springless mattress, then pay attention to what it lies on. If it's a base without sides, then the mattress will feel a bit softer than on a bed with bounding sides. This is especially true for latex mattresses.
  6. 6 If you feel the springs or the mattress creaks when moving, this indicates its poor quality.
  7. 7 Do not go to the store tired. After a hard day at work, almost any mattress will seem comfortable and convenient to you.

5. Where to buy?

When choosing a mattress, you need to decide where it is better to buy it. Let's look at the options.

Internet . On the Internet you will have a huge selection of mattress models. Some high quality mattresses are only available to order and you will not find them in regular stores. Plus, you can save a lot by shopping online. Prices in online stores are usually 10-15% lower than in conventional ones. A serious drawback is the inability to lie on the mattress and check its quality.

department stores. In department stores and other large stores, you can often find departments with furniture. As a rule, they offer a very limited range of low and medium price ranges. As a rule, in such stores you will not be able to get good advice from sellers and any discount when buying.

furniture stores. Furniture stores often sell mattresses as an additional item. The assortment in such stores is also usually quite small. Consultants cannot always help you choose the right mattress, as this is not their main sales area. However, you can count on a discount if you buy a whole bedroom set.

Specialty stores. In stores that specialize in mattresses, you will have more choices. Here you can count on an experienced salesperson who can advise you. Usually in such stores models of different price ranges are presented.

Recommendation : Visit several specialty stores, decide which mattress is best for you. Look online for similar models and compare prices. If the price is much lower on the Internet, and the seller in the store does not want to give you a discount, then buy a mattress online at the best price.

6. How much to spend on a mattress?

The price range for mattresses is very wide. Cheap options can be found for a couple of thousand rubles, and prices for expensive ones can reach several hundred thousand. The cost depends on the fillers, build quality, size, as well as the brand. To better understand, let's look at prices using the example of a medium-sized double mattress.

  • Up to 12,000 rubles. In this price category, you can buy wadded and thin foam mattresses. You should not expect any convenience and orthopedic properties from them.
  • From 12,000 to 30,000 rubles. For this price, in stores you can find models based on dependent spring blocks like Bonnel or polyurethane foam plates. Such models have a weak orthopedic effect and are poorly suited for daily sleep. Sometimes you can find mattresses with independent spring blocks, but of poor quality. After a few months, these mattresses lose their elasticity and it becomes very uncomfortable to sleep on them.
  • From 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. For such a price, you can buy a good orthopedic mattress based on independent spring blocks or a springless version of high-quality fillers.
  • From 60,000 to 120,000 rubles. This is considered the premium segment. Mattresses in this price range tend to come with the most advanced box springs, thick layers of natural latex or memory foam.
  • From 120 000 rubles. Mattresses above this cost are usually made from exclusive and rare materials. However, such fillers cannot significantly affect the orthopedic properties of the mattress. They only increase its price and add prestige. In addition, you will overpay for the brand. Therefore, you do not need to spend extra money on something that will not bring tangible benefits.

Recommendation: Many people don't know that mattresses carry some of the highest markups in the retail industry. Therefore, when negotiating with the seller, you may well get a discount, free shipping or a cover as a gift.

Rating of popular manufacturers

Only in Russia and the CIS countries more than a hundred enterprises are engaged in the manufacture of bedding. Every year, independent experts decide which of them is worthy to enter the top of the best in their niche. In 2016, according to experts, the top ten rating of manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses was formed as follows:

  1. 1 place. Hönnemed is a manufacturer of orthopedic and anatomical mattresses made of natural linen using innovative German technology. All models of this company are made using an independent spring block Nine Touches, divided into nine zones of different density and stiffness. This block has no analogues and is used only in Hönnemed mattresses.
  2. 2nd place. Lonax is an enterprise that produces orthopedic mattresses of various price categories - from budget to exclusive. Thanks to this, in the company's catalog, each customer can find a mattress suitable for his needs and financial capabilities. It should be noted that Lonax factories use high-tech German equipment and modern technologies.
  3. 3rd place. Dream Line is a manufacturer of high quality sleep orthopedic products. Dream Line uses only innovative technologies and equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. The range of the company includes more than 180 types of mattresses that can satisfy any request.
  4. 4th place. Comfort Line is a factory of ergonomic bedding for adults and children. Comfort Line mattresses are based on Multipoket S1000 spring blocks (a thousand independent springs for each bed) and highly elastic Memory foam. This allows the surface of the mattress to take the shape of the sleeper's body and correctly distribute the load.
  5. 5th place. Atmosphere is a green technology sleep product company. This method involves the use of environmentally friendly natural raw materials such as cotton, sisal, horsehair, latex. In the manufacturing process of Atmosphere mattresses, close attention is paid to every detail - from the independent Active Fresh Touch spring unit to the 3D aero mesh of the mattress cover.
  6. 6th place. Toris is one of the most experienced participants in the rating. Toris mattresses appeared on the market in 1998. The company has its own Research and Development Center, where Toris specialists regularly consult with experts in the field of orthopedics and somnology, and new models of the company's products are tested.
  7. 7th place. Vegas is the leader among Belarusian bed accessories manufacturers. The range of Vegas orthopedic and anatomical mattresses is huge, varied and budget-friendly. Spring models have from 112 to 1100 springs per bed and compete with the market leaders.
  8. 8th place. Consul is a holding company specializing in sleep products. Every year, more than 1,000,000 quality mattresses are produced at its enterprises. The Consul product range includes spring and springless orthopedic mattresses of various prices, which allows each consumer to choose a model that suits his budget and needs.
  9. 9th place. Benartti is a company that produces orthopedic mattresses of various prices and accompanying bedding from environmentally friendly natural materials. All products of the enterprise meet the requirements of international standards. During the production process, special attention is paid to the quality of components.
  10. 10th place. Askona is a Russian company within the Swedish concern Hilding Anders Group, a leader in the production of beds and mattresses in the European and Asian markets. The range of the company includes more than 800 items of spring and springless mattresses. Despite the promotion and popularity of the brand, many buyers note that the price of Askona products does not always correspond to its quality. That is why Askona closes our rating.

We hope that this guide and expert reviews will help you in deciding which mattress is better to choose and not overpay. Do not rush to buy and rely only on the advice of sellers. Explore offers in different stores, compare prices and benefits. After all, your well-being and mood for the whole day will depend on the quality of sleep.