How to choose a digital camera? Four control buttons. Things You Should Know About SLR Cameras

No matter how long you have your digital camera there is always something to learn. And if you've just bought your first DSLR, the learning curve can seem incredibly daunting.

But this should not scare you and discourage you from working. In this article, we'll help you get the most out of your DSLR by explaining some of the key features found on almost every model.

Learn about camera functions and controls early stage your familiarization with photographic equipment will help to avoid some common mistakes, which means it will make your photos better and more beautiful.

Front panel of the camera body

1. Red-eye reduction lamp

To prevent red-eye from appearing in the frame, you need a light source that will compensate for the glare from the flash. This lamp is such a light source. The lamp also acts as a handy self-timer countdown indicator.

2. Focus ring

In auto focus mode, this ring rotates until the camera focuses on the subject. In manual focus mode, you can turn the ring yourself and focus on the desired shooting point.

3. Zoom ring

Rotate the ring clockwise to zoom out and get a wide angle shot. By turning the ring counterclockwise, you will get closer to the subject and get close-up removed object.

4. Flash button

When shooting in semi-automatic or manual mode, you have the option to turn on the built-in flash. To do this, click this button.

5. Focus mode switch

Here you can set the AF (autofocus) mode if you want the camera to focus on its own. You can also switch to MF (manual focus) mode, in which case you will control the focus yourself. In manual focus mode, you can use the autofocus points in the viewfinder to tell you exactly what your camera is concentrating on.

6. Image stabilization switch

IS (Image Stabilizer) lenses are designed to prevent blur caused by camera shake (especially noticeable when you focus on a distant subject). Nikon lenses have a similar VR (vibration reduction) switch.

7.Built-in microphone

Most cameras like the Canon 500D (pictured above) can now record video. Audio for these videos is recorded through the built-in microphone.

8. Depth of field and preview button

By clicking on this button, you can see what your frame will look like with these settings.

Rear panel of the camera body

1. Exposure compensation button

In. While in manual mode, hold down this button and rotate the main command dial to open or close the aperture.

2. Focus point selection

Press this button and then rotate the channel selector to select the camera's AF point to use.

3. Exposure lock button

This button allows you to lock the exposure. You can also use it to zoom out when viewing a picture on the LCD monitor in playback mode. It also allows you to focus the camera when using Live View.

4. Live view

Click here to see what the camera will capture on the LCD screen. The newest cameras have a Live View feature that eliminates the need to view the scene through the viewfinder.

5. Four control buttons

These buttons allow you to navigate through the camera's menus and submenus. Also, each button allows you to get into a specific settings menu. Thus, the buttons provide quick access to popular functions such as WB (white balance) or AF (autofocus).

6. Self-timer

This button allows you to change the shooting mode on the camera and set the timer shooting.

7. Play button

The play button allows you to view the pictures you have taken.

8. Delete button

The button with the universal trash can symbol allows you to delete files that you, while viewing on the display, decide to get rid of.

9. Menu button

Pressing this button will give you access to a wide range of menus and submenus where you can change the settings to suit your requirements.

Top panel of the camera

1. Built-in flash

When you're shooting in low light, the built-in flash can help you get a decent shot. In some modes, you will need to turn it on manually. In scene modes, the flash fires automatically.

2. Shutter button

This button is required to take a picture. By pressing the button halfway, you will be able to focus, or activate auto focus. When fully pressed, the camera will take a picture.

3. Main dial

Rotating this dial allows you to manually set the camera's aperture or shutter speed.

4.ISO button

By pressing this button you can adjust the ISO sensitivity. You can then use the main command dial to increase or decrease the ISO level. You also have the option to set the ISO manually using the appropriate menu item.

5. On/off button

This will allow you to turn off the camera when not in use (although it will automatically go to sleep after 30 seconds of inactivity).

6. Mode dial

On the mode dial, you can set the desired shooting mode. The disk contains all possible scene modes, semi-automatic and manual mode.

7. Hot shoe

Using a SLR camera, you will have the opportunity to install a flash as an additional light source. An external flash is usually more powerful and easier to control.

Top Reasons to Buy a Universal 35mm Lens

The history of luxury 35mm lens goes back to the early days of photography. This is one of the best lenses ever made, with a brilliant focal length that can be applied to any photograph. Whether on a full frame or cropped camera, this lens has its own added value.

35mm optics dominate not only in the world of photography, but also in cinema. In the days of film cameras, "35mm" was the width of the film used. Later, this format was adapted for photography and has not lost popularity since then.

During the First World War, 35 mm was widely used in Leica cameras, which were mainly used for outstanding military shots.

Now, let's take a look various factors that speak in favor of this lens.

Why is a 35mm lens useful?

In this article, we list the top reasons why you should get a 35mm lens if you don't already have one:

· This is ideal for shooting while walking, if you want to photograph everything you see.

· It is much more versatile than any other optic option. It also outperforms the 50mm lens as you get a wider and more varied perspective with it.

This type of optics gives a fairly wide-angle coverage on a full frame, as well as on a camera with a “cropped” matrix.

· At f/1.4, this lens is the fastest lens in its category and lets in a lot of light when wide open. Therefore, it is good when shooting in difficult conditions with insufficient lighting.

· The 35mm focal length draws you in to your subject. Therefore, it is suitable for both street photography and portrait photography, when the subject becomes especially important.

· This lens can be enough for you to shoot landscapes.

· You can get close to your subject with this lens because the minimum focusing distance is much shorter than other lenses with a focal length range above 35mm.

· It is a miniature lens with a low weight, which means it will not burden you too much, and you can almost always take it with you.

· Such a lens, as a rule, is the most frequently used and quickly self-sustaining.

· With an aperture of f/1.4, it allows you to create excellent portraits with wonderful bokeh.

· Has a large maximum aperture, is sold at an inexpensive price and has a multi-purpose application.

5 things you need to know about DSLRs

Buying a camera the most important choice for every photographer. This article provides 5 criteria to help you choose the camera that is right for you. It will be about the resolution of the matrix, shooting modes, user interface, and much more that you should know when choosing.

The world of photography has reinvented itself with the advent of digital technology. Gone are the days when only the elite could do photography, people with big money. Now almost everyone can afford to buy a camera.

There's a lot to be said for the convenience of compact cameras, but for optimal image quality and limitless creative possibilities, a real semi or professional camera is the way to go.
Increasing popularity and availability reflex cameras provokes the growth of fierce competition between major camera manufacturers such as Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony.

This state of affairs is extremely beneficial for consumers, as camera manufacturers strive to constantly improve their product by introducing new innovative features into cameras that increase their performance and improve image quality, while making DSLRs easier to use. But what are the key factors to consider when choosing a camera? This is what we will talk about today.

Benefits of SLR cameras

The advantages of DSLRs over more compact cameras are numerous and varied - first of all, this is the size of the image sensor. Many compact cameras can have the same or even more megapixels than a DSLR, but resolution per se is not the key to image quality, so don't forget that!

Image sensors in DSLRs are physically larger than in compact cameras, and this makes a significant difference in image quality. First, a larger sensor means more pixels, which individually capture more light. This, in turn, greatly reduces the digital image noise and graininess that can occur when shooting at high ISO speeds.

Secondly, the larger sensor allows for shallower depth of field, which means you can get beautiful bokeh and nice background blur that will look great in macro photography and portraits.

Another important advantage is that the DSLR allows you to see the world through the lens as it will later be in the picture.

Ideal Camera

A DSLR is more comfortable to use, manual zoom and focus rings on the lens allow you to focus with much greater accuracy and get the shot you were aiming for.
In addition, by purchasing a SLR camera, you discover the whole world opportunities and discoveries, you get the whole system. You will have the opportunity to buy and change lenses, and various accessories that will make the creative process more enjoyable and productive. On the other hand, when buying a compact, you limit yourself to only one camera, which in a year, at most, will not be enough for you.

Today we will dwell in more detail on the main fundamental differences between different types SLR and compact cameras, as a result, you can make right choice, depending on the type of camera you want to purchase.
Body design and new features of SLR cameras.

Most DSLRs are built on the basis of their predecessors, but unlike previous models, the new models offer many innovative improvements.

Shooting modes

All DSLRs generally have the usual set of modes, which includes auto, manual, aperture priority, shutter priority, and modes appropriate for different types of scene. So-called scene modes are available on cameras designed specifically for beginners, such as the Canon EOS 60D and Nikon D3100. The same modes are available on compact cameras. Mode selection most often occurs through the wheel on the top of the camera.

LCD display

The LCD display is important not only for accessing the menus of a digital camera, it is also the main way to view footage, to check the accuracy and sharpness of the frame.
Relatively inexpensive cameras such as the Canon EOS 1100D often have a low LCD resolution of around 230K pixels, while high-end models such as the Canon EOS 60D can have a resolution of 1,040,000 pixels.


The main difference between a DSLR and a compact is that a DSLR has a mirror assembly that reflects the image from the lens up into the optical viewfinder, allowing you to see a very precise focus and zoom position.

More autofocus points allow you to focus on the subject as accurately as possible, while such cameras have several points that allow you to track randomly moving objects in continuous autofocus mode.

Inexpensive models of SLR cameras usually have nine or eleven autofocus points, while more sophisticated models have more autofocus points. For example, the Nikon D800 has 51 focus points.

ISO sensitivity

Sensitivity has improved a lot with many DSLRs in recent times. The maximum ISO level has been increased, which means that you can now photograph in low light conditions much more productively. Increasing the ISO makes the sensor more sensitive to light, allowing the camera to capture even the weakest of the sun's rays without having to use slow shutter speeds.

The higher the ISO value you use, the higher the sensitivity, but as the sensitivity increases, the level of digital noise increases. Older models such as the Canon EOS 1000D typically top out at 1600 ISO, while modern models such as the Canon EOS 1100D provide much higher ISOs, around 6400 in the standard range, expandable to 12800 ISO.

Professional full-frame models such as the Nikon D4 allow you to shoot at up to ISO 24,800. Improved sensors, combined with advanced image processors, make it possible to take great photos with small level noise, even at high ISO settings.

Number of megapixels

The number of megapixels is often the first criterion that not very experienced amateur photographers pay attention to when purchasing their camera. In fact, resolution does not play the first role in choosing a camera.

What resolution is desired? The first SLR cameras were equipped with matrices with a resolution of about 6 megapixels. This seems to be an extremely low resolution compared to today's standards, but even this was enough to get decent A3 photos.

To date, the smallest resolution among DSLRs is equipped with a matrix with a resolution of 12.1 megapixels. Nikon, in particular, is pushing the boundaries among DSLRs entry level, so, for example, Nikon D3200 boasts best resolution in its class of 24.2MP, and its latest full-frame model, the D800, has a 36.3MP sensor.

A few years ago, Canon had cameras with the highest resolution, but now the company is playing catch-up with other companies, cameras with APS-C sensors have a resolution of 12.2 megapixels. (for 1100D) up to 18 MPix. (in the 600D, 60D and 7D), the full-frame camera is equipped with a 16.1 megapixel sensor (in the 1D Mk IV), as well as 22.3 megapixels. (for the new 5D Mk III).

However, Nikon's flagship D4 full-frame DSLR costs around £5,000 and has a resolution of "only" 16.6 megapixels.

creative cropping

Higher resolution images allow you to crop the image as much as you like. For example, if with a telescopic zoom, you didn’t get the object as large as you wanted, having a camera with a high resolution matrix, you can crop your picture without losing quality, thereby bringing the object closer.

In this case, another problem may arise, this is the quality of the optics. If the quality of the camera lens is not high enough, you risk getting chromatic aberration (color fringing) in your image.

File sizes

Large resolution photos, speaks of big weight images, especially if you are shooting in RAW format. For example, RAW images taken with the EOS 600D or 7D can be around 25MB, while an image of the same format taken with the Nikon D90 and D300S will be around 10MB.

This means not only that your memory card will fill up faster, but also that the camera may run more slowly when shooting continuously.

Noise level

Very often, camera manufacturers supply their camera with a high-resolution sensor, while the physical dimensions of the sensor are insufficient, as a result of which the matrix does not capture much light, and grain appears. Especially strongly, noise begins to appear when shooting at high ISO values.

By developing the latest sensors and image processors, manufacturers strive to minimize noise levels.

Capturing video with a camera

Until recently, video recording was only available on compact cameras. With the advent of Live View, which lets you take pictures using the LCD rather than through the viewfinder, means more and more DSLRs boast high definition (HD) and video capabilities.


The functionality of the first SLR cameras was quite narrow. Video recording, in general, initially appeared on more professional models such as the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, and only over time began to appear on the entry-level Nikon D3200 and Canon EOS 650D models.

Considering how quickly video recording capabilities have evolved among other companies, Sony has lagged a little behind in terms of the level of its cameras, precisely in this parameter. But models like the A580 and SLT A55 have taken the company to new heights, and now Sony's products can compete not only in image quality, but also in video quality.

HD formats

The improvement of DSLRs keeps up with the times, so cameras released a year or two ago, as a rule, offer high quality videos and 720p resolution. The 720p format is progressive, that is, each frame is created through one pass.

By comparison, at 720i (interlaced), a frame is created by scanning two alternating lines (half-frames). The latest cameras are usually capable of recording Full HD high-definition video at 1080p resolution.

Frame frequency

A range of frame rates, including 24, 25, 30 and 50fps (frames per second), allows you to create video files that are as good as those created on a camcorder. The video quality can meet the standards of film and television around the world.

This is becoming especially important as DSLRs are increasingly being used to shoot professional video for TV commercials and video clips. Considering that the size of the sensor increases, which means that background blur becomes more noticeable, then operators can achieve excellent depth of field in their videos.


One of the main problems that arise when recording video on SLR cameras is autofocus. To create the clearest possible video, good tracking autofocus is essential. The Canon EOS 650D is the first entry-level DSLR to offer fast, accurate autofocus when shooting video.


A good viewfinder is essential for creating beautiful photos. It is important not only for accurate photo composition, but also for greater accuracy when it comes to adjusting focus.


Cheaper entry-level DSLRs like the Canon 1100D and even some of the more expensive models, including the Canon EOS 650D and Nikon D5200, use a penta-reflex viewfinder. They are cheaper to produce and lighter in weight than pentaprism. Such a viewfinder is created from a set consisting of three separate mirrors.

The main disadvantages of penta-mirror viewfinders based on digital SLR cameras is that the image they convey is slightly darker and more gloomy, and may lack image contrast a little. Of course, this does not affect the quality of the created image, but simply distorts the picture that you see through the viewfinder. Without knowing about such distortions, you may not fine-tune your camera, and as a result, get an image that is not what you expected to see.


The pentaprism viewfinder is considered the best viewfinder for cameras for a reason. More expensive and professional cameras are equipped with a pentaprism viewfinder, such as Canon EOS 60D and EOS 7D, Nikon D7000 and D300s, and all full frame cameras such as Nikon D600 and Canon EOS 6D.

The pentaprism viewfinder is made of five single-sided glass blocks, the pentaprism reflects the image onto the mirror twice, creating an accurate image of reality. A pentaprism viewfinder is relatively heavy and more expensive than a pentamirror viewfinder, but you get higher quality and brighter images as a result.


For compact cameras that do not have a built-in optical or electronic viewfinder (EVF), a special electronic device is often used, thanks to which an external viewfinder can be connected to a camera such as Olympus.

Additional slot EVFs, most often of the hot shoe type, mount on top of the camera, these viewfinders are often quite expensive, costing around £150 (up to £200). Another disadvantage of an external viewfinder is that it cannot be used simultaneously with an external flash that attaches through the same hot shoe.


Ideally, the field of view should be 100%, meaning you see the image through the viewfinder the same size as it would be captured on the camera, but often not. Many viewfinders, especially cheaper ones like PentaSLRs, tend to only give 95% of the field of view, so you won't be able to see everything that ends up in the photo.

In practice, this is not a big problem, you can even find some advantages in this. So, you will always have a little extra space around the edges, which can come in handy when leveling the horizon (rotating the image a few degrees)
Good, pentaprism viewfinders give about 98% of field of view, and the best ones provide full 100% field of view.


Of great importance is zooming, and the possibility of maximizing the approximation of the image. For example, the Canon EOS 550D only offers a 0.87x magnification, while the Canon EOS 7D gives a direct zoom of 1.0x.


Photography of moving objects, or in sequential shooting, it is very convenient to shoot in continuous shooting mode, so this criterion is also important when choosing a good camera. In addition, a high frame rate can be very useful in portraiture, allowing you to capture a fleeting facial expression.

Continuous Shooting

By switching the camera to continuous shooting mode, the camera will continue to shoot as long as you keep your finger on the shutter button. Memory buffer limitations limit the ability to record images. Cameras such as the Canon EOS 1100D and Nikon D3100 can only shoot three frames per second, while flagship cameras such as Canon's EOS-1D X are capable of up to 12 frames per second (or 14 frames per second if shooting in JPEG format).

Mid-range cameras such as the Canon EOS 7D are capable of shooting at 8 fps, while the Nikon D300S shoots at 7 fps, this speed can be increased to 8 fps by attaching the optional MB-D10 Battery Grip.

Computing power

To have the highest possible shooting speed, cameras must have high processing power so that they can process all the images in rapid succession. The imaging chips in the latest cameras tend to be much more powerful than those in older models. Some cameras, such as the high-speed Canon EOS 7D, are actually equipped with two image processors, giving them even more performance.

This is a set of lenses that are arranged one behind the other in a cylindrical body. The task of the lens is to reduce the size of the "external" image to the size of the camera's sensor and focus this reduced image onto the sensor. The lens is the first of the two camera components that have the greatest impact on the quality of the resulting photographs.

One of the most important parameters of the lens is the focal length, it is indicated in millimeters. According to this indicator, lenses are divided into two groups:

  • Primes are lenses designed for one focal length. The most common prime lens has a focal length of 35mm.
  • Zooms are lenses designed for several focal lengths, usually 3 or 4. With such a lens, you can shoot at different distances.

Most digital cameras come with zoom lenses. For zooms, the focal length is specified as a range of smaller and larger values ​​- the "shortest" and the "longest" focal lengths.

Camera sensor

The sensor is the second of the two camera components that most affect the quality of the resulting photographs.

An electronic component is a rectangular plate on which photocells are placed. Each photocell converts the light that hits it into an electrical signal. The number of photocells on the matrix determines its resolution, that is, the maximum size of a photograph that can be obtained from this matrix. For example, a matrix with 5 million photocells (5 megapixels) allows you to get a photo the size of a sheet of A4 paper (more precisely, 20 x 30 centimeters).

But more important is the size of the matrix in millimeters (length and width). However, in specifications, most often the size is indicated by relative numbers. There is a "basic" matrix size equal to 24 x 36 mm. A matrix of this size is considered full-sized. The easiest way to navigate is by the crop factor of the matrix - the number 1 is a full-size matrix. The crop factor of 5.62 is the cheapest and smallest sensor. The closer the crop factor is to one, the larger the matrix.

Matrix sizes indicate:

Or in the form of such a fraction 2/3", 4/3", 1/2.33" is the length of the diagonal of the matrix in fractions of an inch.

Or decimal number like 2, 4, 4.8, 5.62 is the crop factor, it indicates how much the diagonal of the matrix is ​​less than the diagonal of the full-size matrix. A crop factor of 4 means that the diagonal of the matrix is ​​4 times smaller than the diagonal of the full-size matrix.

Matrix sizes (from good to bad):

  • Full-size matrix (full frame) 36 x 24 mm.
  • APS-H, APS-C - matrices are used in expensive SLR cameras. Crop factors 1.3, 1.5.
  • 4/3 "- the matrix is ​​​​used in fairly expensive SLR cameras. Crop factor 2.
  • 1" - the matrix is ​​​​used by some in mirrorless cameras, such as Nikon 1. Crop factor 2.7.
  • 2/3" - such matrices are used in expensive Fujifilm "soap dishes" (more than $ 200). Crop factor 4.
  • 1/1.8", 1/1.7" - such matrices are also used in expensive "soap dishes", but this matrix is ​​less than 2/3". Crop factor 4.8.
  • 1/2.3", 1/2.33", 1/2.7", 1/3" are the smallest cheap and bad matrices. Crop factor 5.6 or higher.

The general principle is as follows - the larger the matrix, the more sensitive it is, the less noise it gives when photographing.


This is the "sight" of the camera, with its help the photographer selects the object for the picture. The viewfinder limits the photographer's view, a frame that shows the boundaries of the future photo. In addition, the viewfinder gives the photographer other important information - focus, sharpness. There are three types of viewfinders:

Optical parallax- a lens system that forms an image in a frame. The axis of the viewfinder does not coincide with the axis of the lens (these are separate components of the camera). This creates some inconvenience for the photographer, as he sees a frame that is not quite the same as it will be in the photograph.

Optical without parallax (mirror)- a special mirror fixed inside the camera, behind the lens and in front of the matrix. This mirror reflects the image from the lens to the viewfinder. Through such a viewfinder, the photographer sees exactly what will be in the photo.

Display- the image from the matrix is ​​transmitted to the display located outside the camera. Just like with a reflex viewfinder, the photographer sees exactly what will be in the photo.

Electronic - the image from the matrix is ​​transmitted to a tiny ocular display, which is similar in shape to the optical one.

In digital cameras, the display viewfinder is the most common.

Camera device

This part of the article will describe the principle of operation of digital cameras, as well as the device of digital cameras.

Simplified, the scheme of the camera is as follows:

  • Frame rectangular shape, which houses the matrix, control electronics, memory card and batteries.
  • The display is attached to the back of the camera body.
  • The lens is attached to the front of the body. The lens can be fixed on the body rigidly (non-removable). Or it can be attached through a special mechanical connector - a mount, in which case the lens can be removed and replaced with another one.

The image, in the form of light radiation, enters the matrix through the lens. When light hits the photocells, an electric current is generated in these photocells.

The control electronics reads the electrical signals from the photocells and forms an electronic image based on them. If the display is used as a viewfinder, then this image is transmitted to the display. And the same electronic image is recorded on memory card when the photographer presses the shutter button.

Types of digital cameras

This part of the article will describe how different types of cameras differ from each other.

The most accurate and widely used types of cameras imply a division by design features. By design, the types of cameras are divided into three main groups - compact cameras (compacts), SLR cameras (DSLRs) and mirrorless cameras (hybrids).

Compact camera (Compact)

Often they are called "soap dishes", but this is not entirely correct. Soap dishes are a subspecies inside the compacts. Design features of compact cameras:

  • Fixed lenses.
  • The priority of automatic setting of shooting parameters, and on cheap models there are no manual settings at all.

Compacts are divided into two large subgroups according to the method of mounting the lens:

  • Soap dishes - they have a telescopic lens and, when turned off, “leaves” inside the case. When the camera is turned off, it looks like a bar (or a soap dish).
  • Just a digital camera (compact, “not a soap dish”) - the lens is fixedly fixed on the body and can even be integral with the body.

As a rule, these two subcategories also differ in functionality. "Soap dishes" are inexpensive cameras, simple and automated. And compacts, as such, are more complicated, have more options for manually adjusting photographic parameters. Among the compacts there are models that can be used even in professional photography.

SLR camera (DSLR)

DSLR is an abbreviation for Digital single-lens reflex camera, which translated into Russian means: digital single-lens reflex camera. In common parlance "reflex mirror". This type of camera is used by professional photographers. That is, a SLR camera is almost synonymous with the concept of a professional camera.

SLR camera has the following design features:

  • Removable lens.
  • Mirror optical viewfinder (in addition to it, a display viewfinder can be added)

The cheapest models of SLR cameras have sensors smaller than 2 crop factors. And many models average price have a full size matrix.

In relation to this type of camera, the concept of kit camera (whale) is used. This is a set of the actual camera (body, and professionals call it a carcass) and a lens. Usually a kit lens is a zoom lens with some average characteristics.

Mirrorless Camera (Hybrid)

This is an interchangeable lens camera. We can say that these are "reflex cameras", but without mirrors. In fact, one of the designations for this category of cameras is MILC (Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Compact Camera), that is, a mirrorless digital camera with interchangeable lenses. They are also called system cameras (CSC - compact system camera).

Design features of these cameras:

  • Removable lens.
  • Display viewfinder (on some models, there may also be an optical parallax viewfinder).
  • Priority of manual photo settings.

Due to the rejection of the reflex viewfinder, the dimensions of the device, the shutter speed (not in all models) and the price of the camera are reduced.

With regard to this type of cameras, the concept of a camera kit (whale) is also used. This is a set of the actual camera (body, and professionals call it a carcass) and a lens. Just like DSLRs, some models of mirrorless cameras are sold without a lens.

Characteristics of cameras affecting the quality of photography

This part of the article will list the technical properties of cameras that affect the quality of photographs.

Small optical zoom– 2, 3 or 4. The more steps of changing the focal length, the more optical distortion and the greater the loss of aperture ratio - both of which lead to a deterioration in the photo.

Aperture number (aperture) of the lens- how less value, the better - f/2 is better than f/2.8. A lower number means the lens is letting more light into the sensor, which can be useful when shooting in low light conditions. For a zoom lens, the aperture number is specified as a range - a smaller number for a smaller (short) focus, a larger number for the "longest" focus. Lenses with a small number, 2 or less than two, are often called fast lenses. General rule- lens aperture decreases with increasing focal length.

Sensor sensitivity (ISO). No noise or minimal noise for large values- 800 ISO or more. For cheap matrices, noise starts already at 400 ISO, and at 800 it may be impossible to photograph. The absence of noise can be useful when shooting in low light conditions.

Shutter speed (lag). The shorter the time interval from pressing the shutter button to taking a photo, the more accurate the resulting photo, if a dynamic object or process is being shot.

Recording a photo in raw format(without compression). In digital cameras, when a photo is stored in memory, it is compressed into JPEG format. Its size decreases, but the quality deteriorates. There are models that record photos without compression, in RAW format. Such a photo can be processed in a special program on a computer and get a picture of a higher quality than jpeg taken in the camera itself.

Camera sensor size. The larger the matrix, the higher the quality of the photo you can get from it. In the description of the camera, the size of the sensor is indicated in proportion to the full size of 36 x 24 mm. This proportion is called the crop factor and is a decimal. The rule is simple - the closer the crop factor is to one, the larger the matrix size and the higher the quality of the matrix.

Manual photography settings. Ability to manually specify settings:

  • focus
  • diaphragm
  • excerpts
  • white balance
  • matrix sensitivity.

This allows you to get good photo in conditions where automatic programs are not suitable for shooting conditions. However, in order to use manual settings, you need to understand well what they mean, their mutual influence.

Stabilization. Camera micro-movement compensation system. It compensates for the shake of the photographer's hands. Designed to reduce the negative effect of "shake", "blur" when shooting at slow shutter speeds. There are two types - built into the lens (lens stabilization) and built into the body (matrix stabilization).

An example of the noisiness of the matrix (more pixels does not mean a better photo).

Below are pictures of two cameras from one price category(100 - 150 dollars). Kodak M340 and Nikon Coolpix S3300. The main difference between these cameras is that the Nikon Coolpix S3300 has 16 megapixels while the Kodak M340 has 10 megapixels. At the same time, the physical size of the matrix is ​​the same for them - the crop factor is 5.62. The pictures were taken under the same conditions - at the same time (the difference is no more than one minute), from the same point. Both shots were taken in the automatic mode "Scene - Landscape".

Kodak M340 (100% scale fragment - 19 x 14 centimeters):

Nikon Coolpix S3300 (100% scale image fragment - 39 x 29 centimeters):

The Nikon Coolpix S3300 has 60% more pixels than the Kodak M340, but this not only did not improve the quality of the photo, but, on the contrary, worsened it a little.

Characteristics of cameras affecting usability

This part of the article will list the technical properties of cameras that do not directly affect the quality of photographs, but make the process of photographing easier and faster.

autofocus. Autofocus is the ability of the camera to independently focus on the subject.

Auto camera modes- settings for shooting parameters (focus, aperture, shutter speed, sensitivity).

Electronic viewfinder. He worse so, which gives a picture "for one eye", since it is made in the form of an eyepiece, but its important advantage over the display is that it can be used in bright sunny weather. When the display viewfinder simply "blinds" (nothing is visible on it).

Bracketing. Automatic shooting of several photos instead of one. In this case, for each picture, an individual value of one of the exposure parameters is set. For example, shutter speed bracketing - a picture is taken with the shutter speed set by the photographer (or camera automation), and in addition, pictures are taken in which the shutter speed is greater and less than this value. The same principle with other types of bracketing - by focal length, aperture. Of course, such pictures can be taken manually. But automatic bracketing saves a lot of time.

USB connector allows you to quickly and easily copy photos to your computer.

AA battery– it can be replaced with conventional batteries and thus less dependent on the ability to charge the battery.

Memory card type. Photos in a digital camera are recorded on a memory card. The speed of photographing depends on the speed of writing to the card. Especially if the photo is recorded in raw format. If the camera has a card with a speed of 2 Mb / s, and the size of the photo is 2.5 Mb (and this size is possible even in soap dishes), then you will not be able to take more than one photo per second.

Camera position sensor. The standard position of the camera when photographing is horizontal. In this case, the picture has an aspect ratio of 4:3 (the width is greater than the height). However, it is often more advantageous to take pictures with the camera turned vertically to get a 3:4 aspect ratio (width less than height).

Some cameras have an orientation sensor and automatically rotate the photo after shooting. But if the camera does not have such a sensor, then the vertical one turns out to be littered on its side (photo taken on Nikon Coolpix S3300):

Of course, it is not difficult to deploy it in any graphics program. But why do the extra work? If there are cameras that themselves monitor such trifles (Kodak M340):

Camera Features You Can Ignore

This part of the article will list the technical properties of cameras that do not affect the quality of photos, moreover, they can even degrade the quality of the photo.

Pixels. More doesn't mean better. Size really doesn't matter here. 5 megapixels is enough for good everyday (non-professional) photography.

Large optical zoom. If a lens with a 10x, 20x or even 30x zoom is on a compact, this means that there will be severe optical distortions at such a zoom, maybe even monstrous ones.

digital zoom. This is a programmatic increase in the picture taken from the matrix. The quality deteriorates at this magnification. And you can make such an increase in a graphic editor on a computer.

panoramic shooting. Panorama is when you take several photos by successively moving the viewfinder from left to right, or from right to left, and then glue the finished photos into one along their vertical borders. This can be done on a computer - more conveniently and with better quality.

Red-eye reduction. First, you need to understand that red eyes only appear when photographing with a flash. If your camera allows you to take pictures without a flash in low light conditions, then you will not have a red-eye problem. Secondly, red eyes can be removed on a computer, in a graphics editor.

Choosing a camera according to these capabilities is a losing business. If a good camera does not have them, then to hell with them.

Pros and cons of compact cameras

This part of the article will list the advantages and disadvantages of compact cameras.

Compared to SLR and hybrid digital cameras, compact cameras have the following pros and cons.

Benefits of a digital compact

Small size and weight (this is true mainly for soap dishes). The soap dish can be carried even in a pocket or in a woman's handbag.

The compacts are designed for automatic use - point-and-click photography.

Low price and even low price - compacts are the most inexpensive cameras.

Cons of a digital compact

The main disadvantage of compacts is that they cannot take very good quality photos, and some types of photography are impossible at all. This disadvantage is due to two factors:

  • Automatic adjustment of shooting parameters. This is convenient, but automation does not work well in all real situations.
  • Low quality matrix and lens.

Top compacts:

  • Fuji HS and X series (eg Finepix X10, X20).
  • Nikon P series (for example, Nikon Coolpix P7700, P7800).
  • Canon SX, S and G series (eg PowerShot G1X).
  • Panasonic LX and older FZ models with Leica lenses.
  • Sony RX series.

inferior to cheap DSLRs and hybrids only by the inability to change the lens.

Pros and cons of SLR cameras

This part of the article will list the advantages and disadvantages of SLR cameras. As well as the advantages and disadvantages of cameras with interchangeable lenses in comparison with compact digital cameras

Pros of SLR cameras

The ability to take a good photo, in almost any conditions. And almost any type of photo - landscapes, portraits, interiors, etc.

Good quality matrices, manual settings, interchangeable lenses. With this, you can achieve very good results.

Cons SLR cameras and hybrids

Weight and dimensions. The weight of the DSLR is at least a kilogram, and if the lens is large, then more than a kilogram. Mirrorless will be lighter, but not by much.

Higher price compared to compacts. Cheap cameras with interchangeable lenses start at around $400. Cheap DSLRs start at around $500. A good DSLR will cost closer to $1,000.

The need to learn photography. And such training will take a lot of time.


More detailed information in the full version of this article - How to choose a camera.

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Ivan Sukhov, 2012, 2014

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The cost of a compact camera is its most important feature. You must understand that for 2-3 thousand rubles it is offered only, pardon the expression, rubbish, completely unable to compete with even a simple smartphone. In such cameras, the matrix has a high resolution, but this only affects the quality of the pictures for the worse. The owner of such a soap dish will have to put up with large quantity digital noise and low detail.
All this can be blamed on the modest matrix that cheap compacts are endowed with. It was created using outdated CCD technology. Such a sensor is not able to capture the picture in all details. And a large number of megapixels most often with this technology is only harmful. The photocells simply interfere with each other, which is why the so-called digital noise is displayed on the pictures.

Even budget devices are equipped with a low-quality lens. Through plastic lenses, light reaches the matrix with large losses. It is because of this that a person then observes insufficient clarity.

Characteristics of the camera matrix

Now let's take a closer look at some of the technical characteristics of cameras. We will go through all the most important components of the device. This will help you choose a good digital camera in the future, as you will only look at the features you need.

The matrix is ​​available in any digital camera. It was this element that came to replace the film. This component captures the color by converting it into a digital image. There are several technologies for manufacturing the sensor. CCD was mentioned above, such matrices are found in the cheapest cameras. The second technology is called CMOS. It is best to look for a compact with just such a sensor. However, these cameras cost a lot of money. And ultrazooms are still most often equipped with a CCD sensor. This is explained by the fact that an advanced matrix costs money. A lens with a wide range of focal lengths is also expensive. Therefore, you have to choose between it and the sensor. Otherwise, a compact camera will cost more than ten thousand rubles. And there are fewer buyers for such products.

You can not think about the size of the matrix. Compacts cheaper than ten thousand rubles have a sensor with a diagonal of 1 / 2.3 inches. This is about five times smaller than the frame area of ​​35mm film. Such characteristics of the camera matrix can now be called ordinary. Only the most expensive compact cameras have a larger sensor. Of course, they shoot much better too.

Now it is also better not to pay attention to the resolution of the sensor. You just need to be wary of devices with 18-megapixel resolution. Such devices will supply images with a large amount of digital noise. If the matrix consists of 14 megapixels, then this is an ideal parameter! Fear not, pictures of this resolution can be printed even in A4 format. And more from the compact is not required.

Camera Lens Specifications

Any camera "sees" the world around it with the help of a lens. For compacts, this part is not removed or replaced. Therefore, the characteristics of the lens should be on top.

Each lens consists of a certain number of lenses. They can be either plastic or glass. The latter type costs the creators much more, so you will not see such lenses in cameras for 2-3 thousand rubles. There are also low dispersion lenses. This is also a certain type of glass, which has the maximum light transmission.

Pay attention to the aperture that the optics have. How less number- the better, the more light will get to the matrix. But all this will not play a special role if the owner of the camera is not allowed to manually adjust the aperture value. This detail is also specified in the characteristics. If you learn to control your shutter speed and aperture, you can easily switch to a DSLR or system camera in the future.

Almost any compact lens has some range of focal lengths. This setting is also called optical zoom. It all depends on your needs. For some, a five-fold zoom is enough. Others sacrifice the compactness of the camera and purchase a device with a 30x optical zoom, the lens of which is huge.

Digital cameras and their characteristics

It's hard to tell anything special from the shutter. Usually this detail is of great importance in SLR cameras. In compacts, a simple shutter is often installed, providing a shutter speed of 1/2000 second. The ability to manually adjust exposure is important. Only then will you be able to put the compact on a tripod, increase the shutter speed to a few seconds and take a beautiful night picture.

Every compact camera has a built-in flash. Pay attention to its power. Some models are able to “hit” at a distance of 7-8 meters. Others barely illuminate a person standing three to four meters from the lens. Expensive compacts are supplied with a “hot shoe”, to which an external flash is connected. For many people, this is just a nice bonus, since they do not dare to buy such an accessory for various reasons.

How to choose a good digital camera

Digital cameras and their specifications usually include instructions for LCD display dimensions. In the cheapest models, the screen has a diagonal of 2.7 inches. All other devices have a three-inch screen. And sometimes he also swivel mechanism supplied - it helps to shoot from non-standard angles.

Remember to check the resolution of the LCD screen. If this component consists of only a couple of hundred thousand pixels, this is very bad. If the number of points is estimated at one million, everything is fine. Only on such a display you will consider the picture as detailed as possible. Touch capability is not important, as it is even more convenient to control the keys in difficult conditions.

Video filming
Every digital camera can shoot video. Video recording characteristics are very important for many people. You should be interested in only one parameter - this is the resolution of the video image. Cheap compacts only offer a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. Not bad, but on a large "plasma" the picture will seem slightly blurry. If you have such an opportunity, then purchase a compact with the ability to record video in Full HD resolution. This is the best option.

Also, different compacts may have different frame rates. Most often it is suggested to shoot at 25 or 30 frames per second. More expensive cameras are capable of recording video at 50 frames per second. You'll notice the difference right away, with higher frame rates, the picture becomes smoother.

In this article, we have listed the most important technical characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a compact. In fact, there are other important parameters. For example, some devices have Wi-Fi and GPS chips. More compacts can offer functions for shooting panoramas, HDR images, or even three-dimensional photos. But all this is rarely written in the list of technical specifications. Therefore, do not forget to read reviews of digital cameras. These articles contain the most information.

Camera, shutter lag, (English lag - lag);

  • Camera processors, image processing and noise suppression algorithms, menu systems, number of pre-installed programs and external interface, (English interface - connect), camera;
  • Types of camera viewfinders;
  • Types and volumes of external memory of the camera;
  • Camera power type and camera power consumption;
  • Camera flashes and lighting equipment.
  • Lens


    In digital photography, several types of matrices (sensors) are used, which can be classified according to the method:

    • reading the charge of "potential wells": CCD, CMOS;
    • color separations: matrices with a  Bayer filter and matrices without a Bayer filter - matrices Foveon X3.

    An example of the designation of the matrix in the characteristics of the camera: 1 / 1.8 "CCD 5.25 Mp. - CCD matrix with a resolution of 5.25 Megapixels and a diagonal of 1 / 1.8 Vidicon inches.


    • Almost all compact cameras (that is, a matrix smaller than APS-C) are equipped with a shutter that is built into the sensor. An electronic shutter is a switch that turns on the sensor to receive the light flux and turns it off at the command of the processor. For these digital cameras, shutter speeds range from (approximately) 10 s to 1/500 s.
    • Some digital cameras (reflex or rangefinder) are equipped with a mechanical shutter for accurate exposure and preventing light from reaching the sensor after the exposure time has elapsed. The mechanical shutter is electrically driven and controlled by a processor. The most important characteristics of a mechanical shutter are the minimum shutter speed and shutter speed sync. For digital cameras with a mechanical shutter, shutter speeds range from 30 s to as fast as 1/8000 s. The sync speed is in the range of 1/125 - 1/350 s.


    Parallax optical viewfinder

    The simple optical viewfinder found in many compact digital cameras is a simple telescopic system with its own small lens and eyepiece through which the photographer looks. Mechanically, the viewfinder lens is connected to the zoom lens of the main lens of the camera and the magnification of the main lens corresponds to the magnification of the viewfinder. This design is simple and reliable in operation, but has parallax and does not allow you to control the accuracy of focusing. In addition, such a viewfinder provides acceptable image quality with a limited (about 4) zoom ratio. Therefore, for lenses with zooms greater than 5×, the electronic viewfinder is more commonly used.

    Electronic viewfinders

    LCD viewfinders on compact devices have become the most widespread, and in 2009 the Live View mode began to be used even on SLR devices from many companies.

    In addition to the image from the sensor, the main shooting parameters and additional information are displayed on the LCD and EVF viewfinders: battery level, zoom, selected resolution, quality (compression ratio), self-timer settings, brightness histogram, flash symbol, red-eye correction symbol ”, exposure compensation icon, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, exposure programs, white balance preset, audio recording, picture number, focus area, etc.

    The display also serves to review the captured frames.

    One of the main characteristics of a camera's LCD display is its size and resolution. A larger diagonal is more convenient, but requires more energy (reduced battery life) for backlighting.

    When shooting in bright sunlight, the image on the LCD screen is very difficult to see, so a number of cameras have a variant of the "electronic viewfinder with a magnifying glass" (usually referred to as EVF), and the camera is brought to the eye when shooting with such a viewfinder. Moreover, there are both designs with a separate miniature screen, and devices in which the same screen rotates “toward back wall» device or under a magnifying glass (for example, Konica Minolta Z series).

    The electronic viewfinder does not have parallax.

    Disadvantages of LCD and EVF Viewfinders

    • In the dark, LCD and EVF viewfinders do not work well due to insufficient light sensitivity of the matrix. The parallax optical viewfinder does not have this problem.
    • LCD displays of digital cameras "blind" in the light, when the "own backlight" of the LCD is weaker than the ambient light. Since the EVF viewfinder is “hidden” inside the case, it does not have such a problem.
    • The image on the LCD and EVF viewfinders is not updated in real time, but with some delay (≈ 1/60 sec), which is inconvenient when shooting dynamic scenes. The reason is that in order for the camera's LCD to work in viewfinder mode, the camera is switched to continuous “cine shooting” mode without recording (at a frequency of ≈ 60 frames / sec).
    • The LCD and EVF viewfinders on digital cameras use a lot of power, and it's sometimes a good idea to turn them off to save money.
    • The LCD DAC creates quite a lot of noise and degrades the signal-to-noise ratio.

    Flash memory

    Modern digital cameras use a memory card formats: Secure Digital, CompactFlash, Memory Stick, Multimedia Card (MMC). The Secure Digital (SD) format is the most popular on the market (for 2007-2009).

    The actual number of photographs that can be recorded when taking photographs on a single 1 GB flash card is generally 200-10,000, depending on the resolution and recording format selected for shooting.

    A number of cameras have fundamental limitations on the capacity of used memory cards, which are usually not advertised by the manufacturer. Since the production and sale of cards of a smaller capacity stops as more capacious ones are released, it becomes very difficult to buy a new card for an old device within about two years.

    Aspect ratio and interchangeable lenses

    The frame of digital cameras is selected with an aspect ratio (4:3 = 1.33), like that of analog TVs and CRT monitors. The standard aspect ratio for film (3:2 = 1.5) is 36×24 mm, etc. Many digital SLR cameras have a film frame (3:2).

    The dimensions of the matrices of most digital cameras are smaller than the standard frame of 35 mm film - 36 × 24 mm. The diagonal of the matrix is ​​indicated in the passport of the camera.

    The term EGF, Fe - "effective focal length" - defines the focal length of a lens that gives the same angle of view on a 35 mm frame as a lens mounted on a digital camera with a smaller sensor size.

    Lenses with a focal length of > 7 mm, specially designed for a smaller frame format, can return a wide viewing angle to digital SLR cameras.

    Opportunities for the creativity of the photographer

    Exposure modes can be divided into manual ("creative") and automatic (A). Creative modes include shooting with shutter priority (Tv), (eng. time variation - change in time), or with aperture priority (Av), (eng. aperture variation - change in aperture), and manual mode (M), (eng. manual - manual).

    • In aperture priority (Av) mode, the photographer sets aperture A (using a special wheel or buttons), and the processor, based on the metering results, automatically calculates the optimal shutter speed T, for better attitude signal to noise ratio and the lowest equivalent ISO sensitivity.
    • In Shutter Priority (Tv) mode, the photographer sets the shutter speed to T and the processor calculates aperture A, for the best signal-to-noise ratio and lowest ISO.
    • In manual mode (M), the exposure pair (T and A) is set manually, and according to the exposure metering data for a given digital image, the processor calculates and sets the required equivalent sensitivity, ISO. If such an ISO is not acceptable for a given digital camera, then the processor warns the photographer about a gross error that the photographer made when setting the shutter speed T and aperture A. The false value of shutter speed T or aperture A turns red.
    • For novice amateur photographers and professional photographers to save time, there is an automatic mode (A), (English automatic - automatic) and many subject programs. For automatic mode and scene shooting, most shooting parameters are optimized by the camera's processor. The three most commonly used scene programs (“portrait”, “landscape” and “night scene”) are placed directly on the mode dial or are selected using the menu.
    • (Eng. Stitch assist - Panoramic mode) is used to facilitate panoramic shooting. A panorama is a series of frames taken with some horizontal or vertical offset, subsequently "glued" into a single image. "Gluing" is performed by a computer using the program that comes with the camera. In order for this program to successfully cope with its task, it is necessary to make the entire series of source frames with the same exposure and focal length. This is exactly what the Stitch assist mode provides: the metering results and zoom position are fixed at the first frame in the series, and all subsequent frames of the panorama are shot with the same parameters, and the display shows the anchor lines and the edge of the previous frame. So, even without a tripod, when shooting panoramas handheld, it is possible to get acceptable results.
    • Using exposure metering, the processor calculates the exposure parameters very accurately, but sometimes you have to manually correct the exposure (exposure compensation). This is due to the fact that the camera matrix is ​​able to capture a limited range of brightness (dynamic range). Typical examples: dark mountains against a bright sky, shooting against the light, sunsets and sunrises, the prevalence of shadows, etc. Objects in the frame that have a greater spread in brightness than the dynamic range of the sensor cannot be worked out equally well. The dynamic range of the matrix (in decibels) is equal to the number of electrons that a pixel can store (pixel capacitance) divided by the number of noise electrons (dark current + noise of the ADC, DAC and electronics during the reading of the potential well). If the dynamic range of the signal is, for example, 60 dB, which roughly corresponds to the value of full charge capacity / noise = 1024 = 10 bits, then a 10-bit ADC is used. 12-16-bit ADC for 3 colors of each pixel allows you to work out deep shadows.
    • A great help to the photographer in assessing exposure and exposure compensation is provided by the brightness histogram - a graph of the distribution of brightness in the frame. The horizontal axis plots the brightness from dark on the left to light on the right, while the vertical axis plots the relative number of pixels of each hue. Better, those cameras in which the histogram is "live", that is, it is updated during framing.

    The histogram shows whether the dynamic range of the matrix overlaps the photographic breadth of the plot or not, and where the exposure compensation and the results of the shift should be shifted.

    When shooting a scene with a wide range of brightness, it is advisable not to allow “burn-in” of lights in digital images - everything is white (maximum brightness values ​​on large plots image) and/or blackening of shadows - all black (minimum brightness values ​​in large areas of the image - this is the level of digital noise).

    It is recommended that you always take a series of shots with exposure bracketing, unless "underexposure" or "overexposure" of the frame is useful for achieving various artistic effects.

    • Exposure compensation is measured in EV (English exposure value - exposure value). Increasing exposure by +1 EV corresponds to opening the aperture by one stop or increasing the shutter speed by 2 times. Most digital cameras have an exposure compensation of ±2 EV in steps of 0.2-0.5 EV.

    Digital photo recording formats

    Most modern digital cameras record images in formats: JPEG, TIFF, Raw.

    The JPEG format is supported by all digital cameras. Format created by the JPEG group (Joint Photographic Experts Group) specifically for storing photographs and has a high degree of image compression at the cost of some loss in quality. The small size of JPEG files can significantly save space on the media and quickly transfer images over communication lines.

    Additional information about the shooting parameters in EXIF ​​format is added to the images.

    The most promising format is RAW, which transmits information from the photosensor without processing by the camera's processor. Processing is carried out on a computer, where the possibilities are much greater than those of the microprocessor of the camera.

    Photo flashes and lighting equipment

    • Almost all digital cameras have flashes, which, in addition to illuminating the subject, can have the functions of eliminating the harmful effect of “red-eye”, “second-curtain synchronization”, power control, autofocus backlight, a series of flashes. The flash emitter is usually built into the camera body.
    • The Cobra type flash has a spring-loaded emitter that can be lifted off the camera body to reduce the harmful effect of red-eye.
    • It is possible to completely get rid of the appearance of "red eyes" only when using an external flash, removed from the optical axis of the camera at a sufficient distance, or a whole system of flashes and lighting devices.

    Simple cameras can work with external ISO 518 flashes, which have only a central sync contact for communication with the camera's automation.

    In order not to damage (not burn) the automation, before working with external flashes, you need to make sure that there is no high voltage on the sync contact of the external flash. In older models of flashes for film cameras, high voltage was applied to the sync contacts (from 120 to 340 volts).

    • Modern computer photo editor programs include a tool that performs red-eye correction).

    Front end

    The built-in LCD screen of the camera is small, so it is more convenient to view the captured images on the TV screen. The vast majority of digital cameras are connected to a TV, computer or printer via a low-frequency video output with a USB 2.0 interface cable,

    The power supply of digital cameras and other small-sized equipment: radio receivers (Notebook, PDA, Handy, players, mini-TVs, navigators, etc.) is not sufficiently developed. The capacity, service life, weight, dimensions and recharge modes of even lithium-polymer batteries do not satisfy the ever-increasing power consumption of modern "pocket" electronic equipment.

    Manufacturers of digital cameras offer (2007) two main types of power: "finger" cells of the standard AA form factor and lithium-ion batteries of their own format. Batteries and AA Ni-MH batteries take up a relatively large amount of space, make the camera heavier by about 100 grams and are quite expensive, but they are versatile and applicable in various techniques.

    The capacity of small-sized lithium-ion batteries is also insufficient (~ 1 Ah). If you can shoot 200-250 frames with a fully charged battery, then the power consumption of this digital camera is ~ 4 mAh per 1 photo - this is a good result. The photographer is advised to have a pair of charged spare batteries at all times.

    Almost all cameras have a connector for connecting an external power source, designed to charge the battery and shoot in the studio.

    Design and interface

    A good digital camera should have a convenient location of controls and small dimensions. The device should lie confidently in the hand. This is especially true for cameras that are not too compact and light, which have a special handle that should fit the size of your brush. A secure grip on the device reduces camera shake when shooting. Frequently used controls should be within reach of the index finger and thumb right hand and it should be equally comfortable to shoot both with two hands and with one hand, both in vertical and horizontal positions.

    Switching between shooting and viewing modes should be as simple as possible - using a separate button or lever. Push-button control is much less responsive and intuitive. It is convenient when exposure compensation, white balance and ISO, as well as changing shutter speed and aperture, are placed on separate buttons, wheels (limbs).

    Additional convenience when shooting from unusual positions, macro photography, etc. is created if the camera has a rotary display.

    Selection strategy

    It is impossible to create a universal apparatus that satisfies numerous and conflicting requirements.

    • The main contradiction: between the compactness of the camera - and the quality of photographs;
    • The contradiction characteristic of any electronic equipment: between the weight - and the degree of autonomy.

    Therefore, first you need to decide on a list of necessary functions - and those that can be neglected. Then - to compare the technical characteristics of cameras only in this price class.

    Physical size of the matrix

    The properties of semiconductors are such that they always contain the so-called thermal noise. The noise level also increases due to the heterogeneity of dopant impurities and other technology shortcomings. As a result, the image received from the matrix is ​​always "corrupted" by randomly changing brightness and color values ​​of each pixel.

    The effect of this noise on the final image of the same physical size (for example, a 10x15cm print):

    • the higher, the smaller the physical size of one photosensitive element.
    • the lower than more number elements in the image.

    As a result, it turns out that, other things being equal, the larger the physical size of the matrix, the higher the image quality.

    Technological problems in the production of photosensors

    It is possible to increase the photosensitive area and reduce the area spent on the charge-sensing circuits ("strapping"), each of the tens of millions of high-resolution small-array photodiodes, using less than 0.14 micron technologies. For 2007-2008 integrated microchips of photosensors are produced according to 0.25 - 0.14 micron technologies.

    Optics Requirements

    Small matrices with high resolution (more than 10 effective megapixels) also require high resolution from the lens.

    Take for example a 1/1.8" CCD matrix (5.32×7.18 mm) in a 4/3 frame (3584×2688), a resolution of 9,633,792 pixels. 70% of the matrix area is occupied by 28,901,376 photodiodes.

    We consider the effective area of ​​the matrix Р=0.7×5.32×7.18 = 26.73832 mm 2 . There are 28,901,376 / 26.73832 ≈ 1,080,897 photodiodes per 1 mm 2 ≈ 360,299 pixels. √360299 ≈ 600 pixels per millimeter.

    The lens of this compact digital camera must have a resolution of more than 300 lpm (lines per millimeter, lines per millimeter). In optics 2 pixels represent one line.

    In the development of new generation lenses, lenses made of glass, plastic, ceramics and flat lenses are used.

    So, you have decided to purchase a digital camera. Let me make a few remarks and comments on this subject, in the hope that they will arouse your interest and bring you some benefit.

    A digital camera almost completely corresponds to the definition of a “new technology” product, almost all of its elements were developed and put into production in the very recent past. The only exception, albeit with some stretch, can be considered the optics of the camera, in digital "SLRs" it is possible to use interchangeable lenses of professional "film" cameras. Less than 20 years have passed since the first digital cameras appeared on the market, in 1991, the Kodak DSC100 saved pictures to a hard drive, outdoor unit which weighed 5 kilograms. Today, all digital cameras record data on flash memory, the types of which are already quite unified, and to purchase required model or an adapter for reading information, a card reader, is not difficult. So, when buying a digital camera, this characteristic can be ignored. All cameras have built-in memory, but it is not enough to store a large number shots, you still have to buy an external memory card, and there is only one piece of advice - the more capacity it has, the better.

    In general, it is possible to classify digital cameras by price today starting from $100. Unlike film "soap dishes", it is not easy to find a digital camera for sale below this price. I will assume that this niche is occupied by the built-in cameras of mobile phones. To take a quick picture "for memory", for viewing on the screen of a mobile phone or computer, these cameras are quite capable. If a person wants to hold a traditional photograph in his hands, he acquires a "real" camera. What should I pay attention to when buying it? The main parameter, as it happened, and quite rightly, is the number of megapixels of the matrix. It is assumed that the larger this number, the better, “sharper” the image will be.

    But this rule is valid only up to a certain limit, the "clarity" of the image depends on many other characteristics. camera matrix, its size, photosensitivity and others. An increase in the number of pixels on the matrix leads to an increase in the so-called signal-to-noise ratio. Less light falls on each pixel, because the light-sensitive area of ​​the pixel itself becomes smaller, and, accordingly, the strength of the electric charge that the digital converter of the camera reads will also be smaller. Therefore, when familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the camera, you should definitely pay attention to the size (surface area) of the matrix itself. With an equal number of pixels, a camera with a larger sensor should be preferred. With matrices of the same size and with a number of pixels of the order of 6-7 million, paradoxically, the best pictures will be taken by a camera with fewer pixels, especially when photographing is done in a room where there is less light. Of course, this is all true if the rest are equal. specifications device, and even for devices from the same manufacturer. In addition, the number of pixels on the matrix does not match the number of pixels in the resulting image, pay attention to the characteristic: "The number of effective megapixels of the matrix", it can differ very much, by 2-3 units, from the total number of pixels. But we can say that for amateur and semi-professional photography, a camera with 5-6 megapixels is quite acceptable, it will allow you to get very nice photos A4 size (standard sheet of writing paper). An important characteristic of a camera matrix is ​​its light sensitivity. It is measured in units (ISO), from 50 to several thousand. Almost all modern cameras allow you to change this parameter. High light sensitivity during daylight shooting sunshine unwanted, and modern cameras reduce it automatically. Manual change is useful for filming with unusual, special tasks.

    Canon A510 noise histogram compared to Canon A75 (1/2.5" sensor and 1/2.7" number of pixels are the same)

    Another important element of the camera is lens. Good professional photo optics can be several times more expensive than the camera itself. The main parameters of the lens are the focal length, Zoom and aperture. Please note that when high value Zoom (ultrasound), in some conditions, lower quality images are obtained. The characteristics of lenses and their influence on the resulting images will be discussed in a separate article.

    camera viewfinder happens optical and mirror. On good digital cameras, an LCD display has become almost mandatory. SLRs are more complex in design, more expensive, for professional shooting. They display the picture that will be in the photo, make it possible to accurately select filters, and so on. There are several semi-slang terms: “pseudo-mirror” and “half-mirror”. The former only resemble the shape of SLR cameras, the latter contain a prismatic mirror inside the camera, but do not allow the use of interchangeable lenses.

    An important parameter of the lens and camera is the presence of image stabilization. Eliminates interference caused by hand shaking. Image stabilization can be done in several ways.

    Optical Image Stabilizer

    The stabilizing element of the lens, which is movable along the vertical and horizontal axes, is deflected by the electric drive of the stabilization system at the command from the sensors so that the image projection on the film (or matrix) fully compensates for camera vibrations during exposure. As a result, at small amplitudes of camera vibrations, the projection always remains motionless relative to the matrix, which provides the picture with the necessary clarity. However, the presence of an additional optical element reduces the aperture ratio of the lens.

    Moving sensor image stabilizer

    In this system, the movement of the camera is compensated not by the optical element inside the lens, but by its matrix, fixed on a movable platform. Lenses are getting cheaper, simpler and more reliable, image stabilization works with any optic. This is important for SLR cameras with interchangeable lenses. Matrix-shift stabilization, unlike optical stabilization, does not introduce distortions into the image (perhaps, except for those caused by the uneven sharpness of the lens) and does not affect the aperture ratio of the lens. At the same time, matrix-shift stabilization is considered to be less effective than optical stabilization.With an increase in the focal length of the lens, the effectiveness of Anti-Shake decreases: at long focuses, the matrix has to move too fast with too large an amplitude, and it simply ceases to keep up with the "elusive" projection.In addition, for high accuracy, the system must know exact value focal length of the lens, which limits the use of older zooms, and focusing distance at close range, which limits its work in macro photography.

    Electronic (digital) image stabilizer

    With this type of stabilization, approximately 40% of the pixels on the matrix are assigned to image stabilization and do not participate in image formation. When the video camera shakes, the picture "floats" on the matrix, and the processor captures these fluctuations and makes a correction using spare pixels to compensate for the picture shake. This stabilization system is widely used in digital video cameras, where matrices are small (0.8 Mp, 1.3 Mp, etc.). Has more low quality than other types of stabilization, but fundamentally cheaper, since it does not contain additional mechanical elements.

    If you plan to take artistic shots, pay attention to the camera's exposure characteristics, also called "shutter speed". For filming, say, the starry sky, for example, a very long shutter speed of the order of several seconds is necessary.

    Well, when choosing a camera, batteries and batteries are of no small importance. In addition, today manufacturers consider it their duty to provide a camera, a device for creating a static picture of reality (“stop, a moment, you're fine!”), A microphone and a video recording function. Here, as they say, we will do without comments.

    The digital camera is very handy thing to capture the most memorable moments of life. Digital cameras allow even practically unprepared people to create excellent, and even artistic, pictures. I know cases when a person, having become interested in digital photography, even started doing it professionally, changed his specialty, providing his family with a good income. The advantage of digital cameras lies precisely in the simplicity, in comparison with chemical photography, of creating images. If your funds allow it, you can easily become the owner of a very good device for photography, and most importantly, quickly enough to master the intricacies of this lesson.