What is the dream of sausage: did someone have a bad dinner? Sausage interpretation of the dream book

When dream images arise, a person cannot control his consciousness. Therefore, everything that surrounds him can appear in dream plots. So, food, along with other visual images, can be part of our dreams. Why sausage is dreaming - consider below.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

The dream in which you eat sausage promises the appearance of a small dream soon. cozy home. If you dream about how someone eats this meat product, then you are in danger of a significant financial loss. Buying a product promises paying taxes. Selling sausage in a night vision suggests that your loved ones will soon suffer heavy losses through your fault. Cooking sausage - prophesies good luck in various endeavors.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

According to the authors of this dream book, sausage in a dream - to receive an inheritance, win or other good news. There is a sausage in dreams - it promises some kind of surprise. Cooking it - prophesies favor and good luck in any endeavors. Cleaning the sausage from the film and cutting it is a warning about the possibility of receiving undeserved reproaches and criticism.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Cooking sausage in dreams portends in real life good luck in all current affairs. Seeing a sausage in a dream - portends soon fun entertainment and fun. If you eat sausage in a dream, according to this dream book, which means that the plan will be fulfilled only partially. If you purchase this product in a dream, there is a risk of believing the first impression of new acquaintances, which later turns out to be a delusion. Cut sausage in night vision - says that you can make a strong-willed decision regarding superiors or subordinates.

Liver sausage dreams of poverty and spending, and blood sausage - to the fact that in your close circle there will be people who are not very smart, but have good performing qualities, which will suit you very much.

To see pate sausage - to actually get easy money or to a relationship with a breathtaking partner. If you see sausages different varieties in dreams, this indicates a desire for sexual satisfaction due to the presence of several partners. Smoked sausage products represent restraint, tact and accuracy.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing sausage in a dream - prophesies well-being in household and in family relationships. If you saw an appetizing and tasty sausage, then such a dream speaks of the stability of family ties and material condition, which is not in danger. If the sausage has gone bad in a dream, the vision should be taken as a warning that you have pretty much started the housekeeping process, which is why you should expect serious consequences.

The world of dreams is mysterious and multifaceted. In it you can discover a lot of interesting and at the same time frightening. How to interpret the dream in which the sausage was dreamed? Dream books will help with this.

Why sausage is dreaming - basic interpretations

To dream of a large piece of sausage - in fact, to be content with little, not to allow yourself luxury. Also, such a dream can promise problems with tendons and with the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Especially if you dream that the sausage is very hard to cut. The skin doesn't peel off well.

In what form can a sausage dream?

Tasty and fragrant sausage - dreams of strengthening the relationship between the spouses, that the union will be durable and nothing will threaten it;

Spoiled sausage - it is worth taking a closer look at pressing matters, and if mistakes are made in them, urgently correct them;

Eating sausage - to reduce cash reserves;

Buy without haggling - have what is intended;

Buy with a bargain - suffer losses in love;

Buy different types sausages - for profit;

Cooking sausage with your own hands is good luck in many things.

In some dream books it is found negative interpretation dreams about sausage, so eating this product is a disease, but in other dream books you can find the interpretation of such a dream as a sign that you will defeat your enemies. AT literally words - go.

What is the dream of sausage according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book presents universal interpretation dreams of what sausage is dreaming of. So, he indicates that such a dream promises winning, receiving an inheritance, easy money. Costs Special attention give to close and dear people, as they may especially need support and guardianship. Additional signs and symbols in the dream will tell about this.

Miller believes that to dream of eating sausage- to prosperity. If we are talking about a large stick of milk sausage, then prosperity will be not only in finance, but also in matters of the heart. If we are talking about smoked sausage and its use, then you should think about the fact that you are looking for too complicated ways, sometimes it is better to simplify the task.

making sausage- such a dream speaks of bad people surrounded by a person. If you dreamed that a person was making boiled sausage, it means that he will be dragged into intrigues and will understand this too late. Cooking homemade sausage with blood - a fight is possible blows of fate on a person's pride.

Throw away sausage in a dream- bad sign. If a person throws away a bitten piece, this means that he will break off obsolete relationships, but for a long time he will not be able to build new ones. If a person dreams that he is throwing away a new untouched piece - he refuses in reality good options both at work and in other areas of your life.

If a dinner party appears in a dream, and at it you will be treated to sausage You will be offered something you cannot refuse. But if you see in a dream that most people are choking on sausage, you are actually bored with your life and you really want to change the situation around you.

You should not be afraid of such dreams, they just say that it is time to make changes to the action plan, because the current course of events has not led to anything good. You should also be attentive to those dreams in which you feed dogs with sausage:

Feed the dog with sausage from your hand - give yourself a reason to discuss you;

Throw a piece into her mouth - fight off the attacks of ill-wishers;

Trying to appease the dog with sausage - to changes in professional field, it is possible to change jobs to a more profitable one.

You will find such a place for yourself. Do not rely on outside help. Your inner reserve is so great that you yourself are able to solve all your problems.

Why dream of sausage according to Freud's dream book

Freud points out that the sausage in a dream is nothing more than masculinity. And if a dream about sausage appeared to a girl, it is worth carefully explaining all its symbols and clues - they contain the secret of her full and worthy sex life.

If a girl dreams about how she is saturated with sausage and at the same time feels pleasure- in reality, she gets the maximum pleasure from sex. If a girl does not want to eat sausage at the table and even pushes the dish with her cutting away from herself, in reality she consciously refuses a relationship that is quite beneficial for herself. If she does not reconsider her position in relation to her partner, she will lose a lot and life will not give her more such a delicacy.

If she sees a beautiful sausage cut- she is waiting for sexual adventures that she will not forget for a long time. If she is quickly satiated with sausage and simply does not want to eat anymore, but there are many pieces left and they need to be eaten, then she is passive in sexual games and does not want to get long-term pleasure. This may not suit her partner.

Such a dream should be considered as a hint, because if a girl misses the right moment to correct the situation, her sexual and sex life will end. Is this good or bad? It is also worth giving great attention to other aspects of the dream.

If a girl eats sausage with her lover and this process is unpleasant for her- it is worth thinking about the fact that her man could have another girl. This was also due to dissatisfaction young man with his passion. And in this case, it is worth acting without delay, as the other young lady will tie him up and will not let him out of her hands.

Trying to eat sausage even if it's spoiled- to have a relationship with a person who is opposite to you. If the sausage is of expensive varieties, then the goal of such relations is mercantile, if the sausage is cheap, then the girl herself, without realizing it, made the wrong choice.

If a man dreams about how he enjoys eating sausage in a dream- in reality, he may have inclinations towards bisexual love. Or fantasize about it. The dream indicates that you should not be afraid of your desires. Otherwise, they will enslave the mind and will not allow you to move smoothly and confidently through life.

Why dream of sausage in other dream books

The bitch's dream interpretation interprets dreams about sausage in this way:

They promise illness and trouble;

If a girl dreams of a huge stick of fresh sausage, she is hungry for love and affection;

To see a sausage in the refrigerator is to remember an old friend;

Well-cut and laid out sausage - to a beautiful and measured life;

Leftovers from sausage - it's time to change jobs;

Spoiled sausage - a serious illness is possible.

AT family dream book it is indicated what the sausage is dreaming of:

To family joys and pranks;

Cooking delicious sausage in a dream - to be successful with the opposite sex;

If you clean and cut it in a dream, get ready for wrangling and reproaches.

In Hasse's dream book it is indicated that sausage is a dream for those who do not know how to choose a worthy environment for themselves. This means that a person is surrounded by fools and he gradually becomes like them. Eat sausage - be successful in financial affairs and love.

In the Small Veles dream book, the following interpretation of dreams about sausage is presented:

To see a sausage - to joy and petty pranks;

Eating is only half the success;

To buy it is to be mistaken about people, not to be able to reveal their true essence;

Cut sausage in a dream - such a dream speaks of you as a person prone to conflicts and bickering;

Liver sausage - poverty will come to the house;

Blood sausage - you are surrounded by fools;

Pate sausage - you will go crazy with luck and love;

Smoked sausage - you control yourself;

A lot of sausage cutting - for a variety of meetings and acquaintances.

Many people love sausage and everyone has their own preferences when choosing this delicacy. Almost all dream books indicate that if in a dream you have to eat an unloved and not tasty sausage, then life is not sweet to a person and he spends his best days with someone who simply does not deserve it.

To believe dreams or not - everyone decides on their own, but if a hint comes in a dream, especially if it concerns intimate relationships and sexual life - you should listen to the hint and do everything in order to save the relationship, renew them and give the opportunity to start again. Many young people ignore such dreams and subsequently have multiple problems both in personal and financial aspect. But all you had to do was find out the interpretation of the dream. Everything is pretty simple. And in life, thanks to dreams, it's so easy to change everything.

Visions in which a person has to eat or buy some kind of product may seem rather strange to someone, but some of them can be considered prophetic. If you dreamed of a sausage, what awaits a sleeping person in reality, what events will he have to go through?

Sausage is considered a symbol of trouble, depression, negative changes in life. If a person had to buy it in a dream, events await him in reality that will make the dreamer very worried. This may be due to both personal life and a change in financial situation. But this interpretation is relevant only for dreams in which boiled sausage appears.

It is considered especially unfavorable to acquire a spoiled product. Buying a smoked delicacy in your night vision - to prosperity, promotion, sudden bonus. Cooking sausage in a dream with your own hands - to great achievements in reality. Perhaps a person will finally be able to reach the desired goal, which previously could only be dreamed of. In this case, you should not rely on a successful combination of circumstances, luck. Only the dreamer himself is able to change his life for the better. If he does not take any steps towards this, he will not succeed.

Eat smoked sausage in a dream in large quantities- in reality, purchase real estate or make some very large purchase. Especially auspicious is a vision in which a person eats a delicacy at a large table surrounded by beautiful and well-dressed people.

To cut sausage in a dream in a dream - in real life, hear offensive reproaches from relatives or close acquaintances. Perhaps the sleeper will do something not very good deed without thinking about the moral side of the issue. Surrounding people will immediately rush to convey to the person that he is wrong. At first, the dreamer will be offended by the immediate environment, but then he will accept their point of view. If in a dream someone treats you with delicious and expensive sausage, then in reality the sleeping person will have to accept unexpected help. It will be provided by people whom the dreamer previously considered his ill-wishers.

Sharing sausage with someone in a dream is an honest and noble act in real life. He will be appreciated by relatives and friends on merit. Eating sausage with your family in a dream - in real life, get even closer to your parents or children, understand them better and make every effort to find them mutual language. Even if there was no mutual understanding in the family before, soon everything will definitely change.

Buying in a store or eating a small piece of sausage in your vision - in reality, be content with little. Such a dream can be considered as a parting word. Perhaps the person should become more ambitious. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve something in life. If you do not strive for anything, wealth will never come. Throwing away sausage in your night vision - in real life, refusing the help offered by loved ones. Most likely, the dreamer will miss his chance, and then he will regret it very much.

Some interpreters believe that the visions in which homemade sausage appears prophesy illness. The state of health can worsen both in the sleeping person and in his immediate family. In order for everything to work out, you need to undergo examinations on time and visit a doctor. Seeing mold on sausage in a dream means that in real life you will find yourself in a dead end situation, which will be very difficult to get out of.

In order to correctly decipher the dream in which the sausage appeared, it is necessary to remember all its details. A smoked delicacy usually dreams of improving well-being, rising through the ranks. bad sign it is considered to eat a small piece of boiled sausage or see mold on this product in your nightmare.

What does a dream about sausage mean?

If you don’t know what sausage is dreaming of, look into the dream book and you will find a detailed answer to this question.

The meaning of such dreams depends on what kind of sausage you saw, where, and what you did with it in a dream.

If you had to eat

If you dream that you are eating sausage alone, then some of your desires will come true. And eating it with a loved one means living in a cozy home filled with love.

If there is a lot of pepper in it, then in reality several people from your environment are annoying you. And a salted sausage in a dream suggests that close people pay little attention to you.

  • There is a spoiled product - get sick with a cold.
  • Fry sausage for breakfast - earn the gratitude of loved ones.
  • To cut it is to show stubbornness in relations with the boss.
  • You did not like the taste - to doubts in a love relationship.
  • To eat a sandwich with her is to love two men at once.

Wealth and universal recognition is what the sausage that you eat on a big holiday dreams about. And if you eat it on the train, then a long road awaits you.

There is a blood sausage - to hope for the decency of people from the inner circle. And if liverka became your food in a dream, then you should take the choice of a sexual partner quite seriously.


According to the dream book, a sausage bought in a store means that you will be haunted by many temptations that you will be able to resist. And if you buy it at the market, then it will be much easier for you to cope with the temptation.

To choose her in the supermarket for a long time means to hesitate in choosing a partner. And the smoked sausage in your package speaks of your sophistication and sophistication.

  • Buy the missing sausage - succumb to a provocation.
  • Buy it for a holiday - for the arrival of long-awaited guests.
  • The seller weighs it for you - to attract new people to the business.
  • Take a whole stick of sausage in the supermarket - for love joys.
  • Stealing it in a store is a secret that you will share only with those closest to you.

Savings and prudence is what the sausage that you bought just one circle is dreaming of. And showcases with different varieties are dreamed of when you need to make important choice in life.

If you purchased the wrong sausage for which you came, then strangers can deceive you. And to buy everything that was in the window means to live beyond one's means.

What varieties?

According to the dream book, sausage with pieces of bacon means traitors in your environment. And if it is filled with meat inclusions, then gradual enrichment awaits you.

Milk sausage dreams before meeting with distant relatives. A doctorate means you are in remarkable physical shape.

Pate sausage dreams before meeting a rich man who will be happy to pamper you. If you saw that it was being cut, then you will have rivals. And the whole ring is a signal that you can become unique for your chosen one. To eat such a product means to enjoy and be proud of your position.

If you dreamed similar dream, open the dream book, and get an explanation of what the sausage is dreaming of in your case.

Dream Interpretation Boiled Sausage

Why dream of boiled Sausage in a dream from a dream book?

If you dream of boiled sausage of different varieties - such a dream indicates a large number of sexual contacts. It may seem to you that you are a free and liberated person, but Felomena's dream book encourages you to stop and think about whether the variety of sexual life is really pleasant and useful for you.

Perhaps you often change lovers because you do not feel completely satisfied with any one. Or you are afraid to admit to yourself that you do not need sex, but spiritual intimacy and warmth.

Why is Sausage dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is the dream of Sausage by reading below the interpretation of dreams from online dream books Houses of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Sausage, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

What is the dream of Sausage

To dream about Sausage

There is a surprise;
to see - petty joys.

What does the dream Sausage mean

be content with little

See in a dream Sausage

Sausage is easy money.

What do dreams mean Sausage

Sausage is easy money.

Dream about sausage

What does Sausage mean in a dream

There is a sausage in a dream and feel excruciating thirst - to have a relationship that causes various significant costs.

Meaning of dreams Sausage

Seeing her or eating her in a dream is a sign of easy money, inheritance or winnings. Cooking sausage in a dream means that you tirelessly care about the future of your family.

What does Sausage mean in a dream

Buying sausage in a dream is a nuisance.

The meaning of sleep Sausage

To illness.

Interpretation of sleep Sausage

Buying sausages of different varieties in a dream in a store - to prosperity.

What does Sausage predict in a dream

If you dream that you are eating sausage, this means that you will find happiness not in money, but in love.

What does it mean to see Sausage in a dream

Interpretation of sleep Sausage

What does the dream Sausage predict

"sausage" a strong negative experience, disgust, pain (eg from a hangover or after using drugs).

The meaning of the dream Sausage

petty joy; gravy.

In a dream to see Sausage

Possible diseases of the genital area.

Imagine that you are feeding sausage to dogs.

Sleep Prediction Sausage

What is the dream of Sausage

To dream about Sausage

What does the dream Sausage mean

There is sausage - to small domestic joys.

Cutting, cleaning - to reproaches from someone.

Cooking homemade sausage - good luck in business.

See in a dream Sausage

To a disease of the musculoskeletal system to a surgical disease.

What do dreams mean Sausage

There is a sausage - a surprise.

When you find something like a clove in a sausage - an unpleasant surprise!

Dream about sausage

To money, but illness is possible.

What does Sausage mean in a dream

Sausage - profit, inheritance or winning the lottery.

There is prosperity and prosperity.

Making sausage is unpleasant people in your environment.

Throw away - overcome by gloomy thoughts and reflections.

Meaning of dreams Sausage

What does Sausage mean in a dream


Inheritance or gain.

Smoked sausage

Dream Interpretation Smoked Sausage dreamed of why smoked sausage is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Smoked Sausage in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

The dream in which you see a sausage means that soon you will have to take part in fun fun. Making sausage at home in a dream - you will put things in order in the house and successfully complete the production business.

Eating sausage in a dream means that your desires will only be fulfilled halfway. Buying sausage - you will be misled about new acquaintances, completely succumbing to the first impression. Cutting sausage means that you will show character in relationships with both superiors and subordinates. Blood sausage is a sign that in your environment there will be people of an unpretentious mind, but zealous performers, which will suit you in all respects. Liver sausage - to poverty and loss.

Pate sausage portends you in reality easy money and the love of a breathtaking man. See in a dream boiled sausages different varieties means your desire to satiate your passion in love through an abundance of sexual partners. Smoked sausages are a sign of moderation and accuracy.

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

If in a dream a man eats sausage - to bankruptcy.

If a woman eats sausage in a dream - to a stomachache.

Cooking sausage is a symbol of danger.

Buy sausage - to respected guests.

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

The dream in which you cook sausage means that you will be successful in many of your endeavors.

If you ate sausage in a dream, you will have a modest, but sweet and cozy home.

And if you feel excruciating thirst after eating sausages, enter into a relationship that will require significant spending.

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

It symbolizes the household, the level of well-being, as well as family relationships.

Delicious, appetizing sausage: indicates strong family bonds and sustainable prosperity, so far absolutely unthreatened.

Rotten, spoiled sausage: is a warning that in recent times you pretty much launched your farm, and this can lead to irreparable consequences. Perhaps you should take care of the urgent correction of the situation, otherwise such a dream threatens with losses, conflict or a break in relations.

Eat sausage: an indication that your wealth may soon be reduced.

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

If you dream that you are cooking sausage, then you will be successful in many of your endeavors. Eating sausage in a dream means that you will have a modest, simple but sweet home.

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

Sausage - dream of sausage - this will be some kind of disease.

Dream Interpretation - Smoked lard

There is smoked lard in a dream - to problems with weight.

Dream Interpretation - Smoked ham

Seeing smoked bacon in a dream - to prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

Cooking sausage in a dream is a sign of good luck in many endeavors. There is a sausage in a dream - to find a modest, but very nice home.

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

To small joys, inheritance or winnings.

Eating sausage is a surprise.

Cooking sausage in a dream - for good luck in many endeavors.

Peel and cut it - to receive undeserved reproaches from someone.

Rotten sausage

Dream Interpretation Rotten Sausage had a dream, why is Rotten Sausage dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Rotten Sausage in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sausage

The dream in which you see a sausage means that soon you will have to take part in fun fun. Making sausage at home in a dream - you will put things in order in the house and successfully complete the production business.

Eating sausage in a dream means that your desires will only be fulfilled halfway. Buying sausage - you will be misled about new acquaintances, completely succumbing to the first impression. Cutting sausage means that you will show character in relationships with both superiors and subordinates. Blood sausage is a sign that in your environment there will be people of an unpretentious mind, but zealous performers, which will suit you in all respects. Liver sausage - to poverty and loss.

Pate sausage portends you in reality easy money and the love of a breathtaking man. Seeing boiled sausages of different varieties in a dream means your desire to satiate your passion in love through an abundance of sexual partners. Smoked sausages are a sign of moderation and accuracy.

The dreamed sausage reflects emotional condition dreamer. Interpreting what this product is dreaming of, the dream book mentions such important vital spheres like love, Financial independence well-being of loved ones. What you see in a dream can tell a lot about the purposefulness, efficiency and amorousness of the sleeping person.


If a woman had a chance to cook sausage with her own hands in a dream, Miss Hasse's dream book reassures the dreamer that she can get what she wants. For a man, according to the interpretation, a dream is also a harbinger of success.

It is advisable to know why you dream of oversalting the sausage during the cooking process. Both a man and a woman run the risk of paying overwork for achieving the goal.

The Eastern dream book believes that what she saw in a dream characterizes the dreamer as a woman who knows how to live within her means and at the same time always find ways to create comfort.

If in a dream you happen to cook smoked servalat, in reality you dream of changes in your personal life. Homemade sausage often portends an opportunity to demonstrate an imperious nature in reality.

If you dreamed of an unpretentious boiled or fried sausage that did not cause culinary enthusiasm, Ukrainian dream book advice to take care of your health.

When you dreamed of a successfully cooked smoked flask that you are forced to sell without trying a single piece, a period of restrictions is coming, fortunately, short-lived.


Meat on the table has long symbolized a successful hunt, and in modern realities- prosperity, festival. Everything that dishes prepared from it dream of is often associated with fun and prosperity.

For those who are lucky enough to eat sausage in a dream, Miller's dream book says that nothing is impossible for the sleeping person now. Purchase own house right now can become a reality, not a dream.

Modern interpreters promise considerable surprise if you happen to eat in a dream meat dishes. A delicious raw smoked sausage on the table portends unexpected guests, whose visit will greatly please the sleeping person.

On the counter

The universal dream book explains why you dream of buying a variety of salami, smoked or brawn. A dream portends a profit.

If you had to buy something that is not so much to your taste as you can afford, what you see in a dream personifies desires that have not yet been realized.

Sausage varieties

Boiled sausage products of different varieties often indicate a desire to compensate for the need for love with an abundance of partners.

The dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov explains in a different way what fresh boiled sausage is dreaming of. If the appetizing product is out of reach of the dreamer, minor problems are possible. If you managed to feast, be prepared for all sorts of surprises.

If you dreamed of fried sausage, Chinese dream book advises not to succumb to first impressions and rely only on verified information.

Black pudding often represents the society of a devoted and executive person, who at the same time does not inspire at all.

The sage Solomon believes that smoked sausage symbolizes the rationalism, frugality and cleanliness inherent in the dreamer in reality.

If you dreamed of a liver pate, the composition of which no one knows for sure, there is a high probability of both getting rich quickly and going broke, becoming a victim of a scammer.

An explanation of why a lot of cold cuts are dreamed of can be found in the interpretations of Veles. This is a chance to unexpectedly gain access to easy money. For example, a dubious business, an unexpected inheritance, a prize or a gift.

Beautifully cut circles for a festively served table testify to the ability to enjoy an intimate life.

Inedible products

According to Sigmund Freud, a spoiled product symbolizes the loss of sexual attractiveness or excessive and sometimes unreasonable feelings about this.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that when a rotten sausage was dreamed about, it's time to focus on caring for the family and household.

If in a dream you throw away sausage that is unsuitable for food, the image suggests that in reality you are overcome by painful thoughts that you would like to get rid of in the same way.

Dream Interpretation Sausage - why Sausage is dreaming

Dream Interpretation Sausage I dream of sausage: it will be some kind of disease.
Sausage in a dream If you dream of sausage - it will be some kind of disease. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation Sausage Cooking sausage in a dream is a sign of good luck in many endeavors. There is a sausage in a dream - to find a modest, but very nice home. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Sausage Sausage: inheritance or gain. To dream that you are making sausage means success in many endeavors. There is a sausage: predicts that you will have a modest but cozy home. Modern dream book

Fresh sausage in a dream symbolizes good health dreamer. If a patient has such a dream, then he prophesies to him speedy recovery. Delicious sausage on holiday table is undoubtedly a symbol of well-being. After such a dream, prosperity awaits you in all areas.

If you dreamed of an unpretentious boiled or fried sausage that did not cause culinary enthusiasm, the Ukrainian dream book advises you to take care of your health.

When you dreamed of a successfully cooked smoked flask that you are forced to sell without trying a single piece, a period of restrictions is coming, fortunately, short-lived.


Dream interpretation of the XXI century Sausage»›

Seeing sausage in a dream:
to small joys, inheritance or gain, eat it

Cook sausage in a dream:
good luck in many endeavors, peel and cut it

The latest dream book Sausage»›

Sausage: to diseases of the musculoskeletal system

to surgical disease.

Dream Interpretation "sonarium"

If you saw beautiful and delicious sausage- everything is safe in your house, and nothing threatens your family stability. If sausageindream deteriorated, then something in your household has gone wrong, and you need to urgently fix the situation in order to prevent losses and conflict situations. A dream in which you eat sausage, warns against excessive wastefulness, which can lead to a deterioration in your wealth.

Dream Interpretation «sny-sonnik»

dream interpretation Sausage There is sausage: surprise see: petty pleasures. New dream book 1918 Dream Interpretation SausageDream in which you seesausage, means that soon you will have to take part in fun fun. Make indreamsausage at home - put things in order in the house and successfully complete production work.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

dreamed Sausage, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you are dreaming Sausageindream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if indreamseen this symbol came to the store saw pregnant woman and bought ice cream and smoked sausage she left me 68 rubles and saw numbers 28 and 31.

Why dream of buying sausage?

If you dream of Sausage:

Sausage - Be content with little.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

Why is Sausage dreaming:

Sausage - If you dream that you are cooking sausage, then you will be successful in many of your endeavors. Eating sausage in a dream means that you will have a modest, simple but sweet home.

If you purchased the wrong sausage for which you came, then strangers can deceive you. And to buy everything that was in the window means to live beyond one's means.

What varieties?

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

When Sausage is dreaming, it means:

inheritance, gain.

If you dreamed of a sausage that you cook on your own, then in real life you are a person who is independent. A person who builds his own destiny, and whom any troubles only temper.

If you had a dream in which you eat sausage, then in reality you will be able to create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere in your family, despite the lack of finances.

If in a dream you ate spicy sausage and at the same time were very thirsty, then in real life some people will really strain you, and you will painfully think about how to tactfully get rid of their society.

If you dreamed that you were preparing breakfast with sausage (for example, scrambled eggs or sandwiches), then in real life your loved ones will be grateful to you for your attentive and reverent attitude towards them. You, in turn, can be sure that they will be by your side in any difficult situation, they will always support you and help you with advice.

If you had a dream in which you buy sausage in a store, then on your life path there will be a large number of temptations, and not everyone you can resist. However, do not lose your head, otherwise the consequences can be very sad.