Visa denial. Main reasons for visa refusal. Those who did not use the previous visa will be denied

How to get a biometric passport of a new sample? Which international passport should you choose - the usual one or the biometric one? How are they different and which one is better? What documents are required to apply for a new passport and how long will it take? We will give answers to all your questions in our article.

What is a biometric passport?

And how does it differ from the old-style international passport? If the usual document helped to recognize a person only by his appearance (face photograph), then the new passports, in addition to the photograph, contain an embedded microchip that stores the fingerprints of the owner's index fingers and his photograph. Fingerprints are taken by scanning - the finger is leaning against a scanning device that takes a print. Reading is done twice - when submitting an application and when receiving a document. The Federal Migration Service claims that fingerprints are used only to make a passport, and then they are even deleted from the archives of the Federal Migration Service, that is, biometric information cannot get into other databases. What does a biometric passport look like and are there any external differences from a regular one? Outwardly, the passports do not differ much, but on the new-style foreign passport, or rather on its cover on the front side, under the inscriptions, there is a special sign. Also, the photo is no longer pasted, but applied with a laser, and there is now no ornament along its left edge. But external differences are far from the most important - one of the primary differences between passports - the validity of a biometric is doubled - now a passport is received not for 5, but for 10 years.

In 2018, the majority of Russians who decide to make themselves passports choose exactly the new type of passports, that is, biometric ones. Reviews are mostly positive, and the advantages are obvious. The time when the document remains relevant is increasing, and the electronic portal of public services even claims that thanks to the new passport, citizens will be able to cross the border faster.

How to get a biometric passport?

To apply for a passport, you can apply for a document to the FMS department or a multifunctional center (MFC) with the entire package of documents, or if you are looking for a way to make it faster and easier, you can turn to the public service portal, where you can submit an electronic application for issuance of a foreign passport.

Attention! Biometric passports cannot include information about children, so each child must have their own passport. What sample it will be - you choose. Parents or guardians may apply. The presence of the child for registration and receipt of the document is mandatory.

What do you need to apply for a passport? If you apply personally to the FMS or the MFC, then you need a package of documents (full list below), 2 photos 3.5 by 4.5. Photos are needed for the application, you will be photographed directly on your passport at the FMS department. If you decide to use the public service portal, then you simply fill out the form that the system will offer you, enter all the data from your documents and attach a photo in electronic form. Then you will be invited to the center of the Federal Migration Service, the data you entered will be verified on the spot with the original documents. To obtain a biometric passport, the owner and his civil passport must be present. In order to pick up a child's passport, the presence of the recipient's identity, the civil passport of the parent or legal representative, and the recipient's birth certificate are required.

Attention! Be very careful when filling out the passport application form. Papers are checked by special machines, so fill in the fields in block letters and do not go beyond, otherwise the document will not be accepted and you will have to repeat the same action - fill out the application.

Read about how to get a passport for a child.

Documents for issuing a passport

What documents are needed to obtain a biometric passport?

  1. to obtain a passport (two copies are required).
  2. Passport. You need both the document itself and a copy of it.
  3. 2 photographs of the established format. We remind you that these photos will not be pasted into the passport itself, they are only needed for the application.
  4. If you already have a valid passport, you must provide it as well.
  5. Men under 27 must present a military ID. You will need both the document itself and a copy of it.
  6. . At the moment, the fee for the document is 3500 rubles. Through the portal of public services, you can pay the fee by bank transfer with a 30% discount.
  7. Military personnel are required to provide a passport to obtain. This rule does not apply to conscripts.

Attention! Bank details for transferring money for issuing and obtaining a passport are posted on the websites of the offices of the Federal Migration Service or a multifunctional center. The addresses of these branches, working hours and all information about them is located on the main portal of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.

The list of documents that are needed to apply for a passport for a child:

  1. from a parent or legal representative in one copy.
  2. A photograph of the established format for the application, photographed for the child's passport will be already in place, at the time of receiving documents.
  3. Child's birth certificate.
  4. Children who are already 14 years old must present a civil passport and a copy of it.
  5. Civil passport of the parent or other representative.
  6. A document confirming the citizenship of the child. You must provide both the original and a copy of the document.
  7. Receipt for payment of state duty. The fee for obtaining a children's passport is 1500 rubles, you can also pay at a discount through the public service portal.

Attention! Residents of the Kaliningrad region do not pay a state fee for issuing and obtaining a passport. Only those who are registered in this region have the advantage.

How long does a biometric passport take?

Biometric passports are made in a month if the documents and the application were submitted at the place of registration, otherwise the production time increases to four months. In time, documents are made long enough, so in some cases the production of a passport can be accelerated. This requires documents confirming a serious illness or death of a relative who is abroad. Another case is when the traveler requires urgent and urgent medical treatment abroad. In such cases, the process of obtaining a document can be accelerated. If a last-minute ticket or plane tickets have already been bought for a citizen, then this does not give him any advantages over other recipients, so he will have to wait the same way as everyone else.

The first biometric passports in Russia appeared in 2006 - as part of a pilot project, they began to be issued in some cities of the country, and widespread registration started in 2009. The new document did not cancel the validity of a regular passport, so now Russians can choose what type of identity card to issue for traveling abroad. From this article, you will learn about how a biometric passport differs from a regular one in order to make an informed choice.

What is a passport and why is it needed

One of the main documents that must be presented at the border is a passport. It is designed to identify the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.

To date, there are two types of passports: new and old.

The tightening of security control requirements at border crossings has led to the emergence of biometric passports. The idea of ​​using such documents was first voiced in 2001 in the United States after the tragic events of September 11th. It was supported by 188 countries of the world, having signed the New Orleans Agreement in 2002, by which facial biometrics was approved as the main identification technology for passports and visas.

It is believed that a document with a chip is a worthy replacement for an ordinary passport, since it provides a high degree of reliability: it is difficult to forge it, and therefore, to use someone else's document. In addition, the RFID system used to read information from the chip is devoid of the subjective factor. Thanks to this identification method, the passport control procedure is also significantly reduced.

Registration of a biometric passport allows citizens of the Russian Federation to use it much longer - up to 10 years.

External differences of passports

Validity period, information display technology, cost - these are the main criteria for distinguishing two types of international passports, which are manifested in the appearance of these documents. For example, the validity of a biometric passport is longer, it has 10 more pages, so it is thicker. There are other differences as well. Images and regulations will help to determine what is the difference between a new and an old passport.

A detailed description of a foreign passport with an electronic carrier is contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2005 No. 687, and old-style passports - in Government Decree of March 14, 1997 No. 298:

  1. Cover. The coat of arms of the Russian Federation is depicted on the cover of both types of international passports, with the inscription "Russian Federation" on top, and "Passport" on the bottom. On the cover and on all pages of the new passport, the inscriptions are duplicated in English. In addition, there is an embedded chip icon at the bottom.
  2. Pages with personal data. In the old-style passport, personal information is placed on the back flyleaf, and in the new one, it occupies the second page, which is a plastic insert with an integrated microcircuit, which is attached with a tape made of special material, while in the old-style passport, the page with personal information is simply laminated.
  3. A color photograph in an old-style passport is pasted, limited by an ornament on the left side, and a hologram is applied to it in the lower right corner. These details are missing from the black-and-white photo in the new passport; in addition, the photo was applied by laser engraving.
  4. On the page of the biometric passport, a chip is sewn on the left and a protective element is applied in the form of a circle, inside of which a rhombus is printed with the image of the globe in the center. The element is made of a metallized film, on which, when applied, an additional image of the document owner is formed, visible from a certain angle of view.
  5. In a biometric passport, the owner's signature is affixed twice: on the second (lower right) and third (lower center) page, and in an old-style passport only on the adjacent 36th page (lower center).
  6. The third page in the biometric passport, in addition to the owner's signature, has three security elements that change color: an oval with the inscription RUS and rounded stripes on the right and left of the page.
  7. The passport number in the old version is written through the number sign and is applied at the bottom of 19 pages. In the new passport, the number is written with a space and is applied at the bottom of each page (from the 5th to the 46th), as well as on the back flyleaf and cover by laser perforation.
  8. Information about children. A foreign passport of a new sample or an old one provides for the possibility of entering information about children. In a biometric passport for these purposes, the fourth page is allotted, on which data about children (name, gender, date of birth, account) can be entered in the table, although no one does this. Important! Entering information about children in a biometric passport is not a basis for leaving a child without an identity document. Thus, this information is of an exclusively informative nature, which cannot be said about the old-style international passport - information about children and their photos posted on pages 34-35 give them the right to cross the Russian border on parental documents.
  9. Information for the owner. In the passport of the old generation, it is placed on the third page, and in the passport of the new sample, on the back flyleaf.
  10. Pages 45-46 of the new passport are equipped with a protective metallic thread that changes color depending on the angle of view. In addition, at the top of the 46th page are the credentials (series and number) of the manufacturer. There is no such protection and information in the old-style international passport.
  11. For the international passport of the new sample, paper with watermarks, security fibers and thread, made at the printing factories of Goznak, is used. The old type passport is printed on a special printer at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  12. We have listed the main differences between the two types of passports, but the main difference is the chip containing the personal data of the document holder. By the way, since 2015, with the adoption of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 10, 2014 No. 94, the list of personal information has been supplemented with fingerprinting data.

    What is fingerprinting and why is it needed

    Fingerprinting is a way to identify a person by their fingerprints. This method was proposed in the 19th century by the British police for the search and identification of people and is still widely used in forensic science. And now it is actively entering the everyday life of ordinary people (modern gadgets, biometric identity cards).

    The high efficiency of this method is due to the uniqueness of the papillary pattern of the fingers, which can be used to establish a one-to-one correspondence.

    When applying for a foreign identity card, everyone undergoes a fingerprinting procedure, including children who are 12 years old. Fingerprints are taken from the index fingers of both hands (Article 9 of Chapter II of the Federal Law of 15.08.1996 N 114-FZ)

    Children under 12 years of age, persons without hands, and government employees using a work visa are exempted from fingerprinting.

    Not all countries are demanding in this matter, but they will definitely look at the fingerprints when entering the USA, EU countries, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Iran and Malaysia.

    Which passport is better for a child to travel abroad

    The decision to issue a foreign passport with or without a chip for children under 18 is made by parents (Article 8 of Federal Law N 114-FZ of 08/15/1996). It is important to take into account several nuances:

    1. Type of parent's passport. If the parents have biometric passports, the child will have to make a separate document, and if the passports are old, it is possible to enter the child in them and transport him according to his document. However, in this case, a child under 14 years of age must have Russian citizenship and cross the border only with the parent in whose passport he is entered.
    2. Child's age. One of the requirements for issuing a passport is a photograph. Children grow quickly and their appearance changes, so it is rather inexpedient to make a biometric passport for them, because in 10 years the child will obviously noticeably change. Moreover, even if it is entered in the parents' passport, the child's photo will have to be changed every three years, but it is still easier to do.
    3. Requirements of individual states for foreigners entering their territory. For example, US and Australian customs will not allow a child to cross the border without their own identity document.

    Which passport will be issued faster

    The time it takes to produce a document becomes relevant if an identity card for a trip abroad is required urgently. In this case, the main question is which passport is made faster - the old or the new sample.

    Let's see what the Administrative Regulations say about this (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 16, 2017 N864). It is important that this part of the legal act does not focus on the type of document. The production time depends on the place of application. If this is a department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for migration issues or an MFC at the place of residence - no more than one month; and at the place of residence - no more than three months. The same amount will have to wait for citizens who have access to classified information, as well as when drawing up a document at a diplomatic mission or consulate.

    Urgent registration of a passport within three working days is possible only if there are documented circumstances: the need for emergency treatment, illness or death of close relatives. Urgent registration applies only to the old-style passport. Unfortunately, while biometric documents cannot do so quickly.

    The countdown of the production time starts from the date of acceptance of the application.

    What are the differences in terms of validity and cost

    The validity period and the cost of issuing a passport are two more important issues that are directly related: the shorter the validity period, the lower the price.

    So, an old-style passport is issued for 5 years. For the preparation of this document, you need to pay a state duty in the amount of 2,000 rubles for adults and 1,000 rubles for children.

    The validity of a biometric passport is 10 years. In July 2019, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted Law No. 180-FZ, which increased the amount of state duty for this type of document. Now an adult will pay 5,000 rubles for his international passport, and 2,500 rubles for a child (under 14 years old).

    If you use the services of the public services portal, you can save 30% on issuing an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation abroad.

    How and where can I get a passport

    The competent authority providing services for issuing identity cards for trips abroad is the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You need to initiate the process of making a passport by submitting an application and a package of required documents. You can do this in several ways:

  • in the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during a personal visit;
  • on the portal of public services by submitting documents in electronic form;
  • in a multifunctional center at the place of residence or stay.

When applying for a biometric passport, be prepared to come to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide biometric data.


Passports of both types are valid in all countries of the world. The characteristics of each of them in different situations can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. To make your decision about which passport is better to issue conscious and balanced, we have prepared a comparative table.

Validity5 years10 years
Cost, rub. (adult / child)2000 / 1000 5000 / 2500
CarrierLetterhead with protection and watermarks. The page with personal information is laminatedLetterhead with protection and watermarks.

Page with personal information plastic

Number of pages36 46
Submission of personal datatypescripttypewritten text + electronic media
LanguageRussianRussian English
Photob/w or color plain, pasted and laminated with an ornament and a hologramb/w biometric, three-dimensional, applied by laser engraving, no extraneous marks
Passport IDTypewritten on some pagesLaser-perforated on every page
Information about childrenYou can enter and paste a photo, gives the right to enter another country on the parent's passport with himThere is a page for the record, but the children do not fit in, does not give the right to cross the border without their own document

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to issue foreign passports of two types. But in order to decide which document is better to issue, it is important to understand how a biometric passport differs from a regular one. Passports of the new and old generation differ in criteria such as validity period, number of pages and ease of passing through passport control at the border.

Key differences

The main difference between the new and old passports is the presence of a microchip in the biometric passport, which electronically contains personal information about the passport holder.

The data from the information page of the foreign document is duplicated on the chip, which contributes to a simplified process of personal identification.

In addition to faster and easier border crossing, a biometric passport provides a high level of migration security, since it is almost impossible to forge it.

Foreign passports of the new and old generations also differ in the number of pages: there are 46 in the biometric one, and 36 in the usual one. By issuing a biometric passport, you thereby acquire more free space for future visas and stamps.

External differences

What is the difference between an old and a new passport externally? The table below shows all the external differences between the two types of documents.

Standard paperBiometric
For printing, the state letterhead with protection and watermarks is used. The first page is laminated.The first page has an integrated electronic microchip, this page is plastic. All the rest are paper, with state signs. The cover shows an icon indicating the type of passport.
The inscriptions on the cover are in Russian only.Cover inscriptions in Russian and English.
Pasted laminated photo with an ornament on the left, hologram on the bottom right.The photo is not pasted, but applied by laser engraving. There is no ornament or hologram.
Emblem in the upper right corner.Emblem in the upper right corner, with a photo of the owner.
Missing signature.The presence of an electronic signature on the first page.
Series 64, 65.Series 72.

The procedure for submitting documents

Documents for both types of passports are submitted under the same conditions in a general manner. There are two options: contacting in person and on the State Services portal.

In the first case, you need to stand in line, which takes a lot of time. In the second case, you simply enter data from some documents, then you receive a notification of acceptance of the application to the GUMV MIA in the way you have chosen: SMS, email, notification in the application.

Upon receipt of the notification, When applying online and making non-cash payments on the State Services portal, there is a 30% discount (until the end of 2019). , through an electronic wallet or mobile phone.

After payment, a notification will be sent to your personal account on the site when you can appear in person at the Ministry of Internal Affairs unit for. According to a preliminary electronic application, documents are accepted at the Ministry of Internal Affairs without a queue. The originals must be submitted no later than 6 months from the date of acceptance of the application to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After submitting the originals, it remains only to wait for the notification of the date of issue of the foreign passport and come on the appointed day to the subdivision of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to pick up the long-awaited document.

Registration of passports for children

If you need to issue a travel document for a child, you can choose from the following options:

  • old sample.

In order to issue a new or old international passport for a child, you will need to provide a minor's birth certificate, a civil passport and a document confirming the Russian citizenship of the parent or legal representative to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The option of inscribing a child in a parental identity document abroad is the least expensive both in terms of time and finances, since it is not required to collect the necessary papers and wait for production. However, this method is possible only for paper foreign passports, and in this case the child has the right to leave Russia only if accompanied by the parent whose passport is entered.

Therefore, if a minor needs to travel abroad without being accompanied by parents or legal guardians, then it is better to issue a separate document of the new or old generation for him.

Take a sociological survey!

Which passport is issued faster

If you are interested in which passport is made faster - the old or the new sample, then you should know that there is not much difference. When applying for a document at the place of permanent residence, the waiting period for both types of passports is up to one month, the wait can last up to four months. In any case, you will receive a notification about when you can pick up your foreign passport (with or without a chip), 2-3 days after submitting the documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The difference in terms of validity and cost of registration

A significant advantage of a new sample document is its validity period. The old passport is valid for 5 years and the new one for 10 years. From this point of view, issuing a biometric document is much more profitable and convenient, since after the expiration of the passport, it is necessary to go through the process of collecting documents again, pay for manufacturing services and wait for issuance in the general manner.

In addition, you should carefully consider the approaching expiration date of a foreign passport, since in most countries there are requirements for its validity.

With all the advantages of obtaining a new passport, its obvious disadvantage is the higher cost of the state duty. The cost of issuing a new document for an adult citizen of the Russian Federation is 5,000 rubles, the usual one will cost 2,000 rubles. For children under the age of 14, the registration fee is 2,500 rubles for a biometric and 1,000 rubles for a standard passport.


Foreign passports of both types - old and new - are equally valid in all countries of the world. However, according to some characteristics, each of them has a number of advantages. The main advantage of obtaining a biometric passport is the possibility of a simplified border crossing process, since this type of document is equipped with a special electronic chip with information about the owner.

Another plus is the validity period: a new document is issued for a period twice as long as an old passport. And finally, a biometric passport contains 10 more pages than a paper one. However, the second allows you to enter minor children into it, which saves parents from having to issue a separate exit children's passport. In addition, the state duty for issuing a passport is 5 years lower.

As an identity card confirming citizenship, Ukraine uses: ID-card, old-style identity card, biometric passport of Ukraine. The certificate may look like a book or be issued in the form of a plastic card. The document may have a chip with information about the owner. Let's figure out what documents are needed for a passport in Ukraine, how much a passport in Ukraine costs.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate depends on the type of document. To date, the period of validity of certificates on paper is not limited.

There are the following passport options:

  • Internal passport of the old type. This is a 1993 sample. It is a small book with a blue cover. Has 16 numbered pages. Replacement with a plastic card will be made when a new certificate is issued. A new (plastic) certificate is issued at the age of 25 and 45.
  • ID card. This is a new type of internal passport. For Ukrainians, replacing the old type of document with a new one is not yet required. Certificates are issued from the age of 14. First time free. You can change the card by paying the state duty, the price of the service is 10% of the minimum wage.

  • Certificate for traveling abroad of the old type.

  • Biometric passport of a new type. It differs from the old certificate by the presence of a chip with the applicant's personal data, photo and. The cost of a biometric passport is higher.

Pros and cons

A plastic ID card and a biometric passport for traveling abroad have a number of strengths:

  1. These are modern documents that cannot be forged.
  2. The photo on the ID is digital. It is not possible to replace a photo or paste a new one.
  3. Each owner receives an identification number.
  4. The signature on the card is electronic. This allows it not to wear off and be clearly visible throughout the entire period of validity.
  5. You can get a biometric passport in Ukraine in 2019 even for an infant.
  6. Thanks to the new type of document for traveling to other countries, border checks are faster.

Weaknesses of the old document:

  1. Obtaining a biometric passport in Ukraine and issuing an ID-card will cost more than obtaining old-style documents.
  2. Inability to change data. For example, when changing the surname. In this situation, the procedure involves obtaining a new document.
  3. In certificates where there is an electronic chip, it is impossible to enter information about children, a change of residence.

Where to apply for registration


Those who want to know how to get a passport in Ukraine should definitely follow the algorithm:

  1. Collect a set of documents for a biometric passport.
  2. Come to the office of the Migration Service.
  3. To write an application.
  4. Take a photo at the branch when applying.
  5. Go through the fingerprinting process.
  6. Present a receipt for payment of the fee for issuing biometric passports.
  7. Get a new document. The issuance is made at the branch where the application was submitted.

How much does registration cost

How much the registration will cost depends on the time for consideration of the papers: the faster the applicant wants to get a passport, the higher the fee will be.

The applicant first pays for the printing of the application form. The cost of printing is 305 hryvnia.

For the execution of the document within 20 working days, the applicant will pay 253 hryvnia. When applying in an expedited manner (for a week), the payment will be 506 hryvnia.

In some cases, when it is necessary to urgently travel abroad, it is possible to receive a document 3 days after the application is submitted. In this situation, certificates are attached to the set of papers, which indicate the need to obtain a passport in an expedited manner. The cost of registration will be 506 hryvnia.

Required papers

To start the registration procedure, collect a set of papers:

  1. (form of the established sample).
  2. General passport. Two photocopies of it.
  3. Receipt of payment of the state fee (you can original or a copy). If a citizen is exempted from paying the fee, a document confirming this is attached.
  4. Original and copy of TIN (if available).

If a citizen cannot independently appear to submit an application, an authorized person is engaged in processing. In this case, the citizen provides 2 photos 3.5×4.5 cm in size and one photo 10×15 cm in size (this is for the scanning procedure).

If this is not the first foreign passport of the applicant, he attaches the previous certificate for traveling abroad to the package of papers.

Until adulthood

When obtaining a biometric passport, children under 12 years of age do not give fingerprints. From the age of 12 to the age of majority, fingerprints are taken only after obtaining consent from the parents.

Set of papers:

  1. Birth certificate of a minor.
  2. 2 photos.
  3. Parental permission to issue a document.
  4. Photocopies of parents' IDs.

If the child lives with one of the parents, and it is not possible to provide permission from the second parent, a paper is attached confirming this:

  1. Recognition of a citizen as incompetent.
  2. Death certificate.
  3. Paper on deprivation of parental rights.

You can find out about the readiness of a passport in Ukraine online,.


In some situations, the applicant may be refused:

  1. The presence of unpaid debts to the state, loans, alimony.
  2. Access to classified information or state secrets.
  3. Committing a crime for which there is a trial.
  4. False information in the submitted papers.

Visa-free entry to the EU

To do this, at the border you need to have with you:

  1. Biometric passport (valid for at least 3 months from the date of the intended end of the trip).
  2. Return tickets.
  3. Voucher or hotel reservation.
  4. Documents that confirm the availability of funds for the trip.
  5. Medical insurance (optional, but desirable).

It's important to know

In a situation where the applicant for a certificate is outside Ukraine, he draws up an application for a document at the Consulate of the country at the place of stay.

What to do if your Schengen visa is denied. Reasons for refusal and recommendations for re-submitting documents for a visa.

When planning a trip to a country where a visa is required, we always take risks. You can never be 100% sure that you will receive a visa, and the collection of documents and preparation for filing an application should always be approached with great care, no matter what country you are applying to. European countries are very popular for travel among Russians, and we have already talked about how to apply for a Schengen visa. If the application was submitted correctly and there are no questions about your documents, you will certainly be given a visa.

But what if you see a rejection of a Schengen visa instead? Travel forums are full of questions about why a Schengen visa is denied and how to avoid it, but each case can be individual. Let's figure out together what are the reasons for the refusal of a Schengen visa, and how to get a Schengen visa after a refusal.

Reason for refusal of a Schengen visa

Denial of a Schengen visa is hardly a common occurrence. However, if instead of the desired visa in your passport you find a refusal, first you need to understand the reasons for the refusal of a Schengen visa. Usually, in case of refusal, consulates return the passport along with an official letter explaining the reason for the negative answer. It can be a whole range of things, both insignificant at first glance, and serious violations. Insufficient financial guarantees, undocumented insurance, vague reasons for the trip, or insufficient reasons for returning to your home country - all these little things can ruin your visa picture.

For example, German consulates are suspicious of hotel reservations from and can easily refuse. The solution is to get an official booking confirmation by requesting it from the same Serious violations of international laws, such as providing false documents (certificates from work, proof of residence, etc.), previous crimes against the law in the Schengen area, or not following the rules for entering the Schengen, will put you on the black list and may result in is not just a visa denial, but an indefinite ban on entry to European countries.

Among other things, consulates are wary of blank passports, so if you have recently changed your passport, please attach copies of previous passports with all visas.

Categories of denial of a Schengen visa

So, if you were refused, pay attention to the small stamp in your passport where the visa should have been. Such stamps are placed upon receipt of documents, and in case of refusal of a Schengen visa, they are used to explain the category of refusal in a Schengen visa. The letter code A, B, C and D indicates the type of visa requested, and the number 1, 2, 3, 4 indicates the category of refusal. 1 means visa denial, 2 is an invitation to an interview to clarify any details of the trip, 3 is a request for additional documents, and 4 is an indefinite denial of a Schengen visa.

The latter option is extremely rare and applies only in case of serious violations of the law against the Schengen countries. When deciding to refuse a Schengen visa, the consular officer highlights a certain number and letter with a pen. Schengen visa refusal categories 2 and 3 are usually temporary, and if you do well in the interview and provide all the necessary documents, the visa will be stuck in your passport over this stamp.

How to get a Schengen visa after a refusal

Let's consider different options for refusing to obtain a tourist Schengen visa - category C. So, let's say you were denied a Schengen visa, and your passport has a stamp with code C1. Such a refusal is usually (but not necessarily) accompanied by an explanatory letter stating the reason for the refusal of the Schengen visa. If the consulate did not give you a clear reason for the refusal, you will only have to speculate.

Your further actions must be carried out in accordance with the laws of the country where the refusal was received. Appeals are accepted independently by the consulates of Spain, Germany (within 1 month after refusal), Norway (within 3 weeks after refusal) and the Netherlands (4 weeks after refusal). If you received a visa refusal from France, Italy, Belgium or Denmark, the appeal must be sent to other state bodies of these countries (this may be the district or Supreme Court, the Ministry of Immigration, etc.).

The appeal must be a letter detailing your reasons for why you think the decision should be reviewed. In addition, you can additionally attach documents that can support your letter. If your appeal is approved, the consulate will notify you that you may resubmit your application. As a rule, the visa is then glued directly on top of the refusal stamp.

It is worth remembering that decisions to refuse a Schengen visa to Finland and Sweden are not subject to appeal.

If you were given a C2 or C3 denial, the appeal process is easier. The reason for refusals to obtain a Schengen visa of this kind, as a rule, lies simply in the insufficiency or ambiguity of information for the embassy. In most cases, this simply delays the process of obtaining a visa, since you will either need to appear at the consulate for an interview to clarify any details, or provide additional documents for consideration.

In some situations, the consulate that issued the refusal may also impose a quarantine, that is, a ban on the submission of documents for visas and travel to the Schengen countries, the period of which can be from 3 months to a year. In case of repeated refusal, the quarantine can be extended up to 10 years. If you were not notified about the quarantine along with the issuance of a refusal, you can safely apply for a Schengen visa after the refusal the very next day. However, it is always safer to cancel the refusal, since a fresh refusal from another country may provoke a second negative decision from another.

If you are denied a Schengen visa, do not despair. Getting a Schengen visa after a refusal is quite realistic. You just need to be patient and time and approach the process with all seriousness. Good luck!