Rites of the Spring Equinox. Ritual for the Spring Equinox

The Spring Solar Equinox in 2015 will be observed by all inhabitants of the planet Earth on March 20 at 22:45. (GMT), March 21 at 0:45 a.m. (Kyiv time), March 21, 1:45 a.m. (Moscow time).
On this day, the sun will clearly illuminate half of the northern and half of the southern hemispheres of the Earth, therefore, throughout the globe day and night will last exactly 12 hours.

Only on the Day of the Equinox on our entire planet will the sun rise exactly in the east and set exactly in the west. The moment of the Solar Equinox means the onset of astronomical spring in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and astronomical autumn in its southern hemisphere.

On the day of the Spring Equinox, the Sun begins a new zodiac circle with the sign of Aries. During this period, energy is in full swing. The ruler of Aries is Mars. That is why such wonderful things happen in nature in spring - everything grows, blooms, love is in the air.

In the northern hemisphere, from this day on, everything is awakening from winter sleep. Warm days are coming, trees are blooming, flowers are blooming, birds are singing spring songs, each person feels a surge of strength, a desire to love, create and create.

Animals and birds mate. People are intensely engaged in their appearance, they meet, fall in love and are full of new ideas. It seems that all nature is embraced by love and passion. It is spring.

However, it is during this period that emotions and feelings often prevail over the mind, in the spring many rash acts are committed that lead to disappointment and which you even have to regret in the future.

Signs for the Spring Equinox.

  1. The most main sign concerns our thoughts and desires. Thoughts should be only positive, you need to think only about the good, you need to wish everyone only good.

    The Spring Equinox is one of the most mystical days of the year. Since ancient times, people believe that on this day all wishes come true. Therefore, try not to be offended by anyone, do not wish evil, even the most unpleasant people for you. It is on this day that there is that fatal moment in the universe when all desires and wishes come true. You, unwittingly, can become the cause of someone's misfortunes.

  2. The weather that will be on the Day of the Spring Equinox will last 40 days.
  3. If that day is warm, then there will be no more frosts.
  4. If this day is cloudy and cool, then it will still be cool for 40 days, cold nights and night frosts can be expected.
  5. On this day, pies and cookies in the form of larks are baked. Eaten lark-shaped cake will attract health for a whole year. Coins, buttons, rings, etc. are added to the cookie dough. Then over the finished cookies guessing. If a person came across a cookie with a ring, it means that his marriage will soon be, a button means that you need to wait for a new thing or career, coin - promises financial success.

On the Day of the Spring Equinox, magical rituals are performed for love, good luck, success, and financial well-being.

In 2015, this day is especially significant, because the Spring Equinox Day occurs during the growing moon, and this is very important for love rituals.

Despite the fact that in modern society rituals and ceremonies are considered relics of our illiterate past, the power of the moment of the Spring Equinox exists regardless of whether you believe in it or not. Therefore, it is on the Day of the Spring Equinox that you can change your fate by performing a simple ritual.

I remind you once again that on the Day of the Spring Equinox it is necessary to have pure thoughts. All desires will come true if you ask sincerely and if your desires do not harm anyone living on this Earth.

First, write down your desires on a piece of paper. This is in order to pronounce them clearly, not to get confused in words, not to pronounce the words “not”, “no”, “how to” ..

  1. Those suffering from loneliness need to face the East at dawn and, looking at the Sun, say their desire three times - to meet their love, start a family, give birth to healthy children, etc.
  2. Facing the East at the Sun at the moment of dawn, you can ask for health for yourself and your loved ones, financial well-being, inspiration, etc. (Request must be said 3 times)
  3. On this day, you can do a ritual called the CIRCLE OF LUCK. To do this, you will need branches of shrubs or trees. They must be cut in such a quantity that you can make a circle in which you can become. The number of branches does not matter, the main thing is that the branches are freshly cut. On the Day of the Spring Equinox, dress warmly, open all the windows in the apartment, turn on the water, turn on the light and start the ritual. (This is all to enhance energy). Lay out a circle of twigs on the floor, stand in this circle, closing your eyes, imagine yourself loved, happy, rich, successful and healthy (this will be your individual DESIRE). Vividly imagine all your desires fulfilled and say 3 times: “Luck is ahead, Luck is behind. Good luck go with me." After that, the branches must be collected and placed in your favorite vase, after pouring water into it. The water in the vase should be changed regularly. Your dreams will come true after the first green leaves appear on the branches in this vase. Do not forget that a wish comes true if you keep it a secret, do not tell anyone under any circumstances what you were thinking about.

I think that you know that on the day of the vernal equinox, very strong love spells. These are very dangerous rituals and they are equated with inducing damage. I want to warn you that love spells are not jokes, love spells are dangerous, they break fates, and not only the bewitcher, but also his descendants up to the 7th generation, have to be responsible for her health and misfortunes. Therefore, I do not advise anyone to do such rituals.

On the Day of the Equinox between the Earth and the Sun are established absolute harmony and balance, there comes a moment when the Sun, being exactly in the center between the hemispheres of the Earth, is also in the very center between Heaven and Earth. The Holy Cross is being created, which balances the energies and harmonizes humanity and our planet. Therefore, the equinox point provides the realization of the most incredible desires. Our ancestors knew this well. They revered the Equinox and urged people on this day to think only about PEACE, LOVE, COMPASSION AND HARMONY. Let's unite our good thoughts at this sacred moment for the Earth, we wish that people would become kinder, that the warring lost souls would come to their senses and PEACE would come

Takes place at dawn. The entry of the Sun into Aries, the sign of Fire, is associated with the future. From the moment of the spring equinox, growth begins daylight hours, increases solar Activity and consequently, the fiery principle intensifies. If a person also begins to be active at this moment, then he can achieve a lot, since he uses the energy of the Universe, the macrocosm. It is necessary to concentrate all your attention on the future, on the realization of the desired, the expression of intentions. Decide what is important for us, and direct all our energy, all passion, all inner fire to it.

In 2016, March 21 falls on a Monday. Monday is the day of the moon. The moon is associated with impermanence, with changes, so you should concentrate on changes in life. Any transition from one state to another is a favorable direction of life aspirations in 2016. One of the areas to which volitional effort should be directed on the day of the Moon is movement. Express intentions for future trips, relocations (in new apartment, another city, country) so that they are successful. It is also favorable to concentrate on updates: changing jobs, activities, arranging living space, establishing new relationships - business, personal, family. What should you not focus on? On aggressive actions, destructive aspirations, on conflict situations, make plans for revenge. Changes need to be planned peacefully, softly, hard actions are unfavorable.

The vernal equinox this year is the 13th lunar day associated in the Vedic tradition with Kamadev, the god of love. Consequently, another favorable direction in the expression of intentions is the sensual, sexual sphere, as well as everything related to pleasures, entertainment, celebrations. Focus on relationships between sexual partners, planning to conceive children, establishing friendships. In addition, the Moon at this time is in the first decan of Virgo and in the 6th house, so it is worth focusing on earthly affairs and material sphere— health promotion, business, money matters. But the focus on material results should not be contrary to pleasure, you should not force yourself to act through force.

The symbol of the spring equinox is a magic wand, which implies the direction of the will to one point. The magic wand was made on this very day. The period of Pisces, a dual, unstable sign, has ended. Aries is a cardinal sign. You can't be indecisive. You need to match the cosmic mood, bring your human energy, the energy of the microcosm, into balance with the energy of the Universe - the macrocosm. If you do not achieve such harmony between the great and the small, then there will be an imbalance. And if we correctly combine our energy with the energy of the Universe, then we achieve what we want. This is the mystery of the spring equinox. It was on this day that alchemists began making the Philosopher's Stone. What meant the search for truth, the acquisition of genuine knowledge about the world. Human development goes from the material to the spiritual. At the threshold point of the spring equinox, everyone needs to decide which area he needs to improve in order to begin the transition from worse to better.

Aspiration to the future means a resolute rejection of the past. If you cling to the past, do not want changes - in a word, go against the natural flow of the energy of the moment, then life will deteriorate. The vernal equinox is a dangerous period for those who are out of balance with the energy trends of the universe.

Rituals for the Spring Equinox

On the day of the spring equinox, it is good to conduct a special ritual. The key element of this day is Fire. It is best to meet the dawn in nature, kindle a fire. If this is not possible, at least light a candle in the apartment. But if we want a powerful natural impact, you should go to nature, to the forest, where there is a spring. When kindling a fire, do not resort to chemicals, use clean materials: paper, oil, dry branches. Facing east, bring barley grains (or any grains) into the fire. During the offering, concentrate on the expression of desire and from the heart, with reverence, turn to the Universe. Ask for help to realize what you want. It is through a respectful request that our energy unites with the energy of the macrocosm: the small, as part of the great, should express respect for it. Then choose a strong tree in the forest - healthy, without flaws. Make an offering to him too: put some food under the tree. Ask the tree, nature for help, support, and with respect, with love, express your intention. Break off a small branch from the tree. This branch is your magical wand. Tie a red thread to it and place it in your living space, preferably closest to the head of the bed. This will be your magical assistant, a communication tool with natural force for the successful implementation of the plan.

How to make a talisman on the day of the spring equinox

You can also make a talisman. If you decide to use a stone for a talisman, take a red jasper or a ruby ​​- they enhance the fiery energy. You can use iron items. The thing for the mascot must be new. For example, if you want to buy a car, then you should purchase some kind of iron accessory for the car. If the love sphere - the subject for the talisman should be with love symbols. If a trip to another country is planned, an item with the symbols of this country is purchased. This is the essence of the talisman - it expresses ideas on a material level. The talisman must be cleansed and consecrated: sprinkled with water (preferably spring water), fumigated with incense, and anointed with aromatic oil. The talisman will work until the intention comes true. A talisman that has fulfilled its function must be thrown into a river or stream in a clean place, buried, or simply left on the ground, in nature. When the wish is fulfilled, one must definitely thank the spiritual forces of the Universe. Go to nature, make an offering of food and drink (say, sprinkle milk) and express your gratitude for the acquisition. It is very important to express gratitude both when we ask and when the wish comes true. Thus we close the magic circle. When we receive, we must also give. And who only takes, who does not thank the Universe by offering a small part of his blessings, that blessings decrease. This is how people slide from the best to the worst, go bankrupt, suffer losses. The basic magical law is this: if a person is grateful, merciful, knows how not only to take, but also to give, this attracts goodness and good luck to him.

The most magical day of the year, which has incredible power!

The day of the spring equinox is a symbol of the arrival of warmth and the end of the winter cold. The ancient holiday has many traditions that are observed to this day.

Spring comes into its own, awakening nature and bringing people out of hibernation. The day of the equinox symbolizes the onset of the long-awaited warm period, when winter completely gives way to fine spring days. This day has a special energy, so many try to coincide with it all kinds of rituals for love, prosperity and getting rid of problems.

When is the equinox

For our ancestors, the spring equinox was a celebration of the arrival of the long-awaited spring. They celebrated this event with noisy festivities, praised the Sun and performed rituals aimed at gaining prosperity.

In fact, the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the transition of the Sun through the equator.

The equinox will come on March 20 at 19:15 Moscow time in 2018. This means that on March 20, the day will be equal in duration to the night, and then it will increase, bringing not only more light, but also positive mood people.

Spring equinox in astrology

March 20 marks the start of a new astrological year. The sun will move into the constellation of Aries, renewing the cycle. That is why all horoscopes begin with this sign. On this day, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday, and in several countries they celebrate the New Year.

Not only astrologers, but also psychics consider the spring equinox to be a unique event. At this time, a powerful stream of energy falls on the Earth, which can be used to perform various rites and rituals.

On March 20, you will be able to use the energy of the Sun, attract well-being, prosperity and love into your life. Psychics claim that miracles are sure to happen on such a day, it is only important to believe. Attracting what you want with the power of thought is not difficult if you are confident in your abilities.

Customs, traditions, rituals on the day of the spring equinox

Our ancestors on this day also celebrated a holiday dedicated to the goddess of spring - Ostara, who ensured the balance between night and day. It was believed that during this period the goddess herself is renewed, restoring her virginity and energy. The figurine of the goddess is presented in the form of an immaculate maiden, which is held by the arm of a young man. In Russia, the holiday of the spring equinox was taken seriously. Mass festivities were organized, any person could go to a neighbor and treat himself to any delicacy from his table - this was considered good sign. People believed that what large quantity people enter the hut for treats, the happier the year will be for the owners of the home.

The hostesses baked rye cakes specially for the holiday, decorated them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. In addition to sweet hearty cakes, women dyed chicken eggs. For this we used natural materialsonion peel, carrot and beet juice. The housewives also baked unleavened cookies in the form of birds. They were treated to fellow villagers, part of the cookies were given to geese, chickens, turkeys to eat. Men made birdhouses and fastened them to tree trunks. Inside the birdhouses, a small amount of crushed unleavened cookies was necessarily placed.

In the evening, as a rule, songs and dances began, the iridescent sounds of the harp and accordion were heard from everywhere. At the end of the holiday, they made a large effigy of straw and burned it. The higher and wider the scarecrow turned out, the brighter and longer it burned, illuminating everything around. People believed that a high, bright and pure flame is the key to a well-fed and happy life in the coming year.

How the Spring Equinox is celebrated in different countries

The spring equinox in India coincides with the local festival of colors. Therefore, the holiday lasts for two days. On the first day, everyone has fun, sings, dances, enjoys traditional treats. In the morning next day the procession of representatives of all castes existing in India begins. People exchange greetings by showering each other with colorful powder made from turmeric, haldi, bilwa, etc. It is believed to bring wealth, love and happiness.

The Germans deify the Dawn and the East direction (part of the world). On this day, it is forbidden to eat any meat, except for a rabbit. A favorite male hobby is hunting for hares. One of the hare carcasses is necessarily sacrificed to the supreme goddess Freya - the patroness of love, marriages, family, children.

In Japan, they carefully prepare for the spring equinox. The day before the holiday, people clean all the premises of their homes. Special attention is given to the cleaning of household altars, which are decorated with flowers. Near photographs of deceased ancestors, several small rounded bowls are always placed. Previously, they are filled with illuminated cereals and water.

Do's and Don'ts on the Equinox

This holiday has long been considered magical. Traditions say that even his own thoughts can influence the fate of a person on this day. Therefore, you should think only about the good. Clarification of relationships, quarrels, manifestation of anger, aggression and anger can result in problems. It is not recommended to be sad on a holiday, otherwise the Gods will get angry and will not bestow all sorts of blessings. It is necessary to meet spring as hospitably and cheerfully as possible. The more luxurious the table and the more guests sitting at it, the happier the year will be for the hosts.

Many people still honor the traditions of the holiday and bake gingerbread in the form of birds on the day of the spring equinox. They must be distributed to relatives, friends and acquaintances. To check what kind of health awaits in the coming year, people went out into the street, and each tossed his gingerbread into the sky. Whose treat soared higher, he could not worry about his own health throughout the year. Thanks to this sign, gingerbread is called "lark".

Suppose you decide to follow the tradition described above and bake gingerbread in the form of larks. When you eat pastries, do not eat the head of the bird, eat only the body. It is believed that by doing this you protect yourself and your family from accidents and illnesses. The heads must be given to the cattle. Even fierce enemies and offenders on the Day of the vernal equinox cannot be wished for evil. Experts assure that seditious thoughts and bad words spoken about a person can cause him serious trouble. Moreover, all the bad things sent to others will definitely return in double quantity.

Divination and magic on the day of the vernal equinox

Some girls and guys on this day, after sunset, started fortune telling. Someone wanted to know about marriage (marriage), someone wanted to improve their external attractiveness, and some just wanted to find out what awaits them in the near future.

So, when baking gingerbread-larks, the girls put small objects into the raw dough. Each of them had their own prediction. For example:

♦ ring - get ready for the wedding;
♦ carnation - there will be a reason for sadness;
♦ coin - you will live in abundance;
♦ key - inheritance, profit, you will become the owner of a new home;
♦ bead - long-awaited pregnancy will come soon;
♦ button - numerous updates are coming;
♦ earring - to meet with the narrowed (narrowed).

In the evening, each in turn took one gingerbread and broke it. According to the found subject, they judged the future.

At sunrise or sunset on the Day of the vernal equinox, you can perform a ritual for well-being. To do this, you need to prepare two candles - white and black. They will symbolize light and darkness. Also prepare a pot of earth and seeds, pre-soaked in water. Light candles, place a pot and seeds next to you. Concentrate and begin to mentally tell the seeds what kind of life you want to have, what you want to change in your destiny. Visualize your happy existence as clearly as possible. Then plant the seeds in the ground and water. As the seeds germinate, your life will begin to change in the direction you want.

A unique meditation practice will help to make dreams come true. The lesson should be carried out in complete solitude, creating for yourself cozy atmosphere in room. Light a candle. Sit in a chair or lie down on a sofa. Close your eyes. For deep relaxation, use breathing exercises. Start playing situations in your imagination, taking into account the fact that your dream has already come true. For example, imagine how you live, what kind of car you have, what you wear, who you communicate with, what you eat, what places you visit, etc. You need to dive deep into inner world and indulge in your desire.

Now imagine that a large translucent ball of golden color materialized in front of you in the air. Come into it and by force of will rush up. Next, try to mentally dissolve in the universe. After some time, you should feel a surge of strength. This means that the positive cosmic energy has had a powerful effect on your subconscious. From that moment on, changes will begin to take place in your life.

The spring equinox is one of the most amazing natural phenomena. It is good that those bits of information about what traditions were honored and how the spring festival was celebrated in antiquity have been preserved to this day. On this day, everyone can drink from the inexhaustible source of cosmic energy, improve health, improve their financial situation and, getting up in the morning, say: “Hello, Sun!”

After a long winter, we all look forward to the arrival of spring. In March, buds appear on trees, nature comes to life after a long sleep, birds sing and the sun shines. The spring equinox, beloved by many, - what date will it be in 2019 and how is it celebrated? Read the details in this article.

First of all, let's figure out what the spring equinox is. In fact, the answer lies in the name of the Equinox: day is equal to night, that is, the duration of daylight and darkness is the same.

There is a spring equinox, which is celebrated in March, and autumn - in September. Some also talk about the spring solstice, but this is wrong. After all, they are only in summer and winter - in June and December.

holiday date in different years falls on different days: 19, 20 or 21 March. The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

In 2019, the spring equinox will occur on March 21 at 00:58 Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow.

After this day, the length of daylight hours begins to increase, and the day becomes longer than the night.

Watch the video, which reveals the astronomical essence of the equinox phenomenon:

On March 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Pisces to the sign of Aries, and the astrological spring begins (the period of the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini).

Since the sign Aries is associated with new business, initiative, it is good to start implementing new projects, implementing ideas and plans at this time. Nature is reviving, so the activity of man in the world should also be reborn.

Table of vernal equinoxes until 2025

Year date and exact time in Moscow
2019 March 21 00:58
2020 March 20 06:50
2021 March 20 12:37
2022 March 20 18:33
2023 21 March 00:24
2024 March 20 06:06
2025 March 20 12:01

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

The spring solstice is a time of miracles and mysticism, when the Wheel of Fate can be turned in the right direction. Traditionally, various ceremonies were performed on this day. Today I will bring spring ritual for the fulfillment of a wish.

Important conditions: the desire should concern you personally and it should not be associated with harm to other people.

Choose a quiet place and ask them not to disturb you for half an hour. Prepare a white candle.

  • Light a candle.
  • Take a comfortable position with a straight back, for example, sit in a Turkish position.
  • Place the candle so that it is convenient to look at it.
  • Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and slowly.
  • Imagine that your wish has already come true. For example, if you want to buy new car, then imagine yourself driving, as if you are driving around the city in a brand new car. Mentally look at the registration certificate that you just received.
  • Be sure to experience the emotions that a fulfilled desire will give you - delight, joy, satisfaction.
  • Now place the image of the fulfilled wish in the pink sphere.
  • The sphere rises up and flies into the sky, higher and higher.
  • You let go of your desire, thus leaving a request to the Universe for its fulfillment.

Try to forget about your desire for a while. Then it will certainly come true.

Folk signs of the holiday

Among the people, from generation to generation, signs on the Day of the vernal equinox are passed on.

  1. What will be the thoughts and desires, this will be the whole year. The fact is that on March 21, an energy template is laid for the next months of the year. Therefore, thoughts must necessarily be positive, and wishes to other people only bright and kind. It is impossible to wish bad even to enemies.
  2. The more fun to celebrate this day, the more fun the year will be.
  3. Our ancestors on this day looked for spring thawed patches and counted them. If you find 40 pieces, then spring will bring good luck.
  4. If the day turned out to be frosty, then another 40 days of frost are expected. And if the day is warm, then there will be no night frosts.

Spring equinox festival in different nations

The spring equinox is celebrated all over the world. different peoples meet spring in different ways, but everyone has common features Every person rejoices at the resurrected Sun and waits for a warm welcome.

Feast of the Slavs

The holiday of the spring equinox among the Slavs was called Magpies or Larks. The first name comes from the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste - Christian soldiers who refused to make sacrifices. pagan gods because they deeply believed in Christ.

However, even in pre-Christian era The spring equinox was celebrated in a big way. It was believed that on this day there is a balance between light and darkness. The sun wakes up to give people warmth and harvest.

The Slavs called the Day of the vernal equinox - Larks. According to popular beliefs, migratory larks return to their homeland on this day, followed by other migratory birds.

Before this day, any agricultural work was prohibited, since the land was still in hibernation. Now she has begun awakening.

For the holiday, the housewives made ritual pastries from unleavened dough in the form of larks. Birds were often baked with spread wings and tufts. But each hostess, of course, had her own recipe.

Baked larks were given to children. They ran with them to the street, threw them up, imitating the arrival of birds. Sometimes children put the birds on a stick to raise them even higher to the sun. These ritual actions were accompanied by the calls of spring, the children shouted out special chants - the clicks of spring.

After the game, the larks were eaten, but the heads of the birds were not eaten. They were usually given to livestock.

Divination was also common. For example, the hostess baked birds, one for each family member. One had a coin inside. Whoever gets a bird with a coin will be happy all year.

Spring Larks Baking Recipes

How to cook larks for the Spring Equinox? Watch the video recipe:

And here is another recipe - simpler, from yeast-free dough:

Celtic festival Ostara

The holiday, named after the goddess of fertility of the earth named Ostare, is celebrated on the Day of the spring equinox. From that day on, the ancient Celts opened the agricultural season.

The goddess Ostare is one of the most "ancient" goddesses, known from the second millennium BC. It is also associated with the awakening of nature, with the first herbs and flowers.

On this day, the ancient Germans performed rituals for the fertility of fields and trees in the coming season. It was customary to cleanse people of the filth accumulated over the winter.

Popular on this holiday were:

  • Dousing with water;
  • Fumigation with smoke;
  • Jumping over the fire;
  • Descent of fiery wheels from the mountain;
  • Throwing fire arrows.

After the advent of Christianity, the pagan Spring Equinox merged with the Christian Annunciation.

There are two main symbols of the goddess Ostare. The first of these is the moon hare or rabbit. He symbolized fertility (everyone knows how rabbits breed) and personified rebirth.

According to legend, the goddess Ostare saw a wounded bird in the snow. He took pity on the bird and, wanting to save it from death, turned it into a hare. In its new form, the bird still laid eggs. Therefore, the egg was considered the second symbol of the holiday - a symbol of the Sun and the rebirth of nature.

Eggs were painted by applying to them security symbols, as well as signs of peace, wealth, fertility, etc. The rite is similar to the painting of Easter eggs familiar to us today.

Higan in Japan

The spring equinox in Japan is associated with a Buddhist holiday called Higan. It is a public holiday and a day off for the Japanese.

However, the celebrations last for a whole week: they begin 3 days before the equinox and end 3 days after it ends. The exact date of the equinox is calculated every year at the National Observatory.

The name "khigan" is translated as "that shore" or "the world where the souls of ancestors settled." Accordingly, this is a holiday of veneration of ancestors.

Before the holiday, the Japanese carefully clean their houses and put things in order. They clean the home altar with photographs of ancestors and their personal belongings, put fresh flowers and ritual food.

During the festive week, people in Japan go to the graves of deceased relatives. All ritual foods are vegetarian. This is a tribute to the Buddhist tradition not to kill any living beings and not to eat meat. The basis of the menu are rice, vegetables, beans, root vegetables and vegetable broths.

AT holidays the Japanese visit Buddhist temples, order prayers and pay ritual honors to departed ancestors.

Soon after Higan comes the cherry blossom season, which symbolizes the real rebirth of nature. All the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun go to admire the beautiful and short-term phenomenon.

Turkic Novruz

The traditional holiday Novruz or Nauryz is celebrated by the Turkic and Iranian peoples, it is one of the most ancient holidays in the history of mankind. Not related to Islam, originated in Zoroastrianism and is associated with the astronomical phenomenon of the spring equinox. It is considered the true beginning of the New Year.

Nowruz is currently celebrated on March 21 in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Dagestan.

Preparations for Novruz begin well in advance. Be sure to clean the house, pay off debts, ask for forgiveness for the wrongs caused. Prepare a variety of traditional dishes. Definitely lots of sweets. It is believed that the richer the table, the happier the year will pass.

Germinated wheat greens are often put on the table, which symbolizes the rebirth of nature.

There is a tradition to arrange a fiery festival for Novruz. For example, they make a fire, dance round dances around it. And then they jump over the fire. It is believed that this allows you to cleanse yourself of all ailments and problems.

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Ritual for the Spring Equinox

On the day of the spring equinox- The arrival of Spring and the return of life is a special holiday. This is the time to leave the past behind and prepare for the future. Remember all the failures that have been, all your conflicts, all the problems - to extract the maximum experience from all the troubles and leave them behind you. Let go of this burden and move on lightly.

The time when it is worth embodying your most daring ideas. This is the time of miracles and the time of magic.
A lot can be changed and redirected, the very wheel of fate can be turned in the other direction.

Feast of the Spring Equinox is a celebration of balance and equilibrium, first of all, within oneself. This is the moment when the length of night and darkness, which in many traditions represent evil or death, begins to give way to the length of day and light associated with goodness and rebirth.

In this regard, I would like to offer you:

Ritual for the Astronomical New Year

During this ritual, you are favored by nature itself, when the length of the day (time Sunlight) starts to increase. When celebrating this holiday, everything old, unused and outdated should be thrown away, and new things can be acquired, not only things, but also habits, feelings, thoughts. Of course, we are talking only about plans, desires and intentions that concern yourself and do not harm others.
Preparatory stage: Clearly write three wishes for what you would like to get rid of on one piece of paper, and then three wishes for what you would like to acquire on another piece of paper.

Start with words: "I ... (my name) make the decision and obligation to get rid of ..." , moreover, realize that first you need to “throw away” the unnecessary in order to make room for the new.

Start writing on the second sheet with the words: "I ... (my name) make decisions to acquire ...". Before writing, meditate on whether you are ready to accept the changes that the implementation of your own decisions will bring about.
Put the sheets of notes in the most holy place in your house, on the altar, near the icon before the ritual itself is performed.
Choose the color of the three candles depending on your wishes written on paper about what you would like to purchase. If you can not decide on a color for some desire, then take a white candle.

I want to write a few words about the white candle. White color candles serve for any type of protection and cleanse from any kind negative energy. It helps in every area of ​​life. White candles are used especially when it is not known exactly what is threatening, or which area of ​​life is negatively affected.

For the ritual you need to prepare:

- a white candle to enhance the desire to get rid of the unnecessary and three more candles of the selected color (you can also white) to enhance the wishes of acquiring something;

- essential oil of juniper, myrrh or frankincense or incense from juniper, myrrh or frankincense;

- leaflets with desires and intentions written on them, what would you like to acquire and what would you like to get rid of.

Performing the ritual:

Take a shower and put on clean clothes. Warn everyone in your family not to be disturbed during the ritual. Take a place where you will perform the ritual, relax, try to free your head from thoughts and proceed with the ritual.
Lubricate all four candles with the available essential oil and rub the oil over the surface.

If not essential oil, then light the chosen incense. Place a white candle to reinforce the desires for deliverance first, and then three candles for the desires for the acquisition of the desired in a row from left to right in the order that you have the desires for acquisition in your sheet.

First, light a white candle to enhance the wishes of deliverance. When the fire burns with a clear flame, say with maximum awareness over the candle the words from your paper about what you want to get rid of. Finish with the phrase:

Then burn the leaf by lighting it with a candle flame. You can take a refractory vessel for burning a leaf. After the ritual, spread the ashes through the air or trust the water (river, reservoir, etc.).
Then light the remaining three candles in the order corresponding to the order of desires for acquisition on your sheet, and when the fire burns with a clear flame, say with maximum awareness over the candle the words from your sheet about what you would like to acquire, concentrating on the flame of the corresponding candle . End with the same phrase:

“I take the spirits of nature as witnesses of my decisions and promise not to deviate from the chosen path. May it be so."
It is better not to burn this sheet, but to work on written desires, for example, on the first Lunar Day of the next Lunar cycle.

Sit down and meditate for 15-20 minutes, imagining yourself already getting rid of the unnecessary, and already having what you want. Imagine yourself, your behavior and thinking in accordance with each desire.

After meditation, do not blow out the candles. Candles should burn out to the end.

Intensive Temple of the Sun. Fortune Hike