How to open your own photo studio (photo salon): a mini business plan with equipment cost calculations. How to open a photography studio: a detailed business plan and recommendations

Photographing today is not only a hobby for many people, but also a form of income, both additional and basic. Many do it individually, taking pictures on the road, and someone does it in their own photo studio. Of course, the second business format is more profitable and stable, but it will take a lot of effort to create it.

How to do it? Let's talk about this in more detail.

The relevance of this type of business

Today, the relevance of this type of business is very high.

Corporate events, parties in clubs, birthdays, photo shoots, weddings - all this I want to capture, so to speak, documented, in the form of colorful and memorable images.

If we analyze the photography market in recent times, it becomes clear that over the past five years this type of business has been steadily progressing and gaining momentum. This is mainly due to the competent popularization of photography.

If we recall the Soviet times, we used to take pictures only on big holidays and on special occasions, which, of course, was not a good opportunity for photographers to develop their business. Due to the improvement in the general well-being of the population, we can conclude that the better we live, the higher the relevance of photography.

Analysis of the photo services market and competitors

Recently, competition in the market for photo services can be regarded as incredibly high. However, the offers of photographers are not always profitable, which you can play on by opening your own business in a similar format.

On the this moment The most voluminous resource for advertising their services for photographers is the Internet and social networks. Now offers for the provision of photographic services are rarely seen on television, radio and in the media.

It is social networks that have become the most powerful tool for promoting your business in this field of activity. However, this does not mean that only the best photographers have offers on social networks, this is actually far from the case.

A huge number of offers suggests that you can run into non-professionals on the Web, and this is much easier to do than to find a worthy photographer. In addition, if you carefully consider social networks for such offers, you can be horrified at how many of them there are: almost every fourth advertising offer contains information about the possibility of providing photographic services.

And this, in fact, is not good, since it is quite difficult for those who are true professionals to find themselves in this highly competitive world and win the fight against everyone else for a place in the sun. That is why we advise you not to resort to this method of advertising as the initial one.

Watch the video for an example of creating a business plan for a photo studio.

What do you need to open a photography studio?

The very first thing you need to open a photo studio is, of course, a room. Many photographers do not hesitate to open a photo studio at home, adapting their living space as a workplace.

But this format of work scares away many clients, since a well-registered photo studio inspires much more confidence than a well-equipped room in a residential building. Therefore, it is best to rent a small room.

When opening your own photography studio, you must be prepared for competition. Photo business can not be called the most expensive of all possible types. entrepreneurial activity, despite the fact that the achievements of certain photographers increase the chances of opening their own studio.

But many of them cannot meet the requirements of customers, and it is on this that you can play well when opening your own photo studio. The legal form of the enterprise also needs to be well thought out.

Most the best option is the opening of individual entrepreneurship, since with this format of the enterprise you will pay much less taxes, and you will not need to issue a special license.

Renting a room will cost you no more than 20 - 25 thousand rubles. It makes sense to choose a production site that will be remote from the city center, as this can significantly reduce the cost of rental costs.

If the premises do not have a presentable appearance, then this should not be immediately abandoned either, since this nuance will also affect the rent.

Particular attention should be paid to the design. It shouldn't be very bright.

It would be much better to give the photo studio a more gloomy and dark look. It is better to use pulsed sources as light sources.

Constant lighting will be much more efficient to use, but pulsed sources perform their function much better. Lighting power should directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

You will also need different backgrounds. For this, a woven fabric is usually used. different colors.

Photo studio services

The range of services provided by your photo studio will directly depend on how highly qualified the photographer himself is. Also, everything will depend on how well equipped your studio will be.

For normal functioning You will need a computer and a good image processing specialist.

In general, modern photo studios provide a large number of services.

Here is a sample list of services for a potential photo studio:

  1. Framing Workshop.
  2. Registration of mirrors in a baguette.
  3. Registration of a photo and painting in a baguette.
  4. Design of embroidery.
  5. Photography.
  6. Photo printing.
  7. Recover old and damaged photos.
  8. Photomontage in the image.
  9. Photo collage.
  10. Sale of photographic goods.

Let's take a look at each service.

An oil portrait on canvas (framing workshop) is quite memorable gift that can be passed down from generation to generation. To order a similar portrait, you just need to take a photo and listen to the client's wishes.

It will take a little more than a week to finish and process the photo. In some urgent situations, this can be done in 3-4 days, while this service can be provided for an additional fee.

Decorating mirrors in a baguette is also not difficult to manufacture, but the cost of such works of art is quite high. Also, paintings and photographs can be finished in exactly the same way, the main thing is to know the exact dimensions of the paintings.

Photography, of course, will be a key service in your studio, this service should be fundamental. Here you can present several shooting options to choose from - studio, location, sessions, advertising shoots, passport photos, children's and family photos and much more.

Accordingly, professional photographic equipment is required to provide such services, otherwise the competition will be outright lost by you to other enterprises.

Also, after filming, it would be rational to offer printing of photographs, now these services cannot be separate at all, since without one there cannot be another in modern world. Printing must be carried out on the highest quality photographic paper, photographs will definitely need to be corrected both in light and in color.

Printing of photographs can be provided both for individual clients and for photo exhibitions.

Removal of defects in the photo image is the most common among the new services for photo studios. Elimination of cracks, spots, scratches, loss of color, emulsion peeling - all these services are very relevant today for those photographs that were taken in Soviet times or were previously damaged.

You can also, if you have the equipment, convert black and white photographs to color and retouch them.

Also, a fairly common service is the collection of individual photos into collages. This can be done both for certain groups of photographs by subject, and for those that will simply be relevant in order for them to be collected together, for example, for one chronological event.

A photo collage is a display of a beautiful story in several photographs, and for today it is very valuable to see several photographs on one canvas.

In addition to providing services, you can also engage in the sale of photographic products. They can be photo frames, albums, accessories for paintings and frames, suspension mounts for frames, as well as a system for hanging pictures.

How to open a photo studio: step by step instructions

So let's start with a good business plan. It should include information such as legal form, costs and possible approximate profit, choice of premises, competitor analysis, recruitment (if necessary), marketing activities, etc.

First decide on the place of the studio, then register as a individual entrepreneur. After that, you need to start dealing with the design of the lease or purchase of premises for work.

Then you should think about how the interior of your room will look like, take care of its safety. Usually photo studios rarely have a lot of valuables, so installing an alarm and hiring security for the initial stage of establishing a business is an extra and useless waste of money.

If you do not know how to edit photos yourself, then you will need a computer scientist, a photoshopper who will handle images with high quality and skill.

The most important thing is to analyze the competition in the city and study the range of services that they provide.

In accordance with this, it will be necessary to consider the cost and availability of your own range of services.

After that, it's time to work on the marketing and advertising campaign of your future enterprise. It is better to launch advertising through the media and television, only then it will be possible to make advertising offers on the Internet, after the enterprise has gained some momentum, at least after six months of operation.

Costs and profits: calculations

Costs and profits are the most important and responsible article of enterprise planning, which should be reflected in detail in the business plan. Costs include quarterly, annual and monthly.

All categories will include costs for personnel, rent of premises, materials, equipment, consumed energy, etc. Also, a separate article should be prescribed the cost of taxes.

They can only be calculated approximately, since with an individual entrepreneur it would be better to use the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system. There is an opportunity to pay income taxes, and therefore, in order to calculate taxes, you will need to know the approximate income.

If we consider in general all operations for opening a photo studio, we can say that this business will not have super profits at the initial stage, but later, with proper marketing, it will be possible to create entire networks of studios and gradually move to other cities and regions.

Therefore, starting with one photo studio, you should not stop - you must always go forward!

In contact with

With the development of digital technology, the market for photo services is expanding. Thematic photo shoots in nature and in the studio, family and individual, are becoming popular. Today, anyone can open a photo studio and turn photography from a hobby into a business. creative person- it is enough to follow the developed plan.

Choice of business concept

For a photographer, a studio is a way to combine hobby and work, the ability to shoot regardless of weather conditions, to vary the surroundings for interior photo shoots. If you have achieved recognition as a photo artist, opening a photography studio will be a prospect for development.

When planning a business, take one of the existing concepts as a basis:

  1. Interior photo studio. For productive work, you need to rent or purchase a room and decor items. In the absence of a stable client request for interior photography, the studio pays off only by renting it out to novice photographers and providing related services (stylist, hairdresser, make-up artist, and others).
  2. Home photo studio. The possibilities of a photo lab created on the basis of an apartment are limited to portrait photography.
  3. Photo salon. A small room with a minimum of equipment for making photographs for documents.
  4. Children's photography room. The concept is designed for loving parents who want to capture their babies in professional pictures.

Photo gallery: types of studios

Create a list of services in accordance with the requests:

  • individuals (family and individual photo shoots, shooting events);
  • commercial companies (photos for printing on souvenirs, shooting goods for advertising catalogs, corporate events).

Additional sources of income:

  • cooperation with glossy magazines, shooting branded products;
  • photo shoots with novice models for portfolio;
  • artistic processing and retouching of the best shots;
  • services of a hairdresser and makeup artist;
  • instant photo;
  • release of souvenir products;
  • master classes and lectures on image processing;
  • hourly studio rental during downtime.
Souvenir products with a photo - an additional way to earn

At the beginning creative way form a set of additional services in accordance with the budget. Choose ideas that do not require huge costs and specific equipment.

Benefits and Risks

The cost of photo studio services varies from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles per hour, and additional costs are minimal. The profitability of a business is high if possible risks are prevented:

  • increased competition;
  • seasonality of demand (probable downtime);
  • low liquidity (impossibility to sell the studio in case of collapse).

In conditions competition do not overcharge for services. Look for an individual approach to customers - develop a discount system for regular customers, come up with bonus student programs. To minimize risks, provide professional services, collect and offer portfolios to clients. During downtime, host contests for free photo shoots and distribute gift certificates. Hire a team of qualified employees who can work in your absence, ensuring the stability of the company.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a photo studio from scratch

To open a photo studio from scratch, a novice entrepreneur needs to go through five stages:

  1. Business registration.
  2. Room selection.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Studio decor.
  5. Personnel selection.

Business Registration Documents

You can register the activities of a photo studio in the form of a limited liability company (LLC) or an individual enterprise (IP). The advantages of an LLC are the possibility of expanding, creating a network of branches and attracting financing from external sources. The positive aspects of IP - a simplified registration process, no need to conduct Accounting, the ability to spend the proceeds at your discretion.

Documents for registration of IP:

  • notarized application form No. Р21001;
  • certified copy of the passport (all pages);
  • receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

By default, when registering an IP, it is set general system taxation (OSNO). If you have chosen another type ( simplified system or single tax imputed income), file an application to change the tax system (notification form 26.2-1).

Documents for registration of LLC:

  • application form No. P11001 certified by a notary;
  • articles of association;
  • the minutes of the meeting or the sole decision of the founder on the establishment of the company;
  • certified copies of the identity cards of the founders;
  • receipt of payment of state duty 4000 rubles;
  • if necessary, an application for a change in the taxation system (notification 26.2-1).

Minimum authorized capital limited liability companies - 10,000 rubles.

When registering a company, select the types of planned economic activity in accordance with the OKVED classifier. Possible options for photo studio:

  • photography activities (74.81);
  • printing activities not included in other groups (22.22);
  • other publishing activities (22.15).

After sending the documents to the registration authority, proceed to the choice of premises.

Studio location and space requirements

The success of a photo studio depends on its location. When choosing a room for a future studio, analyze the factors:

  • remoteness from competing companies;
  • convenience of accommodation for clients, remoteness from public transport stops, availability of parking spaces;
  • the possibility of installing outdoor advertising structures near the building.

The minimum height of the room for the installation of lighting equipment and the podium is 3 m, the optimal one is 3.7 m. The width of the pavilion for shooting is from 5 m, it is necessary to place a paper background. The length is calculated as the width multiplied by two.

Grey background Reflects light evenly and softly without disturbing shooting

In addition to the stylized pavilion, the studio should have:

  • screen;
  • dressing room;
  • shower cabin;
  • foyer with reception desk;
  • technical room equipped for printing photos and providing related services.

If funds are available, additionally equip a relaxation room with a tea table and a vending machine with drinks.

Photo shoot equipment

Having chosen a room, proceed to the technical equipment of the studio. Install four or five light sources and attach softboxes to them. Additionally, purchase:

  • reflective umbrellas;
  • classic hard light reflectors;
  • racks for light sources;
  • portrait dish;
  • herons and holders;
  • flashmeter for measuring exposure;
  • nozzles in the form of curtains and honeycombs;
  • paper backgrounds with mount;
  • flash synchronizers;
  • interior items, props;
  • mirror and steamer in the dressing room;
  • computer and software for photo retouching.

Photo gallery: equipment and props

Buy if necessary reflex camera and a set of lenses. When choosing a camera, contact manufacturers specializing in the manufacture of photographic equipment - Canon and Nikon. Do not read advice on the forums - focus on technical specifications devices and your own needs. List of important features of a professional camera:

  • matrix size;
  • matrix resolution - from 13 MP;
  • ISO matrix sensitivity - from 10 to 25,000;
  • the ability to manually change settings;
  • dimensions and weight.

Studio decoration

When designing a studio, consider General requirements to filming locations. Paint the walls and ceiling in neutral gray, and lay hard-wearing matte linoleum of the same shade on the floor. If the studio has a window, install a curtain rod over it and hang blackout curtains.

Equip the pavilion with ventilation and air conditioning systems, consider the location of outlets that is convenient for moving equipment. There are three options for the design of the studio:

  • a simple gray room without decorations;
  • hall with colored backgrounds;
  • themed room.

When using the last design option, do not forget to change the scenery depending on the time of year. In winter, set up a Christmas tree, lay a fluffy carpet on the floor and scatter artificial snow. In summer, decorate the room with flowers or style according to the beach theme.

Decorating the studio New Year

In the lungs pastel colors arrange a zone for shooting children and couples in love - it will be popular with studio tenants and clients, increasing the profitability of the business.


The photographer is the main "weapon" of the photo studio. If you have realized as a photo artist and plan to work independently, do not hire employees at first. Having successfully worked for two or three months and received the first income, invite an administrator to maintain a client base and a cleaner.

If you are opening a photo studio as a business, not doing photography, pay attention to the selection of a photographer. At first, it will be he who will form the image of the studio.

Having formed a client base and promoted the studio, hire specialists on a contractual basis to provide additional services:

  • make-up artist for applying makeup;
  • hairdresser to work on hairstyles;
  • stylist to create an image;
  • seller for the sale of related products.

The make-up artist forms the image of the model

A photographer, make-up artist and stylist can not only provide services directly, but also conduct master classes for beginners in shaping the image of a model, correct lighting or image processing.

Promotion and advertising of photo studio services

To attract customers, advertise the studio's services on available resources. Create a website or group on a social network and upload a portfolio the best works. Think about how much your services will cost, place the price list in the public domain.

Sign contracts for the maintenance of large corporations - they will invite you to shoot their own events. Other advertising opportunities:

  • discount system;
  • Gift certificates;
  • promotions and sweepstakes;
  • installation of banners near the studio;
  • advertising on television and radio.

To form and maintain the image of the studio, participate in creative exhibitions of professionals.

Financial plan - expenses and projected income

When opening a photo studio, plan for one-time and monthly expenses and try to predict income. Approximate calculations are summarized in tables.

Table: calculation of initial investment

Table: monthly expenses

The average cost of a photographer's services is 1,000 rubles per hour. The average daily employment is 3–4 hours. The rest of the time the studio is rented out at a price of 900 rubles per hour on weekdays and 1200 rubles per hour on weekends. The average daily employment is 3 hours.

Table: projected monthly income

Is it profitable to open a photo studio: reviews of entrepreneurs

At first, you will work at a loss to yourself. But if you manage to develop the project and develop a customer base, ensuring the full loading of the premises, the photo studio will begin to make a profit. This is confirmed by the feedback from entrepreneurs from business forums.

A successful photo studio should have a “chip”. It should not be just a room where you can take pictures, but a stylized salon with a thoughtful interior design and interesting photo zones. Creating a creative space requires financial costs.


I have been following trends in the photography business since 2011. There are more than 40 studios of various types in St. Petersburg, and 1-2 of them close or change direction every year. A studio is a good option for the established photographer who wants to keep their income in winter time. If it is possible to attract 20-30 customers per month and rent out the premises, the studio will pay for itself.

In the work of a photo studio, a range of services can lead to success: photo for documents + on-site shooting + photo processing + sale of souvenirs. In other cases, it will be difficult to earn bread and butter.

Video: how to open your own photo studio

The business plan contains approximate figures that you can adjust depending on the region, your own needs and the request of the target audience. Before you open a photography studio, calculate your own business plan based on the proposed one and act in accordance with it.

High-quality and high-quality photographs are becoming more and more in demand, so the business idea of ​​​​opening a photo studio is gaining popularity. Nevertheless, work in this area is painstaking daily work; you won’t be able to earn fast and much here (unless you are engaged in wedding photography). Solid investments will be required, the main part will be spent on the purchase of equipment. Estimated payback period is 1 year. In the article, we will consider a business plan for a photo studio from scratch with calculations.

Let's consider a detailed business plan that will allow us to evaluate our capabilities, estimated costs and expected profits.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a photo studio

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of a business. The main target audience of the photo studio is people with an active lifestyle who want to live brightly and beautifully.

Opening a photo studio: registration with the tax office

In order to open a photo studio, you must first register with tax office at the place of residence. In our opinion, the most optimal shape there will be registration of individual entrepreneurs, since this legal form implies a minimum amount of documentary reporting to the tax authorities. Previously, in order to provide services to the population, it was necessary to be only on UTII, from 01/01/2013 the choice of the tax regime became voluntary. Consider the advantages of registering individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) This form of business organization is used to create a wedding agency or agency network with up to 50 people.
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transfer of UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default). Notice in Form 26.2-1;
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) This form of business organization is used for a wedding agency if you plan to hire employees, scale the company and attract external financing (loans).
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN. Notice in Form 26.2-1.

By law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

If services are provided to the public, then financial statements you can use a strict reporting form (BSO) instead cash register(KKM). When selling goods, BSO cannot be used / article 2, paragraph 2 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of 05/22/2003

OKVED codes when registering a photo studio:

74.81 - Activities in the field of photography (main activity).
22.15 - Other types of publishing activities.
22.22 - Printing activities not included in other groups.

Mobile photo studios. Practicum Strobius

Photo Studio Business Plan: Market Analysis

The demand for photo services is gradually growing. The niche was partly occupied by large players, but there is a place for a new studio.

Potential clients (target audience)

  • companies in need of brand advertising;
  • ordinary people.


The main competitors are private photographers. Professional studios usually specialize in model and magazine shoots, private photo shoots are rare. There are about 400 photo studios in Moscow, and even fewer in other cities. Coverage is small, given the territory of the capital.

To obtain a territorial advantage in attracting customers, we choose a place with a minimum concentration of competitors.

Photo studio services

The photo studio business plan assumes that private photo shoots bring the main income. Additional services photo studios can be:

  • master classes in various areas of filming;
  • artistic processing of photographs;
  • creation of souvenirs (magnets, cups, photo books, etc.) based on photographs;
  • print pictures;
  • creating images for shooting (performed by stylists and makeup artists).

With a lack of orders, we use the rental of premises for profit. Often studios are rented out overnight. Renting a room with high-quality equipment is more expensive.

Major studios have big choice devices and decorations for photo shoots, so it is difficult to compete with them. To do this, you need to have a unique selling proposition (USP) for your business. For example, focus on water photo shoots, or honeymoon photo shoots, or maybe b/w photography.

Initial equipment and advertising costs

We find suitable premises with minimum area 100 m². We spend redecorating if necessary. We buy a "starter kit" of equipment:

  • three softboxes of 500 J;
  • reflectors;
  • reflector;
  • several racks;
  • color filters;
  • air conditioning.

As services expand, we purchase additional equipment. We choose reliable and wear-resistant equipment, especially if you plan to rent it out. We prefer expensive equipment of well-known brands.

You will need a computer with a good monitor to process the images. The best way- Apple iMac (high-quality screen matrix), but a regular designer monitor will do.

We conduct an advertising campaign in social networks and the Internet ( best solution use Yandex.Direct). For search effective way advertising we study the methods used by competitors. Estimated advertising cost is $10,000. In the future, advertising costs will be reduced.

Let's estimate the total amount of expenses for launching a photo studio (the costs are presented rather conditionally):

  • premises (monthly rent) - $ 1500-2000;
  • cosmetic repairs - $ 2000;
  • computer with monitor and software - $5,000;
  • the minimum set of equipment is $ 5,000-15,000 (as you can see, this is one of the largest costs);
  • air conditioning - $ 500;
  • advertising — $10,000 + $1,000/month.

Total - $ 24,000 excluding hiring staff. At the initial stage, you can not hire employees, otherwise the costs will increase.

Expected profit

Every month, in addition to renting a room, you will have to pay for utilities (mainly electricity) - $ 500-700. We are not currently hiring employees. Costs for expendable materials, Considering possible breakdowns equipment - $400, monthly advertising - $1000.

Total monthly costs - $ 3400.

Let's calculate the monthly earnings of a photo studio. The minimum profit per hour is $30. The first months we work 2-3 hours a day, after a year - 12 hours a day. That is, after 12 months monthly net profit will be $7,000.

Promotion and advertising

The best method of advertising according to most photographers is satisfied customers. They bring acquaintances and friends in 80% of cases. Therefore, the improvement of the quality of services should always be. We attract customers using search engines and social networks (for starters, Yandex.Direct with a one-pager will work well).

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability
(4.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback
(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business
(4.0 out of 5)
Opening a photo studio is a cost-effective and fast-payback business. Can be avoided high costs on the staff, if you yourself be the only employee of the company. The most significant line of expenses is the purchase of equipment for filming and the rental of premises. Key business success factor is advertising and promotion of your business, on which you need to focus 80% of your time, since it will determine the survival of your business. For beginners entrepreneurs, the best option would be to open a franchise business, a packaged business solution that already contains all the main indicators of a business model.

With development and popularity social networks more and more people are turning to the services of photographers, renting photo studios. The excitement for photo services arises not only in holidays but also in everyday life. In this regard, the demand for photo services is growing daily. For the photo studio to bring stable income and flourished, preparations should be made for its opening.

The first step in starting your own business is writing a business plan. An example of a business plan for a photo studio (photo studio) with costs and a payback calculation is given in this article.

Market analysis

The first thing to consider is the financial situation in the market for the provision of services, the definition of the circle of consumers.

The photo studio will be in demand by many people, 3 main areas:

  1. 📸photo models (for compiling a portfolio);
  2. 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧ordinary citizens (printing photos for home albums);
  3. 🎦 firms that require promotional materials (printing signs, banners, flyers and other promotional products).

When drawing up a business plan for your own studio, it is worth considering the unique circumstances:

  1. how big is the city;
  2. security of the population;
  3. presence of competitors;
  4. start-up capital.

Since it is essential to provide services only highest quality, it is worth finding suppliers in advance from whom products for printing and shooting will be purchased.

Photo paper, consumables, equipment - everything must be excellent so that customers are satisfied and order shooting or printing from you again.

Competitor analysis

It is necessary to analyze the market in terms of existing competition. If there is competition (and there must be, since this business is not something unique), then your project should stand out among others.

This feature could be:

    lower price for some service;

    providing certain services that others do not;

    a wide range of services provided.

To be profitable, the company must be as focused as possible on customers who have money and are willing to pay them. Since such customers are most often not individuals, but entrepreneurs and various companies advertising something.

It is highly advisable to purchase equipment that allows you to print in a wide format. If the cost of equipment is too high, then at first you can conclude an agreement with someone who already provides such a service.

As a rule, a significant discount is made for bulk orders, so such cooperation will be beneficial for all parties.

When analyzing competition, it is worth studying the direction of work of competing studios, their geographical location in the districts and the city as a whole, and the coverage of client categories.

Based on such data, it is easy to determine the type own business and its location.

Types of photo studios

Photo studios may seem identical only to an amateurish look. If you decide to open a studio, you should clearly understand how and where your business will be organized. Photo studios are:

    Complete. Such a business is suitable for entrepreneurs with experience in maintaining a large business. This option will require quite impressive investments, while its payback will not be quick - you will get a “plus” no earlier than in a couple of years. When writing a business plan, it is worth considering where the shooting will take place - in a specially rented room or in an apartment, each of the rooms of which is equipped in accordance with a specific theme. To gain clients, you can offer thematic shooting (New Year's, dedicated to February 14, and so on).

    Mini photo studios. This option is the best for those new to the business. The cost of costumes, equipment and workers to ensure the operation of the photo studio is minimal. Of the staff, only a photographer and an administrator will be required. The location of such a photo studio should be carefully considered, since the competition in this business entity is great. In addition to shooting, a mini photo studio can also print photos and artistic processing through special editors, the most common are CorelDRAW and Adobe Photoshop.

    For kids. Such a photo studio should be completely focused on its client - a child. As a rule, rooms for shooting in the studio are decorated in a fabulous way, costumes for children of different ages are purchased, you can invite a makeup artist who will paint children's faces before shooting. Children's photo studios are popular among clients with children. Most people want to have photos of their own child in the family album, made with high quality and beautifully. You can advertise the services of such a studio in schools and kindergartens, and shoot on location there.

    Photo studio at home. If the starting budget is very limited, then this studio format is the best. The studio does not have to be decorated in any style, your apartment can be a workshop where the material shot at outdoor photo shoots is processed. With this type of activity, you will not need to pay the rent of the premises, which will significantly reduce material costs.

    Photo salon. This format of the studio will require minimal costs. As a rule, photo salons are located in small, well-equipped premises. They specialize in printing photographs, processing them in graphic editors and making photographs for documents. you can work in such a studio on your own, so the cost of employees can not be included in the expense item in the business plan.

Project Summary

The goal of the project is to open a photo studio in a city with a population of 600,000 people. A feature of the photo studio will be a designer interior studio with 3 rooms.

Price list:

Service Price, rub Number of clients per month Amount, rub.
Printing photos in different sizes50 20 1 000
Photographing (portrait, children, wedding, etc.)5 000 20 100 000
Premises for rent4 000 15 60 000
Photographing for documents600 13 7 800
Services of a stylist-make-up artist1 000 20 10,000 (including makeup artist salary deduction)
Income 178 800

With further expansion of the business and increase in income, the following services can be provided:

  1. provision of paraphernalia and costumes for the shooting;
  2. printing on T-shirts, mugs, plates and other things;
  3. printing stickers on cars;
  4. drawing up unique layouts with photographs;
  5. production of magnets with original design and so on.

Be sure to watch this video, in which the real owners of the photo studio talk about the business setup ( click on the link).


Registration of the studio begins with the registration of the tax owner as an individual entrepreneur or a company as an LLC. The activity code must be indicated 74.81 "Activities in the field of photography". When registering an activity, you have to pay a fee, so this item should also be included in the business plan.

When registering as a sole trader, you will pay taxes in the form of 6% of income or 15% of profits. If you are registered as an individual, then you will need to pay 13% as a tax. If you have registered a limited liability company, then you will pay taxes in accordance with a system designed specifically for this form of business. At the same time, the LLC must have an authorized capital, and this must be reflected in the business plan.

Registration costs - 8,000 rubles.

Choosing a space for a photo studio

The success of the enterprise also depends on how the photo studio is correctly and conveniently located. This is a fundamental factor, when considering it, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. How close are competitors?
  2. whether it will be convenient for customers to get to you;
  3. is it possible to place outdoor advertising.

The room in which the photograph will be taken should be spacious and high.

With this size, 50 meters can be determined directly for filming, and the rest - for equipment placement. The height of the ceilings in the photo studio should be at least 3 meters, then it will be possible to correctly place the lighting devices.

Photo studios should be located in the central part of the city (if locality small) or in the center of the district (if the city is large enough. Of course, the rent in the center is higher than on the outskirts, but the client traffic is also higher.

An excellent solution would be to equip a small room on the territory of the studio, where clients can relax and drink tea or coffee. There you can place a TV, a table, a sofa, put a machine that dispenses drinks and put a vase with cookies and sweets.

To open a photo studio, non-residential premises will be rented in the city center (near the sights of the city). The premises will be divided into 4 zones:

  1. Administrative zone (15 m2):

      a full-length mirror;

      a computer equipped with Internet access and installed programs necessary for processing and printing photos;

      multi-format printers;

    • bathroom;
    • office furniture;

    • screen.
  2. 3 interior halls for filming (20 m2 each)

When choosing a room, you should not ignore the above rules, since the speed of its payback and profitability in general directly depend on how the studio is located correctly.

Payment for the premises is 50,000 rubles and includes a monthly payment, plus some amount for cosmetic repairs. Even in a huge studio, but with peeled walls, it will not be possible to run a profitable business.

Decoration and equipment of the photo studio

Purchasing equipment for a photo studio is a costly business. But the quality of work depends on how high-quality it will be and resistant to wear, therefore, only proven equipment should be purchased. An additional source of income can be the regular rental of equipment, props and other attributes.

To conduct high-quality shooting and provide other services related to photography, you will need to purchase:

Name Price Quantity Price
Camera150 000 1 150 000
Height adjustable tripod3 000 3 9 000
Rack for mounting light500 4 2 000
A laptop25 000 1 25 000
softbox4 000 3 12 000
Umbrella2 500 3 7 500
exposure meter6 000 1 6 000
Background1 000 5 5 000
Printer7 000 1 7 000
background mount800 3 2 400
Lens filter1 000 4 4 000
Furniture and decor
Sofa15 000 1 15 000
Bed18 000 1 18 000
Chair2 000 3 6 000
Table7 000 1 7 000
Chandelier4 000 3 12 000
Candlestick and candle5 3 000
artificial flower bouquet5 3 000
Christmas tree with toys8 000 1 8 000
flower swing5 000 1 5 000
Decorative fireplace3 000 1 3 000
Bath13 000 1 13 000
Piano decorative5 000 1 5 000
wall accessory25 000
Expenses 352,000


News small business- a photo studio - you can do it without involving labor from outside, that is, on your own.

If you know how to take beautiful and high-quality photographs, process the resulting shooting and at the same time search for clientele, then you will not need hired workers at least for the first time.

Ideally, of course, you need to hire a photographer (if you are not one yourself).

You can find a quality artist through ads (Vkontakte, in the communities of your city, on Avito), on the advice of friends. In any case, it is important to look at examples of the photographer's work before entering into an employment contract with him. If your views on what a photograph should be radically differ, then you are unlikely to work together.

The administrator is needed to solve various organizational issues and coordinate the work of the photo studio. The duties of the administrator may also include finding customers and placing ads.

If the budget is not too narrow, then you can hire a makeup artist. The services of this specialist are necessary in preparation for the shooting, he performs makeup and hairdos for clients. The makeup artist will help you choose the most harmonious image for the client.

Staff costs are monthly, so they need to be taken into account when writing a business plan.

Staff Salary per 1 employee (rub.) The number of employees Salary Total (rub.)
Administrator (room cleaner) 20 000 1 20 000
Photographer 25 000 2 25 000
Visagiste(if necessary)1 500 rubles makeup
Costs forsalary payment 3

(1 invited)

70 000

Photo studio promotion and advertising placement

Advertising is an engine not only for trade, but also for any other business, including a photo studio. The best advertising is word of mouth, that is, recommendations from friends or acquaintances, so work should not be taken lightly, it must be done flawlessly.

Costs and payback

The amount of initial investment is:

  1. Registration - 8 000 rub.;
  2. Premises for rent - 50 000 rub.;
  3. Advertising - 35 000 rub.;
  4. Decoration and equipment of the photo studio - 352 000 rub.;

Total: 445,000 rubles.

Photo studio monthly expenses:

  1. Premises rent — 50 000 rub.;
  2. Staff salaries - 70 000 rub.;
  3. Tax and social contributions — 21 000 rub.;
  4. Buying decor - 5 000 rub.;
  5. Advertising and promotion - 5 000 rub.;

Total: 151,000 rubles.

The difference between income and expenses: 178 000 — 151 000 = 27 800 rubles

Tax: 27 800 * 0,15 = 4 170 rubles

Net profit: 27 800 — 4 170 = 23 630 rubles

Profitability:(23 630 / 151 100) * 100 = 156,5 %

Payback: 445,000 / 23,630 = 19 months

A photography studio is an interesting and creative business that right approach will bring the owner an excellent profit. In order for the enterprise to be successful, the first step on the way to it should be the preparation of a competent business plan with all the calculations.

Below we provide a detailed photo studio business plan and consider the following important points of the organization of the case:

  • How to open a photography studio for rent and choose the right space;
  • How to open an individual entrepreneur for a photo studio, preparing documents;
  • Photo studio equipment, its cost;
  • How to open a photography studio small town, and make it popular and profitable, ways to promote.

Register the best thing it's easier and cheaper. Required codes OKVED: 74.20.– “Activities in the field of photography” and 47 – “Retail trade, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles”. The second code is required if the studio plans to sell goods.

The activity is not licensed. It is also necessary to register with the Federal Tax Service. The cost of the registration procedure is not more than 60 $.


The main services of the company:

  1. Photos of the documents;
  2. Carrying out studio shootings, including interior ones;
  3. Shooting for business, subject photo shoots, food photography;
  4. You can profitably rent a photo studio for photo shoots;
  5. Printing photos from removable media;
  6. Development of graduation albums, photo retouching;
  7. Sale of related products - flash cards, batteries, disks, albums, etc.

Market analysis

To carefully plan how to open a photo studio, where to start and calculate the costs, you need to decide on the target audience. The main clients are photographers renting a salon for shooting, young people, couples with children, future newlyweds (shooting Love Story). The average age category of visitors: 16-35 years.


Best location for your studio as close to the center as possible, an additional plus is the availability of a parking space. Most often, the studio is located in a business center, less often in shopping centers.

Additional printing clientele will allow you to get accommodation near universities, migration services, etc. public institutions. Room area - 60 square meters. Of these, 40 sq. m - studio, 15 sq. m - reception with an administrator's desk and a small shop, 5 sq. m - bathroom.

Studio requirements:

  • Underfloor heating, laminate or commercial linoleum should be used as a coating;
  • Ceiling height - from three meters;
  • Large windows draped in dark fabric. Drapery is needed for shooting with shutter speed set by light. It should be possible to easily remove the fabric from the windows;
  • Monochromatic wall decoration;
  • The presence of an air conditioner;
  • System fire safety, evacuation scheme, fire extinguisher.

Renting a room requires a monthly cost of $800-900. In how to open a creative photo studio, the design has great importance. You need to make your establishment a popular and fashionable place. It will cost about $ 1500 for repairs and decoration.

Photo salon equipment

What do you need to buy to open your own photography studio?

professional equipment

For small firm will need:

  1. Digital camera and two interchangeable lenses- 2500-2700 $. Good cameras are offered by Canon and Nikon, lenses - by Sigma, Tamron;
  2. 4 light sources different power (they are also flashes or monoblocks) of 400-800 J - $ 1200-1300. Falcon Eyes, Profoto, Bowens, Godox;
  3. 4 flash stands. Of these, three are standard (2-4 meters), one stand is a crane. total cost- $150. Manfrotto, Falcon, Godox;
  4. Three softboxes different size- $130. Bowens, Green Bean, Lumifor, Dedolight;
  5. 2 photo umbrellas- 80-90 $. Lastolite, Elinchrom;
  6. Two stripboxes- $150. Falcon Eyes, Godox, Hensel;
  7. Two reflectors(1 with curtains) - $ 200-230. Profoto, Elinchrom, Bowens;
  8. Octobox- 130-150 $. Hensel, Fujimi, Godox;
  9. beauty dish- 120-130 $. Lumifor, Falcon Eyes, Godox;
  10. Two reflectors- $25. Lastolite, Westcott;
  11. Jelly color filters for flashes (6 pcs.) - $ 90-100. Maxilite, Falcon Eyes, Bowens;
  12. Radio synchronizers for flashes (2 pcs.) - $ 80-100. Youngnuo, Aputure, Godox;
  13. Set of paper backgrounds different colors - $ 150-200. Polaroid, Savage, Colorama;
  14. background holder automatic - $ 150-170. Manfrotto, Phottix;
  15. Accessories(memory cards, batteries, cables, fasteners) – $100. DigiCare, Fujimi, Nikon, Prolike, Transcend;
  16. photo printer- 70-100 $. Zebra, Conica, Canon;
  17. Computer or laptop– $450. Asus, HP, Lenovo.

Furniture and software

To open a small photo studio, you will need to purchase furniture and showcases for the reception area. It will cost about $700 to buy display cases, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, a sofa for visitors, an air conditioner, a telephone, and a cooler.

To process photos, retouch, create collages, you will need to buy licensed versions of programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Studio Pro. You will have to invest about $ 600 in software.

For the arrangement of the bathroom, you should lay an amount of about $ 170-200.

How to open your interior photography studio from scratch

In a small room, it is realistic to arrange five interior zones. The most popular options: an area with a fireplace for family photo shoots, a boudoir option with a mirror and a bed, a cozy area with a wide window and blankets / pillows, Brick wall and a leather sofa, a bar counter, etc. Themed corners are created for the holidays: New Year's, Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc. It is convenient to style an area with a fireplace.

Don't forget about the kids. Opening a photo studio for children is dooming yourself to a too narrow direction, but it is worth equipping a children's corner. There is always a steady demand for family and children's photo shoots.

For a standard photo zone with removable paper backgrounds, 2-3 square meters is enough; for interiors, a space of 4-5 square meters is required. m.

To open your own photography studio with scenery, you should carefully consider not only the interior of the zone, but also accessories, decorative trifles. For example, candles led garlands, gift boxes, retro records, decorative pillows etc.

The cost of equipping one site with scenery is from $ 200-300. In total, you will need from $ 1,500.

Pay special attention design of a corner with a dressing room mirror and special lighting. This is a good place for the work of a makeup artist and an additional photo zone. Such a mirror with a dressing table costs $160-200.


How can a beginner open a photo studio and correctly navigate the prices? Analyze the average prices of similar establishments in the city and form your own price list based on them. To get started, set the following price tags:

  • Shooting, including interior, with a studio photographer - $ 60. The premium class service includes the work of a makeup artist, a printout of several photos and costs from $70-80;
  • Studio rent – ​​$13/hour;
  • Retouching – $5/photo;
  • Creation of photobooks and albums – from $23.


The studio staff consists of three people. Photographer, sales manager and technical assistant, exposing the light and advising clients.

Almost every photographer dreams of becoming a professional photographer and opening a photo studio, so there are many who want to work for you on a permanent basis. The photographer receives from 50% of the cost of shooting, the salary of the administrator and assistant takes $ 700 per month.

Marketing plan (advertising)

Step-by-step instructions on how to open an interior photo studio and promote a business include the following activities:

  1. The outdoor sign of the company will require investments in the amount of $ 300-400;
  2. Creation of a logo and corporate identity - $ 100;
  3. Printed promotional materials (business cards, flyers) - $100;
  4. Website development, detailed description services, studio portfolio – from $100.

Sales promotion methods and promotion channels

A good advertising move is the distribution of gift certificates at a discount. Promotions for regular customers, discounts for the second and third hour of studio rental, etc. work great. The first clients should be looked for among the participants of photo clubs and in advertising agencies. Most on the Internet: website promotion, .

Costs and profits

To properly open a photo studio, calculate in detail the investments in the business:

  • Documents - $60;
  • Renting a room for six months ahead, repair, finishing, conducting the necessary communications - about $ 7,000;
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture, design of photo zones - 10 thousand dollars;
  • Promotional events - 700 $.

Capital expenditures– approximately $18,000. Monthly expenses (salary, utility bills, rent) – $1,600. Add here the purchase of goods for sale - $ 1,500. Only 3100 $.

The studio will receive the minimum profit when renting a salon for at least 2-3 hours a day, 10-12 orders for shooting by a full-time photographer, and making several albums. Together with sales of related products, the monthly net profit will be about $600-800. This figure is increasing every month.

A detailed plan on how to open a small photo studio will allow you to foresee all costs and plan the work of the company. Such a business will only expand and flourish over time, gaining popularity and fame among customers.