Start in science. The influence of solar activity on the human body

It seems to us that the source of life on Earth - solar radiation - is constant and unchanging. The continuous development of life on our planet over the past billion years, as it were, confirms this. But the physics of the Sun, which has achieved great success over the past decade, has proved that the radiation of the Sun experiences oscillations that have their own periods, rhythms and cycles. Spots, torches, prominences appear on the Sun. Their number increases within 4-5 years to the highest limit in the year of solar activity.

This is the time of maximum solar activity. During these years, the Sun throws out an additional amount of particles charged with electricity - corpuscles, which rush through interplanetary space at a speed of more than 1000 km / s and break into the Earth's atmosphere. Especially powerful streams of corpuscles come out during chromospheric flares - a special kind of explosions of solar matter. During these exceptionally strong flares, the Sun throws out what are known as cosmic rays. These rays consist of fragments of atomic nuclei and come to us from the depths of the Universe. During the years of solar activity, the ultraviolet, X-ray and radio emission of the Sun increases.

Periods of solar activity have a huge impact on weather changes and the intensification of natural disasters, which is well known from history. Indirectly, the peaks of solar activity, as well as solar flares, can affect social processes, causing famine, wars and revolutions. At the same time, the assertion that there is a direct connection between activity peaks and revolutions does not have any scientifically confirmed theory. However, in any case, it is clear that the forecast of solar activity in connection with the weather is the most important task of climatology. Increased solar activity adversely affects people's health and their physical condition, disrupts biological rhythms.

The radiation of the Sun carries with it a large amount of energy. All types of this energy, entering the atmosphere, are mainly absorbed by its upper layers, where, as scientists say, “disturbances” occur. The lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field direct abundant flows of corpuscles to the polar latitudes. In this regard, there are magnetic storms and auroras. Corpuscular rays begin to penetrate even into the atmosphere of temperate and southern latitudes. Then polar lights flash in such places remote from the polar countries as Moscow, Kharkov, Sochi, Tashkent. Such phenomena have been observed repeatedly and will be observed more than once in the future.

Sometimes magnetic storms reach such strength that they interrupt telephone and radio communications, disrupt the operation of power lines, and cause power outages.

The sun's ultraviolet rays are almost entirely absorbed by the high layers of the atmosphere.

For the Earth, this is of great importance: after all, in large quantities, ultraviolet rays are detrimental to all living things.

Solar activity, affecting the high layers of the atmosphere, significantly affects the general circulation of air masses. Consequently, it is reflected in the weather and climate of the entire Earth. Apparently, the influence of disturbances arising in the upper layers of the air ocean are transmitted to its lower layers - the troposphere. When flying artificial satellites Earth and meteorological rockets were found to expand and compact the high layers of the atmosphere: air tides, similar to oceanic rhythms. However, the mechanism of the relationship between the index of high and low layers of the atmosphere has not yet been fully disclosed. There is no doubt that during the years of maximum solar activity, the cycles of atmospheric circulation intensify, collisions of warm and cold currents of air masses occur more often.

On Earth, there are areas of hot weather (the equator and part of the tropics) and giant refrigerators - the Arctic and especially the Antarctic. Between these areas of the Earth there is always a difference in temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, which sets in motion huge masses of air. There is a continuous struggle between warm and cold currents, seeking to equalize the difference arising from changes in temperature and pressure. Sometimes warm air“takes the lead” and penetrates far north to Greenland and even to the pole. In other cases, the masses of Arctic air break south to the Black and Mediterranean Seas, reach Central Asia and Egypt. The boundary of struggling air masses represents the most restless regions of our planet's atmosphere.

When the difference in temperature of moving air masses increases, then powerful cyclones and anticyclones appear on the border, generating frequent thunderstorms, hurricanes, and showers.

Modern climatic anomalies like the summer of 2010 in the European part of Russia, and numerous floods in Asia are not something extraordinary. They should not be considered harbingers of the imminent end of the world, or evidence global change climate. Let's take an example from history.

In 1956, stormy weather swept the northern and southern hemispheres. In many areas of the Earth, this caused natural disasters and a sharp change in the weather. In India, floods on the rivers were repeated several times. Water flooded thousands of villages and washed away crops. The floods affected about 1 million people. The predictions didn't work. Heavy rains, thunderstorms and floods in the summer of that year even affected countries such as Iran and Afghanistan, where there are usually droughts during these months. Especially high solar activity with a peak of radiation in the period 1957-1959, caused more greater growth the number of meteorological disasters - hurricanes, thunderstorms, showers.

Everywhere there were sharp contrasts in the weather. For example, in the European part of the USSR for 1957 it turned out to be unusually warm: in January the average temperature was -5 °. In February in Moscow, the average temperature reached -1°C, while the norm was -9°C. At the same time in Western Siberia and in the republics of Central Asia there were severe frosts. In Kazakhstan, the temperature dropped to -40°. Alma-Ata and other cities of Central Asia were literally covered with snow. In the southern hemisphere - in Australia and Uruguay - in the same months there was an unprecedented heat with dry winds. The atmosphere raged until 1959, when the decline in solar activity began.

The influence of solar flares and the level of solar activity on the state of the flora and fauna affects indirectly: through the cycles of the general circulation of the atmosphere. For example, the width of the layers of sawn wood, which determine the age of the plant, depends mainly on the annual rainfall. In dry years these layers are very thin. The amount of annual precipitation changes periodically, which can be seen on the growth rings of old trees.

Sections made on the trunks of bog oaks (they are found in riverbeds) made it possible to learn the history of the climate several millennia before our time. The existence of certain periods, or cycles, of solar activity confirms the study of materials that are carried by rivers from land and deposited on the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans. An analysis of the state of samples of bottom sediments makes it possible to trace the course of solar activity over hundreds of thousands of years. The relationship between solar activity and natural processes on Earth is very complex and is not united in a general theory.

Scientists have found that fluctuations in solar activity occur in the range from 9 to 14 years

Solar activity affects the level of the Caspian Sea, the salinity of the Baltic Sea and the ice cover of the northern seas. The cycle of increased solar activity is characterized by a low level of the Caspian: an increase in air temperature causes increased evaporation of water and a decrease in the flow of the Volga, the main feeding artery of the Caspian. For the same reason, the salinity of the Baltic Sea has increased and the ice cover of the northern seas has decreased. In principle, scientists can predict the future regime of the northern seas for a number of decades to come.

At present, arguments are often heard that the Arctic Ocean will soon be free of ice and will be suitable for navigation. One should sincerely sympathize with the "knowledge" of "experts" making such claims. Yes, perhaps partially released for a year or two. And then it freezes again. And what did you tell us that we didn't know about? The dependence of the ice cover of the northern seas on cycles and periods of increased solar activity was reliably established more than 50 years ago and confirmed by decades of observations. Therefore, it can be stated with high confidence that the ice will grow in the same way as it melted as the cycle of solar activity passes.

Simple about the complex - Solar activity and its impact on nature and climate in the handbook

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Solar activity is a set of phenomena that periodically occur in the solar atmosphere. Manifestations of solar activity are associated with magnetic properties solar plasma.

What causes solar activity to occur? The magnetic flux gradually increases in one of the regions of the photosphere. Then the brightness in the hydrogen and calcium lines increases here. Such areas are called floccules.

Approximately in the same areas on the Sun in the photosphere (i.e. somewhat deeper), an increase in brightness in white (visible) light is also observed. This phenomenon is called torches.

The increase in energy released in the region of the plume and floccule is a consequence of the increased magnetic field strength.
1-2 days after the appearance of the flocculus in the active area, sunspots in the form of small black dots - pores. Many of them soon disappear, only some pores turn into large dark formations in 2-3 days. A typical sunspot is several tens of thousands of kilometers in size and consists of a dark central part (shadow) and fibrous penumbra.

From the history of the study of sunspots

The first reports of sunspots date back to 800 BC. e. in China, the first drawings date back to 1128. In 1610, astronomers began to use a telescope to observe the Sun. The initial research dealt mainly with the nature of the spots and their behavior. But, despite the research, the physical nature of the spots remained unclear until the 20th century. By the 19th century, there was already a sufficiently long series of observations of the number of sunspots to determine periodic cycles in the activity of the Sun. In 1845, professors D. Henry and S. Alexander from Princeton University observed the sun with a thermometer and determined that the sunspots emit less radiation than the surrounding regions of the sun. Later, above-average radiation was determined in the plume regions.

Characteristics of sunspots

The most important feature of spots is the presence of strong magnetic fields reaching the greatest tension in the shadow area. Imagine a tube of magnetic field lines extending into the photosphere. The upper part of the tube expands, and the lines of force in it diverge, like ears of corn in a sheaf. Therefore, around the shadow, the magnetic lines of force take a direction close to horizontal. The magnetic field, as it were, expands the spot from the inside and suppresses the convective movements of the gas, which transfer energy from the depth upwards. Therefore, in the area of ​​the spot, the temperature turns out to be lower by about 1000 K. The spot is, as it were, a hole in the solar photosphere cooled and bound by a magnetic field.
Most often, spots appear in whole groups, but two large spots stand out in them. One, small, is in the west, and the other, smaller, is in the east. Around them and between them there are often many small spots. Such a group of sunspots is called bipolar because large sunspots always have the opposite polarity of the magnetic field. They seem to be connected with the same tube of magnetic field lines, which emerged from under the photosphere in the form of a giant loop, leaving the ends somewhere in the deep layers, it is impossible to see them. The spot from which the magnetic field leaves the photosphere has a north polarity, and the one into which the force field enters back under the photosphere has a south polarity.

Solar flares are the most powerful manifestation of solar activity. They occur in relatively small regions of the chromosphere and corona located above groups of sunspots. Simply put, flare is an explosion caused by sudden contraction of the solar plasma. Compression occurs under the pressure of a magnetic field and leads to the formation of a long plasma rope of tens and even hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The amount of explosion energy is from 10²³ J. The energy source of flares differs from the energy source of the entire Sun. It is clear that flares are of an electromagnetic nature. The energy emitted by the flash in the short-wavelength region of the spectrum consists of ultraviolet and X-rays.
Like any strong explosion, the flare generates a shock wave that propagates upward into the corona and along the surface layers of the solar atmosphere. The radiation of solar flares has a particularly strong effect on the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere and the ionosphere. As a result of this, a whole complex of geophysical phenomena occurs on Earth.


The most grandiose formations in the solar atmosphere are prominences. These are dense clouds of gases that form in solar corona or ejected into it from the chromosphere. A typical prominence looks like a gigantic luminous arch resting on the chromosphere and formed by jets and flows of matter denser than the corona. The temperature of the prominences is about 20,000 K. Some of them exist in the corona for several months, while others, appearing near the sunspots, move rapidly at speeds of about 100 km/s and exist for several weeks. Individual prominences move at even greater speeds and suddenly explode; they are called eruptive. The sizes of prominences can be different. A typical prominence is about 40,000 km high and about 200,000 km wide.
There are many types of prominences. In photographs of the chromosphere in the red spectral line of hydrogen, prominences are clearly visible on the solar disk in the form of dark long filaments.

Areas on the Sun where intense manifestations of solar activity are observed are called centers of solar activity. General activity The sun changes periodically. There are many ways to assess the level of solar activity. Solar activity index - Wolf numbers W. W= k (f + 10g), where k is a coefficient that takes into account the quality of the instrument and observations made with it, f is the total number of sunspots observed in this moment on the Sun, g is ten times the number of groups they form.
The epoch when the number of activity centers is greatest is considered the maximum solar activity. And when they are completely or almost absent - a minimum. Highs and lows alternate on average with a period of 11 years - an eleven-year cycle of solar activity.

The impact of solar activity on life on Earth

This influence is very great. A.L. Chizhevsky was the first to investigate this influence in June 1915. Northern lights were observed in Russia and even in North America, and "magnetic storms continuously disrupted the movement of telegrams." During this period, the scientist draws attention to the fact that increased solar activity coincides with bloodshed on Earth. Indeed, immediately after the appearance of large spots on the Sun, hostilities intensified on many fronts of the First World War. He devoted his whole life to these studies, but his book "In the Rhythm of the Sun" remained unfinished and was published only in 1969, 4 years after Chizhevsky's death. He drew attention to the connection between the increase in solar activity and terrestrial cataclysms.
Turning to the Sun with one or the other of its hemisphere, the Earth receives energy. This flow can be represented as a traveling wave: where the light falls - its crest, where it is dark - a failure: energy either increases or decreases.
Magnetic fields and streams of particles that come from sunspots reach the Earth and affect the brain, cardiovascular and circulatory system person, on his physical, nervous and psychological condition. A high level of solar activity, its rapid changes excite a person.

Now the influence of solar activity on the Earth is being studied very actively. New sciences have appeared - heliobiology, solar-terrestrial physics - which investigate the relationship of life on Earth, weather, climate with manifestations of solar activity.
Astronomers say the Sun is getting brighter and hotter. This is because its magnetic field activity has more than doubled over the past 90 years, with the largest increase occurring in the past 30 years. Now scientists can predict solar flares, which makes it possible to prepare in advance for possible failures in the operation of radio and electrical networks.

Strong solar activity can lead to the fact that power lines on Earth will fail, the orbits of satellites that ensure the operation of communication systems, "direct" aircraft and ocean liners will change. The solar "riot" is usually characterized by powerful flares and the appearance of many sunspots. Chizhevsky found that during the period of increased solar activity ( a large number spots on the Sun), wars, revolutions, natural disasters, catastrophes, epidemics occur on Earth, the intensity of bacteria growth increases (“Chizhevsky-Velkhover effect”). Here is what he writes in his book "Terrestrial Echoes of Solar Storms": “The quantity is infinitely great and the quality of the physical and chemical factors of the environment surrounding us from all sides - nature is infinitely diverse. Powerful interacting forces come from outer space. The sun, moon, planets and an infinite number of celestial bodies are connected to the earth by invisible bonds. The movement of the Earth is controlled by the forces of gravity, which cause a series of deformations in the air, liquid and solid shells of our planet, make them pulsate, and produce tides. The position of the planets in the solar system affects the distribution and intensity of the electrical and magnetic forces of the Earth.
But greatest influence The physical and organic life of the Earth is affected by radiations directed towards the Earth from all sides of the Universe. They connect the outer parts of the Earth directly with the cosmic environment, make it related to it, constantly interact with it, and therefore both the outer face of the Earth and the life that fills it are the result of the creative influence of cosmic forces. Therefore, the structure of the earth's shell, its physical chemistry and biosphere are a manifestation of the structure and mechanics of the Universe, and not a random game of local forces. Science infinitely expands the boundaries of our direct perception of nature and our worldview. Not the Earth, but the cosmic expanses become our homeland, and we begin to feel in all its true grandeur the significance for the entire earthly existence and the movement of distant celestial bodies, and the movement of their messengers - radiation ... "
In 1980, a technique appeared that made it possible to detect the presence of spots in the photospheres of other stars. It turned out that many stars spectral type G and K are sunspots with a magnetic field of the same order. The activity cycles of such stars have been registered and are being studied. They are close to the solar cycle and are 5 - 10 years.

There are hypotheses about the influence of changes in the physical parameters of the Sun on the Earth's climate.

Terrestrial auroras are the visible result of interactions between the solar wind, the solar and terrestrial magnetospheres, and the atmosphere. Extreme events associated with solar activity lead to significant disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field, which causes geomagnetic storms. geomagnetic storms are one of the most important elements of space weather and affect many areas of human activity, from which one can single out the disruption of communications, navigation systems spaceships, the occurrence of eddy induction currents in transformers and pipelines, and even the destruction of energy systems.
Magnetic storms also affect the health and well-being of people. The section of biophysics that studies the effect of changes in the activity of the Sun and the disturbances it causes in the Earth's magnetosphere on terrestrial organisms is called heliobiology.


Maltseva A.Yu., Kansk,

KGBPOU "Kansk Polytechnic College"

Head: Petushinskaya Yu.A. Kansk,

teacher of KGBPOU "Kansky

Polytechnic College"
As children, we enjoyed the sun's rays every summer day and did not understand adults at all, who said something about "magnetic storms." However, we are growing up, and the impact of solar activity on human health is becoming more and more clear to us.

The sun is the closest star to us, thanks to which there is life on Earth. It gives us light and warmth. All changes that occur on the Sun are reflected in the phenomena occurring on Earth. Auroras, electrical failures, weather changes - all these are consequences of solar activity. The nature of the Sun and its significance for our lives is an inexhaustible topic. People guessed about its impact on the Earth even in ancient times, as a result of which legends and myths were born, in which the Sun played a major role. It has been deified in many religions. Astronomers, doctors, meteorologists, signalmen, navigators and other specialists, whose professional activity strongly depends on the degree of activity of our daylight, show constant interest in the Sun.

In recent years, more and more talk about solar activity, magnetic storms and their impact on people. Since solar activity is increasing, the question of the impact of this phenomenon on health becomes quite relevant.

The sun illuminates and warms our planet; without this, life on it would be impossible not only for humans, but even for microorganisms. Different kinds solar radiation and particle flows have a constant impact on the life of the inhabitants of the Earth and the health of people. A lack of solar energy leads to a deterioration in well-being, performance, a decrease in mental activity, resistance to diseases, the process of recovery and recovery is significantly lengthened, and the risk of damage to the musculoskeletal system increases.

Very often, powerful solar flares result in magnetic storms - strong and sharp fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field. Some inhabitants of the planet do not notice them, but weather-dependent people have a hard time. People affected by magnetic storms are divided into several categories: for some, their health worsens a couple of days before the start of the storm, for others - during, and for someone even three days after the geomagnetic field fluctuations end. Of all the diseases most affected by magnetospheric storms, cardiovascular diseases stand out. During magnetic storms, subjective symptoms of deterioration in the condition of patients were manifested, cases of increased blood pressure became more frequent, coronary circulation worsened, which was accompanied by negative ECG dynamics. Research by scientists shows that on the day when a solar flare occurs, the number of cases of myocardial infarction increases. During fluctuations of the magnetic field in the human body, the blood flow changes. The blood becomes thicker and flows more slowly through the vessels, including the thin vessels of the brain. Hence - headaches, fatigue. The regulation of vascular tone is disturbed, blood pressure jumps unpredictably.

The impact of solar activity helps us not only navigate in space, distinguish objects, but also feel warm. Solar infrared rays contribute to the formation of additional heat in the body, as a result of which the activity of the sweat glands increases and the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin increases: the subcutaneous vessels expand and skin hyperemia occurs, blood flow increases, the skin absorbs many biologically active substances Therefore, so often infrared radiation is used to combat many diseases. However, if you do not take any measures to protect the skin, you can get burned.

Leather different people has varying degrees sensitivity to solar radiation. This is due to the thickness of the stratum corneum, the degree of blood supply to the skin and its ability to pigmentation. Wishing to get a beautiful, golden tan in a short time without the use of special protective creams, we put our health at great risk. After all, this can lead to the development of malignant formations on the skin, deterioration of the heart muscle and exacerbation of diseases of the endocrine system.

During a magnetic storm, premature births begin more often, and by the end of the storm, the number of quick births increases. Scientists also came to the conclusion that the level of solar activity in the year of birth of a child significantly affects its constitutional features. People born during the period of the active Sun are less sensitive to magnetic storms.

In addition, during the period of increased solar activity, an increase in the number of accidents is observed, people's intelligence deteriorates and the reaction slows down.

It is impossible to protect yourself from the influence of magnetic storms on a person. But there is an opportunity to make life easier for yourself at this time. To do this, many methods of treatment have been invented to help survive magnetic storms without undesirable consequences for human health, without affecting his performance.

In order to protect your body from the negative effects of solar activity, you must take some measures in advance: exclude alcohol and cigarettes on “dangerous” days, do not eat fatty and spicy foods, as well as foods that affect blood vessels and the heart; people with chronic heart disease should keep their usual medicines on hand. The most powerful and effective way to increase the body's resistance to any adverse external influences is the daily observance of the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, playing sports, giving up bad habits, observing the regime of the day and rest will favorably affect the body and help to endure magnetic storms more easily.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Krasnoshchekovskaya average comprehensive school No. 1"

"The impact of solar activity on health

and psycho-emotional state of a person


Completed: student of the 8th "in" class

Shipilova Anna

Head: physics teacher

Grigorenko L.P.





ChapterI. What is the Sun?……………………………………………………………..5

ChapterII. Sun and Earth………………………………..…………………………..7

ChapterIII. Man and the Sun……………………………….………………………..9

3.1. Advantages of solar radiation………………………………..…………......9

3.2. The negative influence of the Sun on a person………………………………...10

3.2.1. The impact of magnetic storms on human health……………………13

ChapterIV. Own research……………………………………………..15





The sun is the most familiar astronomical object to all people; a source of light and heat that gives us life, and a source of ultraviolet radiation. The distance between our planet and the Sun, the mass and orbit of the Earth, the very type of star - the Sun - created harmonic prerequisites for the emergence and development of life on Earth. The “breathing” of the Sun (the process of spot formation) is associated with life on Earth. Living organisms transform the energy of the Sun and live due to this. The influence of the Sun affects the operation of various radio systems, power networks, wire lines in the Arctic, and the intensity of the electric current.

The energy of the Sun is enough to cause auroras and magnetic storms. The influence of solar activity on man was established back in the 1920s by A. L. Chizhevsky. Scientists have noticed that the deterioration of the condition of sick people is maximally manifested either immediately after a solar flare, or with the onset of a magnetic storm. And they came to the conclusion that the level of solar activity in the year of birth of a child significantly affects its constitutional features. According to the principle of the law of analogy, “as above, so below”, the human body is the Universe in the infinity of space. We live in the solar system, and its center is the sun. According to the law, there is also a center in our body, and this center is the heart. I was interested in the question of how these two centers are connected, how the Sun affects human health.

Relevance of the topic

In recent years, more and more talk about solar activity and its impact on people. Since solar activity is growing, the question of the influence of this phenomenon becomes quite relevant. The sun has a direct effect on living organisms on the planet, and is also the cause of magnetic storms. Its role in human life is extremely great. This question interested me, and I decided to find out how closely the person and the Sun are connected.

    Objective -To study the Sun, the impact of its activity on human health.

To achieve this goal, I setthe following tasks:

    To study the scientific literature on the activity of the Sun and its impact on humans;

    Find out the pros and cons of solar influence on the human body;

    Conduct your own research and draw conclusions from them;

    Develop the skill of searching for information using different search engines;

    Build research skills.


The sun is one of the main sources on Earth. Its radiation is necessary for the normal functioning of almost all living organisms, however, the Sun provides not only heat and light, but also has some Negative influence.

Object of study:Sun and man.

Subject of study:solar activity and its impact on the human body.

Research methods:

    study and analysis of literature;

    collection of evidence;


    processing of received data;

    systematization and generalization of the collected material.

Research products:


    information booklet;

    participation in a practical conference.

ChapterI. What is the Sun?

We are accustomed to seeing stars as small, glowing dots in the night sky, however, our bright daytime sun is also a star. It warms the Earth and illuminates it, exposes it to its radiation, which affects the living organisms that inhabit the planet in many ways. Inside the Sun, complex reactions of changing substances take place, and most importantly, “fuel burning” - the transformation of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms, which causes the release of a huge amount of energy.Our Sun is about 5 billion years old. During this time, it almost did not change its size and luminosity. Huge storage and generator of chemical elements. How is it arranged? Let's start from the very beginning. In the central part of the Sun is the source of its energy, or, figuratively speaking, the stove that does not allow it to cool down. This area is called core. Here the temperature reaches 15 million degrees, where energy is released. Immediately around the core begins radiant energy transfer zone. Through it, energy from the nucleus passes to convective zone, and then to surface salts - the solar atmosphere. The lower layer is called the photosphere, the temperature of which we perceive is 6000 degrees. Sometimes darker regions are visible on the surface of the photosphere - spots. Gradually, the photosphere passes into more rarefied layers of the atmosphere - the chromosphere and the corona. The first is visible during eclipses as a thin bright pinkish ring around the disk of the Moon. Also, during eclipses, you can see some kind of arches or fountains, these are emissions of stellar matter, which are called prominences.

In addition to prominences, explosions occur on the surface of the Sun - chromospheric flares, which, like spots, and prominences are a manifestation of solar activity. Following the chromosphere is a region millions of kilometers long - crown. It can be clearly seen during eclipses as bright long rays. It is the corona that is the last zone in the solar atmosphere. The sun consists of about ¾ of hydrogen, ¼ of helium, with a small addition (about 2%) of heavier elements. But how did such a giant appear? All stars have certain time life. When a star "dies" (i.e., burns all the hydrogen), it explodes and a gas and dust cloud or nebula forms in its place. Subsequently, this cloud becomes denser, and under the influence of mutual attraction, after many millennia, a hot gas ball is formed from stellar matter. The emerging star condenses and heats up until, at a core temperature of 10 million degrees, a thermonuclear reaction begins, the compression stops and at one moment the star explodes. The ball throws the remnants of the gas and dust cloud into space. At this moment, a new star appears. This is how our Sun was created.

Chapter II . Sun and Earth.

The sun illuminates and warms our planet; without this, life on it would be impossible not only for humans, but even for microorganisms. The sun is the main (although not the only) engine of the processes occurring on Earth. But, not only heat and light the Earth receives from the Sun. Various types of solar radiation and particle flows have a constant impact on her life.The Sun sends electromagnetic waves to the Earth in all areas of the spectrum - from many kilometers of radio waves to gamma rays. The surroundings of the Earth are also reached by charged particles of different energies - both high (solar cosmic rays), and low and medium.

Finally, the Sun emits a powerful stream of elementary particles - neutrinos. However, their impact on earth processes is negligible: for these particles, the globe is transparent, and they freely fly through it. Only a very small part of charged particles from interplanetary space enters the Earth's atmosphere. But their energy is enough to cause auroras and perturbations of the magnetic field of our planet.

Solar flares are especially influential. Astronomers, doctors, meteorologists, signalmen, navigators and other specialists, whose professional activity strongly depends on the degree of activity of our daylight, show constant interest in it. One of the most remarkable features of the Sun is the almost periodic, regular changes in various manifestations of solar activity, that is, the totality of the observed changing (quickly or slowly) phenomena on the Sun. These are both sunspots - areas with a strong magnetic field and, as a result, with a lower temperature, and solar flares - the most powerful and rapidly developing explosive processes that affect the entire solar atmosphere above the active region.

The strongest manifestation of solar activity that affects the Earth is solar flares. They develop in active regions with complex structure magnetic field and affect the entire thickness of the solar atmosphere. The energy of a large solar flare reaches a huge value, comparable to the amount of solar energy received by our planet for a whole year. This is approximately 100 times more than all the thermal energy that could be obtained by burning all the explored reserves of oil, gas and coal. * .



Chapter III. Man and Sun

The sun is not only the central luminary of the solar system, but also a particular manifestation of cosmic universal light. The manifestation of solar activity has a strong influence on a person.

3.1. The benefits of solar radiation

The sun's rays have the ability to heat the outer tissues of the human body - this happens under the influence of infrared radiation. Infrared rays penetrate 2-3 centimeters into the tissues and very actively affect the blood vessels, which expand and increase blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous fat. Due to this, redox processes in these tissues are activated.

One of the components in the variety of solar effects is ultraviolet. How useful can it be? Ultraviolet radiation carries the highest energy. In terms of its chemical activity, it significantly exceeds all other parts of the light spectrum. At the same time, ultraviolet rays have the smallest depth of penetration into tissues - only up to 1 mm. Therefore, their direct influence is limited. surface layers irradiated areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Ultraviolet irradiation increases the activity of protective mechanisms, has a desensitizing effect, normalizes blood coagulation, improves lipid (fat) metabolism. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the functions of external respiration improve, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium increases, and its contractility increases.

The use of ultraviolet rays for therapeutic purposes with a well-chosen individual dose and precise control gives a high therapeutic effect in many diseases. It consists of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunostimulating, restorative action. Their use contributes to the epithelialization of the wound surface, as well as the regeneration of the nervous and bone tissue. *

* http:// en. wikipedia. org/ wiki

3.2. The negative impact of the Sun on the human body

Wave radiation from the Sun propagates in a straight line at a speed of 300 thousand km / s and reaches the Earth in 8 minutes. Periodically, with a rhythm of approximately 11 years, there is an increase in solar activity (sunspots, chromospheric flares, prominences in the root of the Sun appear). At this time, wave solar radiation at different frequencies is amplified.

A magnetic storm is a change in the Earth's magnetic field caused by the solar wind. The period when the magnetic field increases is called the initial phase of a magnetic storm and lasts 4-6 hours. Further, the magnetic field returns to normal, and then its value begins to decrease, since the solar flux has already passed beyond the Earth's magnetosphere, and the processes inside the magnetosphere itself have led to a decrease in the magnetic field strength. This period of low magnetic field is called the main phase of the global magnetic storm and lasts 10-15 hours.

Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky made a great contribution to the study of the influence of the Sun on the occurrence of epidemic diseases. The results of these studies are of particular value: after all, he worked with material from those eras when medicine was not yet able to fight either plague, or cholera, or typhoid. The spontaneous nature of the emergence and spread of epidemics gave hope to reveal their relationship with solar activity. Using extensive material, the scientist showed that the most severe and deadly epidemics always coincided with the maximum solar activity. The same pattern was found for diphtheria, meningitis, poliomyelitis, dysentery and scarlet fever.

In the early 60s, scientific publications appeared on the relationship of cardiovascular diseases with solar activity. They showed that people who have already had one heart attack are most susceptible to solar exposure. At the same time, it turned out that their body reacts not to the absolute value of the level of activity, but to the rate of its change.

It has been noted that the deterioration of the condition of patients is maximally manifested, firstly, immediately after a solar flare and, secondly, with the onset of a magnetic storm. This is explained by the fact that after about 8 minutes from the beginning of a solar flare, sunlight (as well as X-rays) reach the Earth's atmosphere and cause processes there that affect the functioning of the body, and after about a day, the Earth's magnetic storm itself begins.

In the 30s of the twentieth century in the city of Nice (France), it was accidentally noticed that myocardial infarctions and strokes in the elderly increased sharply on the same days when there were strong communication disruptions at the local telephone exchange, up to its complete cessation. As it turned out later, the disruption of telephone communications was caused by magnetic storms.

Of all the diseases that are affected by magnetospheric storms, cardiovascular diseases were singled out, first of all, since their relationship with solar and magnetic activity was the most obvious. Comparisons were made of the dependence of the number and severity of cardiovascular diseases on many environmental factors (atmospheric pressure, air temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, ionization, radiation regime, and so on), but a reliable and stable relationship of cardiovascular diseases is revealed precisely with chromospheric flares and geomagnetic storms.

During magnetic storms, subjective symptoms of deterioration in the condition of patients were manifested, cases of increased blood pressure became more frequent, coronary circulation worsened, which was accompanied by negative ECG dynamics. Studies have shown that on the day when a solar flare occurs, the number of cases of myocardial infarction increases. It reaches its maximum on the next day, after the outbreak (about 2 times more compared to magnetically quiet days). On the same day, a magnetospheric storm caused by a flare begins.

Studies have shown that the most detrimental effect on patients is a storm in its initial period. An analysis of numerous medical data has also deduced the seasonal course of deterioration in health during magnetic storms; it is characterized by the greatest deterioration at the spring equinox, when the number and severity of vascular accidents (in particular, myocardial infarctions) increase.

Information about the influence of the magnetic field on the human body has changed since ancient times. The healing properties of the magnet were described by Aristotle and Pliny the Elder, the German physician Paracelsus and the English naturalist William Gilbert. It has now been established that the magnetic field primarily affects the regulatory systems of the body (nervous, endocrine and circulatory). Its effect inhibits conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, changes the composition of the blood. Such a reaction to a magnetic field is explained, first of all, by a change in the properties of aqueous solutions in the human body.

It should be noted that a sick and healthy organism reacts differently to changes in space and geophysical conditions. In sick, weakened, tired, emotionally unstable persons on days characterized by changes in cosmic and geophysical conditions, energy indicators, immunological protection, the state of various physiological systems of the body deteriorate, and mental stress appears. And a psychologically and physically healthy organism is able to rebuild its internal processes in accordance with the changed conditions of the external environment. At the same time, the immune system is activated, the nervous processes and the endocrine system are rebuilt accordingly; performance is maintained or even improved. Subjectively, this is perceived by a healthy person as an improvement in well-being, an increase in mood.

A child's body is more affected by solar flares than an adult's body. It is known that any load is given to children by a great strain of mental, emotional and physical functions. During extreme space and geophysical situations, the child's energy suffers, functional disorders develop in the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. The child feels discomfort that cannot be explained. There are sleep disturbances, anxiety, loss of appetite, sometimes the temperature may rise. After the end of the extreme situation, everything returns to normal, and in this case it is not necessary to resort to the treatment of an unknown disease.

3.2.1. The impact of magnetic storms on human health

Meteosensitivity - the property of the body to respond not only to magnetic storms, but also to changes atmospheric pressure, change in temperature, perturbations of the gravitational field, that is, on the whole complex of cosmic, geophysical and weather factors. During periods of magnetic storms caused by the activity of the Sun, the release of adrenaline into the blood increases in the body, it begins to move more slowly and intermittently, and a great load is placed on the heart. This can cause a hypertensive crisis, heart attack, stroke. Therefore, it is important to feel the change in space weather in time and take timely measures.

Among those who can be attributed to the victims of the weather, stand outthree groups. First - those for whom the source of poor health is precisely certain weather factors.Second group - those who suffer from any acute or chronic diseases, and weather conditions only intensify or weaken the course of the underlying disease. In patients with hypertension, for example, adverse weather can cause a hypertensive crisis. In those suffering from bronchial asthma - an asthma attack, rheumatism - pain in the joints. And finally tothird group include pseudometeosensitive people, that is, who are not affected by the weather conditions themselves, but by some of the circumstances accompanying them.

People who are often in areas of abnormal phenomena feel worse, severe headaches appear, blood pressure changes, heart rhythm is disturbed, some have asthma attacks and hypertensive crises, and insomnia occurs.

What's happening:

1. Dark spots appear on the Sun, then a flash occurs. A stream of plasma and radiation - electromagnetic, X-ray, ultraviolet - flies towards us at a speed of up to 1000 km / s. After 3-4 days, it reaches the Earth.

2. The Earth's magnetic field takes on the impact of charged particles. This is what is called "disturbed geomagnetic background"

3. In the geomagnetic field from the "shake" there are radio waves of low frequency - 1, 5, 10 Hertz. They act on us. Scientists do not fully understand the mechanism of our response to magnetic storms. Most likely, the matter is in resonance: human biorhythms - heartbeat, nerve impulses - also “work” in the range of several Hertz. Electromagnetic waves can change the viscosity of blood.

4. The blood has become thicker, which means that it flows more slowly through the vessels, especially the thin vessels of the brain. Cells are worse supplied with oxygen - hence headaches, migraines, rapid and unreasonable fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness.

5. The regulation of vascular tone is disturbed, the pressure “jumps” unpredictably. Therefore, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system are most sensitive to magnetic storms.

The most dangerous weapon of the storm -electromagnetic pulsein the heart rate range. It can lead to sudden death. Even in healthy people, the heart rate goes astray, blood pressure rises.

Working on the topic and studying the special literature, the works of scientists in this field, I learned that 60 percent of people react to magnetic storms!

I also found that magnetic storms in cardiac patients suppress the production ofmelanin- a hormone that "works" as an antioxidant, strengthens the immune system and is responsible for daily biorhythms. A lack of melanin can lead to serious changes in the body.

ChapterIV. Own research.

Having studied the theory, I conducted a survey among 100 students in grades 3-10. They were given 6 various issues(see AttachmentII). I propose to look at the results of the survey in the form of diagrams.

    How much time do you spend outdoors during the day, i.e. during daylight hours?

BUT. 30 minutes

B.Over an hour

AT. Differently

G. I don't notice

Conclusion:The students of our school spend daylight hours different time. Most likely it depends on various circumstances that develop in each student in his own way.


BUT. Improving

B.Does not change

AT.getting worse

Conclusion:Most students in our school notice an improvement in well-being on a sunny day.

The sun increases vitality, gives a feeling of happiness, supports and inspires a person.


BUT. Moon


AT.The sun )

Conclusion:Most students in our school are at their best at noon.

6. What time of the year do you feel the best?

BUT. Winter;

B. Spring;



Conclusion:Of course, in summerstudents feel the best.

The sun stimulates the production of "pleasure hormones", which is why sunlight is considered to be the best natural antidepressant. Its positive influence also extends to the sphere of interpersonal relationships: if the cold encourages us to "close", then the Sun, on the contrary, "opens" us in relation to the outside world and others. That is why in the summer it is easier for us to make new friends. The "energy of happiness" comes from the Sun. My research clearly shows this.


Thus, as a result of the research, the hypothesis was confirmed that the emotional and physical state of a person depends on the intensity of sunlight. In addition, much depends on the person himself, his attitude to the world around him.

As a result of my research, I found out that the processes occurring on the Sun have a huge impact on human health and his psycho-emotional state, and not only positive results but also negative ones.

Thus, maintaining the overall resistance of the organism to adverse factors must be taken care of constantly, and not only on days of increased solar activity. This means the implementation of a whole range of hardening procedures, physical exercises, adherence to the principles of a healthy diet.

Of course, these days one should avoid strong mental and physical activity, which in itself is not very useful; I think we need to keep a good mood and not panic.

The materials of this work can be used at parent-teacher meetings, class hours and extracurricular activities.


    Kaurov E. Man, the Sun and Magnetic Storms. Astronomy. RAN, 2000.

    Kosidovsky, Zenon. When the Sun was God. Publisher: Children's literature. M., 1980.

3. Miroshnichenko L.I. Solar activity and the Earth. - M.: Nauka, 1981.

    J. K. Hargveers. Upper atmosphere and solar-terrestrial relations, M., 1982. AppendixI


    Questionnaire Questions

    1. How much time do you spend outdoors during the day, i.e. during daylight hours?

    a) 30 minutes c) Various

    b) More than an hour d) I don’t notice

      How does your well-being change on a sunny day?

    a) getting better

    b) does not change

    c) getting worse

      What influences life the most?

    a) the moon

    b) Earth

    c) the sun

      Which factor makes the mood improve faster?

    a) Delicious food

    b) Warm weather

    c) have a good day

    G) Good mark

      What time of day do you feel best?

    a) early morning

    c) Late evening

    b) Noon

      What time of the year do you feel the best?

    a) Winter

    b) Spring

    into the summer

    d) Autumn

The sun is the largest visible object in the sky. Since ancient times, it has been shrouded in a halo of mysticism. They worshiped him and brought gifts, hoping for his favor. With the advent of the technical era, people learned that this is just a hot ball of gas that warms our planet. However, this does not reduce the influence of the Sun on a person and his life.

The star that gives life

The sun is a star that belongs to the class of yellow dwarfs. Like planets solar system, it rotates around its own axis. Since the Sun is not a solid object, but a gaseous one, its rotation speed is non-uniform: at the equator it is 25 Earth days, and at a latitude of 75 degrees - more than 30 days. The sun has its own orbit that goes around the center of the galaxy, and one revolution is 240 million years.

The huge gravitational force of this object causes hydrogen - the gas that makes up the body of a star - to shrink in the depths to the point where thermonuclear reactions begin, and hydrogen turns into helium. Nuclear reactions inside heat up the center to 16 million degrees. This energy, rising outside, gradually cools down to 5780 K.

In the corona of the Sun, the temperature rises sharply to 2 million degrees. It is the corona that creates the visible spectrum of sunlight. The radiation power of the star's surface is 63,300 kW per m 2 . 1376 watts reach the upper part of the earth's atmosphere, provided that the sun's rays are directed perpendicularly.

11-year cycles of solar activity lead to the appearance of spots, flares and prominences on the surface. During these periods, magnetic anomalies occur on Earth, seismic activity increases. The negative influence of the Sun on the Earth and people is increasing.

The meaning of the Sun in astrology

In the human horoscope, the Sun is of key importance. The psychotype of a person depends on its location in the signs of the Zodiac. Such qualities as generosity, generosity, energy, the desire to live for the benefit of others - a manifestation of the solar nature. There are positions in which the Sun manifests itself most fully.

Leo is the sign of the zodiac, in which the Sun reaches the peak of its power, endowing a person with a penchant for serving society, leadership. But also among the Lions you can meet terry egoists, in which the solar power showed its wrong side - the desire to command others.

Aries is the seat of exaltation of the Sun. People born under this sign have innate leadership qualities and stubbornness. They know what they want from life and are highly motivated to achieve their goals. Ambition is one of the qualities that accurately describe Aries.

The influence of the sun on the fate of man

Everyone is born with a certain combination of planetary positions in natal chart. It reflects the human psychotype, as well as the lessons that will have to be learned in life.

Knowing the positions of the planets in the horoscope, a person refuses inflated expectations in relation to himself and his loved ones. And vice versa, understanding your strengths helps to more fully unlock the potential inherent in nature.

The influence of the Sun and the Moon on a person is paramount. The moon is an indicator of the human mind. How stable the psyche of a person depends on her position, she is also a significator of a person’s relationship with his mother.

The sun shows in the map the relationship with the father and is an indicator of the soul, its true aspirations.

The weak position of the Sun in the chart indicates that a person will not have his own opinion and authority among others. He will have low self-esteem.

Naturally, in the absence of solar qualities, one should not hope for success in self-realization. Therefore, the key to success in development will be the conscious cultivation of generosity, kindness, the desire to live for others, as well as a sincere desire to comprehend one's own nature.

Sun and health in terms of astrology

Vedic astrology when making a conclusion about health, it considers the position of the daylight on a par with other indicators. If the influence of the Sun on a person is bad, then he will have the following health problems:

  1. High or low blood pressure.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Early baldness.
  4. Weak bones.
  5. High irritability
  6. Headaches and epilepsy.
  7. Vision problems.

About what effect the Sun has on a particular person can be determined by its appearance. The beneficial effect will manifest itself as:

  • strong physique;
  • physical strength;
  • large forehead;
  • golden or dark hair;
  • wide chest.

If the influence of the Sun on a person is negative, he will have the following appearance:

  • asthenic physique;
  • sparse blonde hair;
  • slouch;
  • low immunity.

Of course, not only one Sun affects how a person looks. Any planet that is in the horoscope the owner of the first house or located in it, leaves its imprint on the exterior.

Sun Medicine

Lack of solar radiation affects a positive attitude. Everyone noticed that if there is not enough sunlight, then the mood becomes dull, joy disappears. From ancient times, weakened patients were prescribed to be more on fresh air taking sun baths.

It is detrimental to pathogens of serious diseases, such as tuberculosis.

The influence of the Sun on human growth can be twofold. A lack of vitamin D, caused by a lack of sunlight, can delay the development of children, leading to rickets. An excess of solar radiation is also detrimental to the body. It can be seen that people living in hot countries are not tall.

Negative effect on the body

The ozone layer protects the earth's biosphere from the harmful effects of solar radiation. In recent decades, scientists around the world have been sounding the alarm associated with its decrease. An increase in solar radiation near the Earth's surface has a devastating effect on human skin.

In addition to the early appearance of wrinkles, excess ultraviolet radiation can cause cancer. At risk are people with fair skin. Therefore, they are recommended to sunbathe to a minimum, in the early morning or evening hours. It is necessary to protect not only the skin, but also the retina, which can also suffer from an excess of radiant energy.

Cheap glasses only give the appearance of protection. In addition to darkening, they should reduce ultraviolet - a spectrum invisible to the eye.

How does the sun affect life expectancy?

According to science fiction writers, the process of evolution on the planet occurs under the influence of solar radiation penetrating through the ozone layer. What do scientists think about this?

In 2007, the results of the work of scientists from the Psybernetics Research Group were made public. They were engaged in the study of the influence of the Sun on people's lives. For 29 years, they have examined more than 300,000 residents of Maine.

It turned out that people born during peak solar activity, within the 11-year cycle, had a lower life expectancy. In addition, they were more susceptible to disease.

The study led to the conclusion that bursts of solar activity have a negative impact on human health.

Historical Events and the Sun

The famous Russian physicist A. L. Chizhevsky studied the influence of the activity of the Sun on a person, including historical events. He investigated the dependence of geopolitical events on solar cycles. The scientist found that the 11-year cycle is divided into 4 stages according to its intensity. He also found that the peaks of human excitability coincided with the peaks of maximum solar activity. After examining the 500-year history of various countries, he concluded that revolutions, wars, mass epidemics are directly related to the influence of the Sun on man.

Chizhevsky wrote: “An astronomer reading the history of cholera is involuntarily surprised by the fact that periods of solar storms well known to him cause such catastrophic disasters and, on the contrary, years of solar calm free humanity from fear of this unknown and invincible enemy.”

The dependence of the psyche on solar activity

It turns out that an excess of solar energy can lead not only to the emergence of malignant tumors, but also affect the mental state. Earlier it was noted that the lack of influence of the Sun on the human body leads to depressive states. Lack of light in pregnant women can provoke the likelihood of developing mental disorders in future children.

A study of the dependence of mental disorders on solar activity found that exacerbations of diseases occur during periods of solar storms. Scientists attribute this to a significant emission of ultraviolet radiation, the level of which increases during these periods by 300%.

Over the past 55 years, the number has also increased. You can also see that tensions in society have also increased. There is less and less tolerance among people. Deviations of the psyche are gradually becoming the norm.

Geomagnetic storms and suicides

The surface of our planet is protected from solar flares by the ionosphere. During the passage of the solar wind through it, a magnetic pulsation occurs, enveloping the Earth. But it happens that solar flares are so strong that a magnetic storm occurs in the ionosphere. At this time, many feel headaches, malaise, weakness.

Russian scientist Oleg Shumilov published a study on the dependence of the number of suicides on magnetic storms. An analysis of the geomagnetic situation starting from the second half of the last century was presented. Peaks of activity coincided with peaks of suicides. Statistics were given for the city of Kirovsk, located in the Murmansk region.

Shumilov does not insist that the cause of suicides is associated only with geomagnetic storms, but he believes that the influence of the geomagnetic factor has been little studied.

Study of solar activity

In support of Shumilov's theory, the New Scientist magazine cites the conclusions of scientists who conducted research in Australia and South Africa. They also believe that depressive states leading to suicide can also be caused by magnetic fluctuations in the Earth's field, which is directly dependent on solar activity.

Thus, the journal New Scientist wrote that it is necessary to conduct additional research on the influence of the Sun on human health. For a full-scale collection of statistics on suicide cases, there is not enough information: Catholic countries are reluctant to publish such statistics.