House with offset levels projects. Small single family houses

The project of a compact one-story cottage with a cold attic and good zoning of parts of the house, sustainable engineering. There is a variant of the project with an attic floor.

Several project options are available with a total area of ​​buildings from 80 m2.

Projects of a compact universal cottage with convenient layouts.

Three versions of the project are available with a total area of ​​155 to 190 m2.

A family of cottage projects with a free planning area on each floor. Multivariant layoutsallows you to adapt the house to families with different social composition.

NEW! Made version of the house with a flat "green" roof

Seven versions of the project are available with a total area from 190 to 270 m2

Projects of multifunctional, compact, but spacious cottages for a small plot from 4 acres.

NEW! Made version of the house with a flat "green" roof

There are three project options available with a total area of ​​146 to 170 m2 with different types of facades and roofs.

The project is a logical continuation of the "Lum" project with an attic floor. The fundamental difference is the combined staircase to the attic with a separate entrance from the street. This makes it possible to equip the house in two stages - the first floor immediately, and then finish the attic, without compromising the comfort of living.

Total area from 150 m2

The logical continuation of the Baltic project. The project of a spacious house with an attic oriented to the South. The building is zoned for heating.

Total area 315 m2

Projects of cottages that can be divided into two separate apartments for independent living - by floors.

Buildings are adapted to a possible shortage of heat supply - residential and public areas of the house can be operated in different temperature conditions.

There are three options for the implementation of the project 285, 255 and 215 m2

Projects of cottages with optimized internal ergonomics and a record low height of the ridge (minimally obscures the plot), with a cold attic in part of the living quarters of the second floor.

Total building area 250 m2

Reduced versions of the project with the "optimum" index have an area of ​​200 m2

The project of an easy-to-build cottage for a large family with different layout options. The view from the living room is possible on three sides of the site.

NEW! Made version of the house with a flat "green" roof.

The total area of ​​the house is 193 m2.

A multifunctional building project that can be used as a residential building or a mini-hotel.

The total area of ​​the residential building is 237 m2.

The total area of ​​the mini-hotel is 370 m2 (including the basement).

The project of a rural house with a back entrance to the kitchen. It is possible to use it as a guest house in the field of agritourism.

The total area of ​​the house is 108 m2.

The project of a cottage with a half-attic floor for a narrow (from 15 m) and elongated plot of the "former vegetable garden" type.
There is a version of a semi-detached house (duplex).

NEW! Made version of the house with a flat "green" roof.

The total area of ​​a single house is 128 m2

Total area of ​​a double house (duplex) 243 m2

The project of a semi-detached rural house for a plot on a slope. The apartments are located on different floors with entrances from opposite sides of the house.

Design of small single-family houses. Dimensions of premises in single-family houses. Houses with displaced floors. Projects of houses: one-two-storey houses.

In small residential buildings, the premises should have minimum dimensions, determined by the conditions for the most rational placement of furniture and equipment (Fig. 3, 4, 11 - 13). It is recommended to combine different functional areas in one room (Fig. 9).

The most convenient are one-story houses, the layout of which is more economical, since there is no need for a staircase to the second floor (Fig. 2). However, in some cases it is necessary to arrange an internal staircase to the basement (Fig. 1).

In houses with mixed floors, a convenient mutual arrangement and use of premises is achieved with minimal areas of corridors and stairs (Fig. 3 - 7).

In two-story houses, the location of the stairs is crucial. A house plan close to a square (Fig. 8-10) is usually more economical than an elongated rectangular plan (Fig. 11-13), due to the shorter length of the outer walls per unit building area. However, a rectangular plan is often more convenient, especially in narrow spaces.

One-story houses

1. American house, a low building with an almost flat roof and a large overhang eaves, in a living room. There is a niche for cooking. Architect Ch. S. Keefe;

2. Residential house of a gardener with a kitchen-dining room. Architect Werner.

Houses with staggered floors

3. House plan with offset floors (Denmark). The project provides for a good relationship between the bedrooms and the common room. Architect S. Mortensen;

4. House with offset floors. The project provides for good interconnections between the premises with the correct orientation of the house according to the cardinal points and furniture, which saves space. Archite. O. Fölkkers;

5. The simplest diagram of a house with offset floors and a high living space (one and a half floors) in fig. 5 - 7 show suitable types of houses with offset floors (cross sections). Based on the materials of the architect O. Fölkkers;

6. The roof is stepped, the living room and the bedroom are of equal height;

7. Living quarters under a sloping roof.

Two-story houses (almost square in plan)

8. Convenient plan of the house with an entrance to all rooms from a small centrally located entrance hall with a staircase; optimal orientation of the premises to the cardinal points; all rooms are located under one gable roof;

9. A small house with spacious rooms, good interconnection of rooms, correct orientation to the cardinal points, good location of the entrance to the house, kitchen and piping (bathroom and kitchen). The staircase acts as a "thermal barrier" that protects living quarters from the cold. Architect K. Figer.

Two-story houses (narrow, rectangular in plan)

10. A small house with a small number of spacious rooms with a small fart; entrance to the basement from the kitchen, entrance to the bathroom only through the parents' bedroom; plumbing and sewage pipelines of the bathroom, toilet, kitchen form a single system. Architect A. Zimbek;

11. A residential building with a spacious layout and a good layout of the premises, intended for construction on a narrow plot of land. Heating stove, the stove is located in the central part of the house, the front area is minimized; all rooms are successfully oriented to the cardinal points; clear arrangement of window groups. Architect Bratli, Sweden.

12. A very narrow residential building with an entrance from the rear end; the layout differs from the previous one (Fig. 11-12). Architect K. Gutshov;

13. Residential building with an entrance from the end to the living room; on the side there is an additional entrance with stairs to the basement. Architect P. Leffler.

Main characteristics:

capital building;

136 m2 of living space:

Rip construction method (five levels);

Diverse, rich facade:

Lots of living space and utility rooms.

In this house, the residential levels are shifted in relation to each other by half a floor. "Split Level" is the name given by experts to this building method, which is especially suitable for building up sloping land. Buildings of this type can be recognized already from afar - the roof surfaces are asymmetric, and the windows on the gables are staggered. Behind this bright and rich façade, the Vita 136-1 creates plenty of space on five levels, of which four are residential. The first residential level is a living room and a dining room, the second one is a children's one. Half a flight above is the parents' bedroom, while the fourth level has the character of a studio. And in the attic there is a lot of useful utility space.

The weight of the blocks is indicated for concrete at an average density of D500 (class B 1.5) in an absolutely dry state. Release humidity of blocks from the factory is not more than 35%.

It is allowed, upon agreement with the consumer, to manufacture blocks of other lengths (with a step of 10 mm) and width (with a step of 25 mm).