Thematic planning in a circle is entertaining logic. The program of the circle for the development of logical thinking and mathematical abilities "Developing Games" Karaseva Elena Stanislavovna. for additional education

Eleonora Ryabkova

Circle program« color logic»

Compiled by the educator: Ryabkova E. V


"subject" "in a spiral" Program presents a system of classes organized in an entertaining way that does not tire the child and contributes to a better memorization of mathematical concepts. In math class Cup jokes, riddles, tasks for development are actively used logical thinking of children, exciting games and exercises with numbers, signs, geometric shapes. The plot of the classes and specially selected tasks contribute to the development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, motivate the child's activity and direct his mental activity to find ways to solve the tasks. During the classes, riddles of mathematical content are used, which provide invaluable assistance in the development of independent thinking, skills prove the correctness of judgments, possession of mental operations.Much attention is paid to the independent work of children and the activation of their vocabulary.Children must not only remember and understand the proposed material, but also try to explain what they understand.Important personality traits necessary for school: independence, intelligence, resourcefulness, observation, perseverance is developed.

The importance of educational games for the development of preschoolers, their diversity and age-appropriateness allows them to be used to solve this problem - the mental development of preschoolers. For this, developed mug program« color logic» . Name Cup reflects the main activity on it - the use of modern educational games, Gyenesh blocks, colored sticks X. Kuizener, labyrinths, puzzles, etc. Let us turn to some of them below.

Voskobovich games. The basic principles underlying these games - interest - knowledge - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game addresses the child directly with a kind, original, cheerful and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. Voskobovich's games "Geocont", "Game Square" (now it's "Voskobovich's Square", "Folders", " color clock" immediately attracted attention. Every year there were more and more of them - "Transparent Square", "Transparent Number", "Domino", "Planet of Multiplication", a series of "Miracle Puzzles", "Math Baskets". The first methodical tales.

Gyenes Logic Blocks(LBD) is a set of figures that are different from each other color, shape, size, thickness. Through various activities with logical blocks(partitioning, laying out according to certain rules, rebuilding, etc.) children master various thinking skills that are important both in terms of pre-math preparation and in terms of general intellectual development. These include the skills of analysis, abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization, coding-decoding, as well as logical operations"not", "and", "or". In specially designed games and exercises with blocks, kids develop the elementary skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking, the ability to perform actions in the mind. By using logical blocks children train attention, memory, perception.

H. Kuizener's sticks. By using colored sticks X. Kuizener develops activity and independence in the search for ways to act with the material, ways to solve mental problems. The main features of this didactic material are abstractness, versatility, and high efficiency. The sticks of X. Kuizener are the most consistent with the monographic method teaching numbers and counting.

H. Kuizener's sticks as a didactic tool fully correspond to the specifics and features of elementary mathematical representations formed in preschoolers, as well as their age capabilities, the level of development of children's thinking, mainly visual-effective and visual-figurative. In the child's thinking, first of all, what is first accomplished in practical actions with specific objects is reflected. Working with sticks allows you to translate practical, external actions into an internal plan, to create a complete, distinct and at the same time quite generalized idea of ​​the concept.

Nikitin games. In Nikitin's developing creative games their main feature lies - to combine one of the basic principles of learning "from simple to complex". With a very important principle of creative activity - "independently according to abilities." This union made it possible to solve several problems in the game at once related to the development of creative abilities: Nikitin's games can stimulate the development of creative abilities from an early age; tasks-steps of Nikitin's games always create conditions ahead of the development of abilities; the child develops most successfully if every time he independently tries to solve the most difficult tasks for him; Nikitin's games can be very diverse in content and, moreover, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity; playing Nikitin's games with their children, mothers and fathers imperceptibly acquire a very important skill - to restrain themselves, not to interfere with the baby to think and make decisions on his own, not to do for him what he can and should do himself. Nikitin's educational games include the game "Unicube", "Fold the Square", "Fractions", "Cubes for Everyone", "Fold the Pattern".

Puzzles and mazes. These types of games contribute to the development logical thinking, attention and resourcefulness.

At the core program is the idea of that each year of a child's life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. In accordance with the characteristics of the cognitive activity of preschool children, program mainly ensures the development of cognitive processes.

Changes in the socio-economic sphere of public life have put many countries of the world, including Russia, in front of the need to reform the educational system. In modern conditions, one of the priority areas of educational policy is the development of additional education for children. Additional education can be considered as a special educational space where many relationships are objectively set, where special educational activities of various systems for training, upbringing and development of the individual are carried out, where the processes of self-education, self-education and self-development are formed, where self-realization of the individual is actually carried out. Supplementary education of children cannot be regarded as a kind of appendage to basic education, which performs the function of expanding the possibilities of educational standards. Its main purpose is to satisfy the constantly changing individual socio-cultural and educational needs of children.

All modern programs and technologies preschool education is put forward as the main task - the comprehensive development of the child's personality, which is ensured by the unity of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. The tasks of mental education are sometimes understood in a simplified way, limited to the desire "invest" in a preschooler as much knowledge as possible about surrounding. But it's not about "polyknowledge". It is much more important to develop in a child the general abilities of cognitive activity - the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and also to make sure that he has a need to acquire new knowledge, to master the ability to think.

One of the means of mental development of the child are educational games. They are important and interesting for children, diverse in content, very dynamic and include manipulations with play material that are loved by children, which is able to satisfy the child in motor activity, movement, helps children use the score, and controls the correctness of actions.

The principles underlying these games - interest - knowledge - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game addresses the child directly with a kind, original, cheerful and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. In every game, the child always achieves some "subject" result. Constant and gradual complication of games ( "in a spiral") allows you to support children's activities in the zone of optimal difficulty. Developing games create conditions for the manifestation of creativity, stimulate the development of the mental abilities of the child. An adult can only use this natural need to gradually involve children in more complex forms of play activity.

The importance of educational games for the development of preschoolers, their diversity and age-appropriateness make it possible to use them to solve this problem of the mental development of preschoolers. For this, developed mug program« color logic» . Name Cup reflects the main direction of activity on it. The use of modern educational games by V. V. Voskobovich, B. P. Nikitin, Gyenesh blocks, colored sticks X. Kuizener, labyrinths, puzzles, etc.

Program goal: Creation of conditions for the development of elementary logical thinking among preschoolers using modern pedagogical technologies.

This program shows how through special games and exercises it is possible to form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality.



municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 10 "Teremok"

Working programm

circle for the development of logical thinking "We play and learn" for children 5-7 years old.

Teacher-psychologist Maksimova I.V.

for the 2016-18 academic year.


Explanatory note.

One of the most important tasks in raising a child is the development of his mind, the formation of such mental skills and abilities that allow him to learn new things. The education system should help the child to acquire such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to the new conditions of society. It is not uncommon for children who enter first grade to be able to read, write, count, and, it would seem, are fully prepared for school. However, teachers and parents often face such a problem, when already in the first months of study, children have difficulties in learning. One of the common reasons for this situation is the insufficient development of verbal and logical thinking at preschool age. In the mental development of the child, the process of mastering logical relations plays an essential role.

Recently, emphasis has been placed on working with children who have difficulties in mastering the program. Children with a high level of cognitive abilities were left without proper attention. The developed program will eliminate this shortcoming.

Verbal-logical thinking is the highest stage in the development of children's thinking. Achieving this stage is a long and complex process, since the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words.

But why logic to a little preschooler? According to L. A. Wenger, “For five-year-old children, the external properties of things alone are clearly not enough. They are quite ready to gradually get acquainted not only with external, but also with internal, hidden properties and relationships that underlie scientific knowledge about the world ... All this will benefit the mental development of the child only if the training is aimed at developing mental abilities, those abilities in the field of perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, which are based on the assimilation of samples of the external properties of things and their varieties ... ". The skills and abilities acquired by the child in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for gaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." It will be more difficult for a child who has not mastered the methods of logical thinking to solve problems; performing exercises will require a lot of time and effort.

This program shows how through special games and exercises it is possible to form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality. In working with preschoolers on the development of cognitive processes, one of the necessary conditions for their successful development and learning is consistency, that is, a system of special games and exercises with consistently developing and becoming more complex content, with didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Separately taken games and exercises can be very interesting, but using them outside the system it is difficult to achieve the desired learning and developmental result.

Relevance. Our time is a time of change, Russia needs people capable of making cardinal decisions, and this is relevant. Who is now in kindergarten, tomorrow will build our society. Relying on the logical following of thought, and not on his own desires or unexpected preferences, the doctor makes a reasonable diagnosis, the judge issues a reasoned verdict, the critic objectively evaluates the film. In order for our children to be knowledgeable doctors, smart lawyers, honest critics, they need to learn to think logically, master simple and complex types of inferences, operate with affirmative and negative judgments. Logical thinking is a tool for understanding the surrounding reality, therefore, the formation of the main forms and methods of logical thinking is an important factor in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. The relevance of the problem is determined by the importance of logical thinking for the development of the personality as a whole.

Purpose of the program : Creating conditions for the development of elementary logical thinking among preschoolers using modern pedagogical technologies.


1. To teach children basic logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, seriation, semantic correspondence, limitation.

2. To develop the ability to operate with abstract concepts, to reason, to establish cause-and-effect relationships, to draw conclusions.

3. To instill in children the need to mentally strain, doing intellectual tasks, interest in cognitive activity.

4. To cultivate the desire to overcome difficulties, self-confidence, the desire to help a peer.

5. To convey to parents the urgency of this problem and involve them in active cooperation.

Terms of the program implementation- 2 academic years.

Amount of children– 8 children.

Class mode – 1 lesson per week in the afternoon lasting 25-30 minutes.

Forms and methods of work:didactic games, educational games, travel games, work with Dnesh logical blocks, with Kuizener sticks, solving logical and mathematical problems, guessing riddles, rebuses, examining, explaining, reading, entertaining questions, tasks - jokes, creative activity, graphic dictation, physical minutes, finger exercises.

Class structure: warm-up; the main content of the lesson is the study of new material; physical minute, finger gymnastics; consolidation of new material; game, drawing.

Working with parents:after each lesson, parents are offered speech material to consolidate knowledge outside of class: funny poems, fairy tales, stories, logical, mathematical and comic tasks, linguistic and psychological games, riddles, crossword puzzles and other entertaining materials.

Brief description of sections. (Sections correspond to certain logical operations).

Comparison . The goal is to teach to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential features; develop attention, perception, improve orientation in space. Search for similarities and differences in two similar pictures.

Analysis - synthesis . The goal is to teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish a connection between them; learn to mentally combine parts of an object into a single whole. Games and exercises to find a logical pair. Complementing the picture (pick up a patch, draw a pocket to the dress). Search for opposites. Work with puzzles of varying complexity. Laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes.

Generalization. The goal is to teach to mentally combine objects into a group according to their properties. Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, expand everyday knowledge of children. Games and exercises for operating with generalizing concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, trees, birds, etc.

Classification. The goal is to teach to distribute objects into groups according to their essential features. Consolidation of generalizing concepts, free operation with them.

Systematization. The goal is to teach to identify patterns; expand the vocabulary of children, learn to tell from a picture, retell. Games and exercises: magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures, arranging the pictures in a logical sequence.

Limitation. The goal is to teach children to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics. Develop children's observation skills. Games and exercises: “circle only red flags with one line”, “find all non-circular objects”, etc. Elimination of the fourth superfluous

inference . The goal is to teach with the help of judgments to make a conclusion. Contribute to the expansion of household knowledge of children. Develop imagination. Games and exercises: search for positive and negative in phenomena (for example, when it rains, it nourishes the plants - this is good, but the bad thing is that in the rain a person can get wet, catch a cold and get sick). Evaluation of the correctness of certain judgments (“The wind blows because the trees sway.” Is this true?) Solving logical problems.

Expected results:Classes of the circle will help children master the ability to solve problem situations, understand the proposed task and solve it on their own. Having mastered logical operations, the child will be more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, think, reason, be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right time, which will lead to more successful and easier learning at school, and hence the learning process, and school life itself. will bring joy and satisfaction.

Used Books:

  1. "Development of logical thinking" L.F. Tikhomirova, A.V. Basov.

Ed. "GRINGO", 1995

  1. Educational games for preschoolers. A popular guide for parents and educators. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1996
  2. “I develop logic and ingenuity” Yu.B. Gatanov. "PETER", 2000
  3. Development of mathematical thinking in children aged 5-7 years” E.V. Kolesnikov. Moscow "Akalis", 1996
  4. "Intellectual workshop" L.Ya.Bereslavskaya. LINKA-PRESS, 2000
  5. "Psychology. Entertaining materials. (senior, preparatory group) L.P. Morozova. ITD "CORIFEY", 2010
  6. Aralova M.A. Handbook of a preschool psychologist. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

Agreed: I approve:

Deputy Head for VMR Head of MBDOU d / s No. 10

N.V. Gordeeva ____________ L.V. Ganicheva

"______" ______________ 2016 "____" ____________ 2016

For 2016-17 academic year



Lesson #1

Monitoring. Performing diagnostic tasks. 1. "Assessment of figurative-logical thinking:" Ridiculous pictures ". "Mismatched Poems".

2. "Assessment of verbal-logical thinking."

Assess the level of development of figurative-logical, verbal-logical thinking in children.


Lesson #2

1. Learning to receive "Comparison".

D / I "Let's compare", "Find the cut pieces",

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. We group shapes by color, shape, size, thickness. 3. Entertaining questions, riddles - jokes.

To learn to determine the common and distinctive features of the compared objects, to distinguish the essential non-essential features of the object. Develop attention, perception, thinking.


Lesson #3

1. Analysis - synthesis.D / I “Complete the picture”, “What for what”2. "How similar and how different"

3. Game with Gyenesh blocks. Introduction to cards. 4. Solving logical problems.

Exercise in finding patterns and substantiating the solution found, in sequential analysis of each group of drawings.


Lesson number 4

1. Generalization . D / I "Logical train", "Name it in one word" 2. "Logical chains". 3. Game with Gyenesh blocks. Continue to acquaint with cards - symbols. 4. Laying out pictures from counting sticks.

Learn to choose a general concept for each group of words; explain your choice. Learn to find a logical connection between pictures located in the same row; draw the missing element; explain your actions in detail.


Lesson #1

1. Classification. D / I "Universal store", "Spread into groups",

2.D / I "Pick up and name." 3. Game with Kuisener's sticks. 4. Learn to guess riddles.

Learn to mentally distribute objects into groups; connect pairs of objects that match each other, explain in detail their actions.


Lesson #2

1. Systematization. D / I "Pictures consecutive", 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks.

Where did the mouse hide? 3. Graphic dictation.

Develop the ability to arrange objects according to quantitative and external features and in meaning. Learn to independently find a pattern. Learn how to write a descriptive story.


Lesson #3

1. Restriction. D / I "Visiting the Fox",

2 "What is superfluous." 3. Game with Gyenesh blocks "Find the treasure".

Learn to single out one or more items from a group according to certain characteristics.


Lesson number 4

1. Inference. D / I "Because ...", "Logic". 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks "Cat and Mice".

3.Linguistic problems.

Learn to make inferences with the help of judgments. Develop imagination.


Lesson #1

1. Y/N Why did this happen? 2. Draw what should be in the empty cells. 3. Logic mosaic.

Learn to find the cause of events. Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.


Lesson #2

1. Meaningful correlation.D / I "What is suitable", "Does it happen."

2. Inventing fables. 3. Draw the same figure on the right.

Learn to find connections between objects, phenomena, based on essential features and properties.


Lesson #3

1. Game with logic blocks Gyenesh "Guess - ka"

2. Name and show what figures these objects are composed of.

3. Solving logical problems. 4. Graphic dictation.

Develop the ability to identify, abstract and name the properties (color, shape, size, thickness) of objects, denote the absence of any particular property of an object with a word.


Lesson number 4

1 Playing with Kuisener's sticks. "Cookery dexterity". 2. Tasks - jokes, entertaining questions.

3.D/I "What to do"

To develop in children the idea of ​​​​a number based on counting and measurement; spatial relationships. Based on two judgments, make an independent conclusion.




1. We solve a crossword puzzle2. Entertaining questions, riddles - jokes.

Learn to find connections between objects, phenomena.

Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.




1 "Comparison" .

D / I "What has changed."

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. We group objects according to an essential attribute. 3. Entertaining puzzles.

To consolidate the ability to determine the general and distinctive features of the compared objects, to distinguish the essential non-essential features of the object. Develop attention, perception, thinking.


Lesson #1

1. Analysis - synthesis.D / I "Tell Dunno"

2. "Why and why"

3. Game with Gyenesh blocks. 4. Solving logical problems.

To consolidate in the ability to find patterns and substantiate the solution found, in a consistent analysis of each group of drawings.


Lesson #2

1. Generalization . D / I "Logic chains".

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. 3. Laying out pictures from matches, buttons, bulk materials.

Improve skills in generalizing concepts for each group of words; explain your choice. To consolidate the skill of finding a logical connection between pictures.


Lesson #3

1. Classification. D / I "Question - answer", "Pick up and name."

2. Game with Kuisener's sticks. 3. Learn to solve puzzles.

To consolidate the ability to mentally distribute objects into groups; connect pairs of objects that match each other, explain in detail their actions.


Lesson number 4

1. Systematization. D / I "Continue a series of objects." 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. Where did the mouse hide? 3. Graphic dictation.

To improve the ability to arrange objects according to quantitative and external features and in meaning, to compose a descriptive story.




1. Restriction. D / I "Find fragments of images." 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks

3. Learn to solve crossword puzzles.

To consolidate the ability to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics.




1. Inference. D / I "Think about what the picture looks like, finish it."

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks

3. Solving riddles

To consolidate skills with the help of judgments to make inferences. Develop imagination.




1. Establishment of causal relationships.D / I What should be in the empty cells, draw. 2.Logical mosaic.

Improve the ability to find the cause of events. Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.




1. Meaningful correlation.D / I "Both good and bad."

2. Inventing fables. 3. Graphic dictation

To consolidate the ability to find connections between objects, phenomena, based on essential features and properties.


Lesson #1-2

Perspective work plan of the circle "Play and learn"

For 2017-2018 academic year






"Wrong Pictures"

To develop the child's elementary figurative ideas about the world around him and about logical connections.

Develop the ability to reason logically.


"What's a pencil good for?"

Develop originality of thought.

Cultivate communication skills



“Noisy, tasty, round-red!”

Development of figurative-logical thinking.

Learn to change one property of an object without changing its other properties.

Develop fine motor skills, graphic skills.


"The Living Figures"

Develop creative thinking.


“Who is stronger: bear or dad?”

Build communication and improvisational skills.


"What's in the empty cage?"



“And the carriage is fabulous, and the magic wand!”

Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

Develop fine motor skills, artistic abilities.


"Letters Found"


"The letters are hidden!"

Develop visual perception, attention.


"Unusual Orchestra"

Develop imagination; encourage children to improvise.

Expand the ability to use non-standard items.

Cultivate partnerships, respectful relationships



"Exit the Labyrinth"

Develop the ability to plan action and behavior.


"Wet cucumber in a jar"

Develop creative thinking.

Develop creative imagination, fantasy, artistic abilities.


"Not patterns - a feast for the eyes!"

Develop visual perception, attention.

Develop mental operations: comparison, semantic correlation.


"Name it funnier"

Develop words.-logical thinking.

Enrich vocabulary.

Develop creative imagination.

Cultivate communication skills.



"On a leaf - only dots"

Develop visual perception.

Develop mental operations: comparison.

Develop fine motor skills, gr. skills.


"Papuan Pavel"

Develop visual perception, attention.

Develop mental operations: comparison, semantic correlation.

Consolidation of knowledge about letters and sounds.


"Mysterious riddles"

Develop imagination, logical thinking, initiative.

To evoke a joyful emotional mood in children.

Cultivate communication skills.


"Where did the drawing go?"

Develop mental operations: inference, systematization.

Develop fine motor skills, gr. skills.



"Doll, umbrella, sparrow, unite!"

Develop generalizing functions of thinking.

To develop the ability to see not only obvious, but also hidden properties and signs of objects.



Develop creative thinking

creative imagination, fantasy.

Encourage children to improvise.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, partnership qualities.

№ 3-4

Monitoring. Performing diagnostic tasks.

Assess the level of development of logical thinking in children.

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circle for the development of logical thinking of children of the senior group of compensatory orientation "Develop"

Developed by:

Carebo I.G., educator

Musikhina L.V., educator.

Abakan, 2017

1. Target section…………….…………………………………………………………………... 3

1.1. Explanatory note …….………………………………………………………..3

1.2. Purpose and objectives of the program………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1.3. Principles and approaches in the organization of the educational process………………..3

1.4. Planned results of the development of the Program…………………………….……..4

2.1. Curriculum………………………………………………………………………....4

2.2. Approximate complex - thematic plan ..…………………………………….4

3. Organizational section……………………………………………………………...6

3.4. Methodological support of the Program………………………………………….....6


1.1. Explanatory note

In the development of the abilities of preschoolers, a special place is occupied by intellectual development, namely mathematics, aimed at developing logic, thinking, curiosity, and independence. This provides great opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities, which are the basis for the formation of mathematical thinking in the future, and the formation of such thinking is a guarantee for the successful assimilation of mathematical content in the future.

The word logic comes from the ancient Greek logos, which means thought, word, mind. In the modern world, logic is the science of the rules that govern the process of thinking.

These rules are complex, there are many of them, so you need to master them gradually. Especially hard logical tasks are given to children with general underdevelopment of speech, since speech and thinking are closely related.

The sooner you begin to stimulate and develop logical thinking, based on the sensations and perceptions of the baby, the faster a smooth transition from concrete to abstract thinking will take place. In addition, intellectual-linguistic relationships confirm the developmental influence of verbal-logical thinking on the speech of preschoolers, both in the norm of development and in conditions of pathology.

Conditions for the implementation of the circle.

The circle "Develop" is intended for children of senior preschool age.

The term of study is 1 year.

The number of classes per year is 72.

The form of organization is a circle.

Mode - 2 times a week.

Amount of time per week: 40 minutes, 20 minutes each.

Time - the second half of the day.

Terms of admission of children: at will.

1.2. Purpose and objectives of the program

Program goal: creation of a social situation for the development of children in the process of familiarization and playing logical games and exercises.

Program Objectives:

  • create conditions for children to master the essential features of objects, the ability to compare, generalize;
  • create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations;
  • ensure the development of the mathematical abilities of each child as a subject of relations with himself, with other children, adults and the world;
  • to promote the development of initiative, independence, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities;

1.3. Principles for the formation of the educational process

  • the principle of individualization, taking into account the possibilities, age characteristics of development and the needs of each child;
  • the principle of recognizing each child as a full-fledged subject of the educational process;
  • the principle of supporting children's initiative and the formation of the cognitive interests of pupils;
  • the principle of specificity and accessibility of educational material, systematic and interconnectedness in accordance with the requirements.

1.4. Planned results of the development of the Program

Targets for the development of the Program

older preschool children


  1. owns basic logical operations.
  2. able to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.
  3. finds patterns in phenomena, knows how to describe them.
  4. possesses the skills of cooperation, knows how to work in pairs and microgroups.
  5. able to prove his point.

2.1 Curriculum







"Journey to the Forest"


"Journey to Logic Land"




"Journey to Prostokvashino"


"Land of Mathematics"


"In zoo"


"Space trip"


"Help the Bunnies"

Total: 70 hours

2.2 Approximate comprehensive - thematic plan






1. Find a pattern

2. Who is this? What's this?

3. Think and solve problems

4. Find options

5. Wizards

6. Collect a flower

7. Logic endings

8. Ornament


"Journey to the Forest"

1. Helpful - harmful

2. What did I think?

3. Plant flowers

4. Group by features

5. Remember faster

6. Anything that flies

7. What happens ...

8. Where do you live?


"Journey to the country


1. Confusion

2. My line is your drawing

3. Fly

4. What is drawn with an invisible pencil?

5. Encryptor

6. Friends

7. Absent-minded artist

8. Find an item



1. Find a mate

2. Continue row

3. Patch

4. Patchwork

5. One, two, three, look!

6. Colored laces

7. Fashion designers

8. Atelier



in Prostokvashino"

1. I want to know everything

2. Locals

3. Collect the map

4. Matroskin confuses

5. Logic chains

6. How many of us?

7. Name it in one word

8. Draw the elements


"Land of Mathematics"

1. Count and name

2. Geometric Lotto

3. Round trip

4. Solve problems

5. Find an extra item

6. Puzzle

7. Find the mistake

8. Counting sticks


"In zoo"

1. Where is whose shadow?

2. Who is close? Who is far?

3. Who is the cage for?

4. Who is superfluous?

5. What's in common?

6. What's first, what's next?

7. Looking for animals

8. Fantastic animal


"Space trip"

1. Space machine

2. Counting planets

3 Milky Way

4. Who is faster?

5 Comet Tail

6. Guess from the description

7. Continue row

8. Logic chains


"Help the Bunnies"

1. How many?

2. Draw the second half

3. Solve puzzles

4. Spot the difference

5. What belongs to whom?

6. Connect by dots

7. Find two identical bunnies

8. Where did the hares hide?

3.2. Methodological support of the Program

Provision of teaching materials and teaching aids.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. The development of logical thinking and speech in children 5-8 years old. M .: Sfera, 2005.
  2. Buzunov V. Think, guess, draw, color! AOZT Publishing group NEKO, 1994.
  3. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers. M.: AST, 2006.
  4. Vagurina L.M. Getting ready for school. logical operations. Test tasks. Moscow: Linor, 1999.
  5. S.E. Gavrina. Big book of tests for children 6-7 years old. Counting, reading, acquaintance with the outside world, development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills of the hand. Development Academy, 2007
  6. Devina I.A., Petrakov A.V. We develop logic. Moscow: Linor, 1999.
  7. Zavodnova N.V. The development of logic and speech in children. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.
  8. Karpenko M.T. Collection of riddles. Moscow: Education, 1988.
  9. Konovalenko S.V. The development of cognitive activity in children from 6-9 years. Workshop for psychologists and speech therapists. Moscow, 2000.
  10. Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children to read, mathematics, the Russian language. - M., AST: Keeper, 2008.
  11. Mamaychuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help of a psychologist for a child. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006.
  12. Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties. - M.: Sfera, 2003.
  13. Tikhomirova L.F. Logic for preschoolers. Yaroslavl.: Academy of Development, 2006.
  14. Foppel K. How to teach children to cooperate (parts 1-4). M., 1998.
  15. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to my self. M., 2001.
  16. Chistyakova G.I. Psychogymnastics. M., 1990.
  17. Cheremankina L.V. Development of children's attention. -Yaroslavl, 1999.
  18. Sharokhina V.L. Correction-developing classes in the senior group. M.2003.

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1 The program of the developing circle "Entertaining logic" (for children of the preparatory group) Educator Natalya Vladimirovna Troitskaya Explanatory note. CONTENTS Why does a little preschooler need logic? According to L.A. Wenger, “for five-year-old children, the external properties of things alone are clearly not enough. They are quite ready to gradually get acquainted not only with external, but also with internal, hidden properties and relationships that underlie scientific knowledge about the world. All this will benefit the mental development of the child only if the training is directed to the development of mental abilities, those abilities in the field of perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, which are based on the assimilation of samples of the external properties of things and their varieties ”The skills, abilities acquired by the child in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for gaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." It will be more difficult for a child who has not mastered the methods of logical thinking to solve problems; performing exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the child's health may suffer, interest in learning may weaken or even fade away. Having mastered logical operations, the child will be more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, and be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right time. Learning will become easier, which means that both the learning process and school life itself will bring joy and satisfaction. This program shows how through special games and exercises it is possible to form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality. Working with preschoolers on the development of cognitive processes, you come to the conclusion that one of the necessary conditions for their successful development and learning is consistency, i.e. a system of special games and exercises with consistently developing and becoming more complex content, with didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Separately taken games and exercises can be very interesting, but, using

2 learning them outside the system, it is impossible to achieve the desired educational and developmental result. Relevance In order to successfully master the school curriculum, a child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and conclusively, to guess, to show mental stress, to think logically. Teaching the development of logical thinking is of no small importance for the future student and is very relevant today. Mastering any method of memorization, the child learns to single out a goal and carry out certain work with the material to achieve it. He begins to understand the need to repeat, compare, generalize, group material for the purpose of memorization. Teaching children about classification contributes to the successful mastery of a more complex way of remembering the semantic grouping that children encounter at school. Using the opportunities for the development of logical thinking and memory of preschoolers, it is possible to more successfully prepare children for solving the problems that school education sets before us. The development of logical thinking includes the use of didactic games, ingenuity, puzzles, solving various logic games and labyrinths and is of great interest to children. In this activity, important personality traits are formed in children: independence, resourcefulness, ingenuity, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed. Children learn to plan their actions, think about them, guess in search of a result, while showing creativity. While working with children, you can notice that many children do not cope with simple, at first glance, logical tasks. For example, most children of older preschool age cannot correctly answer the question of what is more: fruits or apples, even if they have a picture in their hands that shows fruits, many apples and several pears. Children will answer that there are more pears. In such cases, he bases his answers on what he sees with his own eyes. They are “let down” by imaginative thinking, and by the age of 5 children do not yet have logical reasoning. At senior preschool age, they begin to show elements of logical thinking, characteristic of schoolchildren and adults, which must be developed in identifying the most optimal methods for the development of logical thinking.

3 Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, contribute to research and creative search, desire and ability to learn. Didactic games as one of the most natural activities of children and contributes to the formation and development of intellectual and creative manifestations, self-expression and independence. The development of logical thinking in children through didactic games is important for the success of subsequent school education, for the correct formation of the student's personality and in further education they will help to successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science. The purpose of the program: To create conditions for the maximum development of the logical thinking of preschoolers in preparation for successful schooling. Program objectives: To teach children basic logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, denial, classification, systematization, limitation, generalization, inference To teach children to navigate in space To develop in children higher mental functions, the ability to reason, prove To cultivate the desire to overcome difficulties, confidence in themselves, the desire to help their peers. Terms of the program implementation, age of children, forms of conducting classes. Terms of the program implementation 1 year. The program is designed for children of the preparatory group. The program provides for holding circle classes in various forms: Individual independent work of children. Work in pairs. Group forms of work. Differentiated. Frontal check and control. Self-assessment of the work done.

4 Didactic game. Competition. Contests. Stages of the program implementation The technology of activity is built in stages: - Diagnosis of the initial level of development of cognitive processes and control over their development. - Planning the means by which one or another quality can be developed (attention, memory, imagination, thinking), taking into account the individuality of each child and the available knowledge - Building an interdisciplinary (integral) basis for training in a developing course. - Gradual complication of the material, a gradual increase in the amount of work, increasing the level of independence of children. - Familiarization with the elements of theory, teaching methods of reasoning, independent argumentation of choice. - Integration of knowledge and methods of cognitive activity, mastering its generalized techniques. - Evaluation of the results of the developing course according to the developed criteria, which should include the child (self-assessment, self-control, mutual control). The content of the program A brief description of the sections and topics of the classes (the sections correspond to a certain logical operation that children will learn in the lesson): 1. Analysis of the synthesis. The goal is to teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish a connection between them; learn to mentally combine parts of an object into a single whole. Games and exercises: finding a logical pair (cat, kitten, dog? (puppy)). Complementing the picture (pick up a patch, draw a pocket to the dress). Search for opposites (light heavy, cold hot). Work with puzzles of varying complexity. Laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes. 2. Comparison. The goal is to teach to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential features; develop attention, perception of children. Perfect-

5 to improve orientation in space. Games and exercises: consolidation of concepts: big small, long short, low high, narrow wide, higher lower, further closer, etc. Operating with the concepts "same", "most". Search for similarities and differences in 2 similar pictures. 3. Restriction. The goal is to teach to single out one or more items from a group according to certain characteristics. Develop children's observation skills. Games and exercises: “circle only red flags with one line”, “find all non-circular objects”, etc. Exclusion of the fourth superfluous. 4. Generalization. The goal is to teach to mentally combine objects into a group according to their properties. Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, expand everyday knowledge of children. Games and exercises for operating with generalizing concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc. 5. Systematization. The goal is to teach to identify patterns; expand the vocabulary of children; learn to tell from a picture, retell. Games and exercises: magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures, arranging the pictures in a logical sequence. 6. Classification. The goal is to teach to distribute objects into groups according to their essential characteristics. Consolidation of generalizing concepts, free operation with them. 7. Inference. The goal is to teach with the help of judgments to make a conclusion. Contribute to the expansion of household knowledge of children. Develop imagination. Games and exercises: search for positive and negative in phenomena (for example, when it rains, it nourishes the plants, this is good, but the bad thing is that in the rain a person can get wet, catch a cold and get sick). Evaluation of the correctness of certain judgments (“the wind blows because the trees sway.” Right?). Solving logical problems. Expected results Expected results: Children should know: the principles of constructing patterns, the properties of numbers, objects, phenomena, words; the principles of the structure of puzzles, crosswords, chainwords, labyrinths;

6 GCD 2. September GCD 1. September 1st week of antonyms and synonyms; names of geometric shapes and their properties; the principle of programming and drawing up an algorithm of actions. Children should be able to: identify patterns and complete the task according to this pattern, classify and group objects, compare, find common and particular properties, generalize and abstract, analyze and evaluate their activities; through reasoning, solve logical, non-standard problems, perform creative search, verbal-didactic, numerical tasks, find the answer to mathematical riddles; respond quickly and correctly during the warm-up to the questions posed; perform tasks for training attention, perception, memory, perform graphic dictations, be able to navigate in a schematic representation of graphic tasks; be able to set a goal, plan the stages of work, achieve results with your own efforts. PERSPECTIVE-THEMATIC PLAN OF THE CIRCLE "ENTERTAINING LOGIC" Topic Tasks Timing - Learn to divide a square into 2 4 parts, compare parts. - Improve the skill of counting in direct order, regardless of the size and location of objects. - Strengthen the ability to transform geometric shapes using Gyenes blocks. (B.D.) - Fix the seasons: autumn months - Learn to use signs =,<, >comparing groups of objects, numbers on a visual basis. Series by quantity. - Improve the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage (upper left corner, center, etc.) - Fix the recreation of geometric shapes according to their presentation, description. - Fix the sequence of days of the week.

7 GCD 8. October GCD 7. October 3 week GCD 6. October GCD 5. October 1-week GCD 4. September GCD 3. September 3 week - Learn the composition of the number 2 and 3 of the two smaller ones. - Improve the skill of dividing a square into 2 8 parts, comparing parts, seriation. - To consolidate the skill of measuring various quantities with a conditional measure (measurement of length). - To consolidate the ability to designate a geometric figure using symbols, coding B.D. - Learn to count backwards, determine the place of a number in a number series. - Improve the ability to perform operations on sets: partitioning, classification. - Strengthen the ability to compare by the number of groups of objects using signs<, >,=. - To consolidate the skill of counting (counting, counting, ordinal counting). - Learn to measure volume, seriation using a conditional measure. - Improve knowledge of the composition of the numbers 2 and 3, using Kuizener's sticks. (P.K.) - Consolidate knowledge of the sequence of seasons (autumn months). - To consolidate the ability to navigate in a notebook in a cage, the designation of spatial relationships with conventional signs. - Learn to divide the circle into 2, 4, 8 parts, comparison of parts. - Improve the idea of ​​a number as a point in a number series. - To consolidate knowledge about the types of triangles, coding with a negation sign. - To consolidate the concept of the month, week, types of calendars. - Learn the composition of the number 4 from two smaller ones. - Improve planning skills. - To consolidate the ability to measure length (measuring step). - To consolidate the ability to divide a long object into parts. - Learn to perform operations on sets: comparison, division, classification. (B.D.) - Improve knowledge of the composition of numbers 3.4 from two smaller ones. - To consolidate knowledge about the time of the week, month. - Consolidate knowledge of the previous and subsequent number.

8 GCD 14. December GCD 13. December 1-week GCD 12 November GCD 11. November 3-week GCD 10. November GCD 9. November 1 week - Learn to perform operations with sets: classification by three criteria, abstraction. (b.d .) - Improve the idea of ​​the quantitative composition of numbers 3.4 from two smaller ones, exercise in counting. - Strengthen the ability to find patterns. - Improve knowledge of the sequence of days of the week. - Learn to solve problems in the mind for increasing and decreasing, forming the skill of counting. - Improve the ability to compare objects by size and weight. Seriation. - Strengthen the ability to navigate in space. - To consolidate the ability to designate spatial relationships with conventional signs. - Learn the composition of the number 5 from two smaller ones. - Improve the ability to generalize objects according to their four properties. - To fix the concept of "polygon" on the basis of different types. - Strengthen the ability to navigate in two and three-dimensional space using Nikitin's cubes. - Learn to perform operations on sets, classification according to three or four criteria. - Improve knowledge of the composition of the number 5 of the two smaller ones. - Strengthen the ability to solve algorithmic exercises. - Consolidate knowledge of the previous and subsequent number. - Learn to solve arithmetic problems for addition. - Improve knowledge of the composition of the number of units within. Fix the types of polygons, coding with a negation sign. - Fix a temporary relationship day a week. - Learn to recreate silhouettes from geometric shapes (Columbian egg, magic circle, leaf). - Improve the ability to solve problems, highlighting the components. - Seriation of objects by area in ascending order. - Fix the composition of the number 5 of the two smaller ones.

9 GCD 20. February GCD 19. February 1st week GCD 18. January GCD 17. January 3rd week GCD 16. December GCD 15. December 3rd week - Learn to solve subtraction problems, highlighting the components. - Improve counting skills. - To consolidate the ability to perform operations on sets: classification, abstraction. - Strengthen the ability to navigate according to a plan, draw up a diagram. - Learn the composition of the number 6 from two smaller ones. (p.k.) - Improve the ability to solve arithmetic problems. - Consolidate knowledge about calendars. - Strengthen the ability to divide the whole into parts. - Learn to solve algorithmic problems. - Improve the ability to identify properties in objects, to indicate their absence with symbols. - Consolidate knowledge about the finishing series, (counting and counting by unit). - Strengthen the ability to be creative in puzzle games. - Learn to solve algorithmic exercises. - Improve the ability to write and solve problems. - To consolidate the skill of recreating silhouettes from geometric shapes. - Strengthen the ability to perform serialization. - Learn how to write a problem to solve. - Improve knowledge of the composition of numbers 5.6 from two smaller ones. - Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, encoding and decoding. - To consolidate knowledge about temporary relationships. - Learn the composition of the number 7 from two smaller ones. - Improve the ability to formulate problems for their solution. - Strengthen the ability to solve and compose algorithmic exercises. - To consolidate the ability to be creative in recreating silhouettes from geometric shapes.

10 GCD 26. March GCD 25. March 3rd week GCD 24. March GCD 23. March 1st week GCD 22. February GCD 21.. February 3rd week - Learn to compose and solve problems of different types. - Improve knowledge of quadrilaterals (trapezoid, parallelogram). - To consolidate the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes by features. - To consolidate the ability to navigate on a piece of paper in a cage. - Learn to compose and solve problems of different types. - Improve the ability to make the number 7 from two smaller ones. - To consolidate the ability to determine and conditionally designate temporary relationships (month, year). - Learn to draw geometric shapes on a sheet of paper in a cage. - Learn to transform geometric shapes according to conditions using a template, stencil. - Improve the ability to abstract objects using Gyenesh blocks. - Strengthen the ability to compose and solve problems of various types. - Strengthen the ability to find patterns. - Learn how to write problem solving. - To improve knowledge about the composition of the number of two smaller ones. (p.k.) - To consolidate the ability to find objects of a certain shape according to the model and by name. - Consolidate knowledge of relationships in time, (month year). - Learn on your own, create various signs and symbols, depicting furniture in your room. - Improve the ability to classify by negation. - Fix the addition and subtraction of numbers by 2 when solving arithmetic problems. - To consolidate the ability to measure bulk products using a conditional measure, serialization by quantity (volume). - Learn the composition of the number 8 from two smaller ones. - Improve the ability to compose and solve problems using symbols. - To consolidate the skill of recreating silhouettes from geometric shapes. - Improve the ability to represent the plan of your room according to the presentation.

11 GCD 33. Diagnostics May 3-week GCD 32. KVN May GCD 31. May 1-week GCD 30. April GCD 29. April 3 week GCD 28. April GCD 27. April 1 week - Learn to compose and read two-digit numbers. - Improve the ability to write and solve problems. - Strengthen the ability to classify and abstract objects. - Fix the composition of the number 8 of the two smaller ones. - Learn to solve and compose algorithmic exercises. - Improve the ability to solve problems of different types. - Strengthen the ability to compose and read multi-digit numbers. - To consolidate the skill of recreating silhouettes from geometric shapes. - Learn the composition of the number 9 from two smaller ones. - Improve the ability to solve and compose problems of various types. - Strengthen relationships over time. - Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. - Learn to determine the time on the clock, dial, arrows. - Strengthen the ability to formulate and solve problems. - Strengthen the ability to show creativity and independence in puzzle games. - Improve the ability to perform actions, according to symbolic designations. - Improve the ability to compose and solve problems of various types. - To consolidate the ability to perform operations on sets: comparison, partitioning, classification, abstraction. - Fix the composition of the number 9 of the two smaller ones. - To consolidate the ability to recreate silhouettes from geometric shapes according to the plan. - Deliver joy and pleasure from developing games. - Reveal the ability to perform operations on sets, solve and compose algorithms.

12 May 4-week GCD 34. Diagnosis - Reveal the ability to make a number from two smaller ones, using all possible options, to perform addition and subtraction. The way to check the results of the work: generalizing classes after each section and 2 diagnostics (initial (September) and final (May)) of the level of mastering the operations of logical thinking. Developed games Card file of games for the development of attention Card file of games for the development of memory Semantic games Card file of problem situations Games with matches Information resources 1. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova. SPb.: CHILDHOOD PRESS, Mathematics from three to seven: A teaching aid for kindergarten teachers. PER. Mikhailova, E.N. Ioffe. SPb.: CHILDHOOD PRESS, Plan program of the pedagogical process in kindergarten. N.V. Goncharova. SPb.: CHILDHOOD PRESS, Methodological advice for the program "Childhood". SPb.: CHILDHOOD PRESS, Mathematics before school: A guide for kindergarten teachers and parents. A.A. Smolentsova, O.V. Pustovoit.-SPb.: CHILDHOOD PRESS, Mathematics is interesting. Z.A.Mikhailova, I.N.Cheplashkina.- St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD PRESS, Didactic games classes in preschool educational institutions. E.N. Panova. Shopping center "TUTOR", ABC of physical education for preschoolers. I. Kovalko. M.: VAKO, 2006.

Explanatory note In order to successfully master the school curriculum, a child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and conclusively, to guess, to show mental tension,

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1 CONTENT 1. Explanatory note 3 2. Purpose and objectives of the program 5 3. Content of the program. 6 4. Planned results. 9 5. Characteristics of organizational and pedagogical conditions. 10 6. References..

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Contents 1. Explanatory note.. 3 2. Curriculum. 5 3. Methodological support...5 4. Calendar-thematic planning...6 5. Monitoring tools 10 6. Literature.11 1. Explanatory

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I approve: Head of MADOU DS 23 Denisova I.A. August 24, 2018 Order 268-d-d of 24.08.18. WORKING PROGRAM of the main general educational program of preschool education of the municipal autonomous

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The program of the circle "Entertaining mathematics" is based on the program of Kochurova E.E. "Entertaining Mathematics" (Collection of programs for extracurricular activities: 1 4 classes / edited by N.F. Vinogradova.

Explanatory note The leading side of the mental development of a younger student is the development of logical thinking. For its formation, the child must master a certain minimum of logical knowledge.

Explanatory note The program "Mathematical Steps" is based on the program of E.V. Kolesnikova "Mathematical steps" for children 5-7 years old. The educational program is aimed at the formation

Explanatory note. One of the most important tasks of raising a small child is the development of his mind, the formation of such mental skills and abilities that will allow him to learn new things. Every preschooler

Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Education Children and Youth Center "Zvyozdochka", Tomsk 634012, Tomsk, st. Elizarovykh, 2, tel. (8-3822) 42-52-33 fax: (8-3822) 41-43-90,

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Izluchinskaya Primary School"

Kebezensky branch "Kolobok" of the Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Berezka" of the village of Iogach ADDITIONAL GENERAL EDUCATIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM "ENTERTAINING MATHEMATICS"

1. The target section of the program Explanatory note The program of the mathematical circle "Entertaining mathematics" was compiled on the basis of the program Pomoraeva I.A.

Explanatory note In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. “Additional education for children and adults is aimed at the formation and development