Maslenitsa children's games. Mobile and fun games and fun for Shrovetide

tatiana petrishcheva
Entertainment with children on the street "Play fun, meet Shrovetide"

Target: conducting classes in the air, through emotional empathy and participation in the action game, introduce Russian holidays, introduce all participants to the tradition of holding a national holiday Shrovetide.


Introduce children to old Russian folk games;

Unite children in joint activities give them the opportunity to express themselves;

- develop children's ingenuity, endurance, motor skills.


Skittles, sleds, icicles, ski poles, a ribbon, a hat or a headband with the image of the sun, a broom - 2 pcs, a rope.

Preparatory work:

1. Arrange for sledding.

2. Cook pancakes, cover festive table (for this, involve a kindergarten cook) .

Lesson progress:

The guys get dressed, go for walks, there at their door meets carnival.

Pancake week:

Hello cute kids!

Girly cute

Naughty boys.

let's enjoy the winter

I'll teach you old games play.


Guys, let's say hello together Maslenitsa.

Children greet.

caregiver: Pancake week, and the games are interesting?

Pancake week:

Games are interesting, the most wonderful.

Let's not stand still.

It's time for us to be together in them play.


How fluently you speak, you compose poems on the go.

We are very impatient with you to play! Really guys?

Children's answers

Pancake week:

Well, here's the first one for you. the game.

With the advent of spring, the sun shines brighter, and warms hotter. And this the game dedicated to our sun.

Playing with the Sun.

In the center of the circle - "sun" (the girl is put on a hat with the image of the sun on her head). Children in chorus pronounce:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line come closer to "sun", narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th - depart, expanding the circle. On word "I'm burning!" - "sun girl" catches up with the kids.

The game passes several times.

M: well done, how smart and attentive you are, and also, when I was young, I loved playing with beautiful name "Dawn".

M: Do you want to be in it? to play?

Children's answers

Pancake week explains the rules of the game.

Here are the rules of this game Dawn.

Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs, and one of playing -"dawn" walks behind with tape and He speaks:

Dawn - lightning,

red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the playing, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run to different sides round. The one who is left without a place becomes "dawn". The game is on repeat. Runners must not cross the circle. Players do not turn while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

Pancake week:Let's learn the words of this game first.

Children repeat with Maslenitsa.

M.: And now let's play!

passes the game repeated several times at the discretion of the teacher.

M .: Well done children, how quickly you learned everything.

Pancake week:

And now, I want to see how smart and fast you are. To do this, let's split into two teams and compete.

(Pancake week together with the teacher divide the children into 2 equivalent teams)

M: I announce funny competitions, after all, they were always arranged on the festive square during the holiday. This is where we measure our strength. Which team will be faster?

So the first match:

1. Three legs

The players are divided into pairs, each pair is tied with legs (right leg one with the left leg of the other). Couple on "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.

2. Who is faster on a broom

Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

Team relay where pairing is required. One of the couple will have to become a wheelbarrow, not the car you watch cartoons about, but a freight transport with one wheel and two handles. On such transport in the old days, cargo was transported. The role of the wheel will play hands and arms - legs. On command, the player "wheelbarrow" lies on the ground, focusing on the hands, and "driver" takes his partner by the legs to the body "cars" was parallel to the ground. "Wheelbarrow", moving on her hands, must reach the rotary flag and return back, where the other is already ready to move. "wheelbarrow".

4."Karelian Races"

- (sledding game) .Rivals sit in the sled, rest their feet on the runners, and accelerate, pushing off with their hands or ski poles. Whoever travels a certain distance faster won.

5. Tug of war

Everyone knows this traditional Russian fun. Let on Maslenitsa it won't be quite traditional. Preparation - as in the usual Tug of war, but the teams take it, standing with their backs to each other. At the signal of the teacher, we begin to pull.

Pancake week:

Hey guys!

Ay, well done!

During our last meetings And today, you made me very happy!

M .: It's time for us to see off the winter and welcome spring, look at the mountain there is a "Scarecrow" Shrovetide so that spring comes faster we need to burn it.

Together with the teacher and carnival children sing songs and light carnival.

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time.

And they wanted pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

Oh my pancakes.

Guys, our wonderful chef baked for us delicious pancakes. And now, after such fun games, we will go to a group where tables with pancakes and hot tea are already set for us. Let's call auntie with us - carnival.

Children come with carnival. They undress and sit down at the tables prepared in advance by the cook and the nanny. Tea, pancakes, jam, honey and other treats are on the tables.

There is a celebratory tea party.

M .: You fed me, gave me a drink, it's time and honor to know. Thank you guys for the warm welcome entertainment Well, it's time for me to go home.

AT.: Pancake week We had a lot of fun with you! Really guys?

children's answers.

V .: Don't forget us, and come visit us next year.

M: Thanks for the invitation. I will definitely come back and tell you something interesting and show you. Bye for now.

Children say goodbye Maslenitsa and doing things in a group.

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Elena Eremina

About the role of mobile games a lot has already been said in the system of training and education. And in our preschool educational institution No. 9, mobile organized games are a means of comprehensive development of children preschool age are used everywhere and on a daily basis. But Special attention I want to pay folk outdoor games. In the upbringing of preschool children, they are an integral part. Participating in them, children get acquainted with the originality of life, language, customs of people of different nationalities. AT folk Games always have verbal content. They are mainly presented in the form of round dance folklore fun and practical jokes. Folk games are very entertaining, contain old little-used words, children really like it. They always create a joyful high spirits, which is a condition for the interest of children, emotional experiences in the game mobilize all forces to achieve the goal.

The unique flavor of the games is given by counting rhymes, draws, beginnings, nursery rhymes.

A traditional Russian holiday, which is celebrated annually by both children and adults in our kindergarten, is PANCAKE WEEK. This is especially fun, because children are very fond of ritual holidays: skiing, various competitions, dressing up, games.

Pancake week- one of the longest holidays. The celebration lasts for a whole week, during which children make crafts, eat pancakes, compete, participate in a themed matinee

Friday, last working day Maslenitsa in kindergarten we celebrated on a grand scale. Dress the kids in folk costumes and started the celebration in music hall. And I didn’t have to go far for games - our ancestors, the Slavs, had already invented them once, and they still delight children.

Russian folk mobile game"Brook"

This game was known and loved by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood, cheerful and cheerful.

The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to "origin" stream and, passing under clasped hands, looking for a mate.

Holding hands, the new pair makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was broken goes to the beginning "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. So "streamlet" moves - the more participants, the more fun game, especially fun to spend with music.

The game "Tug of War"

Children stand on both sides of the rope, at a signal they begin to pull in different directions. That team wins, which will be able to pull the rope over the line.

Relay race: Pancake from the heat, heat in a hot pan.

The kids love pancakes.

How delicious pancakes are!

Everyone in the world is in love

In delicious pancakes!

Round dance on carnival

Invocations for burning a scarecrow Shrovetide

To not go out!

To all the blizzards

They flew away together

For the birds to sing

The grasses are green

Chenille skies

And the ears are ripe!

So that all adversity

winter frosts,

Failures, tears -

Let them burn, burn

Flying towards the sun!

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Burn, burn brighter

Summer will be hotter!

Shrovetide lit up -

The whole world is fed up!

Walked merrily

She sang and played.

Hello, goodbye

Come that year!

Spring is at the door

So burn, burn quickly!

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Shrovetide is a fun, mischievous holiday that is loved by both children and adults. These days you can eat plenty of pancakes, ride down the hills and take part in folk entertainment. Celebrations are held in all settlements, as well as in children's educational institutions. You can arrange fun on your own by inviting friends and preparing funny contests for Shrovetide in advance.

A bit of history

Maslenitsa was originally pagan holiday signifying the arrival of spring. These days, they made a scarecrow of winter from straw and solemnly burned it. There were many on the tables. delicious meals, which symbolized the hope of people for a rich harvest. The main delicacy is pancakes - a prototype of the sun, heat. With the adoption of Orthodoxy, the holiday was transformed into a religious one. He copes before Great Lent.

Traditional competitions for Maslenitsa were wall-to-wall fist fights, an assault with its destruction, playful fights, during which people helped spring overcome winter. Mummers walked around the villages, fervent dances were arranged. Obligatory entertainment was skiing from the mountains. Whoever travels the farthest, according to legend, will have the longest flax in the new year.

Scenario for Maslenitsa

How to organize fun party for a friendly company? The first step is to select the appropriate scenario. On Maslenitsa, you can arrange a theatrical performance in which buffoons, Winter and Spring will take part, fairy tale characters. In extreme cases, you can get by with one perky leader. He will hold contests, in between talking about the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa.

Gathered divide into two teams: "winter" and "spring". Invite them to measure their strength. Winter does not want to just give up its place. Spring must prove that it is worthy of this honor and is ready to withstand all trials.

Contests for Maslenitsa on the street

Weather permitting, the festival is held on fresh air. Games should be mobile so that guests do not freeze in the cold. For Shrovetide contests, you will need equipment: two sleds, two brooms, skittles or small plastic bottles with water, two twigs.

  1. Winter - best time for playing snowballs. Have the teams first roll as many snowballs as they can certain time, and then knock down targets (skittles, bottles) with them.
  2. Sled racing. Two players sit with their backs to each other and try to cover the distance as quickly as possible. They run back, carrying the sled behind them. All team members must take part in the relay.
  3. Skittles are placed in a row. Participants, riding a broom, run around them with a "snake". On the way back, you need to put the knocked down skittles in place and pass the broom to the next player.
  4. Two circles are drawn at a certain distance from the teams. Players take turns running up to them, drawing a ray with a twig and returning back, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that draws the sun the fastest wins.
  5. Salki. Those gathered together do exercises, repeating the movements of the leader. Suddenly he calls out the name of the team, for example: "Winter!" Its players try to catch up and overpower as many of their rivals as possible, who are in a hurry to hide in a pre-drawn "house". Those who managed to touch are eliminated from the competition. The game continues until only one team remains on the field.

Indoor competitions

After fun in the street, the seasons are reconciled. Frosty Winter agrees to give way to bright, blooming spring. All those present are invited to hot tea with pancakes.

A number of competitions for children can also be held indoors. On Maslenitsa, they can be associated with traditional food.

  • Stock up on cardboard "pancakes" in advance. Hide them in unexpected places and invite the kids to find the blanks.
  • With the found "pancakes" arrange relay races. Invite the children to cover the distance by jumping, holding the cardboard circles between their knees. Then put them on your head. Most difficult option- carry "pancakes" on the stomach, standing in the position of "cuttlefish" (based on the feet and palms).
  • Prepare an obstacle course by laying out the "pancakes" in a row at a short distance from each other. Children must jump over them. Then arrange a race, bending around the "pancakes" with a "snake".
  • Spread pancakes on the floor. They should be one less than the players. Children dance to the music, and when it stops, they rush to take a "pancake". Those who fail to do so are eliminated. The number of players and "pancakes" is decreasing every time.

In addition to competitions, on Maslenitsa you can have fun riding from the mountains, round dances, and riddles. With the children, make a doll figurine from sticks, a broom and old clothes. At the end of the holiday, it is burned, and with it all grievances, problems and discontents are burned.

Shrovetide fun and festivities are a fun time. Shrovetide games are one of the brightest and most fun children's amusements. I tried to collect the most interesting outdoor games that you can play with children on Maslenitsa. To make the holiday cheerful and bright, try to diversify it with colorful outfits, funny songs and, of course, pancakes.

Game - Shrovetide Burners

No matter how angry the winter is, no matter how frost bites on the cheeks and nose, and not to overcome the waking sun with it. And your children will not freeze at the holiday if you invite them to play funny Shrovetide burners.

The fun can start with a stream. First, the adult arranges the children in pairs one after the other. Children in a pair hold hands. Hands raised up - a gate is formed. The last pair runs under the gate from the hands and becomes the first. So the stream flows until each pair of children runs under the gate. After the stream is finished, the children begin to sing the song "Burn, burn bright." At this time, the leading child stands 6 steps ahead of the stream.

Song "Burn, burn brightly":

Burn, burn bright
To not go out!
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
- Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Get out quick!

As soon as the song is finished, the first pair scatters - one child from the pair runs along its side of the gate (children standing in pairs one after another), the other child, respectively, along its own. The driver must catch one of the pair until they manage to join hands again.
The game is all the more interesting if there are a lot of children. Then the driver has time to grab one of the fleeing.

As soon as the driver has caught the fugitive, he takes him by the hand and the couple becomes the last in the "brook". Left without a pair leads.

Game Zarya Zarnitsa

This fun moving game can be played with big company children. For the game you will need a bright satin ribbon.

Children stand in a wide circle, each with his hands behind his back. The driver - "Dawn" walks with a ribbon in his hands around the round dance and sings:

Dawn - lightning,
red maiden,
Walked across the field
Dropped the keys
golden keys,
blue ribbons,
entwined rings
Went for water!

As soon as they are sung last words the leader of the song puts a ribbon on the shoulder of one of the children in a round dance and runs away. The child must take the tape and run with it in the other direction. Each of them strive to take the vacant place in the circle. The one who managed to get into place remains in the circle, and the rest becomes "Dawn".

This game can be made more difficult if the round dance of children also moves. In which direction the movement will go must be determined in advance.

tug of war

Tug of war is one of the oldest carnival fun. And with children, you can also play tug of war. To make it more interesting, instead of a rope, you can use a smooth rubber hose.

Before the game, the children are divided into teams. It is more fun if the teams do not consist of only girls or boys, but are mixed. You can determine who gets into which team by counting or other games.
Once the commands are defined, draw a line. You can draw a line in the snow with red paint or water with red paint. Guys can be placed in an unusual way For example, children stand with their backs to each other.

The referee blows his whistle and the tug of war begins. As soon as the opponent stepped over the drawn line, the game ends.

snow fortress

If the snow is sticky for Maslenitsa festivities, children can play in the snow fortress. To do this, first each team builds its own fortifications, and then prepares snow charges. After the signal, the teams begin to throw snowballs. Whose fortress will be destroyed faster, that team lost. This game requires accuracy and accuracy.

Before the start of the game, an adult must warn the children that it is impossible to throw snowballs in the face of other players. The violator immediately leaves the team.

snow shooting game

On Maslenitsa, you can come up with and make a fun game "Snow Shooting Range" for children. Educators or parents prepare targets and gifts for children in advance. Plywood shields with concentric circles can be installed as targets. Or you can set up poles with a toy that needs to be knocked down with a snowball.

The one who hits the target or knocks down the toy receives a sweet prize: a candy, a tangerine or an apple.

jump ropes

Another fun one carnival game- . If you have a rope or a sufficiently dense and thick rope, you can play jump rope with the children.

Two adults twist the rope, and the children must run up and jump over the rope. Everyone else counts how many times the player has jumped.
Adults can speed up the pace, but do not lift the rope high so that the child can jump over. It's fun when fast music plays during the game.


On Shrove Tuesday, it was customary to roll a burning wheel from the mountains. Whose wheel will roll the farthest - he will have a lot of happiness. However, such a burning wheel should not be played with children, but this fun can be slightly modified.

You need two wheels to play. Well, if the wheels are wooden. On the playground the hosts set up skittles (or any other poles). Children are divided into two teams and stand in a row one after the other. Each player of the team, on a signal, must roll the wheel between the pins and return with it. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

If there is no wheel, you can take a broom instead of a wheel. Players "ride" on a broom, trying not to knock down the skittles.

Snowdrops game

For the game you need to prepare a lot of artificial flowers. Children are divided into two teams and sing:

Spring, spring red,
Come, Spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With heavy rains
With profuse flowers.

During the singing, the leader scatters flowers around the site. As soon as the song ends, the children start picking flowers. Whichever team has the most colors wins.

Shrovetide fistfights

On Maslenitsa, it was customary to fight "wall to wall" or a fist fight between the guys, but it is better not to play such games with children. Instead of fisticuffs, you can arrange fights with balloons. To do this, the children of each team are inflated with a long ball and shaped in the form of a sword with a handle. Children can fight with such sticks with swords.

ice slide

Skating from snow or ice slides is the most fun of Maslenitsa fun. But for children in the garden or for schoolchildren, you need to prepare a slide in advance. If your terrain is uneven, then finding a suitable hill and filling it will not be difficult. Otherwise, for kids, you can build a small ice slide.

To do this, the snow rolls into lumps and folds into a slide. The gaps are compacted with snow, the hill itself is leveled and gradually filled with water. If the slide is with sides - this is very good. Kids can slide down such a slide on ice skates.

King of the Hill game

One of the playing children climbs a low snowy hill and from there shouts to everyone with a challenge: “I am the king of the hill!” The remaining participants in the fun from all sides selflessly rush to storm this hill. Each of the attacking players tries to capture it himself, overthrowing the self-proclaimed king of the mountain. In such a fast-paced and fun fight, the players drag each other down from a snowy hill. In this action, it is not allowed to push sharply and cruelly, use rude traumatic techniques.

Poem "King of the Hill"

The kids have a game -
"King of the Hill"
King of the Mountain!
And most importantly
In Game
Hold on to the mountain!
No faithful retinue
At the king
No castle
No secretary!
And at the behest of the hand
Don't rush forward
And the people who crawl up the slope
Came to you
Not bow
Not for that
To pay tribute
And to grab the leg!
Bring down the great king
pull off
Shortly speaking.
And the steeper the mountain
The more interesting the game!
I'm going home
With a flashlight
But the longest
I was king!
(E. Uspensky)

I hope you pick up carnival games that will amuse not only children, but also adults!

Maslenitsa in Orthodox Christianity precedes the beginning of Lent, its second name is meat-fare week.

The celebration of Maslenitsa from year to year takes place in different days, but strictly seven days before the start of the Orthodox fast.

The celebration among the people began on Saturday, which was called the small Maslenka.

On this day, it was customary for all children to ride a sleigh from the hills, while adults noticed whose child would go further - it was believed that his family would have the most big harvest flax.

There were a lot of traditions associated with the pre-Christian meaning of the holiday, then called Komoyeditsa, and the most fun of them were games on Shrovetide, here are some of them:

1) Snow shooting range. In a winter town specially built for entertainment, targets were set up at which people threw snowballs. They were shields made of boards measuring a meter by a meter, with concentric circles applied to them. And the fun competition began.

The rules are the same as in summer version, but firstly, the opposing teams stand with their backs to each other, and secondly, on slippery ice or snow, this competition looks much more spectacular and fun.

3) Wall to wall. In our weakened and germinating tolerant society, such entertainment is not in honor, but earlier, when people were healthier and more fun, this game was very popular.

The "fighters" were divided into two teams, for about an hour they provoked each other with mockery of their rivals and a battle cry, and then converged in hand-to-hand combat.

They tried not to inflict serious injuries on each other, but the clothes of the participants in the competition could not be restored.

Children play it, they stand in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. The leader - "Dawn" walks with a ribbon behind them and reads a rhyme, with the last words of which he puts his ribbon on the shoulder of one of the participants.

The player hit by the ribbon grabs it and, together with Zorya, starts running in a circle, but in different directions. The one who does not have time to take free place, he becomes the leader and the game is repeated.

5) Malechina-kalechina. Players choose a driver, pick up a small stick and read a rhyme. As soon as the last words are spoken, everyone should put the wand on their palm or finger and try to hold it as long as possible.

The one whose stick falls last wins. The leader has the right to give the players tasks, for example, to walk or sit down, while keeping the sticks in balance.

. The driver reads a special rhyme, while giving tasks to the players, for example - to sing, dance, jump. Everyone must complete these tasks, whoever does not cope or does not cope well enough, gives his phantom to the driver.

The game stops as soon as the driver has five forfeits in his hands. Each of those players whose forfeits got there must redeem them by performing various funny tasks, for which only the driver's imagination is enough. After the last phantom is redeemed, a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated from the beginning.

7) Cockerels. A circle is drawn on a small area, two players enter it. Each of them stands on one leg, bending the other at the knee and holding the heel with his hand. The winner is the one who can push the opponent out of the circle, you can only push with your shoulders.

Nowadays, the list of games, unfortunately, is narrowing, but, nevertheless, they continue to be an indispensable attribute of this cheerful and ancient holiday, along with pancakes, burning an effigy of Winter and sledding.

In addition, fun, competitions and games keep people walking from the cold, because quite serious colds are not uncommon on Maslenitsa, despite the fact that it personifies the meeting of spring and the onset of warm days.