Why dream of turning off the light. Turned off the light. Light according to the Chinese dream book

If in a dream you needed to turn on the light, then in reality you will be able to get out of a very difficult situation. Want to know what else this action portends? Remember the details of the vision.

Miller version


If in a dream you needed to turn on the light, then in reality you will be able to get out of a very difficult situation. Want to know what else this action portends? Remember the details of the vision.

Miller version

Miller, compiling a dream book, said: the light source that appeared portends that a new occupation will quickly bring income.


In addition, darkness predicts some unpleasant event, trouble.

The dream book, if the nightmare vision is repeated often, assumes that you have been damaged, cursed or otherwise adversely magically influenced.

But if in a dream it turned out to dispel the darkness by turning on the lighting, then in reality you will cope with any upcoming trouble.

Getting new information

Why dream that you had to turn on the light in the living room? In reality, visit a cheerful and noisy holiday.

Electric light in a dream portends the receipt of additional information, using which you will not make mistakes. It is only necessary to listen to the chatter of friends, and the secret will be revealed.

Catch a lucky bird

I had a chance to turn on the light in a dream - in reality, convict of deceiving the closest people.

If in a dream, after pressing the switch, a bright beam illuminated only your figure, then in reality inspiration will visit, you will learn spiritual secrets, and begin to improve yourself.

Turning on the light at night portends positive changes in life. Do not be afraid to act, Higher powers will be on your side.

Felomena's dream book predicts: in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation, but an unexpected idea that comes up will turn out to be brilliant and help you get out with minimal consequences.

Bad Predictions

Why dream that you happened to turn on the light, and the light bulb exploded? In reality, you will face a conspiracy against you. It is noteworthy that not only ill-wishers, but also friends will participate in it.

In a dream, the light bulb immediately went out - you will get into big trouble. And the lamp, which goes out slowly, personifies hopelessness.

Details of the vision

The dream book asks you to remember what color and quality the light was:

  • bright - you are a darling of fate, you can get rich and find happiness;
  • dim - the dream book predicts a slow but measured movement towards the goal;
  • flickering - unfortunately, the plan will not be able to be realized;
  • the golden light pouring in a dream is interpreted as an all-consuming joy;
  • white daytime - you will be able to see the true essence;
  • blue - to anxiety in the soul;
  • red - you will worry about the future.

Need help

Why dream of trying to turn on the light, but not being able to do it? You are not coping with the situation and need additional help and protection.

Often, if you cannot turn on the light in a dream, fear, panic, horror piles up. In that case, the dream book speaks of a critical state of affairs. The worst thing is that you can no longer influence the situation.

Light in a dream expresses the dreamer's spiritual state, inner readiness to overcome all sorts of troubles. Explaining what it means to see the radiance in night dreams, the dream book recommends remembering why the light was specifically emitted, as well as how bright the lighting was. Such visions are able to point to the right position in primary issues.

The dreaming of a strong illumination of light, according to Miller, is considered a signal of stunning good luck. This period in which the dreamer is ready to go to any feats, even the most difficult ones. To consider how the light suddenly went out, or you do not understand where it shines from, promises disappointment in the results of your activities, which has cost you a lot of effort. A gloomy flicker in a dream indicates a slight success.

Nature or source of glow in a dream

Explaining why the light is dreaming, the dream book requires focusing on the very source of the dreamed lighting. For example, to see the light of the sun in the window, prophesies happiness and joyful accomplishments. The rays of the bright sun in a dream, directed from heaven to earth, indicate that the answer to the question you are interested in is nearby, the main thing is to reliably interpret the clues presented by the case.

What dreams of electric lighting, gives an explanation of the Jewish dream book. According to him, you have a chance to find out about important things. In a situation where a sleeping person feels pain at the sight of light in night dreams, it means that the truth that will become known to you will touch your sense of dignity.

The radiance dreaming in the window is explained by the dream interpreters ambiguously. So, to see a brightly shining moon in the sky at night, warns of a threat, a bright beam in the darkness is a signal of unrest and unrest. Based on the version of the dream book from A to Z, the radiance of moonlight is considered to be a signal of sexual intimacy with a lover.

Shining shades in a dream or an actual emotional state

According to the General Dream Book, one should give an interpretation of what the light is dreaming of, based on the predominant color in night vision. For example, yellowish reflections, especially when they are directed from the sun, prophesy happiness and well-being. A blinding white glow in a dream allows for a clarification, an unexpected assumption. Cold colors, for example - blue, portend anxiety, red - predicts excitement.

The interpreter of the Wanderer personifies the color of the traffic light with an indication of probable directions. Going for the green light means a positive future. Ride on a red signal, warns that haste can harm the current enterprise.

To see the aura from which the glow emanates, according to the Modern Dream Book, promises unquestioning luck in any endeavors.

Get ready for surprises!

A sharp glare from the headlights, which shines on the face and eyes, expresses unforeseen success or news. To see a sparkling pillar from the sun passing from heaven indicates positive events, due to which the dreamer's life will change radically.

A lightning bolt dreaming ahead is a signal for the dreamer about future sorrows and losses. A ray of light in the darkness, the reflection of which is visible on the calm surface of the water, means the undoubted implementation of the plans.

The dreaming light that you saw at the very end of the corridor expresses the existence of a reliable solution to the existing problem. When he has disappeared, and you are standing in pitch darkness, according to the reasoning of the Esoteric interpreter, your expectations will not justify themselves.

Turn on the lights in your sleep

Dream Interpretation from A to Z gives an explanation of why you dream of turning on the lamp in the room. The interpreter compares the action with the ability to find out useful information from familiar persons. I dreamed that the light in the living room went out, which means that unexpected situations will disrupt the implementation of plans.

Watching as if the lamp went out in a dream and no longer lit up, prophesies problems, difficulties in the family by esotericists. The light flickering of a candle in the window that has been seen promises a love affair.

Turn off the power in your sleep

Despite the unfavorable vision, where the light was turned off, or it was not there at all, the Modern Dream Interpreter connects the considered plot with favorable, but small successes. The dreamer himself turned off the light in the room, which means problems in the family that arose through his fault.

The Jewish dream book gives a different explanation of what it looks like to turn off the electricity. The interpretation of the dream, in the plot of which you happened to put out the flames of fire, or simply press the switch, testifies to senseless hopes. An unexpected blackout predicts by the Eastern Dream Book that you will regret the unworthy offer of your friends.

otherworldly signs

Had a dream that they themselves died and saw a luminous insight? Fundamental changes are foreseen that will affect your worldview and way of life. Probably, the dreamer in a dream, who found himself in the next world in a dream, in reality is faced with a choice, which he does not have the courage to accept. To look behind the door into the other world - to make sure that the considered conclusion is correct.

Why dream of ringing from the other world, explains the Modern Universal Dream Book. Hearing a voice beyond the grave, having answered a call from the other world, indicates a major threat.

Light bright light in a dream: symbolizes the significance and importance of an event.

It is most favorable if some positive action occurs against a background of pure sunlight at the same time, if some negative action occurs against a background of bright light: this is a sign of a possible tragedy. Such a dream may suggest that you are too careless.

A bright light outside the window, seen in a dream, indicates some events that can distract you from your usual affairs.

The shade of the light is also important.

Golden yellow hue: means joy, white fading light in a dream: portends the cessation of some business or the fading of feelings.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does dream light mean

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

See the Light in a dream

Light - Bright, without a visible source - insight, revelation. Weak, breaking through the darkness, clouds, like a ray - hope. If you strive for this light, your hopes may be fulfilled. If you do not go, or the light goes out - hopes are in vain. Turn on the light in the house, apartment - it will become brighter in your life, everything will turn out well. Turn off the lights in the house - trouble through your fault, quarrels in the family. The light itself goes out or does not light up when turned on - you are in danger of trouble and complications in the house or life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What do dreams mean

"shed light on the problem" to find out the essence.

"light of knowledge" knowledge, clarity of thinking.

"Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness." "Come out" to show yourself in society and "come out into the light" way out of life's impasse. "Secular" lion or "social" lioness. "Light in the eye to put a bruise." "To present in the best light" to show oneself from the best side.

"let there be light!" (creation, all the best). "Receive enlightenment" understanding, the highest spiritual realization.

Experience of insight, satori.

"is in the rays of someone's glory." See add. darkness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

Dream about Light

Sometimes in a dream you will suddenly see a light whose origin is unclear. If the light is bright, striking you with its power - amazing events await you in reality! You will soon find yourself in the center of everyone's attention. You will get rich, your words will be listened to. Suddenly fading or disappearing light is a sign of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

The meaning of dreams Light

Seeing is happiness; to carry - joy; at a far distance - to have true hopes; light candles - learn strange things

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

What does Light mean in a dream

A bright, clear light in a dream portends success. A vague, blurry light is a sign of minor successes on the way to the goal. Seeing in a dream a mysterious or fading light portends a strong chagrin due to the lack of results in the business you have undertaken.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of sleep Light

A dream in which there was a lot of light (whether sunny or artificial) will bring happiness and good luck in any business.

Imagine that the light illuminates everything that surrounds you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Light

Light dreams of success. The light that appears and disappears means the absence of results in the work you have undertaken.

A dim light portends little success on the way to the goal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does the Light predict in a dream

If in a dream the room is lit with electric light, then unusual news awaits you.

A mysterious, mysterious light in a dream is a sign of false hopes.

If you dream that the light blinded you, then you will reach a high position in society and you yourself will be surprised at your success.

The bright light that you see in the distance or at the end of the tunnel in a dream portends an imminent improvement in your plight. Such a dream often predicts great success that you did not expect. A fading light in a dream portends loss, failure and disappointment. Dim light, due to which you cannot see something, means that you are tormented by doubts about your future. Turning on the light in a dream means that you will discover some secret or something that you really wanted to know. To see the light in the distance in a dream is a sign of hopes that will not come true soon. See interpretation: lamp, lampshade.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to see Light in a dream

Rays of light are a symbol of success and wealth.

Bright light is a great success.

Equal - certainty.

Falling on a sleeping person - recovery, pregnancy, marriage.

Mysterious or fading light - lack of results in some business.

Weak, obscure - minor successes.

If the light coming from somewhere above fills everything around, and this is an even, clarifying light, you will suddenly find out something unexpected, the deceit, the betrayal of those around you will be revealed.

Get ready to face the challenge!

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Light

Light: it is always a high world and high vibrations. If you can travel to such worlds: it means that the vibrations of your energy body also correspond to the vibrations of this high world.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Yogis

What predicts a dream Light

Light or extinguish fire - vain hopes.

Electric light - find out something important.

One star shines ahead - you will choose the right path.

Shine a lantern - upset the intrigue

Interpretation of dreams from the Egyptian dream book

See the Light in a dream

Seeing light in a dream is a happy omen. This means that you will succeed in matters of the heart.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Sleep Prediction Light

Light - Bright, without a visible source - insight, revelation. Weak, breaking through the darkness, clouds, like a ray - hope. If you strive for this light, your hopes may be fulfilled. If you do not go, or the light goes out - hopes are in vain. Turn on the light in the house, apartment - it will become brighter in your life, everything will turn out well. Turn off the lights in the house - trouble through your fault, quarrels in the family. The light itself goes out or does not light up when turned on - you are in danger of trouble and complications in the house or life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Why is the Light dreaming

To see in a dream a narrow strip of light from under the doors behind which you eavesdrop on someone else's conversation - fail, taking up a business that you have never done before.

The light of a spotlight or headlight blinding you - you will be discouraged by unexpected failure.

Turn on the light in the room - find out something very important for yourself through familiar gossips. Light from a kerosene lamp or candle - you will experience a romantic adventure.

Suddenly, the lights went out throughout the house portends the failure of plans for the weekend due to bad weather. Light from a strong fire - you will experience humiliation from people who owe you a lot; rays of sunlight breaking through the curtains - attract attention to yourself with a new outfit.

Moonlight is a sign of intimacy with a loved one. The light of a distant lighthouse - go on a tempting journey. The light of a flash of lightning very close by is a harbinger of loss and disappointment. If in a dream you have light in your soul, the impending disaster will pass by.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: "dream book turned off the light" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Light in a dream expresses the dreamer's spiritual state, inner readiness to overcome all sorts of troubles. Explaining what it means to see the radiance in night dreams, the dream book recommends remembering why the light was specifically emitted, as well as how bright the lighting was. Such visions are able to point to the right position in primary issues.

The dreaming of a strong illumination of light, according to Miller, is considered a signal of stunning good luck. This period in which the dreamer is ready to go to any feats, even the most difficult ones. To consider how the light suddenly went out, or you do not understand where it shines from, promises disappointment in the results of your activities, which has cost you a lot of effort. A gloomy flicker in a dream indicates a slight success.

Nature or source of glow in a dream

Explaining why the light is dreaming, the dream book requires focusing on the very source of the dreamed lighting. For example, to see the light of the sun in the window, prophesies happiness and joyful accomplishments. The rays of the bright sun in a dream, directed from heaven to earth, indicate that the answer to the question you are interested in is nearby, the main thing is to reliably interpret the clues presented by the case.

What dreams of electric lighting, gives an explanation of the Jewish dream book. According to him, you have a chance to find out about important things. In a situation where a sleeping person feels pain at the sight of light in night dreams, it means that the truth that will become known to you will touch your sense of dignity.

The radiance dreaming in the window is explained by the dream interpreters ambiguously. So, to see a brightly shining moon in the sky at night warns of a threat, a bright beam in the darkness is a signal of anxiety and unrest. Based on the version of the dream book from A to Z, the radiance of moonlight is considered to be a signal of sexual intimacy with a lover.

Shining shades in a dream or an actual emotional state

According to the General Dream Book, one should give an interpretation of what the light is dreaming of, based on the predominant color in night vision. For example, yellowish reflections, especially when they are directed from the sun, prophesy happiness and well-being. A blinding white glow in a dream allows for a clarification, an unexpected assumption. Cold colors, for example - blue, portend anxiety, red - predicts excitement.

The interpreter of the Wanderer personifies the color of the traffic light with an indication of probable directions. Going for the green light means a positive future. Ride on a red signal, warns that haste can harm the current enterprise.

To see the aura from which the glow emanates, according to the Modern Dream Book, promises unquestioning luck in any endeavors.

Get ready for surprises!

A sharp glare from the headlights, which shines on the face and eyes, expresses unforeseen success or news. To see a sparkling pillar from the sun passing from heaven indicates positive events, due to which the dreamer's life will change radically.

A lightning bolt dreaming ahead is a signal for the dreamer about future sorrows and losses. A ray of light in the darkness, the reflection of which is visible on the calm surface of the water, means the undoubted implementation of the plans.

The dreaming light that you saw at the very end of the corridor expresses the existence of a reliable solution to the existing problem. When he has disappeared, and you are standing in pitch darkness, according to the reasoning of the Esoteric interpreter, your expectations will not justify themselves.

Turn on the lights in your sleep

Dream Interpretation from A to Z gives an explanation of why you dream of turning on the lamp in the room. The interpreter compares the action with the ability to find out useful information from familiar persons. I dreamed that the light in the living room went out, which means that unexpected situations will disrupt the implementation of plans.

Watching as if the lamp went out in a dream and no longer lit up, prophesies problems, difficulties in the family by esotericists. The light flickering of a candle in the window that has been seen promises a love affair.

Despite the unfavorable vision, where the light was turned off, or it was not there at all, the Modern Dream Interpreter connects the considered plot with favorable, but small successes. The dreamer himself turned off the light in the room, which means problems in the family that arose through his fault.

The Jewish dream book gives a different explanation of what it looks like to turn off the electricity. The interpretation of the dream, in the plot of which you happened to put out the flames of fire, or simply press the switch, testifies to senseless hopes. An unexpected blackout predicts by the Eastern Dream Book that you will regret the unworthy offer of your friends.

otherworldly signs

Had a dream that they themselves died and saw a luminous insight? Fundamental changes are foreseen that will affect your worldview and way of life. Probably, the dreamer in a dream, who found himself in the next world in a dream, in reality is faced with a choice, which he does not have the courage to accept. To look behind the door into the other world - to make sure that the considered conclusion is correct.

Why dream of ringing from the other world, explains the Modern Universal Dream Book. Hearing a voice beyond the grave, having answered a call from the other world, indicates a major threat.

Dream Interpretation Turn off the light (turn off), why dream Turn off the light (turn off) in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of Turning off the light (turn off) from the dream books of different authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why dream of Turning off the light (turn off): interpretation of sleep

Turn off the light (turn off) why dream in the fall?

Turn off the light (turn off) - Turn off the light in the rooms - to the death of someone close.

Turn off the light (turn off) why dream in the spring?

Extinguish lime - To the illness of a family member.

Dreaming of Turning off the light - To the inept lies that you generously forgive.

Extinguish candles - To the news of the deceased.

Dreaming of Extinguishing candles - Seeing in a dream how someone extinguishes candles - you will be discredited in the eyes of others.

Turn off the light (turn off) why dream in the summer?

Extinguish candles (candle, candle) - Seeing in a dream how someone extinguishes candles - to death; if you yourself extinguish the candles - to your illness.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream Turn off the light (turn off) in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream of Turning off the light (turn off) according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream Turn off the light (turn off) from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream Turn off the light (turn off) according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why dream of Turning off the light (turn off) from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream Turn off the light (turn off) in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream of Turning off the light (turn off) in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Turn off the light (turn off) in the dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

What is the dream of Electricity?

What is the dream of electricity according to different dream interpreters? The answer to this question does not lie on the surface, as it may seem to an unknowing person. As a rule, such a phenomenon in a night dream symbolizes nervous or physical tension, which must be disposed of as soon as possible. However, you should not stop your attention only on these formulations, since you can find many alternatives in other sources.

General information

As the popular dream book prescribes, electricity is a symbol of constant conflicts that exhaust the dreamer. After waking up, it makes sense to think about the problem and try to take the first step to eliminate it. The dreaming light of an electrical appliance - to find out something important.

The details seen are of great importance in the decoding process, and therefore it is so important not to forget them after waking up:

  • electrical wire - to possible problems in real life;
  • socket - to emotional or physical overstrain, which will affect the state of health;
  • transformer - to the voltage associated with a responsible business;
  • a specialized indicator - to the emergence of romantic experiences;
  • switch - to make the right decision.

What do they write in dream books?

It is possible to get a primary idea of ​​​​what electricity is dreaming of thanks to the works of recognized masters. It is unlikely that you will be able to choose the appropriate option the first time, so try to analyze information from several sources.

Loff's dream book

As the dream book describes, an electric current and a blow received - your bold experiments in unknown areas can turn into a failure, and therefore try to plan your actions in advance. If you really want to complete what you started, then seek help from specialists.

Dream of electric shock

The latest dream book

Why dream of an electric shock? Such a night vision means the beginning of a difficult stage in relations with your superiors. Conflicts that arise at work sooner or later develop into something more, gaining wide publicity.

Miller's dream book

As the dream book indicates, sparks from electricity are a symbol of painstaking and hard work that will take a long time. The psychologist advises to abandon such an adventure in advance, since it will bring nothing but disappointment.

In Miller's dream interpreter, a recommendation is made regarding the alternation of work with rest, otherwise efficiency will decrease. Stress and exhaustion is an extreme degree that is best prevented. I dreamed about how a short circuit of electricity happened - you must remain extremely vigilant, since the risk of an accident is high.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Seeing electric sparks in a dream

The reason for the appearance of dream images can be found in the works of a specialist who compares them with vital forces. Sparks of electricity are a reflection of the negative energy that has accumulated around a sleeping person. Perhaps nighttime circumstances will prevent a stressful situation in reality.

If for some reason there is not enough electricity in a dream, then it's time to pay attention to the state of health. A night dream tells that the life supply is running out, and this cannot be tolerated. Your task is to pay attention exclusively to rest and proper nutrition, discarding all prejudices.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

According to the authors, the dreamed vision symbolizes the beginning of a difficult life stage that requires enormous emotional costs. If you happen to see a device or device from which sparks of electricity fly out, then you are experiencing an excessive amount of negative emotions regarding some issue.

The dream book considers several atypical options:

Seeing a burning kettle in a dream

  • electric kettle - to the beginning of tensions within the family;
  • bare wire - your patience has limits, and a heavy quarrel will be the last point.

If you happen to feel a discharge on yourself, then such a dream is trying to warn that the nervous system is at the limit of its work. Not getting rid of overvoltage, not only a breakdown awaits you, but also the collapse of all plans. Your future is in your own hands, so try not to forget about it.

Modern combined interpreter

Dreams are dreaming in which you have to feel electric shocks on yourself - you need to abandon independent decision-making in dubious areas. Turning to specialists for help, you can count on a favorable ending to what you started.

As the dream book thinks, flashes of electricity and a blackout in the home are the beginning of unexpected, but pleasant changes in life. If the street bell is short-circuited, and annoying sounds have taken your patience away, then someone wants to find a catch in your activities. According to another interpretation, your friend needs help.

Dreams of interruptions with the electrician

Why did another person come instead of an electrician? Such an unusual castling confuses the ignorant dreamer, but the interpretation received will shed light on this. Most likely, a memorable romantic adventure awaits you.

If the electrical circuit diagram remains incomprehensible, then you have stopped devoting time to your hobby, since household chores have taken up all your free time. It's time to make the right choice and start planning your life.

Short circuit

Some dream interpreters pay attention to problems that are associated with electricity, and therefore try to recall this detail in your memory.

If in a dream there was a wiring short circuit, and you decided to fix the problems yourself, then try to become more attentive, as an unusual or new activity is expected.

Seeing bright sparks fly out of the shield - to conflicts with people around you. Dream interpreters advise to communicate neutrally with others, especially with management, otherwise their own antics will lead to grandiose scandals. A sparkling teapot promises the beginning of conflicts in the love field. If you really care about relationships, then try to compromise.

Other interpretations of dreams

It is a dream that the lights were turned off in the house at the most crucial moment - you will have to regret that you did not agree to a tempting offer. If the fair sex decided to conduct some experiments with electricity, then her risks would be justified.

If you had to turn off the light in the house, then hope will leave the soul of a sleeping person, leaving behind a trace of despondency and apathy. The Lunar Dream Book tells that turning on the electricity promises an unexpected insight, which was so lacking. Pay for electricity - you will be able to get secret information by using it against competitors.

Why dream of electricity

Electricity in a modern dream book

A blackout in a dream in your house, which happened completely unexpectedly and at the very time when you needed it so much, indicates upcoming regrets. The dream interpretation says that you have to regret the prospects that would open before you if you accepted the invitation of your partners. Dreams in which you conducted experiments using electricity can have a double meaning. So, if you invented something electrical and achieved success in this, then in reality you can take part in a risky business. But if you didn’t achieve success in a dream, it means that it’s better to forget about risk in real life for now or think it over carefully again.

Electricity in Miller's dream book

A dream in which you received an electric shock warns you against excessive arrogance. If you do work that requires special training, but you don’t have it, then you will only hurt yourself. Sometimes an electric shock is a warning about a possible danger that you will face in the near future. If you dreamed that you were trying in vain to understand some kind of electrical circuit, then you miss your favorite pastime for which you have absolutely no time. After such a dream, changes are possible in your life, which, however, will not bring anything good. If there is a malfunction with the doorbell, in which the electricity is shorted, from which it rings continuously, it means that in real life someone is persistently seeking to meet you. It is also possible that your good friend is waiting for your support. A dream is of good importance, in which the plugs malfunctioned and the lights went out in your house. This is a prediction of a good period for doing simple things. If you dreamed that you had a malfunction in your house related to electricity, and you called an electrician, but it was not him who came, but a plumber, then some kind of love adventure awaits you.

Not to have supper is a holy law, to whom light sleep is most dear.

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Light according to the dream book

Light in a dream symbolizes the spirituality of a sleeping person, luck, inner readiness to overcome any difficulties. Interpreting what the radiance is dreaming of, the dream book advises to recall its source and intensity of the glow. Such dreams indicate the correctness of the chosen position on an important issue, show the desired direction of movement.

Miller's dream book about the intricacies of success

Dreaming of a bright flash of light, according to Miller, is a harbinger of dizzying success. This is the time when the dreamer can handle any business and difficult undertakings. To see how the light suddenly goes out or the nature of its origin is unclear to you, speaks of disappointment with your results of work, on which a lot of effort has been spent. A dim, obscure glow in a dream warns of a little luck.

Nature or source of radiance in a dream

Interpreting what the light is dreaming of, the dream book pays close attention to the source of the dreamed glow. So, to see the sunlight in the window portends joy and successful accomplishments. The warm rays of the sun falling from heaven to earth suggest that the solution to the question that tormented you is very close, it is important to correctly interpret the clues that the case will present.

Why dream of electric lighting, the Jewish dream book explains. So, according to the dream interpreter, you will have the opportunity to find out something important. If it hurts the dreamer to look at the light, then the truth that you learn will affect your pride.

The moonlight dreamed in the window is explained by the interpreters in a somewhat twofold way. So, to see a bright shining moon in the night sky warns of danger, a ray of light in the dark is a sign of anxiety and worries. According to the dream book from A to Z, the lunar reflection is a harbinger of intimacy with a person dear to the heart.

Shades of radiance in a dream or an emotional state in reality

The general dream book suggests interpreting what the light is dreaming of, according to its shade in a dream. So, yellow or golden color, especially if it comes from the sun, predicts joy and peace. A dazzling white glow in a dream suggests insight, a sudden hunch. Cold shades, such as blue or purple, predict anxiety, red promises anxiety.

The Wanderer's dream interpreter considers traffic light signals as an indicator of possible directions. Crossing the road on a green signal means favorable prospects. Drive through a red traffic light, warns that your haste can greatly harm the current business.

To see an aura radiating light, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, broadcasts unconditional success in business.

Get ready for surprises!

A strong glare of headlights, illuminating the face or hitting the eyes, symbolizes unexpected luck or news from which you will come to your senses for a long time. Seeing a luminous pillar of the sun emanating from the sky promises favorable events that can radically change the fate of a sleeping person.

A bright flash of lightning seen ahead serves as a warning to the dreamer about upcoming disappointments and losses. A beam of light in the dark, reflected on calm water, means the unhindered conquest of the planned peaks.

The dreamed light at the end of the tunnel symbolizes the presence of the correct solution from the situation. If he disappeared in the corridor, and you remain in complete darkness, then, according to esotericists, your hopes will not come true.

Turn on the lights in your sleep

In the dream book from A to Z there is an explanation of why you dream of turning on the electricity in the room. The dream interpreter associates the action with the prospect of learning valuable information from the lips of familiar gossips. I dreamed that the fire in the house went out, which means that unforeseen circumstances will disrupt the execution of plans.

To see that the light bulb in a dream goes out or does not light up when turned on, portends esoteric troubles, complications in everyday life. The dream of a soft glow of a candle in the window portends romantic adventures.

Turn off the power in your sleep

Despite the unpleasant dream, where the electricity was turned off or it simply does not exist, the Modern combined interpreter connects what he saw with positive, but insignificant successes. Turning off the lighting in the apartment yourself warns of troubles in the family, the culprit of which will be a sleeping person.

The Jewish dream book explains in a different way why one dreams of turning off the electricity. The interpretation of a dream in which you have to put out a fire or press a switch indicates vain hopes. A sudden shutdown of lighting predicts the Eastern Women's Dream Book of regret about the unaccepted proposal of comrades.

otherworldly signs

Did you dream that you died and saw a white light? This means that cardinal changes are coming that will affect your worldview and lifestyle. Perhaps a person who in a dream came to the next world is in reality facing a serious dilemma, which he does not have the courage to solve. To look over the edge of the door into the other world - you will be convinced of the correctness of the decision made.

Why dream of a call from the other world, explains the Modern Universal Dream Book. So, hearing an otherworldly voice answering a call from the next world signals a serious danger.

At work, the light went out, the switch did not work, walked along the wall in the dark, came out to the light.

To see a dream in which the shutdown occurs urgently - in reality, the sleeping person will have to urgently solve the problem of a relative who will come from afar and ask him for help. If the light is suddenly turned off, then in reality a black streak will come, so the dreamer should prepare for the troubles that will settle in his house for a long time.

Turning off the water threatens a person with troubles in the personal sphere, it may become known that the wife has a lover and she wants to connect her life with him, or the sleeper wants to change something and get himself a new passion. For an unmarried woman, such a dream portends a break in relations with her beloved, who will start an affair with her friend. However, she should not grieve, because soon she will meet a worthy man who will be ready for any feat for her. To dream about how a neighbor deliberately turned off the sleeping water - in reality he will have a serious conversation with him, which will turn into a scandal, so it’s better not to cross paths with each other so that there is no desire to express everything that has accumulated.

What if you dream of turning off?

The “off” symbol is very multifaceted, since its interpretation directly depends on what was turned off. That is why it is so important to remember all the details of the dream, and then choose the best option. To dream of turning off the TV - new problems await a person, most likely in the service, because colleagues will be unhappy that he will be given a bonus more than the rest.

When it seemed that a person turned off the microwave oven, while forgetting to pull out the heated food - to a rush in business. The dreamer should not rush into one contract, as new details may come up that the management will not like, it is better to study and check some data well.

If a person turned off the gas stove in a hurry, because he was late for work, and the food was half ready, then he will have to listen to many unpleasant things from his supervisor, and all because someone is leaking gossip to him, which are ordinary slander.

What portends?

Reflecting on what the dream is about turning off, you need to try to look for the interpretation of this sign in different dream books, perhaps in one of them you will be able to find the best option.

If you believe the modern dream book, then “shutdown” is a harbinger of problems that will need to be addressed urgently, otherwise there will be even more of them.

Freud is of the opinion that this symbol indicates that a person has problems in the genital area, so he should contact a specialist for help. And Hasse recommends devoting more time to the family, so that later you don’t grieve that it fell apart. Turning off does not always bring problems, but if you had a nightmare in which this symbol was present, then you can tell it to a friend, then it will not come true.