Houses of the horoscope is the tenth house of the horoscope. Tenth house in Vedic astrology

Houses are similar to signs, that is, the first house corresponds to Aries, the second to Taurus, the third to Gemini, and so on.

Interpretation of the houses of the horoscope and their meaning

The interpretation of the meanings of houses has something in common with the interpretation of the meanings of signs, but, at the same time, there are differences. If the signs are deep energy, then at home there is a more superficial, but also more noticeably manifested, event layer. Houses characterize the spheres of life and our attitude towards them, how things are going in each area, what events will happen and when.

12 houses, in principle, cover our entire life, any events that may occur in it. Here is a brief interpretation of the astrological houses of the horoscope:

1 House— Personality, early childhood, physical body, appearance, the home of our "I".

2 House- What we own, our attitude to property, finances and other material resources, the ability to earn money, use objects of the material world, deep values.

3 House- Direct connections and behavior in the social environment, direct communication, brothers and sisters, neighbors, short trips, social learning, perception of information, practical mind.

4 House- Ancestors, home, family roots, foundations, a place where a person feels safe, the home of a parent with whom a person has the closest connection, traditions, family karma.

5 HouseCreative expression, children, love relationship, artistic creativity.

6 House- Physical health, relationships with superiors, service, work, daily work.

7 House- Partnerships, including marriage, society, open enemies, justice, legality, equal relationships, business ties, community service.

8 House- Property and finances of other people, inheritance, death, sex, rebirth, house of transformation and rebirth.

9 House- Philosophy, religion, law, worldview, long journeys, religious beliefs, higher education, sports, languages, writing skills, collaborative thinking that forms world consciousness.

10 House- Career, profession, connections with the outside world, the home of a parent with whom one is less closely connected, the purpose of life, political power.

11 House- Large groups and organizations, selfless relationships, acquaintance, friends, people of the same circle, hopes and desires, goal achievement, collective creativity, self-expression.

12 House- Secrecy mysticism, occultism, self-destruction, mental health, secret societies, degree of freedom, freedom, imprisonment (in hospitals, prisons, etc.).

"Point of Life"- The ascendant or peak of the 1st house, from which the countdown of all houses begins, determines the external manifestation of a person: his appearance, behavior, lifestyle. Whereas the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Sun falls at the moment of birth and by which we usually determine our belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac, shows our deeper, psychological nature. That is why people born under the same sign are so different. The position of the Ascendant strictly depends on the minutes, and even seconds of birth, as well as the coordinates of the place in which it occurred.

The simplest calculations show that of the people currently living on the planet, approximately 400 million people belong to a particular Solar Sign. The number of people born on the same day of the living is approximately 20 thousand. Every seven hundred people were born at a certain minute, but if we consider that at that moment people were born in different parts of the planet, the claims of astrologers to assign the status of a unique individual to each horoscope become understandable. This statement is reflected in the picture of the Houses of the horoscope.

Having dealt with the correspondence of houses with zodiac signs Let's take a closer look at each house.

The first house of the horoscope - meaning

First house means your personality, briefly characterized by "I myself", the most important house. Here you can determine the main character traits, demeanor, appearance, body structure, attitudes. In this house, events take place with active personal participation, life-changing events, including those affecting changes in the physical body, a change in life attitudes. This is a very important and strongly manifested house. The ascendant and planets in the first house are stronger than the sun sign, in any case, their influence is more noticeable from the outside.

If the top of the first house is in Aries, then the person is energetic and assertive, knows well what he wants, shows independence. Typically athletic, tall. Impulsive, impulsive.

Under Gemini at the top of the first house, a person is characterized by sociability, the desire to receive new information. As a rule, it makes it easy to learn foreign languages. Quick, quick look. The skin is swarthy, easily sunburnt.

If the Ascendant hit in the sign of Virgo, then a person loves a healthy approach to everything. Critical, first of all, to himself, and with tense aspects, an inferiority complex may appear. Such a person likes to see the concrete results of his hard work.

Thus, we see that the Ascendant manifests the qualities of a sign in relation to the personality of a person, his appearance, and life principles. The planet in the first house is very important, as well as the location of the ruler and significator of the house.

The meaning of the second house of the horoscope

Second house shows everything that a person owns, what he considers his own. Material conditions of life, property (more movable than immovable, which is more associated with the fourth house), money. It also shows the supply of vitality, attitudes towards material values, what things this person tries to surround himself with. Also here you can find out how a person spends earned money. Events in the second house are mainly related to receiving money, spending it, earning money, shopping.

If the top of the second house hits in the sign of Aquarius, then we can say that a person loves original things, new technology. If the top of the house is in Taurus, we can talk about good prerequisites for wealth, love for luxury, beautiful things and jewels.

The third house in the horoscope - the meaning of the house

third house associated with the immediate environment. These are equal or almost equal people, those with which a person interacts in Everyday life. This includes brothers, sisters, neighbors, colleagues (but not superiors and not subordinates). It is also the house of information - newspapers, radio, television, books, talk, gossip, everyday communication- all these are spheres of influence of the third house. Events related to the listed people take place in this house, short trips, receiving information (receiving or writing letters, any correspondence is reflected here), business contacts, specific education as receiving the amount practical knowledge and skills. Places associated with this house are shops, libraries, transport stops, schools, colleges.

Interpretation of the fourth house of the horoscope

fourth house— "my roots." This is own house, place of residence, family, place of rest, attitude to nature, small homeland, parents. This house also means completion, including natural death, as the end of a certain stage. It is also the foundation, education, support or base in life. Events in the fourth house: changes in the family, in the house, change of residence, completion of any activity.

At the top of the fourth house in Aries family environment is impulsive, life in the family is uneven. The problems of home life are solved by parental initiative. It may very well turn out that family life is, as it were, on a hike, without much comfort, and a person does not have a need for special comfort, coziness, and stability. It may turn out that they often move, or it may turn out that the parents are military. Conflict situations in the home can lead to head injuries or headaches. It may turn out that the mother has an aggressive character, while it is transmitted to the child, and the aggressiveness of the fourth house is very deep. Either this is not aggressiveness, but negativism, that is, internal, deep discontent and a projection of a negative character into the future. This feeling that a person can produce on others is the most difficult for him to trace in himself, since the 4th house is the deepest point of the horoscope.

When the fourth house cusp falls in the sign of Taurus, the situation in the house can be harmonious, it can be disharmonious, depending on the aspect of the ruler. And if it is harmonious or disharmonious, then a stable, stable atmosphere in the house. Depending on the aspect of the ruler, a person receives stable material support from his parents or needs it, hopes for it, but does not receive it. It's hard to change anything in this house. And if the parental environment does not match your taste, then you need to make a tremendous effort in order to do something at home to your taste. Parents can leave a fortune accumulated over many years of life, it may consist of buildings, territories, savings and savings. In an adult state, a person has a need to organize his own home according to the principle my home is my fortress, a place where he can hide, where he feels reliable, stable, stable. How well he succeeds, you will be shown by the planet in the house or the aspect of the ruler to the cusp. It should be a strong, beautiful, durable house, where there will be food supplies and valuables for a "rainy" day, there is concern about old age.

If the top of the fourth house in Gemini, then in the house there can be flexible relations, sensitive, an atmosphere of mutual understanding between parents and children, ease in relations, their intellectual nature, a large state is not obvious, there may be intellectual heredity (the manager will show what kind), frequent moving. Home life can be animated by numerous contacts, visits, departures of relatives. The idea of ​​sociability is present in the house, perhaps a lot of reading, perhaps a lot of talking on the phone. And most likely, all the neighbors are in the house.

In the case of Cancer on the top of the fourth house, the family setting places great emphasis on the family's past, traditions, and descendants of the family. The family keeps archives, letters, documents. Family heritage is preserved and passed down from generation to generation. The condition can be quite solid, mainly on the part of the mother. It is extremely important for a person to create his own family, this is the goal of his life and can cause hard feelings if the family does not work out. Then he tries to create a family at work or work in areas where the situation turns into a family one: all kinds of children's institutions, orphanages, hospitals, public catering.

Position of the apex of the fourth house in Leo says that in family life a sense of hierarchy is observed, there is a chief, eldest, chief of the family. Relations with their own are open, clean, clear, independent. There may be paternal inheritance. The condition is solid, possibly has luxury items, gold, large valuables. This house is bright, bright, they are trying to make it luxurious. In his own soul, man seeks brilliance and superiority. He is very careful and reverent about his merits and how they are perceived. If he finds out that his actions are perceived unworthily, he is able to change them for the sake of self-love. After creating his own hearth, a person takes a patronizing or authoritarian attitude towards parents, he becomes the boss in the family and dictates his own terms.

If the top of the 4th house falls to Virgo, then miscalculations, practical meaning here have a strong influence on family life. In his soul, a person keeps a large number of duties and obligations, the inheritance, usually modest, consists of the fruits of labor of family members, is passed from hand to hand. Transfer of skill, some practical skills. The house is organized in humble taste, with simplicity, and satisfies the practical needs of man.

When we see Scales on top of the fourth house, then here family life is full of charm and taste. This is an elegant house, arranged in an aesthetic manner. Harmony and good mutual understanding among the members reign in the house. The house should be fashionable, secular, elegant, light. A person has the same soft and harmonious soul, communication with him brings you to peace, to a state of silence. Family life is necessarily a part of a person's emotional life. Social receptions, artistic, musical, literary salons can be organized in the house, not for the sake of celebrities, as it could be in Leo, but for the sake of communication, for the love of art.

When scorpio, the family situation is rather tense, it is often filled with feelings, jealousy, passion, hatred, death - these are problems that are discussed in the house, this is a state that passes through the house and changes it. It may turn out that family mourning is painful. It may be that questions about the material condition provoke conflicts, quarrels over inheritance, division of inheritance, family breakup on this matter. In this house there may be tendencies towards a secret life, there is a need to hide in your house and hide your soul, hide. This house, purely physically, can be organized with some kind of secret doors, with additional exits, with hiding places. External tragic events can lead to the physical destruction of the home, events such as all kinds of natural disasters, and the death of relatives. So deep in the house can be occult knowledge, interests, secret methods of treatment. This is the house of passion and the house of secrets.

When Sagittarius is at the top of the fourth house, then we can talk about spiritual, intellectual relationships in the family. The family, the laws of the family are subject to the moral principles of its members. Questions of conscience and honesty are the root causes of all kinds of discussions in the family, family councils, conversations about ethics, behavior, family legends. Maybe the religious atmosphere in the house. From afar, this relationship looks very independent, but this is only from a distance. How are things really? A careful study of Jupiter in relation to the cusp of the fourth house and the Moon is necessary. A person feels great affection for his comforts at home, has his own forms of recreation, his own traditions. This family can completely, unlike Gemini, emigrate from their native country. Gemini tend to move from home, leave your parents and go to another world. And Sagittarius, rather, will move all, all together.

If the moment of birth caught the peak of the fourth house in Capricorn, then in the house, usually, the situation is strict, dryish. The house may be dark, poor lighting. Family ties, relationships can be quite strong, deep, but they are very far from demonstration, any demonstrativeness, they look dry and restrained, although feelings can be deep and strong. There may be a single father, a widower. In this family, the slow but steady growth of property, consisting of land and buildings. The inner life of a person lacks liveliness, lacks feelings and sensitivity, he experiences some isolation from the world, his emotional life undergoes deprivation, limitations. The end of life can be chosen locally, at the end of life there can be a hermitage, a conscious limitation.

Finding the cusp in Aquarius gives family life organized in conditions of warm, fraternal understanding, in conditions of equal relations. In the house there can be numerous friendly receptions, relationships of disinterestedness, sincerity, deep, basic strengths of a person. At the end of life there is an intellectual atmosphere, but also the end of life can be subject to some abrupt, unexpected event that will change the emotional life of a person or his home, the atmosphere in the family.

Finally, if the top in Pisces, then in this family there are some elusive relationships, very similar to Tarkovsky's films, here is such a reality of a dream: something is happening, someone appears, it is not at all necessary who he is, some conversations are being held. Relationships can look ridiculous or strange. Sometimes this is expressed in an atmosphere of sacrifice, when the whole family sacrifices for the sake of the illness of another person, or when the parents demand a child's sacrifice, or the child himself sacrifices his life in favor of the parents, caring for them. It could be a sick mother. In this home life, there is an atmosphere of instability, unspoken conditions. There may also be some difficulties with the inheritance, sailing away from a person, or sailing incomprehensibly how and from where, from the unknown. They say that with such a house it is dangerous to live close to water, it is threatened with accidents and floods. If not close to water, then in such a house leaks of the roof and ceilings occur, pipes break through, cars break down - such a "fish" house. The danger is especially aggravated if the Moon or Neptune is in this house, or if the Moon and Neptune are afflicted in the chart.

The meaning of the Fifth house of the horoscope

fifth house responsible for creativity. These are any free self-manifestations of a person. Games, theatre, sports are for fun, not for career or money. Excitement, hobbies and entertainment, leisure. This house is also responsible for love, for love as a feeling, and not for marriage or sex, although sex for pleasure is also related to the fifth house. Another area of ​​this house are children and attitude towards them. Everything that brings joy and pleasure is associated with the fifth house. Events around the house - pleasure, love, the birth of children.

By studying the fifth house, the astrologer finds out to what extent a person will pursue pleasures, including extramarital relationships, finds out how gambling a person is, predicts possible success or failure in the love sphere, as well as relationships with children and with children.

For example, watermark on top of the fifth house, especially Cancer, indicates a strong desire to have children, developed maternal feelings. If this is a man, then he will be very attached to his children.

Sixth house of the horoscope

sixth house associated with daily work. Ability to work, application of acquired skills. Subordinates and servants are also related to the sixth house. The presence of pets and attitude towards them.

The sixth house is also associated with health. By the planets in the house and the sign at the top of the house, predispositions to diseases can be determined. For example, Gemini at the top of the sixth house can give frequent colds, speech disorders, and generally speak of low protection of the respiratory system.

Events in the sixth house: work, getting a new position, dismissal, illness, treatment, recovery, relationships with subordinates, including servants.

Seventh house of the horoscope

seventh house- "my partner". House of relationships, longer and more serious than in the third or fifth houses. Various contracts, marriage and marriage partner are described by the seventh house.

In the horoscope, the seventh house also shows what type of partners a given person seeks.

If, for example, at the top of the seventh house is Aries You seek a partner who is energetic, physically active and enterprising, as well as able to shake you up to balance your well-being.

If in your horoscope Fish are on top of the seventh house, you tend to be overprotective of your partner and therefore you are attracted to partners who you can help and support during times of crisis. You are unlikely to be attracted to an active and proactive partner; rather, you tend to take on the role of leader in relationships.

Events around the house: the beginning of a relationship, the conclusion of contracts, marriage, and also, together with the eighth house, the termination of contracts, divorce.

Eighth house of the horoscope

8th house often associated with extreme conditions. This is the house of the border states. Emergencies, emergency surgery, death, risky or forbidden activities are all related to the eighth house.

Another meaning of the eighth house is sexual relations, as well as the personal sexuality of a person. The first sexual experience is always connected in some way with the eighth house, like an irreversible crossing of the boundary "before" and "after".

Other people's property, money, insurance, taxes and loans are another facet of the eighth house. Events around the house: injuries, operations, death (of oneself or someone close to you), transactions with other people's money, gaining or losing money, sex, risk, criminal cases.

Here a reasonable question may arise: how to distinguish between these events? How to determine if a person will have an accident or will get the first sexual experience? To do this, you need to look at the horoscope and current influences together, look at what other houses, planets are involved, and what aspects are formed.

Ninth house of the horoscope

ninth house- house of aspirations. Outlook, higher education, travel, worldview, ideology and religion are the realms of the ninth house. Foreigners and distant relatives are also related to this house. For example, Capricorn at the top of this house gives a conservative attitude to life, while Aquarius shows your openness to everything new, inventiveness, love of other countries and travel. Events around the house: receiving higher education(admission, graduation), long-distance travel, acquaintance with other cultures, a change in outlook on life.

Tenth house of the horoscope

tenth house- "the purpose of life". X-th house - the middle of the sky, MC, the highest point above the horizon, the apex of the triangle, the evolution of man, where the second and sixth houses lie at the base underground, his financial situation with which he was born, the service that he is ready to accomplish in the house, and on the basis of this, the peak that he can reach in life, the highest task that a person sets for himself. The X-th house will show what are the means to achieve this goal, in what area a person seeks to succeed in life: in social, intellectual or spiritual. From this point, a person looks at himself from a height, this is his place in the structure, this is the goal of the embodiment of personality, this is a way to integrate into social structure, is its relation to the hierarchy. Here is spiritual teaching, here are those teachers whom a person chooses for himself and the area in which he wants to improve. Here is the administrative activity of a person, how he is adapted to it or not, here is the level of his professional success. Here we can see the activity of a person in accordance with his spiritual principles, his ability to purposeful activity, his strategic nature, what is the goal of his life, how much will to fulfill this goal. By this point you can find the God that a person creates for himself, his idol. This is his social status and the profession that he chooses for himself as the goal of life.

The position of the planets in this house is very important, as well as the position of the ruler of this house.

Success, fame, fame, social position are determined by the tenth house.

Events around the house - gaining fame, career. In general, everything important events can pass through the tenth house. For example, marriage of convenience is more associated with the tenth house than with the seventh.

Eleventh house of the horoscope

Eleventh house- "associates". This house, first of all, describes a person's friends, relationships with friends. It also describes a person's attitude to the future, his plans.

When Aries gets to the top of this house, the person's friends are active. Often there is rivalry between friends, which promotes mutual growth.

If Capricorn is at the top of the eleventh house, then, as a rule, a person has few friends, in whom he, above all, appreciates reliability.

twelfth house of the horoscope

twelfth house most complicated house to understand a person. He is responsible for everything hidden, inaccessible to man. He shows the intrigues and intrigues of behind-the-scenes enemies. Deprivation, illness are often associated with the twelfth house.

Emigration, separation from home, family, imprisonment, military service, chronic diseases are typical events of the twelfth house. It is also the house of karma that needs to be worked through. The nature of karma is determined by the position of the top of the twelfth house, as well as its ruler and significator.

The associated sign is Capricorn. The associated planet is Saturn.
Our contribution to society and the qualities that we would like to reveal to the world.

The tenth house is the house of ambition. Planets in this house signify the qualities we admire, look for and appreciate in people. It is with the help of the planets and signs located in this house that we achieve success and recognition. It also depends on them what we represent and personify in the eyes of others, this element of the card symbolizes the realization of our capabilities through the use of abilities and talents for the good of the world.


The middle sky (cusp of the tenth house) is the most important point maps, so the planets and signs located in it can be much more influential than in other places on the map. It symbolizes our public persona, the image of which we want to convey to others. Planets and signs in this house can highlight the most obvious and accessible aspects of our personality.
Our contribution to society, our position and place in the world, as well as the profession that would suit us best - all this is determined by the planets located in the MC point and in the tenth house, which is associated with Saturn and Capricorn. Our attitude to a career, the energy that we show in the professional field, is also determined by the planets. Venus in Leo in the tenth house speaks of charismatic personality and a strong need to inspire admiration, while Neptune in the tenth house may have a vague idea of ​​​​his goals, which can ruin his career. The accumulation of planets in the tenth house gives out an ambitious person, determined to achieve recognition and position in society. Like the fourth, the tenth house is strongly conditioned by childhood impressions. Now this house is usually associated with the mother, and the connection with the mother determines all our worldview. If we were praised in childhood, we developed a clear, persistent awareness of who we are, the confidence that we are valued and respected. If we perceived our mother as a person who takes care of us, then most likely we will be confident in ourselves. However, if we perceived her as a harsh critic, we will lack self-confidence, we will strive too hard for professional success at the expense of personal life.

The 10th house also characterizes those qualities of our mother that are inherent in us. The energies of the tenth house can reveal to us what career expectations were set by our parents, and how we ourselves can burden our children with our own unfulfilled ambitions. Our relationship with the greats of this world reflects our relationship with our parents, which can be judged by the opposition between the fourth and tenth houses .

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Bill Herbst

09/21/2004 | Visitors: 1260710


  • hemisphere - east - self-orientation and expressiveness;
  • hemisphere - upper - objective and collective;
  • zone - the third third of the circle - socio-cultural or universal;
  • type - angular - initiating and founding;
  • axis - 4/10 - security, stability and responsibility;
  • planet - Saturn - ambition, authority and bringing to perfection.

Traditional interpretation:

  • ambition in a career or profession;
  • position in society and reputation;
  • social contribution of the individual;
  • one of the parents.

Modern interpretation:

  • collective responsibility - the experience of taking on responsibility that goes beyond the boundaries of the "I"; universal dharma;
  • professional ambition - the creation and preservation of an adult niche in the world; career, position in society;
  • mission and messages - everything that God communicates to all mankind through any specific person;
  • parent "externally associated" with the person - the parent associated with the structure, most often the father;
  • authority - the experience of holding collective power and responding to other authoritative people.


The tenth house is corner house collective group of houses and this is the first area of ​​the eastern hemisphere (hemisphere of self-realization). This house describes building a lasting relationship with the world at large. It contains information about how we create a social niche for ourselves, which is the answer to the question: "What will I do when I grow up?". This question is relevant at the age of nine as well as at the age of ninety, because the state of "adulthood" seems to us so far into the future that it takes oh so long to get to it.

In any chart, the Sun symbolizes personal power; it is a channel that connects us to the Cosmic Center. Through it, we are fed with energy, indicating the direction of development, the goal, providing the individual with a sense of significance. The house where the Sun is located and the house it rules are the most powerful areas of the chart, determining the purpose of human life.

The sector of the 10th house is a part of the space located directly below us. In this part of the sky at noon, the Sun is at its highest point. The influence of the Sun culminates in the 10th house, this is the pinnacle of purpose, but since the 10th house is the center of the upper hemisphere, such features manifest themselves through the collective, through the culture to which each of us belongs. So, in the 10th house, the impersonal purpose of a person's life is revealed.

The fourth house symbolizes personal security in the home and family, and the 10th house symbolizes social security: You know that in society you have safe place.

Traditional interpretations of the 10th house as areas of ambition, career, social status and reputations do not lose their significance today. But in many books, the interpretation of the 10th house is practically reduced to what is listed above. We must be aware that the experience of the 10th house goes beyond the mere concern for success on a material or social level, despite all its importance. Glory is very exciting, but quite often it turns against us. Ambition is like a drug, and a drug doesn't really get things done.

In addition to power and ordinary success, the 10th house also has to do with making progress in the spiritual life - taking full responsibility for one's own development, real growth as a person, which ultimately leads to contact with the Divine flowing through us. The condition of the 10th house shows what tasks need to be solved in order to grow up, in order to achieve "true individuation", to use the terminology of Jung's followers.

This deeper level of interpretation shows how you make the maximum contribution to the development of the universe and, therefore, gain recognition; recognition not as a result of veneration, glory and power, but as a result of the work of your abilities in full force.

Achieving success in this house means that you have found a safe place on Earth - gained by consciously manifesting your personal divinity, gained by becoming a channel for a greater divinity, the universe itself.


Collective responsibility - the experience of taking on responsibility that goes beyond the boundaries of "I"; universal dharma.

The tenth house is a sector of individual space, located directly above the head. If all the people on Earth looked straight up at the same time, then at that moment we would be directed outward, into the expanses of the universe. Thus, the 10th house reflects our location within the larger world, the macrocosm, as well as our relationship with it.

This house corresponds to the position of the Sun at noon. It symbolizes perfect objectivity. The tenth house is dharma, the Buddhist concept of right action - the willingness to consider decisions made by an individual in terms of the benefits they bring to other people. This house is not the realm of sacrifice, but the realm of acquiring the greatest possible spiritual power through the decisions made by the individual; therefore, the "virtue" generated transcends the individual and embraces the collective space. Each of us has a place on the "conveyor line" of the space factory; taking on individual responsibility contributes to the development of the consciousness of the universe.

The state of the 10th house indicates the importance for a person to participate in the life of the world, and also reveals the qualities that contribute to the comprehensive spiritual maturation of a person.

Professional ambition - the creation and preservation of an adult niche in the world; career, position in society.

"What will I do when I grow up?" - this question is relevant for every person at any age, at nine or ninety years old. Moreover, this question can never be given an absolutely accurate answer, because it is constantly evolving. Some people live as if they knew the final answer, but life has ways of surprising us when we think the ambiguities have run their course.

Therefore, the search for our "true" calling does not stop while we are walking on the road of life.

The tenth house indicates our social identity as opposed to our personal identity, which is symbolized by the opposite 4th house. It symbolizes "social security", the niche of a person in society, and emphasizes the desire to succeed, the motivation to achieve social recognition. The reward in this case is not monetary - this applies to the 2nd and 8th houses. The reward is satisfaction from what has been achieved, permission to possess power in society, respect from equals in position.

The condition of the 10th house indicates the characteristic qualities that feed ambition, as well as the obstacles encountered on the path to success.

Missions and messages are all that God communicates to all mankind through any particular person.

There are many "scripts" that interpret the structure of life. One of the scenarios related to the 10th house is based on the idea that each soul chooses to incarnate in a human body according to its special evolutionary needs, as well as taking into account the demands of the Earth. We choose our own parents, not they choose us. We design our lives to maximize learning, creativity, or learning. certain types experiences shared with other people.

In this poetic view, our lives do not seem to be borrowed, stolen, or foisted on us by some ridiculous coincidence. We own our lives and we pay for them. There are various ways to pay; for the 10th house, it is the agreement to "announce" what God wishes to communicate to humanity. Regardless of our personal intentions, realized or failed due to our ability to manage free will, our cosmic "mission" is predetermined.

This is the most fatal part of our life. Whatever the Lord desires will manifest through us, whether we integrate it into our lives or not. Ideally, the mission helps us achieve individual fulfillment. But even in those sad cases when the realization of personality slips to the sidelines, turns into suffering, the message of God, clear and loud, will nevertheless manifest itself.

The state of the 10th house reveals the mission we have taken on, the message we have agreed to convey to the world.

Parent "externally associated" with the person - the parent associated with the structure, most often the father.

The fourth house symbolizes the nurturing parent or the parent who has " intercom" with a person; in most cases, it is the mother, whose influence helps us shape our personality and inner well-being. The tenth house symbolizes the structuring parent or the parent having an "external connection" with the person; usually it is the father, whose influence is more powerful when the infant is introduced to the outside world.

Mothers are usually perceived by children as magical, gentle and protective. And fathers are perceived as mysterious, tough and distant. They are dissolved in the world, they are attached to it more than to the child, and this creates both curiosity (what does my father know that I do not know?) And anxiety (if the father is so aloof, how can I feel in security with him?). Therefore, we strive for love, cherish and stay close to the mother, but we also try to seduce, decipher the father, understand him. This is a flirtation with danger, with an external force. In striving to understand our father, we create in ourselves a receptivity to external authority, discipline, and the world around us.

The condition of the 10th house indicates how important for our development is the parent who has an "external connection" with the person, regardless of who fills this role - the father, mother or other adult person who does not belong to the family.

Authority is persuasive power, the ability to command. It can operate on every level of existence - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It can be brutally dominant, soft in effectiveness, or reverently inspiring. Our perception of authority began in infancy with a total dependence on our parents, but our relationship with this power continues throughout life. At first we only perceive it, disciplined or oppressed by it. However, we are rapidly developing a style of self-authority, which is used in those interactions with people where we must command or lead.

The state of the 10th house indicates how we respond as adults to the authoritative behavior of others, and also reveals how we radiate to the outside world. own strength and confidence.


Collective responsibility. Your life energy comes to you as a result of your awareness of life in visible world, collective culture. This is the realm of the 'guru's mind'. It can be deep and powerful or subtle and almost imperceptible, but other people feel the powerful divine power flowing through you. Your task is to manifest this energy as fully and correctly as you can, because you came to Earth on a mission that exceeds personal interests in scope. Every time you take responsibility, every time you act in the right direction, you absorb life energy. To live, you must find your place in the world. The task is to find your niche, where you could make such a contribution to the development of society as your potential allows.

professional ambition. You can appear conservative, three-piece suit and tie, formal and prudent, or you can be completely different, a person who rises above the crowd to assert his own opinion, however, the specific opportunity will be determined by other card factors. In any case, you are very receptive to power in society, you strive to grab as much as you can, regardless of whether it is earned by you, inherited, borrowed or stolen. Your career fills you life energy, and whenever you want to cheer yourself up, the most natural way to fulfill such a desire is to engage in professional affairs. The symbolism of the Sun is too extensive to accept specific activities. However, she points out the following: whatever you do should be vital to you; you must do it with great dignity; you have to make an impact on the whole world. The challenge is to gain broad social respect. Remember - be authoritative, but not authoritarian.

Missions and messages. Your personal goal and your mission are one and the same, although you may not perceive them as such. There is often a conflict between living for yourself and serving a greater purpose. Undoubtedly, you are closed in on yourself, perhaps you have a slight divinity complex. This does not mean that you consider yourself to be more important than other people, but you are very self-centered in expressing your message. This message is you. Watching your life, we remember how important it is to be noble; we remember the state of personal integrity. The position of the Sun in the sign and aspects to it indicate the tone of what is coming through you, so it is necessary to explore these factors to clarify the message.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Your father is the embodiment of power, either overt or more subtle; note that you have learned many traits of his character. Its importance in your life cannot be underestimated. If he was with you when you were a child, then he had a deep and long-lasting impact on you. The older you get, the more similarities between you and your father are found. If he was physically or psychologically absent, then you will wallow in life until you find a surrogate authority figure who can fulfill the function of an absent father, or until you become a father to yourself.

Authority. Authority can be either your powerful force or your Achilles' heel. It all depends on your maturity or your ability to handle the paradoxes provoked by pride. If your internal development proceeded harmoniously, then you can become a model of responsible authority. Otherwise, you are able to be two-faced in your behavior, opposing any external authority, a higher authority over you, but at the same time, totally dominating lower people. This trap is called "don't laugh peas, no better than beans" and it leads ultimately to opposing you or undermining your power. The task is to understand the soft power of true fatherly care, to develop and release the power of authority hidden within you, so that you can treat others and yourself with respect and respect.


Collective responsibility. Your maternal energy is powerful enough, however, you do not always recognize its action, because it is very natural for you. Caring for other people is a deep imprint, a responsibility you took on early on; usually, it's a reaction to your mother. In moderate cases, she may have been constantly by your side, exemplifying a stately, receptive force. In extreme cases, she could be strong and overwhelmingly patronizing, or absent, weak, or not meeting your needs. Either way, you've learned that your job is to take care of others. Your patronage does not only apply to those with whom you are connected in your personal life, it extends to other people. It is the need to respond to the troubles of the whole world. You are looking for the child inside each of us, and depending on how you do it, this process can be heartfelt or end in tragedy. The task is to respond to adversity and educate in ways that will help increase your power; do it spontaneously, without conscious effort.

professional ambition. Your attitude to social position is somewhat conservative, because security is very important for you here. You may be very concerned about the harmony of career development, the smoothness of its daily course, since the regular maintenance of official affairs in good condition is the very heart of this symbolism. As for your real profession, service work is more natural for you than production, because you are more attracted to people than to things. You could be successful in any profession that is related to patronage, survival, or satisfaction of needs. Your ambition is linked to personal security.

Missions and messages. The combination of vulnerable softness and powerful protective surface is clearly visible to other people, which allows them to perceive the universal message without interference. Your personal emotions are sometimes almost invisible, but your constant concern for other people's feelings is very noticeable. Your presence reminds us of the basic human need for protection. We are learning from you motherly qualities - either how to do them well or how not to do them. In any case, your mission is to reveal to us the meaning, process and result of maternal influence, the power of childhood imprints, and the importance of security, in every possible sense of the words.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Perhaps the classic parenting roles have been reversed in your family. Your mother probably played a dominant role in shaping your perception of the outside world. Perhaps your father was a feminine figure, more like a gentle nurturer than a solid structuring force, but this option is less likely. In itself, role reversal does not pose a particular problem, although it creates a tendency to combine the usually differentiated roles of fatherhood and motherhood.

Authority. You believe that the correct role of authority is to patronize, provide security, and lend their power in critical situations. Your need for a position of authority is strong, but not fully realized. In fact, having to make a conscious choice about position of authority or power can lead to conflict because you feel more comfortable just instinctively responding to other people's needs.


Collective responsibility. You may or may not be responsible, because your nervous system is very fickle in its aspirations, but of course you are aware of what responsibility is. In any situation, in any environment, you discern spiritual messages, indications of a great purpose, and you try not to miss a single factor that you think should be taken into account. The trap, of course, is to waste so a large number time and energy for calculations in order to obtain the maximum benefit, that you forget to act inadvertently. Remember, a myriad of information is required, probably, only forensic experts. The task is to tell everyone about responsibility. You don't have to goad people, because you can smell what task each person is most effectively capable of performing in any situation. In many ways, your role is to help other people figure out what their responsibility is.

professional ambition. You are constantly thinking about your career. However, you are often carried away by the passing moments of your career and you may miss something important for you. Therefore, despite the strategic plans, your career develops at will. You can own several professions or one profession that requires the involvement of knowledge from different fields. In any case, the basis of your social status is mental. Any profession requires mastery of a specialized language, but your style of work is based on the ability to manage information exchange. Communication is your product, information broadcast is your service.

Missions and messages. Your thought processes are especially visible to others. When you speak or write, you are reminding us of the importance of the process of communication in human life. Often the source of what you perceive is in the universe, and our task is to become aware of what you are broadcasting. Therefore, announce everything that wants to be embodied in your mind - announce it as qualitatively as possible. Learn to express your thoughts, and then your message will have a positive impact on your life.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. It is not at all necessary that you think like your father, but there is definitely a relationship between your mind and his. His behavior stimulated the development of your thought patterns. It happens to everyone eventually, but in your case the impact is much more significant. Your father was on the road most of the time, leaving the house and returning after a while. Where was he? What was he doing? His reflections on travel fascinated you like foreign language with strange and confusing syntax.

Authority. Your own authority is manifested most effectively through the patterns of your thinking, writing, and speaking. When you use your mind, people pay attention to you. This does not mean that you are always right or that you know the only correct solution to a problem; this suggests that the way you communicate your thoughts has an inherent quality of authority. The challenge is to use your mind authoritatively. Our nervous system is sensitive to special semantic rhythms, and it is not your fault that words have such a magnetic effect on people. However, in your case, the power, ultimately, lies not in the words themselves, but in you, giving power to these words.


Collective responsibility. Responsibility is the source of true pleasure. The trap is that you get so much pleasure from the “carrot and stick” of collective responsibility that, in the end, work becomes your main source of pleasure.

Don't be a workaholic. On the other hand, you should not assume that your work is more pleasant than that which others do. If there is elite status, especially on a spiritual level, then you must earn it by displaying grace in the complex environment of social interactions. The task is to cherish, nurture the art of loving and enjoying; to show that growing up and participating in a collective life can be, and indeed should be, a wonderful kind of experience.

professional ambition. Your most valuable possession is your social image, and most of all you love to shine on it. You are happiest when you are working or in a community area, in contact with the wider world. You know how to present yourself, how to show your best features in front of the camera. It can be assumed that the position of Venus in the 10th house should correspond to a lack of ambition, but this is usually not true. The stream of ambition is not so small, more attracted to pleasures than to specific work. You work better in pairs than alone; sympathy is often the basis of a business partnership. Are you looking to acquire a profession? associated with art, beauty, aesthetics or luxury. You can sell yourself as a commodity, as an actor or sitter, or sell goods for entertainment or leisure. Regardless of the chosen profession, it should give you pleasure, otherwise you need to change it. At the highest symbolic level, your profession is love; you need to love your profession.

Missions and messages. Your feminine qualities stand before our eyes. Your life reminds us of the importance of active receptivity and the power of personal magnetism. Your radiance brings us into contact with our own sensitivity to beauty, with the flow of graceful being. More than anything, the example of your life teaches us personal love. You may or may not be successful in love, you may or may not be beautiful, but in any case, we are eager to explore these qualities by observing your desire to manifest them.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Position female symbol in this traditionally masculine sphere may indicate that your father's influence is weakened, or that his power is being replaced by maternal power, although this is more likely with the Moon or Neptune, rather than Venus, located here. But whether your father's influence is strong or weak, whether he is present or not, you are able to love him for a long time. You have learned to establish a cordial relationship with him and work through him. His perception of the world was a source of inspiration for you, and you accepted this vision of the world for yourself. The basis of his perception was the observance of decency, a role-playing mask that was put on display to the world. Even in the event of a conflict, you imprinted in yourself a sense of hospitality, the desire to be a good host or hostess.

Authority. Your relationship to authority is based not so much on respect for structure as on love for prestige and those who have it. Even in those cases when mild oppression irritates you, something inside you still likes contact with authority. Your own authority is based on love, not power; harmony, not coercion. You do not command, but magnetically attract the attention of people. A sense of social tact and gentle command is the foundation of yours; guides. You understand better than anyone the principle that more flies can be caught with honey than with vinegar, and you develop these abilities to the level of a high art.


Collective responsibility. You have a strong desire to penetrate into the space of collective responsibility. The desire is very powerful, the energy is seething, so on the way to gaining power in society, you may have to endure many battles. Your desire to prove your own courage is met with resistance. On occasion, you may be accused of irresponsibility or, more likely, you simply will not be allowed to turn around at full strength. You are so impetuous that sometimes you create opposition. As a result, you are faced with an intractable paradox. How can you be young and old at the same time? The task is to show responsibility by persistently refusing to make concessions. Do not stop moving forward until you reach the corridors of power, but when this happens, change aggression to patience. There is a time for fighting and there is a time for peace.

professional ambition. You work hard to achieve success, fighting any obstacles that arise in the way of your ambition. When dealing with career issues, you can take random actions that will harm your image. However, a small stain on your reputation will not dampen your desire to possess what you are so seeking. "Cross that line if you're brave" or "shake that sliver off my shoulder" are some of the urges you sometimes feel. Your profession should give an outlet to your seething energy. Do not spend time at the office desk. Of course, you don't have to be a loader either - you just need to move fairly quickly from place to place, changing interactions. Task. - achieve the goal, succeed, and then relax and enjoy the success.

Missions and messages. There is an expressive assertiveness in your behavior. You embody the Warrior archetype. We feel your desire, your frustrations and conflicts - the masculine side of your nature, and we remember the importance of these primary urges. This does not mean at all that we necessarily want what you want, and also that we will accept your methods of self-expression. Symbolism this provision does not guarantee the satisfaction of your desires, because Mars does not accept the fulfillment of desires. It symbolizes youthful impulse, strong and often fragile energies that prove the courage of a person in the battle with the world. This is what we learn from you.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Your father was very manly, almost rude to you. You competed with each other, fought for dominance, as if from the moment you were born, the shadow of a challenge gauntlet separated you. None of you could win, but you were at a great disadvantage because you were small. As a result, your father intimidated you very much. But despite this, you learned to fight hard, as if your life was at stake. The trap is lingering anger at your father, and in extreme cases, hatred. However, another option is possible. Your relationship can be colored by the sharpness of the energy exchange between you and your father, and nothing more. Comprehensive use of this energy is a challenge.

Authority. Probably, your authority is marked by a trait of spontaneous, natural desire for power, an instinctive sense of command. Perhaps your relations with people are saturated with an atmosphere of military mobility, so that you easily take orders from your superiors, and give orders to subordinates with equal speed. But if your life experience has been frustrated, if you go through life like a jungle, then you can become aggressive in the struggle for power, provoking conflicts with people around you. Remember, humans are not enemies.


Collective responsibility. Undoubtedly, you will be repeatedly given the opportunity to occupy a high post, but power in itself is not so important to you. What is important is the fulfillment of the tasks that are assigned to you, with a clear awareness of creating the maximum benefit. Doing what seems most correct to you is not only morally correct, it is also the most practical strategy for you, as it opens the door to the fulfillment of your aspirations. However, beware of the trap of complacency. Humility is the best antidote. The task is to use every opportunity to do just things. No one will tell you what this means, for each situation requires a different approach. Responsible action costs less” and is more rewarding than any other style of behavior.

professional ambition. You are interested in a profession that allows you to contact with a group, and not with individuals, unless other factors of the horoscope change the symbolism of this position. Perhaps you often go on business trips; however, if business travel is rather rare, then in this case you enter into agreements with people scattered across all countries and continents, both physically and philosophically. Your natural task is to organize and establish the work of a network that connects personalities together, to develop procedures for checking its performance. It is natural for you to hurry, to step up the pace, as well as to present yourself in the best possible way. These factors are more important to you than painstaking work. Work hard to look easy and casual.

Missions and messages. You seem very happy to us. Whether you are rich or not, we see that fate favors you at every opportune moment. We are reminded of the importance of social contacts as a product of a vast network of interactions between people, the importance of humanity or participation in groups. And, finally, by your example, we learn universal generosity. If you can have even what you may not deserve, then life seems to be on our side.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. The evolution of society, culture, principles, and not the specifics of situations - that's what your father was interested in. You also remember him as a person who liked to be in a social setting, as a person who was very easy to handle and command outsiders. Your father probably wasn't as close to the family as you would have liked. It's not that he didn't care, but perhaps you felt that he was more interested in the outside world than in his child; he was more interested in teaching moral lessons than simply showing love. On the other hand, you learned a lot of useful things from him - how to live in the world, in social space. As you mature, the imprint of optimistic conservatism will gradually manifest itself in your philosophy of life.

Authority. You develop relationships with influential people because they help you grow as a person and promote your professional prestige. You can indeed benefit by taking a high-ranking person as your teacher. Your own domineering style has a natural royal beauty, as if you were born to rule. And if you do not drown in the trap of pomposity, then you can really become an extraordinary boss. You give orders good-naturedly, relying on wisdom, nobility and decency to bring your instructions to the minds of people. The challenge is to instill confidence in your leadership qualities.


Collective responsibility. You learn how important spiritual development is for a person, not a fantasy of enlightenment, not an onslaught of power, but full responsibility for what is being done. The higher we climb the mountain of the spirit, the steeper the climb. The air becomes thinner, more energy has to be expended. But the higher you go, the more beautiful the views unfold as the atmosphere becomes thinner and clearer. This is the realm where eagles live. Learn to rest when necessary and remember that every disciplined effort brings you closer to the top. Don't rush, don't run. Do not ask for more than you can handle, but know that you are strong enough to meet any requirement of life; hope to fulfill your aspirations.

professional ambition. Ambition is extremely powerful, even if doubt or fear of failure cut you off at the beginning of your life. Fear can cause even more suffering than the failures themselves. But do not lose confidence that perseverance will be rewarded. Nobody achieves success without failure. In relation to the profession, we can say that you are committed to tradition, go to success along the beaten path. The risk you take to succeed can sometimes be ethically questionable; it is safer to climb the ladder of success by long and hard work. Rapid success robs you of your presence of mind, even if you think you want everything at once and right now. Therefore, go to success slowly, gradually and learn to discipline your discipline. In other words, train yourself to be moderate in your work. As the old saying goes, “What is the use of a man conquering the whole world and losing his soul?” Your stubborn determination can take you to the pinnacle of success, but remember that success, like beauty, is ultimately judged by the audience.

Missions and messages. From you we learn about the hard lessons of life. We see that life is indeed a struggle, a battle for the survival of the fittest. You teach us the need to work patiently, constantly, even if the reward does not come soon. You show us how important maturity is, not submission to frustrations or bad thoughts. You are the personification of the basic archetype of ambition, aspiration, despite obstacles; you teach the importance of getting things done; we also learn the inevitable fact of having to bear our burden even if we don't deserve it. You are the bond of doom and free will and we realize that all our dreams will eventually be tested. real life.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Perhaps your father was a very powerful and official figure, strict and disciplined. Or he felt cold and unwilling to love. In the first case, your reaction could be respect and reverence, in the second, fear and a sense of rejection. In any of these cases, and in any case in between, you have become sensitive to patriarchal authority; a mixture of respect and fear. Your father is a copy, a model of what unfolds later in your life around the theme of authority.

Authority. You probably submit to authority without question, although there may be resentment hiding inside you. You perceive the world as a hierarchy of power, believing that each person must prove his own importance through the execution of orders from above and the issuance of orders to subordinates. Discipline and obedience is what matters. You want to work in a team, to be a player of a single team, but your most important desire is to be in the position of an absolute ruler. When you reach this position, do not forget that the abuse of power is a dangerous trap. The challenge is to rule with the dignity your role requires and treat other people with the respect they deserve.


Collective responsibility. Your spiritual task is to stand apart, to be separated from the crowd. Traditional security is not only implausible, it's impractical. The individual may sometimes feel as if burdened by a debt, however, despite this, you strongly maintain a sense of differentiation. You want to stand out in the crowd. You are considered independent. And this is a sign of your true maturity, a unique life path. This does not mean that you cannot enjoy life together with other people. Intimate relationships, unions - it's all available to you. But you have to somehow separate yourself from the masses. The task is to go beyond the ordinary in human affairs, to become independent, not submitting to the fear of ostracism.

professional ambition. A career is an area where your personality can shine. Other people may think you're a little weird, but don't mind it (and you won't be). Just keep on your course. You need to be independent and this can literally mean working alone or it can mean working under a contract. Service is not for you, it fits you like a saddle for a cow. Even if a comfortable and secure career beckons you, don't forget that you'd better follow your own path, for social position is almost meaningless to you. Note also the suddenness of gaining success. Any similar but negative changes show that your life has been difficult, bitter, but welcome even them, because they allow important course corrections to be made. Be open, aware, swing your fists.

Missions and messages. For some reason, you seem strange and alien to us, as if you are an alien from another planet, from another star system, as if you are a stranger in the human world. This is not to say that we perceive you as a threat, as a monster from outer space. But you remind us that we are all outsiders in one way or another. We recognize the importance of independence, not following the beaten path, and in your example we see the results of intentionally withdrawing from other people, both good and bad. We are reminded that every personality has the capacity to shine, to connect with a pure idea. Finally, we see that life can change completely, suddenly, without warning. Security is illusory, we should not cling to what seems safe, but instead we should experiment with our own lives.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Your father was a unique person, different from other people or unpredictable in dealing with you. Perhaps his views were unstable or he was too headstrong, but in any case, he created his own unique life. You may have been separated from him, either literally or figuratively. By interacting with it, you learned the need to stand on your own two feet, not to depend on anyone, and this imprint formed one of the basic attitudes to life that you will follow as an adult.

Authority. You want to plot your course, open new world. You probably do not like the idea of ​​taking responsibility for other people and for the whole world, you would rather stay away, be an island in the middle of the ocean. But you are able to lead when you feel the need to. The power you wield comes from your unique personality, and the success of your leadership depends on your flexibility. The task is to show revolutionary, explosive responsibility, which is, in general, paradoxical.


Collective responsibility. The responsibility that lies with you is not specified, it is “spilled” into all areas of your life. She is not focused, not concentrated; your dharma manifests itself in every action, in every situation, in every circumstance of life. Compassion is total and implicit; there is no division into situations in which you show sympathy and which you reject. However, this does not mean that you always feel comfortable. This does not necessarily mean that you are a plug in all holes. Try to just accept people while still allowing them to keep fighting. To truly support does not mean to be a crutch for people, but to encourage, encourage. True understanding is not getting rid of responsibility, but helping to carry it out. You don't have to give all the answers, just believe in the goodness of the universe. It is your responsibility to live in the flow of that faith.

professional ambition. Your ambition is permeated with the fragrance of gentleness; you are probably not inclined to choose professions that require competition. You may be attracted to spiritual service, either traditional, ecclesiastical, or service through psychic or occult pursuits. Medicine and healing fascinate you, but you do not aspire to reach the heights of social position, preferring to work like Mother Teresa. Any profession where contact with images is possible is beautiful, for example, graphic design. You are attracted to theatrical art, as well as music or acting. A job in chemical research or pharmaceuticals is possible because you are interested in alchemy. This provision tends to incline to affairs that are essentially not what they appear on the outside, which can lead to confusion, deceit, or even public scandal. Avoid such dubious opportunities, they are only the shadow aspect of ambition. Strive for ideals and learn to combine the pragmatic and the divine.

Missions and messages. Your life shows us that reality does not contradict fantasy, for you simultaneously exist in both worlds. We learn that it is possible not to be limited by selfish interest in oneself, but to perceive what is outside of us. The circumstances of our lives no longer bind us hand and foot, for we rediscover the wonders of the imagination, the power of dreams and ideals. Finally, we are reminded to develop compassion for people. This can be taught to us by your own soft strength, the tenacity of your kindness, or your grace that crumbles whenever the illusory nature of your dreams is revealed. In any case, you bring us into contact with the mystery of the subtle spaces of being.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Perhaps your father was more attracted to the spiritual than the material; he was a gentle and compassionate person. If so, then his idealism or artistry made a lasting impression on you. However, he could be a dreamer or an escapist who could not cope with the responsibility placed on him by real life or parental duty. You may have grown up in an environment of alcohol or other chemical abuse; in a family where someone was a martyr. In any case, you were confused by the lack of solidity of the environment of your childhood - for some reason, there was no reliable support in the world just for you.

Authority. Your attitude towards authority can be either respectful or distrustful, or both. Your own authority is based on the subtle power of compassion and tenderness. Work diligently to become dependable so that you can be relied upon. You can win people's respect, but you are more likely to win their love. Authority must come from a higher source than your ego, so keep your ears open and everything will turn out great for you.


Collective responsibility. Collective responsibility is like water surrounding a fish; it is present everywhere but never seen. You spend a lot of time looking for ways to visualize it, looking for a successful form, passionately wanting to grow and improve. And suddenly you find yourself in a situation where all your power is brought to the surface. Which have not be avoided. What has to happen will happen. Let the interests of your ego be washed away by the flood of initiation into larger tasks. You are the reserve troops, who are used only when the battle reaches its peak, but its outcome is still in doubt. Then, to save the battle, they call you, throw you into the fray; you are the cavalry charge, the secret weapon, the ace up your sleeve. The goal is to always be ready.

professional ambition. Your ambition is powerful but complex. You can wander for a long time, wandering, realizing the tension of ambition, but not finding a form of expression suitable for it. Or you are able to take the post of chief in an area for which you have not consciously prepared yourself. You are also able to make dramatic career changes at critical times in your life. It may turn out that you have burned all the bridges behind you. However, you do not leave the feeling that you are still devoted to an inner, deep calling, that you just had to destroy the old forms in search of better means of self-expression. The bad thing is that you are able to be ruthless, secretive, use behind-the-scenes methods to satisfy your ambition; you have to fight against the tendency of despotism. These behaviors can not only provide you with great power, but also sow the seeds of damage to your reputation, which you may not notice. The goal is to use power, not to abuse it.

Missions and messages. Your life points us to the existence of deep energies flowing through our personalities; they are more refined than the well-known and. energies we control. In your example, we see that emotions can control us, images can haunt us, and ideas can subjugate us. We see that there is power hidden in every person, and we are reminded of the importance of releasing that power in ways that transform us into better side. We see the presence of deep virtue and terrible evil; we are taught to consciously make decisions and dedicate our lives to the service of the good that exists within us, even if we must acknowledge and sometimes submit to darkness. Finally, in your example, we see that life can be completely changed. We are able to rid ourselves of what has served its purpose, of what is obsolete, and continue to live renewed.

A parent "outwardly related" to a person. Your father wielded a powerful social force. Perhaps he ruled with an iron hand without bearing any wrangling to his authority. Or he was reserved, absorbed in work and professional responsibility. Either way, you didn't know him well, or perhaps you didn't know him at all. He could change fundamentally, become a completely different person within a few years of your childhood. His influence on you is mysterious. There are vast spaces in your subconscious that are still unexplored. As soon as you grow up, you should bring your father's imprints to the surface, unearth your memory; the imprints are so vast that even in old age you may still continue to discover this person and his influence on you.

Authority. Managing other people and their control over you is a painful topic. Your personal authority is emotionally very deep, and everyone with whom you come into contact is tested and sorted: either the person is hypnoticly attracted to you and completely submits, or he resists you with all his might. In both cases, your influence is powerful. Understand that this power is real, even if it is invisible to you. Subconscious power can indeed harm even the best of us, so work diligently to clear your motives, refine your emotions, and control your behavior.

tenth house

Karma bhava- 10th house, House of career.

Professional activity. Career success. Respect, political power. Shows pratishtha - the level of illusory (social) achievements in the material world: fame, honor, status, fame of a person. If the house is strong (as a rule, this happens to those people who are in past life worked according to their purpose and for the benefit of others), it gives success in the profession, career. Government service. Trade, business, commerce. behavior in society.


The indicators (karaka) of the 10th house are: Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter.

House characteristic

The tenth house is the house of karma karma bhava), and therefore all kinds of actions and deeds are associated with it. This house is the main indicator of our influence on the world. It is associated with a career and professional vocation. By itself, the tenth house does not predetermine a career, since a person's professional life is also associated with the state of the first house and with other factors of the chart. However, it allows you to establish what success a person will achieve in a professional field.

The tenth house is the house of skill and qualification, achievement, honors, recognition and prestige. It defines the social position we can achieve and the power associated with that position. In general, the tenth house - important indicator political, social and worldly power. It indicates what trace a person will leave in the world after himself and what kind of karma he brings to the world - good or bad. Pilgrimages and religious charity are also associated with the tenth house, as deeds that create good karma.

Since the tenth house is the highest in the chart, the planets in it are strong and help us ascend to the heights in life. The tenth house bestows the favor of authorities, superiors and recognized authorities. It helps us achieve attention and recognition, stand out from the crowd. Therefore, under the influence of the tenth house, a person can become mired in worldly or political interests. Whatever we do in the sphere of this house will definitely be noticed. And here lies the danger that a person will focus all his attention on achieving practical goals and superiority over other people.

Planets in the 10th from the Moon (from Saravali)

Planet Influence on activity and profession
The sun Warrior, heroic, rich, noble, generous, famous, high status.
Mars Life abroad, hunter, many desires, cruel, passionate.
Mercury Educated, intellectual, famous, minister/adviser, skilled in arts and crafts, all creative professions.
Jupiter Efficient, successful, minister/adviser, law and order, noble deeds, famous, wealthy.
Venus Lucky, generous, revered, successful.
Saturn Poor, sad, timid.
Sun and Mars Servant, ambitious, proud, learned in astrology and magic.
Sun and Mercury Fashionable clothing, profession related to water, merchant.
Sun and Jupiter Honor, success, self-control, winner, public respect.
Sun and Venus Patronage, minister/adviser, lucky, help from women.
Sun and Saturn Servant, poor, bondage, unfortunate, robbed, babbling.
Mars and Mercury Enmity, archer, far-reaching weapon, brave.
Mars and Jupiter Great leader, wealth through friends.
Mars and Venus Foreign residence, trade in precious stones and metals, help from women.
Mars and Saturn Enterprising, immoral, base, sick.
Mercury and Jupiter Rich, honored, fair, leader, famous.
Mercury and Venus Educated, friends, spouse, wealthy, happy, advisor, governor.
Mercury and Saturn Handicrafts, pottery, teacher, famous, author.
Jupiter and Venus Dependent on the king, religious, always happy, teacher, skilled.
Jupiter and Saturn May hurt others, traditional, old thoughts and behaviors, permanent home, success in any endeavors.
Venus and Saturn Artist, perfume dealer, doctor.

Tenth House of career and social position. The opposite house (fourth) governs your house; the tenth house patronizes everything related to society - your professional activities, social status, reputation. It is also called the house of ambition, aspirations and achievements. It shows how respected you are by those around you. The tenth house reflects your image, power, position and rewards that you can achieve. This is the outward expression of your talents, the ability to take responsibility, the result of your personal efforts. The tenth house greatly influences your material success.

The tenth house is the corner house of the collective group of houses and is the first area of ​​the eastern hemisphere (the hemisphere of self-realization). This house describes building a lasting relationship with the world at large. It contains information about how we create a social niche for ourselves, which is the answer to the question: "What will I do when I grow up?". This question is relevant at the age of nine as well as at the age of ninety, because the state of "adulthood" seems to us so far into the future that it takes oh so long to get to it.

In any chart, the Sun symbolizes personal power; it is a channel that connects us to the Cosmic Center. Through it, we are fed with energy, indicating the direction of development, the goal, providing the individual with a sense of significance. The house where the Sun is located and the house it rules are the most powerful areas of the chart, determining the purpose of human life.

The sector of the 10th house is a part of the space located directly below us. In this part of the sky at noon, the Sun is at its highest point. The influence of the Sun culminates in the 10th house, this is the pinnacle of purpose, but since the 10th house is the center of the upper hemisphere, such features manifest themselves through the collective, through the culture to which each of us belongs. So, in the 10th house, the impersonal purpose of a person's life is revealed.

The fourth house symbolizes personal security in the home and family, while the 10th house symbolizes social security: You know that you have a safe place in society. Traditional interpretations of the 10th house as the sphere of ambition, career, social position and reputation do not lose their significance today. But in many books, the interpretation of the 10th house is practically reduced to what is listed above. We must be aware that the experience of the 10th house goes beyond the mere concern for success on a material or social level, despite all its importance. Glory is very exciting, but quite often it turns against us. Ambition is like a drug, and a drug doesn't really get things done.

In addition to power and ordinary success, the 10th house also has to do with making progress in the spiritual life - taking full responsibility for one's own development, real growth as a person, which ultimately leads to contact with the Divine flowing through us. The condition of the 10th house shows what tasks need to be solved in order to grow up, in order to achieve "true individuation", to use the terminology of Jung's followers.

This deeper level of interpretation shows how you make the maximum contribution to the development of the universe and, therefore, gain recognition; recognition not as a result of veneration, glory and power, but as a result of the work of your abilities in full force.

Achieving success in this house means that you have found a safe place on Earth - gained by consciously manifesting your personal divinity, gained by becoming a channel for a greater divinity, the universe itself. The tenth house determines the zodiac sign Capricorn and the planet Saturn.

10 House by Horoscope

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Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1995 1993 1981 1981 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1959 1958 1954 1956 1955 1954 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1939 1939 1931 1929 1922 1921 1929 1922 1920