How to play minecraft on LAN. How to play online in Minecraft. How to play on a local network in Minecraft

Minecraft is a fun sandbox game where you can build cities. But, no matter how interesting the game would be, playing alone is rather boring. So that Minecraft does not lose its fans, it was thought out server connection, thus, several players will be able to communicate with each other and play the game.

How to connect

First you need to download to your computer and install the client with Minecraft. Then you should find in Server Internet address for Game. And the last step is to start the game, then open the network game and add the server address selected earlier.

What you need to know to play

Players who will play on Russian servers, first of all, need to download the crack. Then it will be possible to write in Cyrillic in the game chat and on bulletin boards. Install the crack should be in a folder with the name minecraft.jar. However, you must first send to the basket META-INF.

Do not forget that different servers dictate their own rules. As soon as you log into the server for the first time, try to new block or overcome a short distance in one of the directions - if the actions are completed, then registration on this server is not needed. Otherwise, you should click on the capital English "T", then type \"/register pas\". If it doesn't work, then you need to type \"/register pas pas\"). Pas here is the password. You can change it to something more convenient. Now, in each case of entering the server, you should press the capital "T", and type \"/login password\".

Connecting the game local network

Step one

Server needs to be loaded minecraft server

step two

The downloaded server must be sent to an empty folder, and then launched. If your computer has windows vista, then open the server as administrator.

Step Three

A window will pop up in front of you, in which lines will go or something will start to load. Do nothing, just wait, once the computer has finished downloading, close the window.

Step Four

In the folder in which the server was launched, you need to open a new file It should be launched using notepad. In it, you need to find the line online-mode=true and change it to online-mode=false. Then open ops and enter your nickname.

Step Five

Time to open the server and download minecraft. Now select a network game and in the line for the ip address localhost. If you did everything right, then it will work.

Step Six

From now on, you can invite friends to your own server. They only need your IP address to connect. It should be entered on the line where you entered localhost. You can find out your own ip address on the page.

step seven

If there are problems and friends do not have the opportunity to visit you, open 25565 port.

When you learned how to play MineCraft well, mastered all the basics of the game, got to know it inner world, you can go to online game, which can be played both with people from other cities on Internet servers, and with friends on a local network. In this article I will tell you how to play Minecraft on a local network and on the Internet.

How to play minecraft online?

You can play MineCraft on the Internet on servers specially created for this purpose, you can find them on various online monitoring and ratings. To start the game, we need the game itself (preferably latest version), a powerful computer (otherwise the game will slow down), high-speed Internet access (a channel of 1 Mb / s will be enough) and the address of the game server. So, let's begin. Launch the game, log into it with your login, then select the item " Online game» (second button). A connection window will appear in front of you, in the first line we enter the address of the server on which we will play, after which we click on the "Connect" button, in the English version of the Minecraft game with skins "Connect" and we get to the server. Once on the server, you will find that you cannot do a single action, it happened because you are not registered on this playground, this is done quite simply, in just a few steps. To register on the server, click English letter“T”, we will open a chat, enter the following command in it “/ register pass”, where we change the word “pass” to our own password, that is, it looked like this for me - “/ register trash784”. After a couple of seconds, the server will issue a confirmation of your registration in the chat and allow you to enter the game, to do this, enter the command “/login pass”, where we change the word “pass” to your password. It will look something like "/login crosh". After registering and entering the server, you can start playing, performing various activities and engage in any business, from the construction of buildings and farming, ending with their destruction and travel around the game world.

How to play minecraft on LAN?

You can also play MineCraft over a local network with friends, for example, this is quite relevant for playing for fun or just when there are problems with the Internet (for example, engineering works). To play on a local network, we need several computers (from two or more), an Internet cable of a decent length, if there are a lot of computers, then also a router or a Wi-Fi access point. We connect all computers with a wire, after which we go to the network settings. AT windows 7 is done like this: Start -> Network and Control Center and public access-> Change adapter settings. We find the name of our own network, open the properties, the “Network” tab, first select the TCP / IPv6 setting, open small window, uncheck, save, open the TCP / IPv4 settings, go the following way: Properties -> Use the following IP address. Enter the following parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:
  1. Preferred DNS Server:

After we press the button save, "ok" and close the settings. See the server setup below, after setting up the local network for windows xp. Settings for Windows XP: First, open the Control Panel and go to the following path: Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connections. Open the properties, the General tab, open TCP / IP, a window with properties will open, select the item "Use the following IP address", enter the parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:

Open the tab "Use the following DNS server"and enter the parameters:

  1. Preferred DNS Server:

Save the changes and close the settings. Creating and configuring a server. When we have set up the local network, we can proceed to the creation and installation of the minecraft servers, which is not so difficult to create, it is done as follows:

  1. Download any game server appropriate for your version of the game, save it to a folder.
  2. Open the "" file, find the line "server-ip=..." and remove everything after the "=" sign so that you have a line with an empty value "server-ip=".
  3. We find the line “online-mode=false” in the same file, delete “False”, insert “true” in its place.
  4. The server is ready, now you can start it. To start the game, open MineCraft and in the line with the server address enter: (for Windows 7) or (for Windows XP).

The second way, suitable for all types operating systems, in the line "server-ip =" enter the value "localhost", save the changes, open the game and write localhost in the line with the IP address and then click on the connection. But, this method does not work on all computers and far from all (due to many subtleties and features), so it's easier to use the first option. That's all, with such simple and quick steps you can set up Minecraft to play on the Internet and with your favorite friends on the local network.

Using only a local network, while not being able to connect to the Internet, in this news we will consider several options at once, how this can be done. The first option will be simpler, but it will require an active connection to a Wi-Fi router, and most importantly, the router may not be connected directly to the Internet, in our case, it will simply work as a means of transferring data from one phone to to another, or to a friend who plays on a tablet. These methods are completely free.

The second method will be a little more complicated, but it does not require you to have a Wi-Fi router, the connection between devices will occur through the created mobile hotspot, which can be any Android phone.

WiFi Router. Method number 1

As you understood from the text above, we need a Wi-Fi router, thanks to which you will transfer information between devices. Just connect all devices to one Wi-Fi, after that, from any of the devices, preferably the most powerful one available, go into the game.

After that, click on the "Play" button and go to the menu for creating a game world. Choose the settings based on your needs, if you just want to have fun, then choose the creative mode, if you want teamwork, definitely choose the survival mode.

After you create a game world, ask the rest of your friends to enter the game and go to the game world selection menu, where after a few seconds, they can see the local server you created and start playing Minecraft PE over the local network.

As you can see, this way of playing on a local network in Minecraft PE is very simple and requires only a Wi-Fi router, even if an Internet cable is not connected to it, you can still play. This method is perfect if you are in a place where there is no Internet, but there is electricity.

The phone is like a Wi-Fi router. Method number 2

This method is somewhat different from previous topics that you won't need a Wi-Fi router, as one of your android devices will be configured to transfer mobile data and will essentially become a router itself.

First, we need to go to the Androdi-based phone settings and find the "Modem and access point" menu item there, on different versions OS Android, it may be called a little differently.

After that, click on it and you will be taken to the menu where you will see the item "Mobile hotspot"

We click on this inscription and we will see a description of this method of creating a Wi-Fi router to which up to 10 other devices can later connect.

After that, find the "Settings" button on the screen in my case, it is located on the right upper corner screen, you can have it anywhere, even at the very bottom.

Going to the mobile hotspot settings, you will be prompted to choose the name of the hotspot, I named it "Minecraft PE" so that it would be easier to find it later. After entering the name, you must enter a password, which must be at least 8 characters, after entering these parameters, click "Save".

Next, turn on the access point using the horizontal slider, after which a warning will appear on the screen that the Wi-Fi module of your device will switch to router mode and will not be able to connect to other routers, click "OK".

After that, you can safely enter the game and create a game world in Minecraft PE. After the creation of the world need to connect other devices to the access point you created, this is done in the same way as the process you use to connect to a regular Wi-Fi router. In the list of available networks, select the one you created and enter the password.

After that, all players can safely run minecraft game PE and enjoy a local network game where only your friends will be and where no one can interfere with your cooperative gameplay.

As you can see, this way of playing on a local network in Pocket Edition is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but it allows you to play anywhere, whether it be a street, a school class or a dense forest.

The only restriction that such a game imposes is that all devices (phones, tablets) must have the same version of the game installed, because if you create a game in version 0.13.1, people with earlier ones (0.13.0 or 0.12.3) or later (0.14.1 or 0.14.0) versions will not be able to connect to you, keep this in mind!

Play via Bluetooth. Method number 3

In this method, we will talk about playing on a local network without using Wi-Fi at all, this method has several advantages over the others, but at the same time it has significant drawbacks, but let's take everything in order. In this method, you will learn how to play via Bluetooth in Minecraft PE (Minecraft PE). To do this, you will need to create a bluetooth modem from your device so that other devices can connect to it.

The first thing to start with is to turn on Bluetooth and make it visible to other devices, for this, check the box next to the name of your device, this menu appears automatically after turning on the bluetooth. After you check the box, a timer will start counting down, which shows how much time your device will be visible to everyone else.

Then go to the settings and find the "Modem and access point" menu item, go into it, you can see an example of this item in the screenshot below, but you may have it called a little differently or located in a different place.

After going to the "Modem and access point" menu, find the "Bluetooth modem" item and turn it on, this is required so that several phones or tablets can connect to your device at once via the bluetooth network.

Now you need to go into the Minecraft PE game and just create a world, after which everyone else can safely turn on Bluetooth on their devices, find your device in the list and easily connect to you.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of this method, firstly, it imposes a restriction on the game on various versions game, all players must have the same version of the game. Another not unimportant disadvantage of this method is that throughput the bluetooth of the channel is much lower than that of Wi-Fi, therefore, the more players connect to you, the more the game will glitch. I would also like to note that when using this method, you must be at a sufficiently close range with other players, since the signal strength is much lower compared to Wi-Fi and the closer the devices are, the more stable the gameplay will be.

Pluses this method is less power consumption, high mobility thanks to which you can play anywhere and of course ease of use.

When you are just starting to play Minecraft, you hardly even think about the fact that there is a multiplayer mode. You simply do not need it, since you will obviously have enough single player for a long time - the game is so exciting, diverse and exciting that it will take many days before you get tired of playing alone. However, in most cases, this day still comes - what to do in this case? Then gamers think about whether there is a multiplayer in this project. And the answer to this question is affirmative. Yes, you can play with other amateurs. And you can do this even if you do not have the Internet. In this article, you will learn how to play Minecraft on a local network, because the Internet connection for many gamers may not be fast enough or stable enough to support a full-fledged game on the server. But the local network is always stable and operates at the highest speeds.

Types of multiplayer

Before you disassemble how to play Minecraft on a local network, you need to understand what modes there are. Perhaps you won’t like any of this, and you will refuse this idea. Although this is unlikely, because for the most part the modes repeat the single player. There are four of them, and one of the most common is the creative mode. Here you get an unlimited supply of materials and create real works of art from various blocks.

Another extremely popular mode is survival, which is standard. Here you find yourself in the middle of a randomly generated world without any devices or resources at all, and you need to get hold of the necessary items, materials from scratch, build a house and prepare for survival in harsh conditions. Hardcore mode is very similar to survival, only it has a significantly increased level of difficulty. Well, the adventure mode is a themed game in which you can even be placed in front of certain tasks, unlike other modes. Which option to choose is up to you. And now it's time to learn how to play Minecraft on a local network.

Creation of the world

First of all, you need to determine what will act as the host. This is very important point, since all server information, all data will be stored on the host computer, and it will also be the one that will be the most loaded. Therefore, the role of the host should be played by the gamer who has the most powerful computer. Considering the fact that you will play on a local network, respectively, the connection speed will be the same for all of you, the computer configuration plays a key role here. However, this is only the first step that you have to take in order to figure out how to play Minecraft on a local network.

When the host is determined, the task of creating a new world is assigned to his shoulders, in which the game will take place. Some gamers are already at this stage interested in whether everyone can get this opportunity and how to play Minecraft online. Through the Internet and the local network, you can play absolutely anyone who has at least some kind of connection with other players. Only here the processes of creating and connecting are slightly different in the case of the worldwide and local networks.

Opening the world and setting up the server

If you are trying to figure out how to play Minecraft on a local network, then this item will be the most important for you. Once you create new world, you need to go to the menu and select the item Open to LAN, which means "Open for local network". Thus, your server will become available to those who are connected to the same local network with you. Following this, you will need to make game settings, enter console commands, and most importantly, select a specific mode that you agree with other players. When you're done with that, the server will be ready to host guests. If you are asked how you manage to play with friends with poor or no Internet, you can safely answer: "And we play Minecraft with a friend over the network." If this person also belongs to your local network, you can call him to your company.

Server connection

So, you have a game world that is open for joining from LAN addresses. But how to make a connection, because so far only the administrator lives on the server? In older versions of the game, the host needs to copy the server address that will appear after the opening of the world, and then send it to those who will participate in the game. When they enter the game, they insert into desired field this address and connect. However, in new versions, the process has been greatly simplified - when a player enters Minecraft and wants to play on a local network, he is immediately offered a list of servers available in its open spaces.

Connect Features

There is one unpleasant fact, which, unfortunately, cannot be corrected. If you do not have an internet connection, you will not be able to use automatic detection servers, even if you have a new version"Minecraft". You will have to enter the server address manually.

Not everyone knows how to play with a friend over the network, so I will explain to you ... There are two ways (there may be more, but I only know these), the first way is quite easy, the other is a little more difficult.

Let me start with something more complicated.

How to start playing with a friend on network #1:

1. Open Minecraft ---> Create a new game world, wait, then click on the Esc button and click "Open for web".

2. We put the same settings that you set when creating the world.

3. Click on the "Open the world for the network" button, and in the chat we have an incomplete IP of our local Minecraft network.

4. After that, we will need to find out our IP address of the computer, I will not bother and write such a request to "Yandex" - "My ip". We are immediately given our IP, so there should be no problems.

In the end, I ended up with something like this: . Give this (only your) IP to a friend, he adds it in multiplayer, connects, and you play together.

How to play with a friend on LAN #2:

1. We also open Minecraft ---> create a new world, open it for the network, with the settings that were specified earlier when creating the world.

2. We open another Minecraft, yes, you heard right, and go under a different nickname, open the "Multiplayer Game", and see the local world that we opened for the network, rewrite the IP (which is indicated by the arrow, it's different for you), and give it friend. Easier nowhere.

My IP has changed because it is dynamic... The local world was created in Minecraft v.1.5.2. So we figured out how to play with a friend in Minecraft!

You can also play with a friend in single player on the Survival Minecraft client.
You just have to register on the Survival Minecraft website and download the launcher.
Well, you can, along with everyone play on servers and find new friends or enemies :)

Have a nice game!