Stages of landscaping. Stages of improvement of the territory of a private house. Landscaping of a summer cottage and industrial facilities

One of the most important activities of many construction organizations is the work on the improvement of the territory. Avtobaza Ilyinskoye JSC is no exception in this regard, we carry out all types of land works, including landscaping.

Before you start building any structures, you must definitely think about the improvement of the territory. This article touches upon topics about the components of improvement, the stages of improvement and the goals of improvement of the territory.

Landscaping includes:

Landscape gardening;

Creation of flower beds, various flower beds;

Asphalting of the site, etc.

Landscaping work must be carried out in strict accordance with the working drawings in compliance with all technological requirements, which are provided for in the relevant section sanitary norms and rules. Preparatory work for the improvement of the territory, it is necessary to begin with the planning of gathering places plant soil, plant transplants, which will later be used during the landscaping of the adjacent territory. The device of coatings of intra-quarter sites, sidewalks, various paths is allowed to be carried out on any stable underlying soil, load bearing capacity which changes under the influence of natural factors by no more than twenty percent. The role of the underlying layers can be assigned to sandy, clay, sandy soils, construction waste of inorganic origin, ash and slag mixtures and ordinary slags.

Landscaping work certainly includes the preparation of the site for the beginning of its development, which is carried out in a certain sequence. Improvement of the territory, its stages:

  1. In the area not occupied by plantings and buildings, vegetable soil is removed, and a temporary surface drainage system is also arranged.
  2. On the area, which is occupied by plantations, green areas are allocated, which must be preserved. At the same stage, bushes and trees are dug out, which are later used in landscaping other areas.
  3. Are being laid engineering Communication necessary to ensure the proper functioning of all structures, facilities in the area.
  4. After finishing construction works the construction of sidewalks, platforms, paths and driveways, all kinds of fences, spreading of special vegetable soil, planting shrubs, flowers, sowing lawns, etc. originates.

Another integral stage of landscaping is the removal of construction waste remaining after the work, for this we provide in. Among the range of services provided by our organization, this one is in particular demand among customers. This is largely due to the fact that we have a license that gives the right to work with hazardous waste, as well as the development of pits - including soils contaminated with oil products and other chemicals.

The article describes the features of the improvement of territories for various purposes and outlines the main types and rules for landscaping. After reading the article, you will know what questions to ask when talking with a construction company and will be able to properly optimize your expenses for landscaping - WITHOUT loss of quality of work.

The beauty of a well-landscaped site increases not only the mood, but also the value of the house

Landscaping of different areas of the suburban area

The territory can be divided into 3 main parts:


  1. intermediate zone.

The area near the house is decorated with various flower beds and border compositions. Climbing plants are often used

(ivy, vine and grapes) in gazebos and gazebos. Look nice in hanging pots ampelous plants (fuchsia, sufinia, pelargonium).

The outer zone of the site along the perimeter can be decorated with a fence of trees and shrubs. For this purpose it is better to use:

    coniferous trees (juniper, cedar, fir, pine);

    fruit species (plum, mulberry, apple tree);

    honeysuckle, currant, lilac.

When landscaping the intermediate part Special attention given to irrigation and drainage systems. A significant part of this zone, as a rule, is occupied by a lawn. Can add alpine slide or a small pond.

If you want to equip a reservoir on the site, it will be necessary to equip the drainage system

Types of landscaping

When landscaping the territory of the site, special attention is paid to the formation of flower beds of mixborders. Properly selected plants according to the flowering period, shape and shades delight the eye with their beauty.

There are the following variations:

    Rabatki. flower beds rectangular shape(width up to 4 m). Mainly used in large areas.

    flowerbeds. Plots of various forms, on which different types of flowers are planted. They are slightly elevated above the ground.

    Tapeworm. An attractive tree or shrub.

    borders. Components of flower beds, paths (plants are planted in narrow rows).

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer the service of developing and decorating the adjacent landscape of any complexity. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The basic principles of design and the correct combination of shades when creating flower beds

There are several basic requirements for the design of flower beds. They include:

    Compliance with proportions between height and quantity different types plants.

    Creating Smooth Lines with flowers approx. the same size. In the background, higher varieties are planted.

    Competent combination different shades.

The selection of color and shape is one of the main issues in the development of plantings.

Depending on the colors allocate the following types flower beds:

    plain. Combine several plants of the same shade different saturation. At the same time, the intensity of the color increases from the extreme line to the middle of the flower garden.

    Harmonious. They are created in places of rest near benches and arbors. Use dim pastel colors(beige, white, blue, gold, lilac).

    multi-ton. Combine 4-5 shades. Use the dominant color as bright accent. When decorating flower beds in cold colors, the base is chosen blue tone. The rest of the flowers are lilac, blue and purple. Sometimes they are based on a combination of warm and cold tones.

    Combinations which combine 3 colors. Created near children's institutions, at the main entrances, central parks. use bright colors(red, orange, green, coral, purple). It is important to keep the proportions different varieties plants. Such flower beds are pleasing to the eye and stimulate to action.

The combination of flowers in the flower bed

They also form vegetable hedges, ridges, trellises, pictures of flowers and stones, tapeworms, lawns.

Landscaping landscaping - planting plants

Before planting plants, it is necessary to draw up a plan, taking into account the movement of the sun from East to West. High garden trees planted in the North so that they do not create shade for other plants. To the south, alleys are formed from low-growing species and shrubs.

If desired, you can plant seedlings, which grow a dense crown, near the benches and at home to create cool places.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most. In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Landscaping and gardening with trees of a summer cottage

It is better to plant trees in the country in the fall, when the growth of the root system slows down, movement nutrients, as well as juice to the crown and trunk. The planting process must be completed before the first frost in November. During this period, the seedlings are covered around the trunk with sawdust.

Pits must be fertilized with manure. Fruit trees of medium size are planted in a checkerboard pattern, and large ornamental trees are planted in a triangle. A certain distance is maintained between plants, which depends on the growth of the crown of certain species.

An example of a landscaping project

The main factors affecting the landscaping of the territory

Consideration should be given to such peculiarities:

    the lifestyle of the owners;

    region temperature;

    soil composition;

    the amount of precipitation;

    wind direction and speed;

    relief structure;

    depth of deposits of geological rocks and ground water;

    vegetable world;

    radiation background;

    the presence of a pond;

    purpose of wearing.

Landscaping and landscaping start with sketches and photos

Before starting landscaping and landscaping, it is advisable to order a topographic scheme indicating the heights and depths of land waters. This plan is used as the basis for the landscape design sketch. We also need photographs of the site from different angles.

For convenience, it is better to make several copies of the sketches. On paper, it is easier to choose the direction and shape of the paths, the location of lawns and areas for tiles. By contacting a company engaged in landscaping and landscaping, you will be presented with many interesting options.

Sketch of the project for the location of trees on the site

Landscaping of the local area

For decoration adjoining territory it is necessary to analyze all the details of future landscaping and draw up detailed plan for the performance of work.

Wherein such factors are taken into account:

    wishes and financial capabilities of the owners;

    relief features;

    the presence of plants that should be left.

Video description

In the following video, see some ideas for landscaping the site:

All stages of landscaping

The process of landscaping the territory consists of several stages:

    definition features of the territories;

    study soil and relief;

    development project;

    falling asleep pits;

    establishing communications drainage system;

    separation plot into zones;

    creation artificial reservoirs;

    fertilizer soil;

    formation tracks;

    installation lighting appliances;


    construction gazebos and benches.

A well-arranged gazebo always looks very nice in the garden or patio.

Features of planted plants

Basic requirements for plants, which are used for landscaping and landscaping:

    lack of toxic components and pungent odor;

    aesthetic appearance;

    certain form;

    growth intensity;

    resistance to pests, various diseases.

Land improvement costs

When landscaping the site The calculation amount includes:

    project creation and work planning;

    payment for the services of employees (engineers, designers, drivers, agronomists);

    purchase of materials (tiles, fertilizers, seedlings, benches).

In the process of improvement, funds will also be needed to attract equipment, gasoline and other unforeseen expenses.

The price also depends on the relief features of the place and the complexity of the project.

Estimated costs for landscaping 1 acres of territory:

    Landscaping from 50 000 rub.

    Landscaping with paving from 150,000 rubles.

    Landscaping with paving and engineering networks(lighting, drainage, watering) from 250,000 rubles.

    Landscaping with paving, engineering networks, planting large-sized plants, water structures (fountains, reservoirs, cascades), small architectural forms(sculptures, gazebos) from 450,000 rubles.

Paving paths is just one of the many options for arranging them.

Performers and customers

Landscaping and landscaping of personal plots are carried out by the tenants themselves or tenant companies.

It is necessary to take a serious approach to the choice of the performer. At the end of time, it will be difficult to eliminate shortcomings in poor-quality landscaping. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    quality and variety seed whether the company itself grows it;

    necessary documentation for work;

    what kind specialists participate in the development and implementation of measures for the improvement of territories (technicians, designers, agronomists);

    content portfolio with completed work;

    price provided services.

Well crafted and completed project definitely worth the money

To make sure that the performer is doing his job well, you can personally go to the already commissioned objects and see the result.

Video description

See the following video for a time-lapse of landscape work:


Landscaping and landscaping importance for man, since the contemplation of beauty environment has a positive effect on both physical and psychological state. Therefore, it is desirable that professionals are involved in the development and implementation of the project.

So, let's define the sequence of stages of site improvement:
# Acceptance of the concept.
# Create a plot project.
# Construction of the main structures.
# Earthworks (planning, laying of a drainage system, delivery of soil and preparation of the soil).
# Laying a network of roads, paths.
# Lawn sowing, planting.

Often, in practice, the third stage can become the first, and plants (usually fruit trees) are planted at the same time as the construction site, since it is believed that while the house is being built, the garden is growing. But such an approach is justified only in those rare cases when there is already a clear, well-thought-out project for the future site as a whole, therefore, the construction site does not have any effect on the landings and it does not require earthworks in a planted area. Reality makes its own adjustments. As a rule, after the completion of construction, the site is cluttered with the remains of building materials, and the plants planted earlier, due to accidental injuries, dustiness, disturbance of the soil structure and lack of moisture, are in a “half-life” state, and in addition to this, they also turn out to be not on their own or on unsuitable place for landing. As a result, many things have to be started anew, incurring completely unnecessary costs of time, effort and money. Of course, sometimes the construction process stretches for several years, for one reason or another, objective reasons - in this case, it is even more important to have a project, in the presence of which it is always possible to allocate a certain part of the site specifically for the delivery and storage of building materials, and improve the free part.

And yet, one way or another, but the list of what should be placed on the site will be compiled, the decision will be made and you will have to start drawing up the site plan. First you need to measure all sides of the site and put them on a blank sheet of graph paper (at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200). At the same time, the configuration of the site must be kept as it is in reality. It is necessary to mark on the plan the location of all buildings, trees and large shrubs, power poles. In the event that a closed drainage or some other underground communications, they should also be applied to the plan with dotted lines. And if there are no buildings, then it is with their placement that they begin. It is very important to note the doors, because the paths are attached to them, as well as the windows through which you will later admire your garden.

The plot can be square or rectangular, elongated along one of the axes, or even triangular. For example, it makes sense to block a section that is too long large bushes or small trees, pergola with climbing plants, or just a flower bed planted with tall flowers. As a result, the site will be divided into two parts - in front of the house (large), and behind the created backstage (smaller), where it would be appropriate to place, for example, a compost pit and a firewood shed, or another separate garden small size. The triangular section is divided in approximately the same way. Available sharp corner decorate with a pergola or just some beautiful bush. It is also possible to arrange a niche there and place some kind of decorative element- it can be a garden container with flowers, a small fountain, or you can even pave this corner and bring a beautifully designed water faucet. A tiny square (or almost square) area is best left free in the center, and in fact, plantings are placed around the perimeter. A plot of a small area is easiest to pave and arrange as a patio ( patio), plant several large plants in the ground, and arrange the rest in flowerpots and pots.

A serious problem is high solid fences, which, unfortunately, can be attributed to an integral component of almost any suburban area in Russia. Still, no matter how beautiful the fence is, it still limits the space, and the eye rests on the fence everywhere - therefore, the smaller the site itself, the more it becomes like a prison yard. You can get rid of this impression only by decorating the fence with any accessible way. This, of course, does not mean at all that the fence should not be visible anywhere at all - it just should not be monotonously visible everywhere. In this case, the simplest, but far from the only solution would be to land along the fence hedge, against which they look good as decorative woody plants, and flowers.

The parterre area, located in front of the house, will stand out on the site by itself - it is natural that it should be designed in a special way, since this is the “face” of the entire site as a whole. Also, on any site there should be an economic zone where buildings of the corresponding purpose are located, a woodcutter, compost pit etc. Under such a zone, it is best to allocate the most remote and hidden corner of the site from the house, which may even be unsuitable for growing plants for one reason or another. For all this, the economic zone should not at all look like a dump. It is advisable to throw away unnecessary things immediately, and you can create a convenient place to store the necessary things.

Near the economic zone, as a rule, a vegetable garden and a garden are placed - moreover, it should be borne in mind that both of them vitally need a sunny, well-heated place, protected from the cold wind. It will be better if you abandon the traditional beds and try to organize a garden, some unusual shape. And it is not necessary to plant in even rows fruit trees, since they are quite decorative in themselves almost throughout the year.

As for the recreation area, it can include a variety of elements: a green area with a table and chairs (or with a hammock, deck chair), a gazebo, a paved barbecue area, and, finally, just a garden wooden bench. You can organize such a place both in the sun and in the shade - as you like.

Also, one more zone of the courtyard of the site is conditionally distinguished - this is exactly the same space that is located not from the facade of the house, but from its back side. It is in this space that residents of the house often spend time: children play, and adults relax or go about their business. The courtyard can be decorated in different ways: organize an alpine slide or a small pond (giving off coolness in the hot season), break up a meadow lawn, arrange a mixborder with your favorite flowers - in general, there are many options. By and large, this zone can be compared with those interior spaces big house, in which, on the one hand, the owners live permanently, but also receive guests there.

Additionally, there are other functional areas site. It can be: a playground with swings and a sandbox, an aviary for keeping a dog, a swimming pool or something else. It is very important to place all this on the plan so that in the end you feel comfortable and comfortable.

/ Features and stages of work on the improvement of the territory

In every locality special attention should be paid to the improvement of courtyard areas. After all, in order to create an aesthetic and comfortable living environment, it is not enough just to implement regular cleaning territory, removal of construction debris and household waste. Competent landscaping will change appearance courtyard of a residential building or area adjacent to industrial building, in better side. But it will also provide an opportunity to make the air cleaner, walking on outdoors- more pleasant, rest - more comfortable, playing sports - more convenient, children's games on the playground - safer and more exciting.

Landscaping: stages of work

Landscaping industrial enterprises, courtyards, city squares and streets includes the following works:

  • territory planning using special equipment;
  • uprooting of stumps, cleaning and removal of construction debris;
  • paving of paths, platforms, sidewalks;
  • equipment for recreation areas;
  • arrangement of sports and playgrounds;
  • laying communications for irrigation and lighting systems;
  • construction and installation of MAFs - gazebos, benches, sculptures;
  • installation of storm drainage systems;
  • device artificial reservoirs and fountains;
  • installation of lanterns and fences;
  • landscaping - laying out lawns, flower beds, planting plants and large-sized plants, vertical gardening.

The list of events is quite impressive and diverse, so the improvement of courtyards, streets or industrial zones should be entrusted to specialized companies with extensive experience. Only professionals will be able to complete the entire complex with high quality and in a short time necessary activities, starting with the development of the plan and ending with the removal of construction waste in Krasnoyarsk or any other city.

A quality landscaping project is the key to a good result.

Do not forget that before proceeding directly to the improvement work, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities. The result obtained in the future largely depends on how competently they are executed.

On the preparatory stage the following works are performed:

  • discussion with the customer of the details of the design task;
  • assessment of the location of the site and its landscape;
  • analysis of environmental and climatic conditions Location on;
  • site measurements, topographic and geodetic survey;
  • binding of existing green spaces and buildings;
  • identification of factors hindering the implementation of the project;
  • soil analysis, determination of the depth of groundwater;
  • preparation of plans for the placement of flower beds, communications, paths, etc.;
  • preparation of sketches and estimates, their coordination with the customer;
  • preparation of a dendroplan and a statement of plants indicating their number;
  • development and preparation of all necessary project documentation.

The creation of the project is the basis of all works on the improvement of the territory. the main task of the designer is to give it an attractive appearance, competently divide it into functional zones, and also ensure ease of use at any time of the year and at night. It is important that the ennobled area harmoniously fit into the urban landscape, give people comfort and aesthetic pleasure. A competent project allows you to imagine how the site will look after completion of work, determine the type and calculate the amount necessary materials, their cost, deadlines, total labor costs and implementation costs.

The Megapolis company has been dealing with the territories of industrial enterprises, city streets and courtyards for 12 years, and also removes construction waste in Krasnoyarsk. Usage modern technologies, the work of qualified specialists from various fields, our own fleet of vehicles and special equipment allows us to successfully solve problems of any complexity and scale in a short time. If you want to get an impeccable result at a reasonable cost - entrust the landscaping of the territory to professionals!