Physics test on the topic of radiation. Physics test on the topic “Radioactivity as evidence of the complex structure of atoms. Models of atoms. Rutherford's experience. Experimental methods for studying particles. radiation is

Option 1

  1. Translate the word "atom" from the ancient Greek.

1) Small 3) Indivisible

2) Simple 4) Solid

  1. α-radiation is

3) flow of neutral particles

  1. γ-radiation is

1) the flow of positive particles

2) the flow of negative particles

3) flow of neutral particles

4) there is no correct answer among the answers

  1. What is alpha radiation?

1) The flow of helium nuclei

2) Proton flux

3) Electron flow

  1. What is γ-radiation?

1) The flow of helium nuclei

2) Proton flux

3) Electron flow

4) Electromagnetic waves high frequency

  1. An atom is a sphere, throughout the volume of which a positive charge is evenly distributed. Inside this sphere are electrons. Each electron can oscillate. positive charge ball is equal in absolute value to the total negative charge of electrons, therefore the electric charge of the atom as a whole is equal to zero. Which scientist proposed such a model of the structure of the atom?

1) D. Thomson 3) A. Becquerel

  1. In Rutherford's experiment, α-particles scatter

1) electrostatic field of the atomic nucleus

2) electron shell of target atoms

3) the gravitational field of the nucleus of an atom

4) target surface

Radioactivity. Rutherford's experience.

Option 2

  1. Which scientist first discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity?

1) D. Thomson 3) A. Becquerel

2) E. Rutherford 4) A. Einstein

  1. β radiation is

1) the flow of positive particles

2) the flow of negative particles

3) flow of neutral particles

4) there is no correct answer among the answers

  1. In a strong magnetic field, a beam of radioactive radiation breaks up into three streams. What numbers in the figure indicate α, β and γ radiation?

1) 1 - α, 2 - β, 3 - γ

2) 1 - β, 2 - α, 3 - γ

3) 1 - α, 2 - γ, 3 - β

4) 1 - β, 2 - γ, 3 - α

  1. What is β radiation?

1) Secondary radioactive radiation at the start of a chain reaction

2) Flux of neutrons generated in a chain reaction

3) Electromagnetic waves

4) Electron flow

  1. AT late XIX At the beginning of the 20th century, the phenomenon of radioactive decay was discovered, during which α-particles flew out of the nucleus. These experimental facts made it possible to put forward a hypothesis

A: about the complex structure of the atom

B: about the possibility of transforming some elements into others

1) only A 3) both A and B

2) only B 4) neither A nor B

  1. The planetary model of the atom is justified

1) calculations of the motion of celestial bodies

2) experiments on electrization

3) experiments on the scattering of α-particles

4) photographs of atoms in a microscope

  1. In Rutherford's experiment, most of the α-particles freely pass through the foil, practically without deviating from rectilinear trajectories, because

1) the nucleus of an atom has a positive charge

2) electrons have a negative charge

3) the nucleus of an atom has small (compared to the atom) dimensions

4) α-particles have a large (compared to the nuclei of atoms) mass

The purpose of the lesson: Educational: Repeat the material on the topic: “electromagnetic
Systematize, generalize and consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities
students, solving specific exercises and assignments on this topic.
Summarize the knowledge gained by schoolchildren in the study of physics, chemistry and
Study the topic: "Radioactivity - as evidence complex structure
To acquaint students with the history of the discovery of radioactivity, experiments
Becquerel and Rutherford, the work of Curie in the field of radioactive
Show application computer models to describe processes in
Developing: Continue developing the ability to analyze,
compare, draw logical conclusions, promote development
imagination, creative activity of students, as well as memory and
Educational: development of teamwork skills,
responsibility for the common cause, education of the foundations of moral
self-awareness. Arouse students' interest in scientifically popular
literature, to the study of the prerequisites for the discovery of specific phenomena.

Lesson type: combined.
Form of organization of student activities: individual work and work in
Equipment: computers connected in local network with Internet access,
interactive board.
Stages of the lesson.
Stage I: Introductory-motivational.
1. Introductory speech of the teacher.
1 min.
2. Organizing time(formulation of the topic of the lesson, setting the goal and objectives of the lesson).
Slide presentation (PowerPoint)
3 min.
3. Generalization and consolidation of the topic "Electromagnetic phenomena"
Challenge competition:
1) explain the experience. 2) find the direction B. 3) name the physical quantities. 4) solve the problem (tasks in the program
Notebook, using an interactive whiteboard).
5) take the test (interactive).
Stage II: Operational stage
4.Study new topic using Internet resources.
Slide - presentation (PowerPoint).
20 minutes.
Stage III:
5. Fixing the new material.
Questions on a new topic.
Test for the lesson (interactive)
6. Summing up.
2 minutes.
7. Homework.
1 min.

Explain experience

The figure shows a conductor through which flows
electricity I. What is the direction of the vector
induction magnetic field current at point M?

The figure shows a conductor through which an electric current I flows. What is the direction of the magnetic field induction vector

current in
point M? No. 114


What rule is shown in the picture?


Physical quantities.

12. Formulas

Problem solving
№ 242
What is the energy of the magnetic field W
coils with inductance L = 2 H at
current strength in it I \u003d 3 A?

13. Problem solving

Magnetic flux penetrating a circuit in a uniform magnetic field (2)99
A circuit with an area of ​​50 cm2 is located in a uniform magnetic
field with induction 6 Tl. What is the magnetic flux
penetrating contour, if the angle between the vector B and
normal n to the contour plane is 90°?

14. A circuit with an area of ​​50 cm2 is in a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 6 T. What is the magnetic flux through

An electron flies into a magnetic field with a speed
υ = 7∙107 m/s perpendicular to the induction lines of force
magnetic field with induction B = 1 mT. Determine what
is equal to the radius of the electron orbit.


Task number 88 Magnetic field inside a coil with current
A long coil containing N = 1000 turns and
wound on an iron core, has an inductance
L = 0.04 H. Coil cross-sectional area
S = 10.0 cm2. At what current strength in the coil magnetic
induction B in the core will be equal to B = 1.0 mT?


Test on the topic "Electromagnetic

17. Test on the topic "Electromagnetic phenomena"



400 BC Democritus:
"There is a limit
fission of the atom.
1626 Paris: teaching
about the atom is forbidden
under pain of death


1869 - the periodic law is discovered

21. 1869 - the periodic law is discovered

1896 - discovered the phenomenon
(ability of atoms
some chemical
elements to

22. 1895 - William Roentgen - discovered rays, which were later named after him.

In 1898 Maria
Sklodowska Curie and Pierre
isolated from
uranium minerals
elements of polonium and




α - particle
A fully ionized atom
helium chemical element


β - particle
Represents - electron 0

26. α - particle

γ - particles

27. β - particle

penetrating power
radioactive radiation

28. γ - particles

Properties of radioactive radiation
Ionize the air;
Act on a photographic plate;
Cause the glow of certain substances;
Penetrate through thin metal
Radiation intensity
proportional to the concentration of the substance;
The radiation intensity does not depend on
factors (pressure,
temperature, light,
electrical discharges).

29. Penetrating power of radioactive radiation

What was the discovery made
Becquerel in 1896?
Which scientist did the research
By whom and how was the phenomenon named
spontaneous radiation?
During the study of the phenomenon
radioactivity, which are previously unknown
chemical elements were discovered?
What were the particles named?
What does the phenomenon indicate?


What happens to the substance
with radiation?
Already at the beginning of the study
radioactivity was found
a lot of strange and unusual.
constancy with which
radioactive elements
emit radiation.
release of energy and
is released continuously.

31. Fixing

In today's lesson, we reviewed the topic
"Electromagnetic Phenomena" and proceeded to
study of one of the most interesting, modern
and rapidly developing branches of physics -
NUCLEAR PHYSICS. Meet the amazing
phenomenon of radioactivity, with the experiments of Becquerel and
Considered the use of computers in the study
physics and the use of information
Internet resources and electronic textbooks. We
studied only a small part of this topic, so
say the tip of the iceberg

32. What happens to the substance during radioactive radiation? Already at the very beginning of the study of radioactivity, many

Home/ task
Read paragraph 65
Answer the questions at the end of the textbook
Make questions for self-control.
0-64 Lesson 55\1. Radioactivity as
evidence of complex structure
atoms. Lesson test.

Test "Atomic nucleus"

Option 1.

1. The figure shows models of atoms. What number marks the Thomson model of the atom?

BUT. 1 B. 2 AT. 3

2. In the Rutherford model of the atom:

BUT. The positive charge is concentrated in the center of the atom, and the electrons revolve around it. .

B. The negative charge is concentrated in the center of the atom, and the positive charge is distributed throughout the volume of the atom .


3. What number marks the source - particles on the Rutherford installation diagram?

BUT. 1 B. 2 AT. 3 G. 4

4. Electrons cannot change their trajectory - particles in Rutherford's experiments, because

BUT. The charge of an electron is very small compared to the charge of a particle.

B. The mass of an electron is much less than the mass of a particle.

AT. An electron has a negative charge, and a particle has a positive charge.

5. What - particle flies relatively close to the nucleus?

6. The planetary model of the atom was proposed by

BUT. Thomson.

B. Democritus

AT. Rutherford.

7. Rutherford's experience on scattering - particles proves:




Test "Atomic nucleus"

Option 2

Choose one correct statement.

1. The figure shows models of atoms. What number marks Rutherford's model of the atom?

BUT. 1 B. 2 AT. 3

2. In the Thomson model of the atom:

BUT. The positive charge is concentrated in the center of the atom, and the electrons revolve around it. .

B. The positive charge is concentrated in the center of the atom, and the stationary electrons are dispersed around it. .

AT. The positive charge is dispersed throughout the volume of the atom, and the electrons are interspersed in this positive sphere.

3. What charge does the particle have?

BUT. Negative. B. Positive. AT. Neutral.

4. What number on the diagram of the Rutherford installation marks the foil in which the scattering of particles took place?

BUT. 1 B. 2 AT. 3 G. 4

5. Democritus states:

BUT. An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter.

B. Atom is a "raisin cake".

AT. The positive nucleus is in the center of the atom. small size and electrons move around it.

6. What - particle flies at a relatively large distance from the nucleus?

7. Rutherford's experiment on scattering - particles proves

BUT. Complexity of radioactive radiation.

B. The ability of the atoms of some chemical elements to spontaneous emission.

AT. The failure of the Thomson model of the atom.

Radioactivity and radiation hazardous objects
Exercise 1
What is radioactivity?

1) This is the ability of some substances to emit harmful radiation
2) This is the phenomenon of spontaneous transformation of some atomic nuclei into others,
accompanied by the emission of particles and electromagnetic radiation
3) This is a phenomenon that allows the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
Task #2
What contributes to the natural background radiation?

1) Emissions from nuclear power plants
2) Solar radiation
3) Some elements contained in the Earth

Task #3
What is a radiation hazardous object?
Choose one of 3 answer options:
1) This is any object containing radioactive substances
2) This is an object that has undergone radioactive contamination
3) It is a facility where they use, store, process or
transport radioactive substances
Task #4
Examples of radiation hazardous objects are:
Choose from 4 answer options:

1) NPP
2) Disposal sites for radioactive waste
3) Enterprises using hazardous chemicals
4) An object subjected to radiation contamination
Task #5
How is an accident at the ROOO classified, in which there was a significant
the release of radioactive substances and the evacuation of the population within a radius of 25

1) Accident with risk for environment
2) Serious incident
3) Severe accident
4) Global accident
Task #6
What is a radiation accident?
Choose one of 3 answer options:
1) This is the release of radioactive substances into the environment
2) This is a violation of the activities of any ROO
3) This is an accident at a radiation hazardous facility, which leads to the release or
the release of radioactive products or the appearance ionizing radiation in
quantities in excess of established norms for this object
Task #7
Choose a substance that is not radioactive
Choose one of 4 answer options:
1) Uranus
2) Plutonium
3) Radon
4) Argon

Task #8
Rank the types of accidents by severity, starting with the most severe.
Indicate the order in which all 4 answer options appear:
__ Severe accident
__ Accident with risk to the environment
__ Serious incident
__ Global accident
Task #9
What characterizes such a value as the half-life?
Choose one of 3 answer options:
1) The time for reducing the activity of radioactive radiation by half
2) The frequency with which a radioactive substance decays
3) The time during which the natural radiation background is halved
Task #10
Which of the following is not ROO?
Choose one of 4 answer options:
1) Naval ship recycling sites
2) Enterprises of the oil industry
3) Enterprises for the extraction of uranium
4) Research nuclear reactors
1) (1 b.) Correct answers: 2;
2) (1 b.) Correct answers: 2; 3;
3) (1 b.) Correct answers: 3;
4) (1 b.) Correct answers: 1; 2;
5) (1 b.) Correct answers: 3;
6) (1 b.) Correct answers: 3;
7) (1 b.) Correct answers: 4;
8) (1 b.) Correct answers:

    The flow of helium nuclei;

    Flux of neutrons.

    What kind of radiation poses a threat during nuclear explosion?

    92 U 238 ?

    92; 2) 238; 3) 146; 4) 52.

    Polonium isotope nucleus 84 Po 208 emits an alpha particle. What element is formed?

    84 Po 208 ; 2) 8 5 At 208 ; 3) 8 2 Pb 20 4 ; 4) 8 0 hg 20 0 .

    Strontium nucleus 38 Sr 90 underwent beta decay. Determine the number of neutrons in the newly formed nucleus. What is this element?___________________________

    Neptunium isotope nucleus 93 Np 237 83 Po 213 . Determine the number of α-decays. _________________

    For 16 hours, the activity of the radioactive element decreased by 4 times. What is the half-life?________________________

    34 Se 79 ? _ ___________________

Option 2.

    Which scientist discovered the radioactive element polonium?

    Bor; 2) Rutherford; 3) Becquerel; 4) Skladowska-Curie.

    What is γ-radiation?

    The flow of electrons of different speeds;

    The flow of helium nuclei;

    A stream of high-energy photons;

    Flux of neutrons.

    Which radiation has the most penetrating power?

    α; 2) β; 3) γ; 4) neutron radiation.

    How many nucleons are in a uranium nucleus 92 U 238 ?

    92; 2) 238; 3) 146; 4) 52.

    Polonium isotope nucleus 84 Po 208 emits 2 alpha particles. What element is formed?

    84 Po 208 ; 2) 8 5 At 208 ; 3) 8 2 Pb 20 4 ; 4) 8 0 hg 20 0 .

    Strontium nucleus 38 Sr 90 underwent alpha decay. Determine the number of neutrons in the newly formed nucleus. What is this element?___________________________

    Range of nuclear forces? __________________________________________

    Neptunium isotope nucleus 93 Np 237 having experienced a series of alpha and beta decays, turned into a bismuth nucleus 83 Po 213 . Determine the number of beta decays. ____________________

    For 16 hours, the activity of the radioactive element decreased by 8 times. What is the half-life? ____________________________________________________

    What is the approximate specific binding energy of the selenium nucleus 34 Se 79 ? ______________

Option 3.

    Which scientist discovered the 3 components of radioactive radiation?

    Bor; 2) Rutherford; 3) Becquerel; 4) Skladowska-Curie.

    What is β radiation?

    The flow of electrons of different speeds;

    The flow of helium nuclei;

    A stream of high-energy photons;

    Flux of neutrons.

    What kind of radiation can be stopped by a piece of paper?

    α; 2) β; 3) γ; 4) neutron radiation.

    How many neutrons are in a uranium nucleus 92 U 238 ?

    92; 2) 238; 3) 146; 4) 52.

    Polonium isotope nucleus 84 Po 208 emits a γ-particle. What element is formed?

    84 Po 208 ; 2) 8 5 At 208 ; 3) 8 2 Pb 20 4 ; 4) 8 0 hg 20 0 .

    Strontium nucleus 38 Sr 90 underwent beta decay and alpha decay. Determine the number of neutrons in the newly formed nucleus. What is this element?__________________

    Range of nuclear forces? __________________________________________

    Neptunium isotope nucleus 93 Np 237 having experienced a series of alpha and beta decays, turned into a polonium nucleus 84 Po 213 _________________________

    For 16 hours, the activity of the radioactive element decreased by 2 times. What is the half-life?_________________________________

    What is the approximate binding energy of the bromine nucleus 35 Br 79 ?_______________________

Option 4.

    Which scientist proved that 99.9% of the mass of an atom is in the nucleus?

    Bor; 2) Rutherford; 3) Becquerel; 4) Skladowska-Curie.

    What is alpha radiation?

    The flow of electrons of different speeds;

    The flow of helium nuclei;

    A stream of high-energy photons;

    Flux of neutrons.

    What radiation poses a threat during a thermonuclear explosion?

    α; 2) β; 3) γ; 4) neutron radiation.

    How many more neutrons than protons are contained in the nucleus of uranium 92 U 238 ?

    92; 2) 238; 3) 146; 4) 52.

    Polonium isotope nucleus 84 Po 208 emits a β particle. What element is formed?

    84 Po 208 ; 2) 8 5 At 208 ; 3) 8 2 Pb 20 4 ; 4) 8 0 hg 20 0 .

    Strontium nucleus 38 Sr 90 undergone 2 beta decays. Determine the number of neutrons in the newly formed nucleus. What is this element?___________________________

    Range of nuclear forces? __________________________________________

    Neptunium isotope nucleus 93 Np 237 having experienced a series of alpha and beta decays, turned into a bismuth nucleus 82 Pb 213 . Determine the number of β-decays. ________________________

    For 6 hours, the activity of the radioactive element decreased by 4 times. What is the half-life? ____________________________________________________

    What is the approximate binding energy of the selenium nucleus 34 Se 82 ? _ ______________________

Option5 .

    Which scientist explained the radiation of the atom?

    Bor; 2) Rutherford; 3) Becquerel; 4) Skladowska-Curie.

    What is alpha radiation?

    The flow of electrons of different speeds;

    The flow of helium nuclei;

    A stream of high-energy photons;

    Flux of neutrons.

    Where does an electron come from in a β-radioactive nucleus?


    How many protons are in the nucleus of uranium 92 U 238 ?

    92; 2) 238; 3) 146; 4) 0.

    Polonium isotope nucleus 84 Po 208 emits a γ-particle and an α-particle. What element is formed?

    84 Po 208 ; 2) 8 5 At 208 ; 3) 8 2 Pb 20 4 ; 4) 8 0 hg 20 0 .

    Strontium nucleus 38 Sr 90 undergone 2 beta decays and 2 alpha decays. Determine the number of neutrons in the newly formed nucleus. What is this element?_____________

    Range of nuclear forces? __________________________________________

    Neptunium isotope nucleus 93 Np 237 having experienced a series of alpha and beta decays, turned into a bismuth nucleus 83 Po 213 . Determine the number of β-decays.

    For 8 hours, the activity of the radioactive element decreased by 4 times. What is the half-life?

    What is the approximate binding energy of the selenium nucleus 34 Se 76 ?