Curtains with a lambrequin (66 photos): luxury in the interior. Do-it-yourself decorative lambrequins: decorate windows in style How to choose the right model

When designing a room, many are looking for instructions on how to make do-it-yourself lambrequins with patterns for beginners. Beautifully designed windows are what can make the interior cozy and complete.

That's what lambrequins are for. They will close the distance between the ceiling and the curtain with elegant folds of fabric.

Beautifully designed windows are what can make the interior cozy and complete.

Initially, lambrequins were made not from fabric, but from wood, and they had only one purpose - to close the cornice. Therefore, they were of the same type and not the best in appearance.

Types of lambrequins for curtains

Curtains with lambrequin are made of fabric to decorate the room. Their shape has become more complex. Lambrequins are of 4 types:

  1. Classic is a strip of small width, folds are formed using a wide ribbon. It is best suited if it is necessary to close defects that have arisen during the repair of a window slope or cornice. It looks beautiful, but also hides flaws. Depending on the design method of the lower edge, the classic is divided into subgroups:
  • arched,
  • straight,
  • wavy.
  1. Rigid lambrequin is made of hard fabrics, so it retains its shape well. Curtains with such a decorative element look majestic and luxurious.

Rigid lambrequin is made of hard fabrics, so it retains its shape well.

  1. With decorative elements (tie, dejabot, mold, etc.) it helps to give the room personality. Sewing such curtains is not easy, especially for beginners.

Curtains with such a decorative element look majestic and luxurious.

  1. The combined type often contains elements of other types, and therefore is one of the most difficult to manufacture. For example, holes are made in a hard lambrequin, strips of fabric are pulled out of them with an assembly in folds, that is, a classic decor.

In shape, lambrequins are divided into straight, fancy, made up of semicircles or rectangular panels.

Deciding on the type of decor means deciding on the whole decor of the room, since this element is dominant in the interior

Deciding on the type of decor means deciding on the whole decor of the room, since this element is dominant in the interior.

It is necessary to determine exactly which form of decor is suitable for this interior, and only then start manufacturing

On a note! It is necessary to determine exactly which form of decor is suitable for this interior, and only then start manufacturing.

Choosing a type of lambrequin

Before starting work, it is worth deciding on several important points, on which the result of the work and the general appearance of the lambrequin and the room will ultimately depend.

In the living room, more complex models with decorative elements and a lot of folds will look good.

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of variety. This moment is determined by several factors:

  1. Room assignment. In the living room, more complex models with decorative elements and a lot of folds will look good. Lambrequins for the kitchen are best made the simplest, since this room does not require special decoration, and when decorating, it is only important to decorate the windows and mask the cornice. The same goes for bedrooms and children's rooms.
  2. Room area. In large rooms, you can use massive decorations for the doorway. In small rooms, this will not be the best solution, as massive window decorations will visually make the room even cramped and lower the ceiling.

Curtain pattern with double lambrequin

  1. The size of the lambrequin should ideally be such that it does not occupy more than a sixth of the height from the eaves to the floor.
  2. Colors. Lambrequins look very original, contrasting in color with curtains. But it is important to consider that the color of the decorative element should be combined with the main color scheme of the interior. However, this rule also applies to the main color. In the new season, chameleon fabrics have gained popularity. Their peculiarity is that the color of a lambrequin made of such material changes depending on the lighting in the room.

Pattern of standard curtains with lambrequins

  1. Illumination. If the windows face the sunny side, it is better to use dense types of fabric for lambrequins. To decorate darkened rooms, it is better to choose thin transparent fabrics.

Finally, the last factor is experience. Those who rarely pick up a needle should not take on complex combined lambrequins or models with decorative elements. To begin with, it’s worth figuring out how to sew simple lambrequins with your own hands, and later, if you wish, try to make a more complex model.

Those who rarely pick up a needle should not take on complex combined lambrequins or models with decorative elements.

Preparation of material and tools

For sewing lambrequins, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Drapery fabric. You can choose almost any: tulle, satin, taffeta, velvet, polyester. The main thing is that it should fit the style of the room. Velvet would be ideal for a rococo room, as it looks very rich and holds its shape well. Polyester can be used to decorate windows in the kitchen. Linen, cotton and silk are ideal for the living room. These types of fabrics are hygroscopic, easy to wash and protect well from sunlight.

Velvet would be perfect for a rococo room, as it looks very rich and keeps its shape well.

  1. Openwork lambrequins or gangs are decorative elements in the form of a plank made of a special dense fabric (soft or chanlize). The openwork pattern is made in the factory by laser cutting. You can make a bando yourself, but such an element of decor will last less. Openwork lambrequins are used in combination with the usual ones to complete the composition and mask the cornice.
  2. Lining fabric.
  3. Paper for building patterns.

The openwork pattern is made in the factory by laser cutting

  1. Decorative cords.

Do-it-yourself measuring tape for making lambrequins

  1. Non-woven tape.

To work, prepare the following tools

  • pencil;
  • ruler;

Do-it-yourself stapler for making lambrequins

  • stapler;
  • pins.

Before you sew a lambrequin with your own hands, you need to prepare the space, as the fabric will take up a lot of space. It is more convenient to cut canvases on the floor.

Linen ribbon for making lambrequins with your own hands

The first stage in the manufacture of a lambrequin is cutting the fabric. But first you need to calculate the required amount of fabric. For example, you need to sew a lambrequin for 2 opposite curtains with an even number of folds of 10 cm each. To calculate, you need to measure the length of the cornice and the length of the fabric cut.

An example of calculating fabric for sewing a lambrequin

If the cut length is 8 m, and the length of the cornice is 3.5 m, then the calculation will proceed as follows:

8 m - 3.5 m = 4.5 m - 0.04 m (leave for bending the material) = 4.1 m

Accordingly, you need to fold 4.1 m of fabric into folds. Knowing this figure, you can also calculate the number of folds: 4.1 / 0.1 \u003d 41 pcs.

If it is not clear how to carry out the calculations, you can see step-by-step instructions on how to sew curtains with a lambrequin with your own hands.

Important! At this stage, it is important not to make mistakes, so it is better to double-check the results obtained.

Sewing lambrequins takes place in different ways, not all of which require appropriate skills. Even novice craftswomen can make the simplest models of lambrequins with their own hands. In this case, even patterns and patterns are not required. The main thing to consider is the parameters and style solution of the room. The length and width of the canvases are calculated in a standard way.

For manufacturing, you will need a piece of fabric with a side length equal to the width of the curtain. If the lambrequin is planned in waves, then the fabric will need 2 more. Before starting work, you need to prepare the material, process the edge so that it does not crumble. Sew loops for fastening along the upper edge. After that, it remains only to hang a lambrequin. This element of decor is extremely simple, but it looks very original and stylish.

To make the interior look more expensive, you can make a lambrequin from semicircles. It looks more luxurious, and it is not so difficult to make it.

For one component, you will need a piece of fabric in the shape of a trapezoid, the height of which is equal to 1.5 of the estimated height of the motive. The sum of the sides and the length of the top side equals the length of the curtain.

Lambrequins are an element of decor that can give any room a unique look.

The edges of the fabric need to be processed or hemmed. Sew curtain tape on the sides of the trapezoid and tighten the cord. As a result, motifs in the form of a semicircle are formed. Lambrequin can be hung on a curtain.

Scheme of an equilateral swag

Another simple way is to take a long wide ribbon and pull it with beautiful ribbons at equal distances. The fabric in the middle will sag, forming beautiful waves.

If skills and experience allow, you can decorate a simple lambrequin with additional elements: ties, molds or cascades

The bottom edge can be decorated or hemmed. Fasten curtain tape on top. If skills and experience allow, you can decorate a simple lambrequin with additional elements: ties, molds or cascades. But do-it-yourself lambrequins without decoration look stylish, if the entire sequence of work is done correctly, the symmetry of the fabric folds is observed.

Sewing a hard lambrequin

Do-it-yourself hard lambrequins with patterns for beginners will not be difficult to do, since special self-adhesive materials are now used. This decor gives the room a solemn and beautiful look.

Do-it-yourself hard lambrequins with patterns for beginners will not be difficult to do, since special self-adhesive materials are now used

The material with which hard lambrequins are made is called thermo-bando. It allows you to achieve excellent results with the help of simple patterns, saving time and effort.

When creating decorative elements, you need to pay attention to the fabric, its texture, the presence of a pattern, the direction of motifs. For example, shiny fabric can give effects that must be taken into account when cutting the material.

In order to perform the work with high quality, experts recommend starting processing from the center of the lambrequin, then gradually moving in circles to the edges

It should be considered how the pattern of lambrequins is carried out step by step.

The patterns need to be transferred to the thermo bando without adding an allowance, then cut along the lines. Transfer the same element to the fabric and cut it out, but already adding allowances. The fabric is glued to the thermo-bando using an iron with steam or a steam generator. This tap is not so much complicated as it requires attention. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the pattern on the base is glued evenly, does not move out or warp. It should not have wrinkles. In order to perform the work efficiently, experts recommend starting processing from the center of the lambrequin, then gradually moving in circles to the edges.

Scheme for making bandeau for curtains

Treat the edge with an oblique trim or braid, you can simply hem it. You can also use lining fabric - it looks neat. But slanting inlay is considered the best option for finishing the edge.

On the reverse side of the resulting decorative element, stick the adhesive tape very carefully. It must be fixed so that it is not visible from above. To do this, retreat at least 2 cm from the top edge.

When creating decorative elements, you need to pay attention to the fabric, its texture, the presence of a pattern, the direction of motifs.

The main work on making lambrequins with your own hands with patterns for beginners is over. This decor is ideal for living rooms, it can be a great option for a nursery, as it does not have wrinkles, which will prevent dust from collecting.

Lambrequins are an element of decor that can give any room a unique look.

I like

To decorate the section of the wall between the window opening and the ceiling, the designers invented a lambrequin.

This is a strip of fabric material that is attached to the cornice. Curtains with a lambrequin look much more harmonious, the image looks completely complete.

In addition to their decorative function, pelmets also serve as a means of decorating cornices that have an unaesthetic appearance.

If it is necessary to emphasize any stylistic direction, for example, baroque, then such textile structures will become the main assistants.

In addition, a set of curtains with a lambrequin visually raises the ceiling, expanding the window space.

There are several styles used to create lambrequins. The classic remains the most popular, but today it has undergone some modifications.

A classic is a narrow strip of fabric that is gathered in folds with the help of a curtain tape. There are three forms of assembly: straight, arched and undulating. Most often it is used to decorate a window slope at the top or a cornice.

Combined - this is a combination of classics and a tough and fantasy type of tailoring. Only real professionals know how to sew curtains with combined lambrequins, so they are sewn, as a rule, in salons.

Classic curtains - not always complex curtains with ornate lambrequins fit the style of the interior. For example, country style accepts the use of only light materials for window decoration.

Complex curtains with lambrequins consist of several parts that are created through various assemblies and draperies.

Curtains for the living room with three swags - a semicircle is called a swag, formed by throwing a fabric strip over the eaves. This window opening design option is great for the living room, but it is better to use this combination on several windows at once in one room. A tubular window cornice is suitable for throwing.

Jabot - curtains fall asymmetrically. This design is best used in bedrooms. The jabot can have both a two-sided location on the window, and be directed in one direction.

Coquille - with this combination, the canvas is located in the center of the window between a pair of swags. The best curtains with lambrequins for the hall are just such complex symmetrical designs.

Fringe is considered a traditional decoration at all times. She gets off the curtains in the living room.

Scallops are soft fabric protrusions in window decoration, thanks to which you can create stylish unique curtain designs.

Modern technologies have not bypassed the sewing curtain business. Rigid lambrequins today can be decorated with photo printing, which is pre-selected and adjusted to the desired size.

Photos of curtains with lambrequins show that such a decorative window decoration technique can be used not only in classic interiors, but also in modern high-tech or techno trends.

Lambrequins for the bedroom

Designers believe that lambrequins are a must-have element in any bedroom. This decor element should be selected at the design project development stage.

It is possible to create curtains with lambrequins with your own hands, with some sewing skills. However, it is better to leave this task to professionals.

The design of curtains for the bedroom is selected based on the overall style direction. The classics are characterized by rigid compositions, art deco and baroque prefer graceful lines and light silhouettes.

The bottom of the canvas is decorated with braid or fringe. Beads, ribbons and other elements are suitable for decoration. The height of the ceilings also affects the design.

If it does not exceed 2.5 - 3 meters, then the weighted type of construction will “steal” precious centimeters of height. If there is no opportunity to sew custom-made curtains, then in stores you can easily buy ready-made curtains with a lambrequin.

Rigid - such specimens are created from a rigid bandeau canvas or any other rigid material. The design of curtains with hard-type lambrequins looks strict and very luxurious. Due to the variety of models (swags, throws, etc.), you can create unusual curtain compositions.

It is the bandeau tape that gives the lambrequin rigidity. It is a hard but plastic material made of artificial felt or a similar non-woven texture. Thanks to the polymer adhesive layer applied over the entire surface, it is securely connected to the curtain fabric. By choosing a bandeau for curtains on their website, you can decorate your window in an original way.

After all, it is not necessary to buy ready-made lambrequins offered in stores - you can create unique models to your own taste.

Photo design of curtains with a lambrequin

Departure from the canons window decoration is sometimes very useful. We are talking about asymmetry - curtains are an extremely useful and attractive option. Why and whether it is worth using such models in the interiors of rooms for various purposes - details in the article.

Brief definition

If to the inhabitants, the phrase - one-sided curtains does not say anything and raises many questions, it should be analyzed in detail.

In order for each of them to drape beautifully on one side, the fastening on the eaves must be rigid. For this, a bar with fixed hooks is used.

  • Provence, country are decorated with single-layer curtains. The best option would be a lambrequin on one side. Structures are important - chintz, linen or silk of a sunny color - this is for him. Minimalism, high-tech welcomes light white tulle, coupled with roller blinds on the window. The main focus will be the fabric on the sashes - organza will soften the severity of the style.

If the owners of the apartment are not strong in determining the style or it is not planned to create it specially, then they follow the canons of the classics - the color is matched to the walls, differing from it by several tones, the size is oriented to the height of the ceilings, the structure of the fabric is optional. Single-sided curtains for the living room in a modern style of light shade and natural quality are an excellent solution.

Choice of one-sided curtains

In order to visualize how this or that room will look like in the design of canvases on one side, below are recommendations for the design of each room in an apartment or house. So:

Regardless of the style, a curtain on one side of the window, made of printed fabric, arranged on a cornice with a rigid mount, is a win-win option. To create layering, a lambrequin or tulle is used. It is located inside the window opening or just below the level of the window sill.

An exquisite version is a one-sided macrame style - a thin knitted fabric made of cotton threads. Assembled on one side, it will emphasize the Art Nouveau style in a country house. On large windows, or in living rooms with double light, it looks like a king.


Traditionally, the room is designed for solitude and a relaxing pastime without distributing external factors - strong sunlight, heat. Accordingly, the fabric is dense, without gaps, dark. colors on one side is the perfect solution.

In general, in a bedroom with a balcony - a one-sided canvas is appropriate like no other. All wishes were met - free entry and exit and high-quality cover. natural fabrics, or at least their imitations.

With a standard ceiling height of 2.5 m, one-sided curtains for the bedroom are chosen to the floor or even below its level. Low ceilings with such canvases will decrease, therefore, they are selected for a height below the window sill and nothing more. If the height exceeds the usual parameters, then they are inappropriate, but long ones will stretch the room even more - a golden mean is required. Installing a cornice below the window opening will help balance the bedroom.


Using curtains in the kitchen on one side is very practical. This is especially good when the window is adjacent to the work area. When decorating a kitchen window with the usual option, the curtain strip gets dirty, dries out, and is constantly moistened.

Fixing the cornice with one canvas will save the hostess from all this - the processes will not leave a mark on the canvas located not close to the stove.

An interesting option for using one-sided curtains in the kitchen in the form of a lambrequin. Fixation, in the traditional sense, does not occur - a strip of fabric is wound around the eaves, swags are formed, and fixed with rod limiters. The edge of the lambrequin hangs from one edge with a tie. Such a canvas cannot be single - an additional layer is required in the form of tulle or a rolled curtain.


Of course, these are primarily decorative woven ties fixed on one of the walls. They are chosen almost imperceptibly, or, conversely, eye-catching - they themselves are a worthy element of window decoration. In addition to them, the following options are used, no less worthy:

An unconventional pickup will be a flower muffler located on the right side of the window opening. It remains only to make a loop on the curtain, and carefully bending the edge, hook the fabric on the stand.


Whatever the curtain is on one side for the bedroom, kitchen or living room, you should choose the fabric, accessories and method of fastening as you wish. Harmony with the interior is important, but if the design does not cause satisfaction, you will have to change it - the canvases are out of place, they will be discordant with everything in the apartment or house. You should not hurry with the choice - a thoughtful approach is the key to quality.

Lambrequins are a practical and unique part of the window decor, a separate horizontal part of the curtains. They subtly and perfectly hide the profile cornice and fasteners and become an excellent textile decoration for any room. Most often, lambrequins are made of heavy and dense fabrics, complemented by various folds, flounces, pleats, and tassels.



Simple- these are cuts of curtain fabric, which is selected with a special tape or folded manually. You can fix them on any type of cornice, and self-production is not very difficult.

Classic- are assembled into folds of various widths and shapes with a braid. Not a single classic interior can do without such a lambrequin. It complements the luxury and richness of the decoration, being an expressive means of the decorator.

Soft- Consist of light materials, combined in texture with each other. They are considered decorative, formed from drapery details specially cut out of fabric. Draperies are preliminarily cut out and fixed, and then sewn together in such a way that during operation their original appearance and shape are preserved. A soft lambrequin is cut out from the same fabric as the main curtains, or from a contrasting one.

Rigid- the fabric is stretched over a wooden frame or glued to a non-woven base called a gang. They make the room elegant and original. This model hides the fastening of curtains and cornice. Holes are made in a hard lambrequin, strips of fabric are passed through them with an assembly into folds.


Combined- combine hard and soft lambrequins for window design. They look rich and solid. Curtains with a combined lambrequin for the kitchen are mostly elegant and sophisticated window decoration. Such products should not only harmoniously fit into the design, but be combined with decor items and furniture. They must also be very safe in terms of fire safety.


The easiest way is to use self-adhesive Velcro tape. One part is sewn to the cornice, the other to the lambrequin. For owners of a tubular or forged cornice, fixing on the grommets is suitable.

The oldest way is to strengthen near the support of the braid. The most important thing is to correctly calculate the distance between the hooks. To avoid sagging a heavy weight pelmet, do not use tape, Velcro will be a better option.

Combination with curtains

Roman curtains can be combined with curtains and lambrequins. They do not overload the interior in any way and are great for small kitchens. They have a not very lush assembly and repeat the size of the window. This solution is especially relevant for zoning kitchens - living rooms and kitchens - dining rooms.

Classic. The indisputable advantage of this romantic frame is that it is allowed to combine different fabrics and decor with each other. For example, if it is necessary to close the shortcomings formed after the repair of the slope of the window or cornice. It not only looks great, but also hides flaws.

roller blinds are used on the first floors of houses and in apartments with windows on the south side. Lambrequins in such variants, by and large, perform a purely decorative function.

Openwork tulle. The length can be absolutely any, it is also customary to freely drape light fabric on the window. The finished fabric for the kitchen can be combined at your own discretion, with blinds of any material, pelmets and curtains.

Curtains - cafe. First appeared in France. They create a cozy atmosphere, close the windows halfway and are able to hide from prying eyes from the street. Flawlessly combined with lambrequins in country style.

curtains. The color palette of products has the ability to match the fabric or leather finishes of furniture, textiles (tablecloths, chair covers) or have brighter and richer tones. For example, beautiful curtains in the kitchen in snow-white colors can be of two parts: snow-white tulle and light purple, blue, azure, light greenish curtains. However, it is necessary to take into account the design of the room, for an accurate and high-quality curtain design.

Green curtains for the kitchen are a wonderful and attractive solution. They go very well with lambrequins of various colors and complement the kitchen interior. To make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the specifics of the room, the existing interior, the size and shape of the window.

Blinds. They are very practical compared to ordinary curtains, while thanks to them the kitchen space will be remarkably protected from direct sunlight, especially on hot and sultry summer days. Blinds with small lambrequins in the shape of an arch are a great combination. There can also be asymmetrical models using one color or with a whole color combination.

Modern models of 2017

An unusual feature of 2017 is the floral ornament, which has not lost its reputation for several years. Delicate leaves, huge beautiful flowers, curved stems of plants - all this is great for any room, especially these floral curtains will look like a win-win in the kitchen and dining room.

In fashion, environmental friendliness and naturalness are still welcomed, therefore, when choosing curtains and lambrequins, preference should be given to natural materials - cotton, linen, silk, bamboo. The colors of products are recommended to choose natural, calm in pastel colors. Gradually, splendor and elegance are returning to the interior design in the kitchen. Fashion trends are set by combinations of geometric shapes, matte and shiny fabrics.

In addition to leaves and flowers, a combination of matte and shiny curtains, or the use of material with alternating opaque and sparkling curtains, has become popular this season. This combination is best suited for the design of classic guest rooms, but if desired, it is permissible to “adapt” them to a different interior.

As for decorations for curtains and lambrequins, fringe and beads are again in trend, but rhinestones on curtains and lambrequins have become the latest fashion statement. Particularly relevant, this decoration of curtains has gained popularity in oriental interiors, as well as in rooms decorated in glamor style. In classic and minimalism, rhinestones should be used in moderation as accents.

Chameleon fabrics are considered another novelty of the season. Lambrequins or curtains made of such material will become an exquisite decoration of the interior, and in a variety of lighting will look new. Chameleon curtains will make the design somewhat mysterious and romantic.


Each person has the opportunity to create such a product with his own hands. Schemes can be drawn up independently. The most important thing is to be careful and do everything very carefully and accurately.

Before starting sewing, you should draw a diagram of the future product and indicate the desired height. For beginners, it should be remembered that the width of the lambrequin for one section should correspond to the length of the cornice. When lambrequins consist of two parts, you need to remember that one of them closes the other by one third. When the assembly of the finished masterpiece is planned from 3 sections, the scheme of actions is as follows: the length of the cornice is divided by 7, and the resulting number is multiplied by 3 (this is how the size of each individual section is determined).

Swag - one of the varieties of lambrequins, this is a classic decoration. It is obliged to occupy no more than one sixth of the opening, otherwise the window structure will obscure the room. It can be seen assembled in a pleated, or freely hanging, decorated not only with tassels, but also with a fringe.

One of the easiest to manufacture is the Scarf lambrequin model. Such a decorative element can be used to design a window in the kitchen. And if you add it with classic curtains - this set can be placed in the bedroom, kitchen and nursery. Structurally, it is a one-piece fabric, manually draped on the cornice.

The fabric is folded in half, from its middle, along the upper edge, one second of the length of the cornice is marked in both directions, along the lower edge - the height of the sag. The lower and upper points are combined on each side, defining the line for sewing on the braid. From the extreme point, a line is drawn perpendicularly downwards, lateral allowances for stitching are added to the resulting rectangle (2 cm each).

A simple look is easy enough to cut. It is made from a piece of fabric, collected with a ribbon. The edges can be either straight or curly. To get a soft and pleasant product, it is necessary to use lightweight materials. Bows and ribbons are used as decorative elements.

A simple option for the kitchen

To prevent the curtains from looking empty, a lambrequin decoration will undoubtedly help. For work you need to prepare:

  • base fabric;
  • lining material;
  • curtain;
  • cord (1 meter);
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • nuts and screws.

First, we attach the curtain 10 cm above the window, the distance between the walls on the side is 10 centimeters. This type of lambrequin can be made in length up to half the window. Try to carefully study the calculations. For a cornice of 50 cm, 73 centimeters of fabric will come in handy.

Next, you should cut off the lining sheets that are needed for rigidity. This will hold the creases. Sweep and stab all layers with needles and lay a seam, leaving 30 centimeters at the top not stitched, turn out and close the holes. Attach the cornice to the curtain, first the middle with the middle, leave the ends hanging down on the sides. Tie the hanging parts with a cord, form neat folds.

A veil pelmet is the simplest and lightest material with which you can create unusual decorative elements. Such a work can be decorated with a fringe or add other shades.

Details of such a lambrequin can be prepared independently. To begin with, a swag is formed, located in the center. Then you need to make a de frill (oblique cut that complements the swag). And the final detail is the mold. Here, the draped fabric is cut diagonally and converges in an original way at the bottom.

Creating a hard lambrequin is suitable for people who already have experience in sewing such products.

Pelmet with a figured edge or a carved pattern is the most rigid multi-layer construction. The front part is a curtain fabric, or any other, only necessarily synthetic. Often use satin, silk and other glossy substances with polyester in the composition. The main requirement is that the micro texture must be soft in order to lay flat on the base.

If you decide to decorate your own interior with this decorative element, then you first need to make basic measurements. Next, you need to draw a diagram of what you want to see. The amount of matter must be correctly calculated. The pattern is made in full size on paper. With this cutting, it will be possible to avoid serious errors.

Smooth the material with an iron and stick it on the gang. Next, lay the fabric on the pad and secure it with pins on all three sides except the top. Sew the sides leaving a centimeter from the gang.

The outer side must be turned out, turn the upper edge towards you, and then pull it on and pierce it with pins. Fasten the adhesive tape with the soft side to the fabric, and the hard side to the eaves, then sew on the Velcro, turn the tape inside out and pierce it with pins.


Window- the peculiar eyes of the house. These are structural elements that connect the interior of the building with the outside world, sources of natural light and fresh air. Such versatility of windows requires the creation of a decent frame for them. Lambrequins will cope well with this task.

- a decorative element, can act as an independent window frame or be used in combination with curtains, curtains. The variability of product models allows you to choose the right item for any interior.

Lambrequins are sold ready-made or made to order. The price of this decor element is not always affordable - it depends on the complexity of the design. Therefore, many housewives have a question: is it possible to sew this accessory on their own?

Manufacturing a product can be both simple and complex - it all depends on the design features of the model. Let's look at their main varieties.

What can be a lambrequin

- a horizontal textile element of the window frame, located in the upper part of the structure. He can be:

  • soft- a decorative element made of thin, as well as dense curtain fabric. The cloth of the product can be straight or folded,
    the lower edge is even, figured.
    Sewn-on details (beads, flowers, bows, fringe, lace, contrasting edging), fastening elements (loops, ties), folds of various shapes, voluminous textile elements (crossovers, swags, bells, de jabot, ties) are used to decorate it;

  • Combined- combines soft and hard elements. The product may consist of a dense figured base, complemented by details formed from thin fabric;

  • curly- a product with a three-dimensional pattern, holes of a specific shape. Its varieties are openwork lambrequins, the pattern on which is burned out using laser equipment. Such products have an increased decorative effect, do not burden the space.

During its existence, lambrequins have changed significantly. Their shape has become more diverse, new decorative elements have appeared. Today there are lambrequins:

  1. straight;
  2. Folded (wavy, bow, cylindrical);
  3. Teardrop-shaped;
  4. Asymmetrical;
  5. arched;
  6. With and without edging;
  7. Royal - consisting of many decorative elements (swag, de jabot, folds, mold).

On a note: these are not all varieties of lambrequins. This decorative element can be presented in various author's designs.

Learning to make a pelmet yourself

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the product, it is necessary to decide on its model, whether it will be complemented by curtains, curtains or not. The appearance of the product depends on the purpose of the room in which it will be used, the style of the interior, the desired functionality.

The size of the lambrequin is also important - what part of the window opening it will cover. The degree of natural light in the room depends on this. It is also important to correctly determine your own capabilities: whether you can make complex patterns and connect the details of the composition.

Product sizing

In order for a lambrequin to be a worthy window frame, it must match the size of the opening. This takes into account several aspects:

  • as a standard, the width of the lambrequin should be 20-25 cm longer on each side of the rod. This will provide additional protection from sunlight and give the product a complete look;
  • if it is planned to manufacture a folded lambrequin, then its width should be at least 1/3 longer than the eaves, the optimal indicator is double the length of the rod;
  • the height of the lambrequin depends on its model, personal preferences. As a standard, the cloth covers 1/3 of the opening. But its height depends on the wall above the window - for aesthetic reasons, the lambrequin should completely cover it.

Fabric choice

The color scheme of the lambrequin is determined by the style of the room design. The best option is to match the furniture upholstery. This will combine all the textiles in the room into one interior composition.

On a note: a lambrequin can also be an accent in a room - in this case, it is sewn from fabrics of bright, saturated colors.

Decide on the form

Fabric consumption, the complexity of making a pattern depends on the shape of the product. Lambrequin can consist of several sections. The complexity of the design depends on the length of the cornice, your skills in cutting and sewing.

Features of designing a product, making a lambrequin pattern

A single-section lambrequin should fill the entire eaves. If the product consists of two elements, then one overlaps the other by 1/3. In the manufacture of a lambrequin, consisting of 3 sections, the length of the rod is divided by 7 and multiplied by 3. The resulting indicator is the width of each section.

We calculate it using the example of a cornice 150 cm long: 150/7x3 = 64 cm. It turns out that the lambrequin should consist of three sections 64 cm wide, which overlap each other in 2 places by 1/3. If the overlap of elements is greater, the folds will break and the drapery will lose its shape, a harmonious appearance.

If in a certain model of a lambrequin the swags do not overlap each other, but are arranged in a row, the space between them is covered with small decorative elements (bells, ties, metal molds). This will hide the ends of the cords formed after the fabrics were pulled together into folds.

The dejabot element allows you to visually adjust the height of the premises. It is used in combination with swags. If its cut starts just above the lowest point of the swag, this adds height to the room, if lower, it brings the ceiling closer.

Advice: it is convenient to draw patterns for a lambrequin on a large table or wall. The first is a horizontal line - the width of the central section. Proportionately, on both sides of it, the contours of the side elements are applied.

Instructions for sewing a single-section lambrequin

One of the easiest to manufacture is the Scarf lambrequin model. Such a decorative element can be used to decorate a window in the kitchen. And if you add it with classic curtains - this set can be curtained in the bedroom, nursery. Structurally, it is a one-piece fabric, manually draped on the cornice.

Attention: since the lambrequin model is distinguished by its simplicity, no patterns are required for its manufacture, marking can be done directly on the fabric.

To determine the size of the product, two indicators are needed:

  • The length of the cornice;
  • Sag height

Important: swag (sagging) in the product should occupy no more than 1/6 of the opening, otherwise the window structure will obscure the room.

Markup is done in the following order:

  1. Outline the desired height of the lambrequin;
  2. The fabric is folded in half, from its middle along the upper edge, ½ of the length of the cornice is marked in both directions, along the lower edge - the height of the sag;
  3. The upper and lower points on each side are connected, defining the line for sewing on the braid;
  4. Along the upper edge of the lambrequin, the height of the coattails is added to the width of the cornice. From the extreme point draw a line perpendicular to the bottom. Side allowances for gates are added to the resulting rectangle (2 cm each).

The fabric is cut along the outlined contour, folded over from all sides. A thin curtain braid is sewn along the upper edge, equal to the length of the cornice and diagonal lines. Where the tape runs diagonally, it is carefully pulled together by the cords. As a result of this action, a central swag with folds in a semicircle and side coattails are formed. The pelmet is ready to be hung on the eaves.

Advice: the places of the product screed can be decorated with sewn-on decorative elements (flowers, butterflies).

Production of a two-element lambrequin

The living room or bedroom will be adequately decorated with a two-layer lambrequin, consisting of long and short panels, gathered in elegant folds. This design harmoniously looks with sliding curtains sewn from the same fabric.

Advice: the lower layer of the lambrequin can be made from a material that is a few shades lighter than the rest of the window frame - this will highlight the horizontal decorative element against the background of the overall composition.

The kit consists of:

  • Thin translucent curtains;
  • Sliding curtains on tiebacks falling to the floor;
  • Double-layer folded lambrequin.

Examples of patterns for all elements of this window frame are presented in the diagram below. In finished form, the design has dimensions of 3.5 x 2.8 m.

The lambrequin will be curtained on a cornice 350 cm long. To form folds, you will need a mounting tape with an assembly factor of 3. The product is made from two rectangular pieces of fabric measuring 70x1050 cm and 90x1050 cm. First, their edges are processed, the upper edge is folded to the width of the mounting tape.

After that, a curtain braid is attached, on which, by tightening the cords, they form wavy folds. They can be one-sided, oncoming or bow - it depends on your skills. The simplest option is waves directed in one direction.

Features of sewing a lambrequin of three elements

The product consists of a central swag and two side cascade elements. It is fixed on a cornice board.

To make a lambrequin you will need:

  • Medium weight fabric;
  • Cornice board;
  • curtain tape;
  • Scissors, pins, thread, needle;
  • Small nails, hammer;
  • Sewing machine.

First, we cover the cornice board with a fabric. Next, we proceed to the manufacture of patterns for the details of the lambrequin. Their dimensions are calculated for a cornice with a length of 2.8 m.

We place paper blanks on a fabric folded diagonally and attach with pins. We trace their contours with chalk / pencil on the fabric, leaving allowances of 1.5-2 cm for the folds. Since the folds on the lambrequin will be formed using a curtain tape, therefore, along the upper edge of all its elements, we leave such an allowance so that we can make a hem equal to the width of the braid.

We sew a braid to the side edges of the swag and tighten the cords, forming folds. Now let's start designing cascading elements. We sew the tape to their upper edge and assemble the canvas. We align all the details of the lambrequin along one line and fasten with pins so that they slightly overlap each other. We fasten the pelmet to the board with the help of small nails.

Secrets of a simple but successful drapery

Effectively decorate the window with a lambrequin, which consists of a mechanical flip, smoothly turning into de jabot. The product consists of a single rectangular piece of fabric. The secret of his presentable appearance lies in the elegant drapery.

The central element of the lambrequin is a large crossover, which forms two symmetrical swags, separated from the side elements of the structure (de jabot) with the help of a curtain tape. The braid allows you to form folds on it. The swag is attached to the rod in the form of a flip, then the side parts of the product are decorated, and their upper points are decorated with false flowers - it turns out simply and beautifully.

Elegant drapery can be created even from a straight linen. To do this, sew an arched lambrequin on a contrasting lining. Most of the panel is attached to the cornice with metal clips on the rings, the rest is made out in the form of a flip. The product is complemented by a flower made of the same material as the lining.

Advice: the fringe sewn along the lower edge of the lambrequin will emphasize the unusual shape of it.

Another way to simply but effectively drape a window is with a lambrequin, which consists of three separate sections. The basis of the design is two triangles, sewn from dense fabric, which have a drawstring for threading the rod. One eyelet is inserted into them to fix the connecting element.

They are a rectangular piece of thin fabric (organza), lighter than the main one by several tones. It is processed along the contour with an oblique trim and threaded into the holes of the eyelets. The result is a one-piece design: two elements of the lambrequin are connected with an elegant swag, and beautiful falling folds are formed on the sides of the product.

A window decorated with a lambrequin always looks unusual. And if you add curtains to this element of textile decor, you get a presentable, stylish and quite functional design. Depending on its model, colors, it can decorate the kitchen, nursery, bedroom, living room or office. Sewing a lambrequin is not difficult, because there are simple styles of the product that look very impressive. It is enough to find a suitable pattern and realize your idea.