Cheerful scenario of Shrovetide at school “Pancake fun on the street. Games and competitions for carnival


This game requires a ribbon. First you need to choose the "dawn" - one person, the method of choice is at your discretion. Then the rest of the participants form a circle, and hands must be kept behind their backs. "Dawn" with a ribbon in his hand walks behind the circle and says:
Dawn - lightning,
red maiden,
Walked across the field
Dropped the keys
golden keys,
blue ribbons,
entwined rings -
Went for water!
With the last phrase, "dawn" carefully puts the ribbon on the shoulder of the player, who, noticing the ribbon, quickly takes it, and both players scatter in a circle in different sides. The player who did not have time to take a free place in the circle becomes the new “dawn”. The actions of the game are repeated. Some rules of the game: do not cross the circle when running, players should not turn around while the "dawn" is driving and putting the tape on his shoulder.

The game begins with a dialogue between the driver and the players:
- Ding, ding, ding!
- Who's there?
- Mail!
- Where?
- From the city…
What are they doing in that city?
The driver answers what they are doing in the city, it can be: they dance, sing songs, jump, squat. The rest of the players do what the leader said. The driver determines the player who, in his opinion, completed the task worst of all. This player gives the driver a phantom. As soon as the driver has 5 forfeits, this stage of the game ends. The former owners of phantoms must redeem them from the driver. Fanta cost - interesting task invented by the driver. For example, read a verse, sing a ditty, make a riddle, imitate the movement of animals, sing a song, etc. After choosing a new driver, the game can be repeated.

Give a handkerchief of sympathy
The game requires little preparation, a goal must be set up on the court, and the crossbar must be set at an angle. On the crossbar different height attach multi-colored handkerchiefs with threads. The participants of the game need to run up and jump up to the crossbar, tear off one handkerchief. Participants call the name of the girls and give them torn handkerchiefs with their own hands.

On the playground a circle is drawn. Two players stand in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, the second is bent at the knee, and it must be held by the heel with one hand. Players with shoulders, standing on one leg and not helping free hand must push the opponent out of the circle.

First choose the driver.
The rest of the participants in the game are armed with small sticks (no more than 30 cm in length) and say the following:
Malechena - kalechina,
What time is it
Left until the evening
Before winter?
When last words: "Before the winter?" pronounced, the players place the wand on any finger or palm. After all the players have installed the sticks, the host starts the countdown: "One, two, ... ten." The winner is the one who managed to hold the wand the longest. Moreover, the players are not easy to stand with sticks, but at the direction of the driver, they walk, squat, turn in different directions, etc.


Game "Cherry"
Fun is intended for young creatures - guys and girls of marriageable age. Players form an impressive corridor of clasped hands. The task of the “cherry taster” is to take a good run, jump higher and fly far away on their own, then with the help of the hands of their comrades, get to the right girl. The sensuality of the kiss is enhanced by the multi-meter flight along man-made waves, the main thing is to have time to turn on the brakes in time, otherwise you can fly past the desired lips.

The game of "slaps"
Old-fashioned men's good fun. Two players sit face to face on a narrow bench with their legs crossed under the bench. Players exchange "slaps". A narrow bench and legs in the form of a cross under it do not allow you to swing much. One smart guy wanted to drive in with his fist (which is against the rules), but the laws of inertia prevented him - he met the ground.

Bag fight
Fun prefers men. For this fight, you need to fence the site. The rules of warfare require you to hold one hand tightly, pressing it to your lower back, you can only use one hand to wield a bag. For a successful battle, you will have to skillfully and deftly move, feel the enemy, his movement, skillfully use his inertia to your advantage.

snow maze
This fun for snowy territories. First you need to think over the scheme of the labyrinth, which is applied to the snow or ice area. The labyrinth can have a rounded or square shape and there are always two exits in opposite directions. Then, starting from the center and moving to the edges, they lay out the inner sectors with snow, then the walls. It is better to lay out the walls no higher than 1 m, so as not to look for those lost in the snow labyrinth for a long time. It is preferable to make the width of the passages also about 1 m. If the amount of snow allows, you can simply dig out the labyrinth, stacking excess snow outside the labyrinth. You can not engage in construction, but simply trample intricate passages in a certain area.

snow shooting range
For the presence of permanent targets, it is possible to install stationary structures in the winter town. The best solution will wooden shields. A size of 1 * 1 m is quite enough, draw concentric circles of various diameters (30, 60, 90) cm on the shields. There are several options for fastening the shields: a blank wall, a fence or dug poles. It would be advisable to make a special wall of the shooting gallery, where you can place targets that the guys will be happy to shoot down with snowballs.

snow Hill
For the construction of a snow slide, a large space is required. You can make the height of the building different. The length of the corner of the slide should exceed its height by 3-4 times. Several recommended sizes in width: toboggan track - 1.5 m, a preparatory platform for descent and paths on a roll - 1 m. When the thaw comes, you need to roll up snowballs, which are put in a pile. Then, with the help of legs or a shovel, compact the snow, cut off the excess, you can make a ladder or barrier out of it. To prevent the occurrence of thawed patches, the hill must be watered cold water. When constructing a slide, you can make turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorate decorative arches. A difference of 3-5 m distinguishes the start level from the finish level.

ice carousel
Such a carousel has gained fame among children. We need a pillar (log) 70 - 80 cm high, which is either frozen into the ice or dug into the ground. But, first, a metal rod is driven into the upper end of the column, scrap is quite suitable. A wheel of a suitable diameter is mounted on the rod, you can use a specially made or used one. A long pole is nailed or screwed with wire to the wheel. And already the sled is tied to the pole. For the stability of the sled, it is better to make them 60 - 90 cm wide, or fasten two sleds together. The path along which the sleigh will roll should be well cleared of snow and filled with water. And the area near the pillar should be sprinkled with sand or ash so that the guys swinging the carousel do not slip.

ice pillar
Old fun for Shrovetide. To organize the fun, a high pole is required, which must be doused with cold water, and gifts should be hung on the icy pole. Moreover, there should be a different distance between gifts and the higher the gift, the more expensive it is. Those wishing to pluck gifts will have to climb on it. Not everyone manages to climb the icy surface, the winner is the one who still manages to overcome the ice obstacle and break the last top valuable prize.

Pole riding (poles)
Once this fun was popular among the inhabitants of the forested provinces of Russia. In this way, other peoples also amused themselves. To organize the fun, you need a mountain slope or a homemade mound of densely packed snow and at least 2 smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long. Next, the poles are laid parallel to each other under the slope, the distance between them should be 1 meter. Ancient craftsmen could attach one more and one more to the pole, increasing the length of the structure to 50 meters, or even more. It is very important that the junction of the poles be very strong and smooth; when you run your hand over the junction, not the slightest ledge or gap should be felt. The result should be two smooth rails so that you can roll down the mountain along them. The poles are watered several times until they freeze well and become slippery. Also, the platform, which will meet the comers who have moved out on the poles, should be flooded and well rocked. Those who wish (a couple) to ride the poles must be of the same height and from the same weight category. And one more requirement for shoes, it must be with heels, they will help to keep stable on the poles and not slip off them. Partners stand on the poles facing each other and support each other different ways, the easiest way is to support the waist or shoulders with your hands, the main thing is to resist when downhill. Spectators can observe, with a successful descent, the most bizarre and comic poses of a bold couple, provided that they have ingenuity, courage, know how to keep balance and apply coordination in actions. Such skating is a hobby for young people and teenagers.

tug of war
On Maslenitsa, you can move away from the traditional tug of war. Everything, as in the usual tug-of-war, except for the position of the teams - they stand with their backs to each other, in this position they measure their strength.

three legs
Required attributes: start line, flag and rope. Teams are divided into pairs. From each pair they make a "three-legged player". Why the right leg of one partner is connected with a rope to the left leg of the second partner. The "three-legged" pair must run to the flag, turn around and return to the start line. Then the next pair runs.

A fun team relay race that requires the team to be split into pairs. One player from a pair will have to turn into a wheelbarrow. The player's legs act as the handles of the wheelbarrow, and the player's hands instead of the wheel. At the whistle (command), the "wheelbarrow" lies on the floor, resting on his hands. The partner, who is also the driver, takes the “wheelbarrow” (legs of the partner) by the handles, while the body of the “wheelbarrow” should be parallel to the floor. The “wheelbarrow”, supported by the driver by the legs, moves on its hands (rides) to the turning flag, turns around and returns to the start line, where it passes the baton to a new “wheelbarrow” that is already ready to go.

To make stilts, bars with the following characteristics are needed: a length of 2-2.5 m and a cross section of 40 by 50 mm. From one end of the bar at a distance of 30-40 cm, blocks are nailed to stop the legs. Competition equipment is ready.
How can you compete on stilts?

For the competition, set a certain distance (start and turning flag) and draw circles along the way, the diameter of which should be 50-60 cm. The task of the contestants is to walk on stilts to the turning circle, stepping into the circles and return back, not forgetting to step into the circles.
- At a given distance (narrow path), skittles are placed in different places, you can use towns or wooden chocks. Competitors on stilts must overcome the track in both directions without hitting, let alone knocking over a single skittle.
- It is necessary to walk a given distance (15-20 m) with the least number of steps. In order to be able to take a small step on stilts, you need to spread your legs wide apart, which is very difficult to do on stilts.

These pretty simple designs can replace stilts in competitions. For the production of pillar walkers, you need round logs with a diameter of 10-15 cm and pieces of a strong rope (the length of the piece is from legs to arms, located at the seams). In the upper part of the log (pillar), drill a hole into which to thread the rope. The ends of the ropes must be held in your hands; when walking, they help to rearrange the legs along with the pillar walkers. Competitions on stilts can be safely held on pole walkers. Instead of pins, chocks and towns, you can use large tin cans.

The competition is quite old, even in the circus they performed with such numbers. For fair judging, the contestants are divided into weight categories. To not be offended different groups competitors, for each group of weights can also be different weight. The winner can be determined in different categories:
- Left hand press
- Bench press right hand
- Total bench press with both hands.

Russian broom
Russian joke contest for the championship in throwing a broom at a distance. Throwing a broom is more convenient without a shaft.

Fastest on a broomstick
On a certain territory, skittles are put in a chain. The task of the contestants is to saddle a broom and ride like a snake in this form without knocking down the skittles. Whoever knocks down the pins the least is the winner.

Broom on the forehead
After throwing and running, just wear it on your forehead. The winner is the one who was able to keep it on his forehead the longest.

Russian beauty
View of Russian beauties. The first stage: a round dance with a demonstration of costumes. The second stage: showing the body and gait, for better visibility with a yoke and buckets of water filled to the brim.

Russian bath
Who will quickly deprive a dry bath broom of leaves, “floating” the enemy with them.

Concert competitions:
- Spooners (the accordionist accompanies, the contestants try to play along on the spoons).
- Chastushki (to defeat a girlfriend, you need to sing a ditty).
- Pereplyas ("Apple", "Lady", "Semyonovna", "Gypsy").

In the old days Maslenitsa was one of the most beloved and happy Holidays, because Maslenitsa week marked the end cold winter and the beginning of a warm spring. On Maslenitsa, both adults and children had fun, organized folk festivals and mass games, went to visit with whole families and, of course, baked pancakes. The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa merrily has survived to this day, and in the cities and towns of our country they organize games on the street for Maslenitsa for all ages, pancake eating contests and other fun fun. In families, people also actively celebrate the end of winter, invite relatives and friends to visit for pancakes, and organize indoor games for children and adults. And here we will share scenarios of the most fun and exciting games and competitions for preschoolers and schoolchildren, as well as ideas for fun in which children can take part on an equal basis with adults.

Pancake week is celebrated before the start of Lent and falls in different years either at the end of February or at the very beginning of March. At this time, in most regions of Russia, on the streets of cities and settlements there is still snow, and the sun only occasionally peeps through heavy clouds. Therefore, on Maslenitsa, both adults and children spend a lot of time outside to play enough winter games, ride sleds and make snowmen until the snow melts. And games on Maslenitsa on the street for children are most often mass fun with sledding and skating, sledding, throwing snowballs at each other and creating fabulous sculptures from snow.

Contests, games and fun for children on Maslenitsa are organized by the city authorities as part of the celebration of Maslenitsa week, and educators in kindergartens, and elementary school teachers in schools. Also tell the children about an interesting game, provide them with everything necessary inventory and send them to play on the street, parents who invited friends of their child to visit on Maslenitsa can also.

Ideas for children's games for Maslenitsa on the street

On Maslenitsa, if weather conditions allow, children can play almost any outdoor winter games. And here we will talk about the most exciting and interesting games for children that you can play on the street on Maslenitsa.

Old Russian game "Wolf and Sheep"

4 or more children can play this game, and both the fenced yard of a private house and the area near the playground near the apartment building. By drawing lots, one of the children is appointed as the Wolf, and the rest will be Sheep. Sheep come up to the Wolf and say: “Wolf, let us take a walk in your forest!”.

The wolf answers the Sheep: “Go, walk, just don’t eat grass!”. The sheep disperse all over the playground, as far as possible from the Wolf, and then they say loudly “We tear the green grass, and the Wolf - the mud on the shovel!”.

Then the Wolf starts chasing the Sheep, who, of course, also do not stand still, but run away from him. And when the Wolf manages to catch someone, his "prey" will change places with him and the game will resume.

Sledding game "Who can resist?"

For this game, you need a pair of participants, and the more children play, the more fun. Sledges will also be required - one for each pair of participants. The place for the game is a flat area covered with fluffy deep snow.

Children stand on one side of the playground and break into pairs. One child gets on the sled, and the other must carry him through the snow to the finish line, located on the opposite side of the site. At the command of the leader, those participants in the game who have the role of “cab drivers” begin to pull the sled to the finish line, and those who are on the sled do everything so as not to lose balance and not fall out.

The teams in which the participant fell out of the sled or sat down are eliminated from the race, and the pair of guys who managed to reach the finish line first wins. The winners receive some kind of prize from the host (sweets, cookies, delicious pancakes), and then the game resumes, only the participants in the pair change roles.

Sledge game "Hit the target"

This game is very interesting and exciting, and you can play it for a long time. It will require a snow-covered slide and sleds for all participants. At the beginning of the game, the children make a snowman at the foot of the hill, and then everyone climbs the hill, sits in a sled and rides down the hill so that they crash into a snowman below and knock her down. Whoever manages to shoot down the target, he becomes the winner. If, after everyone has moved out of the hill, the snowman remains intact, the children go to the second descent. Then the downed snowman can be restored and the game can continue until each participant knocks down the target at least once.

Funny fun and competitions for Shrovetide for children and adults on the street

Not only children, but also adults want to have plenty of fun on Maslenitsa. People come to the festivities in honor of Maslenitsa with all their families, and the organizers of the fun arrange a lot of interesting games with pancakes and competitions for participants of all ages. And before solemnly burning the effigy of Shrovetide-winter and tasting pancakes, all those present at the holiday watch a theatrical performance and take part in games and competitions.

In many cities in last years Maslenitsa often organizes contests and games invented by our ancestors. These Maslenitsa contests on the street for children and adults are very simple, but nevertheless interesting and exciting, and both young and adult guests of the holiday will gladly take part in them.

Pancake Eating Contest "Shrovetide Relay Race"

Any number of people of any age can take part in this pancake eating contest. All participants must be divided into two more or less equal teams, and then the members of each team must stand at the start one after another. Opposite each team, at a distance of 15-20 meters, tables are placed on which there is an empty glass, an empty plate, a large bottle with some kind of drink and a large dish of pancakes.

At the command of the leader, one participant from each team must run up to their table, pour a drink into a glass and return back. After the first participants return, the second ones run to the table to put one pancake from the dish on the plate. The third participants will be the luckiest - their task is to quickly eat a pancake from a plate, drink a drink from a glass and come back.

The fourth participants repeat the actions of the 1st, the fifth - the 2nd, and so on in a circle. The team that finishes the Maslenitsa treat first will win.

Competition "How many bagels?"

This simple competition can be held both on the street and in a large room, the main thing is that there are many participants. For the competition, you will need a braid 1-1.2 meters long, bagels and a comic medal for the “Best Bagel Counter”.

The host must first string bagels on the braid and accurately count them. Then the facilitator shows all the participants a bundle of bagels and offers to guess them exact amount. Each of the participants calls their version until someone guesses correctly. To the one who guesses the number of bagels on the braid, the presenter puts on a bundle with treats around his neck and gives him a joke medal as another prize.

Sledding games for Maslenitsa on the street for all ages

On the days of Pancake week, many people with their whole families go for walks in parks and nature in order to have time to enjoy winter games until the snow melts and spring comes into its own. Therefore, finding a company to have fun together by playing Shrovetide games for all ages will not be difficult. The main thing is that when leaving the house, dress warmly and take a sled and a cheerful mood with you.

Ideas for games with and without sleds in the snow on Shrove Tuesday

There are a lot of games that both children and adults can play on Maslenitsa. And here we will share the most exciting Shrove Tuesday outdoor play ideas for all ages. And if for one game you need a sledge, then for another - nothing but a good mood.

Game "Two cities"

For this game on a snow-covered site, you need to select two sections - "City 1" and "City 2" and outline the road between them. The distance between cities should be at least 20 meters. All participants are divided into two equal teams, and then the first team becomes in "City 1", and the second - along the road between cities. The task for the players of the first team is to run to City 2, while the players from the second team must prevent them from doing this by throwing snowballs at them.

Players from the first team who fall along the way or run out of the line marking the side of the "road" are out of the game. When all members of the first team have either dropped out or defected to the second "City", you need to count how many players have reached their destination, and assign the corresponding number of points to the first team.

Then the teams switch roles, and those who ran from the first "City" to the second one stand along the road, and the team that threw snowballs will now run between the cities themselves. According to the results of two races, the team in which large quantity players managed to get from the first "City" to the second. If desired, the game can continue either until either team has a certain number of points, or until each team has completed 3, 5, 7 or 10 runs between cities.

Sledding game "Pull and push"

In this fun game the players are divided into pairs, and each pair sits on the sled so that those sitting are with their backs to each other. The task of each pair is to, helping themselves with their feet, quickly overcome the previously indicated distance for the other participants. The first pair to sled from start to finish will win the game.

Sledding game "Who wins?"

For this game, you need two sleds, which are placed at a distance of 3-4 meters "facing" to each other. A line is drawn between the sleds, and then one player sits in each sled, who picks up a rope from other sleds.

The task of each player is to pull the sled with the opponent over the line to his side. The feet of the players must be raised so that they cannot rest on the snow. If, as a result of the competition, the sled with the players collide with each other right on the line, a draw is declared.

Scenario and games for the celebration of Maslenitsa indoors for preschoolers

At school and preschool education more and more attention is paid to the revival of the traditions of our people, and children from the most tender age are told about the customs of their ancestors. Such a big national holiday as Shrovetide is necessarily included in educational program. In kindergartens, on Thursday or Friday of Maslenitsa week, they always hold a holiday in honor of farewell to winter, at which teachers tell the kids about the traditions of Maslenitsa and the burning of an effigy, treat them with pancakes, and, of course, organize games for Maslenitsa in the room for preschoolers.

Shrovetide scenario in kindergarten

Below is an example of a script for a Maslenitsa matinee in kindergarten. This scenario is suitable for a holiday in the middle and preparatory group, and the kids will definitely like the matinee on it. Also, the scenario can be supplemented with competitions for eating pancakes and for knowing the facts about Maslenitsa, outdoor games and other fun.

Music sounds

Petrushka comes out:

Come on honest people

Interesting things are waiting for you!

Come on, hurry up

Relax, have fun!

We invite everyone to the holiday

Seeing off the Russian winter begins!

Two buffoons run out.

1 buffoon:

Please, dear guests, please

Fun and joy to you!

We have been waiting for you for a long time,

We can't start the holiday without you.

2 buffoons:

We have in store for fun for every taste for you:

To whom a joke, to whom a song, and to whom they danced.

All children dance - they lead a round dance or perform another simple dance.

1 buffoon:

Maslenitsa, come early, we will meet you well!

2 buffoons:

Dear guest Maslenitsa, an important, long-awaited guest,

The warm sun is teasing in the sky, our bow to you, Maslenitsa guest!

Buffoons sing:

Pea ears curl

Worms on a hook.

We are funny buffoons, like peas in a pod.

Buffoon, you buffoon

Come out with a pipe on the threshold.

And to the people from the heart sing a ditty and dance.

Chastushechniks come out - boys and girls in folk costumes.

Wider circle, wider circle

Stand in a wider circle.

I'm not going to dance alone -

There are four of us.

I danced with three legs

Lost boots.

looked back -

My boots are on.

If there were no water

There would be no mug.

If there were no girls -

Who would sing ditties?

1 buffoon:

Berezol-whistler calls spring: “Spring-spring is long-awaited,

Where are you wandering around like that for a long time when you send Maslenitsa to us?

2 buffoons:

Where are you, Maslenitsa annual, our dear guest?

Come, Maslenitsa, visit the wide yard!

Maslenitsa importantly comes out to the music.

Just for seven days I came to you.

My first day is the Meeting, and the seventh is the Seeing.

1 buffoon:

Our Maslenitsa dear did not come to us for a long time?

2 buffoons:

We thought for seven weeks, but it turned out for seven days ...

And with whom did you come, Maslenitsa guest?

Pancake week:

And I came to you with my girlfriends - nesting dolls.

The smallest participants come out - nesting dolls. They line up in height and sing the song “We are funny nesting dolls”.

Pancake week:

From time immemorial they have met me with satiety and contentment. The richer you meet Maslenitsa, the richer the year will be.

Cooks run out:

And we meet you with pancakes and a loaf.

(Pass Shrovetide loaf).

All children sing:

Kuma had a sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.

I baked six piles of them,

Seven do not eat.

Oh, girl, red sun,

Get up from the oven, bake kalachi!

We have not eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Put pancakes on a tray

And bring it to the threshold!

Leading: Guys (addressing the audience), let's ask Shrovetide for a treat!

Children, in unison: Tinka, tinka, give me a blink!

All together they sing the song “Oh, pancakes, pancakes”.

How we baked pancakes for Shrovetide week.

Come, come in, we will treat you with pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, oh, my pancakes.

Poems about spring performed by one of the children.

Maslenitsa: You have prepared a good meeting and good farewell for me. And now it's time for me...

He leaves to the music .. The whole hall applauds to the beat of the music.

All children sing a Russian folk song “Now the winter is passing” or songs about spring.

Parsley: And now, dear guests, taste delicious ruddy pancakes.

(At the end of the hall there are tables with pancakes and jam).

Continuation of the holiday on the street in the courtyard, where the effigy of Maslenitsa is installed. Children line up around. The scarecrow is burned as a symbol of the passing winter and cold weather...

Maslenitsa games for the little ones

You can diversify the scenario of the holiday with games for Shrovetide for preschoolers, which you can play indoors. But children can also play these games with their friends at home, because a children's room or a living room is suitable as a playground, and as incentive prizes for all the winners - delicious pancakes baked by mom with honey or jam and sweets.

Game "Hot-Cold"

This game is a slightly modified and more interesting version of hide and seek. Among the children, two leaders are selected, who become in the center of the room. The first leader closes his eyes and slowly counts to 10 while the rest of the participants hide. The second leader, meanwhile, remembers where the players hid, and tells the leader where to look for them, using only the words "Hot", "Warm" and "Cold".

Mobile game with the Bear

Among the children, a bear is chosen by lot, then they blindfold him and lay him on the sofa. Then one of the children touches the "Bear" and wakes him up. "Bear" gets up from the couch and tries to catch one of the players, who, meanwhile, dodge him. Those whom the "Bear" catches are out of the game. The child left uncaptured will be the winner, and it will be the bear who will play the role of the “Bear” in the next game.

By the way, kids can play mass games like this both indoors and outdoors.

Games and competitions for Maslenitsa indoors for schoolchildren

In schools, as well as in kindergartens, Maslenitsa is celebrated merrily and en masse. In some schools, a stuffed Maslenitsa is even installed in the yards to solemnly burn it after the festive events, and girls learn how to bake pancakes at labor lessons, which they then treat to both boys and teachers. And, of course, teachers classroom hours organize games for Shrovetide in the room for schoolchildren, so that children can take a break from lessons and enjoy the imminent arrival of spring.

Game "Bazaar conversation"

This game is sure to appeal to children of primary and secondary school age, and it can be played by 4-5 people or the whole large friendly class. To begin with, all participants are given 5 forfeits, and then the leader stands in front of the children and says: “You came to the market, you have 100 rubles, buy whatever you want, don’t say yes and no, black and white don’t take it."

Then the host begins to conduct a “bazaar conversation” with each of the participants, asking provocative questions and forcing them to say one of the forbidden words (for example: “Will you buy ice cream?”, “Which bread will you buy - white or black”, etc. ). The player who says one of the forbidden words gives the leader one phantom.

The game lasts until at least half of the players run out of forfeits. Then the losers will have to redeem their forfeits from the host by completing some funny tasks.

The game "Zhmurki in place"

This game is very old, and our grandparents also enjoyed playing it. This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. Among the participants, a leader is selected, he is blindfolded and told to spin around himself 5 times (to knock down a landmark in space). While the host is spinning, all the participants scatter around the room as quietly as possible and freeze in secluded corners.

Then the host, blindfolded and arms outstretched, goes to look for other players. When he finds someone by touch, he also needs to guess who he found. If the leader guessed right, he removes the bandage from his eyes and gives it to the caught participant, and the game continues in the second round.

Game "Korchaga"

"Korchaga" is another one of the old mass indoor games for teenagers. This game can be played by 5 to 15 people. A korchaga and a driver are selected from the participants by lot. All players, except for these two, stand in a circle. The participant who happened to be a korchaga is put in the center of the circle and his head is covered with a thick scarf. The driver approaches each of the players and quietly, so that the korchaga does not hear, tells them their gaming nicknames: “grasshopper”, “flower”, etc.

Then the driver stands near the pot and pronounces the nickname of one of the players. The named player approaches the sitting one, lightly claps his hand on the shoulder, and then returns to his place in the circle and claps his hands. Next, the driver removes the handkerchief from the pot and asks which player approached him. If the korchaga guesses, he changes places with that player, and if not, the driver again covers him with a handkerchief and the game continues.

Funny indoor Shrovetide contests with adults

At the celebration of Maslenitsa, not only children, but also adults have fun with might and main. In offices and at home, noting imminent arrival spring, our fellow citizens arrange fun and competitions for Maslenitsa indoors with adults, joke, have fun and have fun. There are many ideas for Shrovetide contests for adults, and the most popular of them are:

  • Pancake Eating Contest
  • Competition "Teschin pancakes" for guessing the filling in blindfolded pancakes, by smell
  • Competition for the most original filling for pancakes
  • Competition for the fastest putting on vyshyvanka and boots
  • Competition for the most beautiful national costume for a theme party in honor of Maslenitsa, etc.

In the video below, you can also see interesting folk fun and Maslenitsa competitions for adults, which can be held both in a large room and on the street.

Maslenitsa games and competitions are a fun way to spend winter and welcome spring

The list of what games are played on Maslenitsa is almost endless, because in the last week before Lent, the main thing is to have a good rest and have fun. Many fun and exciting contests and games for Maslenitsa on the street and indoors for children and adults were invented centuries ago, and today our fellow citizens play both ancient and newest mass games. Maslenitsa is a holiday for all ages, so children, along with adults, go sledding, participate in contests and fun, because for preschoolers and schoolchildren, Maslenitsa will not only be an occasion for fun and relaxation, but also an opportunity to learn more about the traditions of our ancestors.

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people. Many people love him for his carefree disposition, for fun entertainment after a cold winter. For parents with small children, this is a fertile time for joint games, exciting fun, and communication with their baby. In addition, participation in festive festivities can be used as a means of developing and educating your child. There is a good opportunity to replenish the knowledge of children about folk traditions, see with your own eyes all the traditional actions, teach preschool children the rules of communication and behavior in a mass event. In Shrovetide games for children, you can expand knowledge about folk art: ditties, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, invocations. If you can’t go to the city festivities with your child and take part in common entertainment, it’s easy to organize such a holiday in the immediate environment: in the family, at the dacha with relatives. However, not all parents know how to properly use the holidays for educational purposes and how to prepare young children for them. Experts, meanwhile, remind you of the need to adhere to special rules.

Rules for preparing preschoolers for the holiday

Important: so that holiday entertainment does not become stressful for preschoolers, psychologists advise preparing for such events in advance.

Experience of teachers kindergarten allowed to draw up a number of rules that will help parents:

  1. It must be remembered that holidays are not only pleasure and fun, but also vanity, close communication with strangers. All this can be a source of stress for children. Planning your holiday ahead of time will help prevent problems from occurring.
  2. It is best to think in advance how to prepare the child so that a long and noisy walk does not negatively affect his daily routine. Teachers remind that the baby should sleep well, have a hearty breakfast. Before leaving the house, it is undesirable to excite him with an irritated tone, excessive notations. In the evening, you need to prepare warm and comfortable clothes for winter entertainment that do not restrict movement, sleds for skiing down hills and other necessary items.
  3. On the eve of the holiday, it is advisable to discuss all actions with the child, which will create additional interest in the event. With an older preschooler, you can create a joint entertainment program. The little one is to tell about the rules of behavior on the walk, so as not to get into a difficult situation. Preliminary preparation and instruction have importance, because it allows you to save good mood throughout the event.
  4. Parents need to understand that their expectations of certain behavior from their child must correspond to his character, psychological characteristics, and age. If the preschooler is calm, do not expect him to have fun on a par with active children. And vice versa, it is impossible to demand from an energetic child that he does not participate in lively events.

What should children be told about Maslenitsa?

In order for the children to be interested and understand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday in which the family is going to participate, you need to tell in an accessible form about its content. You can read books to preschool children, look at pictures on the Internet. And yet, an emotional accessible story by an adult will help the child better feel the upcoming event. In this case, what can parents tell their children about Maslenitsa?

Maslenitsa is a holiday that symbolizes farewell to the bored winter and a meeting with the long-awaited spring. The tradition of Shrovetide days has always been stormy fun and generosity, as our ancestors considered this a guarantee of rich harvests, abundance in the coming year. The holiday lasted for seven days, each day was called and celebrated in a special way. The main treat all week is pancakes, symbolizing the spring sun. A fun decoration of the event was the construction of a straw doll or stuffed animal, named in honor of the Maslenitsa holiday. The scarecrow was placed on the main square, where the festivities took place (you can give a small straw doll to a preschooler). Calling on the sun, they tried to please Shrovetide, shouting out the invocations:

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,
Come visit us
To a wide yard.
ride on the mountains,
Roll in pancakes
Rejoice hearts!

Traditional for the holiday was competitions, round dances. People sang, joked, made fun of Maslenitsa. On the last Maslenitsa day, a straw doll was burned, rejoicing at the upcoming spring days. Unpretentious, but exciting entertainment: sleigh rides, taking snow fortresses - attracted both children and adults.

Entertainment during Maslenitsa holidays

Traditional entertainment will support the interest and desire of children to participate in fun activities.

Important: organizing games for the Shrove Tuesday for children, the main thing is to choose the right game actions according to the age and capabilities of the baby.

Dads and moms will bring great pleasure to the kids, who will also take an active part in fun and competitions. This achieves a great educational effect, the unity of parents and children, which can be difficult to obtain. Therefore, adults should take the opportunity to communicate, play, compete with their children, encourage them for progress made. In folk pedagogy there is exciting games, competitions that can be organized at home, if for some reason the parents do not go with the child to mass entertainment. Preschool children attending kindergarten know and love traditional fun, parents teach home children during family leisure. On holidays like Maslenitsa, it is simply necessary to use the creative potential of the people (chastushkas, nursery rhymes, songs) to expand knowledge about traditions, develop the nursery.

Shrovetide, Shrovetide, we won't praise you,
Come visit us in the wide yard
Play with the kids, ride the slides!

"Pancakes in a frying pan"

Fun for kids of all ages. Adults take an active part in it, the preparation is minimal: draw a round playing field (frying pan). Participants hold hands tightly and try to push each other into a circle so that the pancake player "bakes" in the pan. The winner is the participant who has never been in a circle. At the end of the game, everyone is treated to pancakes.

"Cheerful buffoons"

In this theatrical action, parents prepare hats, learn a song, for example, to a poem by L. Orlova:

I am a cheerful Buffoon!
Look, I'm not bad.
For a penny (preferably five)
I will jump and dance.
I won't let you get bored!
Who is ready to be naughty?

Caps of buffoons are put on the players, you can simply sew bright balls (bells) to the child's cap. To the chorus, children imitate the sprawling habits of a bear at a fair, the important gait of a cockerel, the fight of goats with their foreheads. It is good to use cheerful musical accompaniment.

"Street organ"

With the participation of children of different ages. To have fun, an adult needs to change into an old organ grinder, pick up a monkey toy or a parrot, a music box like a barrel organ, write notes for children depicting “customers”. The entertainment will be more interesting if souvenirs are prepared for the participants to be hidden in different places. The host sings a song about a barrel organ or reads a nursery rhyme:

I never part with an old hurdy-gurdy,
She gives joy to everyone and drives away sadness!

An adult, imitating an organ grinder, shouts: “Happiness is for sale!”.

Children-"buyers" pull out little notes, the organ grinder reads out their content, for example: "Look for your happiness under the Christmas tree", "Your happiness is behind the bench."

"Ride on the carousel"

A classic outdoor game for preschoolers of any age, well known to children in kindergarten. The leader (adult or senior preschooler) raises a stick with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Participants choose a ribbon for themselves, the presenter spins in place, depicting a carousel. Players perform rhythmic actions, singing along to the leader:

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels spin.
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run!
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two
Here the game is over.

"Inflate, Bubble"

Classic old-time entertainment, familiar and loved by all preschoolers. A round dance game is often played in kindergarten. For a game action, everyone needs to stand in a circle and perform certain movements in accordance with the words:

Blow up, bubble
Big-big, ( participants gradually expand the round dance, the "bubble" inflates)
stay like this
And don't crash!
He flew, he flew, he flew the players hold hands, run in a circle)
And hit a thread.
The thread has fallen everyone stops)
The bubble is gone!
Bach! Burst: sh-sh-sh ( the circle narrows, the bubble "bursts")!

"Old Malanya"

Fun for all the kids, a lot of fun playing. It is good if adults take part, which children can imitate. At first, the parent ("Malanya") is chosen as the parent, then the role can be transferred to the older preschooler. The players stand in a circle, the driver is in the center. Under the words of the nursery rhyme (it can be sung in unison), the leader depicts various fun actions, the rest of the participants reproduce them:

At Malania, at the old woman's
Lived in a small hut
Seven daughters, seven sons
All without eyebrows eyebrows covered with hands).
With such eyes "Malanya" shows funny eyes, playing copy),
With those ears, those noses, the driver builds mischievous faces),
With such a mustache, with such a head, with such a beard.
They didn't eat anything, they sat all day,
They looked at her, did like this ... ( a cheerful pose is depicted, which is copied by all players).

The participant who shows Malanya the most cheerfully wins and receives a prize.


Vintage entertainment will fit perfectly into, create a cheerful mood in adults and children. Maslenitsa is the right time for such old-fashioned amusements. First you need to tell the guys who the dudar is (plays the pipe), what a deck is (a thick cut down tree). The adult first becomes the leader, and then the role is transferred to the children. For entertainment, a large area is required, so they play on the court. Participants walk in a round dance, rhythmically pronounce or sing:

Dudar, dudar, dudarishche, old, old old man.
His under the deck, under the damp, under the rotten.
Dudar, dudar, what hurts?

Dudar plaintively pronounces, pointing to any part of the body, for example: “The finger is sick”, playing with a laugh, grab the neighbor’s finger and move on.

Or: “The hand hurts”, they hold hands, continuing the round dance with the words: “Dudar, blower, what hurts?”

Dudar cries: “The barrel is sick”, the participants grab each other by the sides with laughter, the game continues.

The fun ends with the words of the dudar: “Nothing hurts!”

Everyone scatters, the leader catches them.

"Let's ride horses"

Shrovetide events are impossible without horseback riding. During the festivities, you can ride with children on a horse-drawn sleigh. At home, skating is simulated by the game. An adult ties bells to a beautiful ribbon, offers to make a “team”, putting a ribbon on one child is a “horse”. Children grab the ribbons and shout:

Knock-knock, tra-ta-ta, open the gate!
Open the gate! We're leaving the yard! But!

With these words “the horse is running”, ringing bells, the children run after it. When the guys have played enough, the host says: “Whoa, horse, stop!”.

To diversify the game of "horses", it will be interesting to theatricalize the nursery rhyme "Like thin ice ...":

Like thin ice
A white snow fell.
A white snow fell
Vanechka-friend was driving.
Vanya rode, hurried,
He fell off his horse.
He fell and lies
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Two friends saw
Soon they ran up to Vanya.
Soon they ran up to Vanya,
They put him on a horse.
They put Vanya on a horse,
The path was shown.

Maslenitsa is a traditional time for fun with snow, preschoolers will enjoy playing Snow Fortress, Snow Shooting Range, and King of the Hill with their parents.

Important: in outdoor games with snow, adults should not leave children unattended in order to avoid injury.

The whole family can take part in such Shrovetide games as "Tug of war", "Burn, burn, clear ..." and other similar games. We wish you a merry wide Maslenitsa!

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In this development, a scenario for the celebration is presented. The children were invited to take part in the Fun Fair (in winter fun) and burn a scarecrow so that Winter would give way to Spring.

Purpose of the event: an introduction to the celebration of Russian folk holidays.

Event objectives:

  1. to acquaint students with the customs and traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa;
  2. broaden the general horizons of students;
  3. develop agility, speed, coordination of movements, logical thinking;
  4. create a festive atmosphere for students;
  5. to cultivate friendly relations, respect for the way of life, life, customs of ancestors.

Forms of organization of activities: theatrical performance, games-competitions.

Event progress

Cheerful music sounds, buffoons run out.

1st buffoon: All! All! All! On holiday! We meet Maslenitsa, we see off the winter, we call spring!

2nd buffoon:

Hey gay guys
You listen to me!
I'll tell you a secret
And you are farther than the whole world,
What do we have here today
For fun - expanse:
There will be music and singing
Dancing, games, entertainment
Very interesting,
Simply wonderful!
Today the law is simple:
"Sing and dance, dance and sing!"
Forgive all mistakes today
But not the lack of a smile!

1st buffoon: Come break the bones! Today Shrovetide invites you to visit!

2nd buffoon:

To us, here! Gather up, people!
Something interesting is waiting for you today!
Games, fun, fun and laughter,
We have enough holidays for all of us.

Everyone gathered in a big round dance.

Leading: Hello, dear guests, long-awaited! Today we have - Walk around! Fourth day Great Maslenitsa! Pancake week! Pancake week! Wide carnival!

1st buffoon: We will see off the winter and meet the spring, sing funny Russian songs and play games.

2nd buffoon: Look who's coming to us! It's Zimushka herself walking towards us.

Music for winter.

Winter. Hello people! Are you tired of the long winter? Maybe add some more frost to you, more snow?

Buffoons (together). We don’t need such joy, we are frozen to the bone, we don’t get a tooth on a tooth, we can’t wait for warm days. Maybe you will give way to Spring?

Winter. I'll look, I'll think. If you make me laugh, amuse me, maybe I will give way to Spring.

Leading: Guys, do you want Spring to come? Let's try to make Winter laugh, shall we?

1st buffoon: Winter does not want to leave like this, she wants to be amused!

2nd buffoon: Are you ready to take part in winter fun?

1st buffoon: Then, we open our Fun Fair.

Leading: In order to take part in the Fair, each class must obtain an "Entertainment Ticket" and follow the indicated route. Having finished, all the tasks are going here with you. And find out if we were able to please Zima?

1st buffoon: We begin!


Entertainment Fair

  1. Shooting range of Santa Claus. What is winter without snowball fights? In the fresh frosty air there is no better gambling, warming fun. Set up snowball targets on the site. The easiest option is wooden shields 1 x 1 m in size with several circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm (you can make them in the form of a stuffed Maslenitsa or Snowmen or just stick images from thick cardboard on the shield or draw on the shields). Shields can be dug into the ground on poles, hung on a wall or on a fence. If it is not possible to make targets, you can simply draw them on a blank wall of a house or a fence. The most accurate wins.
  2. Competition - relay race "Plant potatoes". The first member of each team has a bucket with 6 "potatoes". At the signal of the leader, the first participant runs to the drawn line and puts one potato into the "holes" dug in the snow and painted with paint. Having finished work, the first participant returns to the team and passes the bucket to the second participant. The second participant collects potatoes and passes the bucket of potatoes to the third participant. The third one “plants” potatoes, etc.)
  3. "Cock-fights". Draw a narrow path in the snow. Participants are invited to knock down an opponent with a pillow. The one who goes beyond the line is the one who lost.
  4. Bowling. Goal: knock down the skittles. Team standings: who will bring down the most. Each is given one attempt.
  5. Ditties about carnival, winter
  6. Panicle throwing. This competition is amazing fresh air, fun and simple: this is the championship in throwing a broom for a distance. For such fun, you need to take a few panicles without a shaft. What would winter be without a janitor with a broom to clear the snow? We are holding a competition for the title of Honorary Janitor. The winner is the one who throws the whisk the farthest or knocks down the snow figure.
  7. Riddles (about the holidays of Shrovetide)
    From window to window - a golden spindle. ( Sunshine)
    He came from the sky, he went to the earth. (Rain)
    The red yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)
    Without language, but speaks. Without legs, but running. (Stream)
    Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, he paved the bridge. She came red, dispersed the entire bridge. (Frost and spring.)
    What is not sown in the spring will be born? (Grass)
    Little, green covered the whole field. (Spring meadow.)
    Mother in spring - in a colored dress, mother in winter - in a white cloak. (Field)
    The brothers began to get out of the cradle. They fell to the ground - they became green. (Sprouting grain.)
    In summer he walks without a road near fir trees and oaks, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear)
  8. You can also play "Sparrows and Crows"(if you guess riddles quickly). Rules of the game: players are divided into two teams - "sparrows" and "raven". The host says: “Sparrows!”, The members of this team catch the “crow”. Suddenly, the host says “Crows!”, And everything happens the other way around, the “ravens” catch the “sparrows”. The game is dynamic, there is no need to drag it out, the main goal is to warm up, get a charge of vivacity.
  9. Panicle racing. A long strip is drawn on the snow - a track, along it they are placed with a snake plastic bottles, participants (you can seat the whole family) sit astride long brooms and run to the finish line.

Note: if panicles are difficult to find, replace them with brooms or shovels for clearing snow.


1st buffoon:

Hey people! Get ready for the round dance.
Well, we started the holiday.

2nd buffoon: Interestingly Zimushka was respected?

Winter: You have amused me. Maybe I'm thinking of staying. You are good with me. Games good winter so much exists. Why should I leave?

Leading: Yes, Winter is good with you! But I want the sun to warm us with its warmth.

Winter: Then one more challenge for you. Get it right, I'll give up. You need to draw Spring. On the one hand, my team, on the other, my rivals.

Leading: Yes, in the old days on Maslenitsa one of the funs was tug of war, let's follow the tradition.

1st buffoon. Who is the stronger of the guys, come out, don't be shy! We quickly take up the rope, the one who pulls it will be happy. He will become the strongest and get a gift.

The rope can be pulled both in the individual competition and in teams.

The main thing is that the strengths of the participants are approximately the same. This should be followed by adult assistants to the presenter.

Buffoons can help competitors, or they can “fool around”, pretending to help.

Winter. I see that the buffoons spent the winter in vain, they didn’t play snowballs, they didn’t leave the mountain. I’ll probably treat you with snow and frost, I won’t let spring go.

Leading. Wait, Winter, let's ask the guys how they spent the winter. Guys, was there always enough snow for skiing?

Children (chorus). Yes!

Leading. Have you always moved down the hills quickly?

Children (chorus). Yes!

Leading. Zimushka! Thank you for the snow, for the snow slides, for the skating rink and for the fast ski track.

1st buffoon. And now give way to Spring-Red. She's not far off.

2nd buffoon. Shrovetide will help us in this.

Winter. And where is your assistant?

Leading. To do this, you need to stand in a round dance and sing a song together.

1st buffoon. Only she would come sooner, cheerful, provocative, reckless, and not meek.

2nd buffoon. Hey guys let's sing a song with you "____"

Children sing and Maslenitsa appears.

Leading. Maslenitsa lasted seven days.

1st buffoon. The first day - "Meeting", we have already met Maslenitsa. Let's move on to the second day.

2nd buffoon. The second day - "3game". Guys with girls from the hill ride, trying to get to know each other.

1st buffoon. Winter lasts a long, long time, and Maslenitsa runs quickly. The third day is announced - "Gourmet".

2nd buffoon. And what do they eat on Maslenitsa?

Children (chorus). Pancakes!

1st buffoon. Thursday is the most oily day - "Razguly".

2nd buffoon. Day five - "Teschiny vechi". On a visit to the sons-in-law, mother-in-law complained about pancakes.

1st buffoon. The sixth day - "Zolovkina gatherings."

2nd buffoon. On these days, family tea parties were held with presentation of gifts.

Leading. Maslenitsa ended with Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone asked each other for forgiveness, and then they burned the effigy of Maslenitsa and finally said goodbye to Winter.

Winter(who has been watching the events all this time). Or maybe you'll change your mind? Why do you need this Spring, with me how fun, snowy, frosty, fresh!

1st buffoon. No, Zimushka, your time has passed.

2nd buffoon. Empress Maslenitsa, we boasted of you, ate pancakes, had fun! Your time has come, leave us!!!

Leading. Well, guys, it's time to say goodbye to Winter - to burn Maslenitsa! Let's say to her in chorus the words that the Slavs uttered a long time ago.

Children(chorus). Shrovetide-deceiver, brought to the post - she ran away! Maslenitsa, come back, show yourself in the new year! Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out !!!

We burn the scarecrow, and Winter leaves.

Music. Spring exit.

Spring. Hello guys, teachers, dear guests. Zima told me that you know how to sing and dance, play different games. You amused Winter, so she gave way to me.

Buffoons. Farewell winter! Long live Spring!


Like seeing off winter, pancakes flew from the oven,
Wow, buffoons, do not be stingy, share an oily pancake!
And we will sing the song "Pancakes" with the guys

The song "Pancakes".

Leading. Thank you for your attention, for your active efforts, for the fun, jokes, and laughter. And the reward will be for everyone! We invite you to pancakes, to the samovar.

The long-awaited Maslenitsa delights us for a whole week with delicious pancakes and pancakes, folk festivals and a perky mood. Everyone has already missed the magnificent celebration after the long-gone New Year's days. And now a string of games and amusements for Shrovetide brings back fun and carelessness to us. Seeing off winter can be accompanied by countless entertainments, which we will now understand.

Ancient traditions of folk festivals

The primordially Slavic, pagan holiday Shrovetide has existed since ancient times, when one-story carved huts covered the ground, ruddy women walked in beautiful flower scarves, and men in embroidered shirts, and the day began with the cry of early roosters.

The colorful culture of the ancient Slavs is full of mysteries, mysticism and folk wisdom. The ability to have fun on a grand scale and generosity is an important feature of the people. After all, only after a good rest, you can count on excellent performance in the future, and this is a guarantee of rich harvests and all sorts of abundance. Therefore, the Slavs did not limit themselves either in food or in entertainment on the days of Maslenitsa.

And whoever spent this time sparingly and boringly, he, according to popular belief, is all next year was not very lucky.

So, what were the winter fun of our ancestors:

Modern carnival fun

Many of today's carnival games have migrated from the past. Men and women put on traditional folk clothes, musicians take out an accordion, bells and whistles. Songs, dances, competitions and fun fill the cities. The warmer days lure many people out into the street, and homebodies invite friends and relatives to a home holiday, where it is also easy to arrange themed show jumping.

It's good when there is a leader who knows about all kinds of games and relay races. He says a preface about the holiday, its history, and then the fun begins:

Being indoors, competitions are selected less mobile. For example, “Merry Tambourine” is a game when those sitting at the table pass each other children's tambourine, while a rhyme like this is said in unison: “Roll a cheerful tambourine on your hands as soon as possible. Whoever has it left will sing and dance for us!” The loser needs to dance and sing, entertaining the company.

Street competitions are usually arranged for strength and dexterity, often of a ritual nature. For example, for tug-of-war, two teams are given the names "Winter" and "Spring". Joyfully, if "Spring" wins, then we can continue the celebration.

Other sports games for carnival may be:

Those with a sweet tooth will love the competition for the speed of eating pancakes or pancakes. Housewives can compete in the number and variety of cooked pancakes.

  1. "Three legs". The game begins like this: the participants are divided into two, each pair of legs are tied together (the left leg of one person and the right of the other). As a result, with the help of three “limbs”, the couple tries to reach the finish line as soon as possible.
  2. "Wheelbarrow". Competition in pairs: one person plays the role of a wheelbarrow, leaning his hands on the floor, the other holds his legs, playing the role of a driver. On command, this "structure" begins to move to the coveted finish line, overtaking the others.
  3. "Movement on a broom". Skittles are arranged in a row on the site, and you need to run between them on a broomstick, knocking down as few of them as possible.

Street games on Maslenitsa - video

Games for Maslenitsa in kindergarten

Kids love the fun week of Maslenitsa. To create a festive mood for them, kindergarten teachers organize special contests with gifts:

  • Shrovetide burners will help keep children warm during a walk.

The game starts with a stream. The children are asked to split into pairs and stand in a row. Children, holding on to the handles, lift them up. The very last couple starts to run in the resulting corridor under clasped hands and stands in front.

After each couple runs through the stream, they all sing the song “Burn, burn clearly!” together. And then the couple standing first scatters, and the driver must catch one person. If the children managed to run to the end of the row and join hands again, the driver continues to catch the next pair. And if one participant was caught, then the driver goes with him to the end of the stream. The one who has lost a pair becomes the leader.

  • Dawn.

For the game you need to prepare a bright satin ribbon. Children form a large circle and hide their hands behind their backs. The leader walks through the round dance, holding a ribbon or a bright scarf in his hands and singing a song about the dawn. Having finished singing the verse, he stops and leaves a bright ribbon on the shoulder of a nearby participant and runs away.

who is left with the tape, you need to run to opposite side to take your place faster than the driver.

Having managed to take the abandoned place, the participant remains in the round dance, and if the leader is the first, then the loser now plays the role of "Dawn".

  • Snow fortress.

If you are lucky enough to catch a lot of snow on Maslenitsa, you can play this exciting game. The children are divided into teams, and each team makes their battle fortifications and snow shells out of snow. At the signal of an adult, the children attack the fortresses of opponents with snowballs. The team whose fortress is destroyed first loses.

This mobile game requires not only accuracy, but also caution.

For safety reasons, before the start, the teacher proclaims the rule: you cannot throw snow in the face of other children, otherwise you will have to leave the team.

  • Shrovetide fights.

“Swords” are being prepared for children: balloons in the form of sticks are inflated. In this way, the guys have fun and safely play the fight.

  • Competition "Snowdrops".

To start
need to prepare a large number of artificial flowers or colored balls for the street. Children are divided into two teams. Funny verses about spring are sung in chorus, while the driver scatters flowers across the snow. As soon as the song stops, the guys rush to pick flowers. The team with the largest bouquet or more balloons wins.

Fun for schoolchildren

Children of primary school age will also be happy with kindergarten games. You can also pick up Shrovetide fun that is suitable for all ages.

Such games were invented for schoolchildren for Shrove Tuesday:

  • Rope pulling.

The most ancient Shrovetide game can be organized for children. To make it even more fun, instead of the usual rope, they take a rubber hose.

The teacher divides the children into two equal teams using a rhyme. A bright line is drawn on the snow with the help of paints. The referee blows his whistle and the tug-of-war begins. The guys can stand in an unusual way - with their backs to the line, to make it more interesting. The group of children who stepped outside the line loses.

  • Wheel.

On Maslenitsa week there was a tradition to roll a burning wheel down a hill. Whose wheel rolls further, fate promises great luck.

For schoolchildren, the fun is somewhat modified. A row of skittles is placed on the site. Two wooden wheels are taken, which are given to two teams of schoolchildren. The guys stand next to each other, and take turns rolling the wheel between the skittles. The relay ends when the first team of participants rolls and returns the wheel to the start.

  • Ropes.

Sports This fun will be very popular with girls.

The same rope or a long strong rope is taken. Two adults (or the guys themselves, if they are strong enough) begin to twist this rope. The rest run and jump over it.

The counting person notices who jumped over the rope more times and announces the winner.

This fun is accompanied by songs and ditties, you can specifically turn on the tape recorder.

  • Ice hill.

For children, a slide is prepared in advance: it is leveled and filled with water for the night, the sides are formed.

  • King of the Mountain

One schoolboy climbs a not very high hill from the snow and is proclaimed the king of the mountain. The rest of the kids are trying to climb to the top to throw off the self-proclaimed and take his place. Fun and active wrestling must be safe: it is forbidden to fight and push roughly. Previously, schoolchildren are given the task to learn the poem "King of the Hill" by the author E. Uspensky.

At school, in a literature lesson, you can ask to write your own rhyme, in which the presence of these words is mandatory: Shrovetide, spring, pancake, sun, winter.

Whoever composes the best work will receive a prize or several excellent marks.

Adults can organize a cooking lesson for schoolchildren, because learning to cook delicious pancakes and fritters are very exciting. who made the most beautiful and delicious pancake an incentive prize will be awarded, and the rest of the participants will also receive obligatory sweet gifts.

Maslenitsa is always bright and joyful, on the street or at home, it warms and unites the hearts of people. From kindergarten and school, it is imperative to instill this good tradition of celebrating with the help of games and gifts.

Once the richest holiday of the Slavs, and now it is not forgotten, because carnival fun and all sorts of competitions awaken fantasies in the souls of people about old times when everyone still loved to have fun and rejoice at the imminent onset of blooming spring.